OL Ji I.ouis Oravpure. the brilliant "Bel gian i?ai*itc?no, never showed nn?re beauty ami power than lie does while sinirinj; THE BANNER Columbia Record No. A 5949. The expression of an emotion i|ui;e worthy of the wonderful theme is at once noticed in (Iraveure's ren dition of this patriotic song, and one cannot fail to feel a thrill of pride in being an American. Then* is no American home that will not want this greatest of all patriotic records, once it has been heard. I "owe in and let us play it for you. House& Herrmann OUT-THE-PiK Silver WedcUaqr Anniversary. i 'anltt hnv? i ? ? . iv? .1 t it.- ? ? :t f : ? ? v. atttt. th>- C--I ? bratioti ;?.? :itin;v> r? try of the r.. . '-t ? : !:? It ? i Mr- Wil liam I". * '! r: 1 i't,.ta> a!':-r noon.- J t.i;-- p. ?? sby.-ri.m church i N> ?? ' " : i ii > -? r ! -x r : ? ! \\ . V:i. Kor tna.ii'. y >:< ;n> > ?! .it Kifn ? ?row. v. f.. .. : ?> V. ? .. v ;m.- >>r of the s?r? i r - 1.? s. vrnl persons fr--y: > >!,;???. wll ;,r-! tend the recv; :i> a at ? hurch. large Cro*.vd eo Witness Play. A Itlt'K- Cf"W. I .V. II jir. >? t't loriiuiltj at the St. Vino tit's ol ness ['??? }?!:?? out i--.' it?r 1 Class of : he 1 1?- l ' ; i ' . ! school. T|>. . ' Tar. ; " r Th- Hoy MHrtvr." i- the atvt.-t'.t Il'ttiati f. ;>?. Th- class r..tl :s . ? ?opos.-d of l">\vi!iu ili-i'v ' "..i A!:. Nulty. !. M tip. Ft ais I; J. V. w ? Stra>.?. it- * ? ? V. ? :-r..- iitf *? munil J. Yahis. M ... i:-t T-TcAllister Ttuioral. . T},.- -.v:t All is wit in,r at : '??? M..ti.l And Burning Rash on Body. Scratch ing Made Pimples, Blisters and Red Biotches. Lost Sleep. Face Dis figured. Cuticura Entirely Healed. "A break! ?? ' ' ? ?:t:c:i' -ii ? >:i i:iy face am! u-. ;.; ut-vi it was ncarlv ? - v . : - ? .?? . [? w.:s a 'r.'tttj ty > I ' italic' i m : . t : }:?.-? I M ? t !??*? ' > a:s?] t: ?? I : v la1 :;:.t S- .ip ?I f r < ?:!? r \ '????? 1 a::: entirely l?ca! if. ! . !-. ! i.ir-". view. V. < . . >; p:. . AVi ::?> it; . * }?'ne il ? in kcfpini: tit- i ?! !.-.;r For Free Sample Kach liv Hot urn .Mail aii'lrcv^ p. c i.f i- ?'Cuticura. Dept. fl. Boston." S- Si ??v.-rvu! ? r - Your Estate Should Be Insured Men strive to bulid up art ?stat*N not only f h" t thov tiia;. have .? vry comfort in their d-ci;t:tr.t; } cars but also that th?y rt;ay Wave th.-tr de pendents atnply p:ovld?"d for. The inh?r::;inc'' ta\ laws of the United iitat-s av: a ^rea; many ? ? f the .ndl vidua 1' s;.if?-s. itttt.i.s.- an : ri - h(-rttnns'T.t?.s. This t::v cart h?- provid-.d :>.r by an insurance policy. Mar.j of <>ur "hreiv >? 'itt.ini'iars arc s<- ;r' their ??states Iti orr t!i*-:r b.-tt.-Ii ciarU-s penallz.-d. >{av.- cons ? s o? I ?h - ta\ would af?>ct v. t:r :.-!rsV We enn it? Yi-iv t v? j it r . sent v< s'.-rdny morning 1 1 ? li- r ]!.??? hom-. Kv- n o.>d. ?\ V:!. V. lie.- ! II- r;.l s-i\;.-s ! n ... ' ? l . in;- rrr.i-nt will m;.. j ? : - ? ? ? ? : ii :ii * ? isi . M'.nr: tun-ial s-rvi. v. I v '?! at lli-r li'-ni- ii- r s..?i u.-i i'..' da\ ? mm;. iri chart:" ??!" K-v. i. U. !.? .v. i > 11. pastor ' li- Stole l':< ?> ;-t l.tii church "f Kim Grove. Dhu Gvovc Council. Tli-- Kltn (Ip'iV unci! met '.-is1 niclil ? : ????u j : i : . . with .Uayi-r < 't u i ??????? ! ! ? ; n hm:," ' uioi ; was lali-n up. it was amioii.-.ij.' D-ito S?t for Election. Th" da:?i i"r the t >? - c< i issue ? 1-ctlon j 'i-'l-l hy tli- town . !\>i. ;.-wuOtl Bit. '1 I II - 1 lllilht .it .t ? ; ; I t - ? i! ?; of council. It will In.- !:? fi Sattir-' i * ? i . .i . 1 1 > ; th-. N'uthins ??Is" "i :.i!i- - wat> iak> i: ' . i>. May> r i"rt.-?vvll| I a. is in clwirn- th- mv-t i:m. "Will Roopen ??Oaks.'" Th- ";?! < ?:iK> i' .i ! ?*. '< ? Wliv- Iiiii: ;ark. ? r : l.- ?-li leased by Krn-sl liruii/.. of! ; "(.at ? la> ? . A >ti tV-< :? -:i?-r .- . sop .i.-ink ? ic- ereatn parFr will b- Kcted. ; When \V ?-.st Virginia w?-tir dry ?: was c!"S"?l. and i!" otic has .-v- r cl-'iJ i :i- d it , until now. i Eliminate 5:55 Express. Tli- liaitimort 'iv:iiK scor-s ??!' complaint s mi ? ? rtl j ?