Newspaper Page Text
REAL ESTATE AT ELM GROVE, W. VA. There is a .six-roomed modern duelling offered fur >ale at (he ridhii lously low price of 83500, ami not all eash is needed. at that : is situ ated near the MON'l'.M II NT PLAl'K. and ha* every convenience. j;ood sfzed lot, ami in the wry hest of repair. HESSE & KIRCHNER CO. 25 ELEVENTH STREET. Open Evenings. Both Phones, 471. Member Wheeling Real Estate Board. 140-ACRE FARM 1 Six room m<-> i^rn housp. st<>am heniinc arrursomont: f:irm lays i i n in \"*> | 1 condition. 6 acres -alfalfa. good barn ami out buildings: coal, ail J rights go with sale; near St. Clairsvi.l e.'ohio. L. A. ROLF AGENCY 30 14th Street. ' Properties MP.naged, Monej to iKjan, General Xnmrance. Member 'Wheel. In* Seal Es tate Board. FOR SALE Eight-room brick it; tine location on Sixteenth street. House in 0. 1 condition. Bath, receptii House just newly painted. Price A Xo. I condition. Hath, reception hall, etc. ? $8000 Citizens Savings & Trust Co.; BANKING? REAL ESTATE? INSURANCE Corner Sixteenth and Market Streets. Both Phones, 498. ! Member Wheeling Real Estate Board. FINE FARM ? Located near Triadelphla, 10 acres, 6-roomed house, level ground ? ?3(500. THE FINANCE COMPANY PidaUtx Bonding. 1229 Main Street. Capital and Surplus $150,000.00. JUal Estate and Tire Insurance. W. G. BXAJTD, MOB. BE AX. ESTATE DEPT. T TJ all SIZES? PRICES? L0CA Lots ? Houses TIONS ? Tell us your needs. ' Tucker-Csuriila-Campbel! Co. 1212 CHAPXiINE ST. Open Evenings. Nat'l 10S4-X. ? BeU 710 MEMBER "OF WHEELING REAL ESTATE BOARD. II You Will fix it up we will let you- arrange your terms for the cheapest home on the car line in city. i 16th and Market Sts. Both Phones Open Evenings. FOR SALE ,\v. 21-7 CLii!|>li:i-; S". . 12 rooms. two; baths. tv.o k;tr!?t:.-. laundry. Every- j tvnviiKii'''.-. .1 *0 "??j t> et. . T w < > i:.ce N"r(.h 1' loin. houit'ii. ! I'm-- > ? No. lil M-'tu tiiC'i'ii- Ave.. 7 rooms ai.'l bat!>. pai.try. ii'i-ti ?:ios?'t and c!oset in every t doubt*- ? ? l!:i. I.ot .>u\l'?j. ?A coita?'; of lour i'omius and bath. i Kygew ood. Tatum & Caldwell; Room 4, .City Bank Bld?. j Bell 664. " Nat'l 664-X. j COUNTRY PLACES FOR RENT.; Fiv?* b? ?????:?? r:? I? W.i.** n?-iI: >:x ' wrsti> hat!. il waft ; f n::t : i >r??hU\ Tl:t? t-U? ?* 'h ? ' .i -mall ?t.<itirrv < frtun ?h? ll;- jnk. -*r |tn<* j nU'Cv 1 t ? \\'9f*rltns. f tli?* . J Kdlta! '%? Art 1 1 !:?>?- ?!?' ;i*T KU'fith. On* aor?\ ??: i "uirrx *hM: ?'*? !???? ?*ar line. s- ? *1 r* >!'? Wheeling REf i run. i ii/i,.' -?:umu rt>ach ttiag. National 621. Ben 1S93-S. FOB. 2XN1 1143 Market St., 2nd I'loor. 6 rooms bat h $50.00 i 114t? Market S*.. 3rd. floor, 5 rooms, bath 35.00 ' ll.M Sta^ket St.. 3t)d. Moor, 5 rooms. bath ?0-l5th St.. 1st floor. 5 rooms. lia'h 31.00! 15th. at Mr<V'lli-.!i St . ."r'i floor. pantry, bath, iv:i tT r^-isf paid... 23.00, ?fDn South P>.nn St . 7 rooms, hath. 40. 00 i Rdjcdale. ?? room?, batn 30.00 j I^eatherwood. 2nd. floor. 5 rooms. bath 35.06 | Security Trust Co.! Agents 1145 Market Street FOR SALE? WARWOOD HOME^ Kive roomed housr* and bath. n?-wly j finished. Two porches. Lot 30x120.) " 52.100. ! Roderus & Wingerterj 1019 Schmulbach Bnilcliiiff. PhonM: Bell 1577; National. 978. Woodlawn Lot, $2600 If sold at once. Think of it. ft is worth , 5500.00 more. is 50x120. and just the i place for a beautiful home. l?on't miss! this bargain. PAUL-LOUGH CO. j Room 601 Gwman Bank Building. Bo4l 102; Nat 873-W. 100 ACSXS rOE $4,000. 1 Six room house. slat*.- roof. Kood build- f inK8. icrcs No. >> coal. s<,m?-> bottom ' land, half this years c-roi> Kave to own. r | will trade for Quick ileal, arid *a>y term*: 60 acr?*s for 52.500; n?w build- 1 tnjrs; all kinds of Ohio farms; money to] loan; write for my farm list to ' H. H. MASTERS, Agent, j Cambrldfo, O. ' Uj A FEW LEFT In the Midway ! THE BEST LOCATION | IN McMECHEN 1 ! ? Low Prices ? Easy Terms j I REID REAL ESTATE CO. ! ? - - INSURANCE ? ? ? j ?118 SXHMUl&ACH BLDG. OPEN fATURDAV EVENINGS" Plumbing, Heating and Fire j Sprinklei Systems ROBT. W. KYLE CO. I Now at 1518 Main Street. Ge-t Our Prices Before Instating. i LATEST MAGAZINES | Uowks. Stationery, Post Cards. All sub- j script ions tilled at publishers lowest j prices, riircct to your uauress. C. H. Q U I M B Y ^ i 1512 Market Street. | CAPITAL NEWS ]l CHARLESTON. W. Va?. June 14.-^- j Automobile license tags cannot legally! In- transferred from one car to an-' other, even though the owner of -the J licensed car owns another of exactly! the same make, size and horsepower which he uses only as a .substitute! when the first one breaks down. the; state road commission ruled today. The law does not provide for the I transfer of anj license tags, except in' the caso of dealers in automobiles, I and sueh tags then to be used only( upon ears operated for sale and used! for demonstration purposes. iAn automobile license secured by aj citizen of West Virginia while spend-; inc tiie winted in another state, and which is good in the other state until, October 1. ly 1 7. will not ne recognized' here by the state road commission.! according to its ruling. The clause of th?