I l ~-t t ii.O .
I'.v 1 "?
COI.l'MHl S. O. ^ m.
wa v ::r-:n?
This iify ;;-?i of
that fh>> |?r?snl' r?- ?>? -? ' isn?r,-. u
rlt?- .food sup;u>^ and
would ha\- aim t:x \A m b
iUh quantity. MM' , 'b, lh,. ,-out.
paid in -h. to.., I ;, p d a>
l-il. Cotl5THU w 1 1 ?
follow." : ;
I' ^ . ,n -v iri n. J'?u
r^nnd (l;(VUUli anil t,a
vuTxod. V-iuuksio-ap
?food s?ppl> ^Sn^-olum'
Ms-: : Mkx ^.-..t boron::!'.
Kn?v , l T .h,.r i;atn-rvil!v.
i tncitiiian : '
and W. \\\ Tu.?-n...ii AK.oi..
l.abo; and iiui?t-trta? j
c. <-ru\'.-t < ;u\
,?nsh. i 'oia.nl": : r ?.?'???* ^
rHKmna* '? ? , 1 ? _
j?4:- vW|,,7
hViteon. t:?T?a? 1
K ,.V 'V';,'
.. ,? ?. I \Va.:-n ui'M.i.
UU* 1. . * . j ijv . .. i/otUMibu*
i<p; tng-.t? id. ?'iHl t k. .11 .
Minute? A- v .-V * ; _ ' : ~ : ? ; - . ' ,
t. ie\? l;i;;d . Jain. - r* '? mpuV-7: '
!?'? Ki* t,%r .tiol lo?' ; , -V" ?
\V. \V. fhortron anu LKr. f? l'
Pubi:"ii> !aii>-> . i V'V
man. Coluiuh'i?. ami ?? u ?
Traa.-portaMon . ,, ...'
cbhU'iKt'.i. 'K.; vmi
K. llv.if. V-h:;.mt. ? 1 ? ;V ,
S O.'Kicl'.: n'.- -p. \? ? ? ?
i;f?*\i*land. am: ,,f
??( nit* o* ?' : 1 k ?> I ? 1 ?' ? '?
?* - .1 ? I, . u1 iv 1 iiiV.i*''! .
tll?" SOiSlOIl. .It! ? ? ? ,v .. ,
;lf vv . vid' II spun '".K1 .
not l" p-t tm'tfd hi 'itio's wa--,r>
m(,st ri?:.ld l-.M ?' t; th- \] )
v a: < h:?> ? t".s. n 1- i- .uo to <.>
do? tt ti> work and- ? rtv" ? 1^ ?' w,< I
nu ciia' '
Tin* Ohio Ar.ii Sai??o:: i ? a-'f
<t?ut';i?vd wi'h i on t ? in t'T a i'topiv. -i?a
*??[? 0111 1:1" o:?' = ? Moil".- li?!' u.-xH-ia' ton
that tii" ^ ir^
' 1 1? ' 1 M 1 ? 1 1 ? ,?*i! -i o* >?i* - 'hat
the I<' . v .0 ? 1 ? ? ?
{iroliifiuiomst- ^.u >mj
Hi I :r. :oidl!.?ll V.ll! .-.tv ??>t
N 1 hoti -an<t- a:i?i hi?himiiiu>
o rioM- J- ih; ' .'f :? ll?t,un
^ V... .... in 1 >?- A l-'tt-r troni
ovcry . "??. i-1 ' 11,,.,.
L. h. .I'h.-on. iiKtii.iii-: o? H. .iotu?.
l'uU> inu. -a.d
"| am aut r'. s?? inviti' >oiti .
n.-S! 1-0 t>p. ration m a 'dan
nnt h: !( million dot:at> ? .o; ? ?
ran ll' d v'r '-.*? 1 . .
i:.ci. .<?' U!-!,r,;
1*?1, provid'-il 10 pitiiion ?? . ?? "",l1
wtd" ?-ampi:?5?'. on 'io- ttou,,,? '?
is tiled in Onu? 1?> 1 lim?v
. ? Dr. U-. s. Mo;.. a.-'"d '^.^'7^'^.:
who cluil -r..a;.. w.?
RvpubUi-ati il ^ as on ?
of 't ho.-"' Who a-ixoi-atpi ,aV.; I
Ohio mtn? d < ?a! :n ?>.d? . '
nlovill.Mlt to 11:10 -.1 r.ilP'-l - ??t tm> >'At .
