Newspaper Page Text
37 Years Ago We Commenced Selling Pianos In a Small Way and Have Since Grown to Be the Largest Piano Dealers In West Virginia In all those years we have prarl ired the x square deal ? method and haw thousands of ?K satisfied <*uslomers. wln> are sending their friends to us when in need of an instrument. \ Our Pla\vr Piano business has iu<Tcased by leaps and bounds. There's a Reason \ -We are representatives of tin- famous Auto piano, and many other players of national \ repute. \ In the last HO days we have taken in exchange ^ pianos of excellent merit. These pianos we $ are offering for sale at a big sacrifice. Just Think? ( iood used pianos for about one-half their real value. Be anions the rirst t<> secure one of these bar gains. Our prices the lowest. Our terms the easiest. Xo interest. C. A. House Co. 1141 Market St. Wheeling, W. Va. "Our Experience Your Safeguard." CONSTANTINE IMY REGAIN HIS THRONE LONDON. .lum- 11- Tile correspond ent af Athens. <;f the K>:i-huii.c<* T ??U ? ^raph company says h?- understands that Sena'o.' .lonnar:. the ?>tu?.-nte high commissioner. iuform'-d f'rem.ier Zaimis that wh??n : was over, and order whit h the alii*? wotiltt k*x act hart b-?*n r- established. Constan tine would b*- pel rtii't' d ?<? re?utne his throne if sti'h was the will of the Greek people. LONDON. Jsm- M - i' iias hee?i ii. tided iha' aiiy.b- members of th? Hel lenic royal family ? new kin*;' will leave Greece. accompanied by the :uosi protutti* t" pro Carman politi- ; rians and military leaders who tortu.' parr of entourage or" former Iving^. Constancy ATHK.N.V J tf vi;* ; .? . r:> I ? ? 1 1 .1 tr.- . It. ? K">ini?-i i<Cir;s ? "? ? ti^s ant me Athens ? ? ? m:-ir? ..-i ... t:t ? i-!i warship.'. ? "onstartuii wa?- !? .???!?.[> tni? i >?;. in former uueeti :m.<I ? town ;??? : *!?;? ;? tt?l other ne-inh?ji s t!:- lamiiv. Tli~; left I he city by tn?'*>r <.n. J'rof.'ssot j t!?i>riti?s Slr?if. I ?_? ** r? t ?dv:svt of th-s Gr*A fordstn ?T?t ?'??ii?tari tinr j.s iiij= .sirr-tufj ' j J A I ITKNS. .1 in- 5'. M i ?'.??iidoi: ? Kli- 1 i Ivr.l" tores :ir- ui-w1 tiiiidm;: ft t ii-- i anil '? "astdln. Som? ??!' t!i>:' troops Hr? occupy iim th? h* inhts ti'-ai J ( Ihalsnitr !>a-.. whir ??'h>r> ai* march- ; insr to Athens. i Hi<ii 0>niiiii>si"ii? r ? -lit ;i ; i . rs < P-t-'1 ;?!? to Pr? rfii-T /.nin:;s - i<i hat tor j I reasons ? ? i !????? 1 * h u was impossible : >> f ; keep the Kutent ?? ::???>{>< and hor.?.-s ? aboard t he transport awl. t(or.-ior. . he had ordered th?m t? in.-.d The i r <>??{?. . . Senator Jonnard said. would lentum ' ;ishiii>' pending their ???turr. short l\ ;?>' ? resume th* ~ i rt ; n ! ? against "< Ire?-et ?- ' traditional tWs " ' ( ATflKNS. via London. ,|itii>- !l - Tii- ' proclamation loriiivr Nmi; t'oiisian- ' tine ann>'uncs:ic his ahdi^atioti wiu- ? ' posted throuchout ? th?.- streets H'day. U ? . says: ^ I in^ rn-.-fssity fulliitiuu ; s my duty inward <;r>'??i-??. i urn (J-parttnn , trorn my h?|i.\.-.j ...unny \v:iii tpc ri?-i ! to th?- lluniii' i?:ni miii i?-av iux my s'>?i ( . Alexande r ru v crow u. I i> g you :?> ac cept rry d^'-ision with cairn a? tli>- I ? sIlRht^s: iticid'-rit may l>nd t ?? a Kr? ^ catastrophe." , ? r GuarcUmaxi's Body to Clayavlllo. The manv ??omrvl'-s ?<? Kay Situi?-rs. | ngpd IS. i*t" ' 'iarksburs. ni> nib"r of Co. j A. of thf l-'irsr. \V. Virusnia r^simcjn, j who di?^d in a i"cal hospital \V-iln>s-; day. called at th?- M- lid"! ctiaprl, lL'U. < ?haplino sir?"?t. >??* i?>rday' f? look for t'ifr lust time ut'oii his far". Voniia Sanders rliod as u <->r In- i juries r?-<-?'iv>''i whi!? i-Iavfuli;. wi?'s:iina with r fi'iiitiiiiiinti last wck on Is land canrip Kround-i It is likely that brief mn' i.i! s- r- j \ ics will b-.' held tn il;?- M? n?J'-I parlors this morning -at !" ?> 'dork. Th? ln?ly will be rak-ti to iii% hom?* m j flay-sville. I'm. wli<r.? f:in?ra! s>r*.ic.-i: will b?> held and i;s*>.-r:i:- rif umd>- tn lh?sj rHnilty plot of t.Via ' \\ c, Ti:?? body : will be accompanied !r>.m hrr- by the parents of ti>>- 'l*-ad t.*.\ a-i.! s-\ iiW other reiative*. ir is iik--!> that a. <!?'? tachment of itnar'Noo-ri \\i!? a|s?. ? company th*> ??l > a-* iinimrnr'. t-illbear- , ?>rs. Arranijcir.en; < w: ! |i. t:o:iijifrf ? d I this morninp . I runfrral Tor Mrs. Xeanedy. ' i Funeral services for Mrs \!ais?-i-t Kennedy, widow ??:' .Mahlon K? t:nedy. ! Who paused ?wav Motnlay. w -r-- hdd hi . the family home. ">? l-"..rti-'h str?>..? y.-a- 1 t?rday afterno..n Th* .1. p ent>e t'Jfer of the th/- Third i're.?hvte?-|fln ! ' church offli-iat'-d. Interment was in Mc-|' Mechen cemetery. I < ruaeral for Jacob Snyder Today. ' ? Thla aJt?rooon at ^ o'clock funeral t b *0?e bene/ito/? ^Tour^xperlence Our ?? v p>" ri.-nce will of as sii>tanc?* to in your 'lark hour of trial. We will i.-omlucrt tjii- fun? ral in a in?nn*r that will imik" it "n>- t>f tho treasured memories of that last tiny. Palace Undertakers '304-06-03 Main St. Both Phones. .? will In-Ill fur tlv lion-, la. <n;. ?!?!. r"? ?r : : siat>- s. naii.r. who lt'?l \V* iiiii-^iia v in : h ?? honn- of Ins ms ? r. Mrs W T. Morris, of l.'l! Iv>if Tii?- i:. v I;. I-;. I.. s?ti i?l?-r St. Matthew's Protestant Kptscopal .-hureh | nil; ..fti.-nii ? . ami interment will li?' nil i'r?