-? tli- ? ?iimitiritioti of 'h. ? xprrss to Pittsburgh. This train ??iii.lli; I thl i.:i^!i Kim ill I ll?- ? V - I: ? ear-J r:?-*l ??? I :? t ii ? ti i; i ? i i ? r ? i ?=*??:. . - rs to . t f i ? - |.ik- (uuii. I>ii* now i! has !>? ? ?! < 1 1. ? | ? Kilt ifiil- -I T!;-t" 1? "II- 1 1 1 i : r ? ? J : I j wh?-rvl>\ tins i xi-rt.-ss st-.j.s a! in- i 1 1-. ? - ! 'station.' at:?l thai is. :t ? t>:is#.?-iig.-r [ b-'Tirtls tlu- irain w. s! <>r I'amliri 1 j . ? \'?-w .Miii'i in- v 1 1 1 ?-. \ a. ;? j 's tint! s'.'-j' b>- ma-i" tli- re. no j w : 11 h- .'li nk. \iw is ih- lime !".?? the Kim 'Irovi I :?"i nt tli- IMt;wooili 1 .'i i li- r i ii ehiiii-h \\ ; 1 1 huld a lawrt ] an-1 si- ;.il tlsis - v-niatc. at 111- Kdu- I wiMni jiail;. Ail kiti?l> ?ii" r-i i ? ? iinn n is I will l?- t ???!. .11. d a ^n'nl time is an-.; iicipaii ?! by tli^M- in ??har^o. Oh! Eire Department: I', ha - i. ev ? li that th- "r- aparatus ' ! hull*, ii Jin!- r ? Win nl lawn - ii.-.-t car i station i-; partly ii mi: iti-li W i > ? i ? tin! j n- w station was 1? inn builf. a ladder! w i> pi.ie-?! ia tli- -'a'luii. anil 'Ii-ji the! >i.!tt>-ii Imi!' uroiiinl :t. Srv. ml hels { ll.-ive lif-eli l-'St. p-l -oris tt-vIiiK tak-: i !ii... l-idd-i* *ii* f: I.. Is. inl two larn- J j Iron i 'ivt s. and imt beint; aid- sue- j This miiti. r has been ??nusin,.'' la jrial d-al of talk and ??imus-men t. I I it s..ii.-i.|s lik.< th" Irishman who built j tin- bri? k In. use. ami walled liitrisell' up | | vu the insid-. Poroonals and Briefs. ('h.itles Kirliy, Sr.. of Kultnn. Is 1m ' provini; al'ter an extended iiln-ss j Kudolph Uoifers, of Kirn drove, broke j " 1 i THROUGH GAR SCHEDULE WARWOOD , BENWOOD NORTH BOUN13. FROM BENWOOD: lia:ly -xe-pt Sunday ? 5:15 a. m.. md \-rv :\f:-eii minutes thereiifl'.'f ntil 1 :?>?? 1 1 1 i < 1 1 i 1 k ? 1 1 , except tllH! 11:4.", j- in. car to Kirnt str-ev ?lily. 1 'ars li avim: at 12:15 and 1":20 i. in. no t" T-ntli str-ct only. Sunday < ?n!y ...imi a, ?>., in., r ;???> ?>. in.. 7 o'i a. ii:., and every llf :e. n ::iinut-s th? reafter. tho s -liedul-! from then on b-rin< the ?atne us week dny. fKOM TENTH STREET: I'aily t-xcejit Sun-ay 4:30 a. in. mid -very lit t* . a rmnturs theri-al'ter .intil 1-: u IlilUIII^h:. I.;u-t ear. IL':!!!) a; in. ear ti> Kirst 'only. Sunday tmly - o.lj. o : i .'i. "? a. in. and "verv iilte-n inimit-s therefitter. The sehedulc In. in uk ii or leins the sani- a.-? -,m -k day. SOUTH EOUND, PEOM WARWOOD: Daily exc. pi Suhday- - I a. in , and cv/-i v lift. ? n minut-s tli. realtor until 11:37 P a:, last ear io Ij.-n w oo-l. ?' its le-avtni; ii It;,"..: j. ni.. i'J.::. and I ?_ - :. U C J to T-siti, sir? inly. > 'ars ivt\- Warvvood fur i list stsvet only at 1:^3 a. nt. Sunday unlj i: : j 3. 7:-3. 7 :3S. 7.C-3 and a. m., anil ev-ry llfteetl IlllllliteS tllenttlter. -th .schedule from then on bein? the saiue as week day. WHEELING TRACTION C03TPANY. ifiiM w n 'WIDESPREAD ADOPTION OF"NEU-i I TRONE PRESCRIPTION 99" PUTS BIG CHECK ON R H EU MAT ISM. The crusad" against rheumatism In this section has had Its elioct. Tht* a.-ioni-shin:: results of "Neti-*! : troiii' Prescription id.'" which Ji:j been , j so widely i ? commended seeius b?*yond J beii' t to tin- many relieved sufferers. ' J pract icaliy every case has been cured j I or benefitted. i I "Neutrono Prescription S<9" Is the I lon^- looked for h'ossinc and has! spruns: ii? t ?> almost instanl popularity,. | acuta I rosulis vi-rify this. "New rone Prescript ion f'!t" is dif-j ferenl from anything else in that i; i aim.- at the elimination ?>! Khcamatism 1 as a constitutional ih-scaso of liiej I blood. j ! We earnestly recommend "Neutron*- 1 | Prescript ion !'!?" to till sufferers I'rom j ; lilu'iunatism. Horn or Lumbago I'oj ! not fail' to t est this new now latuotis ' i pn-scription. ? ? Go to your Druseist and pet a aOc or. I Sl.on bottle ami sa> good bye trouble. ? Mail orders lilhd on ?21"1 ; i-'' Sold by 0. 