Newspaper Page Text
\ Look for this Fox on each crown ti\ '\ *?P Horn -{ 80 GO | 20-! I *0 20 1101 m I rr70 50 ? 30 ici li Good news for the thirsty! Here's a beverage that not only will taste good while you are drinking it, but that will leave the mouth tasting as fresh as a May morning. One, too, that has that very desirable quality of having no heating after-effects. As a between-meals drink it has the happy faculty of always reaching that dry spot that needs irrigation. With meals, it is an ideal beverage. Not only does its flavor make it go perfectly with food, but its tang adds zest to your enjoyment of a meal-? hot or cold. x Serve Bevo cold ? right off the ice ? lukewarm Bevo is not palatable. Bevo ? the all-year-'round soft drink Bcvo is sold in bottles only, and is bottled exclusively by Anheuser-Busch? St. Louis BEVERAGE DISTR. CO. 1427 Main St. Dealers WHKKI.INC. W. VA. WOMAN'S CLUB HOLDS 8EAUTI-^ FOL AFFAIR AT WHEELING ? PARK YESTERDAY. ' Miiita-y arci Patriotic Details Mark ? the Acpropnate Observance of Flag Day. Wit: - " - ; rtt?i? r.j. ri.u tn? -i quite1 r-'-ruov-d from the v-:> ci?-Iijrht r?l par-: ty ;? -?-:d.iy afternoon :t' Wheeling park for the Wh'-eling Chapter ot the ! American lied Cross. Young women, i ?"'L the cri.-;* whit" uniforms ; of nurses. with rh?* blazing cross antl ; r h? b? i-si;!a' ion caps. se**tijed to -ir ik" ?h" 'onl> svrious note in t U?- : affair, although ;h- emblematic cross j was everywhere ;?r?-s* tit. It decorated) the chir.a a* >*a rime. the program. the' walls ot the i-a-ino. ami hung from tli-j stage. It wa? not possible to lose 1 sight of th?* purpose for which r li > ? ; parry wa.? instituted. as throughout ? ?? vt-ry detail .t was emphasized. The dozens- <?f Boy Scout > lent a ! military air. ;? n?i thV> weiv every- ! where present ami gave an at ' eiuioa ( to the demand.- of the afternoon in a! manner most creditable. rendering J t h?*tns>'iv?-s generally indispensable.;' There were a number <>f uniformed ; guards present and thr??e recruiting of- . fices on the grounds, the baml played t military and national airs. flags were j flung to tip* breeze, and from every where there was a patriotic magnet.-* ism which was most inspiring. Crowds Throng the Park. Crowds of people visited the park j during the afternoon, the drives wer" ? thronged, and motor cars were parked j at every available point. Managers I Griffith and Crane, .of the park, had! made special concessions to ladies on ! this day. and rhe sympathetic expecta- f tion of the many were realized in the; absolute success of 'he event, as j Wheeling men and women responded superbly and the very splendid sum i which has been secured will be do- 1 nated for the furtherance of Red Cross; work. The Woman's Club, which planned ! and engineered the undertaking, never j received such wonderful, acknowledge . nient of their efforts as yesterday, and : Mrs. John R Garden, its president, ex-; tends- to the public on behalf of rh-% ? membership an appreciation which is j most gratifying in their sense of work i well done. J In this undertaking the club enlist- 1 ed dozeyp of its most energetic and ca* j pable workers, and aP lent their serv- 1 ices with a willingness anil gravity which aided most materially in the j perfection of details. There were a great many hostesses l and guests for the afternoon, who | played bridge for a while, then sewed ' or passed about the audiences and J grounds. Tables were placed for cards in the casino, with the center floor! mainly cleared for the specialty J dances, which entertained during the ! afternoon. Prof, and Mrs. Caswejj did i .some specially beautiful dances, attired ! as Columbia and Uncle Sam. The decorations about the building,' were strikingly national, with large ' flags used abundantly and bunting POST TOASTIES ALWAYS TOUCH THE SPOT- EVEN WHEN YOU'RE NOT alia i wound conspieuousl> ?-!> wli-'ro. Th ?'!*?? wa> a Wealth ?1" flower.