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ru n nn 13 i lio 2 S nuuu KILI' ?. CHAIU.KSTnN. U\ V;? . J ir." ti. I ?-Iore and mor*- :h?? s.-omi ???' indiun:; 1 tion is beim; ? c;: u\! vr-1 a!! <? t ion =5 of ihn sfaft . follow it;- :? <! .tr ' ...last wpok of the >w> M l-ooi boo! boarrl ir chatvcinz .-bo:;' ninety p- :* ; cent of the t> \< t>m>ks n u-> U>r t 1 coming five years in r'm and hiub school; ? ?f \\V-t V:i;tp.i:> . For ' the rb> m n r a ry and i:rad?>[ schools if is ?! 'hat 'he , "cost for ih" first y*ar by reason m ? .Jhe changes just made will bo ri r" ? ? i ? : i ? dollars. i ... The ucier iaok of r\o::?e for th? wholesale changes has luund no ?- e*TeittiHt?on. liiiv. Cornwall's action in t p. king up the nia'ter with St;'.'.1 , "Superintendent SVi wke> :? ri ? i .v?omei General Hagland !<? ascertain wh? t!o r the action of 'he bo"k board ?a:i b? undone, has been iv ???i vrh rout mendation in a!! parts <?. Mi- -i.t'i The talk of injunction proi->. .W; continue, and may come to a head ho ?for* th* opening of ; h ? ? !.'!! v: ?u- . ; the schools. ' The fotlowin:: is a ennn!1"-1 it" of The t<sxr books a< ordained by th school book board: < Tho-e murk' : Vigorous Men : and Women are in Demand I If your ambition has left. you. your happiness has gone forever unless you Jake advantage of John Coleman Oo.'s magnificent offer to refund your money on the first box purchased if Wendells' Ambition Piiis do not put your entire eystem in line condition and give you lie energy and vigor you have lost. j Be ambitious, be strong, be vigorous, i "Bring the ruddy glow* of health to vouri cheek? and the rigV sparkle that do-; notes perfect manhood and womauhood to vour eyes. j Wendell's Ambition Pills; the great' nerve tonic, can't b? beat for that tired feeling, nervous troubles, poor blood. j headaches, neuralgia, restlessness. | trembling, nervous prostration, mental, depression, loss of appetite and kidney, or liver complaints. ! In two da>s you will fe<?l better. In' a week you will feel fine, and after tak-J ing one box you will have your old- , time confidence and ambition. Be sure and get a 50c box to-day ; and get out of the rut. Remember' Johi? Coleman Co.. and -dealers every- 1 PBf^rc are authorized to guarantee! Fern. Mail orders tilled, charges pre-| aid by The W?ndel! Phartnacal Com-' any. inc.. Syracuse. N. T. j Coffees The finest and most fragrant the world produce's. FRESH- FROM THE ROASTERS. Genuine Mocha "T A s* and Java tll/L Special Bulk Mo- A C ~ cha and Java Blackburn's j [\ ^ Special ? Wliite House. . L . . i Barmgton 40 C 1 Mo-Ja-Sa Blend OPJp Mocha-Java-Sactas We solicit your pat ronage on the above. We know please you. S3 "NOT HOW CHEAP? BUT HOW GOOD." 1117 Market St. J; Arjui ' ',*) u if h 'h?' :i.-!<Tisk ;i ???* rhancrrl Svfller, * ,\r . i ?" A\"..r>!>.. R> .?>* !. Ir-vjuoia ! ? ,V, , v.. 5.1 i <? ?v s?o?' ?? \\ - ? i -i *- !'?????'* I T I Readers. r- < ? p. . . *<*? j; , ' i 1 r> ? I i ? t.?! t ?t:. r.? :? r. ' p-ft! 1: ? ? 1. r. '? ' -1 t. 'Ir^r. ilr ? i ? ? s.-f v.| K< ;i'irrs. ,<i ->:t ii-M- Vtv,i?:s? j '??-??r: ill. }.. 1 V. *?' l 7 Arltlifn-ipflc. il : ..r r'l- ? t <r . AmT'.Mn rv..->\ i ? . < ?,! '??u; ri ,. ii, .i, Amoriran Rook . . Jl- nni', R I.ipj'lnmt i ' i v., j ; -r.'i'T -iN ? \ bin** >r ; iv. i.v:r-"l, tv? u ? "it A.^riinKure. ? iv Sit. so TJ-avinr. ' A M> \t.? :.i\\ ? :r >".o<s?. riraH.*1* V. ." I V ',lli.-'!l Moili'/'V ?V . ; ? ?i ;; Filinkif. 'ilMii' S *'. 7. r'. \ t * r . .-??ii M- .??ip : r .v ; . >'W Mnslc.' Y< f : ? ??!?.*? >? ft. ?~onsr.