-'-nw"Ofi. FOUR MOrFcAMP . SITES announced! I WASH IN 1 1 T< ) N. June 11. ? Knurl sites lor war army divisional caniun j rneRts wn-i- approved today. complet-j ;na the lis! ? ?f 1 ?? points at Vhich mil i- j fary towns are to be built by Sept. 1,| win-n tlo* first draft troops will bo | called to the colors. At each cantonment a Hill division j will be iri v?*n its preliminary irainini; >efore beini: sent to Europe for final instruction behind the fiuhtinu lines, fhey will be located as follows: Ayer, Massachusetts; Yaphank. Lorn: j Island. New York: Wriehtstown, N.I I : Apolis .function. Md.: Petersburg, i ^"a : Atlanta. ? la. : Columbia. S. 'hlllicothe. ( >.: Louisville. Ky.: Bailie! ,'reek. Mich.: Little Rock. Ark.: Rork-i ? in!. 111.: I ios Moines, la.: Kori Riley, > Kas.: Fort Sam Houston, Texas, and \ men-ran Lake. Washington. In addition to these the following j ix of sixteen camp sites for divisions \ if the National t!uard have been pro- j ?isionally announced; Fort Worth. | IVx: Waco. Tex: _ Houston. Tex: Fort j *ill. ' t)k!{i ; Oeminir. N. M.. and Linda ; "ita. fal. It is probable that h >ev. j ?mh National Guard camp will be ?-s- J ablished in conjunction with the nat- i onal army cantonmeni at American | .ake. Wash., but file war departmnnt i las not snid the final word on I his ! ?oint as yet. FOUR PERFORMANCES OF 'HER UNBORN CHILD' l-"1 Hi.* (>? rfi.rrn.'iii''*"- r-iiia in T ?? I"! . '.??n of t|i. iorfli control play "II- c ' r. I ... I'll i", lib:." wlu.-li tlo- last .-poki-ii Irami ..f :li ? . iirc-'iii --asu'M to i.. >. *?!i i! ?h." ? *??>?!-' Jli-:i !??>?. The usual inat !*? ?? for lai|i.? I'lil;. lakuiK phu'v ihis .ft.-rnoon ami toiiou-rutt nfi- rnoon Ii'j i plat ;? liftl. i }i>- orilin.'iry anil, 0 ats with a ? ??nam i-t'opaun mla in t vhii-li the inililo tin\* mii-resiei|. An I ?hi fa>hion?il wotnaii, (I.-mUmI to lor mni- ;,ni| .-liililf n. i- r.n aiitau'inist of J ?irth .-on'rol wiiil.* .i woman "f more J 1 oi|..rnie -iri iiuistan.-. ?< ami a society i i-roii-r li.-lu'v. ui ih. phtsi.-il ?mam i i.-ition ..f the wif.' Although 'lor.- i-= ? ti. li ?s. rioii-f t .- 1 ? . 1 1 ? r ? ? in tin pint. * ilsn is a stronc ths-ail of .?j i?-?| s . o, of ! (??? trir.; il.niiinnl for a* Tlo m :i 1 1 ? i " ? ? i'. rt ..riiia nci>- ih> n;i|.;ip. uieut >?!' 1 1 i > .'otir! ! , ?i ?... iji . ul. l 0 !???>?? r\ ?? a pari- ??!' :li" lower t!oor for I 1..- Saturday ri. ?- unit These will j ..? >.>lrl ;i ? ill f t ? . ii;v ? o h art'l tuny h? 1 y< rvi-il in ailt an? ENTERTAIN TOE SON. \ .>l.Tilnt ;t t n-rnmin ni ih^ir ii.?iii.? on! itark. i srr>? r M' .-ui.| .(lr>. ?, ftlo. K dn- : iebtfullt .-iitri r.-i it:--.| .'ii .hilili'.Mi ini i..u..r of fifth hji-thflay aniiiv. i vart ! >f ih?-ir son Hvi imhii 'i?ni.-s iiml [ nuMi.' ?f-fi- (hi- i-lii-f <li t-trs urns vl In i ii 1 1 |:in<"hei>n was f. .1 j tire. | GIVE VARIED PROGRAM AT CHAUTAUQUA TODAY THREE DIFFERENT ATTRACTIONS j WILE GIVE FOUR ENTER TAIirMEITTS. Hawiinn Sinjrers. Dr. Chas. S. Medbury ; and cliarles Crnyfoxxl Gorst. On ProRTam. Weird. h'Wit.hlli.: Hawaiian villi *!<?. j ;-ia> >'1 < ? n? I ' 1 1 n ? f I > I ? ? I a- only r. al 1 1 :i - J Waimiis ran. .-onus .?! S 1 1 ?? heart of the |.. ?mi*- til-- in 'St famous of i> j r ? A 1 i us i : :i: ? ? i .iii.I .1 practical sermon "ii . ui-rlil ? it ;/.? nship by a iiei-p-ihinkini; I >tni\ it v ;?(?'!' . are tin all rm t ions 1 ilia: :?!??? off' ???-<! a'. lhv Martins | ? ?hau'.au.i'ia today. I !i a ! i ? ? i"i ?? ?? ?n 'a ii'l evening Vierra's; i:"..;tl Hawaiian Sunrors atiii I'lawr". will fTi \ ? pr"?rams of Hawaiian musi. . j vviii.ii has taken Americans by .storm: within lis.- last f.-w years. (?<?<? rge \'t-, ? ?i ra. |.>r of tin company, i-"saul t.,j hav. ha,d as it) n< !i In < I . > will* populari;:- i inu Hawaiian music as any oilier p?*r .-"?ii. ami In- lifts civi-n his hist i*n'oiisl in tii^ se|**ci iiiij i>f a program which will' pleusi chutlla'niUi* audiences. 1 1! tli'- afternoon I >r. ? 'barles S. Med- j 1'iirv I?r:il;i *?? ? will ? ? I i v? V his; tfw :: iai "'riii- .Men Now " His address is .i.-isKii..| (?> >o| \o tin- pro!'- 1 1' ins am! i|U'-st ii.nis lliai have arisen in; ill.- nf all as tin- result ol' tln-j SMI upheaval ami chati>;e ?III*- ?? III ' world v.. ii His h-i.-iure is a .'ha llena.- > for I"" [.it I'-rit etllcjency on lli< fart ?>'| ii it ami vv o 1 1 1 . ? 1 1 in *>r'|. r that tli. v cati | tli.visiir.' up to t If- rail ol" the prow-nl. I Sotiniliiii; notes ovtiiv.s hivh'-r ilinuj i In* limits of Madame "IV I ra/.ittnl is fas-, t.iin> for I'hari-'s' ? "rawfurd i!ois>\ "tin" j I'inl man.' w ho w ill n l v ? an entertain- j tn.-iil ;ir?- in tli" evening following -flit* second i!oii. .-rt l'\ tli'' I law ? i Inns j Mr. i.'orsi i- not otilv an imitator of! hirils. ion If is a |iaint"t of ti" in?-an j ability. ai?i h" will illustrate his *> i i-?l imitat ions w ith nadir" paint itigs of j In rli.'ir ih-iti'.e haunts lit- tttitin- 1 t'oits a i*e ? r>'< "I ?!? >1 hv iii*. I., si talking' machines aii'U h" ranks with th" gr.-it j In. Hoku as oi;> of i hi- best bird linlla-. of Hi.- i|nv. W-t.-nla v was r.-urloiio day as th" fhautaii'iua atul a patrioli.- program : 'v as ?"i i-ii ? 1 1 out. Iii ill- ai I ??rini"n .