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PITTSBURGH, lunv 1 4 ? Pittsburgh had a man "ii ??very ba?** In the fourth It. nine today but was unable '? scorn Hnrt Xew York again won. 2 to 0 Good iitohin>r by perrltt am! Jacobs featured ?ho game. New York scored ;\rst Iti the "ourth innine wh^n Btirtis was passed. \\'t nf seeond'on a balk atid went homo ??ii Zimmerman's single to richt. Onrey . st llerzo?r"s ions: fly in the sun making \'iw York's second score a home run Score : ? ,N?w York. burns. If .... Herzog. 7h. Kattff. cf. . . . . /itomerrnan. 3K t*'l? u-her. s-i . Ci-.bcrtson. rf. Koike. ib kariden. <?. .. TVrrltt. p. ... AR: R II _ t21nI!L ? ? - Pittsburgh. i"arev. cf. . . t'Ulc'r. '-'b Si-Jit?lto. rf. .1 \Vasn->r. 31 rwh lb ... ilinchntan if. \v. Waeuor. <?. Ward. ss ... p. Kin sr. x _3! afC . i .' i . 3 . 4 R. H. A. K. ft t 1 0 ?; o ft o il o it i) i 1 !> -2 "a" it *!"??' a !? \? r..*' Vow Y'ori Pittsburir Th roe run: H< Kn.-f. n jttirl I ittsburc r:tt. ": PerrPr. Jacobs. Jrrob}.. n t; r i I l ???I f'<r Jacobs ? it ninth. . .V.7. . . ?? nT -"? ? n t n n n ? 7 i ..!.... ft '? ft o ft ft n " o ? <?' base hit: Zimmerman. Mom?> r''.>'ts. Stolon bases: Carey, ubl. r>!*iv : .facobs. fitter. Ward I. eft on Kiw*: New York. '. i, l?a>- s <>rt halls: 'iff Per f Jrt cobs. !, Knrneo runs: '>ff none; off Jacobs. 7 Balk: Stru.-!c o?r : By Perritt. fi: by Umpires: R ig I or ami Ortli. TWO HITS TOR "OMASY." >*IN?"jNNATt. June 14 ? A single by i<o|>f and a dauble by Roush scored a run in the ninth inning and enabled <"in -imiati to wiit a see-saw game from Phil adelphia here to-day. ? to 5. Both Mayer and Toney were hit at opportune times, while the fielding was of 'the rag-Red vanety. Score: PMlade IphliL. Paskert. cf ... McGaffigan. ss. stock. 3 b "ra* at h. rf . . . . Whined. I: ! .tiderus. ;h ... Niehoff. 7b Mayer, p A O. 1 I 0 4 1 K on*d. A F II I I I It I .. ?? ii j ft ft t ft i ? ?; ?Si] can Neate. Whit *? lw lilts: Paskert. bases' Thorpe. Silvan, .... fi i??s ; I.uderus. plays- Mayer. Niehoff ro .* ' oi; Oases: Philadelphia. :?: F'irst Ims* on errors: Phil *i!n-si>n:it !. 7. Paso ort balls: t. i ? f f Toney. ?. s Mi's arid <~>f f llaV'T. :? and 3 in '* :ti:titii;s; off Toney. !i and 4 in 0 intiinps. Stt tsck out ' Hv Mayer, i. by Toney. 1'. I'mt-iris: >?'t?av and Uarrisois. Time: i:r.ft. Toney i l.udorus !.? ?"'llliMSIIUit!. s adel ph ia i . ? M.1\ or, ? a rn?%d i:;ns BEMABEE HARD HIT. ' ? 'Hi" :? '. .In ne li ? ("liuaRO hunched h:ts off t :.t v r: t it-day and ilejVated K?s ton by i si-i-t" o'f S to .1 in rlw fust j iram*' th-% >eri> s her**. I'emaree was j Kit hard and ua.? r.