|on. N . ?. I o r i [i| inv . J ? J ^ ? ''n.n'< ? ? ? "r> \ ? irii'ir P.^ 1 *?* . Firs ? V ? i r .M . : *;?? I " i.-ini ntar \ . } " l " " >?"*.'? ? n ri V ? ? :< f M ??!. . ! tv.? nla r* . API rn.-i:; i-,.-, ix ... ?.> T'l ?TV M ' !?". i;>fi:ur; A - can ii. j'i Sc.: ?F..ii>-rt> V* *ii \!ii-.i. ' ?> r\ iTl - oricaii ?:????!? < S? 3,s. -Fifth '? ?v.p I rntarv. Atn^n ran R.."k $'>.?! ? l.. Writing. * Hi-nnor' ? Mrt'i...; i ? ? Wri'irc l.i'.r-i Rook on. ' Prittjnr* : l.nnr'! <?.%. ? Inr.-rrnwliut-. r.;n;r-l R.??k " A<! !.n>:rr! H' ",'k ' . ,rt.l35. U. S. H^ptorj-. ? s lt? j; i nuT1. McNiMy '*???.. ? 1 * . .^ I ?> . "Mrn*<*'s .*? t'-ry nf i'i[<1 K'ir ?< i ir| ?) -hi n ? Anii*ri''!i. Flaunt M.-VhII* ?? ?*?'.. ."i S4'. ?>!:i.-.. ? S. U uvl. .M.-.N;?llv Physintocv Hygiene. Srinita' :??!>. ? |!<1 . ? .? i?;. ' r 'I VISl'll. Hoiljlh I ,?<SSI%|. Kr?oU II." ... $u. ;?;? Dlctioaa^es. XV'hvt.T' !?!?->. ^tn'>ri r:, ri ,5?: !.<??. Woh-ii ?r's lit '* r\ I 'IT'.. Ani ?r-.;.n R??.ii ? ??... su W'oF ilic'i S< h r?.i| - 1 ? i ? t . An'-'fi'^n # 1 715. Domestic ScleTce anfl Art. ? Ad,iiM..,n<-. ' '"ooVrii? F'.o'.k I. !'r:.-h. In.lus'rial Kook in-i K"')-i'p'ii?Ti' ' 'o . J" so. . v.^?.r-. ijtiv- S"'?"ii.A !!....?? 1. J, ?, rnr-ie'riui B'-ot; ?v Fonipir?nt ' o.. Manual Tmlnlnar. i rjo i ? i.'ii. ? I n r'- for ' a. In : istr ?l ?'???? ?? K.| 2:psr.-n? ? ?n S'';. EirsrUsh ?K:rr K Knirlish, I ^ t. TV in ri run iv.nk ? "n . i. "M?r?hj>M's SlemTJt rtrv il'idish. I'^ok II. J". J 14. Civil Governjnent. ?Tit" Comimin'Jy ftn'i th- < "jtiz^n. r>. C. tT- u'li & ' 'o.. SO.1) 75. Oel*rrapfcy. Tir^t '"ours.". ? Jt t? r? A. 1 '?? . !'V"S I'rvo's Hieh'-r ' ?voKrat<li\ . 'Jinn .<? < >>.. fo.7r-c. West Virginia History. i l.f-u-js. Hisinrv .?!' \V' ?>! \ irstnia. Am ??rl'-nn n<*>.'k ?*o . J0.Sft sxTPi-i-EMirrrrARr books recotvt MENDED. Rfearlurs. ? first ? Iliv?T.?idf IJ?->t'l??r>, ;U1 crad"5?.! IU.?:t?u..n M i *T5 in iv, ?S-T.iiiil ? ?' I'rinirr n rul 5; P.. ?Oiv>. ! :. K. .lohns'oi ? ?Tiiirfi ? F .<? 'I'r. ;u! Af!" Crnn^r an'.l .*? M-'oKs t:..w P..t.-,-s..n .?? ?."?>. ? rt ii ? Kls.'ii i ?rirn??r ;?nil ." t l'.T- >man .v ? i'T'h ? Arr I .i" ra * nr. , ivimpr and 5 'Hooks. A M??nt8?.-r .V i'o. History. '.VnkTr Ariioriiitn !liii.iry. i'hi'wo'1. Silvr. Kr:i'<V<i'' A ' "St-iry ' ?- 1 r ' "nuntry. T JV><ik.=. W'crl'l F.'"r<k i 'o. ?Stiir-. r>l'l W'irtr! ! Ilook. \Vor!>| Rriok Ocoarrophy. ' * Ii^n^ra rih ti* f !? vi . I r F Riiiks. A. C. 1 W-bb I'liblisbtfic ? AlRebra~ - ?. f.i - l*!?m'vnrnry. Allyn ?S!iu?|i: .?? I.* nil' s I ni^rtr^fliatr. Allyii' it BAfin. Jf'.fi.lO. CVeoinetry. ?far** 1 1'v<>n'r,l ry. S'..|"- MilllR. II. | >.-? ri <">?.. S^'.TT. ?Soli. I ? Jooiifl r? . M ill t.? Fonj. It.} Sanborn ?"rt. J(,kT;. "I'l inc asjd Sf^lid- f:oo,n?fry. Sf.n^-Millls ! r>['i i rr. P:mb?m "V... $0. in. Htstorv. ?S^trtp^si? r:.->rtk I. !?r.">n"\!?. Arn'rimn i?....k - v. . jtii.fii ; ?* "omposiF i-.p. R'<ok II. H r-ir. k'51 A ni ? n - 1 f.v.k Jrt.Sl. Enjrltih Tjlteratuvo. ?Minrlmifiri's A fl'Mnry of Fn^linh ? n*ifir-. "'bo ''??nliiri < . SI. 123. j American Eltcratttre. ? M*.'* .-als'- Xtiifri.v.i' I .tl- ral-jr. . TV T'.' .Inhli.o'ti I.". Htstoi-y. ? Ar W-Tl l. \ii;. ii iV '"-a. .in, ?V Wnl'm V'.-rM, All ii Fa?*o>i. ' '.ci.1 ~ '.iv.:.. t:i Mistor; Jh- iniilon ? ? ? ; i : 3 1 i Cli-lcs. r rr::t?i"s Nw< ri>*:ifi !{? fihl:.- >>n' ? r . ?.. t<. Jrt.". i ?. I-.i tin. ? *?.?.;>. .! I. 'it I n \*V|.|. tiiui iv?r .?? *"o . ?n v. i" . ? . r S.'ott. I-'orf|iin.*inn .t ">.75 ii. Korr":inann French. Sh'>rf* r l-'r* ????'! ' ' '? >n Pi-arT Jk ' S-'l'ilr.-s. l> .' II. r..Mi .% l\y. $ ? ? . r> .1 1 j Of'.