- license law by which reciprocity is guaranteed between states for tour-; i.-ts is declared not to apply. Corporate charters were issued to-j day by the secretary of state to the, following concerns: Riverside Realty company, Charles- 1 ton. to operate in. Kanawha county, j Capital stock. #5,000: incorporators, C. P. Myer. Margaret \\\ Myer, George F. [ Skidmore, C. A. McCartv, of Charles ton. and E. V. Carrell, of Peters- [ buri:. Va. Fort Pitt Coal company, of Clarks-! burg, to operate in Clark district, llar-j rison county. Capital stock. $r>0.noi?; j incorporators. John P. Kellcy, Percy! Byrd, Richard Scott, hoscoe Brown! and E. l>. Templeman. all of Clarks-! burg. The Huff Mining company, of near' Man, to operate in Triadelphia dis-i trier. Logan county, Capital stock,! Sl'o.uOO: incorporators, R. M. Wilson.; Elmer McDonald. 11. If. Oakley, Lilliej Oakley and R. L. Speas. of Logan. i Railway Safety Device .V Tool com-! pany. of Dunbar, to operate a factory 1 at Dunbar. Kanawha county. Capital! stock. JK00.ihii>: incorporators, K. E. Jackson. E. < !. Livesay. Princeton: J. j A. Viqitesney. Islington: Frank M.| Glenn. Parsons, and W. H. Rardin, of ' Becklev. The J. W. Veveridge Sales company, | of Charleston: to opeiate in Charles-! ton. Capital stock. $5,000: incorpora-j tors. L. C. Summers. John R. Criswell.i J. W. Pauley. J. W. Ileverldge and 15. j M. Beveridge, all of Charleston. New subscribers to the state work men's compensation fund were an-! nounced today by Commissioner Lee! Oir as follows: | P. M. Summer/, coal mining. Clay: Price Hill Colliery company. Charles-) ton; Taylor Coal company, kingwood; j Fitzhugh and Hratn, building con tractors. Fairmont. WANT PERMIT TO STRIKE. DENVER. Colo.. June M.? Officers of the United Mine Workers, repre-i suiting members of that organization) employed, oy the Colorado Euel and i Iron company, have telegraphed their j national officers asking permission toi strike. 1 Americans :==?= j I Will "Buy Your \ Liberty Bond! If you feel i ha i you run not afford to invest even in anything that will not double your money, I will per sonally make you this offer till p. ni. today (Subscription books j close at noon today): I Come to mi', unsolicited. and 1 will select for you one Paden City Loi, which 1 will guarantee you will rise to ilouhle the present printed price j (profit enough for you to buy several Liberty iionds). buy this lot under this] "Double- Your Momy" guarantee, audi 1 will buy the Liberty Itond. You will have the sure profit. and 1'ncrle Sain will get your little "lift"i when he needs it. This is open to all American citizens till -1:'J0 p. in , | sharp, to-day. I am sorry 1 cannot buy as many j Liberty Bonds as I would lilo* to in time, without your help-- hut lOOTr in crease guar.mieed. on top of an abso lutely safe real estate investment, should be sufficient inducement for; you to act while there is yet time. ?The new Steel Works. Has Produ cers, Potiery and Class additions' to the already thriving industries enable me to make you this guarantee, easily now, before the prices rise. ALLAN TURNER 1220 Market St. Bell Phone 1135. . Nat'l. 1G5-Y. CATHEDRAL ALUMNI WELCOME 1917 CLASS At Reunion Held Last Nl?lit In Armory. Over Sixty Members Present. The M?17 graduates of the t'ath.-rdal high school \vre quests of ijniiil? rs of tlte Cathedral High School .Milium association .'it a. reunion which was held in i lie armory last illicit* - "II more than >'.? former graduates of ? 'a', hedral high wire present anil enjoyed I ? ve ning.. In accordance with President Wilson's request that haiW|U.;is I ? can eel l?;i| to conserve t he food simply be cause of the present war comlii ions, a reunion was decided u p< >u instead of the nniuial tiaimue!. tempting timclieoii whs served. however, following th. pro grain. ? Cornelius M'ljoary. Nice nt ot tile alumni. aeted m tin- capacity of toastmasier. Thomas Tinnier. presi dent. made the address of w.icome to the new trrads and Vincent Armlirust r responded and aeeopted in lietialt* of tlie li'17 class, M.-rnard Alexander was next introduced and in behalf of- the as sociation he presented a goodly sized check Urol Iter A use I m to lie used hi h. Iping to erect a Novice home for the t'alholic l>rolhers in th" souili. rn part of Maryland ''llo-i- Piter, sting a.|di".s>j--s Were made l\\ Father Kdwiti .lepson. Mr. \V. Arthur < insti-uc lor In New York university. Ni \v Vork I'itv. Joe (Ma/.ier. Mint her As>|ttinas and i-Mwin I 'alter, president >>f lie- ! !' I 7 class. Several ?Ne.-IIeiil solos r.-nd> red i-y John itorsiirh. and also several selec tions t.y lie 1""I7 class s. xtette. Tin* I'r.-itn.-r orche>t r.-i furnished the music for ill In concpitl nig I )?