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SAMPLE SALE! A now lot of Ladies' and Misses" Sample Suits. Coats, Dresses, etc.. just received from our factory, makes it possible to continue our Sample Sale Saturday and Monday. This new lot will be placed on sale at very low prices. SAMPLE $ 6 .95 SUITS f|2-95 Values up to $30.00 SAMPLE $ 3.95 i COATS $ 9 95 j Values up to $30.00 1 T*oi/?3 Sale Commences Saturday Morning at 8:30 A. M. II: = ~ il Sample m 95 Dresses I $18.50 Values? ' " Sample $ Dresses $25.00 Values ? Sample Dresses $30.00 Values Extra Special Voile Waists Values $1.00 29c VExtra Special Smart Waists Values $1.50 79c Extra Special Dress Skirts Values $3.50 $1.89 Extra Special Taffeta Skirts Values $7-00 $3.95 Extra Special Tailored i Skirts | Values S8.00 $3.95 | jSAT/E WILL CONTINUE UNTIL ENTIRE SAMPLE STOCK IS CLOSED OUT i \Attrqys 77tore far /ess it i vim viiumi 1 0 1 4 MAIN ST., WHEELING, W, VAi ' 1 ? ?? "vl ' '? ' -V I ~ W. VA. LEGISLATURE : (Con tinned From First Paje.) 1 carry on the work for which it was created, under the direction of and in co-operation with the council of na tional defense. Seventh ? To enlarge the powers of any state officers to meet any emer gency arising out of the war or the conditions resulting from it. Eighth? To take any action regard ing The Virginia debt suit that may. in the judgment o fthe legislature, seem necessary or that development? in the n^antime shall seem to warrant, inth ? To consider and submit to P people at the next general elec in a constitutional amendment pro ving for a state budget. governor Cornweil has forwarded a ;ter to eacft member of the legis ;ure explaining' that calling the ses >n almost one month earlier than had intended to do was made jcessary by the fact that as the state w now is, the federal government .n acquire title to but twenty-five :res of land in this state, in any one ... .. armor plate ami projectile plants in j South Charleston and that !t wants title to the property immediately In j (order that work can be started. He explained that he was includ ing no general legislation, largely, be-j j cause more than one hundred subjects j [had been urged upon him by members! j of the legislature and others: that to! I include all or any considerable pari i lot" them would niea na long drawn out j (session at an extraordinary time, sol !t'ar as events are. concerned, and toj j include only a few would be to dis-J j criminate. i So the governor has confined the! I legislation to actiofi upon war meas-j lures and the appropriation bill, except i jthat he added the constitutional! amendment for a budget system as j that is a fiscal measure, allied closely with the appropriations and designed to effect economy in the public expen-l ditures. Harry C. Hunter Shows open today, j Bridge Park; twice daily. apr2">tf i Greece hap adopted a standard . I i?i> that paves half an hour of duylieju and; brings the nation within the zone of ??astern .European time. WOMEN'S SHOES in every desirable sty lish material that con forms to the Spring vogue ? ^ Crisp, clev er, new novelties that lend individuality without overstepping the line that distinguishes good from bad taste. - Combinations of colored kid in the popular High Lace Boots, Oxfords and Pumps, with the style features that the smartly dressed woman will know at a glance as highly desirable. We will be glad to have you see this attrac tive footwear at any time. CORRECTLY FITTED, OF COURSE W.A.HEIN&CO. 36 TWELFTH STREET. * i The One Thought Now Get Behind the Flag Everybody is getting behind Old Glory and everybody wants to show it by wearing the Stars and Stripes. See Our Windows for a full display of Allegiance Em blems in Flags, Shields, etc., lapel buttons and pins, gold and gold filled from twenty-five cents up. J. B. BAUM CO. Diamonds Watches " Jewelry ! DEADLY FIRE-BLAST - . ! | (Continued from Page Oue.) j ' The le-lmci squads whi-h re-eiiteC'l !; the mine all i-V t tirsi group <>!' tin- j ' | protected i'. sen- i s bad Imm'm forced , j ivtreat h:nl I'l'iii i rj? ? ? ?? I ? main slope ? a distance i ? I !'