-pla-ed by AldridRe. j St r! uh's lioni' run tut into the ble.n hers i was a :-a'':t>* Scor'- P. II K. ! i: ii i- a r -j 'i ?? ;-j o I ?hi- ajr.1 . ? ?? ?? : *- ." r :: i Rarni-s ? ;..\vd; t >? tna ree. AiilrulKe ; ind Wi'son. WOW ON TRIPLE STEAL. ST. I.* M IS. .\lii.. .1 uiii II. ?A rripio s'-iil ? \c- -u.i-d li> Millet*.! "ruise arid I. uric in tli* fifth mums to-day. followed by HV.riistiy's home run in the s^vi iith. en ftbl.'d S* l.ouis ti. win from Brooklyn. f> t.. I ? i i ? i : i tied t.'ie m*oio tor Brooklyn t ti tl.* si*vonth with a home run that (???.'.inc?*d ov?*r the !ni;,h fence in left field. !l:< kmau li'.t a home run .with Pfeffer on I in t ne third. Score; P. H. Iv " It;., .;v;> :. I. -I L* I. .1 t | ?? II ? 4 i: I S*. 'l.O'lls II tl II II i II ! O * II II Pfeffr- S Smith and ?> Miller; Pack ard. Meadi'ws and l.i vinjiston. HOW THEY STAND NATIONAL LEAGUE Yesterday's Re?ult?. iV>*i* .. Breoklyn. 4. I'i.i.Mm* P.nstiiii. X* w York. J: PittsburKh. ft. ? 'iitciuiuiii. Philadelphia. Staadlcg' of Club?. Won. i^nst. Clubv N"e\i V'Tk Phil?di lnti!.*? ("ilicRKO St 1.0'its .. ? 'iitcinnaf i . lirooklj n I lost I'll ... To-day's Games. New > ot k at r'ittsburjth. Philadelphia at i'*iricinnaf i. Prnoklyn a; St t.oub P.?t .n n ?: ti: .".I . I 14 .j .45."., l*i*l I Boston at '"hicajto. \ AMERICAN LEAGUE Yesterday's Results. I /miss. Huston, ft. ? ?tii* is postponed : rain. ' riul.s ~*h ;? a ?:? ? l;os: i. n N-w Standing of Clabs. Wort. i?ost. York i let roi ? St. I .on i WashitiK'on Philadelphia L'S ? et. .fii'.ft ."???it .457 .4 17 .."S3 .304 To-day's Games. ' 'hP'aco at P.i-vton Pt. I.otns a' New York Petrolr a > Washintrion. Cleveland at Philadelphia. BOSTON BLANKED. n<iST"N. .fur,*' t I ? St I . i'i u is shut ??:!t BustKti " t" " t*"lxy ? Iri-otn allowed (fosto;! only three bit.- 'and >*rly one man was able t" rea' ti s...-.-,[i,|, < i n ,* I ? ? ? otli**.** liand P*. I .outs go; ten 1 its for three runs. In 'lie sixth Severeitl t itjpii:d and aft'-r :wo were ? ? ? ; t Johnson wrs and sfile sr, -oriel. iSrooms t wn ' fc?cj.>r ? enter 'b id sro?-,'i) S>-v ereid ? r: r| rohnson No; ,.*ir ,,f tin* Si. I.ouis our fieiderc had a put out. Score: P II K St l.oyllB . . . , . . ft ' ft ' ' '' 7 '* ft " ii Ift .*1 Boston 0 ft " 0 'j 0 0 ft ft .1 ft Groorfi ard Sevej*etii; l^ntiani. i'eh rock and ','ady. INTERNATIONAL LEAGT7E. RuffJtlo. ?? ; Rochester. 2; Baltimore-. Richmond, both jtatn-s postpntied. rain. ? !*Trst came. 17 inr.itiKs. X**w irk. 1: Providenen. 7. Seootid itame, Newark. Pro% t<j<.n?