11. Griest \ t'o., Wheeling,! j W. Va.. and leading J iruRKi'sts every* j i where. ? 1 [ Ills nrm for tli" iseoond tim thtnv; ! li'attie I'tirst-j. of K!m ?irov.-. returned ; .'mill*- yc.sl.Tilay. tl-". mi tile St.aU: t'lilVPI'-i |ciiy. f"i' tli?* summer vacation. I 1'i'lpli l-'ish? lii: :i.. >.s ? nl.ij also T. 1: Wall ers. . . t" ? *1. \ . land. was a l'nltoji luisi :!?*.- s . illi-r j ? : i? rda.*. Mrs, Tliotr.a s llohall. "f 1 'utnl.ei la *i?l. Mil., is Hit' s':-*st o! Mrs. liny 1 1 ?- fl ?? r t . of I Mo 'A i. Mr ami Mrs. Walter Jlanliinr, of Pittsburgh. ar?* ' ? uno:.- ? Mrs. Vic tor 1 1. r !--ri. of IM(;u I. Mr. I iardim: i- at !? :al:ng tin* .\!.ts? mc ic'.itnoii i : : Wh".*ilHK Miss Virginia McK.o. of K-tiov.i. is yi*J!timr friends in Kim ' T 1 ? ? \ i"? ? r t /ai days. j South Wf.rwood Day at Pl.iygrounda. On account of the distance lr.t? : v?*n int bet w.-t n South and t '-titer War wood the children o: the south. ? m: >>1 1 town have -not ?? ;i ublr to attend 'he playgrounds because of danger lin-y ml? lit i-iicoant' r on their way to a * from the ground. It has been arnimred tiia' on Satur day afternoon, June K>. Jill child rem liesirifn; to enjoy the many pleasures tout tin* plavKrounds olYe; niei-t at the home df .Miss ?r.trude Campbell, .'.el ; illi -bland ivenuc. at o'clock, lrom whence they will go to the play-i grounds. . Tin y will b-' prop'-rlj taken care 01 and return home at 0 o'clock. W?ncood Not ft "Slackor.' AVarwuoii ifi ii"i a "sia< l;*. r \vh<"n i' ICS t'> 1 1? 1 1 ? : n iC :il til. 1:.. I v'ross .lUSC, ?ci,,. 1:,;. r, . . ii-i . Iitlmsiasni lii I k*'.>i\ si. a.ili;. aii'l : " 1 1 ? 1 * i ! :?' a ' ? i> ll liav inor* Know I' < t H ? Is pr* .-elll*- ! ul" -ut ill's v.oinlcrfiil or?r.u;i:'.ai i*>n The bodice comiuctiiiB tl": ? ainjiaum : nr.- inakitir it vr.v o\;* nsivo it nit uit'-r- : ostium'. ,s-'v??:-al of th?* wt.iik n. him t J 1 r- sup* '!*\ 1 sloii of Mrs. Ivr* it:r.-r, will .!? lui-r a Sv-i'-s '??? '!?"? ? ll"* ?'i - i >itv 1)1- H - ?* I I'ross t.-M. Mr.- T.rrill Mrs Ki-anior sT"?t*' yslel'ilay i " tie eo n tb? W Sioe'ifi?; St< > Vi-tii?jr conn any Kri'bij. 1 uii'.r l.r*. a' i- ? ? ' - k tl" ? hi 1 - '. ?? > <*.s iii? WTo' i'.ii^ '."oiiinn aii't I'.oolinV c..iii[.aiiy -.Mil I- ai.-i Mi-id in' s. iiio li-l ?'!>?. n-rk. "i'ho Mibp. ct ?v 1 : 1 li" UtltlOullCCll 'ill- r. Muflc xnspcctlca. Tuesday ov n n^. i:i msj?**rtlon v.a ? tr.inlo r.f-ar the- iiichliiinl iiiiii*-s. I*y Ma \>ir Moiitironorx . ? '. I'. I'oty, 1 liairuiiin ih.- Il-.ili.ii ii- i artini-lit. ai.'l iiio-il 11. 1 11 1 "li i r!- s \\ ? 1 - liaii--. -I V- W-'.!1 r, I Mci'iii-k' 11 ami li- H. Mci'hn-. Lockout Clrcln Meets. Th.-- Ko- k-.'n < "in-l- **f '!i- ? 'V:risilan chiiri'h will liaw a so* i:?! in< ?* :iin ' infill, :?! ll-- liol'!- 1,1 Mr:-. 1 .1.1- \\?i shiiiis i*i froiuii \\ I. 'I'll* 1'- : s v. ill in-*. I !'.l s o'clock 1.1 |-Ii.|.*v a 1'lcas ant vvonini; wltli s<*winir annci- ' \ of ih- ? *i 1 l I'r-; livlcriaii ?liurch this ovi-:iin? a! h'ir Ill S'-lUli W.I I'M I A l|**!l?hlllll !o?-ial tun-- w ill I- cii.|o\- .!. iift- r whaii I .;t'r* S.'lliK lllS w ill I" s- rv. .1. Tax Period Extcarted. Tli** I ill '.- ; a> I*- ? 11 M' ll'i'-ii to .lull" !"., I., pay lli>: ia.N-s. I: ii"i l-aoi a* ItilS I ilnc nana - *vli! I'll' "?> it-- ' i liii'Mi-m list. i'i'.-i-i ty * I lor sale, it- was iiniioiinc.-.| y.-si?-r?lay. Confcreaco Hold. T?. J M'-i "rack. 11. > I' I'"-;, am! li. I! Mcl'l-n-e. ;i caiaiili. - ar,|.i.|!it< <| ! Warwood v*.?t.*-il. i'l a .-? >nt'*-i ? n. ? Willi Mr. .Mw I. i;> 11-1 "I n::inai;.-r ??'. Hi*:' \\'!i?->' Iia^' T ! --? ? i . ? -i ? . .'Hu-aiiy. W-ilii. - '1 ale! S'vv. rM iin;?*l'taal t.iisla-sy inailcrs W'-i'e la I:- 11 up. Mission Band Dislianda. The 1 1 Ll Mis.-!.-*: r.roi.l ill" I'.-lle ? II-1 ? liu-r.-li lias l'- cii ill-- a' niicl for t.'t. smiinor. Ii.-ca use of Ih- al'S.-nc- .