L)r." Hov vWa:- >tri.-k?-?i "n "
sl, -pot ami do d h. tn >? h- - ousd '??; <?
movod to ur l.oiT,'* ot ms >i.n. - ^
plow was tlio .????? ?J\ ,l ;lMl; . \
was for ihinv \.-a:> ??"??? ' ? 1,1
Hoy hosp.iat at W-llsioti
known as r.u poo. ni.-..i ?
brcanso of hi-; n.od-rai. ? r..i. - ?
?whs one of tH- -non- advo-n' ? "
pijuai .-ufTras.- uur -a- !*?- l;\
turi\ Thr body ua, 1.. .y.i t d
Wcllston. v,h.T. :h.- tuneial 0.
hold S&i?rda> or Mtn'.a>.
Robor; Crow ??[ /.ano.-villo. a to: : nmi
Coiumbus tM-wspar?". sn::ii. h.t> .?? ?
? ppoint?"<! .'.?rtt.iv .h:.-t ?U-.k n b
ortu-e of Governor ?. o\ 01 .-u> > ?
? p"k-.> Ku>soil. -Abo - ill t'.-.-oim- a li ft -
bcr of til.- n"-' st.au- boaul o. ? l-ni
Jncy Siai i- Insu ration Cotiimi.-stoa^
Tomiin.-on ha.; :ip;ioint?*d
Robinson of <\i!i:mt?us as.-istaiit . i. iu
ary at ?::.????? a >??;??? ; ? ,vv:(.<l
was toappoinu-d ' h!* t i i? ? n <>
a yrar.
Obio News Notes.
Havion? I- 1 ? ti k !. S?-h:ad?-r v a
f: ton rid to ; o v - hot-, tonwlti ^-ul :
tho whorls ot a I...'- >,'!
tlH 1 whi-n fii aiitotr.oini.- m ^ht?-n.h?
was rutins ?? k h: a >ir.-! t ross
inu". Karl Humiu.-l w^ s..-,tmisly tn
juro. l'n>- attiomoln - wh.? n stt uck w?i>
carrird oti?- tiuntltod !> and .1
a diffii ul: task ;o r.-mov?- :h.- toa.ii.uii
rt-maitia Ot th._ , had mail Mom a.
truck- of til-- <-iir. !h. t'- ??
waU'hmun .-.t tb?* ?-.osstr..u .i d ?>
:ra::i ^as i.hsrn:?'d f:otn vt-w b> t a ..
cuts of- tar.-.
To!? d?> I!. !;? ' ?? . a pjotiti
iiont i-uiiih'-:' d-; !* : ? di'-d sr.itd. ni> a'
a camp Spr;.'--' ? "tiT.
Fostoriii i.'.i t.iti c,u.-r?i>.-j. ?'-?-<t
i, crit!(-ali?. di im-iii ?-at in}: t'Ot.-o:i
Ihtryi'tt- ! iari ? ??". I"' r.'i' ;. . a-1"! >
NV a- -t:m !? b. ?a- ..ml kill-n "hih
on hi> u -. ?? ?? ?!'-? "
:!-.<> hod> ?' * i : --- '? " -tf-1
1 ..... ? ..ij-K P- ? - J" an at:*
:,- n;.b:!' ... W' ??n.:' t obii.-'l nrvill..
J'.'.|-riv >!a\.i.- ?! Oil .irtv.-r,
H?,nl.i'n l.o* -. ?;'i- :*? l?.??d. 1- n*
^lp\.*o;':- '! iradiuu
..vi v.*>t.-rd:? . *":-?-?? w. -t.-tt. r-1- -? lot
\V0tl!?n. ! V ^ *' ' ' ? O'ltp.-"!.! ot
Ohio' s?:.a?" : U**..\? "'^l ad
dress. ...... x
Cc:ni ?? t.iv - ? . .
A'.b^ns ? ; **a: >?l>i - 'tt ot
Charles Va-.- v : ^ by aa -..no
by A 1 ho: 1 . ' i ta'->.i> m
i jurod.
f 'Toledo? I'll. a:- Ra>ii.o:id L?'. :? -'-U
: 2", who hai h-*> n cu-.r-ltitu _a ?'o.t! ii.tt
. j,ero. was arr>'-*.-.l aft.-r a bait!" v'. i'Jt
| gpveral policemen, in w hich a ritlt-. i?t
j .. ? * -
Tve put Benny Jenkins on my
payroll cuz hezknockinCheeften
polishes an every knock's a
The neatest white shoe is canvas or
buckskin dressed with Chieftain Pure
White. It stays white.
