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V LEGAL NOTICES PK0CLAM4TI0N AN 0 MOtlCE The r ->? ?' ' i :?? : ' i?4r] W lli KRf*V> ?a uV ? v.* T!i? < 'U' . ' ? '? "" ' trie--' > . e *'! Wi'?t Xlrg'ttia ?! ? ? fee l.tth da* ?? n- M.:*. |la-e ' h?*M?r.? ?i*h ??.?-:???!;* ??:?:* as?d r-gti -r * a ad**Jt j:? . r l.nam ** pr?% f-?r :ntprt>?:ng ???via ateio:** ?:ul ?tie-* :?? t J: r? jr-,i i dtng ' r 'he !?ue .nil *ale of U*rtd? -f 'tiia Mnn j, , ? fntlovin; l* A> ?>RI?IN A.\? K ? roun.-tll tvncurrinjr t?.*rem ?? ri%t da* - f Ma* tvr rl?v:*d :? ... an a*e aiul i" r^inH hv la* d iK d*?*i;.r ' Inc thai .! L5 Mr^liro'. and i:v?ue i\.? * tmproTetrer.'* therein ?er forth .?nd h*re?oar:er tlf I t?-nbed. ?rc<t PWW;n? f??r the ;-?:e in<! ?V ..f bond* i ??f The T'W: of K?!;*i>rHl :?? the n?%r . f *a:d iiu ? :u r?f the . *:? ..f aaaesaniente to be letied against the ahutfiitt ! . %|p? a the ??aid fctreet*. fttenue* .irtd lane. *.? improved hereunder. and for the :?????- and *.?> of !*:?.?. ..* Tie * Towr. of Kdgweod :?> pay for *o tmrroung ti e T"e?*r intersection* to be paid b* aaid Town. m 4 -?? ;?!*?.!? hr t'hapter" FI;*b*. of the A?*t? of rh* l.e<i%;*t::re * J t*<?* Stat* of Was: Virginia for the year and *?>? , in 4? nee with * rrvOution adopted b? *!??* r.- ui ? r.I ?f sa.-l T ?'\ri '>n fho ilf.n ?!ar .f J?^a ???!.". f ? f tiie Uh<?!a n*;tnN^r :.-? .-aid ? ?ur; ' oil r.tMj: rtnc Ih**rr?n l?? na a ml r." \?>:a . :??: ' rn.inni fiia: :: w.U i?rcv*M with the j*at?i ,??, t ?irnot! of fh- T.i:. . f , UliKKKAS. rhe v.Uh.shI. 4lr^?nt?ts U eis^!i?.t t-> r- i ?"H - Th?- Totrn .*f K^"'l f": Cta-.::.. j a*?*n?;?* {ViV.i)>: **UPt>tns ii'rrau; ; iatia* in Tf* T'wn o* Y>\!<w?>.?*| ;?a.?>e?l a re*>!.tttw? j j?* .? rrc'ilur matins of >:i <t ? ha! ! 1 r. :i;a Jl..: j ,i,v ??f M*?. ?AIT fifths of :h-? J a??d iu? to***. ^e*-Ur t iC t ?? lv i?ee*ji*ary t > I |.v cra?tt:>?. : ar n? an i ? -i.rhtns. ?h?* f?'tlot*lns nanosl pu>:ic a'-'l !su:?^ tn I"te T>*n ??f * K?!<v?*'0?l. !tu> S t?> | fwin ??><!?fl*ie 0"-!w?t:'?n lire f? [ < "* ? i A*eTi* fr?on !*'n: ! !* rr< r fr? isi hMcmyt^n* :?? I'l^arii j T??*? u:ir*ar^,t IM?n;!on I. an* f;-*rn th? t "n?I K >1 t*? K?!s ?*???*! ^rrof?*vm llr.? Mj;.!c "!*'? ?* !-ar:* from II aj *k*1' Str?a( t*> l!im Srrra* ; KditrrMu* Srree: fr -t:: W . .?t *?ta!e o*ri?>rat;*iii. tine lo ? . j llaSke'.i Street fr^m N a * !>n i ! R?*a?.l :?? Ec!^wo?hI '? S-.-*er. f am! r?? r-v ' f i ::npr ?.-rr.e!irii matla ur?*ri :J?* ' ea ?1 ^:r^e:.-?. ar??ri.:*s ?n?t lar.e^> h* !he Issue at:?! aale of h ud* if Tho Ton ?t ?f K(tcwi>i ?l :n antu* pa" n ??? ? *t 'V.a! a vi^Nxiijari:* Jo l?e itiad** dtainst the ' rh?' abu'tir.* ??ri .*a*.d sir**:*. a?er.'Xr? ar;i! ? lane-* .<?> I*??prr**eil. .-?x ptvuidM t:i t"ha:,f.?r Ktchl ?*f ! (ha Act.-* ?%/ ;h* of ih* State of \V<*it V r } girtik f?>r th* Tear t:?0S: and hr th^ iwi* and ?*.?> ? ' Unuii :?f Tf.a To?a< of t ? par for the ims: ? ?-f s.? the str??rt mt*r>ei'*l??n*. a*? '.Torulei ir. saS! *'hai*T*r K.;h! ?-f A.'t? of tte Legislature ? cf !*.?*? atid # WHKRMAS a: ?he rTr?tra!i??n of the tirtse for ! and puM;oatn*n ?>f the a?i provided in aa:d Ai*t of the !.oj:>U:t:re. :t *::*ari??t; that sa:?t nnt.-'e* had fw? iluif po?**tl and yuMtah**! a.* ra- } ??u:r>.*d hv !avr. :!??? ?*. ipn l <aid T*jwti ??f i bv re>ot'i!i. n d*ii~ ti?*e| f-r j n:**tlrs ,-?f .sa!4 l'nu:? ? ? ??:? th* 'It: da* ./ June IVIT. thr*e fifth- } ??f :h-? wh' ir n'ia.iw? *!? *??nI c?? >*-d (Vuncil concur tins t i; t?v a;i .?* e ?*.d n-' tot*. <Jeiert3:ti*d that ; it ? re??-a,-d v !tn t!.e ?Rtpn?Te;r.eut. and ' UI!;'rt::\S it fli?? IK- -a.d Ti.wn ? ' Kds f \r. md :> it fo^i? hauns <i N-* .? fid** violent !to?l if *1 :i*A'ld prvw %>. a"! ?h.-t bt the' ?ttal-tr:^ ?*f "?? ?! -t pi* ?s a. ?! r f-** ^'in1 ?1 tvh< > ??? ? !? i>-*n ir; 'r ? St Itnhr/%e Ser-r% "A .fc v.f r^ J** Hii-O-i f, *;?. :|.,. i?:?: ?: ? - *;.? !-jal tr .? .1 l.r. t ?>! * ! ??*v* ? ?? ' ? .? 1 at ?! -du-"? i a?? ?>!. and and a >.aitl , t ?** ' ravi-.c and ? ? % T *\ : ; < f ... ?! a^-e. t : in: jj ... ..' J- . l*ti. :?!-??<! ??. t2:% 4 < ????? ?'??.? ? i .?? ?! ? ?: c :?? -v ?! - -U'i. -f Fifty j f'f.ii* '1 ?.? :. '? ;?*???! f "-Jul . j..': u* a ?? ??? :?* ^.*?r "f !?*f??r* ? f; -? ?. ' .? ??:.? ..ft,.- . f Th* j 1 i*r:iia?? ? WVn:-;. ;? ?>.? ?*.? ?' \V|i**!tt?(.' j ? ?hi- W V;-<ti;*a. a'. ! vl.a.t lr,r* ?>.? a: the ' ?> ??*?? i' -?????. ?..??#?.!? aett i- j *'.vh r :??t n ... j ^i?| *4 ! *r-:r?if"^r pr?? ; ? ,o ?- W-.f! *? :!? 'I f f.?. s p.vii'f "f *K?* .'*/ ?? t ! ? a* .. TJ... T Ml . f K i-i.: h*f! ;.??-??? ? .0 . ; ?Jh^ ... d Sj.-m;,; \ v-n.^it |;. ?nU. S*?n?-* "A" ??!a!! ? i?. Mil. .?'?"?! :..:irtv f..ur n.>- ?:.:???- ?:?l (?.?? I Sir--; ???!?:<?????. ?nl It. ?-.!?. S?r,'- A" t- { ? ttrN-r'* t ' ? ? * * ? ' *u? *? ?? a-.d .?'! ?/ . ?t.* %. '! t?.nd* ^ta'i <ai?-d '?*. the Mrt.vor at d j ????Un!ef?st?^! " \ ??!..?. Ilr, ;.|.r . ? ? smI'J v?;?ii tlo * . .rt*r> ?? T.;- ..f |V.-v ! Til* ?? I ?il A^f.:.! It t.d- S*- r;r- \ j *n*U i- .?? Hi** ? - f. -n .tfrot:} -f \V? : V.t^ i.ia. ?? . jtv ? 10 . ' T?.?* T.-?a ??' K.!s?. ???! M i?' . aff ?*r ir.f '*:tr and Kn?* a' ? r ? 1.?^ pr?^nt!?. Th?: Th* T.-wt *?( J K J;vvtvi?|. :n .rf:? ?'otjnrv ?/ Smt^ of \\v*r \ i r 1 s :i;?. .? ???mj;?:pa! *??.:;?? r a;.-, n 1 r^an./*d utsd * tilling j ?ii?d*T a* 1 t !iv tirtur** "T ri .?* rn* S'a'* of j Wrs* Virginia. a?*knf?v?r>'!i{i--? ;r^a'f p* ' ?? and f-?r j V:iitle re?'t?it?Nl {Torn ?o tiir t>a*r*r tii* ?t?m ? ' )l::n?tr*d T')rt ft,,t ? m .?* before the !*t dav ! '?f September. U*'-T. *;'!i mter*<t '?:? <aid num frorxi | " date there*'.' 1 unt;! ;aid. ?t th* rate nf ?vnt p?*r annum ta*ah'.a ariri;ta!!v .,n rl;e 1? J^pteuiber in each v?-ar. a-. evtd^noM i?*- arjfl ??? J tit** presentation and ^'j'rrnd^r cf th* -rrer?*.r ?*o!t ' r?.*ts here: <> attached they h*"*?tiie due pnuripal and inrer*'?t a*** !i*r?*??* mad* p?vah!e in lawful money of rhe t*r:Vre^d ?:.??<?? ? ' Atn^r-ra e* . r* e effiee of The ItartW "f Wh***Mnff. iri th* rttj rf TV!;eeIutir and S*at* - # W-.r Virginia, and f-*r j the prorupr paTment ih.* !>-????! \r'*!? mt' rrtt a.- j a'^rej.Vd .t* ma*iirlt* th** T't.H fattti. and r***' j r-;a ? f tt:? w?!d Th* Tuwa t?f F'-i^wtn-d ":ir** h*ret?? ! irreiru ^htv ? !a?I*eil , T? ,s t'ko W-'" j a*'?J r'fwt aiTicregatJrz r^rty-*?*?ea Tbotmand !><?! j la.** ? . ntir?d^r*d fr?tw ?*r? t** nit. *t* f<*t:r iti 1 ^:?:?*'.Te k.*!'! de*:gnaf*d ?< J*t-ei*!al A??*"*nmet:t Ttond> ; S-rt*j? **A.*" ><?*?{???! for -he r?JT?"** ? f j r-.Tidit.j f ?:!!?!? #o* gradinc. i and enrting puhfir ^tr**'^ >?*nu^H a: d tan^ Sn and for 5aid T'>wn t**:r^tja*it ?<? ? * l ,?;?*?*r Kik'ht * f t*** A "< >' l^i*,>!nture of th* S'rfie ? f We*" -Virginia, f -* th* year lPr,w. vh.**h art ? a*. r*j:ular!r ar.d !*ga!Sv *uhrn?tt*d hv ?'??ttnrtl fr? th* Q-iaIlft*?l t'?terf <*?f 5a d town f??r ra?ifioati?'n ? r*- 1 ti af a *;?s !al ei*?*rl?,n legativ ? atl*d <\>t|t?**'l ?*'! h-'d ?.n th* *th flay of May. I'M?, at *fitrn ei^ fh* ^a:d wi-r w.i% ratified by a majorttv "f the *??!?> **aNt at *atd ele?*Uon arid "her-h? making th* *a ?d a ?! an part ??f the law goreming ?-treet tmpr^fHRier.tH in aa:d to^n. whl'.'ii a.%: authorize* .s^.i Town to t>?ue kr.d ??eil hoin'la to pay for ?*tr?,**t in? pro?*fnenta In tnttcipatton of ip?clal aaaevimenta t? ! njade upon propert* abutting upon the %?re**ta aiid ' alleys sr? Impro'red and thin bond is lP?U*d for th* | rurp**^* a?v?Te a<*t ou#. in "trlet ?