-I many children from ili>* m- -a?s. ' ? BtR- Day rov Kiddles. Yesterday \va.-. I ? l i^ day ll :? ill- li l. ? - ilirs of Warw ! l-b::!ii v- :i*?- s"'r'- an I ? r_ \ . 11 1 y t; \ e li'.ys . i.j .v-.l *li.-mseJv< s x.-slerday ut the pla ; . : ? -i: !-?!- ? 'n- - iho c-ulers of iitli icii-.il v. as w.o. iHK jhjoI. W|i>. r- lll'tx >.r I' l- w :u-.. si.-is anxiously . ?! tii- 11 tun: * Mi lid t-llo, ore ? i' '!.- ?.??*.- I':!'!-' ? ' ' lit', u as the iour.-e oi | t-r. -ur? lor ? 1 ?? Mna!';> st chlld.*'--n. \ : ? ? ?;-?} 1 ; ! In- !i< | llils season of 'he lia.1;. a ! 1 ? I'iiiai.-e. 1 Porsoiiuls c.ud Briafs. Misn f>- I'.a I l'.kvn r?l. v. h-- I. 1 - 1- ? ii -. 'sit 1111; for ll-- I-a-i fiionta i- w - -i. ; has r> tin ii-'l 1" b"r ! . ? ? t u ? ? .a \,*.ioi. H i; , ,;l,. . arv.'.- .1 - ? :!?-!? posit ..-a !I: 1 " I I I-I' ill, v. I 'i' : I v .! T !< |.hono company. Mr ttiid Mis l.iiiiuenual:. i ..- I . ?, |,, ii., arc v : : M n s Mrs I 'u I I'-r-ni!: ? To Mr nt.il Mr- K:ti. of., ?Pv-. Ill v-tlfil! st.'-e* ." son. ?[?ll.. |... ill Iil.st. i ?: i ;.! r ? ! I : : v o j.i?- ii la > t r I 'a . ??' I ? : I ? > v. . ! I . j K*ml a w ? ??!:. 1 i. 1 '. M yt-rs In ? n : ?:- ?; iv - Inirjrh. Mr i: I-:. ? 'a ri'-r !:??? i- : i: ' ? Miss Mildr- d .lehii ? : ? M:.i--r. i 1 1 ' county. \i 1 1 su-ritp 1 > 'I Ire 1. : 1 ? i ? ' - * ' 11 f rii. lid. M is. -j 1 . 1 1 - ii l ? ? ? \V Va. Mat V M<-S I- kl'- ' V- ? I a ? Ml. of' t I''I7 class of 1 1 ' S'.. :--'t : to.l-.y f-.r w. si 1 . 1 1 >. i 1 '? ' ? ?!.* i:i::i.r h-rm. Th'* Fihl' J ?:???!?? ? ? ' .* I ?? j ? ? v l s ri ^ f ip ? M ii 1*. ! i ? : t . ?'.???. 1 ?i ;? ti t 1|? < ?< l I i:ill d ill.-!, Mrs .Ml.- rl ilr ihaii! and d.-onraier. j ii.iv of South Waruoo.; A tar--- numl" r of V.'arw 1 1 l>i. iv 1 \ pooled !>. atl.-nd' th. ' pic 11 *?-. -it; Wh'-eliiU' t'.-ifk today. ,i;H. II l*y th* Wo- j lio n':' I -'ill. of Wlnellti^. for (ill h-.Ili.Utj o>' liiv K> d Cross campaign. SQUIRE HOSES' WOKK3 XAST IN i'lKSX "SPSAJXEASY NIO'ilT" SESSION ! Prohibition ajici Police Departments Soth Represotted in. Docliet bf Liquor Canes. 1 I.att niflit umiu.-si.-il the tirst series Ui liquor cadi trials Ulld-.-i' S?|UI1V U '* l>I.v. ii. u rul* niai.int, \\ < .:nc.-l.i J ami Kri'iav u vein nys "spralu-aey nights. A I. out" a dozen WH - u. all ?<.!c handled, lillca Uild JH1I M il!" Hl'cS bring imposed Upi-.l lilliv Url ? I'.iiulilS. At C 21' ii't'lm I;. Ivlne Patrolman Wil liam Uii .. hap;? m-d upon George Kaltz 1. 1 Foiiy-flfth ami Kort streets.' towing t ion i* ii fc.iiU it liquor Tin polit .-email 1 1 iti it'll K .It/. I : . ? r?> riijuii-'* llobbs. KhIiz iiUU li"li:ll:?C t" ?!" bul admit h!s fcUllt. 1 j.. wad UiM tl J 1 o 0 and t*v.?siis and Sell- . I ??!)(.?? ii t ?? serve liu iIhxs 1 ! s jail. Haul Wumi-r ami L.-o Tier stood trial 1. 1. .?( < Ski rg _? of tg 1 1 1 K three busUota ()!' (??>!? a.'id a. gtiih'li of wlliSlil-y 1 1 olli I -.1' : ?i ?;? i ?' 'I l III \\ ufflli:rV automobile Uie i.'ii-'ii ? ! .luii'. !? Til. > were found j.;...:;. ..: .1 I:, i {:i tiiiSriii .'ind i''. A. ' ?' ! :ri- ii. i" r* quire : is- Mai.- lo file bills ??t pur titulars, \\ I'M- uUTI lllt'd by the I vie I lartensteiii. w!i> was arrested n! bin ;. : ? r<.i . :? 1 0 North .Mam strrtl thu | iii c iii 1. 1' .hiii..- i., wiii n a ftirn.-y load of! i r was iliut'ii in liis place. was Loiitid j gi.illy. i Oil. ii was ilOi' ain! three ii"i::lis fur him. I'asi't- I lufiuiaii. nr riMvn 1 ill 1 1 villi, was dismissed. lie uy pi ahal. James Howley Convicted. James Ib.wby was in." ! Jlv'' ami j -os and srnt'-in-.-d u> 1 1. : ? ? - nioiiMis in jai1 I'm- having inloMt-al iug liquors j t ? 1 1 in lis. i'"l.i( iron building. (>|i|K>!-iie | 'the J :. .v <' ii. |i..| wl. ? li prohibition ni- j I i ? ' ? ? i !ln iila.'" i>h May J*. 11k i v. as i > t . . . ? ? l >. < I without ill. la! . hi'ilirf ; I ".?rilii 1 1 ? I to inl roiMl..' a letter from! I'hiini-i A. A <"..iilv al i in slate mil- i M'l .ily showing thill a sample'of elih.