\irvi l.astlll' t'orh-'ll Pickett w illow. ..f il.-n-' ??rnl i o'ort;.- Pickets. latn.' is ' 'niil .'d- ra t j general. aav*' an address on "Personal IJi'i'oii.'.'t ions of 1'ivil W ar la-aikre. i atul in t It?- ?.?Vi'ititiK Hi" 1 'hi Sohliff i'"nl- i ? l!?- rs out' rtaiti'-il wlih a .-onri-ri of pa- j trioll.', camp-llr" and vvar-i inn- mHo illi?s. Vv l^ran's of tin- t'lvil war. tln-tr wives and widows of v-tiTatis wi-rc amoin; thv htimlrids thai aU'-inloil ho It ??itU'rtainim'iits. In tit" ivnirii; tln-y ttii i at tlo'' I'r'-shv ti-rian i-h'iivh ami mari'hi'd in u hod\ to tit.- i hantauipi i t"tii. Iim'I hy tlo.' J inior M'-i. hariiL' drum Hobo King- May Speak Here. I vrinlssioii will l?- somilit today Ironi th" pl.i\ ki "'iihIs -isso.'iat ion j .leff ha vis. "kintr of Imhoes." vvlio ,sj spetiditn: u vv.---!; in W li'-<-linu. "? P,,hK j to th*- yoiini;si. rs of tins ?-ny ai ! h" n*-\l Motiilay al t '-riuioti. ' Tlii' inessas:' "f ihf holm kii'K i- a ? I \ i' ?? acainst lea vini; hoiii" and an appeal lo ! love home ami mother. In his nave's | tlifoiiuhoiit various vountriis of i In* i w orld he has s,\n: uior ethati ?<.?" h.. . - j ! who liavr lilt home hack !" th- ir par- | ? nts. Me has I'lceptlv returned froinj ! I-' ranee atlii has spnk.-n t" | I '.ouiiKSte.s III New York. IVns ylv ani i. ji'hio and West Virirluia. SiMy ili"it-J -and of them hi v ? promts.. I ni'i to leave, llOllle. I'll" "f his hits of advice to lite I children is "Mom's apron struts soon j wear out. Ilanic I'titii th- in while yic.i v? ? a chance." Schools Show Up Well. ! In the report of Siip-rtnii-tnl' nt "f j .-.?lioois Walls of the tli. ,nv. -r lira- I lions in ti rii hniel io rnnducieil m tin- :i\c. , upper grades d'iritik' Ma> t h" pupils nt | tin local schools made an excellent re.--! ord ami in a itutnhor instances siir- 1 passe. 1 tli- standard lix-d h\ invest i?'i lions londiicti'il ainoim other schools. I The room of M. ss Mird r'art show. d > ,i;. . sp. .-IhIIv wenn. as her pupils did h^tt.-r .than *t!te estandard score in .5 1. o?| | of '.2 tests. In a '. !i iin-t lc tliev Wei" , juii |iet cut aci-tirsite. or periect - efficiency ill the same hranch t'iey jnadi; M-..r- nf.l'l. while the stati'latil is 7. Hold Showere for Bride-Elect. i Misses Majtaret and Ma'ifhh' ilntch-r, ? II and lsa*?-!' 1'ixon held a sh.-w. r at j tii- | >i \r>n home on North l-o'irth street ; ; i.i-t "V" ii it'll; h.-'iiirinc Miss Tli. -a lion- i i . rt slia vv. whose w. ddiuy t" I'-iri 'I' ppelt! [will Uik" placi D-.n: W'edn.-sd.'i v. Dili .Moi'.dav e\"tiimr Misses Kttthryn Kla.-ii- j ford *iii.l I > adore .Whliely will also hold , -.*1 sliowei* for Miss Cohertsh iw at tins j U'hitlev hoiii" on North Fniirth. -tre t, j Cannon Funeral Held. Funeral s.-rvic. s vv-er.- Ii'-ld vesteid iV: afternoon ft" Wilhtir > 'antion who dl"d i,, i he city hospital Monday afternoon ? front menltisitis. R-v II. Holdon I ottlciateil and Interment w-a-- made in ; Itivervletv rptm terv Contractor Losen Finder. ,\!.-\ I'ixon. well knovcn .-out ra 'tor ! North l-'ifth si reel, had one of his 1 litm- rs cut off W-diiesday. whily at j work ut the York vil le miii. The Williams Ftuieral. Rev. I-! S .!? nkl.MS of 1 In- We|sii church ? | will iii* in .chaipe of the fun- ral s??r- I I vic-s tin l-'dw a ril M \\ illiams. vv ii*> j | .l ed W. ilin-sda:. :iftern""ii at I.! - Iminc. ; ! Stop "II l he flay land llll" 'I'he fumr- j 'al Will he held either Satui-da. "f Still-. , day artei no.oi and intertiicm will 1?- In ? ^ KUerview ;enietery. i To Ma-ke Selection at Priniaries. ions for lietnocrallc car.d;-j ' date.s asid" from mayor and uy s.dici- ' to.' w ill he made at '.he hvMno. rati. pri- i inaries ill Auulist. it was announc.-tl i yesterday. Al tin- 1 icmoerat ic i .ulcus \ Wednesday, .lames Sweeney was select* I ei| as ihe candidate for mayor t'lid At-j tornej Ylctod Kehrer for city solicitor, j The names of otner randidnt' s will be j written in al the pi binaries. Sent to County Jail. Francis Leonard was sent io .hej county jail at St. flairsville y.-sterilav j by Muyor Kal.-tcin en charges ilrutik- , eiitiess" and vaKfanvy. The mav.u- t.-iu-d l.vonard Sat' and costs which he was unable to pay. "hai;o" .Myors vv.iS| locked up on a clia rue n: :is.*:'.ul 1 1 1 : k a i nm-|. KKed foreifrner In th- Nmih Knd. hut the fot-i iKiier failed I" appear j HKainsi Myers. havliiK been :^Td that it j lie showed up at the city hiu! luu', lie. too. would be arrested. Martins rerry griefs. Mr. and Mrs o.lhn Mi.-keli have yrie | to VoiniRstow ir .to visit lri.-nd Mr and Mis h. .V White will return ' litis morning froni .N'-w Athens, vvh'-t-e they attended 'he ? ??iininem ? ineut * ? ? !' ! Franklin colley-.- ) Fred Kurt/, lias i. tunieil Irmii v'in- . clnnati. where he was a: lending the' races. j Mr. and Mrs. '"harlej: r:Tli:; of ilainc. v 1 1 1 ? ? ai" visitiiiK ;bn h"iu?. "f K.I Shepherd. i Morton Wilson has been 'nip!">--d l?y i Ii \- White. Noun Fou rtli street s rover. Mis Klsle W'oll" will p. t.. v-l. v. ln-i.l k ? odav on business. Will Faust returned t" i'in<*inn:iti ye<- 1 lerdev. after u visit here Kinpiojes of liie'.ity will tie ..aid to. la v. Attorney \Y 1? Francis was in ?"?.