Newspaper Page Text
The Weather ? Rain. ? STONE & THOMAS Saturday. May 5, 1917. A WORTHY SALE OF SUITS AND COATS A SATURDAY sale that will afford Women's Apparel of high character, fine materials, clever styles and correct tailoring at marked savings. The Coats and Suits in this sale are all from our own stocks whose values Wheeling women well know: gSS Suits at $19.75 $22 50 Coats at $15.00 Just 170 Suits in the newest Spring styles, showing Just !">"> latter-day models, featuring hicrh-waisted; belted, tailored, dressy and Norfolk models, bran t i fully belted and loose-flaring Coats, some half-lined, others lined with plain or fancy silks ? materials include fully lined with silk ? novel collars 'and pockets arc _ , ^,1 1. r. much in evidence ? colors include Velour Poplin Gabardine Serge r- u d di i o m d ? . . , . (joid Kose Black Hague Blue Beige in the correct plain Spring colors, checks and mixtures. T m r>i * i ^ _^ari0? . Tan Navy Blue Apple Green Seasonable Footwear THE smartness of Colored Kid Hoots appeals to many women, while others prefer to wear Low Shoes during the warm weather. Our storks <>f both are complete and you will always find the authentic st vies here at the prices you want to pay: Dainty Light Gray Kid Boots. 9 inches hiirh, leather French heel, laee style, very pretty, $8.00 a pair. White Washable Kiel Roots with white ivory sole, covered heel, lace style, one of the season's smartest Shoes. SS.00 a pair. Woman's Fashionable Pumps of white and jrray kid, very attractive, S6.00 and S7.00 a pair. \Y i) in c 11 ' s rumps in pat ent and .lull kid in many pleas inir i f o i> t s , S3. 50, $4.00 and S3. 00 a < pair. (* Special for Saturday ? f: W.Miu'ii's Slino>. lihu-k ki* i > ai:k}? ami either pearl ?ray or I ? : ? i J ? ? i;i'! popular la?-r j>tv!r ami very jjood for A [ S:.:-i:vr w si>.f)D ki lit 1 ; Sat >p(jeial. pair "**"-! Children's Shoes? ' '? i;. -ili'sijrm-ii Shots fur <*li i 1? 1 :-?-i t ? Footwear thoroughly ? v.'i-t ! if t.r substantial materials ami very moderately priced. | facts ;?!?ply every pair of Shoes in these stocks and you I v. i'ii !i 1 1* I !n values for your money in the styles that are right,: { Infants' Shoes Children's Shoes Misses' Shoes 81.15 to $2.50 S2.00 to $3.50 S2.50 to $4.00 ] ? M-ua ricor r The Transformation of a Coiffeure Jl/ST lot one of our experts arrange your hair with a nice wavy Transformation and sec what a difl'erenee it makes in your appea ranee. All-around Transformations in :i!l shades including fjrav av i 1 1 (T*-| QfT be sold tomorrow# t ? Beauty Siiop ? ThSTcMQoor Summery Blouses A Plenty SUMMER Blouses are here aplenty- ? a host at' tlie season's smartest styles and patterns in plain and dressy efforts with neat henistitrhin^ and larjre r<>n vertible collars ? Voile Batiste- Organdie Linen Crepe de Chine Georgette Crepe Cleverly embroidered models in lian<lsomo flora I drMi/ns. Tailored Blouses. Blouses with frills, sunie trimmed i t h rows ??? lacc insertion and rows of fine tucks? $1.98. $2.98 $4.98 $5.90 Hosts of smart Voile Blouses in plain ??r trimmed styles at 9Sc eacli. ? Third Tloor GILL WILSON AND ROBERT AND; EUGENE SMITH ARRIVE IN FRANCE. After Thrilling Experience in Ocean.' Torpedo Missed Intended Mark I by T en Feet. Eugeut and Robert Smith, sons ? -? of C. C. Smith, of the Island, and : Gill R. Wilson, son