*e. t Mont real. Torontn. >. r-^ THE OLD RELIABLE' Plc T& CS?? Black I. Qt w v n nrm CAPSULES REMEDYForMEN. nRURGIST. You Save Money by Buying at Sherman's The most modern method of clothes selling is adopted at Sherman's, a store that is operated on economical basis only--a store that has no ex travagant expenses-a store that has not those extravagant fixtures? 5 store that is, and looks like a place of busin ess. That's the store, Sher man's, that gives its patrons the most in clothes value for their money. Men's Trousers $2 No More No Jjess Regular $3 Values WHY PAY MORE? AUVJj^iTS And you will sir ;i beautiful clothing display. not Fix lures to look at. Our irreat chain of stores are operated wit lj? ?i 1 1 all these unnecessary expenses, such as lii^ii priced bookkeepers. gKjl i very service, window trinimers, floor walkers. etc... so we don't have to add on to the price of our clothes, enabling us to sell you always the same value at the same price. .<!(), every day in the year. You Save $5 to And have the same stvle. the same mal< * paid *lf> to ?1S for it. The only dili'erenc is the sai ne. e I I for *10, as if you 1 he price: I he value .fi We Give Every Man a Square Deal Some merchants favor different customers' and offer- t hem spe cial reductions; not so at Sherman's. Kvery Sherman customer H'cts a square deal and knows lie is Lrettinu his clothes at the riu'ht price and that lie is not payinsr any more. for tliein than his neigh bors. Kvery man pays the same price, .<H>. no more, no less. Suiis of every description. Suits of every accepted new model, pattern and shade, from nobby young nieu'< belt coats to the most conservative styles for the older men. Sizes to fit all, in stouts, regulars, slims, short s and extra tall. ' Ueineiuher. you will find the new belt and pinch back coats in most any pat tern that voi i can 1 hi uk of. Every Man in Wheeling Should Come to Sherman's for His Next Suit 1134 Market Street Schmulbach Bldg. ISFEOir i . I DEAD HORSE; PHII.AMEI.rHTA. .Tnn?? 11 ? MuHi nfl [ tfulay's s. ssi>>n >>f the i'rii'c<1 St.*it!*5 Mis- | > irif whTr ! h>> ant i- trust >?:!?.? r>f th*- Hnltimor*- l".<|.-ri! I'-kuo lull against orKHMi^'il Uis'-i'all Is tw iner t r :??? !. was inkfr'i ip '.villi tli>' h'-ar ! j!i?: ??f testimony as '<< t)v vhIii* of ihb I5:il ti:i. rluli us ^ bt:sin? ?s proposition at ili- : e tJ i ?- 1 1 1 r- F.>(li-ral \vi nt xiit ..f ??MStf'fli'.'. Aucust II' rrtuann <>f '!:?? ' "itiriruiai i ! N.irlnn.'ii !?"tiru?. ? i -slit" vine !*> ? s tin' ilr frns*' .'is an rvp.-rt "ii has.-lui i! t'ran ? ?htsf. it"plfir?''l 'hat th?* valih* ? a f r:in?'hls>- i?.' a Wall 'Muli in th?* 4*V?