????{. Irt I ? - tonight. . ICviib-nee >?(' u ??Nplnsion was found ; at I. "tin f<-et. Inn i hi-r?- was ii" trace ? ? I" 5 tlii- men. ! ItuniKi's current ili:tl ili'- explosion ? I was ihf r? siiH of a i -I. ?? w--r.- discount- , ' ? ?el l.v i-nuilMMy ??It'l. ials. wlm pointed Hill the mill- was known as a "SMS j' iiiini-," ami thai a similar explosion had : occurrcfi in t :? I i'nm|iaii\ ? ? ff i ? ? In I >= ? stated tliitt tin- i \|'l"Sii>ii was slight i: ml thai I hi* greatest ? I : ? iiji i * s* 10 tin- lili'li | was I' nun tire ami soi"k?-. ! I . Ninety ni" tin- 1-tit'imlii-il mi-'!! -v -!??? | i-oiil il usi-i's, the "th'-rs 1 1- ? 1 1: u compan;. officials. Ui-siiii-s jh<- rescue squads it'-, : lie Victor-American ? < ? i u | 11 ,i in '' linns canyon. n-sriii rs w i-? ? ra!li-d : rum ' thi- i 'olorado l-'tii* I ami I r< >n i -onipntiy's ? camp. just in ri'ss the iiill from the j Hastings inini\ Tin- Hastings inim is twenty .ni!es J frmn Trinidad. Tin ? mim- normally ? -ti t - j ploys about 1 ?!? men I" a shit't and has) a capacitv ? ?t" 1.000 t"iis a dav. FRENCH MISSION (Continued from 2*irst Pigre.) Washington newspaper correspondents during tin- day. Stay Prolonged. "Gentlemen," he said, "I have made temporary arrangements tiiroug!i! which 1 shall In* ab'.r to receive you! twic?> a day. Yon may ask me qiies-t I lions about ilu? thing* you want io|, knowvand I will with discretion answers all that I can. You must understand' that wr are in tin- hands of the Uniunll plates govertnent ami what your gov- 1 ^?rntmnt .wants us to do we will do." j |j Hi1 described in detail the objects: I of the mission as understood when it ? left France, adding that since the at-J rival here there had been a change in | j the program and thai the subjects un- j | dor discussion -now were considerably; i broader than ii had been am icipated j they would b'*. For that reason, he! [said, ii was probable that Hie mission | would have jo remain in Washington I I longer titan it had expected. He d.* j scribed the (tin across the Atlantic and I again said lie wished to extend on i behalf of the mission iis gratitude in* jibe reception received upon the ar | rival 'ti llamptcn Jtoads and in Wash ington. "\\'i. havi- come lo the nev- j I world.'' In- said, "to face it new si: un- ! I lion, and if we are not prepared to do! | all the things we might do, it is he-! j cause we let'i France so hurriedly." 1 Navy an Eye-Opener. M. Ilovelauue described the visit of! I he tnissinti to an Aetnerican warshij) at Hatnptnn Koads, adding: I "We had no idea that you had such | a magnificent navy." i Speaking again of the welcome ac ! corded the commission, lie said: "We i have been told thai Washington was manually the coldest city in the United j States and that New "York was the warmest. I1' Washington has been coid in tis I suppose we will b" incinerated I when we gel to New York, for we are ! going i here." It wr*. said today >thaf the mission had determined io go as far west ?.s Chicago and thai it was certain Phila delphia. Valley Forgo, New York and Boston also would he visited. If there is opportunity visits also may he paid St. Louis, Kansas C'iiv and New Or leans. ; Sunday the entire commission wilt i board the presidential yacht May flower and go to Mount Vernon. M. Viviani will deliver an oration at the tomb of George Washington and Marshal .loffre will place upon it ;i bronze palm similar to that used to decorate the graves of soldiers in 1 France. MACADEMY minstrels ONE ROUND OF FUN Many Features Are to Bo Introduced Management Announces ? Blues Will Bo Scared Away. Features galore. witty jokes. and pa froitie demonstrations are to-be Intro duced in the M academy dub minstrels jut the I'ottrt. Monday night. The man-' j .??geiuciit promises to sway the audience | from tears lo laughter and the worst I ease of blues won't survive a minute. Tickets may 1 1" secured at the Court j or from any in?