-maa. i Ki.*in?'nta r ? .< I ?i :i::- n 'Irnmn'sr. | [? ?'*. > I r-,1 r !? .1 !'?>.. ?'>.TfiS. ?'-".>riv n,#irv "H'i i '..ti position. Trns ? X- Ssi'.Ult Am- riran Rook ' 'o . ' *u . ?,??. Bioiopry. ? Prri. t i.-al J?loloErv. S. \1 .v I*. . AJ'yn & 1 Rnoon. Botany. I 'r ?:ii*rli,? ' ? 'on"? ? in Rotnn\. Arrifricnn , p. .ok ?I "0. I rn.'^i. 'ii i'..i:i?;" in Roiany a.t Klora, ' A tn-rii-:i:i Rook '"?> 51. 'J1* Z00I08T. KVmi'nl? of lotfv. Pavon port. Mrr itiiilan ?*"??.. J'1 ft'". Airrlrmltnre. ?Wa'.-rs "". is^ni !al:! of Acrlcilfiiro. Olnn | ?v ? "n.. S ! f' - General Sclonc#. "To^r !n Science (?with man'Jai-i, Row GERMAN PAPERS ( Cob tinned. Fro-tn TlrvT Patro.) listed in. the army. Hp lias :i splendid llttie family of a wife and lour ehild ren. Ue himself was born In Swollen, but ho is ail American and a good oti" too. Now 1 don't wain that man's children to spf-ak Swedish and my children syo-ak Dutch. beennrit.. 1 want ih^m to understand each other." In the course of his address. Col onel Roosevelt asserted that the cler gyman who does ru>i put the Has ! n.bov* the church had better (dose nis j church and keep it closed. Mr Roosevelt urged farmers to buy | Liberty loan bonds and said; "if you rlnn't invent jn the Hlboriy j loan. don't jump <>n Wall Street when Wall Street doe-s. " The Address. l.lNt'nl.N. Neb . June II lolnm! : Thondoro Hoosevelt. in a s pencil which I i>e delivered here lodav at the ee[t ? oration ol the semi -ceniennial of the ; statehood of Nebraska. criticized the i national policy uf the i'niled States ! for failure to protest promptly again*' , Herman ruihiessuoss :i|ui .brutality. ' deplored national failut'e to prepare for war. pleaded for undivided lo.valn 'to the American Mae. denounced the pacifists. ard asked fur eonerous sup i port and for the use uf the IJe.l Hross in for American troop- on 'In* ; European hattletiehls. ! "We permitted ? n i c na'ional poln), he said, "t r> be ?\vayed h> 'lie national devotions and naiinnal artij'aihies of men who exercised i he rislit- et Am.'t' iean citizens but shoved themselves '.traitors to America bv tie- vay in ! which they prostituted our citizenship ! in i he*in t efe?! s of Herman) or to their hatred of England. t I "If would be impossible to* overstate I 'be dnniaui* done to ih?^' uue-.-ile libre of ot:r country bv the professional | p.-icifi. t.-. duritti: the fir.-t two and a half years of the war. Jntr occupied , prerirel;. tie- position i>: flie < lippef. heads during the time of Abraham I Lincoln "The fact sheer cowardness ! was more potent rban 'lie love of 1 pence vva- piVVoo In tile fin i I 1 1 ; ? t 'be leading p;o it:--i' <i-nvd not condemn a single specific act oi wrongdoing when such act wa- cimmi'.ted bv the powerful and brutal foe -the* most feared Herman)'. They clamored tor neutrality between Herman} and Hoi ciutn. They denounced war ill lan guage which " re lict, d a- heavilv on the father.- who are defending their wives and daughter.- from .mirage a upon iiti ai'ti'f.^oi'-i who -)stem siticali;. practiee,! ra:?* and torture.' Hv their failure to p-.ii.--i . jaitt-t the inhuman torture ol the poison gas the} made i1 necc-?ar) horeiftor to accept ibis a.- m ordinal*) ir-t riinie::: of warfare: i: i - 1 as. bv eiir failure to take 'mm. d- <te :ie:ien ii connei tii.n vrh the murder of Innocent non roil' ha t.'i n t "lei. i rim*-. we colli mil" . <j an .iffon-* -? in -t hiinv'liM th. efToei- of which cannot iif corn pleti-l . i-r.'die.i i i d b- an;. ub ? ? | u ? I ? t ae! ioil. o;i I ill I- pa'*: j I Keeping Out of War "All i hi:- ni"aiine>.. and abiiiiloii-. ment ot duty v?a- ( ha iMpioiuij i, th<J proi^ssiopsil paciiis'* on th* ;i!on ihat i hereby we should |?. ' ? ??j t of war.' And h;. ihei: political pressure, tltey prevented n< ironi pri paring. atid kepi ii . unpr-oared mi tin*, ground thit prcparoiine ?.