*onformlfe and under J and by etrtnc of and In alt respect* in atrirt conipli ax'.o with laid Acta of the Legialature and of the | P?*r .lav ff I :*?. rf StJii- "f ?>*t \trsitw?. r.?! in num.. w.tii -ni't At".? . . , I 4r<! . . --.f.-! ??? ' ' ?' 1 .?r ( *?.? ? rh* \ r- ' fh.? I : . ? ,.f V*. - \ ???: M- v. *? \*h?h ,i.,t t.? *h* . f \\. \ i r * ? t *%:?!? *.? I a* f. t ?!??.:? ?.??! ?-? .1 -l, ? ? M,. ::>.! ? .! ? . nl-r ?? t. jr.* . t.t *?r! *?* I ?? ?;!!?! ? H*l ? i.?4? , ? *?! ????! j ? . ? ? ?h?t.r rntr?l ? i. il. . .ml d?.* f-uvi and t;::?r .1- r?*jutrei| ov u? . . ? .?.?i?h:rdr*?s . ? t .*n, . * ' ,1 '? , j ai.v n^ttii' ?ml fr.-f due : -nttv *r." * ? therein i?hrn due ami d ? * V maJU-'.'r IV n>TI.\!l?NV U IIKKKMK Th* T >*n I' !svt .? m rf ? ' un.*:t S.* * t tills l?otid ?o b?* frr?'g:nil ?:?? K-? ?rd*r ami the %fii of .?*:?! T 'tin h*r*ui..*o affiled. :??"! ?* :??*>* -.r'feicv ??-#v-rto f ! a; d *"a? - '1 * ^'nia'sir-* ? ? f:*r?r.?*r *?? ?' :.?*?? is* da* "t S*pr*i u?*rr. 1VI." The Tonn or r.'Jcw.N it .s.m: ) ii? M?r.vr 1' ! H* K-? <!? ' "P.- Ir.r?r**! 4-ou;.or<, attach ??! " ? s?:d N>f..|? -hail i i :U? f ' ??* f. : 1:1 ??! ih?* >.;???? ??''???! On rh*? ?ln v o* i'1 Tb?? T"irn <?f *t tv ? -.jt f s- ,??% . ' u V ;* ; I ! ; ;?v li?,.r^r til* *urn * f Th??tr (>.? : a-? ?- l.? f n " ? ?.???** ? .f ;i??* I ti ? T ?**!. 4. . | ?h- ,.r "li.f Ua;?U "f NVb^-i fic. jri ?i,? i . f v ,.f \V*:? l!!.^. ;!; *f ^ <ra??? ??" Vj'Qttiia. | A . N ' Th*4 S' r??* hnpr.M^f,:^nt |toj.?!?. \ fhal! ^ it; ?!.?? /.?!!? ' ??*:? ? r ? ? flu* rffrrt \ irtf.;ra. ? ? f m?h.. T!i?% T.?\*u .*r K?Ic*v<hh1 V? ?'rt0 00> S!r?- : !.V;"? ??nitfit I*. H'fir. A " ?!t.* :?<: ah!r fii vr;t?N ? I a : ?? k*i ui; jii^u Ii.' ihi*s?? ??rr-.'i.t-* *ii?; Tt'" T ?*??? ? K.lgs* vnl m I'mjntT r-f .-f \V?- r \ ?: ^:r?.4 ?* iuui- t. w ;^:s; /.???! r^.cliri :?t:i! I>v of t !;?- !.iw* ? -f th?? Slain rf j \ 4 u 4ti.|- f-r ! ? it in? ??*?.*??! f-? i)&\ t ? ? th?* tin* sum 1 .?f !?'.%* I lt|la!:<*tl J*rr {.?:,??/* T ! Nr ?!,i> .'f Sr;?!?:i.l.*^r, IJ'.T ?;:l? ??? <4iil <?;m ; ' ru rh* f t ; ul ?: tl " ra!- rf s!\ j.*r ?*?*?? t annum ;?av?Mi* nil ?h?* l**t <!jit ??f ' J?c; *?*a.N*r Iti *u '!i \*+r. a- *:??l i';;k ti :h* an?t ?.irr<*:nl#r ?*? th# lnTer^?*f oot:p*>n? | iifpM Artjcli***! *?? hfi'rmc ilur U?fh *r?l itit^r^t :???* hrr^tiy ir?il- i;?*ab!t* lit li\v;ul rn??nfr ..f I ??:*<??{ S??*? ? ?? Am^rsc* nf ' ! ..f The Kunk Wli^?:nl?. In *.!?? Ot% rf Whaling Sr^fM *?r U>jif VlPi:n:a. mrl f tli* j.'ocuU ?if this Ktinl nith an 4fi*r<* at n:?funtv lb** full faith * -win nml . ' Tl'* Tnvfa fMsmoixl arf h^r?bv |rr?(?'ahlr Til.* }-?!*. t ;< "!!?? rf * ,.r Uuith t?f I:h* trtwrf iiZtifl^lin^ Set Ml Thousand l?.?!l?ir> 1 ? jr.OOO.^M nutulK?:M ftvra . ?? to fi?ur!t***:! uttil St.r*: Imt Seri-* "A ' j :<>u?vl f? r tti-* ;-ur; "N^ -f ;t -vtitn-j fumls f??r !h?? t?-wn ??? ; f. r t!-.? j:a?1 t urlunc "f s?tr?rs int*rs*v':io!i4 in ar?u f.?r T. 'vu. f ur^ua::' tr ? nai* :-*r l.':rhf of th^ Ac:* .if thr l.?*y:??jiMtr*? of ?h?* S(a?? ?-f \\>>t Virctuiu frr r!i<? "?*! I^OS. wturli At'* wm r??:u Ur?v an. I !M:aI?v ??* rourril to the ij'iali 1 *.'tpri? of *a:?l To*^f. f??r t ?!ifu*a! ion or rctivfnm ' J! .? #*ert:uri rallM lit l ounrit ami ! ?i;i ?!.?? jlll d^v ?.f Mji S !? 2 7 . a: who'll #iti'ti"il >aol ???'. wa?4 rat:f:?'?l lo a !iiaj<?rit?' "f -II Mi* ?.??:** , *'i?f d' -?:?! <?i?l inaklfii; ll?* -ahI h^* art ?*ff:ro*nt i??xt of th^ !???' jj??trrnu.^ str^f! ::iit?r..i# if:**n:* in ?ai?l Toan. ?%|i!.*ii a.-t atUtioru*-* sai?1 Town t to i vs-.r ?mI h?*I! to ;.? v tl.4 ?vri -oratioii'.? ; art f 1! * ? >* r?* iiu;*r?:i?inMit> nude uiitlfr iiiid ???? vsr'u*4 ? f thr va.?l .???? am) this t^ucil att?l !.t f.?r * ?:?- j ?irt'o>f? ..f ?'j*? t*oip*- ?ti<m*> tai* ? ' iiMf.m i!i?; -1 1 ???? t ? aini talie* its >a;?l T vii , >.sul .ii ' trt r?.j t? rri:;t* atul un?l?r arul^ ^?v ? > rtu I f ar. 1 ?:? a!: -T* ?:? *?r r:?"? tMinj'Jianre n'.th <uA A.I- it T!k I ^tv'a'U!. a::?t - t Mtr !a;t^ rf W>.! . \ iTKU - r *? in ?? ?tif!ij-t Willi ^alil Acts. t A:;*! :? * !irrr??. j.r.J . r?*.*i T?**i ?l *Tarra?;*??1 :i?r: a'f ;?r: ; iiti .u* r^uifi! Iir ?a'?l J chapter KUhr . f the a?* ? f :??? I -larur- .?f tl?? Start* of Wfst V'.r^ini-i :???* v.m: and l?y ?h? - f :!;?? j^alf of \\>tr V::g i. a ntif .- .tjf! . ? ?h**rrtt .lii. Jo t. <? ; :i *?:?l t ? i?* *! -.t? u??i| 1 t.i??! j rr. r.j.*:,' %. ;.?!.? ?;j :!i* Uvipn - of thU I jii ' ?*r?!? : t?? iii i'v* ti.r nart!" ? v^lul .? :>?l rtitij^i'oji 1 of ..i.. I T ?ti Navr | ap;1*!:-'! an?l I** ? t< riv ?|oi?r unit .i ? rf. rn:?>i| ..1 :?*cuti.r <iid ?hi? ! >*:?; -iij! ?:rn?* a* r*;ji; r^'l '??* 1 . th* lota! i f To?f:. S th:> h ".?.<[ ?! *?? no* :uiv ? ??ii%i:*,ir.o!;aI. ^r*tu:? r\ ? r ??b?ft^r liMiuiinn aVil ti -* ?lu* Tcrfisi-'Ji- h-v* !'*?.'! n:a?!? f ?r *!.?? !*n\ ?.f an artfiU.? Tar >uff!?*:erst t? i>4V fhere.n *i u* un?l 4 1 - ? ? ' ? i. : c t!;* tTifirfj'al Mini a* ^.aJ'int* |\ TKSTIMnVY XMIKRKnr. Thf T ??u ?' IM? u.m.i hy n*tl??r i f ?'? unr-iJ. ha* ?%au*H *h;v Hrl r ? ?? .- ^r:- . ri .!? .-r:-..ra !?? na?r?? l?v .*.? M*v ?r an?J i ! rv ?; r R^. i rU?'- an ! ?h* rorr '?.?I , 'f sa : ? i T*-w?s !"? hrr#: . 4ffi.\*?l. *a? h tfltere*: ' .r ?! .?????-*?! hf?" ' * *\tVUf? ?l HfflxttiU ' 'if -^r a ???:?** t f?r^iutiir ?ig:ia:iir" ? f ftr - .:.1t u .*? rf :t??* !*? .Jj*- - f Sej !?:?*??? r. "MT. j r?.* Town : K?U'.%.h.U - , ?i4* # . : ? Th* T"wn 4li r srir.- ?? \v**t ,r...i. v 1 , ? l^.i" t! * ?.tiru of Th^r?\* J??Uar^ jt#ul 1 n-* ' f !??* I *!??**?! rf \n;<?r i-4 at offi? * -f T?.<* i>rri.a:? r.:m!% NVh*eIlnc. In !h* f :n thr \V*?t Vlrfinla. l:-mt ? ??: i : ?????: ..#? ;*?i j???# r**it !*.i vrar St'i^v.n 2 Ti h*for* i nxw^l it.^ t.? art h* r-uMj.-r. *!??; v*x*C!it* * ??'?!;? U".d. with jt?r ?v*tl l?v iV?uni*il. 'n th* fenaity of Piftr four Tht U'-anri I I !.* -4 iS.*?4.0?iu . r??ni1!iionMi ;hat th^v f?ithl-i'].v t ?rf ir*n rl,?*;r <luti?*? an<l ????upt for ami ? \*r *?. r*?;iilr*i! I?v fhi< ' ttlinan ?*. a'! niorof : ! , at iimv m-h:* mtn fti*.r hamts 4* surh ?? ?tiini^joner.v "*a ?! .?o;r.ini%>,jiin^ra siialJ ??iibjfi't to n moTat 1?t I'liur;.- J t" c -au-e lm; i...t* mitire .imI an rj'tHirtunr v i4. t* h*artl 11 j{i**n h\* ('oumil. ajoi nn.r va4*\nrv ?*mII fi.'l-d bv <*?>nn?'ll. inM the ?">ii;t..i*$M*n*r?. ri'^-ther \\\:U th* ofh^rs .??hull ^nter 1<? r ?'? t ?"??v I..? 1 .. frori?]Ml Ti?* .Haul tVtn* -ui'*!* #l*;io*!t rl*?* fti!i?|? mnunx ,r,n th*'.r hy x:r:?f* t;#"* f :>i >t|r|i hank or tru<t root lant a? t*J?* r mn-'ij rna/ an ! shoulil any ui'*r h?* :r% *.7. 'l lii* 1 f Mr* tl*;?M:?. the ? ran! I*"- -?*::! ??ofi:ini??,?i?*Mers irit?? th* tr*aKUrv ? f T -r?i r ?r?!*r . f ?i.Min?"! ami 't'-ll lifcuiiif ; *" " ?J.* -'rikmi h*:*inaf:*r *?*nM,,fi*'l ? jr. Th* l?iVid* >'? ? ??!in?*r-?nne<l. v?at Ci aarf rt*J.verf'l ?hal! ?"* ?"i?J li? the sa.;fl r^iiinus .ilon*r? a! :?ot !????* rhaii tJi?ir i?ar valu* >n?l !n th* :r. a :: r. f r tp* i'i I" lair arM th** I5*uamr amla.iieof v* ?) b*.r:*l H^aSI *?* ;*rri*<l hr all ?h* re<tfirri#?ns ar.<i ? < : !?,? hv th* if ?trim a:i'l hws of >**"?? ? ?' VirCitiia ami >11-1.' I??s in i "f?r? r:i;if f M -M-n-'.th Tiii? j.rrr??* N atisinj fr-un ih* sal* <f >#ii! Ih :.;;* ^t.all hr i-ali! i"!? Irv rh* valrt fiimRiijisloii's for thr |?u:???*e? h*r*iu yrm!?l*it. tfi Mirii jerimns lh? iS iiiM'il >h.t'l fr- 1:1 tin:* to time ii r~ t. if hi ? f thS Kai* ?