OCR Interpretation

The Wheeling intelligencer. [volume] (Wheeling, W. Va.) 1903-1961, June 15, 1917, Image 14

Image and text provided by West Virginia University

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86092536/1917-06-15/ed-1/seq-14/

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Thumbnail for FOURTEEN

Friday, June 15. 1917. STONE & THOMAS The W?.h,r_F.ir.
$1.98 -
An Important Offering of
Women's Porch Dresses
$1.98 $2.25 $2.50 $2.98 $3.98 '
\7'ERY smart, serviceable Porch Dresses , I
* made of the newest novelty tissue :
fabrics with full plaited skirts and dainty |
collars and cuffs ? exceptional values at j
the prices quoted. Sizes for women and i
misses. ? Second floor
Girls' Hot Weather Dresses i
FOR Friday only wo will offer a line of Oirls' "Dresses for j
hot weather wear at a reduction. The .Dresses are made j
of gingham. percale and white lawn in a great variety of j
styles, straight effects, high waisted, prettily trimmed with !
white collars and cuffs. Choice of all our Girls' Ol A
$-.00 Dresses for one day only at. iplttTtl |
? Third floor
Housewares at
Friday Special Prices
wanted kinds on sale
Friday, at very special
Bob White Laundry Soap, a
white kind manufactured by
Proctor & Gamble, regular Sc
cakes: Friday special
eight bars for OtJ v.
Window Screens, steel frame,
adjustable, 30 inches high ami
extends to ;>7 inches wide. 7~?c
kind: Friday _
special \j?i !?
Earthenware Tea Pots. blneU.
round, squat shape, fi-eup sire,
set-in cover. 49c kind:
Friday special OOv
Fruit Presses ami Potato
.Mashers, round shape, seamier
retinned cup. :).V kind
? Friday sperm I
?? (iarden Rakes. malleable iron
|? head with 14 teeth, lonir miiooJ h
! handle. :i\h- kind:' O rj ^
Friday special 4l I C
i'urtain Stretchers ?>f sclent
ed basswnod. with nickeled
brass pins. <?ni' inch apart, si;
Kxl'J feet. si. 'J") kind: Qi-*/*
Fridax* special U\J\s
II..t I 'lutes. 2-burn.r size. ;? I!
cast irc.n. with 1 ? -\ ?? r valves. mi,'
$1.7!) leader : Fri- (? -J r/*
day special t5X?00
remaininir I"? <>t All-While
Enameled Steel Cookinu'
Ftensils. consisting of fofi'ee
Puts. Tea Kettles. Water
Pails. Dmibl.' Boilers, Kerliu
Kettles and Preserving Ket
tles. regularly 08e to $1.2.)
each : Friday. P
choice.... vlt
-Market-Street floor
Women's Spring Suits
'/3 to >4 Off
ENTIRE stock of Women's and Misses' Spring Suits ? cloth
and silk ? being sold at a third to a half off the reg-ular
marked prices. Come promptly for choice of the assortments.
? Third floor
<)R 'two days? Kriday and Saturday ? wo will sell
Standard Red Odar Chests at. a reduction from
the regular prices. These Chests are moth-proof. and
made from red cedar throughout. some with copper
hands, choice of ten styles:
I'usl i '< >1 ? hi i;i i ('odar Chests. 40 inches Ion? anrl IB ^ 1 Q /i Q
ini-hes high :? s;i 1<* price <]5XO? xO
Prist Colonial Cedar Chests. copper hinding. turned posts -10 inches
lonir and 18 inches high ? ^ 1 /i
sale price
IVst Colonial Cedar Chests. extra size. copper binding, paneled
and with raised heading. 4$ inches loner and Q Q ?T
is inches hiirh ? sale price tP-LO?oO
? Other Chests in the sale priced up to S35.00.
These Chests are out of the ordinary in design, finish and
workmanship. ? Fourth floor.
Stone & Glftomas
Perfects Ingenious Device to Catch
Those Who May Try to Dodge Eye !
Test of the Conscription ?
