Newspaper Page Text
1 Big League Gossip ay CHRISTY MATHEWSON rormer Star o t New York Giants and Manager ot tlia Cincimuttl Red*. CINCINNATI. i :: \ ? > t for vcars ? not in*' ,m-v .?f III'! Cubs and th.- ?; i - ha\.- 1 ??'?J* '! series as much "ju> 1 <t:>l th?- r...-nt "in. j with the X'-w York ?lutrits. a:ui its out-, come. Of course. t Ji?> till'.- ' .'i Us draw ba.-k.- j ?the tiKhl be' w \i ?' :r.i\v atid li> foil ' being a little untie. 'rimmim; and j dessert. Hut. :!???.. ? ? 'hut. -h.- run-ui | between Jtit'' and th?* !.??"?! had i'- silver I .lining. Of all t li- - \>ars. 1 iut\ . h. ???n a- -; qiDUnlCri with ,\U <:r i .v. ! llfst | time I have known turn ? ? ? ft a docis. :o??. There's if iiispuiitt;i the !a:isii j this tight. He's no U'uk-.t ? .I.gible for | tho maiden class. Run your thumb down o\er the old r^- i lords.- They show Mi1' irmv hri* alwajs! been ready and wiilinx to .'Ish? lor his ' rights. ' but the ??tiem> has n^ne rally ' jumped, him. Tak-* th--* < as>- "it the j spring ^rip in Texas a ccmpl- of years , back, .-i bush b-acue manajce.r. Pat N<*\v - ! tuan. popped Mcdrmv ironi behind is he ?was walkinsr tip an alloy. How>\-r. the j records giv?* McCraw eredit for trying, i John has all th?- i->>uraic?? in the w?rld ? If color mak''> baseball. we poured in ' some of th? makings m that last s?ries ' in Cincinnati. Th?-re was color and at- ' mosphere sprii?k!*-d and powdered all over the place. Kv--r\ uam>- was r.-us;ht ! out to the finish, and the Ked* timsli*.) j a)iead in-thr^e of them whi.-h did not; servo to soothe McOraw. Tlo-n M.-t'arty ; broke his leg. a -id McCar'y is Mi Onw's j staunchest catch.-r This .in! not turn! out to be a nerve tonic to M>? < raw's ( goat. j The last battle of tin- seri* s was i Close, and lh" r-suit ttrcht have l?yn i changed by a different interpretation of! a couple of ih>- ?-!>?>.? .-n.'s Hut. in my/ opinion, the umpiring was an. I sat-| isfactory. McGraw differed with me and j the umpires nil tlu* way through, and Fletcher. Tterzoe and Zmim?rmnn weri j in tine barking \.>i?e too. wrangling with | the umps. with ni> players and between] thems*! v;s. 1 (a 1 i "ha so. always there j with th? head, mad" a stria r* play that J showed ;ip Fletcher when Hut t'>.?k full [ advantage to his right t*> tin- base sine in coins to second in the last inning of j the ripal game anri. in this way. balked ( a double play and .-aus.- Fletcher t.> throw, wild. Wingo went to second on j the loose toss, and Thorp*- scored him) with the winning run by punching out aj double. Quigley had previously given 1 Fletcher his t:n>e slip for kh-klng. !I?-r- , 7.<>g showed siM.rtsmanship by shaking! hands with Thorpe. ' He l Ira w ha. i loiis: befop.. beon eras*'.] from the sano-. and T <I!d not look fori any mor^ troubi- unti' I saw anil heard' a commotion in tin runway. Mo"? raw and i Hyron both loud". What th.-y I said. T don't kn<>w. hut w!ta!?*\??r Me- ! Graw said h- < :i.i and !!vr->ti said is j rtfrht. beraus- Mae .|...-s n..f !!?? [:>? thej time I arrival. (;arid*-it s-'itinc .-rossed ; up as to whi- h man was the ? neiny had! taken a >hi?t a t M-itty S.-hwab, our] JCrOU lldke?*p..| . ami sottte ?>?;.? had ?. li' III I h riot ??all. !";? ?.. ? I t ar- very > j ttve i.? rio* .?;?(?* in t .lais. .and they | backed lie I Imn ; r pufr.d \v .s-.n h.iund j to take xorii* i.a. k in i* M-.r*- e\- | Cited folks w Iti:.-.I M.i. md Ftarid* n S' fi - i ten.-ed for I i "What's the tiv "" I asked. "TV-se i fellows :*r e li.-ibl>- to in. prony bad! v!i;![..? without any catcher. mil lli* y ? ?'? ? i ; eu;,; t>.' > ;iii important!. s.-i i> -s I K ' \ "hicasio." j S'j i ii I y tvi?>k my ti|>. ;iml t li? ? wagon j w.nt back liuiiKi y and i inpty HowVver. I hail' an unusual jcinw ; i ? r j ni> hath and rub iii ih>- clubhouse thai ; ii.K'tU. for it h:u! S"fiu< <i lik- ill*' "1<I d- | bS"?>il* (I iliiys Ml' hasi-lcil! >?:' u > ? . i i-v> ? b:ii-U ti>>' ! ;iiK??-ut?- :!n- , l|i-tti-vi', it must be av.!s ???! it ? arri-d its i thrills, a- ili'i t!i>- itanie m l?>f t ? championship bi-IU' i n Uhc i '::!>* and t!o-, ili.'ints w h* ii thr v.h.