Newspaper Page Text
| Safety Vulcanizers REPAIR YOUR ! TUBES BEST, j COMPLETE $1.50 j With 12 Patches get" YOUR SAFETY FIRST ?5r 1! _ I: CLEAN YOUR CAR WITH LIQUID VENEER 5C $1.25 Earle Rogers Co. 22 Twelfth St. AIITO NOTES FROM 1 HERE AND THESE ! ' -= 'I J. X. Cunningham and J. M. McL'rooml ( Of Mouiulsvilli'. nr>' among tli" ivcont | purchasers * of Dodge Drothers's cars;; sold through the Hopkins Motor com-'j pay. of this city. The Howe Machine company. South! "Wheeling. is not only silling a large I number of the olil f liable Mitchells in | the \Vhf-IitiK district but all alonar i the Oh tt? river. !?". I'. Simpson of Park- j ersburg. is anii>n; th?> uvccr.t Wood county Mitchell buyers. 1 Miller P. rot hers. wholesale smears. J have ad<l> .1 :>. two-ton Itepublie trtiek to I their il?-li v- ^ies. The F-tepubtie Motor J Sales company <le!:v* reU the machine, j Louis Kraft of \V 'dlaiwvn. is the Imp-! ? py possessor oi s:\-cyi iniier. liv-i iwsseacei Mitch- it Junior. delivered by, the Howe company. J. I!. i '??I"ttia n. general manager of j the |.a\vr"in'e Motor . company. has turned fr??trt Alma. Micuixan. where J|.? ' arranged to have a rit: ruber of Uepublie > .trucks shipped :luoi;irii .pjiekly or rush ! ? orders. ' ' i Gary It-otlo is. who ree< ntly took th-'J agency ion the Stj^idow ears. have s?h*- ; eral of the autvs for it. uionst ration. I Karl St. Clair. Mitchell stib-agent of i the Howe companv ;>i Parkersburg. was J in the city tins w- -k arranging to have > a number of m irhines delivered as j <(llirkly as possible for Wood couniy | purchasers. , i ?' Among those v. ho have ??? cently re- 1 ? ceived their new Chalmers fonrtus: cars j > in Wheeling ?iistric: Abram McCuU| ' inch, Kim 'Irov; V S. Jackson. Holli-i days Cove; Mrs. I.eo a l:- tn-Uunt. (.'am- i eron: W. A. St-!l r--. i:> l!aire;, James | Weeks. !'.e'i;iire; Jfl-n Strauss. HoIIi-: days Cove. . I Plans are lu-ing rapidly made to erect i a large fireproof garage .'t Twin-' tv-seventh si reet by the Auto Funeral! Servic.- company. which was recently I granted a charter. The firm will cat.?rj ?to funeral.* and weddings and .in all { similar lines where many autos urn needed. The plans for "the building! have been submitted. to the ?*Uy build* j ing inspector.. and ground will he brok en for the building as soon us possible.! Sheriff Osborne of I3?lmont county, Ohio, was in the city this week driving I his "Super-Six" Hudson, purchased re- I eently through the Hopkins Motor com pany. \V. G. Conley of Charleston, received his n>-w six-cylinder, seven-passenger Mitchell this week through the Howe company. South Wheeling. Henry C. Haekman of Woodlawn, is driving his now Cadillae Sedan. S. \\\ Harper of Kcho Point, is among i thi' latest purchasers of a Hodge l?roth- I ers' roadster. I .lasoti C. Stamp, general manager of | the Lexington Motor company. Main j street, has returned from a business trip in the F'ast and through western ] Pennsylvania. | Gasoline is si ill selling at cents. A f'-w dealers in Wheeling district are ' quoting it at - cents in "3 gallon orders. | Ten new p.uick care were received I for delivery this week by the Wheeling] Motor car company. It is evident that | d.-iirgp Itayha is gelling some cars. The Ohio Valley Automobile club of ficial^ are framing an ordinance to be 1 presented to council to prohibit the sale | ff inferior grade t>f gasoline in Wheel- i i 1 1 K* and also ivrjuire all dealers to give j the full amount paid lor. Judging from all reports, it appears I that Wheeling will not have an auto- J mobile show during the spring of i ;> 1 7. road"bondTssues I During the year !0K, West Virginia vot.-rt for road improvements in a total of JT.CTN.500. The tirst bond issue in West. Virginia! was voted in 1 !U 1 for SOns.iu.tO; in 191",! $2T5."00 ; in 1:1 in. $ 1. 