Big H?ndy Bottle with
Brush in Blue Box
10 cents
TW Fadtn! Ana r F!?t? City
Here's Three Advantages
In Wearing
W eather
VYiili lhr warm i lays licrr*
i F(j
; i i j Itii ?!*?- 1" cit||!C Villi WlJI
I ! ! ! 1 1 ? il'rl I ! 1 1 < ? I ii| 1 1'|!*<(;
N;i!TS i 'I ! *: 5 1 7 1 1 i M'.irli, K()i>!
i\ "lii i'C Mohair.
i-'.ir j!io y.?im:r rm-n >ve a ro
-!ii?v.lilu' l!ie<f in PiiK-ii
Kn-k. ilclhr and IJrh-all
- ?
.if'iunl i rt? u ids ?i i :d in the
i;i a>>i"?ri n if ill ? ? I" pal- \
;< rn< arul colors we have
CVCV >lli?\Vll.
Priced at SB. 90, 8S.50,
89.00, $ 12.00.
SI. OS, 82.98 to 85.00
? v' /
i V
For the Boys
!-'it him uiti in a K h Suit and have him
M?nir??rlable too. Some with extra trousers.
_ . Priced at 'S3. 95 to. S5. 90.
Prettiest tiling's of tin. season for the liitle follow
Tun military models m AN liito Popliu ? The ".Ad
miral." plain white and brass buttons. The "Cor
poral." Mile. 1 rimmed and brass hill tons.
SEE THEM? $2.9S.
1122-1124 Market Street
f ^ O f 1 B T -- I'odav and Tomorrow
EXTKA SPECIAX. ? On account of the enormous demand tor seats at the
matifiee performances, the management hare decided to reserve a part
of ttie Iio-R'or noor for the SATURDAY MATINEE Only. ORDE11 NOW
PRICES? Sat. Mat., First 10 Rows Orchestra,
50c.- Balance Lower Floor and Balcony (not re
served), 25 c. Night Prices, 25, 35, 50 and 75 c.
\it ni;c uinlcr IS rs ot ;iiro :i<lroittcr|.
sols utnl :t mar hi p.* were used. M i
i s:tul On h:?!l b-vti drinking.
( 'Icwltiiid Sheet m??tal rout raciors
?ruin all o**?*r -be ooiin'ty ;u>* m SCS
SION here.
I >:.j. ;,ni- i .j ? ; > :> of food ware-:
.inu ? v :i'o:s i.? In-iou i
1 . t itt i ? ? n> u*id? ?!' !?""i ion of in:! ion.i.
;i;nl vliilc .iJ -rsHlUi'.
Mar\>vill> ? Mr. and .Mr.*. .Sebastian!
i ::ihufi* i-.-'?'or:s'">l ilielr jiulden '.vo iding I
?:ini verssm .
Find lay ? P. '->* Hhmipe has an-'
t his eaiolidaoy for flavor. i
! 'i"\vl;uru!? Alber: Ituddy . . bUMiK ss ?
. n" of t Ij?% i :irp?'ii''-rs. u as found
lirjilry fit' hlucktllili!. j
t'?-dar Point Tiio stat* convention!
rlK- Knight of Pythias and Pythian
S:s'?-rs i> being h^ld le-re. Patriotic,
addresses were delivered by Grand'
Chancellor O L. B-Mtretts of Columbus ?
and others.
Cincinnati ? Sui? attacking the Mi-i
ami Valley conservancy act h:us boon i
Instituted in tin* federal court. An in
unction is .?ou;;tit against t in- eons.erv- j
?ri'-y < omntissiomn's preventing them <
from collect in;:, assessments on prop-;
??rty for flood protection.
Each Member of First W. Va. R eg i- 1
ment Will Be Given Nine Days' . j
Rest ? First Off Yesterday.