- inv ; "ii ?:ir: their Plot i r> wa> 'safety iir.-t.' not 'ilnti first." The cared n>?tiiiiiL: tor ?-?:? Ji t J>.-. They ,-ared noiitin^ lot*, humanii) . Tiiey ear".! muhitis for our national honor or imprest. \'l 'hey asked wa> a 'pcfce' liiiit *.v ? < ? 1 1 ? ! permit' 11- to ^*et all four f'*et ip life troncit while v i. strove in (!.:irici t'entioti front tiif- -nualtii bji.-en?*.-s <?l our ma ' j eria 1 i-m bv the -iiriil clamor of a -ha hi ?'ait ii*;epr alii v "And tie- ert he'ie. - we havr nr.r her-i kep ? : i ? i oj war imr nvoiilance of dut) ?? 1 1 r i p I *? in.itod -in*h citmula live l epra |i ji in . . j irv-ul* and injury that finali) war v. a ? i.n ii.-. If niej-oly re-ulted i*i our .'li'tic; into war -i.-rn for? nin-i . in a enndtrion of >neh complete unread fn - that ue owe an ic noble -afetv o*;e|i|-;ivo|y to; the protection of the evhaitMrd na liotl- to ???hose h'*lp \\ e have 311 uoupeed that w*e intend to emtio. ' ! "IVom ini- time on kr us insist on ?n absi'li:?i and smdivided Amerjc?ii-' ism in 'his bjnd. un?emperod by an > self alleaif.nce in the cotin'ri j from which otjr aneevmrs ma} severally, have prune, and untained by any iu . worth) national aniniosit v towards any ot he;- country . Hot *,i? prepare our pelves spiritually, economically and in all military and naval matter? in eludins: as a pormanenf pulley the policy of universal military training and servic ? so that never acaia shali v. e be utterly unready, as we are now. tn meet a crea" crisis. " l'i:iall} , i :? the |ireset>i war. a war for liberty and do mocraev a^ainsi the ruthless tnilifarls- ; in* tyranny of the Prussianized t'ter many of th?> I lolien/.ollorns. let us as speedily a*- possible train our uiant,' but our soft and unready, slreturth. I sfi that wo may use our hardened i jnisht to briuy 'he slancbtrr to a real i and final end in ih" only way honor-! ably possible by socurini: for our-jj selve.- aild our allies the peace of Jus- ; | tico based on overwhelming victory." i< For the Red Cross. !; In his appeal for support of the K' d;( t'ross. Colonel Roosevelt said: "The most important thine Is lo^ojuji abroart ai the earliest possible nionieni : a great tishting arm). S.xoml only to| the army in tin work of winning ihirfjj war comes our U?'d Cro.-s Indeed the,! preond ituportfi'ico of this work is so ( great thai the president of th" I'nitedj, States ha.- sot apart towi vvef k from , June t'i-'i". ? as a period for sacrifice ; , and iiusellisii spnorosjty, a w eek in i whieh the whole American people will f be asked to join in raising funds to ( enable out Uo(i t'ross to perform it> , I'"t'-rp"ll .C ? .. J l.l'^'i. J, Physir4?i Geocrraphy. 'Hopkins l-.l? ni. nt v ..t' l-l.ysicHl i rsiph;-. (teii j. ! i Sati!...r i ? . .? I . I S . j ? I fe; k ins1 i a?nii n'? ??!* I '|iy> i.'iil r?|ihv I oil ntaiiii.-il I. li.-nj. II s.'ifi I ""It'll f'e. *Hnt?kui> M a lia.i I. ";e|.;ira!ej. IJenJ: H. Sanborn 1 ??.. *n I 'i SiielUnrf. ?rV'iUf.M'i \\ ? :-??! -- i 'mi nvtiK M issprlioj, I I "r vn>-_. I:. .1 "? ,l"l,i,v.ti >/>.. ?n.l?.v. IJnmestlc Art. ' ''rtnp' r>.. ? i* ? ^?;wois. la-.-u |. I itllif. In- ? ?i'iMrt:i! Koi'K. ami ivfilpm-m '"o. i," ? ? 'oiistr'i.t i S-v inc. I -i h > K II, I'nlbr. 1 Itid'isl re: I liiH.k ninl I a|ii ii>in> tit ' 'o.'