Newspaper Page Text
DEPRESSION 111 ET NEW YORK. May l?The stock market was again under a cloud of .im pression today. that condition b? ins less pronounced as to the general list, however, that' in the far more active operations of the previous day. Ap prehension concerning foreign affairs was increasingly acute, .especially in connection with the situation in Rus sia. Further .veiling of representative so cur i ties a; severe c< inclusions ' was acain the overshadowing feature- and served a< a constant restraint in other quarters. Many theories wen offered in explanation of the incessant offerings of investment rails, the be lief persisting that " hey represented liquidation l>y important financial in terests. Trading in the prominent industri als was extremely professional. United States Steel almost .duplicating yes terday's minimum ??f 1 1 after an ?id vance to ill ami elosmg ar 1L!%. a net loss of .Most of the equip ments. munitions and war supply shares were lower by one or two points. Chief amon; t!e more extreme ie ressions of the day were Norfolk & Western, which t< 1! 0 '? \ to 1 1 7 ?".? . Louis ville & Nashivlle to no. New York, Chicago & St. I.ouis second preferred 4. to and Wheeling & Lake Lrte -ri to 32'*. Total sales amounted to 5!>0.?>00 shares. . Slight improvement .in is sues featured the dull* and uncertain! bond market. Total suits (par value) aggregated S-I.O-U.'H'O. United States bonds were unchanged on call. LOGAN & BRYAN'S CLOSING STOCK LETTER. (By private wire to A. K. Mas! en & *?'"?) i XteU* YOUK. May ? i 'rices we::.; acam lower. Th- introduction of a bill in eonsress having as its object the regulation of prices on necessities ex- 1 erted a depressing frnfluetu-e. The coal- ! ers w. re among the sufferers ott the ! idea that product may be subjected to j a maximum price. The n-ws from the] other side suggested distention in not i only Germany .but also in Uussia, and ! .much serious consideration was given I to the reports to the effect that stong efforts will be made by the Central i'owers to promote a separate peace with Russia. While tie: Imiua element is strongly against separate p.-ace. still there app- irs . t<> b>- a taction consisting' of socialists .in i (inlitarists wlie . Ii<<\ Teutonic uiftinat tens and who may en- 1 tertain proposals. * I At :? ny rate, tin- <? rcetsn^ss ef things i in the vveut a 'a in th-ir :ipptir;< i ion t is fully realized an indecision in n?arl> governmental iiv . -;i the!' n: ?rii. ;i ik-'iiiit: in fttissia, tlie I'ni'ed States, in.i is causing much ail circles, new that ileitis has b. come a int. tiding buyers <>f ixliieh probably \\:II t.rtif. p. and from a stock luarlv t .>.>!} nr..-- :tl- -i stL-.f a: .ai: ? DXJN'S REVIEW XKW V?M:k. l-un's livvjew. tomorrow will sa> . r 1 A m?n'ii of '? ??!.' :sti.-i n r a.-w ? mi- | ditions hn- ? h ii. distrubance to ! business. and only in relatively t"e\v i instances a;-. ??in ; of sp.-ct.-d hesst i ion, apparent. I. .-<??. mug ? ordinary <!??? I mitiids has ??hi .j . Hi -"iij. :'iiport:t!it . branches. iar;;?A because "f the \- 1 trem- pri.' s I'.a kward w-at!a :? 'las' retard'"'! t ? * a : 1 d;st rihit t ? >t: se;,s..ti- J al>r?v Dl> r. iiai.dis. .:i ?:;??-! .-.i "ions ef, th. \Jint:>. \. s ur-.u'n? , - : ll-ct :> i ? i:s ! itnpn \- men: wit 5: vp> ier w r i a at-mi'lint . barves that ? ? e. ..? ? m.-.i h.ceiy. .mi, tlie betterment in Me- asm uifrai oiu look means :ti a wiien t.;? yif Ms hi1' isi'.i t'tHti -nv! ? 'im servatisn' I." ! ? <iofni:taiit to !?? in !? - ports froti; i; ? ' lie- I'! iiii 'i'Kl i"i! t'-ts. espeei: !'? if: ' h . . ;?st. !? ? regaiar !r:'t:sa.-.i"i:s ?'?!' !-!">v t *?.- pre vious ina\i:?'!i.: ' . :i tn.-nt r-' nfs ha v :< ? .i>i i? ? t tiling eoriti::i; - : <l> r ! : : 'g ; t i: . Wberk'y h- : $* - 12^. tnerv'i--' *.x ? i.* evi r i: ?: ..a:., CXCSZNC:- STOCK I.ETTES privi'!' v. T :? f.. i-'-nafK-i ? > N'li'V ???!;?. S. f. >>ie '>n: l i nued tedey. i:e! fnrt! ? r i ?: :? ?? !. ' .'on was eurr- iit ::i rr?:ts and in v- ill ?>: stoeks. - I" 'In. -.ii, i: i- i-ery < \ : dent that str- -. toe* . .'f>.rts a . 1. o.g made p. -w ?'