Newspaper Page Text
NEW 'VOUK. Juno 1 1. ? Trading shift- j ed freuuently t >day from the recognized leaders u? specialties mid other shares >f no det'.tiite description. Dealings ?ere In diminished volume, but the 'end was mainly npward until the iVnal ri:our. when liberal selling of the more prominent lsues provoked extreme re versals of" one to three points and an ' Irregular close. [ The liberty loan was again a factor I of paramount importance, prices hard- j eninsr in the intermediate session on favorable advices trom Washington re specting that project. Money ruled at j prevailing rates and a new minimum for rubles was seemingly Ignored. I Rails, including low-priced shares, were In further, demand. l'nion Pacific ' and Reading featuring the investment group at gains of t to 2^ points. Un usual activity was manifested by Pius- 1 burg and West Virginia common and J preferred and Wheeling l^akc Erie Is- i ?rues at advances of 1 to ; points. Del- I aware and Hudson made full recovery I .from Its sharp setback of the previous; Vession. United States Stcei t?*ore dis tinguished itself by attaining to the; 1 new record of 134*5. later, however. | falling two points and closing at 132-%. i la net loss of l>s points. Bethlehem] Steels kept pace with the leader. the J new and old shares scoring new niaxl- j | mums at toiHa and ir.s-g respectively.! but yielding in the general decline of the latter part of the session. Total! | sales amounted to !* L'.'.ooo 'shares. Railroad bonds and some industrials! were fractionally lower. other issues! recording no material changes. Total! sales I par valu . ) aggregated Jl.740.00l/. ? TICKER TALK ( Kv private wire to Finance Co.) i l>ow Jones ? American Agricul- j |tural 'Chemical declared regular quar- 1 iterlv dividend of l >,2 per cent on the j I preferred and l?4 per cent on the com-; | mon stocks, both payable July It, stoek I record June ilo. I Dow Joties says ? Prairie Oil and Gas j Co. declared regular quarterly dividend j of $3 a share, payable July 31 stook ; record June ."IV Previous declaration I included an extra dividend of at share. L'ow Jciies says? -Charles Hayden vice | president Utah Copper Co.. has made j following statement: "siono- comno nt lias been made based I upon the action taken l y directors of the I various porphyry companies m t'>nnec-j tion with the dividend payable June .<0. j The action, however, is* based 'upon per- ; ^tectly v. . I! recognized principles as Is j fell known taat mining cumpuates are ; Freallv lititndating prop-.>itions ;uid in a j technic*! sens-- all irnit'Ks *l a uur.-, ing company tr.ight >-ai?i t*. ??; mere-' ly a return <-t principals. Th. eAtent! to which such a r. tin n may tairly he | made has aw .: k?-:ie,l .-..-me discussion j but th?- cotiipntii* s i f--: i vd to m last d.videii.l action a!; paio on^-halt' j 01 the aiuoiin! tv !i" ?iisht:- ???(! on a>^ count o; <? i v ni- . i s : net earnings I and the ???her hail ??; such amount as j capital iii.-tnl>uti'-?i. "Tiits action i- clearly alonu tt-e line of onn?* tvatiMii -;nd it i.? understood that as c.enpanto may time to lira. s?? til; ttnure tak- similar action the amount which thus disbursed on the basis pi ??:??! U allowable as. a uepletion of the num. during anv year's 1 ep? rat ions.' American Krakc ami 1 oundry ? Mo. ?le.Marc. cent v:i pi* payabk in bonas ?en-, hint;: it .slOrklivi'l*' .*> t III.* smite ?lends n-y ? /June t. i :????! '-ti ? u?? ini i?i ? pel's lv. eo? ? ? i cent I ? ?.??t it. l.ibtriy; ioi p.ii posv or | ? -It i-i.-tinll ui ? .???ni : . 0;;t nm of I ? 'ios.? All all. i - | ? ? >! oi'k recora LOGAN & BRYAN'S CLOSING STOCK i*:-: (Ilv privai.- v. i. ... \ i. t* . .v ?'.?.? \ KU ^ u* ?rl: i.l 1 1. dement i>- :i market, sit:; . ing was a ; : rue: ? n. . except ia th"e i ?i~ . :? :?? - tics w ?. l ? i:..t in.-- scriptions t...ia\ \>ti tabulators c..i;iu i,..; satin ._ and n-.U of i .-ring w ill !?? ?. : -.