-V I taifn frt.t'i his piar. ii-niaindl 5.1 jwr | ? ??ml of ahvhol an. I a .vaini.!i- ol liqiinl ! taken from a ii'ai.ot whirh was ?.lipi>nl i mi', a liowl of uaiir when I }?.- raiilliiK | iijik'ol ?iit'i.'.i roniaiii'ii V I |n r ?-i nt ot aii-oliol. I 'i i -i'lhii ton oirii . rs dvclnr. *1 lira I I Initial in thr* !>a|.oi, cvin with ih.* -lit ty water in n, ; iii. I|. i| very* ? Hi iml> ???' whisKi >. liouhy ai'f>i-nh-?l t^' i In .'iiii'Mia! .our!. Allornev t > I ; r ? ? ' ti | i* l-ivFcsitetl huth li"Wi. y and I i - 1 1 ?? 1 1- j William llowiitan, through \ttoin.,yj L. Sa\vti-lli\ | -i ? -a- i< d Kiiilly to a ? lire- '?* v i..|at int th> | rohilntion law>| a: a h.-tti ? m iii.. rt .u of S>-vviit<.-<>iith j str*'. t. M s sen:, li. ? w..> : line ol JII'O . aii.t *? ') i|a\.? ii. ,ii 'I 1.. riha i\;. l^. arrvM- | iii him. was i|:si utsscl. j ii'. oli;.' I ail. r u:.s found Kililty of j v iola: ii'v ti.. ! iv, li\ havi'ii; whlske} nil I.'.* Iitiliihni; .'iijili ii In ins ri siaiiriint | ii l 1 3?tf* M.i'olli.il. :n.l !!?? will i:lv:j bond t ? ? - i ? i > !'??:? iii a|.|.<-:il from the .sen-; i. '.-a o! f 1 n" i.iv . . 1 1 . i tin-.- inontiis 1 n i J : < i i . j Hotel Owner DlsnilRsed. A! N.-Ij. ! i..].ri. t..r ?'! tiie X-.-ly j t* I. v.. i' .i:siiiis.-> ?i n | ?i ? 1 1 : 1 1 ? > : : : i of s Is?? ! >??? ?* * -i nl t. '.?? . ! t ?! ii. > In oa use the! el.il. 'ail'.i l.. ? t : i i ? ' i - |i o? mi-> i 1 1 1> .if! !i :ir l.a: U"ts ? >! It.-.* r fxius-.l by a raiding i fvuail in I : ? >i id . a' Ihe h"tol or t'> ' pi..\o Mm! Mr. N.-.-ly ]?:..? know I. ?U-o ol j lis j r. -i- in ? 1 . . - I lit i;t?; S.jiiii? j ]i!'L.- ii ti. I Asms;;, nt rrosei'iMor liaeli- ! i:ian ;av. Mr. a share warniiiK I 'ii?: ii 1" i.r f loiiml ii: liis ho[. | ayain; nil*) !a- Is 1 1 r - ?! 1 1- 1 1 ? 1). f..r?' tl.t- I'liurl, h- i will l?- l|.-l ! s(i.ii:sil.ii>. j ?I. ? *. ''.?an'-!', -trr- sioi| for carrying' 1 it |si . j- fp-ni lii 'l:;. (".ri in <-\o-ss of'oiif' ?mar:, an.l Arilmr M. ?;r?-?ki. arr- st.-d ax Si-- was ah. . i ? i ? i . ? i ? ? i .i skill Ivimi ol I ' Fori> -t lur.l sic ?. !?th |.|.ii(l-il .;;i:!iy :.: ii n*r of l'rohihitioii . I :? rt ii I'hilltj's. l,,-|iutv t 'oiiimissioni r ' 1 Ian \ l 'i;z a!. I of I 'hv.rle Slim; Major 1 '. !: Mi'ii;.i.;i. sup. rim. m!- in the! ,\ lil l -S;: io. 'li b--miu-. and l*.-\. M ! ?.. I - ! !:.n. .?? u:..-. I tor if... Anti-Salofti |. :.i;ue. I a; | as witin-sses against il;..- i..tii) w ii'-. sIi'.m! (rial iRii LEAVING FOR SUMMER Mesubcrs of Cathedral Hi^h raculty Will Attend Prei>araTory Schools antl Colleges. I- ? ? : . i : . ?>:? . . ii.p'.vti'in I'.n So 1 ..| i !' I ". ! !? I 7 al lb.- ? alii-:- I ? Iffcl lliK.'i ; ? !i- "i. soil!. tin "> ? : mn I'.i o* h. rs. tlo- :i-.i';. "! Mi.- -?? ii? ?? ? I. will I.-hv. t"!i!"ri.iv, '?? \ i^'i Mn-:: r-'r"''' '.iv- ! -oil!"- v. I- !? w ill *lii : ;?!?? , l-.-i-a: .i ;. a-m .... .???? !. i Mi Ml i. Mi- . ?: t 1 1 r ? 'Hi. in. ;?i nl Ah-'-Imi. lln la: :*t i ? I ? ? n m r\ in ; ii : So i . | . . ? ?> ? ; , .i, ? ti ?? : i-t li\ ? >? ?. I. 'in s 1 ? | ..i a: i.o..i, liroiln r- Th: d.J . . 1.. rniiril. KOw in umt I " !l i i . !!:? I w.!| IV' ? 111' 'it:, " i. t ow lor I ... 1 1 i ; ?, 1 1 1 ? . I? -. . v. u. :. ill. v will j 1 ???'? .-ii! a' ' ?'oii.tn -'.t ?!.. ii' ? \ < ' ! ? . ??..???*. .??: s: .*..'??. i'l's .oii.^.' wiii.ii will. I." !:?!.! I ' \! I f-..: i. T!:. \ will tlf fl . : : ! ? 1 1 ' I . .'h 'Oi a- St Joseph's ???!!? . ?: : I: i: .:??<-. iiiiii'it' s Sal r lit.<'i i sin : "i : i ? 1 at I !n boa ? 1 1 , I!-. sub I :??: Ii s!i"Ts wco i-"iii ?'? ar M-> 'ial-miop and < ?.:.?? ni ini.. ol i:. l!:ur. ? H W S!i' >?:?'. i m . hart:, d' the I ..n f .1 i. ? ' Ii ? ? ? 1 1 : . ;a "|. an "r. ? ' I ? ? "?: ! ? ? -i I ? : - r 1 ? I ? i ? >i . . : t -..,? i ,-!??? > | . *, i i i : i 1 1 lii?- b ? ii w' : n>.| iiii. at jofiiitly iir?..l|l , i ? ? I'll! 