-. as ev eryone generously con? ribut? d i livir choicest blooms ami st li I y worked in insure t he enjoyable culmination of al! the plans. Children's Dances' Feature. (in?.- of the very charming features of the atternoon were the children's dances, which were given under t In direction of Mrs. Rlanche IJaird Coop er. and which were very hamlsotueiy ilotif. The lirst was "Anitra's Dance." and was stepped by three lit tl?* girls, Mary Louis** . Tuwar. Mary Jam' ( 'ooper and Dorothy Stamm. Kach iittli* miss signally distinguished li?-r self and received applause. "The Rainbow Dance" was another very lovely number, and the following at tractive misses took part: Eiizabein Ch-mans, Eliza Fink. Rosella Wi-ilzel. Eleanor Scatterday. Jane Maxwell, Emmuline Crock.' Margaret Di^ns. Mary Louise Towar. Mary Jaye er. Cert rude Connelly. Martha Za \ ami Dorothy Stanim. In the "Flower Dance" t he children carried flat bas kets of rose petals, which were strewn during the measures, and in this were Louise [Sloomtield. Kliza Fink, Ger trude Connelly. Martha Majeskoy. Ma bel Chillis. Martha lleardslev, Grace Cassidy and Elizabeth Clematis. The dresses worn for the dances were in gay colors, ami were fashioned in an airy, pretty way which was most be coming. They later appeared at the open-air theatre when ihe tableaux were given ait I o'clock. They were in charge of Mrs. Edward Pilcher. In "Betsy Ross Making the First Flag" Mrs. Flora Williams. Mrs. Guy Hohleii, Misses Helen Gait her and Mary Wil son took. part. Mrs. Linna Hennig Sherman posed in "Columbia Trium phant."' and recited "Your Flag and My Flag." Mrs. Flora Williams led in several of the patriotic offertory songs, and Judge Frank W. .Vesbitr addressed the audience at the opening of the pro gram numbers. The Music Department of the club appeared under the direction of Mrs. Klsie Fischer-Kincheloe and sang, their contributions being well re ceived. A Delightful Program. Another triumph was scored in the Toy Symphony Orchestra. from the Center school, under the direction of Miss Minnie Los?\v. These were very Self-possessed young people and of fered their portion of the entertain ment in an e.vmpla r,f way. "The Gold Dust Twins" "did 'heir hit." and in real life a.'e Johanna llusemau and Grace Ziegler. The personnel follows: Piano. Larue ?.eig|er. Lewis Jones; cuckoos, Wanda Ituskirk; irumpeis, Vincent Jaeovetty: triangle. c*arl Kart man: castanet*. Elizabeth I.onsz, Ade laide Viewig; rattles. Irene Cunning ham. Margaret Kee.or: bells. Helen Johnson: drums. John Ager: nightin gales. Sylvia Sivitz. Sherrel Goodwin. The director of shls very excellent ag gregation is Master Samuel Sigc? muml. and yesterday, in the garb of L'm le Sam. batoned his orchestra to a triumphant finale. In the evening the Woman's Club chaperoned a dance whi<*h was well attended, and the proceeds we?i in Red t'ross. Many con' ribitt ions from Wheeling! merchants aided the efforts nf the club women ami further enriehed the local Red Cross association, as the dona- j fions were all practical articles which | could be utilized af mice FINDS HOME FOR YOUNGSTER. | Through the ?ood graces of Prob:i | tion (iff it er K L. Frazier, a home lias j been found for a bright ten-year old , youngster who has been in the off!- i cer's care for the last few days. Ac- j cording to the latest reports. Miej family is much pleased with the addi-l tiou of the new member. 1 J a Why We Are Calm I've made :i discovery. At least it seemed liUi* ^ne I ?? Mi'' Tin* other da> I was sitting; In tin' | dent ist's chair. A \v ? ? i ir 1 1 1 >" decision hung j , in the balance ? whether a tooth -hoiijd ? be | mi I :??(( or k>'i't another year Now I have .never hi my life hail a, t.?>U) pulled. Ami at tit"-. idea that that | which I had often heard oilier , dread. with that rnilil sympathy we a!-j ways feel fur other people's troubles. . ? might actually he about to happen to me i ; :?i the m-st tew minute.