|. r ji ! lr;i(tu< " :it tin- timf t >s ?? ptar< aKr'-.-n ? tit was ma<!> In I '? r?*mli?'i\ If'!.", was n?>i worth a ilnllar. Vykwl as !<? lew h< r>aoli<i| this ' T'tn'lusn'ii' Mr. 1 1, rrtnaiiii sai?! tlia' '?{ i l ii.s in tlx !. itri;. . KulYal"' at.'i Kansas ? *i ? . ha<i l"? i r ! ? ? 1 1 ? ? I th?-ir friim.'hi?*' .mrl that th*. t;i )>i?- ii|.itsi<>it ha'l ????asO'l to l?? a ?<.inc concern i in . xarriinnMon rr.isns.-i for t !i>* Haiti :n.">r.- >?!';!? uant?-?l to krmw why. m" :h?- K?''l.*ral !< aK'i*' ? I ? ? . . 1 ??ru'i i: iY.r-ri lMSi?>'ali rl :?> i>ay umhr 'hn aerf'truMit I :/ra< sums ? ? t* r*>? ?????;. ??. .-.irfi? ' '??iir.s.1 tii.-n' ion-ii i|u> $ mo - rn pair! in 'Ii*' 'A I . I' Mruokiyn; $.*>?. i.ii" " ? i ? I V ? s'"i ritli l '. rl.Tals an.) other - it.s i >i ; i ii iz.-'l I. as> -bat' airr?v.l to pay !?"? <l??ral I.-.ikU' r>'pr"s. ntutlv. s i Mr il.-rriiiam. r>t I 'ha' ,"rK (ni.'.,"i j bas^hal! ? nt.-r?"l this a^n-i-mr-nt in f|r>r t" rc-stor*- ("iiiillf ??? >r?fli !?.- n?-?- an. I ?|sn I f.. r'-st.-r. ilisciplin?- amoni; t )i> play. rs. | Thv ?l. tVfis.-1 ??li.s. ii its i as." a' i his : iimrnitiv's si ssii.ti afl*-r i-ullirtK vu ru-ss.-s r ? ? testify r-KanliiiK th>- .:n.s* and ? pi z" >it" various haS'-hai! Kroumls. AMERICAN ASSOCIATION. St. Paul. 7. Kansas .'ity. in l.n|? illl. '? ; fUiinlius. -l Kirs! itaii.e. M!n iM-apils. Milwaukee. 4. s.i'ii'l ita.'uo, MirUi-ai'lis. 1. ,\| i !iw:k.-.- liuiiana piis. Ti>:ti. J. SOUTH BUN ASSOCIATION. ? 'hattaii"i>i:a. ?*: A limit a. NV-<.v Oricnr.s. M'-mphis. .ii. If; Nashville, 1. Little Ilock-Mohib-. rain. Stmc* By Train. Martin (.lurch. of Kirn ? : i-. ? v ? ? . was *1 in- k l>y v-rifiiv \'i. y. .- u-nj tj :tf:. i - ii( i*n "i! ih'- II & < ri'-tr .Mi. ii< ?'iiantnl In- akms' It's !' t"t ankle. Tin- ir.itti \v : ? s? J ??.??>.! -boil nil. 1 f ? ? was r< 'iu?Vv1 to the | North Wh -clinK hospital. Farewell Party. Mis? Ail. i \\'i!s>tl "T i i !<n a 'in. I II- iclil:-, I ga\i: a fun v. II party fi t- Is^rnaril f-i intr. wli ? is r?-v i jrni ii k his turn a.-! rashii r of tn>' W.-st Vii-ki:ii.* I't >? (ion .v I t;i..-jrii- c< *m I i n>*. tast ? ?wjiiiiu;. \ ?!<? i|! < v ? tun;- wis s|i-Mit. a la is.- Mini* j I., i 1>. iri;r |ir<??-?ni. Chautauqua Opens Saturday. Tlx- .?????nil .i !? ll il .'i I I'haiilaiXslia will 1>. - ' I l.'-lil iii ilie tow n ? ?!' \V. -i * !? \.ui<n - ! '??"?tnrn>%rn,tiiK th;< Saturil vv. aii-l * :i lia^ 1 j ??ti U ? i!r.- -?|:i y 1 1 : I ? I' in \ : v. ? ? I, ;iv ?lays i.f ^ mil ti ;-!? | ? ?Km*: ilnl ? Mi - i - t.iinniT.'. Th- ? "< -i i - .