-iiib>-r of the club. I AMERICUS CLUBBANQUET ! At Pittshurph Last Nig- lit Attended by Tlvo WheeUng- BubIhoss Men. I'atriotism and enthusiasm tnarked the haiinuet of the Ainericus club of Pittsburgh iit the William I'enn hotel last night. More than eight hundred men attended, and the principal ad dresses were made by .Itidge i>nrge Or lady of the state supreme court and lieorge W. Perkins. Wheeling business men present in cluded A. B. I 'ax I on. Howard llazlett. .1 1 1. Hollo way, John Duncan and 11. C. Ogden. _ Noted Educator Urges Training of Young Mothers in Schools; MOKE THAN 300,000 CHILDREN DIE ANNUALLY THROUGH PARENTS' j IGNORANCE. Dr. P. Claxtoii, U. S. Commissioner of Education, Glvos Interesting Loc- i ture in Hiffh School. 'Dint SOn.ftftO children ?>e|o\v six yf?r<. ; sili. .i. | aire. die annually through i?n;?r- , nnri' of the mothers. was a <1* clarai nn u|" J<r P. 1' ClaxMii. t'nited Stales com missioner <?!' education. .<'1' Washington; 1 1 in an address 1 ?'? I ? *!"? ' members "i i lii? Oil v Teachers' jisso.iat ion in In*;! llich school aiKlit-Tjiun list t? iulu . 'lis a national crime." !i>* said. " I hreo hun dred thousand children dyini,- annually. . needlessly. Suppose some lorclpn I ??*; h. va.l. I'll,' shore Kill J children. Draft would not i?* neccssao , to raise an armv t ? ? drive- 1 hem away. ! "It's iunoratice en inir part I hat per- > ; mils this annual death ami the child. :l Tin utsa nils of children liolwirii the ag"3 , <>f s|\ tu twelve years contract a dis-i| ea??. that smnet ilnies brings an iintim - j I v ,r?i. others carry it with thorn ilirouuh their lives. They are useless, to the community." i I if i Max ton urged the addition "f the course of study reirardim: child en re to j the curriculum of our schools. ' the mother the proper fare of her child.: Teach i lie hoy civic sanitation. W would then, huve less deaths of ''hihlr' U i helow the school ,'lKe. lit school. if tile child is fortunate enough ao live loner ; enough to K''i there, tin results of the t eaoiiers' trainlnt; depends almost en- 1 ! ircly upon what the mother has done, for the chilil." , The nuiiiher of hours a child is In school approximates ".ilnn. I >r. I'lavtoni saiii. It is out of school 177. fl"0 hours I during the period it is reunited to ?o toj school. The lirst six years of t h ?- 1 child's life is empty, and it ils the most | vital part. At. ihis time it us determin ed whether the child is to In die. I .a st night's lednre was the last of I I ho teachers' lecture course. It was attended hy several hundred teachers cl" the Wheeling district. IIS BRIEFS ?The Y. M. C. A. will join with j nihor national associations in t ho so- i rial betterment and gospel service 1 work anions t h r> soldiers. Locally the j V. M. C. A. is find ins; a good neld at llie National guard camp. ? Richard Koscoe, former Wheeling ! bov of Hritisli Isles birth, hns gone lo ; Franco with the Two Hundred and: Kishth Irish-Canadian Overseas bat talion from Toronto. ?