Dr. W. p. Meprail. the well kno?>
Island physi-cian. who has been the in-,
rentor of a number of Interesting me- ?
rhanical devices for use in medicine
and surgery. lm> tontrivel an interest- ;
itg little device for the purpose of de- j
r*?ctiog: slackers who may claim to I
have defective vision. j
The device consists of twn rircular;
pieces of cardboard about eicht inches'
m diameter, working on a common 1
axis. The upper cardboard has a num
ber of perforations, while the lower,
cardboard is colored in its various
parts with prismatic colors. A nura-i
ner of small skeins of colored cord are !
provided similar to the colors pre-j
pared on the lower cardboard. The .
cardboards are so shifted that the col- j
ors show through the perforations of i
the upper board, and the applicant is j
then asked to match the colors with '
the colored threads. By shifting Ihej
colors, dimply rmolvirtR the lower'
cardhoaid. additional tests are made. I
and applicant found to be with cor-!
reet vision as to a certain color on |
tlie first test, r.tteniptinc to deceive on j
rhe second test, may be easily de-i
tected. '
The contrivance is quite an incer.-!
ious one and may prove of service to|
the conscription board.
In police court yesterday. Pet<- Hntpesi
and Tom Knjsmeeun were fined $in and I
??e?!n eaeh for staging a battle in the
Market Auditorium. Rotli uie<j> are fruit
dealers at the market and th*" ; tried trr
settle g dispute by battling with over
ripe fruit.
Walter I.it ton. captain of the ?teamer
Liberty, was fmsd $11 fee allowinc eal
vf.? to rcmiin <>n his boat at the wharf
after n nVlnok at nielit. He appealed
i lie ease to criminal court.
Ken Dtn?l-?p, Kalpli A cut-bride and Rert j
PiTnlap Wore iin<-d S2" ami ens Is apiece
for stafrin.r a row in ihe red light dis
,\ contract wb? idosed y?:>lrrdHy I
whereby I1r.>olc?. county commissioners \
arranred to Imve the county's dopen- ,
dants cared for in the Ohio county In- 1
flrmary. The '~>hio county hoard is to re- j
? cjvo for each case ten percent above i
the a verape cost of k?ninc <">hio roun- j
t y's poor. The contract becomes effee- !
lire Julv 1.
Cell? weather persisted so lute this
[year that many more persons liave colds
than ever before at tills season. You
can tret relief from racVintr. hacklntr
' couch?, from ?wherry, snee/.y hreatliinc.
from raw. sore tliro.itt ?iid tieht chest, i
W. O. Clazier. Bentonville, Ark., writes*
I "1 ran recommend Foley's Honey and
Tar Compound. I used it for n cough |
th.it I had for y?ars and was said in ,
| have consumption. but2 itl' cured ni"." j
Contains no opiates Children like It. i
Coleman <fc Co.
Oul J. Xepner, Prop.
prlrat# Chapal, 1312 Ohapllna Street.
0*11 Either Phoni, 367.
Geo, E.Johns Co.
? - "The Quality Shop" ? =
Women's Summer Dresses
Specially Purchased for this
Occasion and Specially Priced
'An event planned weeks ago and providing for every summer wardrobe require
ment, m cool and pretty Summer Kroeks. Extremely smart , models ?>n the newest
lines, very daintily finished, developed iu the most fashionable of Summer Novell \
Clearance jSale of all Suits at J 4 and l/s
Spring Coats Values up to $29.50 at $15.00 |
Police Force Slate Proposed by Chief
elect Silts is Somewhat Up
in the Air. '
Candidates for the various positions
in i hi* gift of the city manager are
brooming very active. Probably as
much interest is being taken in the
appointment of :t city health officer,
as any other, and for this a large num
ber of aspirants art; in tho field.
Dr. W. < Hi/.lcr. the present cMy
health officer. beli?v??s that his exper
ience abundantly qualifies him for the
position, and has therefore filed his
application for re-appointment.
Dr. Charles M. Keesor, nf the South
Side, is also an applicant, and has
secured the endorsement of a large
number of the local medical fraternity.
Dr. Keesor is one of the younger
physicians of the city, but has a very
excellent record, and is regarded as
<>ne of the coming men in the profes
sion. ?
