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300 Smaller Rugs Hearth- Size \ 22V2x36 inch A ;V/) \27 x54 Inch r, o. '36 ; <63 inch Throw- Size , 36 x72 Inch PlICES AVERAGING 1-4 TO 1-3 LESS THAN ORDINARY .iiraninps. here and thorn from I\ uiis for do??nvays. I"? ?r ii'lt-mrr in bedroom. dining room, hall. I i bran, plav roum, den; for roimcctiii^ spaes spars between rooms: for "throws on tiu'.siii'd Hours Mo.el Axminster and Wilton Rugs, 27x 5-inch size SI. 69 Asninster Rugs. 36x63-inch ___$1.9S Bdy Brussels Rugs of Tuxedo and ?Hampton makes? - 27x54 inch $3.25 22^4x36 inch $2.39 2'x54-inch Velvet Brussels Rugs_ $1.39 Axminster Rugs of 27x54 inch and 3bx 63 inch size; Oriental and Persian patterns $1.S9 and $3.19 27x54 inch Bundbar, Selkirk and Tep rac Wilton Rugs? 27x54-inch ..$4.49 Rag Rugs? Ye Olde Time ? 27x54 inch. Hit and miss design 69c Rag Rugs ? Ye Olde Time ? 36x72-inch. Hit-and-Miss designs $1.39 75 Silk Dresses AJOT ONE of which is not. worth up to al L * double value. An important ottering \ that has not been eclipsed by any former event. A round price for the grouping? ?Some a bit drossy: some distinctly sports styles; s< ?mo typically street uar ment>. and still others that stmnirly incline h> spurts combinations. Taffetas, Satins. Crepes de Chine, Imported Silk Tussah and combinations <?f Crepe -le Chine and <ieor?:otte. This is to bo a oue-da> affair and that one day will he Friday. All sizes abound for miss and matron. Ribbon Sale A 3000- YARD OFFERING Worth 40c to $1.50 Yard Now 25c to 79c Yard FAN.CIES TAFFETAS WARP SATINS PRINTS PLAIDS BROCADES STRIPES 6 TO 11 -INCH WIDTHS A sale that will nive a mighty boost to the making of liairl>u\v>. sashes, camisoles. sports starves, batrs and the many whiles of fancy work. Plain colors and over so many plcasinii' fancies. WASH GOODS DEPARTMENT Siluerbloom and Palm Beach Suiting Positively fast color, and clue to their intended uses, are woven to with stand frequent tubbings. Of half wool and cotton and shown in both plain and fancy. Note the width ? ofi and ~>4 inches ? that cut to such good advantage. 59c to SI. 25 a Yard 36 inch Cotton Jersey Cloth A faithful likeness of 1 he Silky Jersey of which it bids fair to be a keen rival. .Just the proper weight for suits and skirts. In such sports colors as old rose, shadow lawn green and cadel. 85 C a Yard GINGHAMS in fairer assortments than this store ever before even thought of. The leading brands in a maze of stvlcs. Mostly 12 ft? to 35 c Yard Silk Hosiery at $1 and $1.50 \ '?'hat this st<>rc enjoys the lion's .share "I tircater Wheeling's Silk Hosi ery business is a widely aerepted I'aer. That its rn paired (letcrniiiiati.on.tft eontimie sel lii.Li" "ulde (iiiaiity" Silk St??ekiisju:s at "<>|.ie priees'* has well merited the eon t i lino I patronage ??l ' customers and w?>n sei;res and sroi'es ot uew iriends. is self-, vident. Onyx, McCallum, Phoenix, Gotham, Kayser, M. F., Medalia and Gordon- ea<*h a brand standing lor true character. Is it any wonder that other stores approach their |?ri?-o advances itli I'eai and trembling? IT'S TO BE THE BIG IEK OF j WEEKS !N lEELINE JULY 2-7| SIX DAYS OF FUN. FROLIC. SHOWS AND PRANKING AND RAC ING HORSES. ?Mammoth Swinming Pool Will Be Opened and Monroe County Re union Held on Fourth of July. Wifh many hinds playing. scores of fin<- b'ooded hrrses prancing ;in>l rac- ; inc. shows of attraction ami education in full blast, a<vumpattieu by rlit^ splashing ??!' many swimmers in the' .fine new nataorium.. will b> just sotm of the many attractions t liar are on the pros rani >f pleasure on 'ho fair: grounds during th>? week of July 2-7. To Bt One Big Week. _ The e xpos'iiori. hor.if show and , .?aces which is- being pur on by the business men of 'his rity under t !i?; ! auspices of the Wheeling Driving club : promises to De th?