\ I ! ??? r ' "!?. i u i au<(tri 1 ? i m|>atiy o: furiiisliitii; tin- I i ram. | tk* iilllnl "o tar. an I I ii< at sum "a ill ti taiiqti.i will In' li'-M in i hi :il- with i ; ri'irram liurm^r tin alt- rt u . ? n ? j ? \ ? it i nr. f' r t It- . Iii'-: foll.s. Play Prcseateri Last Evening. T!io j ! iv. 'I'lii' N'i u M in-:, i w ? ? I i n : '.-d "l;i !l ? Kir -? M I . i r | I--.T.: ??r..-,. , |..,rK. :ii|il!i?T).f . in, I ??:- ,jt ? ! ! i. . i . .1 Ti ? uij ! I tar. at i I from i. tr :i-..!i- : i-?i< t : in let' <?'?" ? ' J' ?'?' . " ; ? nt ? .? will d M?t< . n utim- in M 'I Authorized Pay Stations Elm Grove, W. Va. The First" National ISank. State Ha nk or Kim drove. Edjrowood, W. Va. Edgi-wooU Pharmacy. Fulton. \V. Va. Hank of Fultja vniscUag-, W. Yttv Company <? ft" !???;. Cor." l-'.h nnil Chapline Sts. Pay your electric light, kus and water Mils at tiie most convc *lonl pay ntatlon. b. fore 1 1?? 10th of uucli month, to itavv discount. We^t Virginia Traction & Electric Co. City' Ac Suburban Qua Co. J Iv rhlll'i'li ? ?!* Tri.-nl 1 1 >1 1 l:i ll!ii|'T till- <ll-. i ? 1 1< >i ? ol" ihi- K|i\vhmIi It. miii ? ?>' (liiit I church. Today is Clean-up Day. Tmi.-iy Iris t ?? ? ? 1 1 I .i.-l h- !?>' th?- ! f'lvials ??!' lh<- luwn nl" Klin <il'i>*< as J ? :t fi-tl |? ? i . i \ii !>? r.-cii'- Iri'.uiK ruli- j i'isli i It 'it i i'v> in liiiv? h.Miili.-'l ! UttSiy. ha\ ?: h. i 11 |i-i|U?-slii| t < ? |i|:|i'f II. I II j a' < .-in. mi | ? I :i i ?? sn I hat I h-- \v :t i: ? ? n is | I it'll lij il<- t ? ? w is ? ihi f I i".. wiu-u i li* y ; ti 1:1 k ? - ? ! 1 1 ? i r ??? ill nils. "As ii| lain |il:iv>-s in! Ill- iiimu li.ii.- m i . ii in very v;ii"'l j i i-i i|it imi. ili- i ll ly.i-ns will 1 1 1 ? w li.i\i)l a I llillll I 1*1 it .'II III! Ill III' .'lllil IlilVi! I lie 1 hi liri li.i iK'il r.x.i;. I'ri ? ni Usur^i-. , Shepherd Obsequies. 'I!i- iuiiiiai ?- 1 ? i ?? i ? ? ? !?: I' liitik slii'ii- ? ; ? t . tili:!i|> i ? :.J)i r' i..--ii|.iil .1' HIuj U'l i-rlina I'r-iK. will In- In-M ai ill. ? ?Ijiii. i-i* il-ain this Mi.irn in^r ;ii In . >?! ? -|? llis i|' iili ..ii hi... I \\ . ilin silay ? iiniriiiiiu ! i'IInv\ iiik i i\vii->.s?i illii- ?> - I'll. s> I V II-. will In ill I liai'Ki M m Ti :i?aiil. ii. pii-li r .-I III. I i;i 1 1 t : I AI.-tli.nllM rlmii-ll I lit I I till III Will III' i!i : it- Si,iiii- I'liurcli ????iiicti ry. Will Bi> Continued. .! S'ili?|.i> -Si'-. i>: ?!!. Kilt Wimtl I .',1 ' !:.r;iii .llltl.h In !i| a I.'iWii ami Si>. i.i! last i \i lilllK '? I tin: Kill; wnml |. ii li \ I i l.iials i.i ri ! n >liiin ills i. >.iv . !.| III.; 1 1 ? a' -IIIII _w IS I'l ali/.i'il liwiil ; In- at'lnir V i ? rmvil was | ?!