The fir. t detachment of the I1"^!
guardsmen o? the Firs:. West Virgi-uia !
regiment of Fort Henry camp, on |
Wheeling Island, began their nine-day i
vacation yesterday, a number of r?>-!
cfu its will be allowed to take their;
vacation at the same time, and.it Is!
hoped that all will bo given their i
period of rest before early in Septeru-j
ber. when it is reported that they will;
be called to active service.
Among the several young men who'
started their vacation yesterday was I
Arthur Kimbal. a private of Co. D.
?Ann will spend his vacation with h Is j
parents near Liuletoa. 1
COUR T? All Next Week
2:15 ? Tivice Dally ? 8:15
\v v?i? It ?? full vi\ <1 anil | t li r ?? ? ?i .
Al.i."k:i:i I'niM.'iSH'i- l>v Bex Beach i
Y' u l.nvi' , r.'.'i.j ;li- ?!?'><. k sfc tb
W OI;i!? I T lit
Pnoo? ? B*iooiiy 15c. Lowor flower 25c.
State Fire Marshal Working on EliiL
orate Scheme for Extension i
of Firo Prevention.
Stale Fire Marshal S Herats
announced ins: eveninc t hat he h a i
work on a plan to niak?? more ??<>: ; .
plete the- fire prevention aini iii v.
ligation rr mont of t he .-tat'- iir: ?
bureau, lie plans t" .ha v.. im r\ ;
municipal lir>? <-hi?-f in v. ??s; Virginia
sworn in as a.' deputy fi : . ? ii:;c >h. ?, ;
st> as to clothe tiiem wiili > i ;? ' ?. as
well as municipal authority in in-'
prevention of lire and thy tiivenlic u. ;
tion of conflagrations.
Under the pian which is y.-t u,- .
complete, the fin' chiefs will !..? ii- pu- .
ty [ire marshals without aui!ii;on:;l i
remuneraikm. but t h.- co-operation l.<>i
plans between the stale bun an and,
municipal department will eonipe:;-j
sate the fin- chiefs i"'.1* their s.-mi1"
to the state.
Marshal Horau came 'o \\* Li ? I i n it j
yesterday to eiinhr wi:h Peptsty Fire j
Marshal M. Kimllebet aer, and j
S. Wallace retarding several invest;-1
gations .that an- under way in Wheel- j
idk and the Panhandle.
This morning Mr. lioran and Mr. 1
Kindlebcrser will (make an cxamina i
tion of t h?~* scene \of tl>e fire in the
T. A. Little plumbing shop bnildinu
an<-l Knitter building: yesterday 'morn
ing. . ? ]i
VITALITY 100 ' |
Hard Tasks Are Easy When You Are (
Fit to Meet Them.
If vim v. .".ili! be lit fur your everyday]
(liUiiU and ready to enjoy tin- pas
S:.< a, Hi pleasures of tin- relation |
n.-riod? ,?? ?':ii heartily? t.o sleep well,
the body must ho in tune- ihe :
rich and .<?.!? <h- nm? 'iui? ,?nd
Headv and the tissues suong. N. iture
mad'' provisions for all tbi>. but : c
digress so often that most everj one .
needs i'xt ra help or somo ki,nf\ 'wiVii ii 1
up. That is why we say that i ;
1 , !;t -it m.i n.-r cent of the people ( hasco-,
Vtn will increase tbr vitality 100 per
r?' nt in two wcoks* t i mo if directions j
"''rhasnvVin is nr. old and tried for- J
rnulae that contain* the .dements to
mak" good nil blood? to teed .ind
fifiot he the nerves and build up the
tissue* of the body. To prove it pec
bottle, and if doesn't do as we say
\ our money will be refunded by the 10- j
1 'i hasro^Vin is sold in Wheeling by ?
i I!, driest & Co.. 112a Market Ptreot.
Atlantic City Ready I
For the Summer Rush;
ATLANTIC CITY. N .1.. -Inn.- 14.? j
Following a lively winter and the buai-j
est spring ever known along the New j
Jersey roast, Atlantic City has entered ,
the summer season ready and willing j
to make new records at entertainment j
and hospitality to the people of the |
counm. As a lure to tue vacationists
\i lauiie t'itv offers the finest summer ,
ill mat i' in tin- Cnited States, wonder- 1
fill bathing and other sports, great ho- j
tel* with comfort and luxury raised to.