-?"- pro gram those present arose and sang 'Am erica." The following were pr'-Sent: i 1 ,o, , .! Honenlji-rcer. 'Ill; Vincent 1-7. Pallor. 'U: Reynolds llelsley. !!; t.oins A. itai'/.cr. ?(<:?: T.<*o a R?>th. ' : I.. It. Vogl.-r. 'iip; Leonard Sehmid. 'h'.. 1". >' Kaltenhach. ' t ; Mro. .Wi'ditas. I". X.: l.nwrence ,\. MlJcholl. ' I I.. .1, l*r?-i sniitll. ' 1 ; T. F .Qulnti. ' 1 '? Roy .1. Hasney. 'Ifi; 1. W. Tlciiier. I .ouis P. Wridn'er. 'MR Frank. . I Whyte. it; Jos. .1. I'surilla. 'HR'Rev. Mro. Ans-elm: .1 C Kalteiibach. '"!R James 11. llailey. "1 l; Thomas .T Wacher. '17>: J. A. <! laser, '17.; Ilarrv J. Keys, .'IS; Edward I-'. Mag.-rs. 'IS; jas. Sehmid. "IS: l.oiiis A. I'oleman. '10; |.>ed IV riant jam. " 1 ? : John I1 J1. Closkey. '1": T.otils J. Mar'iuart. Mertiard Alexander. ? '00: Itro. I'd win. 1". X.: W. A. Hruse; lfe\- Mat rick \. Mrowne- J .1 Ow ns, '<*>'<: Mro. Leopold, j F. X : On. \V. Ilnc1??'s. "12: Jack Tlioner. ' * IT ; V. I., <>wens. H*n... Merman W. I'aniphe'll. ?'"??: R?v. Mr... M-riunl. I*. X.: Rev. Mro. Kmuin, > !?*. X.. Mr... . Philemon: Mare.-Ilus T. RaiT.-rt y. * ? 7 : 1 John 11. <;<irsneh. Arlh'tr J. Kurn!-/. I. owls F. Weiss. Kdwanl .1 1 >:i i !<??:, '1-* ?-.-?? i \ : W.. Nan. J*. A. Oallaifher. .T. W. 'land-! ling, .Tames Henry. Thomn> M.-'ilns l.ins. l-7a rl .T. Mtiridiy. .Mi.ha.-I .1 l.onu'. I ' A Kulpa. Fdward M K. r. UhofT. J '17; Francis J. Quigh-v. "17: All. "i t J. j K iivhsressner. "17; John f! I'add. ii. "17: P.dward Smith. '17: Vincent J. Arm-; hruster. '17: Chas. I Pefisan. l>avid >i. t'ampbejl. "I": Mro. Tlia.lil.-iis. ; X ? Kueene foniff. 'ax. Kdwin Jeps?an. 1 '"V: I.e., J. Harding. '"S; rortulius I.- ir-j Iv. 'ng. IIS BRIEFS ?The Trl-SI-ato Milk Mro-'uc-rs' association will meet in special ses sion this afternoon in the Wheel ins; Commercial association assembly room. H is reported ihat formal ac tion will be taken in boost the price of milk. ?Thomas H. Nreal. Cameron mer chant. filed voluntary petition in bankruptcy yesterday in federal court here, through J. I>. Marriott, id Moundsville, his. attorney. The lia bilities are given at $2,000 with as sets about the same amount. ?The county commissioners yester day closed a contract for lour Kern ington 'typewriters for Sheriff Hast ings' office. --Squire Ft. G. llobbr yoslerday con tinued the hearing of i lie biuainy charge againsi W. R. I lull, who was stricken with paralysis Tuesday. ? Arthur W'ritzcl. a colored miner, j was brought from Fairpoint. ' yes- 1 terdav suffering with a compound fracture of a leg sustained when he was caught by a fall of stone. . ? Coss & Myers today 'will start i,he work preparatory to paving the Riv er Road, north of the cily. The cnuiity is having the work done because ihe Mayhandle Traction company faio-d to comply with an order to pave i In road. ? John .T Ryrne lias closed a deal for the urcliase of the Mluinenliefg brick home on South Koff street. ? C. H. Hess, employed bv the Foundation company, fell from a scaf fold while working at Mooch Ron tun yesterday and dislocated a <l:oiih|er. He was brought to the North Wheel ing hospital. ?Chief of Police Thomas l.'-yland is erecting a modern hors.-shoeing shop at his newly eciptin d place near lioneys Point and will open l lie shi^i as soon as he retires from ? office July l. . ? The Ohio county conscription hoard yesterday completed a convass of the rieistration in the county. The officers have been furnished with names of several men to determine the reason why they are not regis tered. CHAIRMAN 0TT IN CITY Head of Workmen's Compensator Bureau on Mission for His .. ' Department. Irf-e S. On. chairman of the work- j men's compensation bureau., arrived! last evening from Charleston on ati of ficial visit. Mr. Oil While here v. ill in j vestigiite a number of claims ami j other matters concerning i!v opera-, tion of the workmen's compensation! law in the Panhandle. < o RESOLUTIONS PASSED BY CHECKER PLAYERS ' Five New Members Enrolled in PaiUKvn tUe Association anil Future ^ Outline.*. I icsolui tons w adopted anil live now ii i ?- 1 ii I 1 1 ?? : i ? i I ?-< I .ii ili*: weekly tins > ? ill*- 1 *:t n lt:i i :<1 !?? ? 'hecker and I'hess As- j ; social ton "I Wheeling. last night in tin- headquarters In t lt?> Schiuulhach ? l?:i ililiii^ Tin- organization, which was j , i ? '???ill ly formed. now has a membership ? >! a hall' hundred. which includes sonic ? I of the most prominent residents ami ex-' I I ? rt i leek r and chess pla > in. Whi-cl- | ling district. Preliminary plans were j uiiude to have ihi- associat ion affiliate I with tin; national organizat ion anil later | i to become a member of the- international i I ussooiariun ol' checker anil clvess players ' i "It's too hot to play hanl Banns ol' ' ? hookers or chess ill this season, often' r J than once every Thursday night. hut a-s i the weather le-comes cooler we shall play ; more frei|iieiitly," saitl an officer last' night. I The association will i \ ?? a number j ?of dinners and social affairs this fall i and winter. The cluh was organized; | only a few weeks ag" and the member-] ! ship Is rapidly increasing. This Is the ! first checker and cln-ss cluh organized I | in this slate. It is f he intention of thej joiTieials to latl-r have the association j j chartered and exclusive headtpiarlers j established that they may entertain | representatives from other clubs! ! throughout the country in putting oil tournaments. Officers were el.