of Rev. G. I. [ Wilson, of South Chaplitie street. . who joined the American Antbu- 1 lIance Corps in France, sailing i ~ from an American port. April 21, j : have safely arrived in France, ac cording to a cablegram received I by Rev. Mr. Wilson this week. | They sailed on the French liner Rochambeau. and arrived at a French port May 2. The Rochambeau was attacked j by a German submarine, accord- i ing to press dispatches from Paris, > and narrowly escaped torpedo tire. I one torpedo passing ten yards a-stern. The gunners of the Ro- I chambeau returned the fire. Im mediately upon receipt of news of the attack of the French liner, anxious inquiries were made by friends of both families during al- j most all of yesterday afternoon. The substance of the cablegram ' relieved their fears. ; PARIS, May -L? The French liner j Roohambeau. recently arrived at a> French porL narrowly escaped a tor-! pedo fired by a German submarine, ac-| cording to one of her passengers to-! day. The torpedo passed a hare ten| yards a-stern. The Rochambeau ira-j mediately fired a dozen shells at. the j submarine. Whether they found their | mark is not known. As soon as the torpedo was sighted the Rochambeau's officers sounded the I alarm and all passengers were hurried j 10 i he lifeboats. There wa sno panic, j Patrol vessels arrived at the scene within 20 minutes, hut did not sight the submarine. Only the Rochambeau's speed ap parently saved her from a "hit" by the submarine. ANYONE CAN SERVE IN RED CROSS WORK | Application Blanks Set Forth Many | Forms of Service ? Many Apply for Volunteer Service. Many applications for volunteer j service in the Wheeling chapter. American Rod Cross society, are, beiny received daily, it was announced i yesterday. One of the notable features of the daily routine at the headquar ters is the number of .out-of-town people wjio are seeking to serve the Red Cross society. Application blanks which have, been received designate the services! that are desired of man and woman, j Men can enlist for any of the follow ing branches of service: (A) private,, base hospital, i'2) ambulance com- i pany, (3) sanitary training detach- 1 men: (11)' mechanic; (C) cook: (D) | chauffeur: (E) clerk. (1) stenographer, | (2) typist. (3) accountant; (F) phar-, macist, (1) licensed.- (-) druggist's assistant; (G) electrician; (H) plumber: (I) btttchcr: (K) baker: (L) waiter: (M) telephone operator;! (N) telegraph operator; (O) carpen-j tor; (P) translator: (Q) packer, | teamster or driver; (S) foreman. Women can enlist for the following! service: A? (1) sewing, (2) mend inc. j Geo. E. Johns Co., - The Quality Shop ? May Reduction Sale ! Women's Tailor-Made Suits Distinctly high-class models, in the season's more fashionable materials, taken from regular stock and reduced to $24.50 Former Prices up to $37.50 Women's Daytime Coats at the greatly reduced price of $16.50 Formerly Priced up to $29.50 ; Lingerie Blouses Smart models, full flare and semi-fitted styles. Fashioned in velour, bunella cloth, diagonal velour. Featuring new collars, pockets and belts. Blouses of fine voile and batiste, hand-embroidered trimmings of fine tucks, \ dainty laces and embroidery. $1.98 $2.98 $3.98 (3) linen room work: (R) prepara lion of .