1 lo.ooiv in 1014. $ I *>ii.i>0n; in 1:1 1.">. $3.1 i;n,i?i?0. and In 191 >? ! the amount stated above making a grand 1 total voted for good roads in recent 1 years of $1 3.2S 1 .."0". 1 Within the next month S2.S25.000 in | bonds will be voted. ' omobiles ssorics The Classiest Car in America. JASON C. STAMP Distributor * 1208 MAIN ST. - - WHEELING f_ord_ /Bodies | Enclosed Tops and Commercial Bodies. CHAS. H. SEABRIGHT, 42d and Wood Sts. Wheeling. til On hills it is superb. F<Jr acceleration, su preme. For flexibility, all that anyone would ask. Quality Tire and Gasoline Co. Foot of 16tb Street. Wheeling, W. Va. HAYNES and EVGARAGEY S III Pathfinder Cars Beifphone NATIONAL ROAD ? WOODSDALE, Wheeling -VS YOU RIDE Sta? Now. "WESLEY HOUSE House & Herrmann Building j Republic Trucks 1 We Can Please You in This Line. REPUBLIC MOTOR SALES COMPANY Below 12th, on Main. Service Garage No. 5 SIXTEENTH STREET ? . Nat'l 1470-Y Repairs of all kinds of cars a specialty Supply Gasoline and Supplies of all kinds JOHN HOHNSEE Elm Grove. W. Va . EXTENSIVE ROAD 1 IMPROVEMENTS' DLL OVER STATE WEST VIRGINIA COMING RAPIDLY FORWARD FOR IMPROVED HIGHWAYS. Bond Issues Carry for Better Thor-! oughfares in Nearly All Sections for Good Work. Elkins Randolph county. Dry Fork, district, recently defeated a bond is sue of $130,000 for road improvements. ; Fairmont ? Marion county. Lincoln i district, wil bejtin construction of 31 miles of roads and streets soon. Rids j will be received by Clerk A. G. Marin.; of the County court, up until April 27. j, This district lately voted favorably j on a $650,000 bond issue. l'aw Paw district is asking for bids' until April 25th for constructing 22 miles of streets and roads. Hamin ? Lincoln county votes May 1st on $675. f>00 bonds for road con-j struction. Present plans are to hnril-i surface three main roads to Cabell,; Boone. Logan and Kanawha county ! lines. j Ronceverte ? Greenbrier county will j build IS miles of permanent highway, j Bids received up to May 1st. Winfied ? Tut nam county. Curry dis trict, recent y voted $95,000 bonds for road construction. Carksburg ? County prisoners have been used for doing a fine piece of road j w<rrk between Bridgeport and Gras Huntington ? Avaiable cash in road i fund will be devoted to the completion , of the roads now under construction I and the four miles erinaining unim-j proved strip on the Kanawha" and' James river turnpike. Several other | srnal stretches of road will also be j taken care of. About $100,000 is avail able. Logan county is growing enthusiast-' ic and a bond issue for good roads byiding is soon to be proposed. Martinsburg ? The dire tors of the Martinsburg and Winchester Turnpike Company have just purchased a teu ton road roller. The directors pro pose to spend about $800 per mile on i improvements this spring, and expect; to have the pike in excelent condition1 for its entire length. | Newell ? Under provisions of a $50,- ! j000 bond issue passed last year, three; [pritiipal highways of the Poe district I will be improved this year. The Pugh-! I town-New Cumberland road. $15,000;! Pughrown to the Grand District line; I $25,000: Arroyo to New Cumbeland i ! $10.00. Work will be begun just as I i soon as the materials can be obtained:' land the necessary labor secured. Fairmont ? Marion County, Grant | i District voted March 27 in favor of aj j $195,000 bond issue to be used in con-i structing 15 miles of permanent im-l : proved highway. | j Huntington ? Cabell county court! i has authorized a survey from Milton to the Putnam county line, following! 