*f sa'fl l^n?l< at * ['frniium or for any 'Uh*r rra^tn M.*r* >hall rMnain a surplus in thr UaruN of th* r??mri:i?5*l*'iier.? aft*r al! pa^riiMi'* iuvr b**n su? ii stlPflU'* >hai: b* rai'l hi?n th* t^ai urv ?-f th? Towfi. fin the or?l?T of I'.Miurll and -hali t'p- a tart of thr atnking fuml hrrr.!iaft*r tueri* JlrtiPd. S?'.rii?a I To I'T'^rJit* a ntnkim fund f>? r the ??;?vu *nt. of th* annwal inj^r^^' ami ?!.* 1 avir**;: ?* the p? Of yai<l Ih?iii1.h at maturlt* fh?*r* ?.liall l?? aitnua'.lv Irvml .by th#? coiiiirtl of Ti?* Toun .if l.\lc? ?? ?|. at th* san;e I; it;* th* aiuiu.if l?rr f?.r other ; itrr*-*4 ia tr.a<!c. In ej. h '*^ar : 'f-r ?ai?! h*?inU aie ;<?!;*'il ami Uf;f:l lirii* a> fljc.*? i.* a sufficient .4:1 unt f nionrv :n sa:.? fuml f. i?a; att ?f ^.il?i 'h'tol* tl;* ti outstamluu' and al) *-f rh* interest due and ' t ? ttt'e-u.:* duo there.m. a d.:*- * '.n ii'op. jII real ! ai 1 5-rr?naI t?r?.j*rfv stibj*rt. t<? taxation ln! *au| *tV'*n of IMitwofn!. wh'rh ?l > r^'*? i*\ Mu.'i lie , ??-v : a Nrt?af*'* tax in addiDori :*? all ? :l.*r rai*^ 1 n?a y I" 1**'*^ f? ?r th?* i"'t"*.V -f sa:-l *i*w\rtt. Mid ? shall sufffT ;*r.r ?. 1 fT' dn * in ??? li y*ar a ^utii of . ||,? II.?V s,Jfin;rf|t f.. l| ?l*2* ; i--t fyr nil* ^s^f , ui"?n ait <.ut>tamlif44 l?fiid*. ami 1 11 Addition Mi*reCO : r*i!*rn? ail '?f .^aid bomt? i*-mi*?I J;*t eumb-r at tnattir- 1 l*.r Tii* fairs .v? I*ti*i1 shai! h* co|l*cf*?l In MU?b ? n anr.*r a? uf that may b* herraft*r pmtKlMl h? j j fop :ti^ r ?!;*???. 0:1 of oMi*r f?i*% le?!i*d t?r the j Town M.'-'ti r**i ami ;>er?ma! i?ret?*r?^. atid -aid funUt ) ?iiti*?T*f| si-^i! !??? i;#|,r separate front ail other j fur. vis l*~U?i*2l'>?: t ? *!.e T- wn Spr?!ot; " ??*;? .f tli* Mltikln; fund provuhl f.?r in | the rr**'*tiirig "p**:!!'!;. th* cuui?>n.s for interest i at?*' h**l to .salfj b"nd? ?-ha!! h* paid ax lh*v b*corna ] ilu* am! all c.r any part 4.f Mm lp>mln is>ued h*r' ? } under rnaT. a" t'n* ? pM 'n of oijnrll. 11 :m>xi n?*tle* j >v tiij 8:?*n a" h*re:r.afier pn vided. t?e r*d**nr*?l !n . not )#j? : h a it on* year ru?r in rnor* fhan t*ri frntn j Mi*ir date, at th* end rf an* y*?r after rli*tr <ute. Said N?rids. tf r^*!*emed. shall b* r*de*nipd in thp | r..nse.*utn# .>r?i-r f?f tlieir number^ rnnini*ii?alnc with ' nrnit'T "On*" ftf a rat* not grpa:*r than tb*ir pur ' i?iti* witli airrurd lntpr*st. I'i*?n r.rt:? * to :h* ' h?ld*r? cf the ls*nd.i to be r*<1**tn*d an aforesaid. ! ? ? v rh* R?i.i?|*r of ?b* T urn bv j liberation once a wm',; for t ti'.? 8Uff**sire '.?i ?nni* i)a!!? 1 (.**>: .i'(T pub!!>h*d in th* i';t*-* * f <?h*.o founts. \V?>* \in;lni? and of K-r.rral c)r?'u ri in said Tmvn of Kd^'vr."ic{ Mating 'tit -aid m ;*!*?* tire liimib** if < r is'iids fo t*d**tt.*<l and th* Mm* w!:? ??? f };**v b* ia*d )-ond^ to b*? pMl*efii?*?l bv 'Vrn-.i of aai>l fi i?irr shall h* tt*sente<l a? th.* ttnrr s*ate?l *ri ?a:d nu'ri* ?? ?!:* off..-* ..f The 'I^nnnn Hank ' f Wl.wlin;. in th* ? *.iv of Wheeling. \V*st V)rr*nta. for garment Mt??f uft*r rh* da'* fix*rl In nasd nnfjrp for j ti - re?!<vrpr.i ?n ?f the bond* th*r*!n d*Muna'*d. eiien Itotid* shall r*a-* u?it*rp.<: at:-! no uir*re*t will ti.*r-af:er b?* laid tber*r!?. Sri*!i ti r K.i't, rois:<?fi and b#?m! taid or r*?1*i?med 1 *-jal! * itnfm-iliati'.'T .?afic?*l!?"1!,i?? :hf !l?H*i?rU??r of :h^ Town and shu)! !?<? *tMi?it*?l l?e him ?? ? '"tm^il at lis, ftr?.? me*t!tic after *?i''ti i?a*m*n:. or r*??l*mpf)on. and thr ft? ???r?f*r shall pr***r*.r the tanr* !ti .a |sn?V to bt ;i".vni*'l f- r tl at jmrpose SA?-fi?in 7. t* >ha>S I*" th?* ?f'uty of f h* *a.^l n?n?tnis aion*ra to k*?-p a trtir a?T'^unr of ail thmr reri?|pij am! #ll ?buraetn*n!s and r*:iort th- sanir to Council at euoli tim*s Council trav d!rw\ ami isid commla ?iori**H shall b?? Ai!nw*r* .? reasonable corni?ntftt!an I f ?r thrir Rprrir*s h??ri*imrt*r. l?'it not to piriyw* mia half of mi* per '"Mi: of the dishu/*em**nu made I bv tbrm. S*rMon S. Tlie v^rda "Mavor"'- and "Ftrcrrdpr'* j when used la th:? ordinance nail t* takm to mean j f ih* Mar?r urd R^'T-S'T of The T"*n of Mjlcw-d anil toe W.-.I ??Town" fU" I- JaUen *?> ?d v. I-"* 1- Mi-I j -., ?: Iv!.r, si .. ! l-e Ji-'H -! ? M . ;t'? .? u.rui^ r-.'f ? ;in ???;: ?: th* Itig'i* : ??*. .in : the *anl ? ? im.iv ?n li (r i.trwit* f*:dd#r? ? ih'y mi* d*~?n t r ? ; * 1 svi-n Tli#1 natur- f *h- i ul ' !m \ herebv i?ti?)n?r? -etj ar. r| win h * ". ? * i-.?- : ! i il<"**r!i'1it?? :? j: ;? iv: ! ;..???.? u.-h in .?? ? ?-.?Mane* with 'he r**st>!it: ii>:i ?-i jr?M'i" ? ? I ? ?? lilt* .lav r.f June l'i;, i*n.t ni'li plan* and s;-..r,fi ?: i S^fil*? 1 ? ?atd lni:?r?'*f!rni! now ..?? <1. r? ??:?? .ft- ?? ??? 'he : l!:?order of. the Town, '.k liA|-r?.i sritf :li? .' foilowtn* ? i;?kir.rt1 puhhe strt'.'tn. atennr* ami Uim tn said Town: ? i U!c Arenue fmm WoM^sl* r??ri?.?ra?lon line in If.- skell Si reef , ?'!wty At*nnr from Klir Str.*e* ??? IMclncton Lan-. 1 )\?r!er A*n.ue fr*?m K !*;i.?' ii I i-ttf l't?aMii:t ? cnrporauota lino . TU* utipated |*ninn of I m I nr.e .fn-nj f l.r | Nj'ionat Road ?.. I dcw.?d cori?r?t -i i ? ' Ma'de Tree Lane from IlitskeJl St re<-! to SVeet i K?!kvto?i| HfrK from \v.*?d*da!e luo* 1 I.- Urns ton Lane J H-i>ke!l St i ret from the Nat; n.i! ? ? Kdc I wood \Str--t ??p Kradi'ii; *:iid *rre*?t? a revues and Imif" ?: c fh.-m wl?l: dre^ed ?r > ? n ? 1 1 es .? ? i M. t.o --irli i-r ?*th . ..H' i-Im i -:rh. himI i<a\ ' + them *.Ui a?t. ; ?* I iTi.-ts .T I'MII.C liliN-k lu'UM " >!ai: ..f lui^ .M.^ *?:!?? I'.'uniiiK"!* InmSer. or i*nis ma. i.?liUi? Ikj.I piTm i ?i ?*<Mi?*ri*** gtu *p! f* >tli i *I?i * ."ii r. ilfi ~ ?tt ? iln'li ?a'n! I'listniHi nli'T^ r^u!r*?l. :rt ??????>!? la n? ?4 %*:th i-'an*. k;.. MfifatJoni ?*MJ?na!^.4 an. I | r# t.^iiiu.nfd. am! :lf u*ra?l^ of Mi#* ?an! -!!*??' hicihi ^ .t.l lane. Mini ;!?? <-?!?? ami -n * :h- ??n:l? iibil!f}nc i'ri?i?rny. ^I?;i I J I" ?s Oiown Ia t lit* m???! t-UiK. H:n*-|fU'aln?fiv. ??sJimalfS ami Sertoli II The inMhoil rf imyMs^nt of th * .-os! o? ?1 ?? <nnl tnit^ivfiiifiiu hi wll a- thr x?rr limlnaf ? ? ????*!.? ami imju'Iumm (herewith ahull In* l ? . lUc i>sue wmI ?=t.le of ltoml? (>f rlie T??wn an!?i*l;?a i: -n -f thr ami ccillM.ikr.:i i f spr^ial atse?.^imrJi:J to i?c nitili* 4ia'nvT ih<* owner* of al'isitms r.l-oti ?li#? ?.i !il hUli^av.i. atrrrt*. ifrntjw an.l ianr?. 1 :?? <h i?! .Town. In the manner i?r..% .?!??! K rhai^'f ; ! ?f Ai*?t "f the legislature Ufv \ .rgimu ' for the *-*ar anil l>* llie N'?i- ???l "J*!* Umii1% of th" T?wi t4> i?a* the Town'.i rrilioti of ?>.il I inii'V^erneti* i? fri'tldert In the <?a t ii Ai't* of Se?'Uoii I J. Tlie aticett. avenues ami i?i??"* in the I Town, upon whkh the owyeri if ?lie laml nHilthc 1 ?Hereon ar* to l?e a.>sease?l f? r !h?* aaUl isu;?ii'*euienl j ' provided for br this ordinanre are. I iial% Airnue from Wood vl ale rurr*??railon Una to ; !lri.<Ke!l Sfreef: \ her iv Avenue from Wm Street tr> KiUinvton I.arre. INuter A?*nu* fr??m Kdam^'on* t?i Plwan: !* Va'ley < rtrpofttlofl line. Tl?* uii pared purtion 4 .f Rdglhcton l^ne from the , Vat ton a I Road to Kd*nt-?d ??i.rpoiat,.?-n line 1 Maple Tree Lane fiom lle:ike; I Street !o Kim S:reet: I-Mi;wih>i| Street from \Vwod>d?le r??r;>.?raiioii Hue to j : l >? lr . u?: : "'i l.ane 1 llr:?u;i Street from the National l&?ad to FalRw.M.d ? Se. n .n n The eharaoter of the materia!? tht: J it* 4 v 1- !?:?! r.:-n !?'