-ujsical supplies: (C) general supply room service; (!?) packing shipping: ( K) laundry service; F? (1) diei kiith?n, (2) cook. (^) wait ress; G ? (1) housekeeping, CM clean ing; H ? (1) interpreter, (J) transla tor: I ? (I) 'letter writing, (2) reading aloud (home -service only): K (1) clerical servire, (_?) stenographer. CM typist, (t) aec'! : (T.) ie|epho;ie opera'cu ; (Mi telegraph operator; l(N) piiorocrap! t; (<)> inoior serv ice. (1) contribution of mmor, CM |with chaulfer. CM with person;! ! ,?erv ice as chauffeur; (P) masseuse: <Qi special. Wanted ? Men. Boys and Girls for light, clean factory work. Wheeling Can Co., 47th and Eoff Streets. "I Bethany College Frat Will Serve Uncle Sam All Eligible Men in Psi Chapter of Beta Theta Pi Apply for En listment in Service. I I'm chapter of fjeta Theta 1'i lead* all Itethany College organizations i:i ! rallying to the support of the *tars | and Stripes. All tlie men eligible for service have applied to some branch I ol" the service. Ten have passed the [required examination.- and await the call to Indianapolis on the lith. j !?'. (,*. lleyman. F. K. Howsej, \V. \\\ Tiloek. A I' Desancon, M. 10 Thom as, C. V. Klder. R. Carter and Karl hut/ passed the examinai ion in Wheel ing for the Federal Reserve .Corps, while 1 .ester .Morrell enlisted in the New York National Guard, and Wil lard Hitler joined the Naval Reserve from Pittsburgh. I >u ri ii u the Civil War. P-i chapter sern all of her sons except two into battle. SENDS IN TACKS Auto Dealer Picks Up Envelope Full of Pointed Puncturing Fasteners. The Ohio Valley Automobile elubj received a letter yesterday from <!eo. | W. Fordi president ol the Wheeling! Motor Car company, U'nfi .Main street.) enclosing an envelope tilled with! dozens of large tacks picked up in | i he street within a radius of thirty i feet in front of his place of business. | Mr. Ford sard that litis week an auiO| tire had been punctured while being i driven into the building and another tire on a new car had been punc iii red while being run out of the sales room. Mr. Ford appealed to liie club to apprehend the guilty persons who have been dropping or throwing lacks about the city. The club has a stand ing reward for the arrest and con viction of any person who throws tacks and glass into the streets. It is said that the tacks have been dropped into t ho streets by careless bill posters. An eloctrli- fare box ib;ii ha#s been invented for street ears fiuloinalteally resistors the eon-ret tt i ? 1 1 1 1 >? - >' of I'.t res puiii t>\- cuch kind of cum dropped into it. ;i$T!S SIT IN THEIR PNG D REGISTRATION BOOKS WILL EE CLOSED AFTER TUESDAY, SITTING AT CITY HALL. Citizens Who Want to Vote Will Have to Be Careful to Sec Names Are on the Poll Books. Registrars engaged in listing the1 voters of Wheeling for the primary May 10, and general city election, May 21, are expected complete J their task today. Owing to the short time in which the registrars had to take the poll ol the city vote, they have depended largely upon the poll books of the election last fall to secure their lists of voters for the city election. On Monday the registrars will sit in the several precincts in the city, each in the voting place in his own precinct, for the purpose of amending the registration book's. Those who are entitled to a vote and whose names may have been missed by the registrar may he registered then. The registrars will sit from 9 a. m. to 