'the route of the old James river and! | Kanawha turnpike. It is panned to j i pave this road. Fairmont ? Chaney and Armstrong were named by the County Court as advisory and consulting engineers for the road work to be done in al parts of the ountv this year. The court alsoj named J. R. Wilson as engineer for . ! Lincoln district. Mr. Wilson will- pre- 1 pare plans and specifications at once j j in order that the contractors may i make their bids, the contract be I awarded very soon. | Martinsburg ? The Preston County Court has applied to the -State board j of Control for 100 convicts to be used , 1 in improved road building. The road ! to be made permanent is known as Al bright and Tunnelton pike. i Moundsville ? Marshall County !Road Engineer S. Howe Bonar has a : corps of surveyors at work in the new | grade In the narrows between Mc i Mechen and Glendale. A temporary j survey from which the cost of propos I ed improvements can be estimated | will be completed shortly. Logan County Court will receive (bids up to May 7th for the construc tion of 24 miles of pubic roads. ! Brooke County Court has taken! I steps to ondemn land in Cross Creek, ?district needed for the building of at road from Follansbee to Eldersville, Pennsylvania. SENSIBLE AUTO HINTS NOT FOUND IN BOOKS! IC.xperience with a motor-car teaches 'one many things' that arc never men- j I tloned In books. Hero, for instance.- are ? I two things I lenrnod last year: | Xn. 1. ? 1 wanted to fasten a flag on j I each side of the radiator, and 1 stuck i 1 a piece of wire in through one of the ' I radiator openings and out through an- j I other. and the curved, rough edge of I j that wire cut through the paper-thin j side of one of the radiator cells arid j produced a leak of serious dimensions, j I had not known before how extremely, thin those little radiator partitions are.) I tried soldering llie cell full, but the solder only illled up Hie ends or open- 1 : incrs. and that merely passed the ie.ik,, I on the next cell. tty pouring into the ; top with the water some preparation . made for the purpose j stopped the ; leak temporarily, hut in the end I had 1 I to send the radiator into the factory, j I says an autolst In the American Motor-! i ,st I No. ? I had the ear overhauled and J a jr??od deal of waste was ri" doubi used j in wiping out tho Inside of the parts. ? ! The lint from this \vaste. .when I Uettnit ! in use the car, was taken up by the ? -i 1 " and picked up by the oil-strainer. with the result that the strainer soon Illled. I up so tightly that no oil would no j through, ami It required the applii.-a-j tion of gasoline under air pressure to j I clean U out. I No book ever warned me of those j | two things. though common sens" 1 I might have done. so. if I had used more j of It. ASTOUNDING^AMOUNT OF I I ALUMINUM USED IN 1916 j Metal Was ft Chemical Curiosity Thirt; I Years Affo ? 100,000 Commercial- j ized Last Year. Aluminum was a ohemien! curiosity; thirty <>r thirty-live years ago. I>t its' | applieat ion to automobile const ruction. | j began by the makers of the Mai-'mou .14. , 1 has established a ?|eniand for this light-, | est of all metals that is taxing c\?ry> ? producing facility. ! Tt is estimatci) that l'.i">."0t? tons of, | aluminum were used for all purposes, in, lPlfi. and when It is considered that) aluminum is, only tjv<> and one-balf| times ns heavy as water this figure j shows r great volume hs compared witn , ! the same weight of other metals. Many places where cheap electrical J power may be had are seeing the con- j struetlon of aluminum manufactories, j w ith some large plants rapidly being ' rushed to completion The succcssl'tr j use o f aluminum in the Marmon 31.1 which has aluminum in the engine, feud- i ers. hood, touring body, radiator shell, transmission case and part of the rear ! axle, ha* ni?de the u?e of this metal spread rapidly in the automobile Indus try. which is now making a very heavy annual Remand for a material that quite recently was almost unknown in prac tical rcanufacturing. WHEELING FUNS TO SEE RACES ST UHTOl EXCITING EVENT OF DARE-DEVIL DRIVING ON MAY 10, WITH PRELIMINARY MAY 5. Three Contests on Big Day With Thirty Death-defiers at Wheel, Including