-? -? lit. ? in! : i.. ? v. nine ?.i* i'l* asantlj s|?!it. i'ln : i.i i ??!. ii ? "ii' ? titn-il 1 1 if? i*rli : . ami wi i-.'i-i- i-i. it. :t will In- 1 1 ?? 1 ? I :n . II.. t.-wn hall. Will Entertain. III. ? l ! I /. ? lis 'In 1 1 ? 'A 1 1 ? >?! j AI- Hull r will ? 1 1 ? I I'll! In I |.||..I|> . ; ti,. \\ ? ? I - si ii I '???. ? i ? >t is |..i ny, v\ !m ; iij. a: |ii*-M iit ijiiai ?? r.-,| in iltal ii-wn. j ?i is ? \ i s: i 1 1 1 1 ? ?!?? ! ': >, s h\ (?- rian i hiiroil . : i.-il i 1 a ? i In > ai- a! |ili-.s.:lit iir.-'j ;.|ny..| in ; . ii I ; llis. ill: ? 1- . W |>- Iiii-j t!il-.ilsM,i limn !'.???. li I lulu, \V. \ n . i.i 'liarli mi I'a. j I Surprise Pasty. v- ? i i:\l.-i "i Kim IIi'ik'i.s. wif.' ti.. i 1 1 ! : In i i inn ? Ohurrh ! . v\a~ | . 5 ? - s - . i ? . 1 1 \ silll-risid a! \ In* r lii.iin. last ??iiiiik 'I'll. i-v. uiim j us ly sjn'iit ami al a St-as.-ll I nh|.- li-nir i li'i-sli 1 1'- -a t s \\ . r.- s.rvvil. ? Red Cro:;s Meeting'. A i.:iis.? iin*. -I insr in lii-hali -if the] Kl'r.i i : !< i v i ? iiiiMliiiry in ilm W'hi-ellnK ! ??lia |>I i-i-. Anii-rnnii ii.-il I'mss. 'v 1 1 ! hi-. In M M i in i la \ i'\iiiiiil'!ii tin- I r I ni (iri'V ?> I In; i !Ii*ik. I'hf- l'ilt-hi-rsli!|> of iln:' l-".ll!i < 1 1- ? \ . hiMin-ll has S-T'i'.V II rstpilU i sukl ii.s vrdani/atlun iwn wccKs a go. ? li.:l ?!'('?< II.-' will 1" t?i Mit'Tl.l It .?still fnrtli-r. Personals and Bri<*fs. M is- I ?.?(-? <Lll> Moore of Wesi A I- ? x;i n ? I ? - 1" has i ? ' iriivil hulne ji f I ?? l" \i*Mllim I'rit-liil.". i ; i I 'ilisluirt! Il for a .vlll'le of u ? .-Us Kli I1. Hums of I'i.iUsoiii^Ii was nil Mini ?'>rov. I.iisiik-ss cxllvi y.-strril:iy MIsm .s .Inn* Harry ? Wheeling w :is visiting I'll- inls hi U*st A I ? ? \ . 1 1 ii I ? -r y.-s N-niav Mi? I :i iv::i lift h Moore of \\? ? \l..\ m 1 1 < I. i lt.-> ^ r*-t urm'il hoim- for l In* sum-., lint v -.-' i I ion from V\ooSle|- Ci'l I'lS'.'. ill U . i. ? "li.-i j- It Kr.if! of Triad* IpliiM is oon- 1 tin..! !.? I. ??mi w ill ii serioi;s attiok of pti. iimoiiia. I Mis.- Lilian !!? I m ? 1 1 1 of ' 'iiii'illMli t i lias l>. .-It 111.- Kiu-bl ??!' frii'llils ill I .?-?? 1 1? - , ? i | i. i .rti'il holm after s|i. iiil i ni; r:il ilny s 1). n Mi- Tie. ma I lolcill of i ?umli'ilaiul. Mil i- Hi. f ..r Mis U:iv 1 1 ? rli.-rt ?of 1 : 1 i: I l-'r. .1 lloiisi..n of Kim liri-w lias r? "ii in . I In. iin- s}? ml lli?- simmer vatvi f v.iili hi? |Mt, ill- II*- lias li'-rn at i.-tnlin:; I'm- jita'u iiiii v rsil y. ?\I|. ii Mi-K f Trtu<lcl|>hlii lias r? llirii" .1 !? ? .in sj'? ml iti>- v:i?-al Ion with his *.:i lit - -If.- lifts I, .-in a sti:>|vijt hi Ml.