>!e air about tin's'-, I'olo tc rounds was al)"U:l a ?? powder inajcazinc f->r a fellow with a j ! ulit-.l iii ii. ii ' Itefor-e rtf same liosiaii. . riil .!?>?- M- <;iutiity has a. row with haif j the ? "ub I'm and. aft?x It was ovti'. j snnir iiv. rly enthusiastic fan hit Krank J ?'hanc- m t he lleck with It pop-bottle. | Tii. I'ubs iviTi; as well oft as Lite younic | n otorsst who dipped the lighted i-nil oi , a i-isur mi?i "hi? lank to liiui out how ; much uasolme he luul. I Vrhaps the return of some "f those [ ? -.?millions this year has bi?en due t>? the) belligerent spirit, fostered by the war? j til*'' bean Iwill. t li?? arguments. i It. I in tits'. I ami tilt* c.-iieriil addition of color. Miy-' way the magnates cannot iiimplam ; !??? re J is too tiitaii luind -shak lilj; At tin- I'fOs- t ? a? rat"', the public ami w.> will get as! much fun *>itt of thi' ? Jiatit- Ki-tl series us j ? used to ha a ?? with the I'ubt. Maui hat- s in lose to us. Of course passinsr iudctiH-ut ..11 the. dispute b'tw-.-.-H Mi-Craw ami Hvroti ! vnulil iio fix dish on iu\ f>irt ami justi-j fying either would like trying to. blame soiif one for the San l'"rajicisco j ? arthiitiak.-. I'yron lias always adopted a funny h'-I tirude since hormntc Into the Hit;' J.i .irui's. sinicmjc and answering back r>al! piayer-s with smart replies. In | some particulars. he reminded me of old Tim Hurst who conld come back with an miswcr at th.- best o'f them, hut it .(? .'sn't look as if Lord Ttyron carried the punch Tim did. In Itis day. this !???? turesque uiii|> was on very few losers' ends when he started anything The j L.ord has iosi his ftebut battle. Hyron had be.-n riding some of the beys pretty .strong1 who had kicked on) his decisions in our series. Someli?nly 1 | hollared on a third strik- which was j railed. As he brushed off the plate, tin- ] l.ord chanted: ? ! "You can't hit :!>?? baseball with VoiirJ baf on your shoulder." 1 That Is ;iji old favorite of his. I All this, combined with losing thr.-f ball KHtnes out ..f four, and Mcf'arty 1 with a broken b-ir. had the Giants' goats 1 runiiinvr v.-ry loose and wild So when j FJyron mail' the r-mark to Mcflraw. , Mac ?ays he did.' lohn .r had a "fan ? trijru^r" on his iroml rtcht. ami he |et ' if Re. This cm h- said fur Mci!r:ixv. I? j >s the tirst fitne in twenty-seven years 1 lie ever laid hands on an umpire, but lie j bad had se\.-r-il narrow .scapes ? and! mt'i. h provoi-atior.. II.- did. a fair job ! this time. However, jf they Want color, they are j irett inc ttiore than they bargained for ? J iftor?- than the ordinary artist ^:s. > .in j pair-tint; a siRn-boartl adv. rtisini; tlv latest jrirl show. ELKS' LIBERiy BOND PURCHASE ! K REACHES S77.BOO ON FLUE M I \ JUDGE NESBITT IN STIRRING AD DRESS ON PATRIOTISM I Prepares Elks and Friends for Thriil of Joy at Their Wonderful Achievement. Wheeling Lodge No. :> R. P O talks' had subscribed $7T.W0 to the Liberty1 war loan last r.iuiit when the lodge gathered i'pr ir> annual celebration of Fiag Day. This is $L'7.00o in excess of the goal of $"?o.rt!>i) ser for the lodge's campaign for Liberty bonds.1 The report of tin- Klks' liberty loan, campaign was presented by tin- Uon.l J. W. ('tj!tu?tin> ai an opportune mo-' mem during the Klau day exercises. The Klks of Wheelmg truly have cause to he proud of this achievement when their success is compared with, that of New York lodge No. I. the big st'sf Klks lodge in the rntire country.! New Yovk lodge. v i r ii members; How much mileage do you get out of your clothes? Ours are the long- distance Bort built for substantial service. Wp ;t showing new linos of Shirls in- Ma?lras. .Silk Stripes, l'il>p's tul Silks. Prices $1.00 to S5.00 Every Straw is not .1 Sailor ? some mm prefer the Bally Lnn. tli^ Panama or Milan, We have them in all shapes. Prices S2.00 to S5.00 Geo. W. Fox I 1310 Market St. igag 3E subscribed $100,000 ro rhe Liberty' loan. Wheeling lodge, with 801' mem-i hers launched a mighty his undertak-l ing when at a late day ii pledged it-1 self to ??fll half of tin* amount of i Oonils that New York lodge subscrib ! ed. Hut deep-roted patriotism took| hold of the committee, headed by At- , torney J. B. Handlan, and instead of, barely accomplishing the task, tbel committee. -thanks to the liberality of j the Klks. secured subscriptions for; more than half as many more bonds j as the lodge pledged itself to sell. 1 ' The result of rhe Klks, campaign; for Liberty bonds- is all the more grat-j ifving when it is noted that many of the subscribers are Klks who had al i ready subscribed heavily before the, lodge undertook the sale of bonds. j Judg^ Nesbitt On Patriotism. Judge frank \Y." Nesbitt was the! orator at the Klks Flag day exercises! last nevenine at which this result of the Liberty loan campaign was an-i nounced. His address on 'Patriotism"! was a stirring oration, which pre-j pared his hearers for the thrill they, felt at rhe announcement of the Klks i patriotism display of loyalty in the j Liberty, loan canvas. Kxalted Ruler J. Harold Brennan ' presided over the unusually impres sive exericse, "with the other officers of Wheeling lodce in their chairs. I The ihstorv of the flag was read by j Harry Corcoran, and Pas t Exated i Ruler James A. Dyson paid the Elks' j .tribute -to the flat;. The ritualistic flag day services were unusually | pretty. ; .Members of the (J. A. R. and Ladies! of the C,. A. R. were honor guests of I the Klks. KILLED BY TRAIN ! Jerry Kane. Benwood Employe of the: 1 B. & O., Run Down While on the > Pennsy T racks Near Bellaire. i .Jerry Kane, aired 80 years, of Pitts- 1 burgh. an employe of the Baltimore | Ohio railroad at Benwood. was in-' stantly killed yesterday by a pas-( senvrer train on the Pownatan division i of thA Pennsylvania lines. The accident occurred near the Rail} | River coal mine No. south of Bel ! [aire. The man was sitting on the ' track apparently aslepp. Owine to an abrupt curve at the point, the engineer i i failed to notice the mni in time toi 1 prevent the accident. He was struck; : by the locomotive and his body was1 ! badly mangled. The remains were re-j moved to the Myers undertaking estab- j i iishment at Bellaire. Coroner J. R. j Wyatt held the inquest yesterday af:-j ! prnoon and rendered a verdict of acci-( dental death. missing" mam "found. I YONKERS. N. V.. June 14.? Max j 1 Holtz. a wealthy Chicago publisher, who disappeared from his rooms at the Hotel Biltmore in New York. June 8. was found wandering in the streets! I here late today, and was taken to aj hospital. Holt/, is said to have been | ' in poor health for some time. Fly Time Is More to Be Feared Than War lime! 9 Flics spread filth and disease. Flies arc 1 1 horn in filth, they 1> r*-e?.l in filth, they carry 1 tilth. Keep them out. Screen All Doors and Windows With Continental Screns A style and size for every door ;ntd window. Adjustable Window Screens 25c up | Screen Doors, including Hardware. . . .51.40 up I Market st. Neff Hardware Co. Market st. BELLAiRE TO HAVE MUCH OPPOSITION When They Stack Up Against Past Panhandle A. C. at Bellaire Tomorrow. The Pan I landle Athletic <* J J ? I ? "" 1 ??'?inlKoll . i 1 i preSitll I strung IjllC "I1 r ?: KHIIIV Willi Hi-: r?i Atlf I letiis a' th. Sixteenth sti ba4| j?m rU. Sunday. June IT. pi\?ocU 'ias s-:iv:.i:tlon< ii 'lis learn j hy lit.- addition --1 I Jay nlw will be oil lji?l Ili-Ulii! ! fl till* *-*.nl -t. I ll'l with til'' j e!d Iialii. Mo 111 r.s.rve, tin- c>?'V I si'i-ilr** iti tin.-* dvpu rtinviit. 'I In: j plaving ??! L'slii i" lit llrsl lias lieen v-r> -an.-:. i. Ford itas ?? en j l>:uiir in lui si ball :?> third; IT. i "i 1 1*-?. at i ?*-.*1**1111,* is tieidiug III 'till.- sty If hut lius | t>. * n weak at hai. while Prysock at. short is all ?nut < ??old in desired .and '.s ;i !sii hitting when hit- (???lint 1 Tl n ?? t '. I lltggm- ami Xeuhanlt in the outfield! ari' a mom; tin- Lv:s' 1 1 1 the semi-pro | , anil . an ho I' lica upon to cover i nihi l- position:- ir tTn. oca asion U-mands I U- I Tlio Pan Handles will as fol- | lows: .1 l.<nig. r! : Prown. ss; Cummiiigs, j of: i j ? ? s . <?: ' 1 1 >>l?-r:i it. It; Davids. 2b: Ashl* y. Ih; Snivoiy. 