-j lumbus yest-riJay on liuslm (ihti Horn bake, lormer hi'-al ta\li driver has returned Kr-inly improved in health, from a tuberculosis . ium tear Colutnb'.is. Attorney ami Mrs. Victor K'-hr.-r hav.* iii" veil -into their property ..'u South Third stre.-t, Mrs Charles f.-st h-l n vv a it ...?i chil-1 dren will return to their- hoiin- in ''an* ?<iii ! i>ui"rri>w at ivr ?i v \ .it ? the hum- of T I'. J'unli "II .S! W al nut street. \tl-s ? Jert rude S pence will r.-'urn to- 1 morrow ; from Madison. W |scoiis|ii. ' "GROUP SIX" ELECTS S;<*. j| t> <i*?tcli l" Hi" Int'tllnwr. |*'A||;J!o\'T. W. V:i . .lull' it Tic. iitiiiual me-tinc 1 Iroup .-is ? t th- | West Yiruililll l'..lllk"is \->o. I-I t : . . n ? . ||. d here t"'la\. N..'1'd I. ^ isJa i ion and|.. II l.'okillK t" '.he I -I f.-. rlliel-S ill til II" e|!"|-| - t" ? id.tra" ill* . t- ' farm production v. ? f discus-. .| I f. M"v. inir officers vv-i-" .-I.-.i. jI I'i-.-s: .1. nt Wiliian. ?' Mi I'.lh. Ii- > . "I' W.?i I nn-ii: ?. '-I-I l;irv -Ifeastii* I'- lis Iii - ' I ;. 1 1 . of K I . . ? u 1 1 v ? ' "in ii.ii i* ? ? \'.* T Hooih ,,f riat k-hur_*. .1 I. K"ei|.*r,.?; or .M"t*i;'"W n and T A Whah ii ?West, ii MR. STONE ENTERTAINS \1> \v'. F Si"ie . "f th.- linn of St.ute I .v 'I'!.. in. is i, i ? i ' a I'l'-d ?' nutiili' f of his ! i h ods -. "slerda v :i i his ciinti y r? si. i*. i.e.- a t Short < *i"'-k. At t-.o'-ii a d?'ln i* ? u- "Id ? ' asliion"d cMim r; dinner was -.ivi.l Mi Si "ii.- ha- on*- of th. l-.-st I .. ? II, S ... Ill- .S-ct lor. of I he Silt". CI) II i P* j >-.| vviili tli most modern coiiveni,;uci.-s. WHEELING Loud ill Praise of Pfios phated Iron She says everyone who i.- troubled] Miih nervousness .uui ;i 1 1 pin veci out.! should ir> IMlO-SfMATIOn IKON, it J w ill quickly assist in fd\inc renewed ? vitality, and nervous force. eives youj t h?* strength in do i h 1 11 l; . makes ymi ; feel like new. puis ihe "get up and sot I there" feeling in you. by feeding the ? blood and nerves just tiie amount of | Iron and Phosphates that all run down and overworked svstems need. I'HOSIMI ATKI )*. IKON is .a hlood j and nerve renieily which acts on thei principle of i:et 1 Inn ai the source of I tin1 trouble, both the Iron and the; Phosphates are in a form that the! system absorbs readily, ? you can dis-j tinetly feel the benefit you are receiv ing. and say ii is some relief, it sure is .-onie blood and nerve tonic, even-; one that trie* i; is u ??booster" and nnj wonder alter the good it does them.! Kvery one who is run down, nervous, j tired and has ilia' "all in" feeling 1 should tr\ I'hosphated Iron and you will never be without it again. Special Notice. To insure your re-; ceivinR the genuine I'hosphated Iron! we have put up in Capsules Only. I ?o ' not allow dealers to substi-iuie Table's ] or I'ills. t ' . II. driest A: Co. Wheel-: ins. W. \'a., and leading druggists! everywhere. slu? is Jitfndhm t he I'tiivrrsKy v Iter.* fl' W lso?it!?in The ..J.I soldi- I" li. Idlers Who ,<:.p?lll'"lJ h! the t'haoiittii|i<u last night will leave this 1 1 1 ? ? r i) i ri c l'..r New I'hWaih.'lphia, where they appear today. BARNESVILLE i: MtVP.SVll.l.i:. 11 . .1 1 1 lie 1 4 ? .Joseph \\ |e'?rt..i) .it' tlos idle-. . .'.'litem a liiu.'k has* si^li ; i> tie i::irie svilh reservoir Tne'vdax. wHul.itw: three pounds and 11 ej|'>urniu IT itieh.? 111 htialh and ?> j.l. lies !"t width 'fill- wis the largest tish seen 'n til. ifv. r\ oir in KM. ..and Mr Wharton wilt probably he in the |. a.l ill III" contest heinu I'll! I'll h> 'he it.l'trn PritK "I'i'-iinu a priz. l".?r the l:.rL'.<i lis It .'fUBht this season. ? ? "0 Entertained. Miss l-.e 'Crier of West Main street. . rit' rtaineil i number of friends at her honte Thursday evening The eveniiiK u-a v -iient in fiinej work and convorsa ti.>n and nie. refreshments' wore sorved. Held Meeting. The t.ine. 11 llsth' r ?'if |e ,.f tie I'irsl M K .hutch lie t Titesdav ev-ntin: with Mis- Helen' l"?wh l a! I.? I l.":ie y" '.Vest Main street A en. train was uiv.'ii, ,-il-j 1 , j- whi.'h a social hour was held. SliaKer.risher. \ nil. ?u lie* i*i?-ut has be. it made ? ? I the| i.iarrtaKe ?f Miss Kthel Ma\ shai.-i "I . | ... ? 1, t.. .Mr l.oslei I'Klier. which ... - | , iirr-'d at the h?m.- ..f He- bride Tlturs- j .lav Mav ."I.-:. Mr. Kish-r is th" sen 1 ,>f ">i r and Mis Stephen l-'isb. sotiMi ... town. Tln-y will' in Akron, vvhei. h- has a position Barnesville Briefs. The r?-/,. k'ih Sewing I'lr.le met. Thursda;. .\enins with Mis. Ilenr\ . Karnes at her h ? ? 1 1 1 ? ? "it l-.ast | .?I I'eel. 1 Mr. 'and Mr*. Homer l.dis and son.: hav !? turned "? tle tr bom- in Sisters- J ?ille. W. \'a altera visit with relatives; ??f "I'"" plac-. ... , . . 1 Mi<? M 1 1-1:1 1 ' h< It * lia- r. turtle.! t>. . her :101m "ti West Mam sir..!, alter at . 1 < 1 ? with 1. I.itives and friends :.l , Siuit litleld .ui.l St' ?iibetiville. She was ? ? . ..ntpani' l he.n. !?> If r ire'i.i Miss Miriam Kin'iP-ist of St n'" u> ill", who w ill \ i~ ;? witli I "i- 1 \ H. Th ?mas :m I V\ A I i ?i t . ??' j this |>l'iee, ha '? e I.-. -n in \ k roll this \> > ? k. . v, 1., | .. ih. \ 11 1 1 ended tie St tit" !'"ni'atnt' tiie >; \ i:. :<< .Phonies ?In- Id-'." ....... I I ,.|. u M. . i 111 111- ? lie > I"V. land ' . i ">?<?. J ? lal t..tle.