-i JsUictery lotinto.. i 'demonstration in iio i? brougiu .ilniiir. hit ket.s it- b>oind !?? !?> r?a during the 'next t 'A .'. ? ? s 1 1 u * iic* ??! t<*:id ?.?.n*i inc. :n<-nl s ;<t:d ??: a: r.uij.- men tirst disbi: ? .U-. liis. s?? HtllllOlIK lii-i- ;:eiie\ V. MO >tr-n ? !i .'';i I ue iiull lite 'into l lie ?lltsidv tolli-w - ;?ric> .-naiiKes SI. III. .p.Clrll Ti:. |i?m .?nh- l ?? lo a\ y that ?p j* i .VI' n : i si. hullisli irk?t may 1 1. rl y i.;| a. 1 c-inse ii* pay - i to. . i* Jul; W ? I ein.vlll | t in. ins- ; trials wul :!??? o ?ulvanc*.d "uaiernilly as that ?;.p. "f stocks trom ii c.*!l?t* :al ; view ;*i*ini .?!?* not much sought ati*-r 1 ?y |.>;til* is >.i iii.'ii. y ."-.t '.III.- tilliv. 'hi the othei Sim nil. t'o 'ails are -put., ac ceptable. riKAJTCIAI. NOTES AND COMMENT. t Kv privai* '.sir. tv A. K. Mastcn vv Co. J NKW \\?UK. J ?!????? M. ? We took tor continua: i"ii "f iri .-utila* ity in trading market w ith reau.itisi m* nts in he made from time t** tun* in nulustrial siuv:k.s made nocessary to Mi:n* d-uree !>;. | ^nioney vhI* ;:. We would no: >ur- j 'prised t*j sec >hort int* r*-.?i fit: St. I'aul. Northern I'aeitic. H. & < and New, Haven luti :n at any tun*-. Adv w rs.-iv. | tlit-re i? talk of a dividend reduction on S?tudebak> r and th- submarine h-w ?> may p.; used against the Marines. The latest reports tio- t.ib* rty ie*ati Mtbseripti.'iis ar* exceedingly heavy which wi'! have a ?*nd*u-y i** pi"ti..-i- a i|em**ii.-t: avion in ih* stock market. CLOSING STOCK LETTER. \ i By privat* wiii I'in.uic. I :o:li Harris. Wtnthrcp Vv ?'?*.) XKW Y [ I K . Jon* !l ? l'iic*-?i i-iil***! strong fi.r most "t th*- s*ss!*>n. The ann<?unei no ni !?? Seei eta^y Mr Ado'i thai th* i.ike-rsy loan ?va^ ?. .-u cess appeare<| t . . I- ;ti* - - : i- : j ? ; f.-r trad ers to sell th* ma. k*-t. T i i ? ? v ? v idelitly believ?d 'hat th. mar'.. ? was discount ing th*- hem !?> stn-hgiti. *n- Unit tin- "gi.oij r-.-w^ b-mg t;I! '*iit" that a reactn-n was .pi. We believe that utter it I>.*I*. Iin ?-s an ?slablish'd fac'. >ii*i t1.. ia;o;i:it *>; tlie subscription ts pub!isvie.i that the market will advance ;,i;a!n ,'h* loan its If h?s to iio witri t * *-n.< ndo : ' ?-aiii mcs of the gi>-a* corpora: sens .la.l .Hin are the backbone to the price *-f stocks IrOGAN & BKYAN'S CLOSING GE.AXN LE7TEX. ( Hy p-ivate wir- to \. K. Masf-n \ i;.. ) CHIe'ACO. J::ne 11. ? '"nrn; Theacttv i 'UK\v? ;? .line- ! I - -!:? p?;ri? i in* wideA;?re:iil crop ii!i|.rov*in?>n:. esp.-c- [ in. II y in K.insas. did :i jrood dciil today 'o j make wheat prices rp'.lijv. The tnark?-* I .closed t> tits u> o-nis ti?-t l?vv?r with July a1 22.". and September a: 2'>o. ' t'orn lost 2 '?> ?? I-.' ..I'lits. o>its 1| cent to 1 \ uml provisions 2'-^.jj r~nts to 25 cents. I Opca ? tllfc'n ; i.nw i rioj? I Wheal? ~i ! [ | I .'illy.. . 230 2*1 """ t?ept 2<>r. 2-..; 2'-'i> . 11 | corn? i ' , - . , ! July... i i.-.f... ir.4 i-*> Sept.. . i.'.o i;.i 1 1 ? ~ i i;. * . Oats ? July...: hi ?; 1 <? 1 ~ i;2's 4>opt...' r.i v* tu!.j ."2 \ r.2 '? I I'urK? I July.. . ::.s %.?"? ::s ::k i Sept . . 3> 75. ?2i> 2}> 55 ? 2 S 5 7 I ttitis ? July... .21 57 2! 21 47. 21 I.* I S?t?t...;2t .21 S'> - 1 02 ,21 02 ' l.:ir?i ? . . | Julv. . ,2 1 02 .20 2n ?r. , Sept... -1 30- 21 an 1 21 15 '21 17 <"ash Quotations: j Wheat. No. 2 red. $2.90: No. 2 red. No. j ! 2 hard, and No. M hard, nomina.l. J rom.No: -yellow 51 .7l'~ " 1.75: No. J| I y? Mow St. 72*'/ 1.7": No. 4 yrll'nv, 51.72. j Oat-s, No. ;! whitu. 67^ '</ stan- 1 i dard t!6 Ms i? I?!' l?c. I Pork? ?:tS. t Lard? 12 1.::;. >> 2 1.45. Kibs ? $20.60 -i: 2 1.53. TOLEDO, O. June 11. ? Wh<v?t. ?ash| 52 P5: July 52 21; September 52 ''2. . Clover seed, prime cash JH'.jii; Octo- ' ber $11 05. ; Alsik^, prime cash 51 1 4'?: September! 511 43. | Timothy, prime cash $5 60; S.sp:eni her 54 03. Ity of bidders in Central flJIinois, ap- 1 parently for evport interests... Is ?i-l traetins 'ittcmion. Haintall las' r i k > ? t [ wa.t light hut temperatures i<>\v and ? construed a< unfavorable. The way ' presMir.