- biggest thing of the, kind ever ,-taged in the Ohio valley between Pittsburgh and Cincinnati. In ? addition to the many attractions of, amusement and edification there is to. be a mertiiants' exhibit in the en larc^d ard new exposition ball that cost thousands of dollars. This dis play will se the best of the kind ever given in this section of th- country. 1 On All Day and Night. *? There *'ill b?* something ooiag every; moment <*n th?> bic trrc >un?!s all day and night. Special arrangement.- "have; bf>en conpl^ted to light the urounds. 'hat wil! make old Sol feel that h?? has, a rival on this planet. The {rounds and buildings are be-! tnz put in ship-shape for tb?- big we?-k. : A larg* force of clean-up mo?n and> CASTOR IA For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years i Always bears the Sig??ure of painters w >? re on the job yesterday! with brooms and brushes fining the! buildings "up brown." To be more ex-' act. "doing them up white." Rutherford's Shows Engaged. The old reliable Rutherford's shows; have been engaged for the big week. The populace of this section know ; what this means-for real i ntertaitimcnt i with the dozens of different attractions tor ilie young and old ami that are; of interest to all The Rutherford as-' giegation was at the state fair here J last year. Cut they return nest tnontiii with many new iund attractive fea- J utres. including the water troupe, who J will do stunts thai will make the farm-; er shake his le-ad In astonishment and' the city chap cont" buck to watch the I K<iua entertainers. The maiden swim-j tners include Lucile Anderson. cham pion underwater expert, who is as fair of figure as she is famed ;is a diver and swimmer. The other girls are Mabel Smith and Clare Ferry. All were with the |{ice Submarine ?*otn panv that visiteil this city a few years, ago." In addition to tiies.- attractions there will be ilam-ittu afternoon and nights in the big and other entertain-! tnents for all ag?-s ami dispositions. ' Horse Show Big Feature. The biggest feature will be the horse! show every afternoon and evening of1 i lie week Seven hundred dollars m. prizes will be awarded. There will be the fines: steppers in rhe country on' prancing parade before the urand stand. Secretary Bert II. Swan/, an nounced yesterday that he had just receiver! a com in union I ion from a prominent i'le\eiand horse owner that , 'he would enter the show with In of his finest animals Fin tries from all. over the country has been booked, while all the many tine blooded horses j of this community will be in the arena for prizes ajul glory. Three Days of Racing. . | The merry shout of "t hey're off, 1 they're off!" will be heard on the' grounds Tuesday. Wednesday and. Thursday afternoon, July 3. 1 and o.' There will be horse racing galore . Hit- , iries liavi- beosi coming in with asmn-! {siting rapidity during the past few ; day.". It is io lie tin* llrst suninier raves, in Wheeling for the past, decade and J one of i lie big events of the summer | in horsedom. ? ! The purser to he tump up will range! froni S2U'> to $4(>o and will include pacing, trotting and rnnning races. | There have been many excising, pulled off on the old fair grounds, but., the stunts of speed next month prom-' ise to b<? the best ever. The event is to be given tuuler the