.?!, t': i : e"'Hi?;-". ? preciat:on of ;? ? I ? suoisiiitlity. and :!;? methods ?d"l''' d at' v- r\ - "oilar io those t'<?d ' it*, a a-.. The Itussian <it :: i: n n ..!?? .*v !ittl<- ar-.v'.:* -.? 'ie-h v. ?? - l- -i:;l. ' today by r.-poft- ::i i..-,n? ill !'? '-rosr-oi Tb-~ i-.-u-: :.?? ! a comparativ.-i- . i. ? ? rn ? down. ;is the-? ~ l.ur !rr!.- ie;- ?ng inn' ? :? in the tnaik- f '??it ? s r- - ? ? -h ? hor! ; interest !'.?? ? I" I: ? f'tel st??ck> are in .| and b-jitl cro-.ed. \v.. loek ? !y ; til ne.f- '"mv - ? ? - i-iu. but do no! 'lit ? ? :n it . v should or e ..v. : ti. Harris. W"i:it h: i LO&AN & ItRY^M'S GRAIN LETT'S. i By privat" v. : i" i :. n .< I'HH.'AI :? >. ; *'*:???? . is ?;;;lit. - . d' i niJe pear' : ilk Sv. is:- minister ? "ti ferritig it!. " - : >!-?? i . ? >i ? agi tatioti for ? i n:n< a: ??!.:>< -ol iVorf SUJ.fdie^ a i: ? : With -if! these tW" i>:^ ? ? ? head.- tijink . "j'-ei' - ii-' *?. .ir:y J Krains at ;(:? - nr 'inv. I ? "I I Ma y I.? After a whirl wind descent of i'l i'CIUS a 1* i.-if i .'ill' I ut' excitinir r> i n*i !?!' 1 ?; .-i-nts ili" market today cntimi'd to show cr> at 11,1 rvi'iivii' ss mwiiik :i:m.?t ?? nt i - 1>" l" X"\ ? rntiient iiK'Vis at Washington a lie! Ottawa to ? stabllsh a joint coutin ? ii'a! control ? ? t" prT. "I" 1 1 ? r?- was an uns? tt I'M -Jinish at 3-\ ccnts :>? 7'.- cents tut <!?''?! i no. with May at 272 ? ? and July at - ! 'J 1 to 111.'"', Corn closed t? I :'i cent's off. on IS dnWII l't !<? r.. iittii pro visions showing :-v! bricks of lo l" ? "??sits. I >ftnoraIi.:aii'">n of the v. IhWt s"'t. v as w it nesseii j j: til" wheat pit win ri sli.' mark- t <?;?? ><? t:. neral w is I h. rush t>? >??!! tha- would-be i?ut?'has?Ts w> r.- a: lirst ? tely owrw holm- ?>!. Within ten minutes, how ?? viT. 1i;j|'*> buyers had net th" stampede with sio li -pint tliat n? arly thre. -fourths <?;' th initial Ihss. s w. wiped out. Violent fluctuations fallowed. but most of lie: s missile was a; an end in hail' an !i<?uf. With pricey th"i> at about the l* v> ! :it vhii'h the marfc"t tinished. Scarcely anything except tl\o news from Wash ington aiuI Ottawa appeared to attract attention. Renewal of acute weakness and a fi'-sh displav O!" activity sudd- nly de veloped after mid-day and the chief speculative option, July. broke almost as sharply as at the outset, when a tumble of IK. to $2. 15 took place. Th" ?"iiise of the new flurry was peace talk s!arte#j by a rumor that T'reshb nt AVil sntt's friend, i "olonel K. M. Mouse, had l-een invited to Berlin. Lack of any conlirmation of the rumor, however, led Jo a quick rally. Jumps of three rents between trades occurred in the May de livery at the time that excitement was at a climax and May prices had been smashed overnight I'l cents. Open. | 1 1 i k o I Low I Cloae. Wheat ? i . Mav...t 2"1 277. .Inly. .1 -!!' Sept... lSS'i !\S". Corn - , 1 i Ma v. . . i "! 5 2 'j ' 1..2 - , I July..! i t::ri mi'. | Oats? f .May.. . I fifi=V ,;x ; Jiiiy..| <5 ? ? "s ' Tork ? i l ! May ' ! July. . 38 00 .'S 3$ i Lard ? I I I ? July. .'23 27 '22 -1." " Sept.. . 22 47 22 5*. Ribs? i I Jul v. .'20 SO 'mi S. ! Sept...-') 8" !2" !?: 2".n ! sir.*; 183 I MP'-' 1 1 1 !'k I 6fi 1 ." 1 1 to K3' ? 22 :!.* 20 fi2 2 " 7 o ?'11 s ."> I Cash quotations: Wheat, No. 2. red, $3 00; Xo. 2 red. nominal; No. 2 hard. J2.SS: Xo. 3 hard, [ nominal. ! Cot;n. No. 2 yellow. ?1.5S*4 "fTl.60; Xo. I 3 yellow, $1,571(158; Xo. 4 yellow, nom inal. j Oats. Xo. 3 white, nominal: standard I ?:? <t 71c. I I 'i.rk- -J3S.2". ; .'l ? S22.23 22.2.". Ilil? ? ?2',.27l''2" 77. T''I.KI>'>. Jl:iv i. ? Wheat ? '"ash, May. J ; July. J2.2-4. ? 'lover seed ? Prime ??a-h. $If|. Oc tol-r. tii.i'i-ml.H-r. $'!.t". Alsik" ? Prime c:ish, *11.5": September, J : l.3?>. Tiii'-tthv 1'ruii.- cash.. J3 Septem ber. $I."5, N. Y. STOCK SXCHANGtfi i WIIKKI.IX';, w. \i,.. May I. 17. I Furnished The Intelligencer bv A. EL ^fAsten <!c Co . iiieniher.s Ne?; Vorlc Stock Kxchanne. National Hanli of West Vir ginia building. Wheeling. W. Va. Louis K. Brand, manager. 9TC)(*KS [Open.lf lich.l Low !C!os? Am. Be. t Sucar. . A!!'s-< 'haliner.s ... ?American '."an .. <i>> pret" Am. ' "al* \ !-'d'. . . Am. ' "otton ? 