?? -aol iiu:*r*?v?iiii-nt are atone j ? 'irl?. di?^!?ed ami undre>s?il oom'ret* eijrh. awphN!!. j s aving tT!fk and blm'k f:ima?- ^!aa. *ith Mtinniiioiia hinder and tarria maradtnt. upon *?j;her . ! ivijuTrte f.nimlatlon or travol foundation with !w.? [ ' ? iu?'|i ??iid I'uOii'm whire required und l?rt?-k. run crete. cernent. niorter ami oiher ne?'e>>arr limt'tUN ' f ir cat- h tie^ln.i *?: r^t- r wat*r Uilets. eulverti and un der dra.ri". nece^sai ? to maV* a ^ati^faetorv Jo|< of j 1 >*ree' panne, ami *11 Mi"*n m d*la?l ::i *he p!an?. * v|.is-ifi.-anon? e^timatf-i ttni prof.!w now on file !n ; :!,?? offic* nf the R?."?r?ler Se'-t ion M Tlie Major ahal! N*u* t pri?elainarlori j ?c,it:nc tliii ordinaio** and .appointing v "'a1" ??* .ihliii en oleitnui rhall he held I'* ?he qiialiftm! ; ??r-r> of ?ald Town decide whether 'hev will ! rat It r , r reject this urdlnance. Said ptv-Jatnatloii ? rhall s?e?-* f* ?h#k agcre<ate amruM of !t:d-blfdti*.'t } 1 -Hue?| am! Mu:hou/ed.:--*?f said Town eviCliu* at the ?Ute "f >?i*l pria'tamatlon. S-td priM-Umatimi vhall* I l-e puhlol-o il a? Ira.*t once t w**,. f ,.r four cosisecurite weel a ";:i ii.- Wh^rlltit I rtt* 1 1:. 'enrer. a new-rale*'; ' j Uhi^ti-l in lie 1 'i?v of Wheeling Ohio Count*. West | \ trginla. and "f ^onetal o:r?*ula:l?'ti 111 The T mo *f j OlCtV'fd. pievioit* to tie #!a? ..f sutd eKt!on. ami* 1 -.i d pro?*!*ti?at{on I?^ p?ist*'il for a like i-^hod a? t':e e*trratice 'for of ? !?e Town I In ! I if The Town of I l>U*ood. ni.irt ?***untv. Weit \irs nla. and in a! [ ?a>l ten of th? mo>! puMlo p;?ce^ .;i saol Town. | Th? -aid election ??hall he he!d ?ml conduoteit in J !i;? >ame tnaun*r a- a!! i-tiier rnt:mci; al ele.?yk.?r:a of f -aid T"*n ar-- he*?|. and lh* >an.e hIkII l?e Mlhjer! ?. j : e?|Oll regulatlonp to vot'r? plaoe.4. etc . JI-. t?if ' Mi?r.r ma* hereafter pr?H?laitu and all per?'?n? J i oualif!*d ?o to:? a* such elections of Town, -and j 1.0 I'tief, shall vr.te at Mich election . * I Tli* jerkin inttng fof the rattflcai'.on of ?hl? ordl- j nauc* .-hat! have wrl!*en or pn*' "e I -.n Im'lot fh- t , v.ord- "for Rai.f oation" and the ; era'm totitii; *fc*?:n t tf.e rat.ficati>n of this ordinance shall btve nt.iti-n I ?-r pr.iiteil in hi* ballot the wurd. Rrj.?.-ttoi;" a:n! % tie re?ulf i?f "-aid eleriion shall !?? asc?rt aln*d a?id j | tyr'if'^l in :U>' *ati;e ;.?? ie*ult .f ti.? J V -n#'ral mtinlc!pa! el*?-tlom of sa?d Town i> n? vw J a?M-ertame.| arid ? -rMf>d >V*-tlon IV TTtis ordlnanre ihill n^r be nr !e r\+ i iar?-| ratified by ?aid t'otincll. or he in effect, to.r I ?i.aII the Uiiuh her-m pro??dei1 f,-.r he au1hnrtr*d of \ Ssued unje^. at tli?? ?le?-t:on herein pt ?vldrd ' r l three f.#s < 1". '?? of all * n?: f"r i?nd ? ? - -ame !.?i: U-t: mi r-.r r.j* aio n" ami ; f.r s- d N-IkS ? VOW TMKPJ.nftr: TT? A I.I< WHOM TIITSK I'RKS 1 n is may i'hme. t;ni:FrriNi; Ki: >? th^:. In- puratiam.'* of the dti'r ltri!? ?*d u:e?n me 1.- tbe ordinance ?'?-r-sa'.d I. 1 M ? "r*8? . we!!. I.f The Town of logwood, do pr -claim ; *.n Saturdav. the 7th d?* of Inly 1 1? ! 7. \ ?? r.*e<" ?r.e iwoir* of sunri&e ami sunvt of i!ia! da* ' a" %(<eciai ect Ion will l?- held t!ie ?;a?a.*e of .1 M /Ritfer. ? :? lleiskrll Street ?ro| at :1m KiK*w ?? d Towr Hall, c-.-mr >>t National Riad ami r.ilcitistnti l.ane i in said T"xm under tie direction and Mipervi*sion of ???ir|i officers a* ? 'nunc 1 1 ma* herea?;,%r designate- f.?r !htf purr^i-e. hr the I^ualifletl roters ?<f 5*11! Town, to . declil- whether tlie* will rallf* or reie, ; ss !?l i t.l. - I nance The halii*t.i u*ed a^ .said election n tl ha?c ' printed th*?r*?n a brief statement if the pup-<e ..f ! aaid Herii..ti and le!"* *tich >!atewoiit, in s?p4ra(e , I n*v Hit w rdv K ?r R.irifh-atlnn" and "I' r !>j*. ! tion." Tlie i..|er will etprm h.? en'nee hr marking, ;i.e lull ?? in the ij**jal wa*. At the ?late of thlt priM-lamition the raltt&tinn of a!? a*s#?<sah:? ami ttxahle proper:* In -aid Town. ! h th real ami rersofml. <howti hr :'ie la?r i9?e*o?- i trout thereof in I9lf5. for state and county tale* pre- I , \o?vis : . ib:^ da?e Is J!.^"'?.?5I n'or on which v^lnal.on 1 the -aid Town 1* auth- ri/ ??l- hy law to incur n:. aKgrecate amount of^ i\T under , tie pMv.^'ons * ?f the Act-* of the Legislature of We,* \ Irrin.a (-r. 100?. T!?? arsr??ja*e amount of Ijidehtrdne;* f ?a.?f T issued and authorli?d at ihe'dat- ?.f :h.s pri*r)aniat!on in 00. rotinlfUiIlg of oiitAtajidit'it: Kind* to Hi? j amount of .?J?.OO0.0f> The amount wh'ch ti - -Town U authort/ed fo is?me hi addition in the deht^ imwr outstanding it SftS.CC-l CO. j IN* TKSTIMHNY V/HVRKOF. I. J* M 1 ri-w?il .Mayor of The Town of l!d; P.ave can-ed Hi: prorlamation ?? he mtd^ and i??u??l and J.#*e hero iiafu aef my hand ami ranged th? corp*>ratii n seal ? ? The Town of Ktlgwr.?.d Jo ?>e affiieil and duly attest*-'! hr r;* rue K. rarer. bauer. Recorder, tht* 1 4 lh ifaT of June. I'ljr. Sen! ' Town of l.'dffwood. . C M 1 RISWKI.I. A*|esj ; ; Mayor. j k carrvhatfr. ^iH-ordrr. JOHN P A RltENZ. Solicitor fur th? T ?n ...? r..l;nn.>'! ANNUAL REUNION OF S. J. ACADEMY TODAY Tonight in the academy, tin- nnmn! reunion of tin; Krailuities of St. aciidpniy will be Mi?lil in honor oi' th ineinhors of iiir l'.?17 rlnfs which \\;is tiaiJuated Inst It > ?snlny .vciiiiiK Mr>. J. .1. i'kitoII. president <-r '(!.? iiluinni. will preside tit lh" liusiness sessi'.-i. which will he featured h\ t Is.- ? 1 ? ? ? ? t . ? ? i ? or offlcer.H for the next two V'-ars. ,\t the close of the evenina. dels, i mj.s i. - freshrnents will bo serveil. Th-e benediction of '.lie bifs.-'-d s:n-!:i nieni will b<- {riven In the ? ? Ii;l; ?? -i ?t -St. Joseph's convent. pr<-redin>; ' o- ? n ln?' myelins. This moruinK. Ih.? *i ris? n:. I mass for the nssoclai ion will I lereil .if ih*.> fathedrnl. with 'h?> Wrv I'.iv '1 II. M?ye. V. 'I. sis .-.-1 -lii-Mii: l-'very member is ur?>-.i i.> ii" pp- ? ni't only at the business ? .--i .'/Vt, ? ( uls-o nt :h" devotional services*. | There wns a staco of thirtcon fr-ct 'and six inches In the ol:it> livr yiv I lerilay." Tin? river coniinii?.> in rc icdf rapidly. ! Thn stoam??r lliith iirriv'd ";h ill. 'local port at 7 o'clock lasi evenint: on I I ho way lo l*ittsbu rs;l?. I' is sclicii I iiieii to tin up a? Ill" local dock to ; morrow ni^ht from tin- Smuky t'ity on it's regular run i<> ('harlc.-nui. j The Milton arrived at th" wharf from j Matamoras and this morniti!; will r< j i urn t o that port. Tin- Lilvrty do i (lartcd ycsicnlay foi Marietta and H j <Luo to return tonicht. | HAMS ISI.ANI i l?.\ .M S.: feet, ifalllncr. rain. ' STKl'nKNVIU.K !"? f'-:. fallinc: ra i n . PARK 1?HSRlTRn ? hi fool, fall ins clear. i MORC.ANTOW fo..;. faliins: clear. t >1 1,- i'ITV - I T foci, falling;- rain WARR KN ? 4 feet. fair. LEGAL NOTICES . t.-r !? ' ? >1 i I t.llllll-.ll 'if I. ? Tt'All I.f l.>U?<-.a. ItM.I t.:i il. ?? ?.h il.iv >.f June. IfilT. a: tin tun* j.ij.-n ui.'M'.r I.r i - in. il. ,!.:.* mid i. solution More *J..| ;r,l. iliirn-fifilts ' ti.i* Uliolft nuuiln-r cl'.ifd IhcUI.i i -.tlim! Illlg I'.' j i .if kit. I no U II! "i.A.S il IV ilrr.'.m! ?xnliflll III' I lie I'l'tillluli I'.rum.i i.r in* t mil i.f .1 i. .i>n Liiviu,: ? lb. i) ii Ildf i-oimiat .tin if out in.* tin uaamt 1 ,-im.hv (.