12 o'clock "noon and from 1 p. m. to f? p. m. in the precinct voting' placfji. On Tuesday .at the same hours, all the ivgisi raits will sit in the Second branch council chamber at city hall for the same purpose. Every voter who desires a voice in the selection of the men who will rule th" city for the two years beginning July 1. if he is not absolutely certain that he is registered, should either see his precinct registrar in his pre-! cinct voting place during the hours specified Monday, or at the council chamber Tuesday. Apparently if vot ers are not on the registration books by 5 o'clock Tuesday evening they will not be permitted to vote. The ordinance adopted Tuesday night by council provides specifically thai vot ers not registered shall not be allowed j to vote. No provision is made fori permitting citizens to davits. Notices bearing the precinct registrar and which they will sii Monday for the purpose of registering voters whose j names have been missed are posted in each of the thirty-nine city precincts.! First. Ward. 1 .lolm A. Weaver. " ? Hi. 1. 1. JJciM'T. K.lw. Mi'Kuwn. ?t? s. ii.irr. . L'.tl Shivl-y. Second Ward. Mnei 1 l.awrene. 1 1 ? rnia n. lii.-t L' ? W. I I ayes. I *r???- 1 lla* I ? .1 ? 1 1 K I lasil' l . I'reeinet 4 ? Henry I 'l V !'l'> i iiiuii. vote on afli name of the] the place at I'reeinet I 'reeinet I I 'rt einei I 'reeinei I 'ivoinrl I'r. Third Ward. t'l-. .in.-! I ? tvier J'. I jah.-rstieU. I 'r-Yitn't 1' ? .lames U. I;i.-li:ir<is. I'reeinet I ?alii. ! Mel "iinalil. I'reeinet -1 ? Harry !i. Ihbberil. Fourth Ward. rr<Tin.'t i K.lw . I'lank'-y. Pceili. t " ? Henry Sailers, l'reemei :: ? '"larenee < lumpers. Fifth Ward. I'reeinet t ? Tti.eilm. S.-hi.ikiiey. Pi- einet- " ? ll-nry Sehaffer. I'r> etnoi tt ? .la'-i'lt 1.v?.'s l'rcciliet 1 ? riialbs Uiley. Sixth Ward. Per, -in, M 1 ? ,| I'. Ale.lick. . I'reeinet - Jxhll II. I Imv ley. I'r. einet :: ? ije?. 1 Meeker. I'reeinet \ ? i ',(?(>. M. Vanee. I 'roe i net .*> ? Uaymoiiil M. Carney. I'reeinet 'I ? Harry liarinllas. 1'n.einct 7 ? Peter I'liapnian. Seventh Ward. I 'ro.-im i 1 ? .1. W. I ' i t". ? r . Pr.-.Mii.-i I .i e Hi'iiuii. I'reeinet Howard .Merklo. I'reeinet i ? -rt: <? l.onse. inet .1 ? 1 >: i n j ? ? I I linger. I'r. i-iei-i ii- );? nil. n M iiKl-man. I'reeinet T? P. W . Kear.lrley. Elffhth Ward. ii. -t I ? i Veil liriiob* . Preeinet V? Jim- A rmbrus I or. Preeinei ?? -Albert Ojjrin. I'roeinei I Will Kioto. , I'reeinet .*< ? Warner V-acor. NOTICE Stcam-Electric Co. is giving special prices on- - Plumbing Heating and Lilcctrical Work Klectrical Fixtures 20 Sixteenth Street, BOTH PHONES. Next door to Quarter livings Buhk. STARK. Pianos, Player Piano? Also fe^' ^rton, Tracer and Richmond. $550.00 Remington Player ? 8123.00. Two slightly used Pianos, one Tracer, one Aelian New York, $100.00 each. If yiiu arc planning lo yet a sn.-ip ui ;i Piano, rail i in imdialol v 50c Music Rolls, all latest Patriotic, l>Oc. Wheeling Piano Co. Fourteenth and Market Streets BeU Phone 898 IT YOU WANT Quality, Accuracy and Sor vice, a trial will convince ! you. WHEELING OPTICAL CO., 1532 Market St, 1 Conservative Life Bid?. ?rani Geo. R. Taylor Co. Store Hours ? 