- has been absorbed for the pas; ' tew days sujrRests th*it eont inu.-d strong i rallies will be witnesses following t lie i moderate downturns Oats: The favorable crop outlook ap? ! pears to be temporarily overshadowed! by export bttyimj rind li?ht country of- ! ferintfs. so thai purchases appear to! be in order on the breaks, with the end i in view <>i' accepting moderate profits j on the quick upturns.' Corn: The impression appear* to be J palnlnK jjreund that cosh values are | about lo d'-clinu and there has b.-en con- i rable selling of futures on this be-' I let". TO TAKE OVER LIQUOR TRADE, j LONDON*. June 14. ? Recent reports: that the government was considering! the desirability of purchasing the j liquor trade were confirmed in the house of commons today by Chancel- i lor- E>onar Law. Fie save assurance that the house would he consulted before completion of such action. A R RESTED "aT~DEPOT. Oliver Hupp and Robert Willard were committed to by Squire \V. i\ Wickhain lasi evening to await hearings on chart's of being intoxi cated. Thoy were arrested at the -B. & O. depot by a railroad officer. LA BELLE CONTINUES Goes to 115'. ? Yesterday, taut Reacts | Before the Close ? Wheeling Steel a Point Higher. ? i La. I'-' il" Iron -Works common stork . was again the center of interest on the local slock exchange yesterday. Ii continued to gain strength'and reached i ll"'1", closing at 111. with 11-'... bid.! It ivas offer rj at 1U?V?. healing in l.a , lie lb- urn t ho Pittsburgh exchange w as | light. Wheeling Iron and Steel gained an- J other point yesterday, the last sale be-i in.c reported at II was offered on ; the market at that price and is.^ was i bid. I Two points* was Qie jump made by 1 Wheeling Mold and ?Foundry company i common stock, the f-losing sale being' made at TS. The sale of a block of XVhiiaker-tllessnor common stock at j .VJti was reported. NEW YORK CURB MARKET j TVMKKUNO. W. Va.. .luuo It. *17. Furnished The lnKMtiyeiieer by A. H. | Mhs'oii it t:o . inrrn tiers New V orlc Stock I Exehutige. National J?atiU or Wost, Vir ginia building. Wheeling, W. Va. Louli | F lira fid: rna.jin.Rer. STOCKS I nid.'| Ask. ? |Vl Aetna 1'! . Xtlanta-iJoldfiodl Rig l.edge Calumi-t ?& Jt-ronirt .. < ".i uadi:< :i < ":ir .<? FdV i \ir. Light <V I'cwcr . charcoal Iron ^ Cramp*# * F Kiii'TSO'.i Phonograph ? Soldfivld Consul ... ] foeia Mining Ilendoe Mfjr Jumbo KxTonsion ... ath. Hrono prof ..... Mother Lode Magma Copper .Vipissing Alines . ...> Section Thirty Submarine Hnat \ 3 Triangle Film ! t'nitod Profit Sharing . ...; I.*. S. Light it Heat. ; i!n preferred ! Wright- Martin World Film ? ? *_? Outside Motor Stocks Chalmers Motors ? . . Chevrolet Motors [ !' iiupp Motors Motors do preferred Peerless Motors I Standard Motors 1 failed Motors " 15dm und & Jones . ; . : Outside Oil Stocks. Harnett Oil & Gas Cosden Oil & Gas do preferred I'osdrn ><r Co. F.Ik liasin Petroleum ... . Federal Oil International Petroleum Merritt i.'il Midwest i'il Midwest U. fining Okla. Piod. & ttof Omar Oil Osnge-Hominy Paelfle Oil & Gas Penn-Mex Sapulpa Oil Tidewater Oil Wayland Oil &. ' las I l ij.1 l K \ ?n t> ?s i t2 I \ ]: . , 1 :t.t 10 t," ? ? an . s V .! .' *fi ' .! iVi .' :o4 1 t 1 in 1 5 ' i a 1 . i SH ! 134 I 1" '% ; 35 I r.M%! 5^i 200 ! 4 pr:niot.T.TrM. OIL CITY. Pit, Jim" It. ? Credit aiu'c, S3. 10; runs. Jl."4. averiiire, Tin Shipments. l'iT.041. average.' 311. bai I MAKE SUMMER WORK | COOL AND PLEASANT TWO GREAT HELPS? THE ELECTRIC FAN AND THE ELECTRIC IRON Take advantage of Electrical conveniences to make your ! hou>ehold work as easy as you can 1'iis summer. It's unnecessary to wear yourself out in a hot, study room ! ; when you can enjoy the cool comfort of an ^lectric Fan and an ; ;f Electric Iron at the cost of only a few cents an hour. Electric Ironing is thr cool, quick way to iron. It's i ho I ! satisfactory way, too, because the daintiest things arc pertec?t\ j i ironed so easily. | An Electric Fan is ready instantly tn blow n cooling breeze, [ I to start the dead air circulating wherever you arc. Don't let ; I this summer find your home without at; Electric Fan. Dozens of other time and labor-saving Electric Appliances on display. Call to-day on any of the dealers. They have a full iine for your inspection. WHEELING ELECTRIC CO. I TELEPHONE 807 PRODUCE MARKET WHEELING. W V* . June 1 1. 