-^ T was simply; ' appalled. It seeineil Inconceivable. When ) 1 my mother was a little girl ami had been I ; naughty and her father got the switch. ; 'she tiseil to say incredulously. "What.: vour'e not going to whip lite, not me!" [ J And that was the way I felt about the| I tooth. And the Tooth Stayed la. In the meantime the court having j j pried into the private affairs oi my i j tooth, eotne to a decision. I needn't j have it out. j A wave of relief, went over men. I 1 .felt perfectly happy. To he sure. I] j should have to have thai tooth out next! j year, Hut it didn't bother me one mile. ' i hi fact so far as my feelings were rott- | j eerned. that person who was to have herj ,100th out next year was quite another' i person. j The Reason "We Don't Expert to Die. { And that's the discov'erv. I've often: wondered why we feel so calm about : death and l?-i .-a venient and the . various I ills that l>y the laws of human existence, j simply must come to us. That is why. ! Hecattse the "you" or "I" of the future I is always another person to us. I Likewise the "you" .of the past. fin' I hack to the old school or college grounds j twenty or thirty years after you have j graduated nijd find how impossible it is j to feel that you ever really went to 1 ? school there. Vou remember that bov or girl with much the same sWise of'de-, ' tachment with which you remember your j j old playmates. j He i/ived the Child He Usod to Be. ! As I write there enno's lo me a iar> j more beautiful expression of this same' j thought. l>o you remember it in t'harlcsj I Lamb's essay. 'New Year's K\e.' Let me i find i' for you. 1 "If I know ought of myself," lev 1 writes. "110 orif can have less respect i..i-' i his present identity than I have fop the ; man Kiia.' M'lt for tic child Kiia. than j "other no" there in the background. I , must take have to cherish the remem brance of that young master with as lit- 1 I tie reference to his .' tupld ciiangeling of ; 1 five and forty its if ii had been a ? liild '? of some other house and not of mv parents." * DEMANDS REFUSED. ? I ! IM'TTK Mont., June 14. ? ('upper ! ntininu companies in Unite totlay re. j fused the demands of 1 lie recent l> or-! panlzed nielal mine workers' nil ion.' which members went 011 strike vester day demanding a minimum wit?,, of' abolishment of the can! system) of "employment and a voire in the ! t discharge of minors The ooiinnittee ' 1 which presented flip demands will re. j port the refusal late lodav in the I I L'nion at a mass meeting. B. & 0. OFFICIALS HERE. J. M. Davis, vice president, ami I!, j ? M. Herglen. general manage;- of the 1 j Half Jnioro and Ohio railroad, stopped j ; off in this oily for several minutes ! yesterday morning. They were en- , ' route from Pittsburgh lo Cleveland. ' FRECKLE-FACE 'Sun and Wind Bring Out Ugly Spots.! How to Remove Easily. j Here's a chance. Miss Freckle-face. > | to try a remedy for freckles with the Isuaarttteo of a reliable dealer 'bat it j ; will nut cost mil a potin'v utile.-.- it ;??? i .move.-; the freckles; wltil" if it doe give you a clear complexion the ex- j i pense is trilling. Simply get a:i ounce of oihine--l double strength Hunt any druggist! anil a few applications should .show : you how e; it is to rid -yourself of j the homely ireckles and u-t a heawi-j fill complexion IJareiy more than one uunco needed for the worst case. J Be sure to ask the druggist for Ihej double strength othine as litis is ihel prescription sold under guarantee of money hack if it fails to remove J freckles. . J I I i . .. IS AUL MR. AND MRS. W. E. WEISS ENTER TAINED LAST EVENING AT COUNTRY CLUB Bnllaril-Ely Wedding- Yesterday at West Alexander One of tlie Very Lovely Affairs of June. Mi-s Lucille Aul of Xashvil !>?, *!*?? nn. . ili>- ^u< >i of Miss Kaili-ruie Aul. shar* d tin- ! j * mors Willi h"T hostess, :i! a danc 1 1 1 tr i*arly l;isi . \. unit; hi tin- I 'mm try i hit" ,\lr. and Mrs. W. E. Wejs* enter tained. The lyiriy was also it pretty : rihute L-raduai. < 'ha nl a I. in i lii> i;r IIIIMll'llS. white r? ?: danced l j"v. it n eluded: in Miss Kal lii-riu". who .i this June. from Mmim ? i< ? T vi-iirat i. mis ai the uti w*ve 11 ;i iii I u lil 1 1- nf t In: Mount, wltli i'lm li' s "I' whit****s mill t ?? ?l with ui - 'Mi t u II*-*. 