auspices of the Wheeling Driving club and all applica tions for entrance should be made to. Secretary lie it 11. Swartz. Entries close June 25. Mammoth Swimming Pool Open. On Monday. July opening day for the big week, tin1 state fair swimming pool will be formally opened to the public. It is the largest natatorium in tlx? country. It Is of concrete and is the fmst equipped pool in every v. ay that could be imagined. I; is 10 re main open all summer, and the lover." of water will al least have an opportu nity 'o splash in the water to thejr h carta' content. Management Has Done Well. The hoard ot managers of the sum mer pack have not done their work in a half-mannered wax. This faci js demonstrated by the extelleni program' of attraction and entertainment that is in store for all who shall attend dur ing the big week. The affair is not for the Wheeling district alone. |t has been advertised in a ratlins of a ?iundred mile* of this citv Thousands, upon thousands of dollars have j evpeii'l'-d for improvements and addi tional features and places of enjoy-; men!. . j Monroe County Reunion. Naturally the l-'ounh of July will l?< the big day of the week Speeial fea tures wi'l he pui on li is anticipaten ilia* t.'ioo residents of Monroe eoimsy alone will be on the grounds. The : management has arranged foi a gatli eritig of tin- Monroe iount\ people ? 1 a reunion for ail of that county ;.nd ail i who have lived liicre ami are now lo'- ' ea'cd some place else. The Monroe county reunion i.- beins; j arranged by Dr. K. (Jithens. super- j intendem. of Wheeling public schools. t Attorney Fred L. Maury.- J?r. ('. II. j Kessor and other prominent wiieeimc ; men vhp were born and raised in old j Monroe.' Big. Crowds Will Be There. ! It is anticipated thai there will be j equally as large crowds at |tie bigj SHOE TALKS 13im<srkot5t.-NoneButGooci5hogs-Whoglinjf "Moro by the pair, Less by tbo year." Tn i ho business or professional man the STET SON SlfOlC appeals most strongly. < 'oiiscrvat iye shapes? Yi?s, those are tin* shoes wo arc talking about to-day? M ore men arc wear i mlt Stetson oMMiJ'nrt models than ever before? ? those medium toe lasts ? neat fitting. hut absolute ly comfortable to tired, tender feet. Shoes and Oxfords lhal add to the jov id! livintr Price, S7.50 to 810.00 NAY SHOE COMPANY EVANS ALE An Meal Summer I ) ri 1 1 k . 1 .\oii-;ileoholic. -\ ureal 1 hirst ijiioiii'hcr. A Irial will de liii'ht you ami make von want for more. 12 Bottle; SI. 40 Dozen FLAGS FREE Wo havi- a iVu* more ??f | hose nicr muslin anil ^i 1 k 1'lasjs thai "wo aro irivinV ;t\vay I'Yco with a purchase of a saf*k of Heiirens' Best Flour ? $2.15, and I pound of IVrl'oi'tion lilrnti CoflVc? 2S C. < >ld ( J lory should fly from every lumic in the coun try. (iet yours now, free. Plume your order for Homo 'linked Mread. Pies, Cakes, Rolls, etc. IT yon have not tried these products you'll thank us fop calling your attention lo them. li f. Behrens Co. 2217 Market Street. Branch: Woodsdale. Buking Dept., 2350 Chapline. DIRECT FROM FAC TORY TO YOU. SAVE MIDDLEMAN'S PRO FIT. Starr, Remington, Rich mond and Trayser Play ers and Pianos, from 3250 and up. TERMS TO SUIT. 50c Music Rolls, Special for Saturday Only, 5 for $1.00 Wheeling Piano Co. Fourteenth and MeuTket Stroeto Ben Phone 898 fflnHBBBBBKBBBnRliaBnBBBnw Due and Payable June 1st to 30th 10 o Discount W. S. McElroy City Treas. m30-14t [FOB SALE-Princess Theatre Complete outfit ? Moving Plctnro ? show, perfect condition; offered at K'i? than half o? lirst cost. j J.Uiies I... Hawley, lOOSi. Main St. slimmer affair a- a: ; li.? West Virginia j slide fair ii"r< last year, which was ? one or i lie hit: year.