'IT. Whol*-?ai* PrlcM. CnrrtcUd bv Parker & Co. Oriuis** t' lllf.-riilm naval*. ?n. * *"? ? till font M !f| ?:>??? 4 Kanry h?.| !ki. i.t barr??! 4 *0 .1 ? -n i'nlil<iic'. rfa?i* *! 7Vi?r ?'0 (inii.iix. i;t?v. IWrnmla*. N??. 1 ! f''1 m**.r. *?u?hrl i ??"*r I ? !?? V?. J. Iwrrrl f? 7."i ?? . I. lurjei 1! On *lt I if ???*!! '>?*a:?*. ):ainiyr 1! r*. It .??! H !-? I S !!????. iMlloHs CffSTl V" rn?i?aM?lp?, ?????? 3 .Vi ?i* 75 I Ni?*:triil?or?. ? !???*. ?hii? I *" \\ nN*r:n*'1*?ii>. r-*r Ir* ?.<> ???!{? V. flA l*r|5. ham i*? .. 2 2-"?(6"2 "0 Corrcciid by P. Bachmann I Scnu Outtfr, Ctiaett. Equ? and Poultry. rrcaincrv 41^ 451 ithln nr:?l IVnnsvtraiiSa ) no<fi> rr, 1 l?ntrv . 2iV? .ID | ??if* . 40 | 1"M1 igKs 3 5 <? <0 1 Pa?ltr>. iiriuell- ?? Bprlngi 30'<? 55 I I i'<)uod 20 ft 11 ] Vut Ueya 38? liucka Uff M I t: rolled. froab 2-'?4| HI Ce?i? 106 3 AJlf*? H pound T2( <t TZ Tr?u/>g cbickena -0 & i'.l Bo<>il?>ri. i*onnd 10 Q II !)UCk*. {K)Utl(l .......??? '*t| it tliaoua. n*ir 1 if N. Y. STOCK W1 I KKI.INO. vv. Va.. J u lli: J 4. "17. Furulshert The InterniKeuccr by A. ffl M&sten & Co., members New fork fitocS ttxchunge. National Hank or West Vir ginia building. Wheeling, W. Va. Louli P. Brand, manager. STOCKS >Open.!H1jrh.: I-ow.TcTosi# Am. Boot Sukhi' Alaska i'iol<l . . . American Ciin., Allis Chalmers Am. 1 'jir iv Kily. Am. Atrrl. Cheni Am. Ice Secur. . Am. Lui'nmo. . , Uo pre f ... Am. Sm?'lt. R A 111. Smell. <fc Am. StiKiir Hot' . Am. Tel. ?V- Tel... Am. Tobacco .... Anaconda Atchison Haiti. A- Ohio. ... Both. Steel do < 'lass U.... ? trook. llapid Tr. 1 'a III'. Pet Baldwin l.oco. . . . ('?Mitral 1 joathor. . H11 tie ?.<? Super... ."hosa. a ohio... ?''hi. & tit. w il< > prof ? ?.. m. iVi st. r. ... 1 "111 tin t 'opper . . . . ? 'lit. & !t. 1. w. 1.. < "lule C ipper . ... Cunt 1'roilutM.s 1 ''tlumlila ? las.. . . ( 'alia. I'ai'lflr . . i 'nlorailii l-'ui-l .. 1 'utlsol. < las ....'. 1 >ist illorfi" Sivur. Kri. ?!? ? firsts ? SfMt. Kli'irt rir . liooiirli.'li I: lib. (it. North, prof..-. ? it. North ni>... Illinnis '''Mitral.. Insplra. ''upper.. ] ml. A I0..I1. .1 Intvr-Nat. i'apur.. 1 nt. Nii'Uol ...... K. (*. Southern... do pn>f Kenn. Coppor ... i.ehlKh Va'.lu.v . . l.aoka. Stool . . . . Maxwoli Motors. M.. K T 1 intario Sllvi-r (.'?hio <'ii!os Oas. . l'iits. I'oal rhilailolplila Co. Mexican l'ot. ... Mldvalp Stoel .. Mlatnt Copper .. Mo. Pacific Nat. Unamel ... Marino ilo prof N??w Haven .... N cvaila < 'on. ... N Y. Central ... Norfolk .t West., North. I'aclfic . Pennsylvania . . Peoples Uas ... 1 'aoific Mail Press. Stool Car Kay ?. 'niisol. !!>-ailnii: ... P.-pul>lie do prof I { v Si ???'! Sprins; Slia 1 1 llok A . . Sloss-Slioff io|?i South. Pacific .. Southern Ity . .. ilo prof Sinclaii Oil ?. . . Stmli-bsiki-r T. xas Oil I'll ion I 'aeifio C. S. Smoliinc. I'tah ' 'oppor . I'. S IviililuT I'll. Allovs P. S. Stool ilo prof i|n hnmis Va. h( 'i-iiiI' .iI . . , Willys in.rlaiiil Wabash do pn?f ,\ Western I ' iiiiin West ins. Ivli'i' W. & I K ilo 1 st pri'f White Motors . . Am. Miilo ?v L... ilo prof Am. Woui-ns ... Atlantic Oulf .. ' 'rucihli- Stool I 'el. At 1 1 ii'lsnii . . 1 ! ri'iMio Canaio-a. 'i"Mora! Motors Tva tis- Wins. "I'li: )'i) Avi'iaie I'll 1 5a 1; ,v. ! 'a 1 I'd 51 'i: r, ?% 51 2 ;i u t * :> 74 74 ? !'o ?. 3 i <C. ^ ?? ? ?? "0 Vj U IS L , U (* ? ? ? " :i 7 3 "ii 7 j 7 . :'i . . . 103 '105 1?3 105 It . Ill 111 ?.;J109>*'l09Vi It 1 I3l?'ll3*i 1 I 3 \ 1 ?>'?? 1 23 V 120 i.j P-S'j 1 ?: 1 s 1 :m v 1 2 1 1 2 1 ?> I'.'l". 1 !' r, 1 ; I !'?!.. l'.'ii sr.