> jt iuli< f .r tiir gulling, l-aiiiig. curbing niai adJttmisig ' i i:.T.VI>* Im;. "living i.f intulti ..I t?fU, Alt'llllCI u la) lrt!l*S In mi 111 ten li ii? Uer^liiaftir s i ti.:. i.i Ia) UhI f .r i:"i whole nr In l-ait lijr n;*ecial I Ili.Klil'UltK. r.i; IT l;i:SOI.\i:li lir llin I'liininini I-. -I.ncil u( I he T..*n if KdiiWm-il. thinr f.ftlia i.f llie nlto> liitmbi'r ? Iri t.-d Hi. rein coiKturiliig b* an *ve! no nut, *iid Mill Council l,v Hi* adoption of the?c : ? si>l i j 1 1 . im. In" l!.e vul? aforesaid. dntli lii'.'rltv ill* *l?i? Uial 1! n un-rshiry to smtioi*. by gradnm. leav ing mul i'M> Inns. In wlnilff or In i-art. Hi# following aiifil i. ill. lie i-' rer: I. uremics and lanes in l-o Town i.f lidgwiibd. I liit i.? tn Kjy: .Nuttli 1'ark Sirei-I th* I ..*? -'?>l? < f l'01>lar Siren u U.e Weal *ido i.f Kilgwood ti'.ren. S..-.III1 I'irli Street Iri.ut lo* l-.?t?i -'ill* if I'ot-lar Stieet In Ilia Weal aid# i.f L.dgwoud Sirrrt, Ilaultoir.i Aientie ( fin t.'.u ciir;ii'l ULI.III line t.) lleiski-il Street. i'otiiur Street frum i:dgtngto!i I. an* to Kim Street. K'.ni Mri*?t frum llie l int mile of Poplar Street to tli* U.*st mile if >.M;mii.i] Sti.Tl. ;i-.ii in* j^t not a I inline of l!:a liniiruvuieiits lo lie l.;.:it* II. >'ll M *1 *! I ?-r: .... uli-liUl'S ailtl lalll*s I.L.4II l?* ..j'tin; utiil in 1 J.. 1. with either dri??cil ur we ? l**Mii'il alum* .mli i.r uiin nub, and I -arms >.un* Willi 1 .villi;, buck nr block, fnriimu i.l.:s ..r liiiir.-iooa ?itn uiluuiliii.ui binder, nr Ijiiu w*v .?.ilmn l?!il li inn c.iljet i;oiicret? or giatel loiimUlioii with a two liirh sxnd cu.?h!n*. w lien irmiiinl. k? nt luilli 111 inj rl.iift, ki^i-ificatiiins. c*tni.ati'9 mid t-r n - flii? of Hi* jiini.uM-tl liniiro>euirnl<i, kl.tiivin2 ifce |.i? I ...'il tud* i f 11. e sticrl mid iiutn.ivniinit. ufier I'uui ;d?'I..'ii. irfeien.;# tn llift S'loteriy bliUll'iin II, ei^ 1.11, iiuff 1. 11 hi* tu Ihe i.f tlie Recorder of Hie Tuwn i f i:d|w?>d: ihil the trad* of Haul blreets, *ve lines 1 mirs m:d tlx and ?Irfkllnn of the <-url.s, .when ennl ini|iriiii*iuent!i &t? completed with reference ti? Hie alriltn.k I wi V, kliall be khuwn by Hie ? i-liii*. neclflcaliunn. {stiinmc? *o ? II i.ii le:; ni..l t!iC .laiti |.i*iu. k|,rcifif.lniii!i. esti niiilfj and rrntiles fur ibe n*ld liurrotements. now r.n f.le 111 the i.-l lice i f i >?ni! K. Carrtih.uer. Reiorder if llie Ti.nn i.f Kilt*i?il. a? iif.iieMild. be Hid llie s?mu ki# lieieby .;.Hn??il; lli.t 111* of l.i?iti? i.i* i-nsl i.f la* work iMiili'iii|iUleil. in k.ui i-lunv and M-ei'ifirtilitih* now mi file, u afmeyald, as well us all ne> Thinly I' and eii-eii.e! cunnected therewith, eii*;lli)? llineirmii. however, the cost fur |.aii?g I.f M|U>ie> a: in!ei.M?ction? nf klieets wlikb *h?il In all fm-'s Le Itorn anil i-aid by 11.* Tow? i f KiU n ).)d. klikll be by llie mine and >.!'? nf bomb i.f II.* '1'iisn of IMgwniid. In li* km.?u and d*?l|nateil an Spei ial lk>e??wenl llntidt. Sei.ed I!. Ih* ka.d- bunds ?o tn 1.* Iksiied lo inter the cost uf lb* lininureiuenU af..res*;rt. to at;te?.ie at tha par ur face ralue tbetenf Twent.v-fotir Thoiisand l?nllai. (S^l.OOO.fcU) In all and to I.* Issued and ?idd In anticlpallon nf th* Icry of Sl<*ctal av.e>stii*ut t.? b* inad* U.'IOU all of 111* prop eity .tiiiltiui uiioll lbs ureetJ. avenues and Unes eu linpiovrd. j iii'ii t of th* coat of auck liuiiriivr irent to be mail* by all owneia on el'.ker bid* ..f attil li.rtioll of tli* streets slid avenues an rmd. tti iikIi |irntu.rtii.n of lb* total cost of lb? iinnovenieut of each street, avenue or J.i.e as th* irontag* lu fret nf c.'k own?r'? land a., abutting bears lo Ih* to!. I frnui ag* of .11 iaiiil an abutting on aucli klteel. avenue or Ian* t-r ;mrtlon tlirreof rateii nr linlirotrd. as .ifi.resaid.' a< l.s l<ro?ided lu ?.'lia|ler t nf 1U* Acts of III* Writ \ I! .in 1. I.eglklatur* fur 111* scar ISUS and siub .s-f --.nifiit kliall l>* i.yable be the owners of the al.iittlng |ir.i|*rt? in not more lit. a leu Ui)| an nual ryuil installnient*. as provided lu "it! charter > of Afts of l?ul. and that lb* cost of liiiiuot mac tlve kHiiares a! Intersevtluiis uf street* iliall It* bald I it l! * Town by lb* Itau* aad tal* of t.'i* Uuiid.1 nf tli* said Tutvn uf Ktlgvtunil tur in* turimae. us pru vuleii by said fkapler ft of tli* Ids t?f th* siiitiirn i'lnS. in* bonds lu l)? known and dcsigiiaK d .is Sti.-el linjimveinant llonds Seiles 11. th* said bonds ... t.i b* lasurd to cover th* cust of th* loipr'itemeni of il ** s.(.iar?s at intersections of *tr"ets. as aforos.til tu ag;r?;a!* I'.iir Thousmiil Dollars iSl OflO.OOl In .ill; that me proceeds reali7?d front th* sale if the foiegi'ing "S|-e.-ial assessment llonds. .series 1'.." as viell ?.s, tb* "Street Improyeinent l!t*nils. S*n?s II" Miall In; arriled t<> Hi* paynieut of th* cost and ex ? snses if th* aHsessmrnt. tii* etpens* of a inelitnt uaiy and other surreys and lb* printing ami inblish in; if all n -' .-es rcguiied to lie published and tin* seriini of no! urs o? tb* |-rop*rty owners and as wp!l the cist if cnsirui'tlun if i.1i* liii;ui'i'*;nents in be con "in 'teil and* particularly mentioned and svt cut. and nut u:kr.-wi?*. 11I1V.N OK KDOWOOIV. Uy i;. 11. CK1SWEI,!.. May-r. I. Cleu. r. ('ar*:ihaiier. Kivord.r of llie Town rf Kdjwood. do certify that tb* foregoing !s a Irtu and coi reel copy of .i preamldt and resoiiitioti adopted ivy th* l umiion I'oiin-il of lb* Town of lCdgwood at a tegular meeting rf said Council held on June 4. If'lT. And I furilier rerlify thai three -fifths of Hie who!* iiiiiitber of meralters elected In said DoUdciI conrutied !n the adoption of said p.-eamb'.* and te.s.,lut.on by an aye and tio Tola. <:i:n. K. c.MiE.vnAi'KR. r.ifo:,ler rf tli* Tows of F.dgwuid. JOIIN 1'. ARUKNi'.. Solicitor for ti.* Town rf JCdgwood. Shows Its Patriotism ("HM'AiKJ. .1 ii n '* M? -TUf Wisioni I 'iiliiii Tcii-ui ?p!i innip-iiiy .iiuioimct'ii loiiiiv a spiciiii 1 ?*lt*jsr;ipii i-:sl?l?* ralo that will * -Hit 1)1** tli<- inns! mhkI-si |iock "thimk- in prompt frum thosi* ;it i In- I'ltiiii in Kurop>\ Stililiivrs. s'lijfirs nr.niirsi*^ wit ii tiio fxpoilititinfiry fi?p'>*,? may i iiii or r? rf?iv* mi Sat tin ia. i's and Sundays inter t^lfurams a rate.- I??ss than i>ne-i|iuir l or t!i*: munitial fhatjie. T(h tmriiial rat-4 nil a I'J-word ralilcuram 1n?in Chiiaiti in I'aris is I; will In* liatttllfMl in or 1'rotn a nn-tiilitT of- tip 0.vpfditionary foree for M rfttts. Tin* inessac'-s inns- 1 lie oi a social ami not ;i Imsities.- nariiro. ANOTHER $25,000,000 LOANED TO ENGLAND WAS 1 1 1 N? l'l'< i\. .lime II \n addi tional .?^."i.i"?if,ni?ii was iuaiiiil 1 1 \ the govern n lent in iltiat ,l!ni;i;:i inday. lirinuiiiK 'h<* .oial Itritish loan tip in $r,iio.niiii.i im. a nil I'le tot a I tnr all tin* allies up in I i.nnii.iiiiii. SAINT ANDREW'S CHOIR IN CHARGE OF SERVICES; At Uni?r. Mission I>ast Ntclit ? Macli GotJcl Is Being' Accomplishe'T. 'ih - I'lii'O* ainl HitiJe *lii? ..l i|n* Si Amliv?- !' !?' i hiin-li ? i ? :i 1 1 ? ii* l ? .1 tli** m-i-vii'*-s .' ?!:?? I *iii *i Mi -i n i I i.litiit ] An ti.. i*i run; [?mm on was l*i\*-d At ihi-m ii" I iii-r< .i ? ?? rum .-imhi:!? . ?* ) i - 1 ! k* <1 iii* (? i't* mi-? ii* ti. M.* ?i. wile' tun *? >*?-?? 1 1 linfitf .ti.'il* i : . t!ii- |. ist, a'i* Ki-ttiiiK ii* ? -: .i r? im !:!'? S'vint whit tuiv* .;i :? i 1 - ? I '*l|* 1 1 tli'?.Mi?? 7* 1 1 ill liui.iu III* i *:i .-* V**l tl I W.l-li*-. IM! ft l \ ? 1 1 ? ? s 1 1 1 ? J ? ? in* in :t:ul in I Ii*- itiaj*'i it..