. ' tr. i:.. i v.n. vt i-i, in. iii, Fuller. '? I ml its t. -ii! I !.?ek and Kquipm^nt ' 'o., 1 ? ? *nn?rr>ic!?ve .--"?.vine. Koe|< t \*. l-'uller, ;! In'i'iatrl.'il I'.eek and Ivtuipmnit I'o.i, I1 ? Vdiliii'i" J < Manual Tralnlap. r..*nph Work. Tal.l.t <>. Hurton. tnd*i^-i' tri i" Itrtok & K-i ai I'tte nl < Vi., {O.r.ri ; "l ie \'a | jtusa I Inliv iil?l.-t I Lesson S?-rb\?s j In f*.?-t!> ii \\ "fk. I ndiisi riWI Book an-1' Kf|iiiptin*nl i !l to lfc<*. | PTlJ'SlCB. ?MiMtk-ii ^ Cale Kirs' < \mrsi> in Ph.v- j rnvlseil. Cinn X- < 'o.. SI.051'. ?Mitlil<?>ri .<? ' ;.*il?* 1 .a Iiorat -iry M'munl, ! I I inn ?( 1 '??.. 1 Chemtrtry. ? Mi-Ph'-rsot! I b-nibTson's l-*ir?l ?"*otirse i in < *heini.-trv I'.inn .v " 'n.. St.fi6^i j ? I ,a !?orat nrv Kserei?e< t" -Xecosiipiinv ? Mel'heere-oti K- lb nd< rson's Hh-ntis-' try. <iinr. \ ' "o.. t". 2VJ. 1 Commercial Arithmetic. ?('oiieis<. Itusiin s- Arithtm 1 10. t'.inn ,<? 1 v,.. s ??_?::: ?? . Commercial G?osrraphy. I ?Inrlnslri il and ' 'eni?n?-retitl ' banjrapli.i . i .Merris. >. 1:.. i.ippttn ?.ti <. 0.. *??. :???. ' ; Homo Economics, ?The H.-me ?nd the Family. I.miie \- 1 i'i-m. lev. Mncmillnn ? Fnriit.: nnd ' b'tis'-hobl . Manat;. mrm 1 Maetnillfin S1.|'3. ?Shelter a nd 1 'lot fi In jr. Macmillnn f... ! SO. Oft. Classics. ?Thn Maeniiilati ? ?|aysic^ ^oli adopted) Macmillaa Cc. Uncle Sain Q Work Sox Pair Extra heavy and good qual ity, men's cotton mixed Work Sox. This quality retails every where at 121 jC. An unlimited supply. .>o stock up for summer. 50c Imperial, Police Suspenders An extra good and heavy grade of Men's Work Suspend ers. Dependable fitting's, being specially selected and free from blemishes. 39c Opening Days Friday and Saturday ?To Which Every Man Is Invited At last, Mr. Man ? the new furnishings goods department is ready for von. For the nast two months earn enters ancl Dainters have been A' S iUUcli UUJfCIS ctUU. UUJ. new \Jiiiy uiiiuc nao vcijr ah t" securing merchandise at special price reductions where spot cash was the manufacturers' main item. Many people are under the impressipn "that because we sell for less" our merchandise has no merit. But this store has no plunder or odds and ends, and none to sell at any price. MADRAS SHIRTS and various Summer Styles I(iih'!k-<!.? h'.i:nlr< >!.? ~ Hundreds of ?mi-h's i In ?>-! .-''lis .ire v. nil in? fur Wheel- J ? iu: friends r?> <i>m? in and get them. ' \'i r\ i;ii'>: 'he new Summer styles ;i w ;i j ! y?i. -of turn l.v:U French cuff and I :i i s 11 r|?"?r? ?? i ???hi -:y|. ? are in iliis wonder cil in: <!<? ' rnlnr- d comhinaiion strings a> w ? ? ! l ;i> i-onsen aiiv and varied pin tn|>. ?> hi l?i ?!?? or Mark. I'vrrv one all new. ;>il irood. all \ erv ?vre|| $1.50 Soisrt'r Shirts, attached collar $1.75, $2.00 Soft cuff, dress Shirts $1.50 Stylish Sh'ris. silk and linen mix..., S?.50 Men's Shirtr madras. percale, ctc... 50c Si'k Webb Men's Suspenders ".?c Police and Fireman Suspenders ... . 65 Dress Suspenri*rs. good Silk Webb . 30- Silk L's'e Webb Suspenders , jjlu> aaawwr: j > . ? vi . yTAt jjumu We are i featuring' I shirts In f extra Urg"o slzoa if 81 . .OS'' J)Sf S J .<ii> .-.Oc 2.". c 49c 2."?c ?? ? "' 'I ?> Special Showing in Men's Worsted Bathing Suits X Many a Boy Shall Yell j 50c Boys' Caps 39 c Boys' All-Wool Fancy Mixed Suits A reffnlar S6.00 value that la absolutely all wool mate rials at tMs special prioe. Two special numbers in very latest trimmed stylos; one a pinch-back, the other a new mannish model. 15c Extra Good Suspenders lie 25c Youths' Lisle Suspenders..' 