&, sii?;. sr. >5 101 <1 10'JU lui U'2I., 73 \ 73" i:.7 I5SI4 U">7 .152 '? '165 152 1 til' till M.i 4 1> % ti I II T? t. 7 1 - !'H ?I <i r> ?; 1 -s 1 1 7? K5-\ 97 tfi lil ir?l liO^i 35 "v OM 4G G 1 ** H 1 ? V* 35\ ?; 1 4 I '? 1 ?; 1 1 ? .'?4 '"?< 1"S t. 3? i, 1 ?*? ?- " h r. 1 > .. , 32 '? tp )'. I 5 5 '? .j 5 I 1 v I IIS 1 IIS I.. 4 2 ?' If. 2 4 2 1 0 t ; i_ .'til i; 1 ? 2 5# 52^ 2'?'. 2 1'. 1 . 3S V 3S"i lt,'2 \ Hi 2'% 51 5 2 :,4 l iiji insH- lr,S 1 "S I 1 "4 'i 5 \ 1 ?'? 7 |ii mi 22 7), ?? K 33 h' 33 1 1 "4 Ti. I 03 "h 103 'ifi'i fi 5 (4 ! 65'" 17u K.7 167 4 1 ' h ' 41) 4 2 4 1 ?K"m 4 1'. 23 47 M. : 47lt (.5 ; t)5 1.. 47 fi3*; 1 "3 H- : 103 li' J'v ,102:'i 4 s ? 14 * 0 0 ?} s i -j 9 U . V. ti ; 7 G t. '* ?'? ' k 6 1 h 13!- ^ 13!t^:lSKA4 1.18 \ 52 53 I Sli.* :.2>-. 34 , 34 ? 102 % . r.r. i j gs! ?: 41 '( .; 2S-% ! S " ? 3t;'.i 102 vh C5i 4 2^ 2'1 7? 4 I ?. ! 2R*. S2\ 3S S li I i.. r-S 1 2 .1 '? , I"." >> I 24 ' HM ? .*.3 33% !? H **4 fil-, 4 2', 2'!' 1 'i ' 2Si; M >4 1 2 I 7, I '14 :i4 2h 7S 2 S 7n 2S.\ 2 S -i j 7 v i _. 7 s 7 \ ::h'l ::<> i 100-1,, s i t ;,s :-3'4 !? 2 III." 'k l"5"i| ll'.". T? - I "1 I '.' I 2N .".4 2 K ' i 21 !' 4 '?< 2$ v. 'w I 3 s '? I 1 ?; ?% ??I 'a 1 7 -4 134 I 1 7 -N I'M -h 5 3 ' . I t 74 32 \ 4 X I 5 >4 fi l I .. 5 ? S4 2 I 7 ? 13!' 117 "' I 17 134 ' II 7 r\ I "4 1 i >4 3" r'j, 12'-, XI'. : 1 7 " 1 1'. li I >4 l"l 13 '? i 3 s <1 I 1 ? ''k BP4 t li 1 3 2 *4 1 104 I .-.or ' I li 4 . 4 7 1 t 'i 4 II"' S : I ')!? ' nr. in 1 1 I 14 : tfi 4 mi su-i, j l"!> !4 I'lf 14 t i if. i ( 1 12 W .?>?.m-:i AllSlo l-'r T 'tnl I :. ?i??i M'l 20 rH >3 TEW VOEK COTTON MARKET WIIKKI.ING. W. Va . .Inn.. M '1 f'til tlishe'i The 1 nte1J1ijei.?-rr lij K Masten .V: Co. members N'ew York Stock iCxchanee. National F.'ank of West V'.r ? la biiililtiiK. Wheeling. W. V.x l.oui. !?' Urauci. inanaKor i Onen llich ' Lew Jamia rv March July ' i.-tulii-r I '.Villi.. 2 I "ii ' ' :.o I 71 4 4 ; The tower vif a tail church in Svolt/i i-rlain] has hern cqniin'il to ici-eiv^ the lint f'siunals sciti nut hv wireless to|f?s rapliv from ihf Kiffol lower in Paris. LOCAL STOCKS j WIJKKLI.VC. W Vh . .lurio )4. 'IT. Hitlt qunf.Uoti IH( nf tbe :rtan.iing mi*-! El ?tiinj.: " RTOCKN. ~~~ ) Itl4 ! *?k. ;T ? liirriTlUo. r~~rrrf . . . .Tlf? " |1 0\~ do common f. .??? |1C0 ml *"??? . ' "iw iirtft I. If* InviMH''' It I- I 12 r>arrr.?n Fir# Tn?irr?n<*e f !. f*o??nrJ:i 'T!as? t?... I?" 1-7 lla/??l A!li?< I.!**. ?> 'I ar ln;!.crJ?? i'r? ! r-r' I"" ' ln?!i Work- pre? ?'?-* 1 1 -T 'U'T ? rpui .ur*n . . .. 11- ls 11 ' I * Ma A W*, .UT> NrUialft |i?;# It.. ,'.... t*ii ?{???! J ?nlrv J . . . . I*. ? S? Sr ampin; HO tVarrl flaking ?'? .... tin roiliinon IVhihH i.*li!na ? *??. I'M ?|?* rommin 2'? Whaling St 11-: room llrMre i'o | r.l Whaling llrldie (> | . . . . Wheeling Metal ? Mf;. ? ? ' '* ' Wheeling M-.M \ IM * ? 77 7* 7 rt? new preferred . . . ... *7 "?* Wheeling St?el .V I. ?aii ? n |V? !*?*, Whwliii;' St"*! i *Vtirg * ?? ? Wheeling Til* I o ? . ....* *-'? Whttaker <;it><<;n?*r i*o pief i?l ? ilo r?irmnon .1-fl ">? Ko.'fntii* GUkj --Tianiifrr' h? ok* e|o*e June for ul titr a 1 1 > {i?r r*m ca?h <T?r!dp???I pay*ti!* June i". Wlie^.'Mlg \I?;M & PoMiiUry pitftired -Transfer hr?nlj>? close June 'J*1. '?>r cent cash tlintirwl. (initbli* July J. I. alien? preferred Tm infer bonus ? l^ie June 15. (f a tegular V j-rr nn' cadi tlii:derul payablt June .0 l.alte"* c-nmcu Taaitcfer br.nK? cloie June 16. ( >r 4 regular i p-i ??n' and au rx!:a !! Jin cent ca*& tliiiUttvl pav*ble June ^'JiitilirMilpsMifr I' Tratit fer h'-rk< ?*ln*e June 2". t"i a regular 1 '? i?er ?*en! and aiti exira 2 I'pr r?*i! f ihfidrnri [;ible Juix. iV lioti - T'*h>i>r rio** June Jfi. for d : /-ir"i !;i r V j rr ??fn* tlividriid an?J ?ri ?Xtra 1 ppr tent liiri.lerul. ]*;?\al?le Juu? .'?0. BOSTON COPPER STOCKS WUKKMXC. W. V;i? .hmo I ?. IT. Furiilf heil -Th* T iitbiIIu cuciir by .V Ei Maslon & Co., members New Tork Scocil Bxchaiige. National Hunl\ of West Vlr* Clnl.'t buMditig. Wheeling. W. \ra. Louii f. Brand, manager. ""stocks. Bid. A.ik. Aflvcnmro .. All.. u< A ri'ioliun . . . Ariuna i. A i i'liui i 'ni. A.