1 i I . Am. Woolen Am. Luetic d>> prer Am. Smelt. \ I:. Am. /Cine _\m. Suuar !!? t Am. Te! Tel . . Am. Toha c?? ^ . . . Auacenda Atchison Haiti- >v i diio . .. . Keth. Steel K Italdwin Loo. Cro.ik. Lafdd Tr ? a I if. Pet ? "lisle i *o, ?:???!? ... t'entral Leathet.. do pre!" <"hes:i. ?V ?.'ll !<?... < "hi. ' :t w p!'. . ? ?|;bfi '".ine Suirar ? ".. M St. I*. . . ? 'l.iliO l *.?ppef . ? *!? i . .V l: I. w i. do Jd pf w. . . I'tien Products .. do plef . . i 'ana. I 'aei t . ? *f>l?r:id" Kuel .. ('?dUmbia 'las .. I ?:>: ii'er>" Se.-iir.. i ?:. M2 "i !? 2 ' 2 ! -j 2 I '? 24 J 1 1 1 K II II in 7. tiT. 1 "5 ?;4"l ?"?l "; *' I t "|ll ? 4 411 14 l"1^ l"'4 s ' , i s 1 ? 4 ?'? i 1 ?;?: * i:r. "i, ^ ?1, !oI : :oi i ih'h'i : o ? j. it"'* 1 1?'? i it's1- I :?:s i'j?_* t S : ? 7 !? 77 7 7"* ! ti ?> i ~ ;eir."N | mi 1 mO 1 s 7 I 7s 7 I \ 7 1', 7 I I I :? ' .. I ^ lis 1 1 S >; e I, ii * . i:n i? it ' ^ Z r.'U i*"1. r.' '? :: ' . > I ' I J ? s - K s :: ! I . i I 2 3 t ; \\ 32 r.'V >2'? 4 1 'i !t'.| i mi 1 1 1 n ' i t:.s 1 5 'I-'* ir.ii?. i 4u?, !t 40', l"'j t::'.. i::u- i::'; 1 . ? Ii-n Klectric ... t : 1 1 ?i I'j'lrich I lul' lit. North, pref. . h. 1 1 i'i I 1 U! I 1 15'.' lit i- :,n i p.i'i jos i.'. 1 1 1 > '- j i n?; pv."? |ii| ' pi! S pill ! il(i'.\ 1 0 I n :? \ :? i 2 1 1 1 1 i 11'ds 1 'en. . Intel -ISor.i I OHS. do pref it!ter-\af. I "a pel Ifter. Nickel .. K?un. 1 'upper . . I ,ee Pll ll'ocr .... l-.ehiuh ViP.lev . I.o'l'.s. >V Nasil... 1 2 I 1 ? I2Pj IlIJ >.Ie\ le;l II Pet. ... Mnivale Steel . Miami Copper I 7 ?" i r. I ' . ;>?i ?jn 1 :i "K 1!'"; 17. 14 If's I I ' i 1 7 ?\ 1 7 !\ I 7 Vd ; fin i.. <: r 122' Sfi ' . ss SI 3S 'it 1093 11093 1 With the same old phone number One Naught Nine Three and the same old trade name Wheeling Wall Plaster Co. 0 at the same old stand ^ 27th and Market Streets ^ by the same old service "Build With Us" Mo. Pacific etfs..| l'-'.s IG'i ' .Mo. 1 'aril 10 w. i.. - ' s 3<|U National Learl... ;i.'? 55 Na". linamel .... SOU - Nr\v Haven . ...j 3Sl4 33 , :{ Nevada Coiisol . .j -?'b. - N. V. Central. . . .j i'V .\ >rfolk >v Wi-st. . !Uo North. Pacific Priiiisylvama ... ;*>^'4. 5: IVfpleS <!as .... SU:; H*. Pacific Mail - 1 1 s j - 1 Marine 3>'. 3< ilo pref ; 7S , 7> Reading ''nf !'? Republic 7SH, do pref IvJ Am. 1 title >v li. . . 1 .1" pref* Sears Koehuek . . . 1 73 Sl<.ss-Shct':ield .. i>'?U .South. Pacific ... 1' - '?? Southern U.v .... -(i U do pref I f>7 Sinclair oil | Studebaker ..... si;1" T>-tin. Copper . . 1 Texas oil -U7 L'iuoii 1 'acil'ic ... 1 31 v|.i pref 7!? 1'tali Copper .... US I 1 'J-J in I lu 1 : i n; ?jus I 3 l ?i '? I I 1 7> f. 1 . 1 1 7 1 mi f. I "? Ml ? 31 1 ur. > SX 1, an i r,s 171 4?; *> '.i : a 1 1* '-j i on i ? 51 "s >U\ 31 -ti "s 7S lu I '? !3;-. S r. 1 . ! fi i : 113 r.' a; 1 1 si 1 14 u 114 1 1 7 ?'.?? 117 105 Si 105 4 - :l4 4 n?s 4S f3*j ?I ' Vi . i 1 . ? 1 1 . 1 4 1 7'? 4 I 7, 'I3?"s -I30i. !i7 l-. !'!0, 11': dibber . . .. Smelt M-v 5 I \ 54 s, ; 5 k I". S. Steel 4 1 1 4 I 1 4 f-s HU't 113: do pref ? tl~?B;l l7-\ l IT (in bonds 105 ^ : 105 '.s 11';" Va. ' 'lienucal . ..; 4J:'\i 43 4: Willys Overland. Wabash d.. pref A I Western I'nion... Westing. Klec . .., W. A I,. W j do 1st pref . . . .| White .Motors . Wool worth .... Atlantic liulf .. Butte A* Super .. Crucible Steel . i :: nio pref . . 1 1 reene Cattanea liispir.i. I'opper I ml. A Icohol . . . I.acka. St.-,. I .. Maxwell Motors M.. Is. X- 'I' ...... 5 \ i u Owi-iis Hot tie M. M 01 ohio <"ities ilas.. 133 >133 U> . Sti-i-1 Springs 47'- 47!-j 4tI'Hi 46>4, Hay ''"lis". I - s : - -S-"< -S1'..; 28 1 = Anglo French 5's. -"u :i3-\j I'S1*: Total shares 5S 1 ; 0 . Bonds i par value) $3,610,000. (I ? ? K.v-itiv. si.?0 ri-tr.. payable May 15 ( - i ? Kx-iliv. $1.50 res., payable June i. (3) ? Kx-iliv. 3 per cent account ar rears. May 16. 1 1 ni .' 00 '? I , * 4 ' s '. iVi \ . , * 1 1 2 .1 -17^ 4 1 t; i : iig'4 S3 i 47 i 1 3 >v 3 - ?II " b i:'!t . ?" : oo r. 4 >; 113"* S 1 ; 4 7 >4 ' n"i 131 >2 131 1 1 ! "5 1 * 1 -* 1 s ???! 1 i'K-t 17 \~ '.'3 :'i 47\ 1 3 vi 4 I "i 1-".' ; ; 41 t;ti-\, ion 4 J 51 '* 1 14 > S3 : 1 7 1 01 BOSTON COPPER STOCKS wrriCKLlXO, W. May 4. 17. Furnished The 1 nielTtKencer by A. El Masten Ac Co.. membors New York Stock I^xclian^c. National Bank ot West Vlr ginia building. Wheeling, W. Va. Loulj K. Brand, manager. "STOCKS. . |~Bid." I AskT Advi-nture Ailou.