Dr. E. B. Plant., who has been active
in Democratic politics for many years, I
and who engineered the Democratic I
end of the so-called good governmeni j
movement in conjunction with his i
great and good friend, Hon. George j
Ashton I.aughlin. is also a candidate. ,
Dr. Plant's ambitious, however, suf
fered a severe crimp when Council
man Kress of the Fourth ward, sup
posed to be his special protege, went j
into the camp of the "Inner-five" with- j
out first getting an .iron bound con-i
tract, to have Plant taken care of. It. 1
is no secret that Dr. Plant made some j
very earnest and costly efforts in be-j
half of Mr. Kress" election, and the
doctor is now wondering exactly I
where and how he is to be recom-j
pensed. An interesting story may be j
told of about the election before final |
disposition is made of Dr. Plant and j
his ambitions.
Dr. Andrew Wilson, who was slated
by some members of the "inner-five"
for this office, is also a candidate, and
at one time it looked like Dr. Wilson j
had the place cinched, hut the under- >
standing that has been reached,)
namely, that City Manager Nagle Is j
under no obligations and has no prom-!
ises and cannot he called upon to j
make good the contracts of any of the:
"inner-five." rather leaves Dr. Wilson!
up in the air. I
Dr. S. 1>. S. Spragg, of North Wheel- 1
ing, is another applicant, and has been j
conducting an active campaign.
It. is needless to say that none of
the candidates so far have any assur
ance as to the likelihood of tiieiiv ap
There is wailing and smashing of
teeth among a certain lot of gentle
men who expected to be on the police
force, as a result of Mr. James -Sills, j
the eminent reformer, being chosen in.
the head of the police department. I
Mr. Sills, it is understood, had made J
a rather complete selection of Ihe otli-j
cials under the- supposition that he'
was tn name the entire police force. J
Mr. Thomas Kelly, a present member j
of the police force, was the Sills'
choice for ope nf the lieutenant posi-l
tions, and Joseph Schlick. a former j
Democratic policeman, of the Fourth
ward, was to have had another o>e. (
Sills had gone to the extent of pre-'
paring a rather complete slate, and in- j
cautiously made it public. At ihci
present time, the Sills selections arc'
very much up in ihe air. It is no,
secret that ihe Sills selection for chief
of police has been a most unpopular!
one, and at least one of the prospec
tive candidates for city manager let i
it be understood that he would not j
accept the city managership wish Sills .
a's police chi"f.
It is the general belief that I'iiy;
Manager Naelo will so slow in making,
Your dentrifice should
do more than just polish
your teeth. It should
penetrate the crevices
between the teeth and
gums, where your tooth
brush cannot reach.
polishes and brightens
the teeth, and thorough
ly cleanses the whole
mouth. 250
The daily use of
will keep the mouth in I;
a clean, healthy conch- j
tion and prevent tootli
decay. 25c
^ A
'The most important I
item in clean teeth is a j
good toothbrush. We j
have a first quality i
brush, guaranteed 110 1 !
to shed its bristles for j
35^. !
Other brushes, 10c up. |j
chancres in any of the city offices, but
undoubtedly some change* will be
made. Probably the reorganization
of the police force will be one of the
first things he lakes up, as most of
the complaint against the present
city government has centered about
the administration of the policc de
Col. Thnmas Levland has definitely
decided that he will retire to private
life upon the' laurels which he has
gained in the high office. While about
t.he police headquarters and among
members of the force generally, the
feeling is- that it is not now worth
while to cry over spilt milk. The
agreement, is very general that quite
a mistake was made on the part of
the police officers and their fri-ends
in the fight which they made to save
Ley land when impeachment charges
were being considered.
Burley Thompson, one of Ihe oldest
members of the fire department, and
a brother of Chester Thompson, coun
cilman from the Second ward, is an
active candidate for chief of the fire
'department, as is also James P. Alt
meyer. former fire chief. t Fire Chief
Rose is also an applicant' to succeed
Hearing is on Writ to Compel Presi
dent Baird to Sign Clark Order.
.Judge H. C. Kervey today will con
duct the hearing on the alternate writ
of mandamus against. Samuel M.
Baird. president of the Trladelphia
district board of education. The
alternative writ requires Mr. Baird
either to sign an order for $21,000 in
payment for the Clarke site for a high
school or to show cause why he should
not do so, as directed by Max Hess
and .T. H. Beans, the o:uer members
of the board.