10c 35c. Boys' New Sport Blouses !?.'?<* 1 50c Ba'briggan Union Suits ;if)c / \n i-y ; r-n ennfl quality of Boys' J1.8" AlJf \V,m! Kni<-I;??rhnekpr Cants; c> y j.t ii is :tr.'l extr:i ilurnhlr iys' 51.50 A! Inn rood 21 o 3 * all o* tnosc niUon k suits corr.c .ji V short rind Icor /ileeves, Jc n a e and anklt longTJi drawers Mini o now wo pi:ice on s.h*- , nk-hV regular ?1.M quality aililotir/ U. V. 1).. not .vprwulf:, mind yon ? / but good tirsi finality stork - ni:ni? of vory Roorl nainsook, with rihb'v \ back, kn^o length and .slfinci'Vi. A fool, i ? ! ?~m i i d fin ins garmr-nt jn.c? Mtr 1-: i n?1 for ih?^o hot day: that ram" upon u? WWiirsd?}*. i 65c Balbriggan Union Suits .. ..4.1 <?> \ 35c Balbriggan Garments ...,24c ] $1.25 Balbriggan Union Suits . .*,"<? i 89c Balbriggan Union Suits. . .0-4 r 79c Porls Knit Union Suits ... ?J.'r 50c Athletic 9Q.-> Union Suits An ntltl^tio uni^n' suit. ?n*>" ' f ; >? nifl sl.-ovr li?s?. c? ??! ?i ? 1 t ornps-harr>'-fl nriinsook. 1 ? ?p :itl J 'n Mils splrnilid 11 j? ?!? mi|i, !>? : j. j.-1w|| !>.-? br.">k>?n li- ? 1 ?> r o 1 i; .? .lay is hi-li .>?.??? r or m^n si.nil r- ooyxi.".': it's sine citi** ' - itks npon sight. Men's 75c Silk Ties i floninp, <> p f n fnd, four - in - ha n<l i i t- 5 : over 15 ft patterns in ;i 1 1 to ebon. so from, and oa oh one distinct ly different. 35c Bat Willis. . . ,24c 50c Bat "Wing's . . . .39c 35c 4-in-Hands. . . ,25c 15o Teck Bo'vcs... 9c 15c Wasli Ties .... 10c 25c Wash Ties 19c 50c "Waah Ties ... 35c i 15c Arm Bands.... 9c 19c Supporters. .. .10c 29c Supporters . . . ,23c iiMLr'Ujp " "T 1 ^?nl'mi.y. .?^a.jiz.%1 . ti. [a I - 75c Pure Silk /JGrr? Men's Hose.. tc?5C.- (Tf 1 50c Fibre Silk | Hoc?, colors . | 35c Silk Lisle J Hose, colors, j 75c Sateen Work Shirts. . ? G5c Chambray ACir> fi ( Work Shirts.. 'iJC jri \ $2.00 Cottcnade- j-;-: .2;. 8 j Work P.-.ntc.. jl. ty j $2.50 Ccttcn STj .3.1 ? | Wcrstc:' Panti ? ft ' $ 3.0 0 Mercerised B t Worsted SO. ij) S; J Pants <L %J j $4.00 Al! Woe! Elue j Serge S^.'JS Pants .j* i7AO.?aun inst ;i n d indispensable duties in this iv ar. "The president has also oommis ?ioned several of : l> . ? abb si business men nf i'-e country as a war council nf t ho lied ('rosy, tn administer Hiis ><ivice on behalf of a rv'Ucn world. This war council tells us dial a furul 31' jifM'.orm.unn in ii.- ; ho r.ii-ed ai once in order in. meet even the most urgent needs "I lore. ind"i-d. is a summons 10 every American. I; is an enormous sum o? money; im r what corn fori can take In withholding thai or any other sum nf money if it i* needed to relieve the suffering of our own sons or the sons nf our allies who are light ins for all that makes life worth living. "Into our Red Cross without stint, should be poured a heartfelt offering nf thanksgiving that wo are permitted to join in this xro; it service in all man kind. Our soldiers and sailors will do i heir pari without flinehinsj; wo may n si assured of their courauc and fidel ity. The Red Cross offers to us who are not allowed to fight the opportu nity for sacrifice and for help. What Is Before Us. "We little realize what is before us Our own sons and brothers will soon be going into battle. They will Iv three thousand miles from homo, in a land alreadj wasted by war. a land threatened by famine, a land smitten by disease. They tell ii. that in many rases today the wounds of soldiers in Prance must be tied uj> wit.ii newspa* |iei s for want of the necessary sttrul ral bandages. When our own un-i are wounded as thoy surely will he iu ureat numbers are we goinu to allow i hem to