I lie highest degree and travel laci IH
ties not excelled in the world. At tin.- i
particular time of year when thousand-, j
are preparing to select the locality ?
li.r t ln-i i vacations ii might be weiij
Hi oiler a resume of tin- superb at
tractions ot llie oue and only Allan- 1
tic City. ..
The boardwalk remains tin- i-r? .u ,
war-round pleasure gronnd of tin- mil- 1
lions who visit Atlantic City each >ea:..
Piffieuir* to improve except in ii''tai?. j
i his fii mil'- long highway ol ideiisiirt: ,
travel lias added features tb's ear
which include laying ot special t.?< k>
tor the rolling chairs and more bril-J
liant lighting for the benefit ol even- ,
nig crowds of piT.nienr.(le:s. 11 I
enterprise has added several hundnd
rolling chairs to the stock of the*' j
luxurious vehicles so tiiuih in l? ?
wiili those who desire to t.ik' 1,1,11 .
ocean iir without too much nort.
? New J. rsev roads are natural sum- ,
mer highways and are m ^Pi^iQ I
condition for motoring irav-1. -Motor- 1
will soon have a new entrance i
wav into Atlantic City with completion
of the Abseeon boulevard built to con
nect the main road through Lake wood .
in the lower coast directly with At- ,
lantic Citv from the feeavtew uo.i club..
This new highway will save severa I.
miles in distance and also will elhrn-J
ua I" crossing of several railroads run-:
ning in'to the v sort. Anoth'i ne j
highwav extending froiii the lowei j
section of Atlantic City to > homers
Point connects with Ocean City amij
nther South .lerst-y resorts ns 1 at a* '
rape. May. adding a new route to be
ilriven f-u- pleasure. Additional hotel)
and Public garages have I'eey cor.
(.t rue ted this year in anticipation of;
j b e assured increase in travel by mo- :
?Atlantic City hotels have set a ?
-i and aid of their own in the s>oInln> ;
?mil splendor "i the buildings and tut
lishitigs and in the manner ol tmir;
conducting. Stretching in aiiii^i ' on
linuous line from the Inlet to 1o\m i j
line of the resoit immense ho* t.-li j .
inan-v of i hem of the most mode n ft < - J
pri.o'r const ruct ion. make up ibe ,ist,
,r what have become known a> Hie
Mteaeh front." In these hotels every ?
Iijxuiv known to lioieldom has '''' n '
installe'l until it seems that . the I in.
?r bnth comfort and pleosur.- b.v- l? < n .
reached. ' I
Neely May Command j
West Virginia Troops
WASHINGTON. U. C.. June 1, -11
West Virginia council of defense de
cides after Governor Cornw.ell la> s be- (
lore it the request of the wai dep.iit
muni to raise an additional tnlaiitr> ,
regiineiH and a field art;ller> teg
nieiit. t lie governor will iiffer coiii
luaiui of the brigade to t'ongres.-inat \
M M Nf el) of the First district, and
ill- will accept the proffer, resigning at.;
once his seat in the house of rcpie-,
setttat ives. The understanding hen- i>
that the governor will recommend
that the council comply with just hah t
uf i he war depaf inenfs request b} i
raising only an additional regimen] : ? t
in fa nt rv. This would give \\i.st Mr
giniii three regiments or a hnsade ?
' Tl,.. governor, it t- said. doo> not
favor raising the fourth regiment be-;
, j- would draw too liea\il> on
ii?. -i;iie-> ? voting manhood. man> oi
, will "be needed at home. I Hr .
guard duty. I- is said hen hat
M.iior Neelv has been as^uiid of
i. e' in France should he take the bn-;
gade command"i -hip
i.('\lU?\. .1 II lie I | -- ll Il.ls I.e. -II
louiid ir.ipraei ii-alil,. in ( oafer wiiii
tin Knii -r.ie \ 1 1 i? powers to arrange
fur i!:e international . prohihiiion of
ganibjitiu in futures and options. ,\n
d re .v Hi m ;i j Law. chancellor ^ i-ie
? \ i - ; i ei j i ? li<:'nrme,i i !i ? . ! mii>p ol
riilllliinil tnil.'IV
' \\ I . ! -
i .t . ??.if. i
' ' ; . . ^ . i >
t i].i ? r? ! i.