3b; Ilea, r. l.onif ? ir Ali-lvimivy. p 1 WIFE OF MAGNATE REDELLE SHOT, KILLED! j srniXCiFlKl.n. June 14. ? Mr*. 1 KI:ikt K--de Ilf. wife '>1 the president ! ii i tin'* Sprit:glie|d baseball -rlub. viiis shi't anil killed last night by .1 M - I llinkli farmer. wbn thought membe rs i of an automobile party of. winch Mrs. Koilflli w :i - i ? i ii ?* were attempting to I hi:- .? ??xs llinkli- is h?'Ul for in* I \ vsii^al ii'ii. anil. aeocrilitig lo officers. I admitted n i-i ii ir into the autotriobiln as u was speeding away from near his place. y- !;.il*-l!r, the husband. Is welt knnwii in Wli'-i-linc. as the former priit- ! cipal owner r>r" the 1 vay ton .Hub of ihel iv-nital Iciu'ui'. lie has many warm! I riends here. Motorcyclist Crosses j Continent in 7:16:16 N'F.W YORK.* June 14. ? A tratis-On liiii-ntal motorcycle trip which is de clared to have established a record was completed here Inst night by Allan j "I". 1'edell. a member of the 1-om Angelas j Signal ofrps. j! was announced today | . b\ ih" t'yclc and Allied Trades i Associai ion. Carrying an official Rovornmcn do- , spati'h from Major-Oeneral 1 1 n 11 1 ? ? r 1,1a- | g* :i. commanding the Department of | the West of th?i I'ni'ed States Army.; Heii.-ll left |,os Angeles, crossed Die j continent tn 7 days. Jo hmtrs and IK minutes, _aml delivereil *he message last | night to Major- < ieneral .1 Fvankhn Rell. < commanding the ^epartir.i nt of the Fast. The time was said- to nc lower iiy approximately i .:ia days than aj record set in tOM. Ttedell's journey wh?> made for mill- i iary purposes as n Government test of :i type of motorcycle the. war depart-! men; is considering for war i purposes. I Muskingum Wins From i . Central University Sne.- at l?l?;-.i!c!? I" !h? IntHUcncer. NKW i\>Nt'OKD. ?>., June 14. ? Mus kltiKiim i.'nlleKe ended its se/is<.n here; today Hj defeat iii^ t'entral I niverslty j hy tiio score of I ?o ?i. It was a pitch- t iiur iluel befwei-n I Vi I loek and If, with honors nearly -ven. Kirk's timely hit . dr>ve in' the only run- of the game, l-'or ; ti e eiuninc year iiothwcll was elei-ti d i cap; ui n. Score: H Tl F Musktnpum 1 ?' I'entral T'nlverslty fl -I 0! Matteries ? F'ololck and Morenead for J Muskingum: loo and Reupe fiir Central; I ?ni\ ersity. Huftalo. n: Rochester. It nniilmori; I FLUSHING WINS GAME ! FROM FRANKLIN, 3-2' In connection with the commence ment exereises' lie hi at l-'rankln col-) lezre. New Athens, yesterday aliernoon. | a baseball name slated between Flush- j Intr and the collegians was won by :iie| former In a fast, excltlni; unnie by the j score of 3-1'. A record crowd witnessed j the contest. VIRGINIANSl'O PLAY OUT-THE-PIKE NINE I Snturdav afternoon the Virginia club j v 111 play the I\ & O. team on the Kim ; ?rove d'iatii'oud and as both teams are > i-onsijered umonft '.he fasten in i he | obia Valley, r. good fast ;janie is as- J sured. On' .Tune Sth these t\vo teams ; hat tied each other for ten Innings, t he i cut-the-pik" boys dually emeruinc vie- j tc-r-ous after some of the best playing i seen on the pike grounds for some time, i This game Is still on the minds of the j fans in ',his section and ono of tie- j largest crowds of the season Is e\peci?-d ! to uttend th< game tomorrow. The fol- : lcwins men will be used in ilie \'i:giniai line-up: AV. Miller. AVm. U. Mlih-r, Par ley, ITahn. M".Mahon. A. Millar. Hounds, j Richardson. Larue. Rilske. Oarish. Work- 1 nnn. >fennen and Oandv. On Sunday afternoon Man'aprer Olson i will take the same contingent to park- j er: burg, where the team of 'hat place ? '..ill lie met. On June i'lth. the ? \. | of p.ellaire will form nj.p isi'ion for t he | >"ir?iniaiis <">n tin- Vort y-seven'li stn-' ' , ??i-oii t>il?. , \ny team desiring a gatne j may call 170P-X on the National phone.' j EXTENDED SCHEDULE IN THE association; CHTCAOO. Juno 14 ? Adoption of th^l 42 ??inio ar?hr<Hilo tf> ?i<lflorl in th?* J present playing char' o| the Mnericaii | Association was .'innounced by Presifb-nt j ilickey today. The draft \s;u< a com pro mise embodying some of ti e suggest h-iis | made at the special ineetlnc or Hi.