- Ho.-li. ' 'eniiTiniiil . i Yi|>|>?t IUiiiu I'alv \V"st , Kat?t Hutic l?*rj. nklm . . Wiui'-'><,K . . . . Mel v?-t i;i t tu! i:< l>i|f U<>y;il" . . K>>rr l.akf .. I.iikv M ii-hiiraii . . M*>\vlia vvk ... N ijiis.v'iiiK Nnl't }i 1 1 u 1 i ?' Ijuim-y Sbanivm .... Sii|?*ri<?r . . SupiTiiir ><? C' Trinity I 'tali ? 'mis"! . Winona Wi>lvortn?' Tuolumni' . (I.-! r.i i! 'J '. 1-4. Curb Mlningr Stocks. Hincliam ... I'.olu-inia ... HI Hf'l ! ? '(?i!s. i v,|i|i..r I Vll:-. Al ll'll.l . Crown IJ.' Klr^t National I,:i ..... ?Mr l\ inlo v I'ar I nii.-.l V. i.i.,- I Yukon ? !f>hi 1 C \ I ;< b ?: \ i i Standard Oii Subsidiary Stock-i I WIIKBI.I.Vi!. W. Va.. June H. IT | Furnlsbril 'I'll'- I ntottt^eiu'cr by A. E. 1 Musten &? Co. membnrn New Torlc Stock K^rliantf. National Rank of Wast Vlr* C i :ui building. Wheeling. W. Va. Loula I !?'. lira nd, manager. STOCKS. j Anglo Amr-ri.'an '.\tlanti.,> !{?" t'lniiiK ' P.orii?'-Si i yaist-r ' '?> l.iin- ? 'o I < 'hi'.-Oiri'Ugli .M :'g. < 'o . | > 'olnnial "i! < . ; i 'o:itin<*ntiil <n| i ii'roM-ont I'iii'1 l.ln? i ? "iinslH'srla nd ri|i<- 1 .1 ti?* Ciii-rk.i I'll"- I. in' ' ial.-na Sipn.i I ? ? 1 5 < do jifi-fi-rred Illinois 1 1 i| l.ln 1 tidia na ? ?!!??? I .i n*- ? '?? .\a!l"iial Transit < "o. . ! Nc oVrk Ttai.. ii <*,. , ' Nori h?.?rii l.iin- 1 ' ?i)ik< imI Coincaiiy I ,icr?* i ? i I ? 'ol'porai ion iTaino <?il A- '.'ax 1 Ya i rif I *i|v I .i n?- . . . >'<dar l{f finiiiL' < '<? . . Si>u:lt?-'-n I'ip.'*' Sol)! |) I Vnn ? "I 1 '< Soul it Wi-si IViitia I.Kl nil C.. Ml I 'd nil Ci ? Ml ?? ' ? i i ? Staiiiiaril St .i nda til Standard Sta Hilar. I Sta nda r.l Stain!.. r<l i 'il i '?>. . Sta iiiIh rii < 'i I ? ? Si a ini.i r?i ' ' V ? Swan .<;? I,"iiii,b 1 I ' ?i :? -il Tan!. I .i i?? \'.i.".iiini ? 'I! < "omi W:.-hinston ? ? i 1 1 I 'i |.?? Miif- I '?alt!. . . L-'!.". Indiana.. 7-t" Isa nsa.~ t' K v . Ni 4lill ? N. .1 . I' N. V I i >1 i<> in pa ny . i nv, . . r. i ? linS . r.i i I vh I in I I a :? l PITTSBURGH STOCKS I s in* v WUKKU.v:. W. Va.. ,li!'.? 1 1. IT. Km nisli'-l I'll* tntrHlgenir??i by A K Mast?n .V < 'n . in^mtiora Xriv York Stock Kxt'lntngp, Naltnnnl Hank of West Vlr gini.i in.ilihiiR. Wheeling. W. \'a_ l.oul* r* ili and. manager. '"STOCKS ' ~ ~ ! Fid. ' As'c." Ani.-ri. an S?-v I'iri^ An-. Wlmlfnv .Ma.-bimv A in. Window 'ilass. pref . . I".'. Can- > Itl v.?r Ca.'- IS*; i "i'IisoI itia i ???! ' I. "- ... .1 7, do pr.-iVn i-l . "7 I : ni ?-i i?- i??i? tit r.i r wuig ...... I i... I --4 ? in pivti-rr'-d . :? Mar.'lf;'-l '* I. .V II i>*>'4 C.'i1--.. National F*'l r. rmoflng . do liivt'M i t-f| . . . 15 i >li lii Kin I ' . IS';.' I It i 'I; tahaniia '!;'??* 1*1' '4 . i 'si'K"' ^ i 'l.laliiima '!as ... I :'.3 ! *i; ? -si li Hri'wina i I . . il-i in. :, rt ...... I ?' 10'.* I 'it ? !b'i' fth I'll .<? '!as. 1 .ri!; r. I'itt 'oni gli I'latt* ' ;ia.?N San Ti'-j" . . I'ninn a.Vinral 'las Ct-Mf-ii St. ?!<>.- ' ila>> "W.-f liiglioif-o tu llrake.... 11< 111' ! Wi'stingliot!.-*- l!!?'.-tr|i" .. do pr.-ft-i r< il ? ? '7 4 1 l.:i P I I i ". : . i i ?' "t M n'SU lTl " di. ?.r j se ? .. I *11 . ** ' ' ... ' i 1 . \ J .! *'h "?! 'n ^ I I i r. ? . STOCKS AND BONDS. A. E. MASTEN & CO. BROKERS ?fM-?05-20t> National Bank of W. Va. Bid*. LOUIS F. BRAND, Manager. MEMBERS NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANtK PITTSBURGH STOCK EXCHANGE BOSTON STOCK EXCHANGE CHICAGO S*TOCK EXCHANGE * CHICAGO BOARO OF TRADE WHEELING LIVE STOCK Willi 101. INO. W. V'a.. June 13. 'IT. i IVtivclJng l.jf til or k I omtuljialvn l o. j , 'ATI I.E. i i:>;t j.-- .1.1. to riinirc. i?w t?. unO Ill OOi&ll ?,? C'aul?. fair con). in 1I"C I? 1 1 00 t'aUV. *--"i| !? rhnire. >0" to :n)0 'j -S'Jia 10 nil r^ulf, fuic to iicKwJ, SOU l< > ?.|i> fi :> r*o r?lll?. s"orl. 70u lo SOU 7 SO".? " "" ? 