-z .Meadian Arizona i'al A Arizona ?*al. ,v lleela . Centennial ... Copper UatiK' Palv West Kast Butte Franklin Hancock ? Indiana Isle JUnyale . . . Kerr Lake ... Lake Mass. Consol . Miehitran Mohawk North Buttf .. Old J >0111111100 UO 3 li! 13 IS it 1 1 1 ,i ?' U| sr. i 1 5S AN UNPARALLED SALE OF NEW COATS--SUITS--DRESSES CAPPING THE CLIMAX IN VALUE-GIVING SIXTY-THREE NEW SUITS? !><? tntt think of buying <> Suit anywhere until you've at first soon this wonderful Kvory woman and miss will appreciate the sav ings. livery Suit is now, fashionable ami made ol excellent material FIFTY-FIVE NEW DRESSES- ~ Values like these a it- oven rare for us to offer ? you may come with the a>sura:t?M- i>f finding .i u>r rhe dress you want, for this assortment con tains a fine variety of styles in Silk Poplin $12.95 $4.95 |-v I? C C 17 C Only three dozen Silk mJ Jtv O w III ? "Taffeta Dresses iu this lot. The price is very low, and the value h itrli $6.95 ?pv D r C C r C Georgette, Crepe do Chine U tL O ?J Hi ""and Silk Taffeta; beauti fully trimmed. Values to $30. Priced from $9.95 up SMART NEW COATS Our factories reproduced these Coats rding to our own spceifi ire handsome styles iu checks and plaids cations. Tli. nA l TP DKLNSHTI-VL STYLES OF YEI.OUR AND <t?Q nr . <? f r* nr (_UA 1 o-? Ai.i..\vo,.?i. i>oi'!.i.v coats $8.95 to $15.yb m vnDTf rrmif 1 Villi V/1AK-111 1014 MAIN ST., WHEELING, W. 0,s< -op:i 1 I ?* guincy , S:j j? Shannon Superior !? Superior & Boston ; I Trinity :( .;T.? I lali Consul I*'_ Victoria Winona Wolverine 4 1 Tuolumne ? I '? Curb Mining' Stocks. Bingham Bohemia Jtlue Well CoilS. i *0|?1?,T .... i 'oils. A n/.tiiia ... Kirs! National ... I .a I lose. .MeKinlev I'arrah (*n i ted Vorilc Kxr. Yukon Cold in 1 ' r.-n; 4 10 I NEW YORK CTJRB MARKET WIIKELINC. W. Va.. .May I. IT. Furnished The line if. genccr by A. T3. Masten ii Co.. members New Vorlc Stocli IC.x change. National Hank or West Vir ginia building. Wheeling. \Y. Va. Louis F. Brand. munagcr. ~SToCKS r |__n i d .J Ask." Aetna Explosives ] ? At lanta-Coldl ield , Big Lodge : -V Calumet .v Jerome 1 % Car, Light & J'owor 2'? t'anatlian Car A: Fdv "j Charcoal Iron .? 7 ?'lamp's S. ?Sr K ! >>?"; Kinerson Phonograph * Creciie Monster 1 1 leolu M mini; . 7 ll-l'.i I leiidce ,M i'u Jumbo Extension 3."> Kilt is. Bronae prof ; I .Mother Modi* -s Section Thirty j *'!? Submarine Moat ?-'?? Tria null- Film i :l< Fnitod Profit Sharing '* I.". S. Light .<? 1 1. -at 1 '? (In preferred - ' Wright-Martin ? ?"> World Film . . . ' \< Oxitsldo Motor Stocks. 'Chalmers .Motors ' ' Chevrolet Motors !' 7 I lupp Motors ; International Motors do preferred Peerless Motors II Standard .Motors 1 1 vi 1 1'nitcd Motors S1\'? Edmund .v .1 ones Outside Oil Stocks. Banict i c>il tins ... Cosden i >:l & ... do preferred Cosdel! & I'o. Elk Basin !'? troleum Veil era I Oil . I nternatimia I Merrill Oil .Midwest Oil Midwest Kel'iniuv: Ok la . Prod. X- Kef Osap^-1 iominy ... 1 'aej fie ? "? 1 1 ,v < Ims. Penn-Me.v Sapulpa llcr'niing Sequoyah "til ... Tidewater Oil ... Wayland ? ?i I .v Ca l ??.? 1 l-'i 1 -J ?' in: 1 'ct rulel! 1 0 ?M ?H". 1 1 Ask I :? i ii'.u It." Standard Oil Subsidiary Stocks WIIKELINoT W. Va~. May t. IT. Furnished The IiitcNlKeiicer by A. E. Marten a Co.. members New York Stock Exchange. National Hank of West Vir ginia building. Wheeling. W. Va. Louis F. Bland, manager. "STOCKS. _ ~ | Bid Ando Ameriean ''o.. 1 ~ s Atlantic Befitting ?'o !"??? IJorne-Scrymser i'o im litickeye Pipe Line Co Cheshrouirh Jlfj;. runs., inn Colonial "i| Co an 7" Continental Mil v'o ic.rt ."?'." 1 'rcseont Pipe Line ,'!S (n Cumberland Pipe Line I ."?<"> 1 Kurcka Pipe Line . . .* ^1.1 - - "i Catena Siirnal <?ii Co !f>o I ~i .*? <|i> preferred I.'tx i pj Illinois Pipe Lin Indiana Pipe Line Co.. National Transit Co. .. New York Transit <'??. . Northern Pipe Line Co. 1 >liio i ?i I 1 '<? pierce <>il Corporation I 'ra irie oil ? ias Co. . Prairie Pipe Line Sola I" lief IIIII1K Co Southern Pipe Line .... South I '??nn 1 >il 1 '11. .... Sotnh West I' Pipe Standard > ? ; I ? 'o of I'alii . Indiana lex IC ? 