- . lub j owners hero yesterday. It will doveful i Into the present schedule which l Oiii lud- \ OS August 6. The new fcnedule will bring the nea-j son to a close September 1!' with .Min neapolis at Toledo. Milwaukee at In dianapolis. St. Paul at ?."Vdumhus. and ' Kansas City at l.ouisville hi the op.-n itig series August 7 Toledo will play at , rolumbus. Indianapolis at l.ouisviljo. K'nnsas Clfv at Si. Paul and Milwaukee j nt Minneapolis. Kacli club was ri 1 1< ? 1 1 1 i three Sunday dates ! What Will They Do? I A IthoiigTt seme of their stars ! are from 70- to 1 0 points below | I their usual average, the <*lucag<i ! White Sox li/i v. ? Jumped inln 'lie b-ad in the league. ' S'-halk. w)io usually knocks the ! ' agate for a . L'Oti average is ,-it I present . hat i. ing only . - fi ai?7 )o>? I Jackson, a normal .T.'.'i .-irti-'. i-- j ' hitting .IT*:.. I-M.lie Oollins ln.i ? : 1 Is always ^miil for til Ivasl an ; average of .320 for the sens. -n Is ' , only hitting ill'- apple .at i ,.":i; ' rait. Happy Kelsch. nt* p fii ;.j. ;? j for the S'*x and a n -rma: l">f< ??bib wielder. i- sporting an aver age of only 27<i at present The I f|i|est toti 1 s . If tin- While Si'V i .in i ' Jiimti into the lead in the ra--e IV. r i t lie pennant with ihejr stars hit- i ! ting far below* fln-ir usual form. ; what will they do \\ h n lb- old ! ' rfllablis le-trin to whale the nld j ? l.H.?biiir . I ! I - ,i K new student or the Kansas Sl.-'toi Arrteultural fnlloge. Miss Knulie l'oii-j piano, is one of the six t; iris sent hy t ! h e quonn of Cfoeco in prepare thein .jelvoy tn teach in a -i-honl of house- 1 kcoping to be c.siahlisiit'd soon in Alh-J Pants Sale For a limited time only, we will make for each purchaser of ; $17.00 Suit or Overcoat One Pair of Trousers Absolutely Without Cost On all former occasions of this sort, we have been compelled to with draw this offer soon after its introduction, and therefore recommend to our patrons to make their selection early. . There must be a reason for everything, and the. reason for this special "no-profit" offer is to keep our employees busy during this particular period. This offer involves in your Suit or Overcoat and the extra pair of trousers free, the usual $17 standard of excellence? a standard up-to date, unrivalled by any tailors anywhere. ... . .. National Woolen Mills GENERAL PERSHING j (Continued from Plrst Pago.) crypt is rigorously limited, and it is I .seldom that anyone is admitted ex-j ? ept crowned heads or a former nil-| rr, a.s in the ?-a.->e of cx-president. I Roosevelt when he visited Pa.ris. PARIS. Wednesday. .June IS.? Paris opened its arms to Ceneral Pershing and his staff this afternoon and wel- I coined them with au outburst of spon- i taneous enthusiasm such as only Paris j is capable of. No conquering hero re- j turning home could have hoped for or i received such a tremendous reception as greeted the American commander I as his automobile sped through hun- I dreds of thousands of cheering peo- i ple. j Paris, and particularly the French j authorities, had planned and hoped for j a great reception, hut it is doubtful whether even ihe most optimistic pic tured the almost frantic crowds that I nil but blocked the progress of the automobiles. Men and women cheered I themselves hoarse, and flung masses j of Mowers into the cars. Parisians tie- j dare fhal the only event in their life- 1 time that approximates the reception j in enthusiasm was that accorded to i King Ceorge of England, in 1011. i When the special train readied the. station Ceneral Pershing and Field ? Marshal .loffre were the first to up- j pear. Hehind them came a siring of. American officers, each with a French j officer as liis host. The first shout of 1 welcome became a continuous roar i that seemed to shake the station to its! foundations. The police hurriedly be- [ gap to clear a lane through which half) a dozen automobiles moved at a snail's : pace through the frantic throngs. From hundreds of windows Ameri- : can flags were waved by men, women ] and children. French girls with flags j pinned to their breasts and their arms; filled with