> I ?Plans haw b?en completed for | i lie co mine of Miss Fleanor Stafford | Millar of the Moody Hible insiiiuie. ' whb will hold a series of nicotines dur-j ine two weeks in May uuder the aus-j pices of the V. \\\ C. A. ? It is likely that several local real est at* men. including H. 11. Tucker. I Kccretarv of the Wheeling real estate j hoard, will attend the annual meetingl" ui the National Real Estate Men's as sociation in Milwaukee, Wis., July,| 24-27. ! ? An order of dismissal was entered vesterday in federal court in the bank-, ruptcy matter of Michael Mahou,; Wellsburg contractor. i ? Slew Nick, convicted recently of i violaiinu the Yost law. was released, from jail on an order from Judge Rob-, in son yesterday. Nick is said to be j seriously ill. t ? Yesterday was the anniversary ot.j the pinkinc of the river steamer Sul-; i ana near Memphis. Tenn.. while car-: rving hundreds of union soldiers to i be south during the Civil war. Late : liithens and Thomas Moore, two Wheeling survivors, celebrated the .in-! uiversary. J ? Ten building permits, chiefly for; minor repairs, were issued this week : by Building Inspector .1. .T. Fahev. WELFARECOMMITTEE CHANGES.! Two changes have been found nec essary In the house committee for. Child Welfare Week, which will be ob- , served in Winding from April 29 to : May Mrs. A. A. Wheat, has found ' it impossible lo serve because of her, duties on other committees, and in lier , stead Mrs. Harry Ebberr has been . assigned. Mrs. Daniel While has also j been added to this committee. "An American citizen army would not: f our asphyxiating poses of any enemy."! "Why so?" j "Every voter has smoked campaign ' cigars and survived." ? Boston Express. ' Have a complexion that everyone admires ; Don't envy a pood complexion, have one. Each time you cleanse your face I with Resinol Soap you give it a " beauty ! treatment" with the soothing, healing , Resinol medication. If aided, in severe j cases, by a little Resinol Ointment, this ! usually leaves the complexion naturally | clear, fresh and free from pimples, red- j ness, roughness and blotches. Rgsinol Soap j and Resinol Ointment are sold ] by ail druggists. Try tktm \ and see how beneficial they I arc, not only (or thei skin but j for the hair as well. I t_ j Your Family Will Like Elgin Print (displaces butter) 38c a pound. Try it on YOUR TABLE. Wei mer PACKING CO. Steel Bridge Corner ^ "GRIEST SELLS FOR LEAST" "GRIEST SELLS FOR LEAST" <g| 1| SATURDAY-and-MONDAY-SPECIALSisi PATENT MEDICINES $1.00 Pinkham Vegetable Com pound - 68c $1.00 Hyphophosphites Tonlc.75o 50c Philip Milk Magnesia 35c 25c Sal Hepatica __17c $1.00 Nnxated Iron ? ~ 69c 50c Anode Tablets 39c 25c Cascarets . ..? ...20c 17o 67 c 39c 22c 2oc. Bromo Seltzer $1.00 Peruna 50c Rheuxna ... 35c Fletcher's Castoria . 50c California Syrup Figs 34c 50c Quart Cans Liquid Water Glass 33c YOUR SYSTEM NEEDS IRON Po.mg1n Tablets contain easily dl gps-ted Iron and other valuable In gredients which simply force the system to accept Its strengthening and building properties, replacing the -worn-out tissues and multiply ing the red corpuscles of the blood. Thin. paJe, nervous people grow strong and fat, and those without vim, vitality and ambition soon tingle all over with pood health and the Joy of living. Buy Them This Sale Q Q Regular $1.00 Boxes Ou C INSURE YOUR GOOD HEALTH I \ Without which good looks are im possible by keeping your blood in proper condition. If you are run down try a bottle of our beef, iron and wine. It makes rich red blood right from the .start And if your blood haa become sluggish from any cause our sarsaparilla or cel ery compound will purify it and send it pulsing through your veins again. $1.00 Druna Beef, Iron and Wine 59c $1.00 oarsparilla Compound... 79c $1.00 Celery Compound 79c TOILET GOODS 60c Pebeco Tooth Paste. 34c 25c Kolypos Tooth Paste 19c 25c Lyon's Tooth Powder 19c 35c Lerice Peroxide Cream... 23c 50c Poropelan Massage 35c 25c Pond's Vanishing Cream.. 