- Special rai es | will lie uiveu mi railroads iliul f-tearn- ; boats. , tiid I lie inaiiauenieiit is a t rail K iiii; lu Iiainlh' 'In larue crowds ilial j v* ill be in 'his cily from Jul) i! in 7. I State Fair in September. Tin- his: veek n?M month will iiav* ! no effect upcii 'he annual state fair. 10 he hehl mi I in- grounds September j t, (I :? ml 7. The fair t hi- year will he hiuii? i and hetler than <'V> r In fine, fur mailt mi?ons The hook1 of attraction - is tilled with ninny new feature.--, while there hate been now tunlilinK-- e'-eeN-d and enlarged and aH; is imw beinu iai in shape even ,n i h j j . early date fur s i ? ? hi? fail even;, t i ' which the thousands of pimple of this, section of tit- conn try have looked i forward with the greatest of a n; ieipa- j lion . a? !; autnnin for nearly 10 years. DAYTON TRIP JJJNZ 21 Wheel iii^'s new city ?-(?it in il and its I aet-'inU'il nt'i'ic i-s will ko t<> Da y tell, j .lull" 21. t" inspect lb'- operation of the eonimis'sinn covernnvtit in the Ohio! city. Tile Wheelinu oounc'ilmen and olTi- j eials will malic the trip as guests of] the Wheeling Commercial Association. ' BflRTRUG ME MIFF D l-i MOUNDSVILLE ENGINEER TO I HEAD LINCOLN COUNTY DE- j PARTMENT OF ROADS. Will Supervise Construction of Big Road System Involving Expendi ture of $90,000. T. J. Martrug of Moundsvillei loan rfil yesterday tliat he has boon ap- ? pointed chief engineer of highway* of! Lincoln count.*.. WY-t Virginia. The! position will pay iuin a salatv of $:>,U00 I k year, lie stated last evening that he i will leave next week to lake charm* of! his duties. Lincoln eouniy has issued bonds fo? I SIMM my. This sum " ill be expended in J the improvement of the county's4 high ways. Most of the roads will be wade I r lass A roads. Hamlin, the county I seat, and the main sections of the! L'onnty will be connected through 'the ; improvements to l:e made with the' tiond fund, with Hunting and (.'larks-' brug. j .Mr. liartrug secured the appointment ! upon recommendation of the statu; lighwav bureau. A. I>. Williams, stale i highway commissioner, recommended him as one of the best highway engi- ; neers in the state. Mr. Hartrus will ' have his office in Huntington, which has been selected as the most con- ; lenient place for the chief engineer; iti handling the mammoth road prject. . lie will hav>- charge, among other things, ft the construction of between ?ithty iv a v Mr. ?ngitu he : l3ogg and ninetv miles of tine high Hat: r er of late. Run tig is well known as an ability in this section of The line hard-surfaced : road in Marshall counly, nas constructed umler his supervision. ? n addition to his graduate course as in engineer he has taken several spe ?ial courses in highway engineering | ?t the S'aie university at Morgan nwn. the siaie ,oad schools a id otli^r' ttst it ut ions where road work i> a spe- ! ?ialtv. . j Mr. Hart rug was also recommended; l>y State Highway Commissioner Wii-i lin ins i *i the war department as a <*a- : pable ntaai to he an engineer in one: if the government concent rat ion j ?amps. I MISS NELLIE WHITE. OF CLARKS-j BURG. STENOGRAPHER IN THE ENGINEER HEADQUARTERS. j Government Having Women Succecd ' Men Here for First Time in Local History. The hand of grim war has shown itself for the first time in the ranks! ni the men employes of the federal building of this city. The government i recognizes ihe : ict thai shortly young! tit* *11 can better !