-, ted last week, in- j eluding Janise ,\. I'aull. president and! ! lieoi-Rt A. Kaiser, of .Mozart Mill, seere- i I t a r.v- treasurer. j The following four resolutions. In' i brief, were adopted last night. follow. d : : with several interesting games Uidug, ! played: Thai iln* association shall continue its! (existence as long as .??<?? en niemhers are, j wilLing to maintain it Voluntary con- j I t t'lhut ions shall maintain the associat inn | , insi. ;id of regular dies. Five members [ | shall constitute a ijtiorum. The annual i election and installation of officers shall, i he made on the first Thursdav of every! I July. ' ALARMING SHORTAGE IN ROLLING STOCK I "Tlic oar sboriap- reported or. May' |1 again broko all previous records. lis. iseriousnoss is sufficiently great, bull J not so nil icb for what ii ine'tns in thej i jm it jr*d ia I ?? present as because of tbn ! itulicarion it affords as to what prob- 1 ably is coming." says I In ?* Railwav .Aye itlazette in an editorial in its current is. -ne. "A deficiency id' li.'.lifi cars, or approximately tl per r ent of I ho to ,ial freight ear "otiuijuiieni. would be bad enough al any lime. The largest .shortage previous to that of April anil May of ibis year, of l"7.M7 tars in j February. 1S?U7. occasioned alarm among all commercial and railway in itetvsts. I u i conditions then were en tirely different. A shortage so large this year and al ibis time of tlx- \ear indicate a tendency which, if not re lieved. will load to a condition not comparable to any that ever previous- j j ly existed. [ "Shippers must cooperate with t ho | railways, iirsi, by assisting to move 'every possible item of traffic during the summer months when normal noe . ossary traffic ordinarilv is lightest: I and second, by assisting in the ntili/a Ition of every facility in the most ef fective manner This moans forego ing some of -the rights recognized as ! established tinder normal conditions of 1 1 nmsportat ion service; for lite p.esent .condition is not a normal one: and it ? moans thiit every cat ought to b?- load [od at its rated capacity, where this is ; physically practicable, and thai th</l" per cent average overload limit ought j often to be ignored. J ' "Regulating bodies have imp/se'N upon railways regulating requiromen+il ! of special importance The least they Joan do is to throw no hindrance:. in the way of the railways while endoa v loring to perform their part. ! "Finally, every citizen must act in! !;i spirit of co-operation with 'hi' inter est of whit I has been named "the third! arm of the nation's defensive service. ' It is no time for complaint of service' for deficiencies that might reasonably: he objected to under normal conditions, i ;Tlte nation is at war. Kvery citizen i is vitally interested in the war's suc cessful outcome. The railways are on j II he first line of defense." "Wife Gone to Country"; i He Joins Army ? -On Farm j Prominent and Wealthy Local Busi-j ness Man Volunteers to Help Farmers This Spring. A communication was received at t I the Wheeling Commercial associat ion j j yesterday from a prominent and wealthy local busines> man saying; that his "wife had gone to the conn-' try" and that he wished to volunteer, his services in the regiment '.if thej ? soldiers of the soil in doing Ills tilt ! [ in helping the farmers with their I J crops for a certain period each week j j this'stimtiier and fall. J The applicant said that lie had had j .considerable experience in harvesting; ?crops in his vonnger day.-. His offer j J wits accepted and a farming field ol ! i activity will be found for him by t lie j j fan Handle Agricultural club. Muring' the past week there have j , been neath a do/.' n men ol Wheeling ' r :? ? enlist in the fanners' regiment ho ling recruited h\ lite Commercial as- j social ion. but there are main more i needed to bring the enlistment up toj | the thousand 'I'toia. ' --P Vacations for Post Office Attaches is | Just One After Another The Year Round. ! Annual vacations have jusi begun j in the tmijority mI 'htisinesse., but not i with the Wheeling post office at-j laches. Tliov have just be.-n com- 1 pieted l.ester II. Wallers, clerk in! the Hint drove branch oil'ioe, started j oil his 17-diiy vacation yesterday, lie] was the last of the hundred employes ! of the Wheeling district offices to take j a vaci'jion. i "It's just one vacation after anoth-l ? ?r with the attache.