'unit. [omn.oii iv.f hull? llolo;;nj hulls 7 ''Ov? 11 On cm ? ooi-tto uo isulofiiis Hfni i.u::c*s I "?tf 0 JO 1IOGS. iH>. is? ;i is so ? is is H s-'oij, ISO IT'.. IS O'tttl'i .'0 M. J. u>r m I l.'.O 12 i4ult 0" ?o'V? / siibfci' ami i.ami; t?i.'?;? run. rll?V ' {Co'hI, eitt1!1*"' Slicl'I'. ? ?III. mi., I I lij;p0t| J II.) 'A 4 "0 I.b'i'I:*. 1..1J I" ir,ii>W. ?ii;iyf.| I) 000*11 ."0 I. Mini* . riii!.* arte 1' ?HiiiNt, > !.;"l" <1 S ftOiT 7 00 Semis imil'j lo oudTIj oo vkai. cai.vka . f?.lw. rli'iK'. :2S tn 17." II 041 1 1 SO v ??? 1 r.iim.. ((..oil. ii'i iu i;;. : . . i.'t 00iu ji oo l.;?'ijt, IiCv.t unit cm li.vHI 1-i.lvoi 5 00"' 'J 00 Krftli ciiws. jood to cliuivc '. to 0o?f?u 0(1 I Six. IV r<'r?.>n tV t.'o.j ? ATTIJi. fiiu. 1,1.1.(1 In I . JIM. I! 00011 .so i:?i:i?. roo in 1.000 io 00*111 oo l'?tllr. jiM?l. fc'.ii in 9 H0c? Ill 00 i ittl?. cxirj. TOO 10 i'Jti X 00 ?r 9 ml 7 ixili' . H'l 7 Oftpi" 0 50 j uu<a 'j Po Oi'^i 7 00 OOwrJi) no II 00'XH 00 S .lOia 3 ;0 b 00.y S l"J i '..miiii Ilaili r, jowl: II"31. ???i is 2S(|?1S 10 i.ijh; Wk.-is ...12 OOte M oo I*;s, 12 00c? 13 10 SUEEI'. SI'. ????p. '? XI m . ili|.f^l t.' S 00-.? 9 00 Sln'i'ii, .join! 7 O'K* .1 oo Sli.rl;. i iiliiliioi) j U'J i t> OU billing UjiiI.<i I1) O0il4 00 l.^n.liii. ftlia ??. it. I'liniMril. 1" 0oi? 1 1 00 I.o4I.Im. .4ir i.j . .?ij, t'li<>|wi| !) 00? 10 00 ('akfi, ?* t * i ? JI S0(sH i/i . '?l?fj../fcir lo ,<i.od 1" OrtOMS 00 I f , kl. inui. if,- f|i*kd . . . 3S 00 19 70 OO i II UVM io. J mi'.' M. ? Hoks. receipis i;.. I'd ?: iirm. In (?..?nis io 1 r. cents above yt-j?t?reJiiy'.s Hvera^e. iiiilk >13 10 l.'i .i0; litflii -Hi jo'ii lj tii: miX'-'U ill I.". heavy sii yiKi'15 :? 0 : ninths ji M i-ii'iiKi I : pigs .> 1 0 3 H lo. " ' i.'h till*. i-i ipis I'i.immi: ^ i ak. Xaiivo I.e.- 1 t'liiil*.* ? :? 2"ti l.'i "n: sineUi r.-- f.tnl ii ' ili is > T li.'i lu iiO; cows aii'i lieit'ers ?>'i I'S'i i II Nil; ci(iv<*s SlU I i ;*0. Slii.-ofi. r?-i:..lpt?s full;' MToiift. \Voth-' r? ?s 7 j*fi tl 30; rwe.s NT 'i ' ? 'u lu "?*>; lunibj- j l? 15 tl.<; f ptiny.s jl3 0u 1i 17 7 j. rMTT.SWK'.ai. .lull' I (. ? Cattle supply liirlu. V'lmice ?11 "C'e 1" .">(?: ? primi: 't 1 3 00 'a J If J.V Siii.-op. sternly: supply Jight. I'rime ni'th'M.s $ 1 ?* M(i '(i I" "i0; s-ull and common O0iii-7 00: lambs J'j U057-12 50; veal calves" $ 1 1 ;.or(/ lj iju. Ilriijs bifc-her. recfiptf llgh;. Prime heavies i 1 .j 7 'i.i I "j Sii; mediums SI 5 63 <11 1 .1 7"; lic-avy y(irk'-r!? $15 .".0 fi 1 5 '"l.'i; light yi.rU. rs 51-1 .in fit 1 1 75; pigs $14 i'0 '</ I 1 1*5; rough!? ?H 0U WL\ 50. Butter, Eggs and Cheese XICW VOHK. Juiii' 14. ? liuttor weak: ?ti ttim-ry higher than ?'xtru. 37 ^ fi'3)i ;-i ; i:re?mery .-xtras i i?2 scori ) 37 rti 37 ; lirsls 36 1 1 '?/ 3i! ; s<.?'"iuls 35''i:36. KggM :irm: fresh gathi.-red extras 31 'j ill 32: fresii gaiiicrcd storage packed lirsts 31 #32; fr??sh gathered lirsls 30''/ ;:>) ; state, f'ennsyivania and nearby western hep.nerv whites, fine to fancy 34 \ i 35; state. Cennsy Ivanla and nearby innvry browns ("lui?si> unsettled: st:ite. fresh, spe .?'ijjls 23 2a S : (In. average run 2 2 'it i. ive poultry ?"i n let : cliickcns S3fi>3">: fow ls 25: i ui k'-y:- 1 > ''i 20. Dri-s.svd >\c?k: ?:hii;k?,ns 23 0j 2J; fowls 19 '- ? 2 5; turkej i- IN ''i 32. J'lour unchanged. DALLAS Mr nnd Mrs. Isaac i.'row and daiigli t'-r Virginia of Woodsfleld. Miss Th,,r F. it tli .-iiiii A' is. Kl I a ("row and son .lului of M i-.M "i-li'Ti and Mr. I>rcy I i.irnl.r. ?(?!>? nf Wheeling were guests on Sunday nf Mr. :iinl Mrs. N. Strl-'klin. ? KiIipI. tlii- foiir-nionths-old baby ? ? f Mr. ;iiid Mrs. Tom Kimble, was badly bnrn.-d tb'> fr< ???? Sntnrilay when :i ihreo-\ear-ol?i !>??> pound linimi-nt ii'iitaiiilng earboiic. .??cio 'upon it. The child is recovering sluwly. Kxoidlcni programs were held Sunday a i I lie Presbyterian and Methodist elnircli'-s. ''wing to the inelenient weuilier. (|uitf a people who intended goinc- tn Majorsville for. the exercises in the ji flirnoon were disappointed . I.ei Wlii'e, one nf our best young He ti. p:i ss.