'A ll.'l fillllS wh.'Ti i' riiy ;niniii:isl ;-,ii i"ii i-liiin^i's .lisly I. Captain . I ? ? i V Kraiii is iiiosi i'ri'iiiH in't ??! of for Mn- 1'" si'ii'ii ' .ipiiiiP !'';imo n;is h< i n i?n ' ''? I lili'i till f .- I ! ! - * < ? lit !7 >'?-.? I":* i-l .i ??. w 1 . ? ii I-, iv. is li. min mi ills ims li:.i! ?ii.MM.'.S"!-' > X . V. \ a . 1 !!.? '. - i "? i ?;!!!.-? I: :-:????! "|- Harry I'l.iuinr ar ri v.-tl :u > - 1 1 .ton li.niKlit With 1 lit . n ;t'.. Two oilier -. tilths. 1,'ri Htrvwlrk Mini Hn rb-y i'.oii's. w-l! i roiisth! h" r>; toniorro.v !?> i. ir;.' lai j of t.'nr post oilb.-o at Oauh-y Ui a! Skin diseases quickly yield If yonr doctor said to us e Resinol for ihat skin-trouble you'd try it without a second thought ! * Well, thousands of doctors throughout the country are pre scribing Resinol Ointment to heal sick skins, and haw been doing so constantly for over twenty years. So why not take the combined advice of ail th<*---<~ wise medical men and let Resinol Ointment make your skin well? Jt usually stops itching and burning at once, makes sleep possible, and qotcHy dears away all trace of the unsightly eruption. Resinol Ointment is also an excellent household remedy for burns, scalds, chaf i rigs, and a score of other things forwhich a soothing, healing dressing is needed. Resinol Ointment Is so nearly flesh-colored that it cxa be o*ed on the face, neck or hands without attracting; trndoe atttntioo. Ke>inol Snap contains the Resinol medication. matioj It excel lent (or the complexion and hair. Resiool Ointment and ReJ nol Soap .ire sold by all drojtjists. For sajnple of each, tns write to Dept. 6-P, Resinol. Baltimore, Md. DOGOO&GOQOOOOOOOOOtXXIOOOOQ | About People ? ? Movements of Individual to A and From the City. COOC/OOOOGOOOOO1aJ TKI-STATE JUS.HIYAL2. Rojrers ? <;. S. Wt istlim;. ?'harl?-ston; i J. II Moreion. -M.-i.vsi)!<>ii. i'.: O. X. ! Anderson, Pittsburgh; J. M {Smith, ! Mtinsiielrt, i>.; \\ . II. I ???iiny. Pitisburuh; j \V. .S. X>-isivonK*-r, ? 'elunilnss; J. J. Imi- j l?-r. Columbus; Koy^j-s. Puts- j burgh M.cl?ur? ? I ', li I '??? 'l?n?1- j waul, I ':i rk?'i sburx ; 1). Wnki th lU. t.'hiir- ' lesion; t'arl I >? v>'ii ami wil?*. J?.t;<.-ni. W. | V;i : I.'. <*lii :'i?rd, l'Htssburjrb ; Jl. 11. ! Wsitsnn. Collnbus; J. C. H'oodside. I'll Is- j Ijurvh Windsor ? .1. \\" .Millf-r. Park rsbiirg; ! I' S. I >niialiui-. I'ii tsburph; C. i;. Hell! Columbus; I-;. Kuwlvr. Marietta; ?!. !:. I'M 1 1 1 : | Sr. Marys. W. Va.; Krtd Kxyirs. Pittsburgh: H. II Robb Now ftimbi rlan.J. U Va.; \V T. W harry, i Pittsburgh. L !?;. Windsor. Pittsburgh. Stanvm ? P. J'. Sti>n<\ Pm>' <;r.)o\ \V. j \'a.; i M. Sti'ii?-. Pino tirovo. W. Va.; j II. .Ma.vii' ltl. Mat'b-y. \\ . Va.; K ?.*. !.aur-| > !!????. Cameron; J . A. I .awl n . i*. Park-! ir bwri;. c !.???. Charleston; < li-oru'i ' Win an'i Wife, Si<'ii1m ii\ ill-; A P. i I looms. Park-rsburg, \V. .\1. Jtidd. Pittsburgh. j Mr. F P. thinning of Columbus. 0.. passed tl niiiL*li Wln-ciinu yesterday j enrotiie in i'.iMituoro. Philadelphia and; New York Mr. Dunning is making < ht- i riii in a touring car. Speak-! ill:; nf ill.' condition cif i)n- road lie- j iwe. n Cambridge and (Mil Washing-; !un. (>.. !)?? .aid tin- Xilional ruad was ; siili undt-r construction and a eleven- i milf dolour was :)??< < s.sai y. Mr. Dun ning advises- ail tourists making tin: j i i i : > in this \va v Iti he e(|tiipi>ed with chains <-s|>eeiall\ in wet weather, as ? t lie detour is made up entirely ? ? f dirt [ I I ads. Mr Jamos Kisle;- of llr.lt i more, Md.. ! passed through ihe city yesterday ?vith! hi<; family enroll!** in Indianapolis. J lml.. where ili, y will make their home' in liie future. Tin1 parlv is making) lite trip in their ituick murine ear. j Mrs .lnhn Wittenbrook and children' of ("lev eland. Mrs Harrison villj not t'-'tint io Wheeling before pie mid-i file of Si-plemh'-r. Jm!:e \la-.i II Rnhin.-on will leave .""vi week for Atlantic t'ity to spend; 1 ! summer vacation. Ib p-.ny I'rohiKii ion ? 