| :ii t 'in. tti 11,1 1 1. i'. will arm". i...|.\ and final'1 until Siinda'. with re- [ lati\.'> and friends <?; this tda.*" j Mr. :uii! Mr- I'din S. Kid. II.' and lit-j it, <.i|i ..t 'Ir'unl M"|.'. '"all., and Alr?. . '? oi'K" ^ lirowti and ehihlr. n ot 1 1 ? - 1 1 1 1 ? . i N" ?*.. tire visit inir I 'r and Mrs. < .. \ . I Kiddii Not III 1 "lie** t mi I street. Mrs. K !?'. Ashv.ell of ? '.r""n wnh. i? vivilim.- le-r 'fri-iai. Mrs. T <1 Moor* . of Kust Ma.n street. , Mr and Mi'v ilihsoli l.radlield tin. I Mi?s Virmiita I "? I > . >i ' N'ortli iMiestnutj Street. Will l".v\e III" last "f the we.'ki I'..,- a motoring trip t" \ a.. [ where ih'.-v will \ t>H Mis ? -s .'tara and Molie Wo, '..| \ .' Si.ijftfers "f l'e|itisyl\ania. \vn h>Ti' on luisin.-ss at tie- ttrsi th" we-k j MHhonv M. i ?'! loittiell. "f Tulsa, "kin.. . i- visiting Major atid Mrs. I. I. }*ett> ot | \* . -r Soii'.'i st i .'. ! ! Mi? ii*;,. MeKlnire. . f Indiana, term- , . ri\ of iln- pla... is, >. isiiltiK t 1 a i i ? s iiii.1 friend* ..t i In-'f Mrs. I'. \ ?'r..\v will r?- 1 'ini t>> her, I.oiue on Volt'i I'ti.-stnii! street. Kulay. rift, r a w \ is" with li.-r son. Ilorn.e. . row . of ? 'lev' land. VOCAL PUPILS OF ST. JOSEPH'S IN CONCERT! At the Carroll "cUth Last Nipltt Bofore ' n. I^arffe Audience ? Excellnut Ntuilhevs. Yiv. v... :tl p'tpi 1> und. r tin- .iir-vt ,.-f Sister M Alittela. ?'! St lo-e|.as a. m.I- in'. . i pr. i: ran. ?si|.,t niel'lt II- 'lie . :.I roll .'till' -H...1-. loiiuttL last in ? h ! I'.vr:. iiui.ii". {[/;,? j?r??y rain \\ ; i > \v? H uiv*m ??in! i ? ? j liKht.-.l .1 la ri;.- audieii.'. niil.tie Those who took part in the i-oti-'Vi i Mir- Mar;. .;allne>, ? arrie . li.nle. I'.aiina M>-. ? i nil. Mar> .'.IrNuli > . ( |i.,|,i?l| Units. <;.mi:hii. 1 1 M II 1 1.* v . i II. |. .. ' l-'r-.t.-i nU.-. Kl.-anoi A 1 1, so.. , <.-huli.' Marv Mali"" St eel. . With ti-..!'.. Ami s 1'utsaii. Virginia ? ar- ' roll H. tfii.a Itohr. .!,i Violf I Ira.-.' Mm tat. i i ton-: t,. n i'.'/'i K.itl h en ' ? illtit'if ? ?!"" xv "u'' '? , '1'" ' Kittle t'Mli. r I irs. n ... vteve Me | io:i.ihl. Mi- I I M 1 '' Hai.tly. Mis A \ V? . lis Mrs. 1'ail; ? ! r.-sehllef DISTRICT CONFERENCE OF METHODIST CHURCH Will Come to a CloBe Today at Plni Q.rove ? Many Ministers Trom Here Attending. Th. >? i.iii.m ' ? oiilei "ti. " e: th.- \\ h. ?' I - , i.,l- distn, t of M. thodist i -ids. I | .-Hi.ri'h. w hieh has been h-ld at Hne | I ;|.|\ ,. I ot Ihe past tw. .lavs. A III '? I . . | ? itlrl V Savors* I li'. ill- J *Trl I..:;..' "Ill- . :,> "who hav h" '? , attend inn the s.ssi..,, r.-inrried last, i-iulit ' i i ? is will t-i urn home d.i > ) \ c-ier.;a\ 's i.toiii nii r.'tisist.'d ot a . ,l"' "I t-nal mm..;.. ?-> \ W Mtl,".; .O.^, s. notis .mil addresses \\ ? i ? ! hy t!.. 1?. 'V. l?r. I K Kir.t and ' I>" ? ? . I'hirell.e lliueae Alien. I1 I1 ,1.,! v. as I ransii'-t. >1 during th"! aft and K-v M ll-ni.-r ' un,n,ln?s ? on lu.-t'-d a soiit last nUht. POLICE PICK UPS. ?\ iiiiiti whose name is re^wteted on the ptilice record its John I'oe was ailed down by ib- manager of a pub lic dining room last eveninc for ? nit i< allowed io have he. n improper lan "tt.-me He hi'cnme disorderly and as -iiulled the manaufi". i" i* ^harced. tvith the result that 1'oliceman Holmes :? i-,-e-t. ti him lie was required to post J"r. for liis appearance in police court this, morning. RUSSIA SE TREATY CONFAB f'KTfJO(JK.\l>. Via London, June 14. ? The cabinet has decided in sussest ! a conference with l lie Allies to exam-j in.- the various treaties among the several Allied powers. | PKTROGRAn. Via London. June 14., The provisional Government has is- ( sued a decree declaring all acts of | military disorder to be insubordina tion. including refusal to ficht. and ; also incitement to fight against the: government. Such acts. savs the de- 1 cree. are pu nishahle by Ions semen- 1 ccs to servitude in the penintenliary J and Ihe deprivation of rights to pro-; pertv and also the rich! to rc-dis- 1 land tinder the coming land re-dis iribution. PKTROURAD, via London. June 14. ?A large delegation of Russians ana Americans, including several minis-' ters. the chief of the local military; staff and the entire personnel of the; Atnurcian embassy and consular cs- ? tablishnienis, greeted the Root com- j mission on Us arrival here yesterday; afternoon. A miard of troops stood at. j attention a* the special rolled into the/ station. I'KTROl IRAK via London. .Iiwie 14.; ??General Deniking. former chief of; staff, has been nominated to succeed j IJet.eral CiUiko in command of the armies on the western from. NEGRO MIDICOS MEET. KIlAUUKST' i.W VV. V.H.. June 14.? The West Virunna Medical association. h ii e|-(;:ini/.H I i>>:i of colored physicians, dentists ami pharmacists. is liohliiiK its eleventh animal session In this city. Papers were ri-Hii to.ltiv i>u various med ical topics ainl ill*- sanitary and hygienic conditions of the riirf ? aim in for much discussion. A public meeting will he, held tomorrow iiiuht. while Friday nmrnintf the surgical clinics will be hc|.l at a colored hospital. WELLSBUBG ttTLLS'llI'lia W. Vii.. June 14. ? In j order thai * very member of i Ik- V. >1. ' A. |>?riy to Moundsville on Sunday can nam admission to tin: film* prison to t hi- exercises to be held t he r>, admission tickets will be furnished Secretary W. ?'