I .? ?i: l s v . I ii
?1 yo M" ' ? . !lt> .11 III' > m: "ill
I ? II) J r:i i ti I HC
? ? . i il'ii. I ?*!:?" 'Iior.* '?(
-ti 1 1 ill" '- iii Hp l'?T :? ' "
? "?nil i .1 ? - 14 : : i: ? >
\\ i f:i' ij :i um-tli ti> y..ii I < ? l?- ??n
t:n-l;. ii-l uf that. iliMrejisinu skin
s f. ii ill. T.> tlrivo i!i..><. I'lrnpl's?
'rn i fair. i l..!ir skin .-icain: In c ?
? ?tin riu.-'ii- iil i-.?-l l" i "in thu! -i^
.:ra vatiiig. ti.-brn;; Fez. nni"
It sli"ii'.| worth tl"1 vi-rv ii!il,s
triMible i m ? - r ly f..> i.litajn ami try Fi'-sl.-.tn.
Thai is your >af>- reme.ly 1">ohus? ii rnr
ries a healing |?.'wer nit* tiso. active,
quick t... assert ita control over dia
ord^red skin.
Sc-ld ? ev?>rvwhere. I;v.i" n-e.-> sample
??vrttK, t i Kmerjjeiicy Laboratories. -4-1
IVf'l 47tli St.. Ni?w V^rU I'ity
T*i"CA juiir ?ktn in hTonin rtpurcr.
hrishirr. 1 ? -i- In r 1... ifaltv ijs<- ??(
1'osJam tinp, iKcdicatciJ with Pr-slarn.
Special Agent Department of Justice!
John B. Wilson Issues Em
phatic Statement.
Foreign residents of this < < >tu in u n 1 1 i
or in any oth-T part, of the Fnited :
States an- not to be returned in their i
native country, contrary to a report'
that lias been given considerable pin. '
licit y through soni<* foreign newspa .
pers, including an Italian paper taken '
by the majority of tire Italians of thisj
How such a report became circu-j
Jated without an iota of foundation is ;
not known by the Federal officials I
here. This govertunent has no inten- 1
tion of sending back any foreigners ]
All may remain in the Fnited States i
as long as they wish, so lone as they i
comply willt the laws of tin- land.
Attorney John H. W ilson, special ,
agent of the Iteparttiient nf Justice, j
said that the Federal authorities here
were making every effort to contra
diet. the erroneous report, and that he
had furnished statements to he pub
lished In all foreign newspapers of
this district, emphatically denying the
statement that foreigners were to be
deported to their native land.
Official Statement.
Mr. Wilson gave out the following
sipned statement last evening for pub
lication :
"The fait ha? been brought to
my attention that certain tnreign
language papers have published
the statement that all foreigners
are to be sent back to their native
land by the Fnited States govern
ment. and that, unless nat uralized.
no foreigner can remain in i his
"Such si a tempts are ah^olt|lel> ?
untrue, and foreign residents will
not be molested by the govern
ment so lone as they do not vio
late th" law. hut are free to live,
work and conduct business" in this
"In the case of nnnai uralized
CJermans, t hey must have permits
to live. work, eonduet business or
t-nter certain areas which may be
from time to time designated by
i he marshal.
"JOHN It. WH.SttN.
'"Special Agent, Department of
.lu.-t ice."
Chtirch Sewtcej.
PJ. :t Hit! M-t liodi-' l'-,*connl
< ! nr.-ii. | ;.? v It \ ? "oft man. impior.
S 1 1 : i < I : i v school at 1" a. in.. K I. I'ooke. I
??ill" i iiii'-'i.li-n1 >? i 'lion te. ttif pastor I
;.l 11 o'clock
At tie- Mi i He. ? l M. t\. i ? T 1 1 1 1 c 1 1 the j
\! III.' .Ml Mlj\.| M K ? IlMII'll "lie |
regular "i-.n; 1 1% e"iil'<:rei>c will he |
h.-ld I. n Slllnla ? ? \--nlllK'. l.eainnillff at
s nclock Dr. M. !?'. Collision. district i
sii|i. rini lit . will I'reaoM '.);?? .-.?rni"ii. j
Tie- una i-t ? rly -oiii.tcnco will be Iw' ? ! |
in thi*' church on Saturday .it j?. i
All?-n I'i ? sbytcrinn rhiiivh. Rev. i
II. K N'ii'kl'-n. pastor. Sunday school1
at oYlock; Iv k. Mi-rinar. ?o-iperin- I
ten?l?*nt. Th.-r. v ill l?e no I't- aching j
rviei? in (In* ? ? I Hi - 1 1 on Sunday.