'oinmissioner I Pert K Phillitis left a' utidniuht fori i'; i k ? r-'bui - io at!? ii'l a fideral tour; j session today. 'V. J. Knur, of Annapolis. Md.. was among liie iourisi callei.- at the Ohio' Vall-y Auiomohile riiib yesterday.: w h i I ? on a t rip to < 'h velan-l. Mi e Kind. Iberg'T. denniy State fire ; mjir-hal. is able to l>e out after befnn ? con titled in !n- liotue in North Wheel- j attention is given to every case of rupture or deformity that comes to me for attention. The work is of too much importance to be trusted to any clerk who does not happen to be busy when you are to be waited on. I take great pains with every case and give it all the time and care necessary; your comfort and safety are at stake, and my interests are best promoted by giving you the best service I can. Artificial limbs, deformity braces, Arch supports, Abdominal belts, elastic hosiery, electric belts, shoul der braces, etc. V/. C. GORDON, SPECIALIST IC60 Miiiket Street Opp. Eleventh ? \ ing for the past two weeks as a result of a street car accident. Miss Ethel Smith, of Uniontown, Pa., who has been the guest of Mr. and Mrs. A. II. Hobliizell, of Lenox Place, has returned to her home. Miss Edna Ketchum, of Helena, Mom., arrived here yesterday to .be th<- .summer guest of her brother. Gcn ? -ral Manager Charles M. Ketchum, of the Wheeling Commercial Association, and Mrs. Ketchum, of Beech Glen. : Miss Ketchum was graduated a few J days ago from the University of Chi-' c:igo. with the degree of doctor of phi- i losophv. ' ! Sam tie I MrGi'Wan of Springdnl", left ? last night for Fairmont. on business ' ??f>nri?*rtrd with the Hell Telephone com pany. ED YESTERDAY FORMER STATE SSNATOE AND LEPE LONG RESIDENT OF THIS CITT. Had Been m for Three Months ? Funer. al Services Friday Afternoon at Two O'clock. The J I onoruble Jacob Snyder, ased l>~.. lift-long: resident of ibis city, elect ed on the Kepuh.'icun ticket to tliv state | senate in I u u and a id. ruber of the I Jucoh Sn\ der and Sons company until ] its liisMiiut Ion, died in (us lionit* at ! jit Koll street. yvsi? rday afternoon 1 ut o'clock. fallowing an illness oil three month* i.i nephritis. At r. .Snyder aas I'Orn in Wheeling,: April It. is.", ii, and wjis th- son of tin; i late Mr and Mrs. I'aviu Snyder. He i ,1 ii.. and lilt' i Khsiim ss hell'- 1 ! r? ?line Mr. with Mrs i d in tii. i neal j iihiie schools attended i lie <>|.j Fraii'/.heim ? ?Hog. . ilc married Miss ls;t r. June s. I > - . For some Snjil'-r had made his honic W. 'I. Morris, a daughter. Surviving besides Mrs M onus -Is a sen. .1. Harold Snyd'T of this city II'. ii lea \ i-s mi'- sister. Mrs. Kmina Kd l'-ni> ".t i "le\ eland. <*ltio; and the fol lowing brnih*r?: George \V. of t'uiuber la.ii :. Mil ; Hairy K of Pittsburgh. and .lo^-i-ph A. Snyder of llolinlav's i.'ove funeral >urvicos will lie held in the in. in- i.it I 'i W. T. Morris. 1511 Koff sire.- Friday ttfierii'ton hi - o'clock. Tin Hu. Ii. K. I.. Strmer of St. Mat Hews Protestant Kpiscupal church, will i ? f t" i . sate Internient will ee in ttreenw "o*.l. Oeor^e M. Williams Dies. || Following an illness of sevtu weeks.' ' .i i or ire ,\i W 1 1 1 1. 1 1 i : s . of Sinp 7. on the t I : > land line, died .it his home yester- , da \ a i t" rii'H'ii at - o'eloek. Death j was die intiriniiie?. id old :iri-. Ho, w;is la his 73d ;i-ar and is survived by; two s"ii> and iH" brut In rs. 1'unerall. arrangements ai' nn ompli to. jl Funeral for Mrs. Kennedy Today. \ This -ir L' oYloeu f-ineral ? i vii'i s wdl in- held for ,\trs. Margaret . K'-niieiiy. wiili iw of Maiiion Kennedy, who . pi. .Ii'.aj Al "III ta > ill tile flijllilv home _i. ?-'??riii-ili > 1 1 1 ? i The I lev. .1. r. i.ey i nliei si r. of i In* Third I 'f'-.-bj terun \ chni'i -it. will eihi-i.it' Iturial wili be in lite M eM rebel) eellletery.' Funeral lor John P. Bentz. \ i - 1 ?? i*i I.i s a I : ? fii""ii funeral --rvtces ?; John I:. It'-i'.t.:. amd |o.ft| ri sid-.