- : -i i ?? mil vi-rslly. Mi \iir.i Winters of Kim Hroi-n en* ? ? r ? l : 1 1 1 : ? ? 1 Mo m< ml ' ? ? I' tli>- l.utin-r t.-ji^u. >i. M.-trl.t l.-itli. ran .hnreh .>.* Kim ? : i . . .-. i ?. 1 1 ? ? lioir<- last ?-v.-nimr. M> :i.l Mr William II Armstrong: ? T-i i i.ii *?!..? ii r.i . v (??? 1 1. ? \ iin i.-ii.-<:? ..i r. !a' iv? s in I'll It < -It for sev ? r.-il . I ? >i r. t i.i-tit-.l I|..|||.-. tin. u I 'i-M l Si 1 1 1.' - 1, irl-t ! ? niif-nr^on.-, mfy 1 . : i ? . ??its 1 .1.1 If. I ? ? ?? K. hut: I i .ie! i- all) i oi:i|.l.-|i-il arraiiij. im nt.i f.-r its iniiiirii m< mortal service winch will In In-Ill Su:ii!".\ ? \?-niliK :tl lie Kirst M K church 1 I Hair W. |{?li.-r!s will il' in. r 'I,, ne . 'r.i -rial nrlflress. I "i ne ral s. i vie. s fur the laie A ? I -i ; i ? K.'.ll/ a.*;- 1 1 a I m I li'irli r> s|ii ?<?!??. I r.-Miil.-nt ? f :Jti- In .In -I Mmulay ? veiiitiir w.-r- I |tl -. ?-<!? r?la . afi.riio.-n at the lat. r--- ill- ii- i on i "ul 1 1 We 1 1 street I C? ? v. I :. - 1 .. : i ?: . - 1 1" i ? - : :i i I 1 1 1 * r >ii ?? 1 1 1 was in \l.i-)|i ? ii ? ? iin ? -rj I'l-n I i r \ ami fo|in ' la tn.-s of tin-, e i I \ . at ? -lii" iii-^ ii- w I'.. ril l on riiy; ears ? lellVi t-.-ll till.- Week |i.V Hie IVrklns at;.-tii M?.iiii.N\ ill.- Th* ears w'-re i. nli i.-il last winter.' Wallet- * " 1 1 : 1 1 1 1 1 1 . ? rs ->f ' larreti. In<l.. is sr. telin- s. v. ral il'i.v- hero with his par ? ills. I.oik Star Lodtfe. So. o, I'ytliJun Si& Ii . rs . will hold a lntsin'ss meeting this < \ ? ninjr. Mi? V. i Hi:' in Cushion of Wliitakcr, | I Pa., is visit iiV-r with relatives Ik-it. .'??ltn < i\ .-rsli . 15. fk ? >. .n-jInv'T. has j ' !? ? h t r msl .-m d Newark. 1 >. lie has, ! Mi'tv. ii hi- family to Ilia! oily. Miss >'arri'- A i s ! I of P.artifsvillo. O.. J ;v vi?itniK *vlih MrMcehen friends. j Mr ;mi| Mr-. ipnry <*. MrConnell of j t ?|?.'itt!l? rsh>irj;. P:.i . nr- spending several j days here wim friends. 194 ARE DEAD I LONDON. June II.? Sir Geo. Cave, ! home. socreiary, announced in i he i ' lioii.-f of roninionrf this evening that. ! the latest reports of t !; casualties in> Wednesday's air raid .showed thai 104; ; persons had been k ill?**I and 154 per*, | sons seriously and 209 slightly in-. . jurt'd. Altogether. he said, 12'.i chil- ! j dren were killed or injured. . "THE BARRIER" : many of Its sccxtes mode on the Ohio i at Bcllairo. |;.-v P' Ji'-h lms added another bold ad- | ! ? II t II r>- to Ills .-! I . |HI"US I'flti'iT. lie 13 1 ; n w a producer i>l" motion pirfurt-s. He has taken Ins Kr<-al<'Sl st.ory. "The j I Uarri' i." anil made it into tin- greatest j ( ] '?i>|n-ilraiaa v. t produced. Miliums of | . i? <>(?!?? have ri iid "Th?? H.i r r 1 1 1 r" ? Ihous-i | :.