19c 50c Q-Ban Hair Color Restorer 39c 25c Calocide 1 19c 25c Tiz 19c Use Druna Foot Powder for real foot comfort ..20c ANSCO CAMERAS and Speedex Films "GIVE BEST RESULTS." All your care in obtaining good exposures is in vain if the film is not properly developed and print ed, Bring your rolls here for "EXPERT WORK." We develop all roll films free when we make your pictures. ?48-HOUR SERVICE? IVORY SOAP 6 Bars, 24c MARSH BIG HAVANAS 4 for 10? ? $1.25 Box. 80c Value WHOLE BRAZIL NUTS Dipped in Pure Cream. SPECIAL, 39< POUND. V 60c Value Chocolate and Bon Bona assorted; very fine. SPECIAL, 29? POUND. All Makes CHEWING GUMS , 3 Packages, 10^ $1.00 Value RUBBER GLOVES 69^? Guaranteed. $1.50 Value S Y R I N G E S and " WATER BOTTLES Special, 89d ? Guaranteed. $2.25 Value COMBINATION SYRINGE and WATER BOTTLES SI. 50? Guaranteed. SAFETY RAZORS All Standard Makes. SHAVING LOTIONS SHAVING SOAPS, POWDER, ETC. RAZOR STROPS, old styles. AUTOMATIC STROPPERS For Safety Blades. We also Sharpen all makes of Razor Blades. ? All Work Guaranteed ? || "GRIEST'SELLS FOR "LEAST" 1 125 STREET Ph ?' "GRIEST SELLS FOR LEAST" "GRIEST SELLS FOR LEAST" 7 his Is the Stove Thai i Eliminates Guesswork . Don't trust to luck in Cooking or Baking, with the consequent result of an expensive and discouraging fail ure which is bound to happen wherever the temperature of an oven is guessed at. I Think of the satisfaction and advantage in know ing that your oven is regulated to attain perfect 9 bread baking heat, when you intend to bake bread, and that it will never exceed or fall below that heat, no matter how long it is left unattended. This same tiling holds good for pies, cakes, bis cuit and roasts, when you are using a Direct Action Range, w;ith the Automatic Oven Heat Regulator. a The special construction of a Direct Action Oven, I along with the Automatic Regulator, makes it possi 1 ble to cook an entire meal in the oven, all at one time I ? as many different dishes as you can crowd in ? without, any intermingling of taste. By adjusting the Heat Regulator you can arrange for this meal to be finished in three, four, five or six hours ? in other words, to cook itself while you arc awav. * This is duplicating the work of a tireless cooker, besides giving you ail the advantages of a superior gas range. Direct Action Ranges are made in nine different sizes and styles ? ;thc table ranges are made with the ovens on either the right or left hand side, to fit your kitchen. WARWOOD COUNCIL Passes Drastic Dog Ordinance Last Night ? Cliaaffos Meeting1 Time. Wat-wood Council last niKht. passed :i lrastic dog ordinance, which, bo.?i<le.s levying a tux op all canines, prohibits j their running at." large. A dog will not | he allowed on the streets unless aeonm- i l>an.ving Its o wtieer. An ordinance was j passed changing the meeting ni^ht of ? i-ouncll from the first and third Fridays ] r?f each month lo the first and third , Thursday nigh is. In the absence of Mayor Montgomery, j who was prevented from attending l>e- j cause of illness, Uecurder John Mitch- ! idl acted as mayor and t'harles W'els han.s acted as recorder. WERE DISORDERLY Jack Schafor ami Nora Sehafer were | "having n high old nine" i what??vr [ >??1111 Moran means by thati down in tie- ? Fifth ward yesterday evening when I'm- j trolman Moran happened in. Officer ; Sum decided such actions were forninst I i if peace and dijrnity of the cltv. so be 1 called the patrol, dumped 'cm in an<1 ] took 'em to hvad'iuarlers, ? "increase yoor crops By using only sucli seeds as we sell at "headquarters for seeds," and forcing them by a liberal use of fertilizers, of which we have a car of the various grades on track on which we would be pleased to quote you at a very low price. Everything in Seeds and Garden Tools. Only Store with Absolute New Stock Dairymen's Association 1048 Market Street. Three Stores. Both Phones. J. W. WIELER, Manager.