Oldfield. Advanced gleanings from Wheeling automobile circles are lo the effect that this section will be more largely represented at the I'niontown (Pa.) speedway races, Thursday, May 10, than at any other previous similar thrilling event. Reports have it that there will he a flock of cars, lilled with auto deal ers, fans and even those who are not car owners, leave ihe city at daylight on the day of the big event. Many will go by train.. Special rates wHl be given on the' railroads. There will be three races. The first at 1 o'clock. The big thrillers will begin at Si o'clock, which will include the 112- j mile race for the universal trophy. Fifteen thousand dollars in prizes will! be awarded.: Thirty of the world's | greatest drivers will enter the races,: including DePalma. Ralph Mulford, ! l-Jduie llearne, Harney Oldfield. Ira Vail. Ail Klein. Hilly Taylor, Fred Newman, Louis Fountaine. Aerial Preliminary ? Event May 5. Aerial warfare will be demonstrated most effectively when Aviator He Lloyd Thompson gives his wonderful exhibition at the I'niontown speedway on May 5. in conjunction with the elimination and qualification I rials of the auto racers who are entered in the grand opening race which will be contested May 10. Thompson is con sidered the man who started the aerial preparedness movement bv "rakling" the capit'ol and White House in Washington a year ago. following) up the spectacular (eat by making the: same sort of flights over lower Newj York city and the business district of Chicago a few days later. Thompson i dropped' explosive bombs which were! timed to explode several hundred feet in the air. In I'niontown, Thompson will carry] on. a battle against a scenic fort I erected in the center of the speedway and will shoor real bombs at thf' fort I while the men inside the fortification I will shoot just, as real bombs up at I him Thompson, having an edge on i the battle owing to his ability to I dodge anything shot up at him from I the fort, promises to blow up the structure and to it on fire from the sky, giving the specqjftors an op portunity to get a line onnlie manner in which the European aviators work. Thompson has been selected to train the automobile drivers' squad in the aviatioji corps and will give the men their first try out in I'niontown. ARMY ANlllNCES PLAN FOB AUTOS orncxKs estimate 40,000 tbucks WILL BE REQUrRED OP ME DItnvx weight Government Only Has 2,600 Trucks At j Present. "Which Were Used On Sfaxicar. Border '"'fficers in the quartermaster corps j headquarters who wi-ro assigned in il?i task of estimating the needs of en ? army of I.OOO.OOH ni<>n In the wov oft transport, have reported that froni 1 (?no to 40.000 nutomohye trucks won Id ?. he required and recommend that ihcs--j ho about evenly divided between the! one and one-half and the threo-to,n I typos. ? The it rmy has at present 2600 1 rucks j practically * nil of which are in servo e on tfjc Mvxicnn border. These are! deemed sufficient for the needs of tho | regular army and no further purchases j Will he made until t hi! new forces have J been raised, drilled and organized tu a , certain degree. The quartermaster corps expects to ? be ?bU> to purchase all the additional trucks directly from the 1 ers. The offers of trucks from scorvrf 1 of private firms will not be accepted ' unless some unforeseen emergency j arises. . Give 1000 Tracks Basing their figures on ihc repo'Msj of the advisory commission of the council of national defense, army ? ? f f j - ! cers believe that domestic factories vvillj be able to turn over K> the govern-' ment 1 000 trucks within the fir.-t ? month after the contracts, and 111."' ' this rate will lie raised to 1000 p. ; month by the end of six months. I Kaoh motor truck company will made up of 27 cargo trucks. <>ne repair 1 and kitchen truck, and two oil and i ollne supply trucks ? all being; ? under i the supervision of a "truck master."