flowers, bought from their l scanty savings, fairly fought for a! chance to gel near enough to the ma-[ chines to hurl their offering? into the laps .and on the shoulders of the as tonished American officers. The Americans apparently had not j Imagined the heights to which Parisian i enthusiasm could arise Boys, men j and girls, and even some old women., si niggled to jump on the running! hoards of general Pershing's car to'J shake hands with him The demonstration was the more -ig- j Tiiticatm -because it catne from a great outpouring of people who for the time) being seemed almost to have forgot-; ten that war was in progress. It was not Ceneral Pershing alone ; who came in for unprecedented ova ! lions, but .every American caught sight ! of by the people was almost hardened ; with flowers. I'rowds shouted them- i selves hoarse with cheers for Ameri ! ca. From even housetop all along the ; route, from every window, from every j elevation, and from ?h" thousands ; upotv thousands who choked every > thoroughfare in the vicinitv of the line; of ma roll there was hurled a welcome j that no American in Pari" will ever > |'i > r ge 1 . Ceneral Pershing was expected toj arrive from Hottlogne at a o'clock but ; iiis special train did not reach Paris! until 15: So. This gave opportunity for' thousinds who work until t? o'clock tot mas-- themselves along the route until the congestion became so great that; transportation was tied up Ceneral; Pershing's features were not familiar; to the people but "Papa" ,f off re's! caught the eve of the people and '"e- 1 vealcd the identity of the soldier in J khaki at his side At the station Ceneral Pershing wasj met by a group of French officials, in cluding Minister Vivfani-. Marshall .loffre anil CenerAl-! Foeh. Painlevel and Peltier and by a group of \nier-i icans headed by Ambassador Sharp. At iiite end of liie station was an im-J provised throne with red tape>triesj such as is erected when royalty is tisitine the cilv, which had been put' up fur the occasion. Before leaving j the station the party assembled at till" point Speeches of welcome were de livered by prominent Frenchmen. A dirner was civpn tonight lo C,en.; Pershing at the American embassy.) Premier Rihot. Marshal ' Joffre, Min ister.- Vivlani and Painleve and oilier loading military and naval officers and public mm were present.' The dinner was informal. Toward ihe dose Am Jiassador Sharp proposed the health of I he president of ihe French republic and the president of the I'niteil States and the success of the expedition on which General Pershing is entering. The premier responded bv greeting I the American commander as repre-j seniinc ih<-- American army and people' in the underiakuig on which they are! row embarking. He wished them all success and proposed the health of J President Wilson. iUNDSViLLE Electricity Prom Wheeling All of ! lio electricity used m .vi. unds- | v i i !? it ml \ii-inii> ionics directly from AVheellng. :i i hi hi- n coming from j ihni |i!:?i i tor about uv" wccfci. The] curr> nt i.- conveyed over the lulls by ; means ??:' t lit- high tension wires audi lnw< rs . i-i--.-i. il last winter and this; spring. The plain here is being ills-, mantled. as :?i ai? tin- produ< ing part is cone i ned. one engine having already been torn down. The local plant f ? T ? the W'hfi-linc Klecirie company is to' lie equipped I'll- a transforming station, j RolMJits-Cns-welJ. A nriounocntcnt was made yesterday of' Hit luarriaui' of Mr Uaird It-d). i:s and! Miss litadys I'riswell. both of ilijs eltv.j Thf w.dding occurred last Wednesday I m t'umherlaud. Md. Mr. and Mrs. Rob erts will reside here on their re I urn I from an extended Rastern ' honeymoon, j County Short on Loan. Marshall i-ouni\ i'ailei.1 to measure up i ftillv to tjie 'ir?i d* tnnnd made upon i L j by the government. .Subscriptions to the liberty t-oan dosed yest,erilay at noon I .??inl found the county JSti.fiOO short of taking tip her allotment of bonds. Tho j total subscriptions for this city was f I L'O.i'iOO. \v It i I ? ?: Ije county subscription totaled $172,000. Elks Held TUg- Service. Monndsvllle I.odge. \*o B. P. O. l-'lks held its annual Hat services Inst ? veiling on the court house lawn. A parade ovct th" principal streets of tho ? it. v* preceded th< ceremonies. A splen did program was earned out at ihe 1 court house. Tea Days In Jail. Harry l-lurg is. of ? ;|.