'iuests .. i.r- ln-sl ra mush* ainl later ?ii delightful supper. Tliey in M i. ss.'s: ? asi-i! of '!'? nit. Vtririnia Anuria i'..nnT Kal h<rin> H ? ? i . Maruai?t ' i Sal all K N*-w Vmi; I ,r>u isi- Aul. Nashv ill.'. Sarah Stamp i-'lizabeth I tii is 1 ri'tu' I*'ehr*-ubach Mary llaskins. of ? iklalimiia. Mildred I'.eattif i;|a:ii'hi? Warllehl Mary Alexander Kl issabe'h i luftn .i n Messrs Will Ki'ii"' Win. W h- It lilill'TI Ull'V .Ii>Iiii Itruner I >r. I rank ?i 'a rr*d! I lar*dd I lot-Klmim* t ???IlillKWiui.l I ?:? i| 1 1 1 1? >1 ri. I :rii\vin And row ll".?s James M ??* 'hi re I'hllip l-'alti-y llr. .lohn I >unn Thomas Heal tic Kr.-ink Kmst-V Thomas S<"li?'f>rilil Kalpli Vminit Messrs ? ieorRe III wilt W illiam Scott Charles Aul Jason Stump ilazil Martin, of Washington. I'a. Mary Kolp. ?.f ? 'anion, < ?. Kill hfriin- I'farr Jos. | ? ! 1 1 1 > . | l-nsh.-i w. *.f Nt-w |<oih*ll. VirRinla t "a troll 1 1' !i-ii Aul l\i:th<TH'.o Khhert Klixah'th Klein ? : ? ? i Ward Kaiheriii" Hentii<? !?'.! izaln-t li St ??\ i ns' n L'>uts>> Woods Harriet Hanan I'liarl.T- JeiYors V' W'uli N'li i'is R I! llonklns ? 'hiirles Miller Win. Mat his. in IJuberi Wo-.d In litis l\::!ilish Arthur Khhert Wm. Kurtz Kiiss-ll N-shitt l.uitis II i-?n??r John Trusch- 11 I :*? rnnrd A !? \aniier ICilwar.i I'.owio Sam Norton iiinl M.sdames: .Mrs. l.i-tia Seluvrt fi'Kt-r Mrs. William Ityr, of Columbus. Board Meeting Today. Tin- r- Kllliir me. tiiiu n|' ill* Kiiik's Pauirhi.-rs' i>a\ Nursery hoard will take phu i this afternoon at t Nursery, '"on i hi- Smith Siili- at "t o'clock. This is the last i n ???? i iiic until September. ami as a numli. r nf important business niiitti-rs will In- considered, all ar<- asked parti cularly to at ii nil Children's Pa.vty. Maty i 'lark*- enter! a in. d a liiliu Imli i;irls on Tuesday aft*rti**nn. h'.in*' in l%l in lirov*-. ? I a 1 1 1 ? ? out tilled I h hi'iir-s merrily and la!" a l"! .'rtion!) a 1 1 1 1 1 1 h ? ? *ii wits sirvcl Miss her'of at her doors. in ili*' Willi Haics am1 in' nts. Tiif ifii* st> i 'a r.'l iii" Naumaii n Kdith Samln iu I ! u 1 1 i ('.ili.-rly Kdna Warden J'liih Tliiirnhurp Marie HaU'-r i!ra<" Naumann IV'rotliy Thortihurk' t h*-r Is v\ l -at i i-.t ti ?r* :i !'?. K i li|>|*oillt Nnriey Snyil. r Kl la N'au ilia itr Sarah Thnri-I'iii i i 'at h* rin. Nail - maim I:. in- s, il?riirh* Mary i 'I:* I k Birthday Sttrjirtse. In the i'e|eorai i-ni ??! a. iiirthd-n *':i?p ??f Si-hla^' was jriven a \-r> deiiKhtl'u! surprise p:'?rty Weiiii- siliiy \ .- ii i n?r \ !i:tn-h"iiii at I't o'eloeli 1'i'llnwei! an ? '..'n inc <>f informal past im* s. The kii.-sis u i-r*. : ,\1 is.N.'.s : '"atherin. S Itiau A ll**'i'ta S. hat- r Miii'Siin t Kroii' ii K\:i Mail* r wt-th I'ertha I'tahl Kva.Mkinsmi Anna M.-*'i*ism.y lo-rtrud. I ?.'i i 1 .s r Acnes Mulii Messrs : | . rnard Wilkif I'asp.-r S.-'ni i ){? ruaril lieliz ?'lar*'iie. II Thomas i. > * J i 1 1 .1 \ I hel'! Aliiii Willard S*-harf !.'??* Si-hal- ;? I : .1 >- n I o ? I ? I Sehlatr \ li**'!-! S**lilatr Will I'iiiim rih John l-l?*ul W.ii.l"! S-'ila-' Outing' Party Wednesday. M ? i n I ? < t - "I ;rr.imi.i : int. s. --.t. I,.;;, i-i'.- Ae.ol. ui> and rl ? ? 'a ih* -Is al hi i* h s , in .. .| ? ii i< ? > ? <i a .loint |.ti me at i'!.|H|ili*'H's * irov" *iii W***liiesda \ . Til** lien'.- wauoii:- look tin- pariv iher- and dlmier" was had ould**ors r I h* ! ri'i's. Mis, W. I". l,. ir ihapiri.|i"<l ? i . ? - pa rl v w hi. h in.'iiidi d . Misses: ? rlrude Slam i I'.-lla M. 1'iildeu Mart ha |-'ri*,snuUh l.llliiitl Johnson I'lizali. lh C.-eif mill-r Virginia I'arroil |v*r*'thx Hints Ma rear* i I >oii I'ln ii*' M inni". I Ui rkh * Iteddy Arthur Kuril!-/: \li'\ Monallall I- l /!al.. i I, | l.-l : * r \n; l:**>le Ma: ii- < "i.\ ii" *'. rtrud- Kori. M:i rira r"t Siaaiin lean* li*- M"h*'ii \iruini,-. Miller. Johanna Me* ir;til * alii, riii*' 1-"* ? 