- ' i|" llisliltir* .- : i ! ? I * ,nl It) :* a t**.**-.l. ? i* ill lit.*. PATRIOTIC ACTION XKW II W'l .N. ' ui ii . .lime I I The -? ?? i?r?'!i??* hoard of dirccinr nf the, K lllulll II!' I Illllliilm ill' llOlllifeil In ? lay ? !s ap[iriipr:at ion of S 1 .iui?i.??in? lis tiii* urd'T fin- 'In e? i a lilj.-- !i men t and! iii;tinii*n:iin-e aui! leci-eai inn i < niei> ,* i ali tli*' principal :irm> eonci nation '?amp- This aetinn. ii is stai'i!, is tin* n?suli ei' a ?.???iuM'til appeal from iiiei>d?'-rs i hro'iuhmit th** emmtry nr" in i: :!i;'i tin1 wnrk inaii-rttrat'Ml alcnu ill*- M* \n an ! u *i d ? r last year In* iiv|it i ;i iii -i I and 'iilar^ed to meet present I'ondit ion<. Th?' centres will In* open t'i a < I rerai'll' ? s of rfi d nr mi mlx-rship in t he nnler. mh' bzoomtjt.zv ill. Well Known Sati'tl Kill Farmer is In a Critical Condltiou. I,, iitu ?] \V*l!::nii i :i. **111111 1.1. I. r ? ? v. ii iitiiiK'i-! II li. >v-i . . ,..., :* *1 * i i ! ir-'t I I * ' : if.'IC VT 1 1 1 1; ,.|w laiis Tuel ?:i-.<Mi tip "I" |.i-? ij. >n :? tu i* llf'i trill". !i.ti:r- .ml Ills ri l-il i v* ? have la. . |1 ? 3 *-. I l.* In. M,|. I). h;i- I Il III s. v. nt: -v. i u Mr 111. inn 1 1 ?' I * I c- f tie ' a! In-r e; Harry V. I :l...ti:ili*l*l. I ei ii:* r I"<;. i n-'W n|.;ij.* r- ; ti*:?!,i. 1.ANCASTTR CHAFEL ENTEKTAINMEKT. ' A Si'.-ll! Will I" I'M II the l.flll.MSl.M* ? i'! ti!> l'. Ji' I 1'iaiul. Suta r.ta y I .?ven'linr r |ir*>?t.-mi w il l**? ^:v* si iitel r* ! ri*stiin**at'i s. rv. ?! Til.* i*u til i" Ih , :n \ i t i'?l . ?t il.- * '. I ?-.*!?? > K?1 T.I sloop Just ulxtllt 111 Hsu.* ili-ir ii"lshhors in th.> ewl a ia; wil;:iiu* up. wlillo i hi- Inars ilurin^ M..* winter tu. -ii s li ?< apparently sioc-p all i In y anrl nlpht, loo. I ; w ash in<: ton. .inn- i j ,.(| I.,t?ir was called ii|u*ii torntalh b> t in- \ merican IVdeiaii.m "" |-??,or d;i v 10 pel h'hind Hi- campaign . r?n i I'liiiciinoni of ill- adtninisiranon uio.l I, ?srislailr.ii l'v July 1. All unions we ?urged in a l-U'-r ?? l'r-:-i .' in pers in pi.-ss ihi-it congressmen ,o1 . prompt :ii*t ion . Mr. ? .??m s?n< ?? \|ti i .lul\ 1 i in- new crops * 1 11 In mtoing in iln' markets. food sp"<' ula tors ivill have cornered crops ? prices will forced up and l"'? I ? ! ? ? will feel actual whim. i "Since i lie war wag"S have n"1 ke|? j pure with the iner>asin.-. cost of l'v ins. They ha ve remained pra'tnal-v 1 stai ituian whii?? prices nay more than doubled Tin- .-n!; practical wa> .id increase til- s|n-ti'iiit" income-: 1,1 "all is lo decrease 1 1 1 ?* cost * ? t livin,?. A Grave Danger. "A grave danger ?n ! ri ?ti i ?! the American p ? ? ? ? | > I ? ? ; ihe danger ??! bull ae r. vhich unless our yo.\ ??nmn-iH lakes inunediaie ami ? ? i" ? ? ? < ' i n ? i"n (Hi prevent "ill portent ui'-a'.'-r injury Ilia n i In' t li r?*a? "fa foreign t"?* "Alinortiial itn! i ! ions evtsi. the ,,r ' iiinary <>iir-i'l; - of compeiinon tliiv" . disappeared. ' Komi speculators gambling '"ii il<<* peoples ii 1 1 irs. ] \W must dc\ ise n? w machinery io inn-i t iri im minus vita! need*. We wi ? ? ha vi* in esiablish ???-oncmii<- agencies ' tit runt rnl food" S" iliai the i mav be insured lis i t i-n ??? ? ' "This is ti problem that has a strong 'appeal i" tl>f whole nation. Leg,isla lion cannot be accomplished wuhoiu per-i-tenl . inl i ??! !i ui-n ? 1> direr ted furls of all. , ?:'|'hi> proposed ii'pi'lai ion does not sri lip a f? mi I diciator.-hip. li n<" ; purpose to ration lit'' people. mil <i ? 'letnpls lo jirt'J ????! lilt1 people : speculation ! y ra'ionnl. piio-nrai means. How to Help. ?''In order io si't'ii ri * li"* f 1 1 1 1 i bene ft is mini ilw l^v-r hill it nmsi lit; mailt' law before .lulv I. Kvery workei . who wishes to lower prices of I if" necessities of life ran he helpful in iseclll itlg the immediate cnactm"!!! Of (he I .ever hill. The fol.lowtng SIIX-, pest ions are mail" to those who wish i>" belp: . . | ,ei . very iraii" union, every ci n_ Itral borly, everv siate icderaliim of labor, i very internal ionial organizai ion ; lake 'official action upon ibis matter niul eoiiimilllieiite thai lo your lvspec-, live congressmen in lb" Uoitsr of ier> reseniai ives. your set uiors : 1 1 1 < 1 to ihe president of l lie I'niS-il Stales. _ "hi :? lit I i i inn to ihis lorinai oiiieial. aetion. lei. every rntiiviilii;;! iiiemhn of I he organized labor iimveiii' ir wnie n personal loiter "i si'iu' .'onie eotn inunieaiion io his o;- ln-r repri'seiita-. live a ni! senator. Ask your tiii'tidSj io take similar aeiikm. Need of Action. . | "The Tieeii "! ilii III" '?tlilite. "ff.ChOj taction ii d'.tnoubUa.t?tl by ib" fact t i |<at i he world's crstln crnp is y?non<iy below normal The wheal crop in Tfli? : country is even .-mailer than mat oi | I a- 1 veai and we are ronfronied wilh, i !i'e ei^aniir task "f fc-ilins our allies, and niatiiainiim our own army and. civilian populai ion. i ? "The war cannot lie fought by hun-i I prv men. The work n'cssary 10 ' maintain ill* conliuuity .if this na-| lion en n not he don-- by siarvitm |?*???- j (tie. Kiiod administ ration is rffeetive. as is dfiuonsirated by the fact 'bail bread is < heaper in Helgitiin. Kranoe 'and Halv than t' is5 in this country, and ibis even when we ship the pratn io Belgium from which their lower j priced bread is made. I Don't Delay. ??You an- urged it, an immediately i ?? i niake known your tved and your desires io those who arc charged with j l lb" responsibility' of creating agen jrirs by which siifficieni food will ne ; assured in 'bis nation and io those 't'iVlnin ; i.l i e world's , war for human | i frt ediim. ' "I'r' .-s bii:if upon ail ihe nt ces.-l- , j i\ thai th" l.i V"! bill sb-'uld be on ihe| s-taiute books before .luly I i The new adinlnisi ral ion bill to pro- 1 hlbit o?e of foodstul s in maiinfactnr iiiu intoxi'-alinu bevera?"S during me] war and au'borizing !b" pr.-sideni ;?> . commandeer distilled sniriis lor ^ pnrpo.-t s. was introtiuceii i >day in incj senate. , . 'I'll.- food control bill was attacked! i in i lie ^naie today by Sen.iitir Kee?l. > who declared that ii would confer ar-j bitrary and despotic power on Mr. I I onver, disturb hu?incss. and hamper: ?? uimierce. The bill will be taken up . again in i be house Monday LIBERTY LOAN ' ! i (Crntinued trom Fimt Pa^e.) |.; V. bell in N"W York was a Wib-j ?>rt\ piaru " II ai noon Mayor llolpn I San Francisco, by nllicial procla maiiiih had all ihe lulls in 'be city filled at tv.ton !"a.stern time. ? In i hundreds of <ii."S. towns, villages and hamlets, ihe cboru- of the bells | M>i:nd"d I'toni chinches and public! buildings j ( *io\ "! iitu'.' of most of the reserve | bank-- '.?|egraph*d ihe treasury today report in j; encouraging progress durin.e j ihe last iwetiiy-i-Hir hours and a i u bit I wind campaign plann-d for tin* "losing day Weit Virginia. $15,000,000. i ! Alii .KSTi 'N. \\". V ji . June 14 j West Virginia w ill before noon J row. in ??!? sub'-cb ihe her allo'nieni ot i tit" Liberty loan bond sale. I bnt is | ihe tlei la rat ion ol Secn-tary Waller j i '. Hardy, of the bond committee. ; W'e^i Virginia Hankers Association, j u iio was advised from b'ichmonrr. ?bo . contf r of the f.-deral rr -er\ ?? c!i?i rtci | in which praciicully all of \\ est \1!'- j ginia is locaied. thai th" West N i' | git.ia subscript ions up ' ?av I n i> 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ?? I O ? I l.r?i.i!'