Mr. Baird. who favors the location
of the high school at Elm drove, has
tiled a list of objections to signing the
order. He will be represented in his
tight to have the writ dismissed by
Judge Frank W. Nesbltt: and Attorney
Joseph Handlan. The board of educa
tion and the Clarke heirs will be rep
resented by Attorneys J. B. Handlah,
IX A. McKee and J. C. Palmer.
Registration of Jas. Dolan at Alliance
on June 2. Came Yesterday.
Although James Dolan, of No. 100
Main street, registered at Alliance. 0..
on Saturday. June 2. three days before
registration day, his card did not
reach Wheeling until yesterday. This
may have been due to "the fact that the
name of the state was omitted from
from the address on ih?* envelope,
which was directed simply to Sheriff
Howard Ha.-tlncs, Wheeling.
The I'-tter enclosing the card was
dated June I and the postmark shows
that the letter did not leave Alliance
until June 11. Sheriff Hastings re
ceived it yesterday.
Dolan had been registered by <ome
official who signed "John <!. Miller."
but did not affix his official title. City
Auditor Charles H. Alliens was di
rected to accept the n-cistration card
and forward Dolan a certificate of
A statement has he.-n received in
Wheeling from the American Society
for Armenian and Syrian Relief, show
ing that up to date Wheeling's con
tributions have amounted to # 1 .096.7 4.
$71. 00 was contributed during the
months of March. April and May, and
$1.!i25.7-l previous to that lime. The
statement makes a very .itronu appeal
for further assistance tor this .work,
and estimates that over r>00,0(Mi people
are starving in Armenia and Syria.
Contributions to the relief fund can
he sent to Charles ^ Crane, general
treasurer, or addressed to the Amer
ican Committee of Armenian and
Syrian Relief, No. 1 Madison avenue,
New York.
Mavilagrc Licenses.
frank Ssn?.-nti aid ...M.trv K?.-rf.?ki.
I... It. .>r \Vll??r lifis
Ivijf nz.-i Si' wart. ,'i U le ctins:. and !<ia
M* in:. V.-v M:,i.inii.r;is. ? <.
t..-n< r?,n< ? Csenirnil; sun! Fa-ln Saftv-Ji
hi. I h i ;|ein-,? , 1 1.
Martin It. Ash, ><f Wurwiio.l. and i'!ara
I Vile t:.. torts. ..f Woodland. \\\ Vn.
W'illi.-iu. II ICnnpp. of t'anieron. \V,
\ <. ami M i r ! tin i '??inter. Cf .\1""iml.~
\ ill-. \\". Va.
Irwin It. .M iiik'inej ??!? and M. I .? ?u i "s">
?'Ivk'-r. 1 ?? ?? 1 1 of Whei-tii e.
!>? ii t'avnli and Agues n?nn. I?'th ?
. Al<-.\an<|er. P.m.
Deeds of Trust.
Tw>. rloii- ..f irnol ami ? ?nr r"t'*a?'l
I ? fi', wi rr 1:1, . | r? . r i-r>ru;-.| ill lit- ? ??linl.V
? I ? ? i K ' "ft 'i'o yesterday.
IV n t ??? n* r jipiv-M:i<->l ;inri|i.vi
? ?f M.iritr !.'?'? Mary l.nri. . t'cini
\\". Ui'> -t i ? i ?? ? i 1 1 > ? ? i guardian <>f lie
??riOian ??'?il?lr< n. <<( Mur;. I!n ?!??*
? ???a soil. I:,.n>l.
William Johnson. Jr.. May Be Tried
Again at September Term
of Court.
The jury in the William Johnson.
Jr.. speakeasy case reported at
o'clock last evening that It was hop*
l'-ssl\ divided. .1 ud ? Robinson dis
cbar!;e/| ihe jury and dismissed ihe ju
rors for th'1 term. Johnson, who was
arrest-d by the police in a raid cm his
plat mi Sevcntf-ni Ii sip-H, was al
lowed in ^o on his former bond in the
September term of court.
Owins t r? 'lie necessity for a session
oi 'j i m ? ' i ? i I ? com i Judge Robin <on will
not adjourn the May term of court un
til Saturday.