1 ? ? \ si*s. : ? 'hilt :*'S Ml II M-iri'i'l vlus lir.tT* rt\" Vin.-.-nt Arm Kdwiird Diiiiet John ' iorstii'h Ji hit W. ? (IS lull III*.' I'Mw ard K lerkh' ll' .lMin"S C. 1 1* nry J-'riincis Nan .1 ??Tin K. I '.?* Si 1- ? ii .lain*-" ? lall.-'ulii i i-'raiib Cjiiiiil*-y M ieha* I I." nc , hrusl. 't will!:- 'ah "I !?? iii. is 1 1:, si, A H ? - r I Kireli 1 '? .on |t i ? K ii Kdwiir.l S'i I., wis W-i? tt Child Study Club. ?Tin t'hild Study l iaj. i * ornan i/.*'d iit tt inei'UHK "ti Weijiiesd.iy atler nuiiit ai the home of I ir r:i i/.a he; i Keay. The pi-ouram .'it t ti i - in* . :iim \ * er> inl.-restiiiu. Mrs John ili.pp had a pap. i ami a iIisimi-shhi n-l!owe.|. Itr. K'-ay w .i s :;ani"ii '? n-pi'i-.u-r eiiair niiin of i h* i-l.nli until Ih.- "leetion of officers. .Ilia- A --?'?cia I | |t>| |o\\ei| t'li-. III.'"! illK. 1 i II": t s v. n'e. Alesda lllcs II M. Kimh- rlali'l llariv 'I'rus.-' II I 'an I Ne|iie,\..r I-' J \V. ' 1 1 i 1 1 1 > . i> ? Morris l?:i\ls Harry I lainl-liiu-i .1 All. idle, John Hupp J. A. Mai I in Hoim.r Kichel- II s I'liiinmciiain b> riier W* i.l-hu.s. ii i l 'it i'> M ._ I .auu 111 iit Kdward Schm.'icli. I V\ lloi'imait l-'i-.-d K'irre Wiil Humes Bullaa-d-Ely Wedding-. V'Slerday llfleruoor .-It " n'cl. III" I 'I'es ll\ e I'til It chilli i' ..I We.-t Ai'.'.x" Hitiler. the ma rriau" *-t Mis- ll. len IJ.-'tii Kl.v . dauuhl*'|- of Mr. ami Mrs. .I.aiii. s l-:i> ot Maiii'li. Kansas, i.i Mr Ari'hi haii ilupp rtuilai-d. son of I ir. iilui Mrs. II. II. Milliard ? lakinonl . was solemn i/.ed. U* v. .1. ?'aivin Kly. I I.V, of ? ?akland. .Mil , an niici. .it the hride. ? ml I C " \ . I l"l; ?'.? Kill. il>, ol III" West Alexander church, officiated. 'i h- inus i*' w.-'f Ii. a iitil nil > r..tidei *-'d I... Alls 1 1 e I " n I :i> ol St V'iiari. Mo.. ii citsin ot ili. I*ride. ami h. r ..uly at l-mlanl was |i* r st-t> r. Miss Aitlies la' Til* in had for In |..*st in. -in. Ins hi ol Ii* r. Mr Tod. I Ituilard. ami the iisto-rs were: Messrs l.'alph 1 1 1 \ ??!' I : ti r c* ttsiowu. I'm..- I >r. J 1 '. Ilupp. Jr.. John imliard -iihI llent-y Kamihv ol Wasliiiiui-'ii. I'a. Mi>s M i ii ii :?* Kl.v oi S! l.ouis. a cousin ol tin hri.l", v.tiii w*i.-n, sue has !t\*d. Kave h.-r i>i niarriiii:.'. Miss Kl.v w?.ro i. cliarttiint; a it.-rnoon . I r. ss ..| jsray ami ?? lil.'* I'll hat. Tip hiudal now n was a lowly croalion t BANISHES NERVOUSNESS Puts Vig-or and Ambition Into Run-down Tired-out People. 1 1" y.*u feel tired out. mil of .-.??its. ih spotnl" nt. nieiilnlly or physlcall\ d"pr*-ss,'d and lack tile tl'-sire to accomplish *him;s. k<-1 i .'??i' h*?x of Nerv-.M iiilx at the ? ' l?rtiK <'". torlav and y.ur irouhh'S will h. over. II > ? -ii drink !??*.> mm -It. smoke too min h or .'it" nerioiis Pecans. - oi overwork *.t i'liy uin-l. \"rv Miit!z will mak.-'voti- feel hetl*r iii three days ''inie 'if money hack from the lines) liruir tv on the t : rst li.i.v purolwisi-d. i-'or 1 1 .ifleciioiis of the n*>r votis sysi.-m. loss ..!' app?tite.'Tv ?I*- COIlfiiielR-i . t I't'tl I Itl in ir. sleep h:ssn*'.ss. exhausted or w eaketieil \ it.'ility. weakening habits or weaknesses of any kind net a box today mi in*- money back plan. Mail orders tlllc-d: charK*'s pre paid ,by I lie firlesi Drui? Co. P! ) | DR JAMES' HEADACHE POWDERS GIVE INSTANT RELIEF? COST ! DIME A PACKAGE. Nnrve-racking. cjilitfin^ or dull. I throbbing headaches yield in just a ' f?'W moments to Dr. Janw's' Headache | Powders which cost only 10 cents a package at any drug store. It's the jcpiicknst. surest headache relief in tha ; whole world. Don't suffer! Relive th? jagony and distress now: You can. j Millions of ni^n and women have , found that headache or neuralgia ; misery Is needless. Got what you ask i for. I | of ?;>-orKo:i>', ??"iiiljiiii ,1 wrih taffeta and j iiiiisln i| with pearl t riiniiiini; and Ihn I hridai I ?< ? n ? 4 11 ? ? f . ? 1 roses and lilies nf iln> , vaiky, Tin- 11 1:1 i?l ? >: honor carried Kil I liuni'v roses and '.vui'. ,'i becoming I frock of pnik c-orK-M (?