1 I' it nl Ka n. > K v \. V ? 'hi.. I .til ! I n Standal d ' ?il ? Sra nda rd ? ?? 1 ' '? Standard < ' 1 1 ? '? Standard Oil ? '?? Standard oil < '?> Standard ' ill < '?? Swan <V- Kilni: I'nion Tank Lit Vacuum '?il ? '?? Wavhin^ton ""I PITTSBURGH STOCKS Wl 11:1:1. IN? W. Va.. May 1. 17. Furnished The Intelligencer by A. B Masten I'o. lneinbe?ii New York Stock iCxchaiiKe. National Hank of West Vir ginia UuildiiiK. Wheeling, W. Va. Loula F. Urand. manager. "STOCKS ~ " ! BTd. I AbVT -s Machine .'.7. .'"5'J?s ! Am. Window ?! I .do p're! .?rift! ?Am. Window 'iiass, prof. , i 'a !!??>' i;i\er t;.,> ? 1 '< 1 1 11 in 1 ? i.l 1 ;.?> ><? i*:i r-i -t ric i.'onsididJite Ice llarbi.son-\Yall!er lief, pr . Independent llrewing do preferred ! .Manufacturer's L. \ II. . . ! National Fire Proofirm . do preferred ! Ohio Ftiel 1 1 ijlio uFel Oil . . ( >sa?je ?Vr iiklahoina 'ias. PittsburKh lirewini: Pittsburgh Plate Class.. San Toy Fulled Slates Class Weslinilholise L'le. lric .. do preferred l~i:7i . f 0 :?!' ;mi ? I" I'f.! 1 pill* O.J -.'-I 22?. ! * stock* 1 hi. PC is ' = 1 jr. 1 jo mo nTEW YORK COTTON MARKET WIIKKL1NC. W. Va.. May 4. -7. Furnished The 1 ntelllger.oer by A. IC Masten & Co.. members New Vorlc Stock I l?xchaii?e. National Bank of West \ ir* ! ginla biitlditii;, Wheel uik. W. \ a. Lqui* I !?'. Uianii, manager. . I " j"OpeiT. ' nicli*. I Low rioso I J M ini:, rv iV'imi "lS 1 S ' .Mar. 1. ' I'J !:? 1- "s I \if?v l i Tn J '? I 11* i '? *?' PRODUCE MARKET \Vi:i"F.l.!\<:. W. Vi,.. M.i r i 17. WhnlMale Pi left. , Corrected by Park*/ 4. Co. ; California. ::a.?1< ! ? *a I ;fortj * a l?*ruoi.< .. " ."??.?/ 7" | Fancy apple*. per hand 4 0')W5 00 ! Cal'ltaite. pound . . 1" ?* 15 [ i new. hampc- . ; ' ?? Hi i Onion* i ? . Ci rutiflj ?. N I 2 :* i 5 il.. pot? It.**!i ?i .. . t Caiilif'iiwrr. rral# 2 P0'?2 23 ? I.* tTll? l\ poilO.f 1 *? ! Kile. hMiif. ten 1 1* 1 1 ; Onlinv crt-en d*?.-en j rinfu;*i'l?>. :: I Corrected b* P. Bachmann 1 Son?. Butler. Cheeie. t bo* and Poultry. 1 ? reamci- 1. it r ? r . 4*i??? 4"? ! t?'ii?? and l'eun>y!?aiit* nr 40 J Dairy ."?????? l\j !s.?.t ::i ? ^ ; l f->h ?>'> Poultry. I'retied ? 'SirsnsH r.rt i* M J Ileus. pound -"f'C ? l'urkete 4t ? Cuckf **** ** ' l.rmleti. freih 26'<t HI , (Jetit :? , All?* I llcna. pound 22W 25 | VfUiit ch.ckem -5 . Booster*. pound 1?^ i* ' t'ucki. pound j* j Pigeon*. pair X^uf .30 Charter No. :.l*:t Jleserv* |i|?tr>t No. I. RI.PoKT l IK TilK CONDITION' OF TIIF. National Exchange Bank Of Wheeling A? Wl.orlmr hi the Slit* of West Virginia. at the ??f itii?iit?>> on A(4\ j. u?i:. . KKsorncKS. I.'mu% ami' di not* JS .'ICV.rxiJ.fl"; .\? ? .*|.r .? in ? f :i?" bunk |it|toh*Hfii or ili ?rnllfit C*1 - ? JO.Oflft.rtd T.'ta! loaiie |2.ll*.!?>2.ft' I (ixrrrliatf* ;ii?v*oiin -| .TM.l'il C'lM'.liirl^ l-i I'll It . ijioloi' Irt'fri *-f credt* ij*?iI ami fot ultM-li J thU Imtik I'.in not Iktii i ts< l*<ir 5* ?l . . 401. >2 [ S II >iol> d.v*tt.d t.. S.H-.IIK CIICI|!.,tO I. t|Ml j t 4 !'IC I * IMI |i s i:o??i. ; .j t . v. | .in. i s itv>?** ??-? ? ;? t ? i ?* i To- i s ... J r?J : n#>?i. on IUioU oli,,' I s U .| .|. I '? ?!-? ?! l" I S i|?*M?Mt* * lirv.v.i. no M*oiU otn.i ? it.. u r. s lioml* mi'i.c postal .-.IVillS^ ?|l*po>ith. . I* 5M.OO j ItomU .111*1 v it: il m - pi- li,; | mI a> ?..lUi-ul i. r | su:e. or otlser i!i-p.??.it? T.'? . 7 .? i S?i nritir> ? lo*r Than I S. | ImiiiI* ?u*>t hn'tfnliii^ j wr.M kn. o*.i'i toil 1 1 ii | >1 ?*1 li* I S I .''J Total '.miihI.h. - ! Sl.n l., i?il t rliMtt l'V?|e:al j I'anK ?to*i [ 3ti?-k '?! K.t'.ra! I'.^'Hh Itrnk <:.n i**r I iiu: ..r - . ii.-.*? * r*# :??si ? ro/nn.fln ! Vain.* of ii.inkiht! Iioy^e H'!j.i?imi , n?i j I'.liMlJite ami I xtiite^. I "? 10.1.1,1 , Jlml . \< v onne.l other than haiikinf I )iou<m* i nr.. 21 Nel :t fii>.ti?i 1 (lto< from ar piuvi'tl i?*>i*i ii? afiils ,n N'otv V01'. 1 hieak'o. ami St. I.t.*iit 5 1 Nit :iiiiount duo f'.uu a:? I p-nreit r.i.?r\o ;i..nt?. 111 | oriirr p-Nt vr . #i? r.-.r.^ r/j I ,\.-t aiiO'iiii! iln- rtoin l-aliks ami j hank. : < i>::.4^i .S2 j K\.*lMiii:.*s : ? .r rl.'arini: lioii>r G7.773.&S J lllltisih* i'ii.'i'l?\ ail* I other I o.i-sh ;:enis < 7.010,1a . Fi actional cut r.-i,e\ mdo 1.