-il n Hrsl r|:is? examination ?t Win ??ling last week, nn'l enlisted as ??ngilteef. itr> expects io leave the la.t \-r pari of ibis week. He will be missed in lite M. K. ??btirch. us ? t present h" is superintendent of the Sabbath Mifs \ nna Howard left Sunday for a ' isil with her sister. Mrs. Phi gent T-'miUIimiisci. nf Cleveland. MifjS (.aura Kintmins attended com icneement at [.iberty. returning bi iie l-'rid.iy evening. Miss Mar* .McTiatilel r- Mimed to her home n-nr WnoKicr. ?}. Snndav. nfier a several days' visit t?'i;h relatives in i"'h|1:i.s. Mf- riTrry Klrcmin* and Utt'e ?'.?lighter nf 1*1 in i J rove are visiting her sister. Mrs. I'l/le Higgs. Mi?< ivclia * "unnlngham returned io ? i ?- r Inline at '';ilis f-'unday after spend- j inc litre., w.-ek's with her aunt. Mrs. Odu Cunningham. Mi.?s Kdna re-rnrned Tues day lo her home in Oi-eene county. Pa.. aft'M' i' ' wo weeks' visit with Dallas friends. Mrs. M \V. l:.;tli it nil Mr*. Oeor^e TSulh were .business i-alh-rs In Wheel ing Tuesday. Mr. ai)'i Mrs. .Inmes Kiniey of War win..) -.pen' Sunday with Iter mother Mrs Van White i.'leve Crawford, wit" graduated Jast week ;it West r.iberTy. sji.-nding his vn..niiin at home. >Tiss l"lla Splllman >>f Knf Klnlev sneut th. week-end with h'-r aunt. Mrs. K. i Aii lo r.' Mi'.-cee "I'von and Opal 1 'avis are vlslt ? ?- 1- l.ei v grandfather. I lertry Davis, of llssrne v . .Mis? i*'.i niebey. t-i-em gradmte( in i'ie ho?pi'nl at Washington. Pa., GEO. W. BARON5 BROKEB LISTED AND UNLISTED STOCKS AITS BONDS 812-813 Schmulbach 314*. Bell 1336 ? National 708. " K B. Marshall, Mgr. Bond Department Members Wheeling- stock Exchange H A Z L E T T ft B O D M A N 30 Twelfth St Wheeling. Bell *J0C .N'utl ?2u Local Stock* and Dvrestment Bo* d* Members U'h"clln(f Stock Exchange JAMES GREEK Correspondent of LAWBEITCI J. DXETZ ft OO. 1 Members of New York Consolidate* Stock Exchange. I Stocks and Bonds. Direct Wirt to ftl) Primary Markets. National 291. Sen 8180 301.308 Schmulbach Bolldln*. iTheFinance Company | Capital and Surplus, $150,000.00. j N*w York and Xocal Stocks and Bond*, DZBECT PBXVATI W IBS NEW YOB* AND CHICAGO. Members Wheeling- Stock Exchange. BEAZi ESTATE AJTD nTSOTtANCB SPE1DEL & BACHMAN, Inc. nrrssTjczirrs stocks, Bonds and Insurance*. Either Phone 983. 401.2.3 Q?na?i Bank Building Members of Wh??. Stock Bxcksage. S- P. Norton. G. W, Nortpo. Norton & Company! Stocks, Bonds. Xe?l Estate. -I 63? Nat. Bxcfcan** Bank Bid*. Inquiries Solicited. Telephon? No. 88. Member* Wheeling Stock kxchaa*e. MITCHELL & STEVENSON, Inc. : INVESTMENT BBOXBBS Members Wheeling stock Bxckaage All orders and Inquiries given prompt Attention. ! Bell 403 316-383 I Nat'l. 342 Schmalbach Building HOWARD HAZLETT & SON Stock, Bond and XnTeatm?at Securities. Boomp 215, 331 222 Schmulbach Bid*. Members Wheeling Stock Exchange Sell 23 and 99. Kstl. 23 tad 99 RAILWAYS Baltimore & Ohio RAILROAD SEASHORE EXCURSIONS FROM Wheeling ?TO? Atlantic City $10.00 Good in Coaches Only. $12.00 Good in Pullman Cars With Pullman Ticket. CAPE MAY, SEA ISLE CITY, OCEAN CITY, STONE HARBOR, WILD WOOD. June 28, July 12 and 26, August 9 and 23, September 6. Tickets . Good Returning Sixteen Days. I 1ms b^on visltinpr her parents. Mr. ar.d , .Mrs. Albert Riebcy. j Klzio RjpKjc reccvcd h."> new Chevrolet ??ar last week. Tom Kimble, who Is employed In tha I ens fiHd at Calis. spent Saturday and I Sunday wiih ^ils family. STORE CLOSED * Word was received here tbls morn* in? of the death of Mrs. B&'rb&ra! Huch, beloved mother of August Buch, . I Elmer Buch and Walter Buch, owners; of the Book's shoe stores. Mr? Buch j passed away this morning at the i family home in Pittsburgh. As ai token of sorrow and respect to the' deceased, the two stores of the com pany here will be closed until Sat urday at noon. * , BRINGING UP FATHER k/ELL -MOV/ ;rER * ; I CxOOO I i REST- J fn BY GEORGE McMANUS FOR TVO PlN*b I'D fcREKK \QUR ? , Ji\W~ >4A<<CitE - BE C^EFOL YOU'RE tmx?n* to A 2>UR<i LAR -