LOSS IS $5,000
Damage From Kurncr Building Fire
Heavier Than Thought
at First.
Later estimates yesterda> placed
ill" Inss in the fire which threatened
the Kurner . hutldinc and adjoining
structure occupied by the T. A. Utile
phimbitic shop ypstenlay uiornins at
close in ?.T.nf>"'i. About $3.2nn worth of
photographic material in The Photo
Shop was destroyed while materials
destroyed and damage done bv water
in the plumbing -hop and the Kurner
wan-room. with the loss of a section of
ilv huildinc, *will bring the loss up to
<'eut' iy tienil Kneitv rr \\ . < >. Mrt'lu^
!;i>y.-.lr.. ttiis morninc will put a t ?>!>-?
uf men at work repairing a sei-llmi of
tti" Nat ion it road near West .Alexander.
Tile road is to be widened .it that point.
Japan will build at Tokio an astro
nomical observatory the equal 1n size
at*! completeness of anything in the
(j^ited States or Europe.
Geo. R. Taylor Co \
Store Hours ? 8:30 to 5:30
Shirt Waist Dresses
of Striped Tub Silk
For $19.95
One of the charming all-round dresses which come in
so handy. Sheer, cool, two-piece, and pretty for day and
summer evenings.
10 Cent Sale- -Notion Dept.
Any At
. 10c
25c Sanitary Belt
J Tic Supporters
15c Tooth Brushes
15c Bath Caps.
15c Hair Nets
19c Amber Hair Pins
19c Bone Hair Pins
:] ? fx* Cards Buttons....
3 ? 5c Cards Safety Pins.
3 ? 5c Sanitary Napkins.
f,\ ? 5c Darning Silk...v.
:] ? 5e. Cards Clasps
3? 5c Iron Holders
The quality of our
notions is of the best
?no trash, but de
pendable, high stand
ard wares.
Week End Art Department
.$1.25 Stamped PETTICOATS? Sheer 98^
75c .Stamped PILLOW CASES ? Pair 59(?
45c NOVELTY BRATD (Turtle) 29<
49c VICUNA YARN? Colors i 33f
12c RICK RACK 9<
Split Prices on Mussed Scarfs and Centers.
M mature Ivory Frames ^ '
Fine French quality, in artistic shapes, (2 for 25c
glass fronts ? J
Large Ivory Bevel Mirror 1 Saturday0
All-round, heavy frame, a beautiful r CO Off
accessory ? $0.50 value ? J
Pears Unsccn-ed Soap I ? v j
Standard price .15c Bar ? J v -LjUrb JUr JJC
White Grounds with stripes in copen, green, lav
e.ndct\ black, rose ? Grey grounds with color stripes ?
White grounds with embroidered dots and clocks, also
Black grounds and Navy grounds.
Women \r All Black
Pin c Si/k Tif)cp[85c Pair
$1.23 Value llvStj
These remarkable concessions will be available
Friday and Saturday only. No Jobs, No Seconds but
n'ur stuck wares, in well known makes. ' ?
1 he Smartest ?f Silk Sweaters
Sweaters nf nil qualities arc seen today ? some are 90
much richer than others, not only richer in color and lus
ter but with a grainier effect? ours are of this latter type.
IT RE SILK SWEATERS }j>25.00 and $29.50
$18.50, $14.95, $8.95, $7.95
In Kelly Green. Rose. Copen, Gold, Purple, Cardinal,
Lavender. Peach, Grey. Fawn and White. Pockets, Col
lars. liirdles. Cuffs. Lengths and Allovcr effects are very
much correct.
1 he 1 aylor I horofare
Why Experiment
AVhon in nerd nf Dental Service? Go to the Dentist* wfeo are
established and rxpcrirnecd, and who have a reputation for giv- i
inp Honest Service.
Tour Toot h are ton valuable to experiment with. Dent
istry is no J oncer an experiment with us.
We have been established in our present location for 29
years. You can safely trust the care of your Teeth to us, u our
thousands of satisfied patrons will testify.
Call for examination and advice.
AD Work
Hill Bros.
Open Monday, Wednesday and Saturday

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