?.?'Mii? The aJlot ?11, -ni of West Virginia was Si:..; j ...... and it is prariieaily certain that j ihe final driv. beim: made in ",f>j roi'T ie? i f ill" st:ii" diirini' the last . I. w d.-.v - will brine 'h" io'.i! up to , t!ie ?? 1.".. hi."'. 'inn. mark. ; L.bcrtv Bell Rings. I'll II \ MKI.I'I II A. June 1 -1 A fain! ? peat ft* in ib" l.ilvrty bell in Inde-! nendmee hall r. verbiiraied .with iho< ?V.| of ihe leb-graph from the Allan- ? lie lo ihe Pacific coasl loday when! Mavor Smith si ruck Atneriea's mopt ; ie'. ejed r'eMf w it b a golden hammer ? to call lasi minute subscribers io the I s. rvice of ih" nation. This eleventh hour appeal to lardy . Vim. rie.ans is exp. eled to b" the sig- ; nal for an avalanche of laie siibscnp- j tions which will over subscribe the, ?Mvernmeni's "ntire war loan of J-.- j III., The Philadelphia, di.- t ; rir't , according to the Liberty loan , ?ommitieo was todav but a com pa rat-! ivel\ small sum b-liind its allotment j of siTiO. niio. "i"1 Good for Bluefield. lU.l KI'IKI.n. W. Va.. June u - I M. rcer Mcliowell and W'voming I ?oiini i"s claim they ar- the banner; ronni i"s or the state, from p?ircen- ;? tag" on subscription to the Libcriyj loan as banks in these counties have -ub-'rribed over P.' percent ol their, capital stock for Ihe loan, totalling i iv .f three million dollars. Billion for New York. \KW YOltK. June 11.? The New, Vork federal reserve district bad sub-j scribed for Sfir.o.OOO.nOfl -wnrth nt Lib- j ri v lean bonds ai the close of husl-. tonight. It was estimated hy ihe. I Liberty loan conimitiee. Lonudencel wa- iliai when the books : dose tomorrow the total will lip well , beyond the mark. An army of tabulators roiled far into1 'ill'* 1 1 i jlt i i ' at "the hf-udquari ers of t h ??* ! .?ommitive making feverish efforts 'o' ?ompilo ill" staggering lutal of sub ( scriptionp . j I : |>oci one Ions labie was heaped ; li e j letters from ihe hundreds of '.tanks : throughout. the district. Prom these .envelopes the checks were distributed j according to for clu-ek ? ' ntr, '"checking and bark checking. Then i, icy wont to i ho adding ma .iiines and there was another series of . \ ? t i li i ? >i? - . ! As tlif day ' wore on I was a 1 lengthening li:"- of envoys from cities ; it ltd towns delivering their allotment*. ? Mi-ttib* rs "J ? ii>- committee and ofl'i '<ers of tiic reserve b; cik paused occa sionally ovi i ho long ribbons of paper lolling from ' he adding machines and : announced Hi. total steadily mounting 'Inward ihe billion mark. These an nouncements \\".? greeted with cheers. In N tw Enyl.iod. , HOSTuN, .ii::ie M. .sew EnglanO. apparently lagging 111 its contribut ion tot he Liberty loan up to today, gath ered strength at the eleventh hour arm virtually assured subsc-ri ption in ?-.\ ? ess of $2-l0.o00,000. the minimum al lotment of this section. With the tab Milaiors still at work on the figures hilt; 'today li was estimated by the federal reserve hank officials that the sub ; script ions reported up to this evening amounted id I ",i;oo,*Xmi. ' . $10,000,000 in Oregon. 1'iiliTI.A.VI), Ore., June il. ? Oregon has oversubscribed , iier quota of the Liberty Loan bond issue' by $l,5t'U,000. tlf total subscriptions ihroughoui the i. Slate having passed the $lU,000.U0O jmari. today. according to ihe com Imittei- in charge of the bond selling campaign. The Stale's quota was $Sf "/'Ml. H(lO Chicago Does Well. I Cfllt'AtiO. -f urif H.? At 1 p. m. to ,day new Liberty Loan subscriptions in "Chicago to. the extent of $28,000,000 ? hail been announced. Long line.-! of people were at bank windows await ing their turns, and the leaders of the ; campaign, who had feared that Chica go might not till its quota of $200,000, iinii. were .predicting that the loan 'would he oversubscribed by $15,000, . OIIO. Whirlwind Finish. [ WASIIINHTON. .lime 14. ? ' The Lib ? ????!)? loa.ii campaign entered the home ;Stretch today with every indication jtiiai ihe tremendous thirtieth-day j drive ihroughoui tie* nation would re ! suit in going well beyond the $2,000,- j I oou.oou goal. From coast to coasi the sturv that . I poured into the treasury all day was i !the same, a story of a whirlwind fin-' | ioix, 'i'e.le^raiim told of tolling bells j i and shrieking whistles across the con tinent. marking the last day of the] | campaign: of redoubled efforts by the] many agencies at work for the loan's i j success, of enthusiasm at its highest; pitch, of long waiting lines of sub- j scribers in thousands of batiks in, I every stale of the union. The last twenty four hours work ; [is going to show big in the final count according to these reports. Before noon tomorrow, officials hope, every ; man in the country who can sub scribe will have done so. At. the clos- . ;ng hour tonight there was no telling where the total might iead, no basis for forecasi ing the final figures. i It seenmd certain, however, that at ; ] least 2, ."?On. OOu persons will have sub- , | scribed before the books are closed: I at noon tomorrow. Measuring the I total by the number of Liberty loan [buttons which have gone out from headquarters, the number of subscrib i ers should exceed :!.0i)0,i)iR?. \> w York. Philadelphia. Roston. Cleveland. Chicago. St. Louis and: Kansas City are the big districts from which will come the great bulk of subscript ions. Late campaign figures, made public today by Secretary AJeAdoo. as of the close of business* last night, showed ? rii apparent shortage of ? 157,0<)rt.u0o. ihe total reported bdng $l,SJ.'l,Gn0,ni)tj. i These reports were received after noon at the treasury. They showed an increase of nearly $20^. <">00.000 in siil script ions over the previous day's report. Tile loan, according to reports re ceived hy treasury officials, is in every -ense a. popular one. Hy far the great-' esi issues which ihe bureau of engrav ing and printing will be called upon to turn out will he of the $iio and $100 ; bonds. | Many thousands of banks and trust i companies are yt to be heard from vviih thejr subscriptions tor themselves and i heir customers. This item alone, it is ihougnt. will swell the total hy [ many millions. As a rule the banks ' have been inclined to hold hack their: subscriptions until the last minute, or j report only a portion of them. The i amount subscribed today ? 51 .NLI.hoi.i, iioo ? represents actual subscriptions | in the federal reserve banks, accom-' panied by the required 2 per cent of ihe amount of subscriptions. Officials j believe that the reserve banks will be deluged tomorrow hy a Hood of lasi minute subscriptions which will keep: ihem busy for hours, in tabulating; t hem. j Indications are that there will be aj 'loud of subscript i(?is for the small j bunds tomorrow up to the closing j hour Throughout ihe country banks are. keeping open till late tonight to ac-j commodate ihe late-minuie investor ; The treasury department has granted , hanks permission, in extreme cases, io| telegraph ihe amount of their suh-i scriptions i<> their reserve banks, tele-! graphing ihe 2 per cent of the total at. ihe same lime, hut all subscriptions, to he lounted. must p-acii reserve banks noi later iliati noon." i The exact total of all subscription". j from every source may nfir be known | for sometime after the closing of the books, because of the tremendous amount of clerical work involved in | assembling returns and making tab-! illations. \? w York estimates , n : will lie able to report its total not ; later than s o'clock tomorrow r.i^tu.j In the case of other reserve banks j the delay may 1j egreaier. | Butte Goes Strong. - ni'TTK. Mont., June H. Compila-; lion of figures today showed that Ibitte had subscribed S7.9'JS.20ii tori Liberty bonds. The state's allotment j of the. bonds is bin ?0,7'i0,Oi"l. Ad.'ll-, t ?nal subscripiions are yet to be re- ! ported. In Oklahoma. OKLAHOMA CITY. Okla.. .lur.e M ' Oklahoma City's quota of $2.t"0.0on of the Liberty loan was over-subscnb- ' ed by $!) OO.oOO at noon today when ; subscriptions passed the three million: mark. Detroit. $40,000,000. ni'TUOlT. Mich.. June H.? Sub scriptions the Liberty loan in !?'