% | ami .vntH lVJ|A.n:~> p ccn.c j V.ifi** if I'tlur iialioilal haiikf 4.',.>S".00 I l.a?;ni in \ .|?sl: ami not amount 1I1- L. jii F.ti. ral Hauk 1 . 2ft H?'flc:c.p:ioi; fu:ol v;*h 5 . N Treasurer. L'."?.?)00 . oO T"!a! 5^.021.^1.74 I.I \ It 1 1.1*1 IKS. ? Vpi'al Mo* 1. li* *1 :u J :.fti).ni>o;nn Hiitf'lus fniol . 5Uft.0O0.??i| I I 1, .l.u. I. -I j.i.-Ms. { (?"..LTl . 1 1 j I.i h t urrcut e\|?oii. .??!?. in TcreM. ami tsw* paol . n.7fH.!?n } r.r* 4 7? "1 I Cm ulatiii*; not o.? out>r;:Mi{;iik* ........ t^0.inni.?*n | Ni t aumunr due to l?.inks and hankt>r%.. l.'i^^.iMI. 42 I l)h i|end> uupM jik p.:.'?v j J'en.aml 1 3 # 1 - ? > 1 r> ; | lmlh1du.1l li'lu'si!-. M|h;ect *.? che.*k.... 1.J?12.S76 4(? | v'eriifjcal.'> of depo-it due in !^?s tliau | ::*? davs 4<> *01 . 1 I j Cet\!rieil i*l:e. k-? 1A17.I0 | I'nitcd Stales . 1 h't**?>ltH IJ.'.lM'O.OU ? IV?s!al havlncs ilopoiiit.H I'D. 521. 7S j BSiili*. county, or oth*T uoinlcipal d*** posits secured ly phdijij of assei^ of 1 lhi"< hank . 4ft OCS.TO T? demand <le|iiMt>. ..i?.op.i P:?^ J Tune ? I ?* | h *it* tpuvahln aft.*r r.ii day*. j or subject to .".11 da\ .<* or nioro not ten : j iVrtilh -a tes? of .h-posil | Other tune r|i'|4>?lis 4.12.15*7. OS j Total ol turn* depoMts.. 5 1 ..'1.12.721 .11 1 , CuMoiuers' letters of credit drawn j .asainst 4AI.S2 ! Tvui M.o:i.;H.Ji i Sta'.i* ? f West \ i.ri;iii!a. County of Old". ?s: I. C. \V. Joffcis. Cashier of the al??ve-naiio-d hank*. J tin *?>lerunlv sural thai the alune etateinnit Ij true to I the licit of inv knoHl^dt'e and lietlnf. r \V. JKlFKllS Cashier. Sul.v r.heJ and iworn h^fore me 'iiis 4th day of Mo. il* . Fit JiNK KAltlS. Notary Puhlia .Mr 1 Tifjiini<i?lon expires l?ocen?lK*r li?. JPlll. ColToct? At tent: F C. HOFFMANN. ) JOHN 1.. hli'KKY. Diret'tors. liKU. J. ItoiiKKS ) STOCKS AND BONDS. A. E. MASTEN & CO. BROKERS 204.205.206 National Bank of W. Va. Bids. LOUIS F. BRAND, Manager. MEMBERS NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANQt PITTSBURGH STOCK EXCHANAf BOSTON STOCK EXCHANGE CHICAGO STOCK EXCHANGE CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE N. Y. Curb Stocks RECOGNIZED AS Authorative and Indispensable To Traders and Investors George Graham Rice^s Daily Market Letter Daily Quotation Sheet (.Combined ?1 a month) Industrial and Mining Age l Weekly $5 a year; Sample ropios sent free on rc for purpose of introduction, if you write immediately. George Graham Rice 27 William St. New York CHINS CONTINUE IN | WHEELING WRINGS ' in i ns ??fini inn. in the; WhoeJinjr hnnk j ir.jr i-li'itriiisd. th>: total .wste'rday l?fin?r i sr. "i 'i.i is, compan-il with J35<?.7fl2.01 i 1'iir tlw sit itif rl;ty last May. a j^ain of i *l:i::.t.4:i.l7. ?.r ."il.'l ' K?r ll).% iiimiii.Ii in dati- th<' total is $2. *? i I |i;t r???l with $1 .G-2.S17.16, ;an iii-Tva'Sf of $j>!M.'mJ7.77, or 54.1) per ? ??iii. ; Kixuivs f->r tlif month in detail fol , low: It' 17. " 1 !' 1 fi. Inc. May I. Inli.'JSy.Sfi ? lip. 9 '.May 7!'$.-S2?.73 -I? 1 ? itil.3 ! .May :t. ?; 1 : 7 2 .S . N ;? II) I. SCO. 4 S ? -iu.2 lay i. ."..Mi. i i s ::5i;,7:?2.0l ? 5l.t Tls. ,$2.ri|3,9t*i.23 $l.tJ22,S 17. lo? U t.'J lni\.$ >!' 1,007.77. LOCAL STOCKS j WIIKKI.IMX W. Va.. May 4. 17. Dully quotation lilt ot the .Tb?i;ni otoct Ex j ?ninie: j " HTorKH. ' i nirt.1 *a"?il Jf~ t : nt'.i-ii F?7ojT Co.. prrf". not lino ! ilii r?inmnn |1M 'if ! i viitml i'? l~2 IT-" |r rimtirv I.ifo In intranet) | 12 < j 12 j l.'eruian firs rnsurance f j j ISO ' I'nytoria Gla^s 1 >l.t0 1120 I llaKrlAtU*>!? 1*0 '.] .1*4 1 5 " I Imwrial tlta?.* Co ! US f 1 00 | '.'S l.a Cell* I i??n Work*. pnf I2j ICS !!2"> ?to I !?n 90 . Market AuiliMri urn ! ."2 ( 5.". j .',2 l Nfumlsyliiit* <"o I I>0 lfcfl i t'ultfil I<airy { j CI | CI | I". S. Stamping 1 40 j l.'Ij Wiinl linking Co.. pref I ! US j ?S!y ! d'i rntiiinou | | 30 . j\; riiiiu ? i M :..... !"! ] il l roillllion I 22 I j 2! i W'liroliiii; A lifinmnt Hriilm Co...- .';.i | ; 31 Wheeling Ilrldge Co j | SO Wlii-ellne Metal Mfe. Co 1 ! 23 .. WlirrtiniT Moll) A. Kdy. Co ! 1 " ' il? new t referred '......j 56 t ~'(i WlifrliiiE Steel A: Iron j...*.jtt>5 ' 1 IVIiKliiK Steel Caet'.ng Co I | 1103 Wheeling Tile Co | | |I2S Wltlt.ikerlile<Mier Co.. ptef ' 122 ?to I'litiiiiiim |::i0 ["23 ,;;2.j Fosti.i'a IJI?.?