> er<'jit> and a lur<i> black hat. , li ri i I ?* iiv: of ( In- oldest families In I unite two <if Mi families ? 1) Western I'tiin \ I >. an :a . :iinl the many l>< am ll 11I ^ifts wri i-v jil* lien of ihc ' si. i-ni in vilii.-li 1 lii". hold. The <.|d historic i hnrHi at West Alexander was in ua!a an in . having been handsomely decnt :i f t d wiili palms and white I lowers for ihr> wt'ddinu' "l'i!i- American colors i we.-e f<'ins|.|ciii>u.sly .ii.v.ti through the K.-e. n< r y. . j Attir :i short trip the happy couple! will hi' m homo a 1 West Alexander. I ( "I'" ? "I the Iidhiuing curds have j been isip-d; -Mr. and Mr:v .laup s Kly announce ih> marriai:i ? ?t' their !!ii. r JI'dMI Helta to ; Mr \ K-li: l/a M I ! 1 1 1 : ; . Hniltird 011 'I hursduy . June 1 ourto.-nih ? ii! 1 1 ?? r ? ? - ? : iiuiiiii ..<| seventeen j \\ <'si Ah xaiid' i, I 'elms v I vatiiH \t home Alter July nrs! West Ah-x.-juii>-r. I'.-nns;. hania Benefit 'Tlair JDay" Bridge. Hli- ' lijiii ! \j rli whs j }?? s? ???ii* j da\ al'tci 1 of one ??! tic not .lis ' i"i'V c:"!" "? r-c. mi v.mis, when | the ? 1 m a 1 1 en I . ^ n.. ;i 1. 1 ill:.-, 1,1 j.arfyj lor th. ? lor 1! )!.., | 1 Vms,-. ' j I h> r.-iMiin w lu i ? tin- hu t,'.- ass.' 111- i ' -ill' ? ?! !.i'||. s i;:* I heri;ti l.i >? w. i||' jil.iv ' or <li?'e w.-s m.-ifiiilici. i,i 1> witiii ilie A/ co|,,|> tn^eth.-i with 1 hos.- I of lier allies. Mrid?je found vreai favor iiiuoiik (lie I ?i.isl> all. I many .i.-o-hi 1 til i irii. -- of! daintily k.-wii-iI ladi. s. . njov. d the ' """ - ""lil ? =" k. when teas! MI'UJ III. 1:1 111. I S |.i.-lly with' ( 1 peir iii.iny Him ? I"- 1 Th. |?.i>,. >'S a! ih. (? ;t lahli > w | I disdain s .1 M ili.iir. K. |.;v. J. f?iil.:ii. 1 .1. i>. |.?..v , i I !? ? nr.i.1, \v || Ti u.-cli* I. i .1. |{.-ek- .' man. i I jih - \ 1 1 j in he,1, la! ward SCife; ? L. """'T'1 Mcl'miaid. TTai ; ? Peldei. ....I- n ,| l|?j|,,w.,v. ! fi'r'n, "of ' i ii U|:.'d |v j I I'll, i it'll v -,i lii idu. iii.lud.d ih. I '?? IIIK mieS*.? j Tp.Mc No. l. 1 Mrs \ v \\ |,i at. lio> Alesdail., - i rank S.'l,u,;.|. I.e. ii I. ? ?."r;n;r.1ft i II l.i. -uard Mark.,1 c \\ I l.i ii- i . I T.i i;ls sro. 2 | Vr?. A \ Wheal. h.".|.?s. I M' >dauii v- . , i ] ili'l ! I m l-'i idi'i , | '= M - NlaVr'-allnieM j T" hlo No. 3. \ \ Wh- ii. ' I Mi'ii.mi., j .v.- Saudi .1.1. I ,? M.,, | Ml { r I' Sue. ||.'> I ...v X,,.-. I.w CT \\ ii iiii.^i?,; I Tabic K?. 4. I *1'- T I : i ii j . M r 1 1 ? > ? " I: 1 '-?? Table No. 5 *!'?* ' i: !??> . I.CI.--S ? ? I ia, 1 ' Kill!! I ? ' Ark. j 5Tbl? No. G. M i " > . ? - I K.ith.'iiiie I. III., r; i:...s ? ' Kill): .Ma>on \| . ^ ;! ' , . . I . f _ NO. 7. ! i .wi'jt!'.. I'.onmfid Jonc I ? Ml. aii.ii' I lolinn ,t>, Whiiak.-r ' ,, Tabic No. 8. Mts l-.'dw ard I '? |. I: j M?->i|:;uii > Th.-ma- ??. \\ .lliam-Krank U a l. -i,..,, ... 1 lls'V;,'r;, '.-.uhh ! ... ! ? ! lain :l tun '?'"" ?-*e. S.I ?!! I l;iz |. I I T.lbte Ko. ?1. | Mrs Kilwani I * 1 1 1 * I . i r . |, I M iiir> ^ \ Table No. )o. Mrv : ij,?j, |. is. . v ^ j ?. ' .Mexl.tlMi - < I' Kliex.v i .. ,. Vn^ve i i M .-il:i||.i> > | I'1 rnhart Table No. 12. >l 1 .--ii' lit iii.-ii - < AI- -.iau.r> |: Tabic No. 1 X > I- I,i is t .'s> Al e?ila 111, ... I; '.'. Mill -,,,. Sr. Morgan V....-,.,,. i ' arl I .am; ' j Table No. U. Mi s. I . II. ,\\ 1 .-I- a 1 is 1 i.u v Mexlaiai v I ' i I >1 ?' I :i iz'i In : h <;.iod Table No. 15. i 1 -M ?*>??;? ? 1: K III Ml. I, 1 .71 ward n l"i a n;- - I del. 1, "art ,?.lnj >' 1 i{n\M|i| Table No. is. ! V ,s . K ?' Kuh r. I Mesdames ? I Martha Ktxler I'.ani. l fijncer ? S. ?: .1 o)| IIS- Hi ?"llarles Si* 1111.' i Table No. 17. Mrs. W. 1' Kl/.ier in.sless. Mi ^d. inn ;- - .1 allies ll:iine> 1 :..ii| ?i'' lirni land ; w. Mcriuskev 1 1 ? ? w 1 ? 1 i Jones Taljlc No. 18. I Mis W i;. Kiv.-ler. hostrs". 1 .Mesdaims ? I W I'. Kl :'.l- r .1 l'"la veil, fi^r- . i 1 1 II. Seat lei'.i.i inaiilown. Pa. Table No. 19. Mi- ,|.*.?e 1:1. .cli. host ess. M I'Mlaiiiev ill ?' I la.'