- of the offices . in "his section.'' said Assi.-iant I'ost-j niiisier I lornish yesterda.v Men are; taking vacations here when the papers: are carrying the re(|iiost. 'Do your : Christinas Shopping Karly' or Miis is, to he :i ife and Sati" Fourth.'" Wo! t tin the vacation period hero \>n tho> -ante schedule as Tennyson's brook ? 'Meti may come and men ma\ ^o, but ? ! go on forever." " s.iiil th>' brook. ! "N'e.vt week the vacations "'il| be) continued We fear a collision some { lime." i vine I u ded the congenial A. I*. J M.. "by the end of one annual vaca tion season running into the other year's vacation season.'' j 28 DEATHS IN MAY. CHARLESTON*. W Va.. .Iiuio 14.? Twenty-eiglii persons were killed in the mines of West Virginia during j the month of May. according to the' report issued today by Chief Karl Henry, of the department -.if mines. The twelve counties reporting wer*1: Raleigh, 9: Fayette. f?: MeMowell, 4; Kanawha. '2: One in each Hoone, Lo gan. Mitrion. Mingo, Ohio. 1 'rest on. Pulnatu and Wyoming. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOC KXKJOOOOOOOO I About People y Movements of Individuals to and From the City. 8^00G0000(^^'00Gfy:^:>0-^. ?' TRI. STATE ARRIVALS. Windsor ? ]?'. ,J. Meuller. Charleston; J A. F. Parker and wile, Fairmont; D. | C.- Allison. Chester; A. .1. Loose, Parlv i ershurg; S. A. Carr, Parkersburg; A. ' \V. Thomson, Huntington: F. .1. Smith, ' Grafton; J. C. A. McLaughlin. St. ? Marys, \V. Va.; Karl Wall.Pi", Pitts- i burgh: H. S. Webster, Cantou. Stamm ? W. D. Ice. Fairmont; K. L. j Williams, Fairmoni ; A. .1. Stewart,, Belington. W. Va.: L!. L. Nutter, Fair moni; II. Mayfield, Mafley, W. Va.; E. j A. Taylor, Sutuin, W. Va. ; T. J. His- 1 ke|. Weston; O. If. Woofter. Parkers- : burg; Harry McGrnnahan, Proctor, W. Va.; W. R. Urilllth, Pittsburgh. ; Rogers ? 0. .1. Andre, Fairmont; 0. ; A. Wood, Fairmont; A. M. Unties, Fair- ; view; (J. (J. White, Barnesville; F. J. McC'auliff, Fairmont: Thomas Morri-j son, Zatiesville ; S. P. Albaugh. Can- | ton; Fred Rogers, Pittsburgh. McLure ? E. W. llalfast. Manning-! ton; F. Protzman, Morganiown; L. (I. ; Kinchelop, Clarksburg; Benjamin . Wakefield, Charleston; E. E. Swine-' ford, Parkersbnrg; Clarence Haskins. I Mannington: M. S. Bush. Parkersburg: | J. V. Koontz, Mannington; Lee Ott, Charleston: If. C. "Arneii. Hundred; A.! Wallace, Ashlon, W. Va.; Max Scheu- 1 er. New York; C. W. Evans. St. ("lairs- ' ville; C. C. Chottln. Pittsburgh. Lee S. Ott. chairman of the state1 workmen's compensation bureau, nr-j rived in ihe city hi si evening on bus- j iness in connection with his office. Miss Irma M. Vaas, bookkeeper in . th<? office of tin- rou m.v commission ers, went yesterday to Pittsburgh to I visit a friend who is ill. State Fire Marshal John S. Iloran ! will return today to Charleston after , an official visit to Wheeling and Wellsburg. | A. K. Sinks, who has been attend- 1 ins; the National Conference of ('or- j reetion and Charities for the past ten j days at Pittsburgh, has returned toj liis home in this city. Mrs. Lawrence Burke of Wellsburg, has been the guest of Mrs. Charles | I loot h for ihe past several days. i John J. EtiKM ick. formerly of this I city, now a resident of Catilettsburg, I Ky.. left last nighi for Ashland', to | attend ih?- 1' T. convention, after i having spent several days here in the ] interest of a large publishing comji- j any of Louisville. Ky. Sir. John Stevenson of the firm of i Mitchell & Stevenson, is in New York I on important business. I Miss Mary Jam- Haiti, who under went an operation at tin- North Wheet-j Ing hospital several days ami, was able to return to her home. No. T '3 - | Main street, yesterday, Mesdnmcs G. t'arey. Charles .Mey ers and Melvin Edwards of Toronm, J Ohio, will be week-end guests of Mrs. Fred Cowl. Mrs. Thomas B. Foulk, has returned from n visit t.t h?-r husband ai Fort Benjamin Harrison. Indianapolis, Ind. Hr. Henry H Hatfield, of Hunting- 1 ton. former governor of West Virginia,', spent a few' hours in the city vesier ii:iy morning. on his way to New Alliens. Ohio, to deliver an address at the Franklin College commencement exercises. D. C. Allison, of Chester. W. Va., alluded the Masonic reunion held here yesterday. Miss Eleanor Stein, of Kim (Jrove. will leave today lor Carnegie. Pa., to visit Mr. and Mrs. Harry 11. Hod ley. former resideiils of Elm Orove. . E. A. Taylor -.if Suiton. is spend-: ing a few days here, having arrived yesterday. .. \ Mrs. Julia Hillman of Birmingham,: Ala., is visiting her sister Mrs. tleorge ! .Milier of North Wheeling. Chief Clerk. S. A. Anthony of UiCj C. S. Engineers office, returned last ! evening from a brief official tour up; the ( ihio river. General Manager Charles M. Ivw- j chum, of the Wheeling Commercial' association, will return home Mondavi from a business trip at Washington. IV C. ! Lester II. Wallers, clerk' in the Kim i (irove poslofl'iee, left yesterday for :i < fishing trip iii TyN-r and Wetzel j conn lie.