!. Uusscil. who will Rive the tickets I o those who purchase tickets for ihe trip. Le.iiuse of tie- groat miiiiher that '\ !>??? i to po admission 1 1 ? ? It ? ? t -? will he uiv '?n onlj to i ho?- who p. h.v the special Irani. Thoso who u o by other im-an? of transport'!) ion will unable to uet into I In- prison .in thai day. Th. issuance of admission tirjfet> is. ie;:d< iiocossarv bv tin limit capacity} of l lie prison to visitors. and tin- size of : it:? V. M i ,\. party. Warden "White t v ill hold tie apacii> of i)n- prison in! i.-S'-iM' on tliis day for the V. M. i '. A. j Mid mil; members of ih" party can get ! in If > oil want lo .make one of the I pal!-, secure \'our ticket for tin special j nam ami i:>-i your admission ticket at! ; lo- same time. Elcrnses G-rantetl. \t tin- session o|" the Brooke i *011111 yj c:r> nit court on Thursday morning.! ? IihIrc I!. M. A Idleiiia.'l uranleil licenses to eariv re'o|\. rs or oilier weapons to I S. ' I anil ind .1. ?' Kisher of t he KliUl.j! j i:|?>? and Manufactiii inu company. At- I lorm-v .! i'p;i 1 1> 1 0 :1 I for ihe peti- J . . j wer- atterwardl .1 for the j 1 1 ion. rs. 1 'il.'l lie heard .in. | ihe court oiioiirii' day. Soldiers of the Soil wanted. Win. wants to enlist to ).,? a soldier of j the coiiiiii i.-miI". ? i'oiini> Ap.-nt W. If. Sill i> m le'ud of ru* ' 11 to work on ihe farms of I'.rooke count v. Volunteers are desired, if onl\ for a dav a month. If t "i'i men xohiiii.-er for 11 dav a month ? ?o h I'm days of work will he ihe result. I The Jarnicrs who m i iiiv the employment ! will pay the employ, fair wanes, and In. ? loiittion h- will h. .?ivn transportation i!e pl.-ov 01 work Any one desiring'' to aive .1 iii'. of t\\n cria secure sam? fioin Mi s 1 j j l|i?. office in the court hous. wil! tie n Kriiia w! e\ . niilK. for all u no wish to ? iiluiile. r. , Golden Wedtlingr. j 1 in H ediies.ia > . Mr and Mr- 1 |eoi c>' ? \. IfciMer cl-luai ii the .'.mis ?<;ol.|en", uiiiiltnc 'itiiiiv ersary at the. home on; I'harhs < 1 f.'.-t . Today alter lifti years I of eventful life, l.oih are happ> and j h. <illh> -? li\ ilr; | i.?if of the "wishes furl !? loii ^ liappx lif'" sent after I hem , l>> Ho ii- friends on thi occiision of their j in:. I i*iii it* . 1 if thos, coming afl.-r M r. I am! Mi- Ita.stei. 1I1.-1. are two daui;li-! ters. Mi Klla Scl.natl'T of I.exinKtoii. | l\ V . .iiel Mrs Mar* ? 'orneliiis.' of ihisj city. 'I'ii each of ihes,. ju-.. t w Irlldr* 11, 1 1 wo da 11 1 ei s |i> Mrs SchnaultiT and a j dt'Unbt. 1? ; . 1 1 < i son hi Mrs 1 "oriielitis. I"! Mis. 1 \irii. 1 1 ii s ' dan filler. Mrs. .lames W. 1 I 1 * i i'i- 1 1 aii aserihed the only ureal' Sfiiid children, two diiimhiers of this' w ?.?ddliij.* o| li f 1 \ \oais au?.. 'rites, cl. 1 1 ? 2 i'i n. ?;ni in I children and j uroil uraml children and the many j lii'inl- ot Mr 'ind Mrs. Max I or ?'??!. hra I - ? ??d the a en i vol sn r> of this weddinu "it! Wcdli. siiay. liecim.s.. of h '.'til sor- ? ro\\ 111 the .laeohs family, th" antiixci-f s.i was informal, hut sovrnj hundred | 11 'ends called ilurinu 1 1 >? afterm on and j ? c iiiiic. Ml con isratu l:i t ?"?*! Mr. and .Mrs.! I i'i \ 1 if and tendered 1 h 0 111 felieiialion.- 1 fn|' man;, n. ore ours of li|V, Miss Hoseaana WilUams. Miss Kosoiinna \\ illimns of ihi- cityj oied at tie- 1 till* ? Va 1 1 > ? \ Hospital at Sti ll- j I ? nville. (1. on W ednesilav ..niiiu ' N 1 1 - Willi. ncs had uotn to the I ?'or an operation for nppendicitis. and' was un.-'hlo 10 staisd the shock of the! op?-ral 1011 She .1 ued about years) miiiI was ihe 1 la 11 cht 1 r of Mr and the lam ? Mrs Tlionins Williams, of ihls city, j four si- ti rs: I. iicj. Klla. I'arrie and Mm- | ! i. and "no brother. William, survive.! 'I lie 1 101I \ "ias heen hrou.'.'iit to her I'ath- | ??r's home for hnrinl. l-'un.-rnl services will In- lo Id on Sntiirdav afternoon at "J o |o, k w ith Hi - iiiferinent !>? inc made j in Crook ST. CLAIRSVILLE ST ??I.AIUSVll.l.l-;. |? .tune ! 4 ha- iie.-n rc.oi\e.l h. re thai Hie j thr.-. lo. ., I 1 1. ? v s. t'harles |<Vrren. Adam ? Jlliule s mi'1 I'onraii Troll, who |:isl ? k for < "o| umhiis 10 join the amhul-j -ne. cot p- .if Hie r. s. . 1 1 1 1 1 > . mi I'olum. Inis. have I >eci 1 stationed at ^'ort I5on- | j*: 11 1 1 11 All 1'i'i.ort "that Hieyi ?ire wrkiliu hard hut that' III*' work I- i very interest inu I Class Social. TJ- -??? r. I u ' v en In Ho ^ol||lu Men's I - 1 1 1 ! .* cl.a- - of ihe I' church m* '!n home i.f Kduar Newlmc this evn. 1 n sr was w !l attended and a fine lime ?was hud Kaeh no inh-r of the class in ? Ijeiivi frien l ai.d 001 lift > were in ;it lendance. The c\.;niuu was spent in ?m; door cam rnd at a liinei* hour ? i.'ltlvl) fi fl . slllrtellt S W e | e s,.f\ e,|. Tilts :s t|i.' Ill's 1 ..f ?? s. ries of sin h oi-.-nis to ii.- - i \ i n liv Hie class during the sum mer. personals unci Briefs. \itorney l.awson Kmersop of Rridue-i for: was' In t'c lulav on hnsim ? 1,1 ' Mat.. r Pavl-s' court. N'ick Shifflef of Itellnir?. oh. h.