>?? used on tin* Held; ot battle than manipulating the keys j of typewriters and to this end women are being employed for the tirst time* tit lie federal department of this city. I Yesterday the ilrst voung , woman j made her debut- as a stenographer j[( the local I niteil Stales engineer oflice. ; She I.- Miss Nellie White. ol Clarks-: burg, who recent 1> pa.-sed the civil service examination. With the eejuing of Miss White it! is predicted that ere the war prog-j resses long the thousands of young j men from this section ot the country now occupying clerical positions with* the government "ill be called to the > colors and their places taken by j women. It i.-. said thai Miss White is the' tir.-: woman to be employed in the' engineer otfice here. The veteran men of the otlice w ere somewhat astounded when rhiet Clerk S. A. Anthony took hei ih-ouah the rooms in presenting j lo r as sin* tirst woman employe with-! in i heir ranks here. FOUR HUNDRED MASONS ATTEND; INFORMAL DINNER LAST EVENING. Class of 10? Candidates Receive the Thirty-first, and Thirty-second Degrees on Last Day. one hundred and four members ot ill" Masonic fraternity yesterday at .teriioon received their thirty-second degree in the dosing session of the Scottish Rite summer reunion. The same class received the thirty-first degree at the morning session in the Scottish Rite Cathedral. At six o'clock last evening an in formal dinner was served in the mam-j moth dining hall of the Scottish RTOTj cathedral, bringing lo a close the, summer reunion. More than four hundred guests were seared at the tables to partake of the dinner. A Every Woman Should help to make this world safe for the babies. Every woman CAN help by putting her savings into the Liberty Loan And encouraging the men of her family to do the sm me thing. If you are not able to subscribe for a large amount, you can buy a $50 bond. Hancher's SCREEN YOUR HOME WITH CONTINENTAL SCREEN DOORS AND WINDOWS Wire cloth cannot become loose and baggy in Com mental Screens, because every strand is se curely fastened-. ... We earrv (j strjes, priced at $1.85, '$2.25, '$2.75, $3.25, $10, in the following sizes? 2-6x6- 6 2?8x7 2-8x6- 8 2?10 x 7 W 2?10 x 6 - 10 3x7' Best hardwood adjustable Window Screens, finished in oil. both sides alike. Sizes 18 to inches, at 35c? to 90^. Shcnvood all-metal adjustable Win dow Screens ? will not. rust, stick, warp or bind. Sizes 25 to 40 inches, at 55d to 90<^. I BLACK AND COPPER SCREEN WIRE I j LAWN MOWERS^I; M-inch Ohio Valley Lawn Mower 16-inch Ohio Valley Lawn Mower 11 inch Derby. Hearing Lawn Mower Ifiinch P.erbv. Bearing Lawn Mower $5.00 $5.50 Knife Ball ..$7.00 Knife Ball . . S7.751 6-inch Klypr, 4 Knife Ball tf?0 fJA I Bearing Lawn Mower. ... I I p ? STOVES, HARDWARE AND HOUSEFURNISHINGS. 1050-5?. Market Street. Modern Woodmen of America Leads Let Others Follow and Attend the Special Moonlight Excursion on Steamer Homer Smith Friday, June 15, 1917 Under auspicis of Wheeling Camp No. 6474, Modern Woodmen of America. Benefit of Wheeling Chapter of the Red Cross. Leave Martins 'Ferry 7:30 p. ?n? Wheeling 8 p. m., Bellaire 8:30 p. m. Round Trip 50'c. sliaht departure from ilic custom ot the Scottish K : i ?? was made in ihe finaj event of the gathering. a dinner being- served instead of an elaborate banquet, in keeping with President Wilson's appeal for conservation of fin ni ) The* summer reunion of ' ihn ?Scot tish Kin* Bodies opened Monday and the members enjoyed innr delightful days, -during which large classes ad vanced in i|h? degrees. Many <>f the Ma-ons who at tended the reunion remained in I lie