- t<i ?spend his 17-day vacation, j DR. W. D. GIESELER TO COMMAND COMPANY, Will Re-Organize Boys' Brigade at ; Stone Church ? Companies to j Soon Have Outing. lir.W- I' Cieseler. prominent local, dentist and resident of K!tn Urove,! has made arrangements to re-orga- ' nize i he Bins' Brigade ?ompany of : Si one Presliyterian church of Kim i Irow. I'r. (.lieselef will command; the newly organized company. I: was announced yesterday thai i the two-day timing to he given all! the Boys' Brigade companies of Wheeling district will likely be held ihe latter part of n?*.Nl week. Gene ral 11. K. Caldahau^h and (lie other officers of i lie brigade are making plans to give the "young soldiers" an enjoyable time in the hills. An officer remarked yesterday ihatj ill" Bovs' Brigade of Wheeling dis- ' irict was organized about in years' ago and had never asked for a cent ' from the public in maintaining thej organization, >.\ hicli is for making up right and honorable little men and at the same time giving ile-m ph.vsi- ; .?al strength and enjoyment. The' speaker said that ai present a imn dred dollars would equip ihe boys wiili many things ihey need for drill- ? and ouiings. MANY MINORS MAY QUIT JULY FOURTH ? 'i 1 1' ",\ i ;? tiri.' i in susp.'MMcn "f i il<irl?*?n minor l>-a cu. -. i-alini: !?? l?-\v ' '"lavs A. I iSMtlia I ion It . i- ||-,. |"..ti? s it ' .1 illy mines, v.mj. urv'l Im I'r- ;i. I i i ' \ I! T<-arn ?>". 'lie Tin.-. I I .?-.-iKtii . ' !? l ight, in rut 'let'e-il t )i.- Ii-a^in ??xe-J ? utiles iskini: ile-in I" act ??nuc. i k .II , ; I'll ? ? uar .-<n.r trm mil'a , ora|i|. w.-atli.-r . t ill ' lens will i!iiik>- this anion m? j ??n>. I'r-'jjideiil T'-anu-y !???! iir v?-S. 'I'll. l:ii ?:- r minor I, :? iin? ? III.- Alien-;' ? an \s<oci;i i ion am! lie l*;ieiii<- ("oisl ' !.? illtie Jliive I Seriolislj illl 1 1 \ til,.; war ami l-ad w.ith-r. 1'ltiy i> in (loth ? ?i ga ii i/.-it ions were askeil to a. c. j.i sal-: j > ?'? ?Inn io?s of rroiii :-n to l - 1 1 1 y ? < l . x ? !???! ?-? ill of rici.|-t rele.'i.<? . ami lb.:, nier i . -:i ii Assneiai Ion. lo curtail i!?; o|.- ' i ciiiiiL' ex i?-iis. s. ("?--? 1 n . ?? I us ii tn pi ring | ^ i ; ? 1 1* I'roni ??i^-iit l<> four RECURRENT SHOCKS FELT IN SALVADOR, SAN SALVADOR. Republic of San! Salvador. June | i. ? Several earth quake shocks of varying intensity were I felt here yesterday and today, bin no j damage has been reported. The various relief committees are' distributing provisions to the destitute i and ^hellers are being built to house j the thousands of homeless who a? ! present are encamped in the streets.) The wounded are being attended bvj the Red Cross. Several bodies have been recovered i ai Armenia and Quezaltepec. SWEDEN STAYS NEUTRAL. STOCKHOLM. June 14.? \'ia Lon don. Foreign Minister Lindman made a statement im parliament today, in which lie declared that ihe Swedish government intended to continue to observe unequivocal, loyal neutrality. "Tiie war will not end soon,'' said the j'oreign minister, "and we must be prepared for greater sufferings f I II UN I II IW "LIFE SIR" Resident New Cumberland Re lates Her Happy Experience With This Supreme Family Tonic. The following is I ho copy of a let- J tor rtTf.i ved a few days ago by (!. T. Larkins. the Nerv-Worth druggist at) East. Liverpool, O.: Now Cumberland. W. Va.. 6--7--17. j ".Mrs. Chas. E. Smith says that, she can thank th(. druggist for the Nerv-I Worth as it has boon a life-saving remedy. Has strengthened her nerves and has wonderfully built her up. Before taking Nerv-Worth sho could scarcely walk up stairs without being exhausted and heart thumping like an engine. Since taking four bottles of this great maclicine I feel liko a new woman. I am still raking Nerv-Worth and will always keep a bottl(> in my house. "MRS. CHAS. E. SMITH." New Cumberland. W. Va.. Ilox 265. Haer's Pharmacy. Wheeling, will liand your dollar back if Nerv-Worth does not do for you . what it did for Mrs. Smith. Nerv-Worth is also sold at Mingo Junction by Moore Bros.; Martins Ferry by Ralston & Parker; St. Clairs villo by Patterson & Sons; Barnesville by Hillos Pros.; Cameron by Cameron Drug f'o.; Sistersville by C. B. Disque; New Martinsville by Hornbrook's Drug Store; Moundsvillc by J. H. Beam Drue Co.: Bridgeport by Selby & Reed; Bellaire by Dank Worth Bros. (Dent Pharmacy): Patien City by Morgan Bros. ATLANTIC CITY HOTELS : Do cool and com/&rtaL>le t/iis .sure mo r ? ON THE OCEAN KKONT : "IN T F1 F. VERY CENTRE OF EVER VTH1.NC"" : ! The Hotel i? huilr of STEEL. MUCK and j I STONE. 