|'ii.? have si-i-n it mi the stiiKe. N"W. j ?..ii'l--r ill*- sii|.?-r-. ision of Mr. Hearh. thej . ? hc'.i' i ? \ J i nu .story has heen made In j ' ! j \ ami breathe ill motion pictures. In bringing to in'i- ihc story's wonder-l ! fully hitman characters. Edgar Lewis. I j w ho directed tl'n- production of Mt'.j j lii-arh, si-lpi-li-d flavors who tit the parts j | I., a ltsulu t I'l-rfi'i-iioii. The old trader, i ? villi his tragic past, i li?- winsome \-ri.i j ; child "f nattin ? the h>ro'ic cominand'M lor' til-- link1 unity post. the <tuaint. |ov* ' ? Me 'Poli-'ei of tin- < ; ri.a t H'-art. the red- j I handed iramlder and "Kill"r." and all t h?- j (other fasHnat ing ? ha r.'^et i-rs :ip| ??lit' in I tin- | > 1 1 ? ? as Mr. lii aih im- ' ?it tied t li?-i n an I described them ill that j I- oK. . "Tin I'.arri' t" will In pt'eseul**d l>v the j ! I ; .v ({??u>*b I'i' tur-'s company al the! ji'oiirt theatre I'niiiini rieim; Monday, .rune ' j IS. I wire daily a: .tin! S:I5. Many j ! sri'tn's were made on the Ohio at Bell- ? nifi and these ?slum Id "rove ??specially J appealing to local movie Invors. Th" bic nurang-mitang (roes to bed! at sundown and re fuses to se>? visitors after dusk, lie is also an early riser. i t Linings and trimmings in' all our garments are guaranteed to give entire satisfaction in every respect. MORTON C. STOUT & CO. TAILORS. Eleventh and Main St*., F. J. Ball, Manager. Discovers Now Method To Recruit Marines Serpeant Fredericks, of the marine station, has found a now method by which he ran induce men to Join the army, at least it was tried success fully on one >\mng man from Wells burg. So recant Frederick happened to be rominc from Wellsburp in an auto re cently and passed a young: man at that place. who had apparently bsen wait inu for a stre?t ear to convey him to this city. During the journey to this city, the sergeant introduced himself and within a very few minute? was telline his passenger about the marines. I'pKin reaching this city, t If* young man informed the sergeant that ho would pay him a visit and talk to him further on the advantages of eiilist-inp in the marine service.# Last Tuesday he made good his word and is now in Philadelphia ready to. answer the call nf his country. This morning five more recruit# will be sent from the local army sta? lion to the Columbus, Ohio barracks. Two men were accepted at the army station and will be sent to Columbus within the next few days. Several more recruits will leave with them. . ; ? . . Ut ? . "V ? y&s