-r.. to la v o|i |.u -111' \ 111:111b r I'r.ili. here altended Ihe I'lau l'a> 1 'el. hi .iiiou at Wheelinic Park, there , in 1 np 110 c.'I'-hra 1 Ion of anv kind h' Id j .1 re *-e\r|-nl local couples will attend the ?lance to J.e ttivn in Martins Kerry at the KlUs' hall on Kritlay niahi. Attorney Pavid tames, of Martins Kerry. wa? a business ? isi lor here today. Miss Hcrtrude liopus. of Unrtnn, was lor todav visltinc friends. SISTERSVILLE Mian Slithers, who was injured about a in. >nt it uuo. when he fell from 11 desk a" .'.tie'ojn irnrace. whs operated on Sundav in the Slsiersv i 1 1 ? ? hospital by I ?r S.ihvvinii of Wheelins. He is pet t in c nlf.n t- nicely and hopes are entertained for h.s reeo\er> Wil.Mii' Hubbard. 1". S. Hospital Corps, who i> -iniioned at 1 'ohimbus. visited his mother tier- this week Homer laii'klcv of Marietta, was the uii> st of fri-'-nds here Tuesday. Richard Stem iker. Hubert '.S"nreross j and I fc'-wuy I'a'.tersoii left Wednesday J "The hours go by like minutes!" When friends gather round the Victrola of an afternoon, time and dull carc are lost in melody. At a Victrola matinee you can hear the song "hits" from not one, but all of the latest musical comedies. More than that, you can summon before you the greatest artists and entertainers in every field of music to provide you with your afternoon's amusement. . tz. VictrolaS' Let us put a Victrola in your home on our easy terms. It will make life merrier for the whole family. Davis, Burkham & Tyler Co. 1416-18 Market Street. for Akron, <>., where ihey will bo rm plo yed Hob HiirIi^s i.i f .Vow Martinsville, who I ??? been ployed liy the J1?- 1 S Telephone ' ' in Wheeling. is here visiting Chas. Smith. Miss Nancy r>. Olarke lias returned | from Morganiown. whore she attended at the University. , t I Ik" Kin. ?>f I'nilod Sinu-s Marino. who ; hits !>? ???ii spending n few days here, re- 1 ported t" WashinBton, D. C., Wed lies- 1 ilav. ? Miss Kin>*kit Lucas < ? f Weotlsport. V. 1 Y. lins arrived hero 1 ?> spend the sum-! nvr'xvith her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. \.. I.. Klsk. Miss Anna I'awb-y lias arrived horn"; from Morisantown. where she attends ! A\". \" l*. I Miss Klizaboih While has gone t'i| Akron, i ).. where sh?: will visit tier | mother. .' Alioui sixty Sislersx ille you hk ladies j mad'1 a hous" lo lions.- canvass Tuesday i In siM'urt' members tor the lorn I tt'il I'riss ?'!iapier. Tin- fit y wiis laid t'?ff i inio t w five districts mid each of those a number of girls leil by a. captain so- 1 liciii'tl nit'inbi'i'ship. Twelve automobiles i uirc in S'-r vici- to assist the girls in ilitir work and a parade was si veil. They j wif served lunch at twelve o'clock at j 1 1 , ? ? lb'd t'ross headquarters. Patrolman Martin .Voider was itrPark-i ershurg Tii-sdu> to attend I'. S. cmuim. ' I.. S. Snodirrass has returned home frmi! ('nulls in Michigan. It-' drove .t tiii'k thri'tmh fi-r tho diamong garage. . Miss HI. in- he Smith of Wheeling. is! ihi 'guest of her sister. Mrs. J. 1 1.' Thorn- j toll. , " | Mrs. i w Qua i ii and Miss Lester Saisn ii'-r of I'larksburs. arc the guests j of ihnr uncle and aunt. Mr. and Mrs.] Jo. I lax is. Mr. uml Mrs. Thomas Malick ha\e ar- I ri'.fil l:?re m their car from Akron audi will spend several days with' Mr. Ma- j lick's parents. Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Ma- 1 r.,K | Miss 'i?orgia ? ; r. ?; u ha* urrlved home | ft '.in l-Viirmi'ijt. whore sh" took a| cf>i:i s" at l-'a irni'in I N'ormal sehooi. She vxi'l i each at Salem. W. Va.. next term. WARWOOD Negro rriorhtens CbiJd. Ahmjt -i o'clock Wednesday afternoon.! a sirangi* negro walked into the meat] market of War wood. At his side; he oairiid a gun ease ami seemed from' outward a ppcaralU'e ; a suspicious character. When asked I what lie wanted ho made some irrelevaul ; reply ami turned to a croup ?}!' small | hoys, who had followed him into the' "tore. He iiMttorod soniet h nig. as if to him- j self, and then proiendod to take out a gull. I 'lie little fellow. Walter w?'l- j slums, became terribly frightened and' was about to run. whi.ii officer Kicc I appeared. j Tho negro. after hi mg nuestionetl. j was found io h- from the Foundation i I'otupiiny and had h?eu drinking hoavily ! I If was put "ii the next car and sent! in Mooch I'.ottoni, The landless '"bain ' 'I rob of the I 'res- j hvierlan church was entertained yestor- I day in a social wax. at the home of 1 Mr?. Thral of Kighteoni Ii stnot A! light luncheon was s.-i < e,i ihe tot-1 lowing KUesis ? Mesilatnos Myers, leoxf-s, Montgomery, Weiss. Ilunkoi Cartel.-.' Meeks. Jenkins. Mci'lur-. Maw.. II and. Thral. Pleasant Dinner Party. Mrs. Humor W'ejl- ?>!' N'orlh Wat xvood. i xxas hostess last .'V."jiii; m i ?; o'clock : linner party to a number of her friends, j \n enjoyable o\ ennu; xvas passed xxith, music as ihi ehiei diversion. Tin t\d- j lowing mi' Ms were present: Mrs. John | W"idirer Mr- ll'iward Siniih Mr. John i Weldim:. Mr. Howard Smith ;nd Mr lioni' i- n. jis. ; Birthday Party. I .it tie W'iluia Weils ent '-rt a He d 1 of in-r x.'Iiuk ti'iends \e?i.'rda\ a: a .parly I n honor of her soxonth b'rt Inlay. The little folks x> . r.. dolicht fully en- j ertmnd tor an hour xvi'h xartotis khii.'-s ' >n the lawn, after which they m-re ).-.