< Transfer Iwoh rioif JutlK ?. for an extra !'* p.-r ifiit ra.sli dividend luivahle June 1". Central lilasv Tran?fcT books I'toac May 26. for 3 I'.er rent ?m>Ii dividend. payable June I. WHEELING LIVE STOCK WHEKU.VG. w. Ya? May 2. '17. t Wheeling l.ito Stock Commission Co.) c: ATT I.E. ('Mile, good to choice, 1*01 to tt tlO "OffJl 00 rattle. f?ir io good, 900 to 1100 JO 00(<tl0 30 (..'utile. gt>od to choice. ?00 to SOU 9 00(?l0 00 .1 attia*. fair to Rood, SOI) to 900 8 00? 9 00 . (Mill*, good. TOO to S00 7 50($ 8 50 j i '.it i lo. common 5 00@ 7 00 llcef bulls , 8 75@ 9 50 | ItoloRlift InllU 6 00? S SO j p.eof cows V 7 OOtsf 8 30 | Uoloeius Hid cut 1 1 rj 4 000 t> SO nous. I ll"S?. rljnirc. ISO ?nd titi 1.1 73t3 16 "0 J ll?s^. {iwil,. I *??? 3 rid tt:*..... 15 [" 1 7 Z I llog?. fair ti> good. 1 04# to l^jO ] J 00 ia 13 UU | Stjk-> and sows 11 OOtuW 30 SUEE1' A.N' D LAMMS. 8htf|i. ritra 8 0G(3t g uo j SI:r?M*. K"o'J 7 00 (tf 8 00 ! HIicvk common 3 0Q(# 4 00 ! g.ioil \t% rlioirc, clipiwM 0 0?K?> 1 1 00 | mil* common ' oo^ 7 uo j $;-rinc Uml? J J 00 va lo U0 VKAf. CALVES. j \ ?** I i-1 -t?? )7r. n 12 u." I \ .Ml i a I s-wl. J IT. (.1 17:. 11 (Ml*, It 7:# i Ltcltt. lively a inl ci*mm??:i calves j o?n?r :? no ! fr'U'sU cows, gocil to choice 50 U0fcj7j U0 i (Sax, raTTcrann & Co.) CATTI.E. K'attK nlrj. I. Out) lo 10 00.? 1 1 00 '? ? 'little. RtMiil, 1'UO to I.OOU., 10 OiK.rlO .VJ | ('Mil It*. pHMl. fr'iU to JM'W 'J U0r? 10 UU j i 'attic. Pitra. 70 to bO(J 7 .I0i*r 8 ."?(! j t'umtuuu )? t? UU "?? 7 VJ 1 liuiJi 7 0lj(rt- U UU I jCoV>* 4 oU'ii' 5 UU I lUKiS. 1 i II ?'??>, extra 1 "? 7.i<i* Itf OO 1*. IS'ir l.? 7 " l.lglit > oiler* j.'I o0(ff 14 00 l"lK> J- OU^IJ UU SIIUKI*. j Sl.rrj?, fjtra. I'ltpi'cd S 00 0 ftO i Slicfp. p'url ) ( 7 00 S 00 ' Common ) 4 0'M5 C 00 * Lamb:*. c.\ 1 1 ?i gfliul, 10 U0(?Ul 00 ' I. ami**. fair cittiM- 7 00 (<tf U 00 j r.\fiA <1 00<?lll :,0 J ? jilt,*. t\,ir t? ^ 11 00$ 12 00 J t'lv'klt ciiu>, fcr lnrarl 4- ua^iU uU I M.i y 4. ? 1 Uitrs ? Koroipts.j I "M.iHio; wriili, C? in 10 uiwlor yosirr- I ?Oav's :iv**rng?'. liulk. 1 1 j ' liicht. $ \ I. ? "? ru ir..7.rj: ilfi.Ji* ? 'l lifiivy, j I '>i l rougli, sij.Jj ! ! 1 5. i .*? : jiiR.-. $ i h.ou vj i ? " t ? 1 1 ?? ? I'.'.i""; h!<'.-u1>*. Native 'lo-fC ratllf". fit 1". 10; jsiofki-rs and j i,<m|,ts. $7. 15<f/ <??>? s iinil hoifi-rs. ?< . :??*.'.? 1 II.'.; r.'t I vs. 13.25. J ? Kroripls. Ii.IIOO; Mi'OOK. "Wtitll ! < rs. $11.2.*'" !3.2*i: twos. ? 10.8')(? 1 3.7'j; ; lamb.*. ^ 1 '?i 17.<'-5. ! 1 'I TTS l#t" Ult 1 1. May -I. ? Cattlo ? j jSii-aily; xfpply lichi. ?*hoicv, $10.75?/i | ill. T?0 ; prinif, f 1 1 . 7 ."> 'n 1 'J.-fi. Shi'op ? suiitiy: Mipply lisii?. I'rimoi rWcthtT. S I ".7. ".'??! I : I'll 1 1 :itnl i-nninwil.: I $ i.'iUlt 7.011; 1,'inil.s. J lO.iRi Si H.23; voal i calves. $1 ".^O 'd 1 2. j". I llr>s:.s ? Stonriy; n^'? iptf. 10 d^ulilo [ idocks. I *r i in* ? 1 1?" ? i \ t'*s. lit'.. ltcfj j 1 mrdiiiiii?. S I ti.tOi ?/ itl. h'-avy pnrkors, '? $ 15.51'Si I; luht porki'i's. j I -1 . 0 rt Ti> ? i i.r?o; pin.-, n k:.:.o; roughs, jh.00 ' ?<> 1 3.00. ! Butter, Eggs and Cheese ! XK\V Y?~> J 1 K. May 1. ? Rutt^r ? I'nsot ' tl?-d. t 'I'l-siiioTy hiclt'-r than vxi ras.i ?40Ufiii<;: I'tfaiiMtj extras c>2 score).! ?tic; . lirsts. ':c; ^''COikIs. .'!7-5? i : 3Sc. ! IIpK.s ? Steady. Fr. sh gathered extras. | S 1 -j t- ; f ri'sh tath'-rt'd storasre packed' I firsts. 33 ',-j 'i i SHr; fresh CRtlivn-d lirsts. ' i 34fit .*S3i'; state, i'cniisylvania and iiearhyj I western hennery whites, tine t-i fancy, j 36'(j' 3?i ??: stale. Pennsylvania and near by hennery hrowns. 3 1> ft- 3 C Vi o. Cheese ? TrreRular. State fresh spe eials. 2 ?"? n< (i 27c; do average run, 26 V* *j 2Cl,ic. I.ive poultry ? Steady. Fowls, 23Vi^ 21c; turkeys, J5(fi l7c. PETROLEUM OIL i'lTV, i'a., .May I. ? Cri-dit lial tiifes. J.'i.lO. ! : 1 1 us. ioO.U'.t'.'; ? avfr.tge, t >0.233. Shipmriils, 4fi.:i73; avra?>', N, i WOOI, HOSTOX, May 4.- Tl??? <~*omiiM*r?.-ial Bulletin will say tomorrow; "Buslnfss has continued at a steady paee in the tvool market dtinnsr the past week, although the demand hardly seem H A Z L E T T ' k RODMAN 3S Twelfth SL Wheel inp. Bell 00(5 Natl 92.'