suffer yet more because we Tail to provide those thin::? which <n.n it least mitigate distress'.' Surely not' Hut we must do it it in advance. It' iv e wait it- may he too late. I to it now" "Our Rod Cross must ti"i only care for the shattered bodies of our wounded men: it ah>nc can become a foster parent to them in the trvinu conditions they are sure to face wlon they are convalescent from wounds oi recovering from exhaustion. We shall soon have an army of a million soldiers. When they go to Krai ice tiny must have homes in which in rest and to be cared for and lo re cover. Tile- ir'-llerosily of our whole p".ip|i> miifii make i; pn sible for our Ut. I Cross to provide lor ilietii "In no previous war have the intm cent non-coiiibat.-ijiis had to :'>ai so lerrible a sliaro of its physical suf fering. \nd it i.- throiuh our Ke?i Cros< that we can slr.ov to the nations of tho world how t h ? mint heart of the Anier'ean people i-u?s eui to th"m in their distress. France Needs Us. "Franco proud, brave, bleeding tioiii ^luitdy yycumds us ly. Tuberculosis is raginc thronchviui J her land. Kifteen hundred of her. towns ami villages have been razed i?>; .?he ground l>y the calculated harba;;! | ly of the invaders. Millions ?>f her people hit homeless and starving, bereft even ?>f the ha rest. covering for their bodies, of stoves, of uten sils with which to cook or eat, of ag ricultural implements, of animals ? in do?'d of th" .simplest elctm nts of civ ilization. And to ns alone can those people come for help: wo alone have the abundance with which tu supply their direst needs. "To Russia, too, we must reach out our helping hand. W'e lit:!.' know j what she has suffered and is suffer- f mg. Russia. long obedient to auto-i cracy ha.- not flinched in this conflict, j | Her people have had to struggle not i only to free the world from autocracy ! but to make their own land a land or 1 liberty. Russia needs all v.v run do j to strengthen her courage and to make I her feel that we are indeed behind i Iter. Our armies an do little for her. I Our lied Cross alone can take into ' Russia the message of hope, of help, j of confidence which she so terribly I iieods. The message must bo pradi i eal. It must carry d?-eds and not ?'merely words; anil it should be car j ried at once. Probably never before ? were so many people in distress and i agony as in Russia at this very hour, i W'e <-aji take no more vital steps i toward winning this war t lion to put : renewed heart, and strength into ! Russia." i Chautauqua Comtn#. ! Th.-* Ptnii liiieM c!eii|t:ui/i!ia emnlzi 1 1 i?m w."..M i'?-r !"?' ?** ???!. '? t''1 ih-' f'dtuwincr i I'ITh-its >j. p. I. t:u? h:m:in. pr^i IcI'-nt; Orin Smith. \ n ?' pr<?siii? nt ; .1 o?i ri | ['?'?I*', srcrciarv : I >r. I' I:. I "i r I s . tr | il ?-? 'r ; Snnue t I I. eti.*irim:in lt.-kot mn; ? mill ; t :? i **i f 'ii . .-elvi'Ti isinc nyn i; i ? t: l;'?>r<l. .???mmii t ^ Mr-s | Ann-it.- \. \ Hi^irins. jtmier trai|> r: M.ti-v SnOn-rlaii'l pi:illi:-t. j Tin- iru.-'V.-tn' ?r-\ i*wii> in nunihiT. nr.-i I /.I! Ki?\ ? 1 1 1 ti ir 1 1 ? k ? I !?? try ? ?? M !t}n ysciti ? .i'Ii 1 1 ? ? - x |-i-rei:>. : < !! ! 1" j I Mi- j...j.t. Sn il.ti'M i till ? n ?, ir-ois j ' ?? i>!i ; i . v? ? tin I i <H|?|-= i I i'l lirilltT.t ' iifiiiit: it iiilt'-ieis : in t" I'jiv -? i ? n { ilii-K-is I'liiin ;oi> "in i\vi!i!yj ' j:n.n .iti' ir. t'l.'fi'i " ! i I" iri'i" mi \\ i itiu-.i- I .In ti" L" i;. le.Miit.. r i: i- tn-M :: I I : tie t.iir j.- .im,? . i\ii '. ft. rti'-iti .-it -I .'? ?. tn.-K. Ml,. | Will l'l- I.1I..W. .I ?I\ :i |i:i?i-- I ' 1 1-1 1 1 t.'Mlli- .f -t ?'"