Will Give Entertainment.
Thi' Trie- flu-- class ? ? r lie- M--ilil''-|
Iii-iii I !ii"ti S 1 1 1 1 ? 1 1 1 > school will Kive an;
? ii! >-riai iiimi at ii tin- Short c'lv.-k M. K. J
i hurcii. Tlmr*nliij <>v> ninir. .lun-: 21. a! ,
S o'clock. Tiie admission will lie I'} i
and 2'.i ci'iits and the pioceeds will J
lls-.| for the b'-in tit ?>| two clnssus. tlie |
? ?in- of the Short < "reek Sunday school.- 1
taught by Mls-s iJraie I'runer. and th"
Trti" MUn ? lass. i.timhl hv Mrs. W. II. I
Wat tnnn. Following is ill" program. jj
i "lass Son;:. ?
p-adin^s --Miss liirtiia Ji^i'iiter.' j
Pant em inn' ? " .M the i'iiks."
M uM.'iil |{e;nini? ? Miss l-'.thel Way-j
man. ,
Playb in two scenes S.-.'inc I'iv-Ic ; ,
.1 ack " j
\ o?a! I ?ii?-; ? -M isse.s < ??.- rt rude Hock'
and l.eona liobinsoii.
Headline ? Miss Hi I'i, I Niiuuaiin.
ParO'tniine ? I.'oin'ir Through the|
II> .
Il.i iolins ?- M i>s ?Ii-rUdi- lln.-k.
Paiitomini' -Mi. v Kuiii Wilson. " |
Patriotic Dril. I
Red Cross Horc.
The Marshal county ? : ? ? I i'ios* So- |
? " i i- 1 > will i an*a-s i ins ? > 1 1 1 ii n : t y
tirst io-xi. wi-ek to Ki-i- members'
mid 'fuiitii to .Miry m, ill. mi. rk.
Class Oiito Play. v
Tin' pl-n -'lit ill-. I. "Mis. Prices of i ;
? 'hi. ken Pni. h." Dial v as giv.'n oj lie- .
I ,a?l i-- s" ??t'Kauiz^il .-lass <?:' tin Allen
i!n v. Sui il.ij' se|i.,,. |. in Will Itrtll. r
Tuesday i vi'iiiiiu. was a de.-id. . I sue- i
cess. \ ?.iiv loriji rr.mil was present. I
Foi im\ ini; ih> program i < ti .-sinu.m.- '
n . i . \ |iy i||.. cl.tst. .in-l al?..ui :
.<!?:. 7m was . ? I . ? i'i-.I lot- i)i.. ben. nt of tin.-!
clnir< h. j
Aid Societies Met.
i'ii \\ ? din sday the Indies'!
A il and .llliiior \i?t S...-ie' lee of
PhasMiii Mil dun di nut .-i? tin M. F;. t
Parsons;:.- tt.-r- 'I'lie hours w p,. from ;
I till I. dlli'ltiu Wil i.'li 11. I'dleM OI'K was!
tie > ? 1 1 ! ? T div- rvsoii. T!i?- foHuwim: j
tires, nt M> sdi'ini's i.VnrKe |;|ak. . II \ i
i 'offnta i:. \\ illiani llemk'-. .1 F. Ki^er.|
Cool and
T reat yourself today to
real underwear comfort. Get
into one of these famous
Stephenson Al'Knit union suits." -
Cool ! Y ou' ve never before known how
cool underwear can be. Stephenson A\~
Knit lets the faintest zephyr through.
You'll find downright, solid comfort in Stephenson
athletic underwear. For the Stephenson Al'Knit
suit stretches with every movement of the body.
No binding. The fabric is cool ? easy ? comforts
able. Made on the famous Stephenson double*
spring needle machine. No other like it.
And Stephenson Al-Knit underwear fits perfectly.
elastic material permits the garment to oe
, The
fashioned to
actual body measurements. No bagging or sagging.
And ProF. G. F. Gebhardt's famous Health and Comfort
tests show Stephenson Al-Knit to be coolest for summer.
See the certificate.
Why not get comfortable today?
IRe mgU Hob
?Lake tad Cfa*pEa? !
Mary Talbert. .1. If. J-VrRuson :md J. S.