--iulale. was sen tei.ced lo serve t< n days In jail yester day. when arraigned in .fustic? \V. M. I ; i;:gs' court. ? ??> a charge of drunken ness and disord' rl\ <ondu:l. Cokeley-MoMnllen. Married, at Moicantown. Siturday, | I u lie !>. Mr Harlan t'okelev and Missl I'lara. McMullen. eldest daughter of Sol! McMullen of this city They left Ininui 1 1 1 ci t ? - 1 v for Moorelleld. \\\ Vii., where tl.ey will visit his parents. From there l hey will go to one of the southern i counties of tlit state, where Mr. I'oke-j If > has been appointed agricultural , iiireni for i tie summer. To Deliver Annual Sermon. Hev. t-'ailier Francis .1. Flanagan, j tor of St Francis' Xavlor's Catholic j church hero .will deliver the annunl| --mion and make the presentation of I diplomas ai the innual cotnfnoiicement ! ? ?I Si .lohn's high school at Ttellflire. i Sunday evening. More Alleged Slackem Arrebtefl. i'ho more alleged conscript ion slack ers were taken into custody yesterday ; by the county officials. 'Hie put-ties] ?ire rinniel ISentty. of ?"'ameron. and Harry i'row ..i I'alls. AVebster district ? Tl;e\ are confined in the county jail' here, pending a h'-arlr.K before Font tills- . vi'. in r H'lyd "f W 'heeling. Meputyl Sh riff Mcrardb- made '.he arrests ?t ' I'aiiorou jesterday ? lo,. Cm dulls, arrester) Tuesday was J released yesterday pending further in vestigation of. his case, upon >?i:tg' registered. MOundsvilla Briefg. I.'ev .t. K-llev i ; i iV.-n is in New t'on-l cord 'I. for the ..innual Muskingum ? i oil, ft,. ,-oniiif.,ni'enient. Mr- ,\ H. Miller of V\'e| l.sburg. js : Hpeiiiliug several days liere with rela- ; : ' X ev I Mr- S H Meals a'nd Mrs \ 1.. j 1' ii this eily. spent \ ??slerdiiv | vnh \e\v Mai t itKvllb* relatives. : Mis* Maigeret Moor-'. -f Fourth street. is \isilinv with I'ameron rela. ? t U <? s Mrs \ M Brown and daughter. Mis* Margaret, of rhis city. 1 ?=? f t yesterday for Pit tsbuegh. where they will visit] \? 1 1 b r'llft ' i \ * z. ? Howard 1. Booher, student at t">hio I \ Wesleyan. Delaware, arrived home last, evening t*> spend the rummer vaca tion with hi?= parents. He was accom panied here by his sister, Miss Evelyn, v liu spoilt a couple of weeks with Dela ware friends. Mrs. Kliznln ih Ryan, of Second street, is III ">f asthma. Miss Etta Courfwright of Jefferson oienue. leaves tomorrow for Chiacgo, O., for un extended visit with relatives. Mrs. l-ou Owens of Shudys'dc, O.. Is spending several days here with her sister. Mrs. \V. U. lJrown, of Second street. BENWOOD Children'? Day Entertainment, On Sunday morning at 10 o'clock the teachers and pupils of the Benwood M. j E. .Sunday school will present their! splendid program. "The College Bell.1' In i t heir rooms at the church. The offering '? of the day will he added to the chll- j ? Iren's fund In aid of the students at | West Virginia Wesleyan college. Ini addition in i lie following program a 1" a- j iiious tenor will probably sing. Processional. "Sing Praise" ? Sunday] school. 1 ii voeat ion ? Congregation. Song. "Ite|!s of Children's Day" ? Sun day school. So|o. "There's a ?'?'opg in the Air" ? Miss Knthryn I .each Siorj. "First ''hildren's Pay." motion so lie ? Heeinners' depart mem. Sopg "In 'Mir School I 'ays"? Junior department. Prayer: responsive rending ? Junior J department. Recitation. ".cchool Pays" ? Marie i Bverhardt. Sour. "Message of Rells" ? Junior de- 1 partment. Song. ".World Astir" ? Sunday school.' Address, "Fitlocking the !