.let ! l-ji^'i-ne Hildretlt. H 1 ? I "S * ? 1 ? h Sp- id.-; Harry Hrndley Table No. 20. ( Mr,-. ,li sse Kluch, hostess. | ,M i's. i. 1 1 ' > Kei'ert liai'.l.u Singleton Paul) William llolioway .l^sse Hindi 1 Table No. 21. Mrs. Jesse Itlocll. hostess. Mi sdanies .1. W. Stoi'i'i' Arthur 'irrpr S. W. Harper Huhhard M. .V. Cecil Table No. 22. Mrs. Joseph '""Miden. In)str9s. M esihl lues? l'eeide? Taium J I '? Pcllamy Joseph t'lil'ideii Table No. 23. Mrs. 1', Tavlur. hostess. | M.s.laiiies . W Mills .1. I '. Mcllltvalnrt. I.ondon. Canada I'ltislwrnh. Pa. | laltcar Hovd Table No. 24. I Mrs 1 X Taylor, hostess. ' I Mesdaines- ? 111. I.. McKowan T. II Molirh^.n | b'aiinn.' l'ratt W Ii. Smith Table No. 25. Mrs. Iv C Kwiiik. iiosli ss. ?Mesiianies ? : II PitiKhain. ''harlrs J. Milton Washing). in. H <" I'hesti-r Ft. Hubbard i J. J. Hollowa v Tablo No. 26. ! Mrs. I-'rank (?'i:rien. hostcsii. Misses ? | Murjiuvritr OundlineHupi-rtha Blum Angela Dlegnilller Mrs. Henry Schafer | Table No. 27. Miss Krnrna Gun- Airs. James McAi ? y ..?? - 1 ii | ' NO matter Sow often i Fa*hk>fis change; of" . this yoti may be supe ? Ae. high qualfoy< of R &- G Cor-. sets remains the same, h hai ^ always been so. ? ' r' And the number of dis? criminating women who ' make R & G Corsets their final choice is evidence of - the wisdom of holding la such a ?tanda*<i There ft ?n R !r G to fit your figum, ^ ?ncr ' ; Tfie - Hal) i dliiit: Hfler Mrs. Frank O'Brien TaWe No. 38. Mr?. .1 J. I toiler. hostess. Win. K. Sf:ln:nk. S T. Tyler i'ituiinc licuiior . Table No. 29. Mrs. J J. Ucuter. hostess. ,Mi- Mia. in es ? j W illiam If. Fox John Hrtmes Fred '.'owl Anton F.ieherson : Tablfl No. 30. Is land JJridjCe M.-s.laiJius--'- | B. F. Carver Frank Evan* Hurry K lt>-vi-?= Hfinnuh Whally l>;vvi; Kvans Table No. 30. Island HrldR? ?'lub. Mesdiimes ? )?". p. McNeil Have Taj. pan .1 ? n Heed I Table NO. 32. Island F.rfdise Chi". J Mesdamos ? I u-nrv Sialil -I Rrvilie Morgan u a Wu r<i Miss Carrie Frozicr | aTble No. 33. Mrs. Chit.-. Jackson, hostess Mesdames-?, lien Nciihardt Oeorif* Cameron X IJ. I)-.vis Ta'ole No. 34. Mrs W. V. Keinpe. hostess. Mesdann-s ? \V. J Iturns Jasv T. Handlan M iss i^lu Hosley O (floors Elected. Mrs. II. 1'-. N'ny of the Island. ?:iin.-d i ! . t ? ijiioen "l-lMh'-r Circle of King s ( DauKht. rs lit her hum- lust ??veiilnji. j Tli.- hours vvro pleasantly spent n a, Mi.Mii I way. following Hi - election of or- [ j e. rs and the eoiisid.-rutit.u "I uiiuuf , business matters. This meeting is 1 1 | 1 1 la--i n hi i 1 S'-pl'-mb'-r uid necessitated j lie d ispos.i I ..I' it. -in*. The el"'', li-.ii r* suit. >1 as follows: President ? Miss l.anra Winch, r. \- i I 'r.'si.lcnt ? Miss l|.-l<-na Seaman. | i try .Miss Maud Murrin. t *orr. 'S p. 'ltd i ni? Secretary ? AinyJ > j i i . |:?s S'-. i'i lary ? Miss fCliwih^lh ! S.anian. i Supply Secretary ? Mr<. Jessie Jlr* | I v.'aiu. j I "rout-am S.-crelnrj, ? MiS? Mva .\nder- | | -Mli ! I I'loiver ? S'-cr.-tiiry ? Mi.-s Sarah >ay. i Cress r..iiunitt?-. ? Miss 1 t.-l 1 Wells. Martins Ferry Scouts | Sell 171 Liberty Bonds; Troop 2 of Wheeling is Second V/lth i 113 Sales and TrooD 1 Is ! Third With 73. ! Willi 171 Liberty hone! sales io their [rredii. Troop 1 of Marlins Ferry Ilov. ' Scouts leads in ih*? sale of bomls con-j ducted i his week by troops of Hoy! Scouts in this vicinity. The Martins i Ferrv voungsters have sold 171 bonds 1 ; which ' will net Fncle Sam ?8.fj50. Thirteen members of the troop sold j Id bonds or more and were rewarded | with special service medals. Troop l! of Wheeling Hoy Scouts 'stands second with 113 bond sales to J i s credit. Six members obtained 10 1 i?r more subscriptions and received ; special service medals. Troop 1 of; i Wheeling has sold 73 bonds and onei | I -id received a medal for soiling more! i!ian tO bonds. Reports are yet to be received from nine troops. FLOATER FOUND i Dody of Unidentified Man is Caught! j Floating in River Near Pinch j Run, Below Bellaire. ; The body of an unidentified man j i was found 'floating in the Ohio river! near Finch run, below Bellaire. last e renins at. li;!.!' o'clock 1 1 '? I 'avid fiood I and William Van Meter. Coroner J. j 15. Wyati. of Belmont county, was at! once notified and began an investiga tion. but learned nothing that aided in solving the puzzle of the man's identity. There were no noies in his pockets nor marks on his clot hint; that] will assist in finding on; who the man ; is. and the only possible means which might lead t<> his identity are a seven- 1 j jewels si-lverene watch, with an engine i Ocean Jack Fish .. 