! This organization also will apply (oj i . , C. F. Braunlicii Co. 1012 Market St., Wheeling, W. Va. Agents for The Harley-Davidson Motorcycle Cleveland Lightweight Full line of Bicycles. Repairing- a Specialty. Stop in and look them over. Side View OLDSOL SPOTLICHT No. 77 Storage Batteries, Auto Lamps, Generator Brushes, Ignition and Lighting- Cables, Electric Horns, Spark Plugs and Electrical Specialties for all makes of cars. ?LUKENS' Electric Shop 27-10th St., Wheeling, W. Va. Both Phones One Smith Form a Truck will replace 4 Horses. 4 Horses Cost You $541 a year to keep. Smith Form-aTmcK costs *140 yL EVERYWHERE farmers are replacing slow, costly horses with Smith Form-a-Trucks. You are adopting modern machinery on your farm. Why not adopt modern hauling methods? Does Work of 4 Horses One Smith Form-a-Truck does twice the work of 4 horses. And at half the cost. Yet Smith Form-a T ruck costs not one penny more than a good team and harness ? only $350 Smith Form-a-Truck on the farm will do any work horses can do ? will go any place horses can go. Save This Government figures say it cost $441 a vear to feed and stable four horses. Veterinary ? medicines ? extra men ? bedding? all cost extra. Smith Form-a Truck costs you only $140 a year. Government figures also show four horses eat the crop of 20 acres. Get a Smith Form-a-Truck and save 20 acres. Sell 4 of Your Horses Use the hdrses for plowing, seeding ' and harvesting. Don't delay farm work Dy using horses for hauling. Your Smith Form-a- Truck will carry your manure ? hay? fertilizer and everything else. Costs Nothing While Idle Horses devour profits in feed whether thpi' jyork or not. Smith Form-a-Truck costs noth ing while idle. The minute the engine stops your cost stops. And when working, it earns four times as much as horses., 8c per Ton Mile 6000 to 8,000 miles per set of tires? 12 to 18 miles per gallon of gasoline ? 12 to 15 miles per hour under full load? repair expense practically nothing. Now Made for 6 Cars Smith Form - a - Truck attachment combined with a Ford, Maxwell, Buick. Dodge Brothers, Chevrolet or Overlana chassis makes a powerful, economical, fully guaranteed one-ton truck. 8-in-l Convertible Farm Body Pull lever and. get any one of. eight combinations of farm bodies? stock rack body? hay rack? basket rack? hog rack ?grain? flat rack? rhigh flare board flat rack, scoop) board down. Change from one type to another in an instant And without a single tool. Come in? letus showyou more reasons why you should have Smith Form-a Truck on your farm. Bruce 1HL Seabright, Distributor Garage and Ford Repairing. 3710-12-14 Jacob Street. Bell 1452- J? Nat. 1789-M. motor car companies which will be or- j K.'inlZ'-d. If ilii- recommendations i >i;i <1-* i? tin- ' war department are ail<>|>i< <1. conipan- ; ivs of l !?? three-tun trucks will lie tls--d;| lor hauling .??i j> j?l i?.-? ami ammunition,' front "rail loads" over ?ooil roads; companies of the omj ami oni-hall' 'on trucks will be usi'il nvcr tin- inferior! roads to distribute ;lie stores from the) point nl which tlie work of the larger, cars emls. to Ih*- held trains of muh: i wagons. which irt turn will take tint. Ion ils to the various units. Repair Truck Follows t, A repair truck will follow each 'ruc'.c company as that division move* in >r d e r that it may care for overnight re- I pairs, i'ti! a "seconil-clnss base" witni repair shops will l?- established at each' rail liend for tile more elaborate repair, work, iind still further hack "third- , class liases" will he in operation. SPEED IIUAW IS ! EFFECT! VE MAY 23 Highways 35 Miles an Hour Ouside of MivuicluaHties ? rivo Miles Over Bridges. L'ndcr tin- Burgess West Virginia road law. eti.-i tiv.