8:30 to 5:30 HERE'S 1 YOUR McCALL June Issue Mi agazine- ~ Patterns ? Quarterly Fleet messengers of nuthentic fashion. i New Suits --$25 Up NOT OF MARCH OR APRIL BUI MA Y'S OWN STYLES ? ' Men's Silk Sock ] WITH GUARANTEE? J ?25c Pair MADE TO SELL AT 35c. They are the Try 011 a Brand. and we have tried them and found them {jood. If your finding is not the same the guarantee make all right. Pure Silk ? It cin forced ? medium weight. TAX. .PONGEE, WHITE, NAVY, BLACK Garden Fragrance A NEW SERIES IN TOILET EXCELLENCE THE TALCUM? in pink jiihI white 50? FACE POWDER ___50<? THE PERFUME? $1.00 oz. TIIE SACHET ?1.00 oz. TOILET WATER_? 1.00 LILAC MAUVE . SI. 00 oz. Dress Kid Gloves " of Real French Kid Made in Franco. Regular Price $2.00 ? 'J >$1.65 PAIR I In Tan and Battleship Grey ? self embroidered backs. This is the thin leather glove, thin but tough, in the high grade $2.00 quality ? specially imported. Imported gloves are jotting scarcer and scarcer, take advantage of this occasion. # FJllDAY AND SATURDAY ONLY. Saturday Only Scalloped Edge PILLOW CASES Best grade muslin. 42x:J6 inches Satin Marsailes 1 25c J Each I Bolster Rolls [$1.25 ? , . 38112 iodiw ? h ^Bost grade. $2./o valued WHITE INDIA LA WN\ Till-; USUAL 1.1c VALUE? WANTED NOW IN QUANTITIES. SATURDAY ONLY J ,10c Yard Week End Pick Upsin Art 89c NAINSOOK GOWNS 69< 49c FUDGE APRONS 29< 30c. INFANT SLIPS ...25? CARRIAGE ROBES ? Pique 49< 29c CARRIAGE PILLOW CASES 19? I Or CROCHET NEEDLES ....... *L39 STAMPED DRESSES 98^ ODD LOT DH ESSES 25? A rid In Notions HOc LITTLE BEAUTY WAISTS...' 49? .15,. HOSE SUPPORTERS 12? 29c DRESSING COMBS' 19< DUST CAPS ? ' HONK J FAIR PINS WIRE 1IATR PINS NAIL BRUSHES PEROXIDE (9c or 3 for 25c G? f)0 CARDS PEARL BUTTONS 25? ;j ? 10i* CARDS PEARL BUTTONS 25< A nit Gauze Vests KOli WO.M KX ;il(H)SK yorit-KIX!) FROM AN ASSOHTMEXT OF 20 Stv/es All Weights ;m<l Trimmings, j 9c, 12Y2 20c, 3 for 50c [ 25c, 29c, 50c to $1. 75 Il.iinl crochet tops ;it 35 c and 50?. Linen Lace I'dfrril at 60c up. Flesh color lisle at 50? in border or hand top. Silk Vests. Kavser and Xiapara make.. $1.50, SI. 75, $1.98, $2.50, $2.75 TO S3.50 fhT ihorofanS COUNTY COURT Fiduciary. X. appointed administra I tor of the estate of Kva A. Kronhardt, (iiM-fjisfil. $IO.UOrt: I'nifd States I Kiiii-lity and <!uarahty Co.. of .llaltimorc. I Sll ret y. ?lames N. Korrell appaointed corn ml t ie<- for estate of Martin Korrell, nn in sh no person. Jiond. $1,500. Philip; Kvchert. 1?\ A. ZieRler and Charles j Menkemcller, tjr.. appraisers. Deeds. C. 1 r. Kborts and wife to Mayme Ha den. property in Loveland. $10 and oiher consideration. Margaret Friery to John S. Dailer, property in Chapline and tfoff s addi tion. $10 and other consideration. James Hadcn and wife to C. H. Eberts, property in i-oveland, $10 and other con i sideration. Myrtle Guild and husband to Helen | D. McGregor, property in GU^'ist's 1 Second addition to Wheeling, $10 and other consideration. Thurin;m Kay lor and wife to Hallic "Wright, property in 11 it oh Ic district, $ in and other consideration. Hal lie Wright to (Jertrudc Taylor, property in Ritchie district, S 10 ani other, consideration. Deeds of Trust. Two deeds of trust and two release deeds were tiled in the county clcrk's | office yesterday. Officer's Oath. The oath of M. B. Moore as special police officer for the Baltimore & Ohio railroad wtis tiled yesterday. THE MENDEL COMPANY Oarl J. KtSBU. Prom. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Vrlrats Chspsl, 1211 OhapUu Itmi Call Bithsr rhoaa. UT.