! Local Stock* and XnTWtmrat Bond* Mcmbtri Wh^lin^ Stock Exchange JAMES GREER Correspondent of LAWRENCE J. DXXTZ ft CO. Members of New York ConjcUdatad Stock Exchange. Stocks and Bonds. Direct Wire to all Primary Markets. National 291. BeU 3160 301-308 Schmulbach Building. TheFinance Company Capital and Surplus, $150,000.00. N*w York and Local Stocks ud Bonds. . DIRECT PRIVATE WEBB * - NEW YORK AND CHXCAOO. Members wheeling Stock Exchange, REAL ESTATE AND INSTTKAVCS - ~ SPEIDEL & BACHMAN, Inc. INVESTMENTS Stocks, Bonds and Xnroraao?i Either Phone 983.. 401-2-3 German Bank Building Members of Wh'j. Stock Exchange. S. P. Norton. G. W. Norton Norton & Company Stocks, Bonds, Real Batata. 63 C Nat. Exchange Bank Bid*. Inquiries Solicited. Telephone No. 88. Members Wheeling Stock Bxchaaga. MITCHELL & STEVENSON, loc.; INVESTMENT BBOKXSS Members Wheeling Stock Bxcheeg# All orders and Inquiries given prompt Attention. . *s BeU 403 315-333 ' ; Nat'l. 342 Schmnlbach BulldlAg > . _ 1 1; I HOWARD HAZLETT & SOU Stock, Bond and XnTMtsxtml ,) Securities. , Rooms 215, 221 222 Schmulbach Bldg, Members Wheeling Stock Bxchaaga BeU 23 and 99. WatO. 23 and 99 GEO. W. BARON BROKER LISTED AND UNLISTED STOCKS AND BONDS 812-813 Schmulbach Bldg. BeU 1336 ? National 760. R R. Marshall, Mgr. Bond DopartaMBI Members Wheeling Stock ZxchaagS RAILWAYS " - Baltimore & Ohio: RAILROAD - 1 SPRING TOURS TO i WASHINGTON! AND i BALTIMORE ! JUNE 7TH $10,00 ; Round Trip From. Wheeling Tickets valid for all regular trains and good returning ^ 10 days, including date of sale. "s Personally Conducted All Expense Feature Tickets, including 5 days' board in Washington, Side Trips, etc., may be secured upon payment of $20.50 additional. Secure Booklet and full infor mation from ticket agent. WHEELING & LAKE ERIE WEEK END EXCURSIONS $2.50 from Whitlisf and Kartlni Ferry to Cleveland and return, tXOO to Canton and return, every Satudray, re turning- Sunday. $3.00 to Cleveland aad return, S1.75 to Canton and return, folsg and returning every Sunday. 4 ed as feverish as a week ago. Pric(0 were generally higher, some scourwl wools showing vory considerable af vances. although the market was erratjg. "In the west the market lias been vc^ artivc. In northern Montana consider able wool was taken, and much activity was reported in Wyoming. ^ "Manufacturers are receiving ordcip for military goods more generally th.op heretofore. Preferment is given thp htrjrer mills because of their capacity w make quick deliveries." MONEYS ? N BW YORK.May I. ? Mercantile pap?S 4 ' ^ per ??cut. Sterling 4 '? @5 P0P <?<?1:1: sterling. CO day bills $1.72. Com mercial CO day hills, .on hanks, J4.71,/{>. Commercial BO day Mils 54.71 14 : demand $1.75 D - 1 ?> : cables $ I.7C 7-K>. Francs. de mand $5.71 'i: cables $5. 70', 4- Guilders, demand -10 5-lCe; cables 41c. TJres, de mand ST. H2: cables $7.01. Rubles, de mand $27. SO: cables $27.90. Bar silver 75 W. Mexican dollars *>Sc. Govern ment bonds, steady. Railroad bonds, irregular. Time loans firmer: 00 days, 4>i<?4*V; 00 days and six months ?l1.i?'4% per cent. Call money steady; hijrli t per cent; low per cent: ruling rate 4 per cent; last loan 3 per cent: closing bid 3 p?r cent; offered at per cent.. .j METALS. f NKW YORK. May 4. ? The metal ex change quoted lead nominal: spot 10c bid; spelter easy, spot Bast St. Rouis delivery 1' V* '?? y'je.' At London lead ?86 10s; spelter ?51. Copper firmer: electrolytic spot and seeotul quarter $3I.?|^'</ 32.O0; later de liveries $2S.OOtf; 2li.u0. Iron firm and unchanged. Metal exchange quotes tin firm: spot $5S.-,01| 59.00. At London spot copper ?130; futures ?12!? 10s: electrolytic ?142; spot tin ?231; futures t'23t 10s. SUGAR. NEW YORK, May 4. ? Raw sugar steady; centrifugal C.27: molasses $5.39; ivfitu-d steady; fine granulated $7.50 S.G0. Kill ures opened (|iiiet but easier undec scattered Ii<tuidation. At noon price* were 3 to 4 points net lower. ? 'lose. | steady I to 2 points lower; sales 4.1'jtt tons; May 5.31: July |6.45; September ffi.52; I 'e.-.-mber $5.11. corm. ? XKW VOP.IC. .May 4.? Coffee, RIo No. 7 10 Vic; futures steady; May 7.96c; July 1 5c.