-] t roil have passed the ?j?i.?u.h>.ihhi mark j and ii officially was?' estimated today that the total amount would probably he ?4r,.0"0.000. Detroit's allotment was 000, OOu. S2. 000.000 for Charleston. CHAKLKSTOX. W. Ya.. June M ? | Charleston's subscription to the Lib- j erty loan had passed the two million mark at noon loday. an amount above ihe sum apportioned hy the govern ment. it. was announced by the city's bankers. About four thousand sub FLAG RAISING ON , THE SOUTH Sit EMTIOYES or WMELniO n.Z9. TBIC CO. rn PATRIOTIC DEMOJTSTSATION. i Banner Is Baisecl on Crane a Hnndrtd Feet Above tlie Ground? Othtr ?? Sonth Side News. Pome time asro the employes of tKe U"hi?<*linsr Electrical company placed Ja rlntr j.? ?1 o o:i the top of a craflfe w.'iii it staml.s J mi [o.ji ubovt: the ?rouria. A !'? w i|n ys later the company prtjb .-.-nt ???! 1 1 . <-? i m with ajhrautiful Xvl2 fojjt Mac. v.lilrh ili'-y raised yesterday aftar ii.mmi "ii the corner, of Forty-sccond an/1 U'ar?*r st re?t s. C Dunn;? the raisins all san>? "The Star .-'panKleil Manner." John M. Gardeii. superintendent. acted as chairman and delivered an ;tddr<? s lemins with pataj-* "t ism. William- Watt, foreman of tn* l'"H< r liepnrt im-iit. then ??lo'iuent ly sp<ijpr; l<i the efiiployi-s t!piit: line's duly to l$i . in try. 'America. " suns hy "all. fal low'-.!. Th's e\..ninu the employes wttl -v Place Inrs* > po* I i li 1 upon, the cratfe in such a po^ t'uat the tins can 6c seen a ti n II times. ?? vj Feast of Sacred Heart at St. Mary's.."/, This morning in cmue-ci ion with hiajii II '-- III. r.-nsl the Sacr?d Heart will . h.. M-1' lif.i :<??! a t 7 o'clock in St. Maryis church on U'oml^ street. Kiss Weber Entertained. ."1 i Last e vi.|i in ~;i i h< r hiini eon South K.iff street Miss MaZ'-l Weber pleasantly ejiterfaliie.i the iir mhers of the Betsy . Moss sewirip class. A Hirht luncheon ' ci.||.-iu<|..d 1 lie program. 't~ ? T Sontli Side Briefs. *; Miss IC Isie Pearson ? . f Water strejjt ?> \lsititig her grandmother. Mrs. Katlf 'I'in.. I'earson. of W'ellsburff. ' Mrs. .1. P.. I.oft us of Merrltt street s p. * 1 ? 1 Wcdic-sday and yesterday with ? li'-r rno'h'r, .Mrs. rarric Eni?lehafdt, iff ?. , Clendale. Miss Anna farter has returnftl , to her home fin Woods street aftet .spending month with her aunt. Mr*' Knth ''layton. of N'ew Meta moras. '?.? .lohti Schneider of Jacob street Is IH. Miss Sarah Rutter of Pittsburgh Is visit ins her sister. Mrs. C. Ii. liawkiae of Koff street. <? ' Mis< Iva 1 'lark of West View,' P?f, Is the guest of her cousin, Miss Elii* Mason, of Water street. : _ Miss Caroline Xubert of Jacob street, spent yesterday with his sister, Mm. ! NI . M. Martin, of Moundsville. i" | ' ?*. ; i : Missing Naval Officer's f Body Found; a Suicidl 1 h ; X l-:\v YORK, .Iun>5 14.? The body (ft [ ;t man found slios yesterday afterE noon on the esiate of George ' Perkins, at Rivcrdal?, X. Y., was idea- , ! rifled today as that of Lieutenant '? Hayinond Vinct-nt Hannon, 1". S. fL j He is believed to have committafe I suicide. According to the navy vaflfl.- . * , authoriiie.s Hannon was assigned j*> : a destroyer which left, here about. I .May 1st for Hritish waters. I whereabouts since then have not been known to'ihe navy yard officials. ^ . j The body was identified tfidav tgr Lieutenant Stob of the Xavy Yaad who said lie was a classmate fit Hannon's and knew hint well. Ubfli the body was fotind by two working on the Perkins estate a forty-five csft ibre navy service revolver was lyittt nearby, which bore the initials ( \". H." A bullet had passed throujpi the heart. labels and other mcaoi of identification had all been re moved from the? olothin.c. > According to naval authorities Lieutenant Hannon came from Buffjv lo. Although his ship is now abroad, It was said that he mipht have begfe jihsr-nt from her on furlough. Lir? tonant Hannon was 25 years old. IjT was appointed to Annapolis from N'V York in 19f?8. # f. 400 R. R, ENGINES DESTINED FOR FRANCE CHARLESTON". W. Va.. June 14.? While General .Manager Paul Stevens of the Chesapeake & Ohio railroad re fused to state to the public service commission at a hearing on discontin uance of trains why trains must ' be discontinued on railroads now, Gov ernor John J. Cornwell tcnight in an ? address at the Klks' (lag day celebra tion said four hundred light passen ger engines would be sent to Prance to transport American troops and tbnt the Xational Council of Defense had a.sked such surtailmcnt of service. The governor uracil people to hoip bear the burden of the inconvenience. Prominent- coal operators protested a sains 1 cancellation of traffic on sev eral branch lines,- saying it would drivve labor from the coal fields. British Destroy "Zep" Over the North Sea I.OXDOX. Jure 14. ? Zeppelin T.-43 ha> b.en destroyed over the. Xorth sea by naval forces. Chancellor Bonar Law announced today, In the house 01 commons. At Wheeling Park Will be Observed First Week of July ? Youngster* A'dmitted Free. The management of 'Wheeling park stated yrsierday that the first child ren's day of the season will be ob served some time during the first week of Jul v. There has been a num ber of fju' iions pouring into the park office concerning this event, and it promises tu be well attended. All children under the age of twelve years, when accompalned by ' their parents or adults, will be admitted to the park free, and will be given free rides on the amusements devices. It was also stated that about four o f these day will he held before the sea son closes. Agricultural Department Is Reducing Hog Cholera Dr. A. J. Holt. Who Is In the City,. Work Being A'ccom . plished by State. Dr. A. J. Holt, connected with the Stat" agricultural department, is one of the prominent visitors in the city for the Masonic reunion. In a short interview gran? "d ; an Intelligencer re porter last night. I>r. Holt stated that tit - entire Slate agricultural, depart ment has putting forth special ef forts for the past few months to re duee hog cholera in West Virgini-t. and that decided progress has been made. Records have been kept, showing that by a new Jiroeess of treatment, '?trier iijspectlonfcnd quarantining. tb<? numlur. of cases has been gVeatly re dticed. "A creat work is being accom plished along this line," Dr. Holt said. script Ions w?ro made, the average be in ir about $."00. Down in Panama. PAX A M V June 1-1. ? Panama oaBftl employes have subscribed $350,000 to the Libert v loan. The average sub script inn is per capita. For the most part the bonds are to be paid In payroll deductions.