Wariipler: Misses Mary Coffman. Hor
iiici- l-Vrgus'in. I'orothy lien ike. Alberta
nml Knuna Wampler.
S&errarth Briefs.
Mi- I S WampVr and children. Kni
ii.h. Samuel an<i Uither. of Stanton.
i it gin-sts of Icev anil Mrs. H. A. Coff
Miss ltmh M<-Coint>s. a student in the
West Virginia rmvei-sity. lias returned
i<> h.-r home In- re for the summer vaca
Kin- Peterson 'it Mic.art. enlisied in
i in- navy recently. nml has gone to
Pittsburgh fur training
Tin* condition "( l It-n ry Remke. Sr..
? ??Tut inm-s aboin the same.
The nifiii >?? rs of tin- Ml. Olivet Uadles
Aid society no-t on Wednesday and
cleaned t li ? ? church.
The rhil.iri-n's I 'ay service at the
|:> thl> lo in I'niiiit < "ha pel was postponed
until Sunday i-veni'nir. July 1.
i :? oi l-.-- l?ogi>- r.f t.Mzjirt. is sick.
li'-v. 1!. A. I'l'iinan is atu-ndfng the
disirid emtli-r* in ?? in sesion : " Pine
1 1 riive. \V. aV.
M Alllilist My. -i s ] i ;i s he.-n r.-movod
iri.ni il:<- i 'inn \ alley ?l.-n-'rat Hospital
in Wheelliij: in r home ,ii Mozart,
wln-re sin- is ?.-.-??%? s i: u -r-'in an Illness.
Tin- J. T. I-:. ?; club was entertained
at the home of Mi>=s Margin-rite Itf-m
niHiin 1 :<-i lilciii in. Wednesday even
ing. There wore >> nn. nih- r? present.
M'-lvin Srliiilv rt of Mo/.art. is oiiite
The l..-.i|;.-s nr^:ini?.i-il -'lass 'if t h *
\!l<n ' ? rove Sunday school will he ?-n
: ? r I h\ Mi*. r. K. M.-fomb-- at
l.i- r homo i"da>
M ' and Mi- M ? ? I \ in Marpl-- and
"hiu^iil.r - 1 1 ? i Mrs I n cinni. \larpl-.
all of i "aniios liu rg. r.i . visiieij Mr and
Airs. M. A. Marple of Eethtehem last
Saturday and Sunday.
The Allen Grovo Sewing: Circle met to
Good Will Hall. Thursday afternoon.
The boys' swimming classes recent
ly startpd at the Y. M. C. A. will be
held again this morning at the "Y"
pool. To-night swimming will be
! taught to the men. The junior gym
class will meet again to-morrow morn
The fund for three million dollars al
lotted by the government to the Y. M.
jC. A's of the nation provides for the
I following camp equipment: 200 wood
ion buildings, 1.200 experienced secre
taries, 200 pianos and piano players,
i 2u0 moving picture machines, 268,000
'foot of films a day, 200 graphophones
land 10. 000 records, 3,000,000 sheets of
I writing paper daily, 40,000 pounds of
iice per day. 10,000 pons per day and
i barrels of ink, magazines by the hun
|dred tons, a Bible for every man,
I Absolutely _ Removes
I Indigestion. One package
j proves it. 25c at all druggists.
T?i mil fittrrs ? ? f XKW limno*.
;is well ;is 1 1-? tiiose aliniit to re
furnish. we invito ;ui inspff I ion
? ? i" our lino of Extension T;il>l?\s.
h i-inlir.'H-os 1lm very Inlost
iilc.-is in moi't-ni stylos. eonplrW
i J li ivpnHlui'tions of t 'oloni.nl
'i n i.l Period ilrsicrns.
Prices nujiiP from $ 15.00
to ?75.00.
Porch ami Sun Parlor Furniture
of this character .is ideal. It's
liuht. rnol. at! ra?-t i vp- -ypj ju.-: as
substantial and stronc as \ ou want
ii io b<\
In (Irass Fibre ("hairs. Rockers
and Tables there are many stylos,
a creat array of popular priced
pieces bein? included in ihc dis
You'll never realize how one
<-f those dainty little, creations
"set.s off" ihc bed room until
?oil ^rei it there.
These in ivory white give the
final touch of beauty and re
finement to -Milady's room.
Priced up from $18.00.
I ?