- .May -.'S, the I limit in public highway; will In- thirty-live miles an hour. This is the rate for outside of iiMniclpalities, while it requires tho vehicles shall lie reduced to n spe.'d of five milvs mi hour in crossing bridges. Tht- new law 1 1 1 >es not prevent the reg ulation of speed hy municipal it ies. pro viding tl'e limit is not above that desig nated bv the State. In the majority of instances cities and towns have slxed the, rate ut rift ecu ntilesywo that their ordi nances will not lie .Tllectt'd. WORKING CONVICTS ON PUBLIC HIGHWAYS Satisfactory Results Obtained When Prisoners Were So Employed in 1015-1G. I'onvict labor is used to a consider- j r*hle ixtent. the present law permit! ing i the use of both stale and. county con-' v id s on the roads. I'nirinjr the period; from July. 1915. to .July 1. ISfltJ. prison- [ ers were employed with satisfactory re- j suits In i-wo ramps in which nearly 11.- I 1 fia days' labor was don- in addition. [ over I tu.fiiMi days' labor has been per- ' formed ilu ring the past two years. During the fiscal years of l'JI-1. '.01.*.' and 1916 there has been built. Or funds provided to improve. ;i total of j miles of roads. Additional bond issues arc being vot- [ ed from lime to time. .and. under th* i terms of the Federal-aid bill. \V*?t Vir- i ginla will receive approximately JSftrt.- j OOfl in the course of the next live years. . A statu road map, recently completed. ' I shows l !>? ? iolal mi lo:? ff?* to rnniir-K :ill ?tin- i-ou'iiy-sivits of the stato will I" ahoitt t.ijnfi ntil'-S. MOTOR DEALER CLOSES $10,008,000 CONTRACT: C T. Fay of Boston, Consummates Deal I With Maxwll Ho. for Massachusetts and Rhode Island. < "onirri.-! in? for Sin.iiOu.'HW) worth of Mawvi-ll i ? I ? -:i j-mi anil i rucks pud lit'inirini; in :i oloso with T. .1. Tun?*r, ilir.i tnr of sa h*s for thf mrixwvll Mo inr Salt s ? ?iirpurai inn. the aw'tnniobile industry's rrrnr.l oistrihut imjr I ransa<-? ijitn fur tin- ,?i?' nf t lie territory in \ nl \ i. I'harles K. Kay. formerly man- I nf t It.- Kuril asseinhlitm' and il f s 1 1 il'ilt inr plant at ?I'ainliriil^i'. Mass., a mi nil" nf the wiilojy known motor ? :if nun in 'now Knprlanil. has just taki-n i ?**???? for a term of yea rs the <lis filiut ion of Maxwells in ? ?astern Massa i-hus' tt> ami I. hodo Island. Taktni: the h-ail ol' th<- liohl In N>w Finland mitiunoldledoni with this trans act imii. Mr. Fay assorts thai his chanK1' was marie I'icansc of the certainty of a furthif-fxpainlinif popularity anionic j Imyo'rs fnr a completely equipped, light and economical car of the Maxwell type, in tin- investment of J10.000.000 on this ? nnvioi ion, his step, it is held, will hav<? inflti<*?ice among buyers throughout the whoj?? country. MAKE EXCITING" RUN Moltcbell Cars Go rive Hundred KU?> Over Roughest Kind of *o&d? With Sp??a. If the several new Mitchell models whlrh were driven for delivery at Grand Hapids the other /lay had plunged through snow and Ice and old Lake Michigan itself, directly across the lake from Kncine 10 Orand Rapids, they could not have looked as if they had heon through more of a grueling, from outside sippenrances, when they arrived. However, the wild ride taken 500 miles to Cr.-ind Rapids around the lake through some of th setiffest weather of i lie winter and over some of the hardest roads. through deep snow and Roughest g"in?r of the winter. Mr. Flatbush ? Did you hear my daughter sing last night? Mr. Rensonhurst ? Ves; I couldn't get my window shut. ? Tonkers Statesman* \ We Charge and Repair All Makes of Batteries b We sell only the powerful USL ? the storage bat ' tery with the exclusive Machine-Pasted Plates^ For the life of your battery is dependent upon its' plates and Machine-Pasted Plates are used only in the USL. We sell all sizes far all cars. Drive around and let us test your battery. The serviee is free and may save you dollars later. R. C. BOWMAN No. 8 Sixteenth Street. 1 Bell Phone 1603-lt. i USL Service Station,