r.ny to a it end the Shrine ceremonial this evening. SIG CLASS FOR THE SHRINERS' DEGREES AT CATHEDRAL , THIS EVENING. Business Session at 5 O'Clock. to Be Followed by Sumptuous Banquet. Osiris Temple. Ancient Arabic Order Nobles of the Mystic Shrine, will hold a ceremonial session at the John W. Morris Scottish Kile cathedral this ? ?venina. A miod class of candidates will he received into the Shrine, anion:: 'hem being many of the class who received iheir thirty ? second ?louroe hi M::sonr> on the dosing day J of the Scottish Kile summer reunion. There will he a business session of 'i lie Shrine ai "> o'clock this- evening. i \i ?> o'clock the Shriners will gather) in i he spacious dining hall of the cathedral where an elaborate luncheon will he served under the direction of ? 'la rence Knapp. When the Shriners and their novices have feasted liberally, and the novices have encased their feet in moccasins j of cement for the jourti.-y across the hot sands, the gathering will go into Ruying cheap goods to save money is like slopping a clock to save time.. WheelingOptlcalCo. Conservative Life Building. V. L. POWERS, Mgr., Optometrist | ihe ceremonial session at 7:30 o'clock j for i ho real big lime. A largo number of out-of-town inciri [ bet-.-- of t be Shrine will be here to | attend the ceremonial. i The ceremonial will be the last bifr ! Masonic event of tlie* summer with ' t ho exception <>f the picnic of the . Masonic club of Wheeling at Wheeling-.' i park. .Inly 1'5. The picnic will be 1 under the' auspices of the Scottish" | Kite ('.nard. E. F. Schofield is chair man of the picnic committee. DIETIBENT ? BUT SATISFACTORY v liidijj'-stion "hiiws worry, ncrvous i ness. sir'; hcida< he. biliousness, coatcd ' ii ntui', bail breath, bloating, gas, con I stipntiort and constant- rli stress. W. A., ; M. i:.e . lialeiirh Ga.. writes: Foley i ? 'ulhariic Tablets cleanse my system 1 thoroughly and do net pripe or hurt at nil. 1 recommend them to others and alt I iir.d them entirely satisfactory and | wonderful I V different and more pleasant j than any tiling <\>r seen." They cleans? . I tlie bowels. s wet en the stomach, in vig? | orate the liver. t'oleman <t Co. APPEAL IS mZS i . .Mi appeal in the suit of VF. K. Toung I ? s. Qsiart'-r Savings Katik, was (lied in* f I < *i r.-u 1 1 ?'lcrK John I.. Kinphorn's offico 'ysterday. Siuiire 1". Dobhs rendcr | ? ii judgment for tin? plaintiff for $75. A French system of rapid telegraphy.' by which it is possible to send 40,000. words anil hour, has worked Kuccess ; fully fo distances of 900 miles In that Beautiful Bust and Shoulders Are poviihlr if you will wear a scientifically constructed Bien Jolie Brassiere. The dragging weight of an uneonfined bust so stretehe* the supporting muM-lc that Hie contour of the figure is spoiled. ?"*5TT?'TM? W Pllt "lu hac'c ,v'<ere it ?* JVlL&llxl F?- . lone*. prevent the full bust from t^OLtlE liaTinjr the appearance of flab "itMvjtwrtv hi iiess. eliminate the danrer of qoa'c'cIFR F 9 dragging muscles and confine the DltAOJiLKXJ |lr((li o(. Jhc khou)der jjYjnr % graceful line to the entire upper body. They are the daintiest and most '?erviceable garment* imagi nable? come inull materials itnd styles: Cross Back. Hook Front. Surplice. Bandeau, etc. Boned with "Walohn," the rustless boning ? permitting washing without removal. Have your dealer show you Birn.lolie Brassieres, if not ?tack ed. wc will gladly send him, prepaid, samples to show you. BENJAMIN & JOFIN'ES, J! Warren Street, Newark, N- J. KFva n d vt -m n rm; i irn ffut acTtt n f> ai BnmBMici.