300 Jelinh;ful roomi, I5C with rrl- : i vatc bath, equipped with hot and cold, t'reih | ? and sea water. Orchestra of soloists. WALK, ? ? DRIVF .if MOTOR amid unusual interesting ? i Mirro'inJint:*. Private ifarage on premises. J ? Se.i IMthinK. yachting, fishing, shootinii. and j I GOLT . Finest 15 hole count on the ; i Atlantic Coast. j " You s-ill find us smctrtly inlerestfd 5 j," in mjiing ynur visit mcst tnjoyoHt" ' i Ownership Management Tenneatee Av. A Beach. (new Ktrepmnf Addition.) TREE BATHING ROOMS AND SHOWER BATHS Electric Lights. S2 Hi' daily, sfe?-|?.| wreUlv. Ktivlicn! table Kvenhic dinner. 1Mb wuoii. jt. nklH ^ ii. t Midi'. J. J. Joyce. j HOTEL BOTHWELL ATLANTIC CITY. X J. ' Virginia At" . S'votid frnm tloardwall; and i otcr. Krery appointment. ' Hichest stainl.i.'il in cuisine utiri service. Booklet. ! NOTICE OF AMENDMENT OF FRANCHISE. I Xullni In heiehy tflven Mint iinder provisions of w j urdhi&m-e (.'?"allied by The Hoard of I'ummissinners of tbc 1'iiimti of obin. in the Wbrrlins A: Kim Urnta : Itallruad Company. which ordinance was passed Oe* \ r.'ininT 22. 1st';, and las-ame i-ffcruvi) 011 the 3rd | d*v if January. 1SHS. Ilir said Hoard of Commission - | crs ol the County of Ohio, will on I he :>lh day of July. I!'i;. act upon an amendment to **ld fr*ncha<te, rmiuirluc tlie VWat Virginia Traction & iJcctrie Cum ? patty chain.? tli? location of Its track.' to rho mid dle of the rinid frnm a culvert or. the National Rood near c<vtl I ?lac to tin- Town of Klin <!ro?e. ? | TUB ItOAKU UK COMMISSIONERS OK THE COCN- I TY OK OHIO. CIIAS. O. Kl'ITM.V. I'resldent S 11. C. C.SDKBWOOt). Clerk. than we have previously borne all the more as the Swedish harvest this year will unquestionably be a poor one." . More Disorder Among FAIRMONT, W. Va. June H? Con tinuing their rioting from last night members of the Piivt West Virginia infant r> in camp hen- jo-day created much disturbance in the-citv. Several citizens wrre assultod and beaten on the streets and tile police made ar rests. Tonight .(line Johnson of Company1 "\" - was knocked down by a civilian when tliej had an argument .rf Johnson drew a revolver but was prevented from shinning. Hundreds of persons; followed the' man when he was arret-; ed lo the city jail. This afternoon the police arrested a number ol' the soldiers who they! found with whiskey in. their possess-! ion. The soldiers were. ' paid yester- ! da> and the rioting started, as soon ' as the men from camp reached the! city with their money. I If' 1! Anniversary Observed Si-.I.I Hi-pm. h I.. 111. IwrtKKKSRl.'RCJ, W. Va.. June It.? ? Tl'.e fifteenth anniversary . of the founding of ihe I'nitod "Woolen Mills company's business in this city, wiiich . now has branch stores extending over, four slates, was elaborately celebrated , here this afternoon. j The event was featured with a big! parade l>y several hundred employes acid an athletic program this after- , 110011, followed by a big dinner tonight, at which .'here Aere speakers present representing the city administration,: board of commerce and oilier aciivi ties. 1 One of 1 lie main features in connoc lion with the dinner was the presenta- ; tion of a handsome vift t?? W. A.: llerseh. president and loiitub't* of the company, hyt the employes as a token of I lie high esteem ill wjliejl he is held by 1 hem. 1 CHASER PROGRAM AHEAD OFSCHEDULE; WASHINGTON. June U. Tin; stib-i marine chaser building program is' more than a month ahead of schedule. The navy department announced to-i day that nearly three times the ox-! pected number of lid-loot chasers will ; be delivered by August 1. acctinlinu to present indications, and that, all ol j the large number of boats are actually j under construction. The department has not announce j ilio number of boats ordered. It is! known, however, tliat several -of those i swift, armed craft will be in service! by January 1 of next year. T lie first ? vessel of the typo was completed at the New York navy yard some weeks ago and is now under test. The little j vessel proved herself staunch and capable, of carrying the armament | specified, which would make her. dan gerous to the largest German sub marines. I BEDFORD SPRINGS, PA. 1 Curative Water t With a National Reputation at BEDFORD SPRINGS <Peima.) HOTEL & BATHS Spend a huppr, heHlthfnl itimmer 1n ? his dellcli'f'il mountain pnrk of 3000 arres. liiTiKoralinj: rllmnr.?. 1200 feet ? boTe sea level. Picturesque bridle paths, jrwifl motor rwidn. ni?tl?r walk*. Kverr outiloor and Indoor direri.i<m ? golt, ti-nnlti. riUlnjr. bowline, ?wlmmlcfr. dane 1 Dg. Magne*lll Bath* and Bedford Mineral Waters that rival those of the famottf European resorts. Motor tourist* , trill And ipleadld ?#? commodatlon*.' NOW OPEN. ?. L mill. Mr. m. o. mear, a*l Up. WANTED? Male Help WANTED? Traevlcrs. beelnncrs. A?e S7 to 61. Sal AO". comratwlou ind exi*ni<e ullowance to rljht man. I J. E. Mrllrady, Chirago. Je-15-i_ I WANT EO? MiuT for heiry 'ahipplng. WheeUiif Can Co.