>oor" ? Miss! Emma Harlow. ,, ! Sine. "Sound of College Fells' ? In- i termedlates. j ? Address, "Christian Kducation" ? Rev. j G. D. Sampson. Offering for children's fund In aid of | students. Offertory prayer ? (lev. O. P. Samp-! pnn. ; Ifymn. "Co Forward. Christian Sol-' diers" ? i 'ongregn tlon. Announcement of "Wedding. / Snpi II. I., pedicord has received an j announcement of the wedding of Missj Lida .Tuanitn Crawford, a 1 f> 1 5 graduate of Fnuvi hiuh school to Mr. Alfred A.J Fior d I ] Following i= the announcement. Mrs. W. R Crawford Announces the! marriage of hed daughter T.Ida Juanlta to M iv Alfred A. Floyd , On Wednesday. June thirteenth One thousand nine hundred seventeen. i| At home After .lime Twenty-fourth Wheal Hnd. Pa Home on Furlough. 1 1 us Yost, a popular young man of North Benwood.. who has served his ?e,-- M ond term in the Fnited State* marine j corns at Boslon. i? liome on a Jfl-rlaj i furlough. . The vounir man has seen ser vice on t he battleship Virginia, and h few months ago was promoted lo the rank of recruiting officer Prior to hi? j coming Mr. Yost enlisted for the third I term. I Penny Fire Works Allowed. , Mayor Clark Sprouts has clv-n Ivisi consent l" i he merchants of the city to j sell the small penny fire crackers, cap plsiols and caps, and five 'cent Uornanl candles and sky rockets on the' Fourth i of .1 t! J ? Any person caught sellinc or J shotting cannon. or ciant cftrc-| cracker.-. pistols, ets . will be Immc-j fliaielv arrested and liable to a flue of: frem to S2S. ' Boat Excursion This Evening. This evening the Modern Woodmen! will srlve an excursion on ihe steamer j llr-mer Smith Thev will leave Ihe; Wheeling wharf ?1 S o'clock and travel'!' for soire miles dowi the river. He- | freslun?nts a i\d other delightful fea-l 1 lure? are part of the program. Insurance Tax. The ell y council Will tav all (Ire In-j sura ti co < pa in not holding a charter' in this slate- 2 p? r cent mi all gross j ??amines. This will be navnhle soml-i, aniniallv on .laituarv 1 and July 1. ji Virginia Minstrels at McMeohen. j i This evening ! he members of t hi* j I Virginia .In!, will presetv a minstrel, at St. .lames church in MoMerbeii The I proceeds will io* for tbe he n< tils of l he I church. Benwood Briefs. Mrs. I. Y. Shorts and Mrs. Harry Davis of Main street spent yesierdav with . friend" and relatives at the Moiindsvllle eanm irrouttds. John I.each Jr. of Main street, who COUPON cur THIS OUT This Week Only. Get Yours. Potts' Cot Rate Grocery Main and Tenth Sts., Wheeling, W. Va.. 2125 Market St., Wheelinfl, W. Va., and 3128 Union St, Bellalrc, Ohio. Bring This Ad and Get 25 Pounds Pure Cane Sugar $2.15 Plumbing -Heating Electric and Fixtures Competent Men in Charge of Each De|artment. Let Our Figures Count. Call us up. Both Phones. r. E. B&Ueiton ...Ho*tlngr H. T .Neumann Plumbln? P. J. Erb Electrio w. E. Bodenbach Cfcuidtlltrc Steam Electric Co. 20 Sixteenth Street. Next Door to Qurter Savings Bank. i operated on at the Chin Valley Ocn cral 1? expccted home today. Miss Carrie Fisher of the local Red s?tar is til nt her home Ir McMcchcn. M ! ss Km ma Barlow, orr of th? city's best readers, will cive m addree* ml the Children's day entert.ilnmcnt at the M. K. church. Master Harry Edwarcs of Main street, celebrated Ills sevtnth birthday anniversary yesterday. Miss l-'lorctta T<ewis 5f Marshall street Is ill. (lev. <1. D. .Sampson of tho M. K. churcli is altendiitjr the dis rlct confer ence at 1'ine Grove. Miss Iljc.el r;St t.'r of Mc.V?chen str^'** tins aicepted a position win the local Iteil Star store. .Joseph Kellv has resijrn-d Ms position us driver for i lie Red Siar. Joseph Shaf.'r of Martis Ferry was a business visitor In the city yesterday. Miss Sarah Adams of iMcvelend is vistintr her Ulster. Mrs. .T. TV. Watt, of Water street. A nnmhT of local people hav* re reived cards from .Maurice Pomvan and (toil. It.-nwood boys, who hav?s Joined ilw rouular army irainlfijj enni/? nt <;>Mlysb'ifjr. I'". Miss Maryl iauseman. a t<\ac!i?r In t^i% erad.-s nf I'Vnter Henwiiod schools, kav.-s this inorninjj Jo s|?nd the sum mer with h-r sister. Mrs. .lennk- ICraf:. .?i Akron. Miss Hazel l!?il>ertsi>n of Xe?r Ynrfc, City is tin- of her sister, Mrs. ?lames Barnes, of Division street I.ast evetunK Miss Melon P|irt? of McMeeh^n street left to ??vera I weeks wijh hT brother, Charles Pierc.\ -.f Klyrlw. O Th^ yntinc diuijrhter of John T^nlclti i>f Mam street is ill. ,