10^* per lb. I Butter Fish 10^ per lb. Live Turtles 13d per lb f, ^ ^ ( ( $ Hard Shell Crabs 5^ each ? Roe Shad $1.25 each J. L. KENNEDY Stall 58, north end Hew Ibrkti engraved upon the back and a belt bearing the initial "P." The man has jet black hair, is five ' feel, nine inches tali and weighs 165 pounds. He appeared to be 25 or vio years of age. The body was in a bad state of decomposition and had apparently been in the water for two j weeks. Because of this fact the body was taken in Grafton's ambulance to . Rose Hill cemetery and placed in a receiving vault. It was thought the dead man might have been one of the persons drowned near East Liverpool about two weeks ago. Further Arrangements ? For Orphans' Outing Ohio Valley Auto Club, Who Is to Give Enjoyable Annual Affair, """? Asks for Car Donations. Further plans were made for the Wheeling district orphans; 'outing at a meeting of the entertainment com mitter of the Ohio Valley Automobile club yesterday afternoon. Will H. Colvis;. chairman of the committee, presided. The affair will be beld in Blnney's Grove. June 20. The auto olub has for thr- past several summers ' v given the hundreds of little ones of' ' s this community an outing in the" ? grove. ^ There will be about 51 automobiles needed to take the children to and from the grove. The club asks that all who will donate the use of their machines for about two hours on the day will kindly notify Secretary Hob litzell i ?' i lie Auto club, with head quartt : the Wheeling Commercial ' ? assmia' ..! rooms, or Chairman Will:.. x II. c'olviu. of 1056 Main street. SUMMER DRESSES r George E. Johns Company is Offering New Stock of New?t tines I at Special Prices. Throupli a very fortunate purchase recentTy the George E. Johns company will offer the \yomen of Wheeling an opportunity today, of purchasing some ; lo.-elv frocks, priced at ?5.!)0. These ar? all fashioned alone the newest' lines and are extremely pretty and / stylish models. Now, with the ap pioach of the real summer days, every feminine bean longs for some real ".-?ummery" clothes. While some ?l the dresses are quite fluffy, and wfth just an extra touch of elaboration, other models are plain and trim, but all have that indefinable air which is . alwavs a gratifyins purchase; HOBO KING SPEAKS Jeff Davis, hobo kTns, will spenk to youngsters this eVening at the Gar den theatre on the Island. Yesterday th* kins of the hoboes spoke to sev eral hundred school children and on Sunday he will speak at tbe peniten tiary. Monday afternoon he expects ? to speak at Martins Ferry. l! i.s thr hope of the Methodist 'Epis snp'i I church South that during th?? pr.-sont fiscal year It c.*in increase it* jcifts tor forol^n mls.ilons to the $1,000. 000 mark, f.nst year the denomination save Jott'.poo. Warner's Safe Remedies A Constant Boon to Invalids Since 1877. Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Remedy, ,50c and $1.00 Warner's Safe Diabetes Remedy $1.25 Warner's Safe Rheumatic Remedy $1.25 Warner's Safe Asthma Remedy ...75c Warner's Safe Nervine 50c and $1.00 Warner's Safe Pills (Constipation and Biliousness) . .25c The Reliable Family Medicines. Fnr pale by leading drutfKints PYPrywhore. Frpp sample sent on rpquest., WARNER'S SAFE REMEDIES CO., Dept. 431, ROCHESTER, N. Yi' Credit You? Certainly WEAR WHILE YOU PAY Diamonds and Watches ON CREDIT Kl/i0 JEWELRY Ca HUB BUILDING 1322 AMRKET St . WHEELING. WEST W* . ?