-, Warwnod plant. Je- J .V 1 ' WANTED ? Two ennd steady men for wacon. Koeh- ^ j line lee Co.. Itrldffeport , O. le-H-l | WANf ED? 2 tnachlnlsu, Wh-ellnjt Can Co.. 4?th and , ? je-I4-l ; WANTED ? Men to Mil our ltna ot noaaateU i fumUhlngi. from bona* to Iioum oa im-ll I weekly payment*. We pay weekly. mr-6-U C. F. ADAMS. I140-1HI M?'? It WANTED ? Men. Ineipericnced for factory wort: Ateady; alt rear around: chance for adrancement: 9 hours work. 10 hours pay. National Carbon Co.. Clarksburg. W. Vm See ilr. McLure Hotel. 9 to 12 a. m.. 2 to 7 p. m. Je-H-I - WA'ITED ? At once, Mteral ?oo? atr.iary aavl a?ie* ! boya. to work befoia acLooi. Atplj at CirwUlAtioa I Detitrttlieut, incclll?eucer. Latwew a and I a- m FOR SALE ? Farms. 1 FOR SALE? Farm in Uelinont county. Fluahlng town j nhitf. containing 74 acrns ; new fraioa 7 room house. , jieod barn, other building Caii or write J. A. Hlnei. I II. I). 2, I'icdmoiit, Ohio. Je-13-f FOR SALE? Real Estate. , PU8LIC SALE? June 23d. 1917, at 1 o'cloci. Bund ard. Farm of 10B acres known an the Briuxjn fann,on | Die National paved road. 3-4 mile east of Fklrriew. | O.. Belmont Co. All underlaid with >'o. 8 Teln ooaL I ISuildliiKS fair, well watered. 2 good u*ils soft water. Fruit, locust and other Umber. Nice laylnc land, good soil. Fine location. I. \V. Ilratton, Falrvlew. [ Ohio. my-22-SOt ' FOR SALE-Horses, Vehicles, Etc. FOR SALE ? 4 year old roan mare, weight 1250 to 1.TJ0. Ciuaranleed Niund. City broke. All purpoae marn. I'rico reasonable. Jicll phuue Warwood 18-M. ____ Je-13-w FOR SALE? 12 head of good ho r??. 3 blf d ift learns, with harness, and a few good all purpose horses. no reasonable offer will be refused. Call Jleli 5-11-J H'arwood. Je-S-p LOST AND FOUND 1 LOST ? Hetween Camegie and West Alexander. Good rich Silvertomi tire and rim. Liberal reward for reuim to Intelligencer office. je-H-4 MISCELLANEOUS Tfc A HPlT'lVTnr'C? Secured. Trade ? J\ I Hi 111 I ^ marks reglater * ^ ed. Patent ?uid marks register ed. Patent trademark litigation. Booklet free. E. E. EDNLAP, PaUnt LkW7?r. National Kxcbange Bank Building. Wheeling. W. Va. FUNERAL DIRECTORS and ARTERIAL EMBALMEKS i Calls promptly attended at ?tl> laacai, TELEPHONES: Store ? Bell 12-12; National 1742. li*sidc*nce ? V?'. 1c Cooey, Bell 1324-J, XarHmal 1272- Y. Itesidence ? A. Beiswengcr. National 131'9-K DIED SNYDER? On Wednesday. June 13. IS17, at o'clock p. m.. JACOU yNVOiUI. in the 07th veal uf Ills age. Km i.T.I services at the r>?sideoce of his son-in-law, Hr. W. T. Morns. No. ljI4 toff street Friday ?t teinooil at 2 o'clock. Friends of Lite family muled Inleriiient (jrevnwood ccmctery. FUNERAL DIRECTORS . louis "bYrtschy FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND ARTERIAL EMBALMER 112 2 arid 1124 Main Street ? Calls Answered Day or Nifibt? Store Phones 635 IC. J. Beirtschy ? Nat, Phone 1959-B; Bell 1334-R. ! BRIEMMER & HILDEBBAND i UKDERTAKIBS AND EUBALMXSS I Stor* m , ? Rtildtaca ; 207 Beii Telephones 1994. m. n?u. j 207 Nat'!. 512-JBtll. Richard T. McCoy Funeral Director and Embalmer. 1609 CHAPLINE ST&EEZ : office PHONES K?sld?scf 1 1274 J Boll. 38-W Ball. ? 723-Y Hat. 1B7B-M Vat. 1 WASHINGTON*. L). C., June 11.? A demand that th?> government, enter into a definite working agreement with organized labor to preserve labor standards and rights during the war is made in rt statement signed by Grant Hamilton,*" of the legislative commit tee of the American Federation of La bor. and issued to-day through the government's public information com mittee. The statement says that various la bor organizations of the Federation's metal trades department presented to the government on April 19 a concrete proposition for a working agreement during the war. The labor men offered to guarantee, it is det-Iared. that there should be no strikes in government plants if a plan were adopted whereby grievances would be taken up for adjustmeht within ft reasonable time. Under the ^ plan the Council of National Defense and officials of the metal trades depart ment of the Federation would act as final adjudicators in disputes. To this proposal, the statement says, no answer has yet been made by the government. SEEKING GREATER SCHOOL REVENUES HI'NTINGTON. W. Va.. June 14.? O. J. Rife, county superintendent of Wayne; l 1,. Hanifan of Charleston, state supervisor of rural schools, and Otis G. Wilson, superintendent of schools of Fairmont." comprise a com mission of three appointed upon the authorization of Hie Slate Kducation association, the foriy-scveiith .annual convention of which is now in session lu re. 10 launch a movement looking toward the enlargement of the reve nues of the schools of the state and their more equal distribution. About a thousand teachers are in attendance, about half of the association enroll ment. The principal speaker of the day was 'David A. Snedden of Teach ers' college, Columbia university. . ? CENTRAL LEAGtra SpriiiKlt^ld.^r Grand Rapids, f, llii-linietid, i 2 ; Kt. Wayne, 11. Richmond. 3: Ft. Wayne. 6. Kviin>vill?\ 2: South IJcnd. 7. Dayton, IT; Muskegon, 4.