| | Int" 'the dining room which hid boen . made very attractive xvith peonies :snd j ?oses. Mainly rcfrosnmenis xx ere served i Hid each child roci/ivod a sniil! tokon | Those presom were: j Misses Huth Stri'iiso. Mildred Strouse, | riertrudo Kljnn. Virpinia I'arrolJ. \'tr- . ginin Murphy. Helen Murplr. lUnhj Knslwood. lleriha t'upp. MiriHt.i Tus.t'.n, j \iiRoia t'osson. Alirv IJeister. Flossy ! Mulroy, Mildred Weils. Wilma Weils.! Hid Masters t'arl and Itohert Weil-. I Dl?l0c?te<i Shoulder. \ si employee of ihe Foundation c.-im- ' panj "f I Seech Mottom. n-'-eiv ?! a had j fall yesterday and in some way dislo- 1 cato<i his shoulder. I'r. A her -.old ofj W'firxvood. xvas callod and the man xv*5 j removed to th'- North A'iieoli nif hos- . idtal. j Council Meeting fonsiderahlo routine business xv^*' trmisacted at a meeting of Warx\-ood| council las: night. Council ordered thati steps he takon to abate the automobile! "out-out" nuisance, and hereafter the! exhausts of automobiles and niotor cyclca must be kept closed within the 1 THROUGH CAR SCHEDULE WARWOOD BENWOOD NORTH BOUND. FROM BENWOOD : Dally wpi Sunday ? 5:15 a. m., md every fifteen minutes thereafter until 12:00 midnight, except that 3 1:45 p. m). car goes to First street jnly. Cars leaving at. 12:15 and 12:30 a. in. go to Tenth street only. .Sunday Only ? i>:00 a. m., 6:30 a. m., 7:<"i a. m.. 7:30 a. m., anil every fif teen minutes thereafter, the schedule from then on being the same aa week day. FBOU TENTH STREET: Imily except Sun<ia.y ? 4 :30 a. m. and every lifteen minutes thereafter jntil I2:v? midnight, East car, 12:30 a. m. 12:15 car to First street only. Sunday Only ? 5:15, a:45. 5:15, <5:3(1, 7:imi, 7 :3u. fc:ui> a. m? and every lifteen minutes thereafter. ' The schedule from then on being the same as week day. SOUTH BOUND. FROM WARWOOD: Daily except Sunday ? 1:53 &.- fn., and every fifteen minutes thereafter until 11:37 ]>. m. ? last car to Ben wood. Cars leaving at 11:53 p. iu., 12:0N, 12:23 and 12:53 go to Tenth street only. Cars leave Warwood for First street only at 1:23 a. in. Sunday Only ? "?:3S, 6:08, 6:3ii, 6:53, 7:23. 7:2S. 7:53 and S:23 a. n.? and every tifteen minutes thereafter, the schedule from then on being the same as week day. WHEELING TRACTION CO?ANY. town (units. A lic'it was ordered placed at Highland and Nineteenth streets. It was reoprted to council that outsid-; vaults are fast disappearing. Pergonals and Bri?f*. Mrs. Neva Fly of Nashville. Tenn.. is visiting Mrs. !v Tucker of South Warwuod. for a few days. Mrs. r.corge Rishotf and her riauch tt-r. 'leorKin. were the quests of her mother. Mrs. E. Troll, yesterday. Mrs William Hurns has as her guests for ilii> we<>k, Mr. and Mrs. J. 11. Burns ? >i Fair view, W. Va., and Miss Helen lii-nnitt. Miss Mary Marsh of Twenty-first street, a nurse in 'ileiidale Hospital, has r ''turned nomc from Steubenville. Miss Maritn ret Vogler is visiting friends in Warwood. Miss I.uellii > 'la rk of Massachusetts, is spend i uk si vera I weeks with Mrs. Parkeufeller ol Fourth street. Mrs. .William Jenkins of Center War wood, is visiting Mrs. Williams of the Island, this week. Mrs. Angela Stinger-Baker and '*?*? husband. have returned to Warwood from ih?*ir wedding tour, and will make i heir future home in Kim Grove. .Samuel IWaplane of Renter Warwood. has been very ill for the past few days. Miss Palmer is visiting Mrs. Earl S. Ford. Kljvooii Merrinnr of Sand Hill. W. \'h . is visiting friends in Warwood this v\ ? rk. WEST LIBERTY < 'otnmen'-?>ni?iit is over and the Nor mal town has settled down for its rum hi. r varation. The citizens of West 1 . 1 1?-- fl > and \ icinity were disappointed. Tiny missed the M eist'T band. who were so generous with their music on (In- si r".-i mti'I campus. The summer si'Ii.miI will commence on the 18Lh and a large attendance is expected. The Missionary Society and Pastors' Aid of the Presbyterian church will hold an all 'day meeting /it the churc-i on Thursday and a "covcred disli din ner' 'will in- served M i-'srs M'aiidc Curtis.- Maud" Jeffer son. Maude King and l.illie King we.-o quests of Miss I>. Bonar of Short t'reek. on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Zack Springer of Fit;; < I rove. were visitors at the Jerome home on Sunda>. Miss llnnna Sprimrer of F'lm Grove, spent commencement week with Miss Maude Curtis. Mr. and Mrs Arthur Marheny and IiiiIm daughter of |>.-)iuont. have been visit nm- Mrs. Milton Hedges. Anionic the visitors in town com mencement day were. Mr. Win. Kej ?er. cjsy editor of the Intelligencer, md Mis-. Keyset-; Mr. and Mrs. (lenrce liowers. ' of N'< w l'*riinklin: Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Wells .of Wcllshurg. Mrs. .1. s. | tonai- of i-~a moron. Is vis ititiK her mother. Mrs. I.ouise Jerome. Miss Irene liude of P.en wood. has been the Kii.-st of M i>? Alverda Jerotn*-. Mrs. I!al|di .Morrison and il'tle sous * leoi'Ki! an. I ,l.osi |?li spent. i he com mencement w.-K :n the Wnddell j.onv\ Mrs 1 1. p.. Itie'i-rs and little sou C. W.. .1 r . of I tiickhs.non. will arrive or: Sunoay io join her husband here and spend the summer with Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Rogers. Mr. William Mayers has bMn very ill ai his home lo re. Miss Winkler, a nurse of Wheelinc. who has been waiting on Mrs. M. W. Castel. left for her home on Monday.