! I'.I !!:!>'.- pro- I j V t.' ?"?*el?..'K. I | CluJclreii's Exercises. Th? chi'.lv n :? ? x. -it ihr. ? 'hris- ! I ''i.iii i ll ir. Ii v.. is ,i ?! ??-!?!?? 1 s>j. - K e li] | I'll pit ?s'?i ?> ? hi- rl v. ? It. Tin- uttering | lor l-preisij ituuviw was {U.lw. H-jv. Use Our Money Don't hesitate to ask us for money If you haven't^ the ready cash with which to pay your hilts. We make loans in Wheeling and all surrounding towns in West Virginia on Household Goons. Pianos. Horses, Vehicles. or any kind of personal property, leaving them In your possession. Our payments arc very small and "'asy ti-> make. You can pay off the amount in small weekly, month. y or quarterly payments, and wo will allow you a year's time, if nec essary. You ran pay off the loan at any time, interest chargcu only for the t imp you k>>ep the mon^y. You will find us square and "'J"" orable in all our dealings ? that's the rea'son each year shows a de cided increase In our business. Ail business strictly confidential. Kx tension of time granted without extra cost In cases of sickness or nu; of work. Mail or phone -applications receive our prompt attention. If you need money and cannot call, fill out the following blank, mail it to us. Room 220. Schmulbach Building, Wheeling, W. Va., and our agent will call and arrango loan at your home. Name Amount Wanted Address City We also make loans at our same low rates In Martins Ferry. Uridgeport. Bellalrc. and all surrounding towns In Ohio. Fhcme? ? National, X701-Y; Boll, 1727-B. Call us up THE OLD RE LIABLE j"^r <">!' Willi s\v>>rf h rlolivrrH a.n ox fi llTit r-i'rnion ai't-r th?- exfrflses. Sniitkfield Briefs. ? 'hiHr- n ;' I >a y ? v rrj.- rs w ill bo hH<1 j Fun-lay nmrtiln^ ,>it tho r? sulai" Sun s< !.? ?? ?l Ivuir. Mips Vivian SkHton. wh" Krnrluatft'l ill j ? ?up h:^!i llns yar. ha.* uono I ?> | ):>r Ii'Mii- m v.'w York Ma 1A. Mi*m I'.ra*-" P"irr*iri?*<' aiul Mr Tlninnsj \\ ar- ? i n j ? ! ??><??) as assistant > 1.1 the I 1 .1^1 .Nat una I lviiik. .Mrs. Shannon >?! Kast I .i vfrpi-?t|. is \ i.-innjr i, r Mr ? Strn ulrr. nrar t ? ? n. : V J ?? ll-rtl'.a I'.inrMov >uit| family ?"M:lal a ? ? \ l.-il M.*.' (In tr : !? J? fuiru r. I \ li.> i . :? i<l? : ii- ir i??u ii. i Mr*. Man i Sfi ? r ?'rnn>? <?!* ? "an ton. I t-. visiting h* '? iatlt-r. Mr. Il-rt S|ii'nr<T. I .Mr. '"ari ivnri Akr'-n i.- vi?ieniK his) pari'iils an-1 t'ri<iir!.- a I litis uritinp 'I'lv- i'<mntj f'-inano 'iranco >\ i ? 1 ttr>kl ! til. ..|i? n ti hi ? S tiurilai . .('!!'?? lii. af | T ! ? ? I'.t I r tfrt-'lll'ls \ I ? i V prirafi- it n.-irtn j L'i a haskct dinner. Closed | meetinc at the hich school building on Saturday evening. The Kastern Stars of Cadiz. O., will banquet the Esistern Stars of Smithfield at OuJiz. on Thursday evening. Juno 14. Many auto 1? ????!-< will leave at 1:30 p. m. Th<- local chapter of the Order of East ern Stir-. wi'p' inspected Saturday night [ l>y Mrs. TUaek ? f Kn-cport. There were jj;i\!y present who partook of a delict J t>llS luriehenn. The inspect ree.c praised our work, and tlie order in mrn presented her a flno I silver spoon. Mrs. IX I., Knchanan pro ' KenK'd it in a Incoming manner. Mr. J. \\\ i 'ill I ins has now moved his store rponi hi? <">M location to a new I rnori'-rn ro?>ni in the handsome new FMrst i National hank building. The liomot is a wo)! known insect ovon now in Tjilosiino. Many of t.he Cansianiios, -is doncribed in the Bible In Exodus. xxiii. 2S; Deuteronomy, va. C'l; Jo?hua. xxiv. 1?. wero driven out before Israel by means of ibis insect.