-nt , | who died Monday, wen h?*M in tie- home of his ?? I . Airs. August Ka.-S.-ll, ??? "s.1' I!":V sireii. Interment was. in Mt. "/..'on e* n.etery. Funeral for J. Kuascll Houston. ' ' \ i-j-t- rda> :i f T ??rtiin -ii i .i i :i ra i .services wire li- lil i"i .lames I;, -m Ii Houston. f"MC' r r- - lib a; ?>:' t his eity. who died in riiieinnati Tuesday, following an operation, wis lulu in 1 1 . ? home "f his brot In r- in-law. iji-oivf I'.aird. ??! :: I Fif teenth street. Tie- lev. I >r. I'taildb i ,. r Terry. ni the i :r- 1 I'resbx terlan . -i,:reh. ulli, la t' i| and burial was pri a'ii- in illv-eiiwoi ni. Funeral for Mrs. Hamilton. l-'un-ral services Airs. K'.izahetli H, million, w idoie of Siniiii Hamilton. j who pas.si-ii away in tile family h-'iiu'. j 'y.U\ Mai'li"! s: i ei.' . w, r. h- ld ill t Ii ??, place j | of ilentli ; ? si.jrilay .??.ft.-rnoon. The llev. I 'r. i"lar- ii'-'1 Kngi ii> All'-ii. of I'ourtli street M?'t hudisfi K-'iscpal ihureh. was in eliarge. Int.-rm.-at was made in Stone i "ha rob ei-meiery. Tile | a: -it' rs w.-r- William l.ind- 1| say, John Si:-snii. i'eei| liamitvei. ? " 1 1 f - j lord 1 1 -i a i i : I on. Arch Hamilton and; I loni'-r ' 'ates. Funereal for Mrs. Kenney. V- s! ? T'l.i > 'ii- rntii; fiiie r.-i! servics' We IV !?? l-t for Mr.-. Kle.-tiiot* i ? 'o.-hrnnl 1 1 Kenney. widow of Jjtnies l\"ennev. who. lie, | A I . i ii . 1 a y :n I;, lamily home. ^5' Twenty- 1 bird Mre.i. f>>||owi ? r ? 'oi ,t ' At nt"? Ho-., aged |V|. >? ii ,*i ? ii nt v ii: of apoplexy In'i :!:;i-nci'f. W. S. Hoy. " .1 in.- 1.-..? fr. W. S. . :-r. ntati\e from .laclv '.?? legislature . died today his hoille it AVell-ston. ! P- file bene/it of . . P'oui'^xperk'iiccJ^ Our experienco will be of gr.-at as siHiance tii vnii in vniir dark hour of trial. We will conduct the iu:n-rat In a manner !).:it will make p .in.- of tlie treasured memories of that Inst day. Palace Undertakers 1304-06-08 Main St. Both Ftionos. ? 1 GERMAN EDITOR IS INTERNED FOR WA! Dispatch t/i the tnt?ll!icneer. W CLEVELAND. 0., June 13.? On or J ders from President Wilson Waldeusi Von Nostitz, former editor and chiei editorial writer of the Waechter utui Anzeiger, an influential German daily paper here, was interned for the dura tion of the war following his arrest to night on the charge of being an alien enemy. Federal officials say his ar rest is the result of pro-German edi torials which he wrote and which were published in the Anzeiger. Von No stitz admitted tonight that he is a German subjpctand that his sympathy Is with the kaiser. He also said he upholds the sinking of the Lusitania , and admitted writing editorials along that line. Federal officials have kept close fab on editorials appearing in the An zeiger and have watched for moeitba the work of Von Nostitz. He ia held temporarily in the county jail. THI MOOJTEY TIBIAL. SAX FRANCISCO. Cal.. .lune 13.? Three physicians and a newspaper man wore t h*.' first witnesses called today at i liv resumption of the trinal of Sirs. Kona Mounoy. on eharpe of murder. f.-ro\vinK, out of the prr-paredness day bomb explosion here last July. Hits ot' metal, steel Jacketed bullets, pii ees of japped iron and other arteles ivhlch had been taken from the bedies if iiie ten victims of the expjoslon vere offered in evidence. The C. A. Os. of Bellatre would Me to rtrransro for frames for both Saturday md Sunday, with wmo strong team In th?* >luo Valley.. Call Jack l_.ayncs jool room. Uellaire. National phone. ;nd ask for the manager of the C. A. Cs. ! Brunswick r Phonographs and Pathe Records Offer a mighty wise in I vestment for the enjoy I ment of yourself and your family for the summer. I You can have your fill of | the world 's best music and | entertainment of every kind. * Step into our parlors ? and hear this great musi cal combination, or phone for a demonstration in your home. THE BURGESS . CARPET ' i co. Both Phones I 1121 Market St.