Newspaper Page Text
The InteUlcf-ncpr w^il gladly publish church announcements, but to insure publica'ioti ami prop er classification, notiivs in: ended for publication in Saturday's issue should be received at The Intel ligencer office not later than Fri day at noon, and Thursday. If P0* , eible. It is respectfully asked that "the notices be made as brief as possible. I ; -8' ! pr*s*n: IVkfi't "t" i i * '??filNt? th* ii S'.K't.t 1 ~ KETEOBIST. | W?sley Methodist Kpiscopni church, j "Brery-bod y'a ?":urch. Jacob ?tT*?t; Philip V. I'-lt.Vir. minister. Sunday school nf "-si< u. m.. .fohn Hum phrey. superintendent : mornint; wor wisip and sermon at 10:45. subject. "When They Had Fray.-.! " Kpworth : I^Wtpue. 6:4"-> p. :n Kvwnc worship. 7:30. The seo.nd of a s? r'.es of "Mes sages from iImi? Hym".s." "All Hall the Power of Jesus ante." Official j board meeting Tuesday . eninsr. other ?ervices ns usual Friday. June ?will be Methodist I>ay ut the f'lty Park. All ko and en.loy the day at this pleas ant place. Hope M. K. church . M p. <*;rt?fln. minister. To the following services a cordial invitation :> extended: Sunday school at.!?.4e a tu Mr. Milton Venne raan. Jr.. superintendent. Morning wor ship at tl o'clock A' this service Ml?s ancy M. Lee. socImI worker of the l"iuo& Mission Of this city will b. give* us a talk ou the work to be present, on Tuesday ^Ladies' Aid society will and bazaar in l he church. First German- M. E church. Chaplin** street opposite Hiifh schcol ; f'ev. v'h&s .E. Servinghaus. pastor. Sunday school begins at x. in. Mornintc service! In German a? *?>. subject. ?\HunjclnK j Our Harps on the Willows." Kpworih | league ileVntiotia.K a- 7 : K> |>. m Kvcn lng worship at 7:4."-. m Kuslish. subject. ] "L/imiilr.e 1 ??'d Trustees will meet j Monday cvi-mn*. Wednesday evenitmi the usual prayer service at * :ftO Thur*- j day afternoon. Mio regular monthly; meeting of the Woman's Foreign Mis- j elonary Society at the church. Fourth Street ctmrch. First Methodise Kplscopal. I'hatdiae street south >)T Twelfth. < "iaretice Kueene Allen. 1> P.. pastor. Prot. Henry Harrmtiti. orsranlst | and choirmaster Sunday scr?o], l1 Ii" h. m.- Men's Uibio class. f?:46 a "m. j .Public worshtp. i". ir> tt. m. and ?:3<1 p. I rrf. In the niorr.inK toe pastor will' hap- < -lisc infant ehtluivn and recti ve men--: hers into tie. church. !u the evening The annual Children's Day service vtll be rendereii hy th- Sunday school. The program 's entitled. "The" Cnllesre Reil " A tableau. "The ati\ ity." will be shown. ? Mld-wei'k s- rvice. Wednesday. 7:4j p. Melh'/dis; Kptsc-pal hitrles Jones, minis ???>: .lia! !y invited to following services: ? ?!. Mr. S. A. i 'iirna : Morni'iij wor io tii- ??:>.stor. ?>: li. ?-\-oti..n;?!. Mr W". H 7 t". ? -v? nlng nor Pastor. I h. flev Joh. i Pre;, -iiinc Ohaphr.e s; church. Samu tsr. You :ir> v> r; participate ,n t?: 4">. Sunday s.-ho. han. superintended1 ship sad s. . tnou i K\iworrh l.eatsu- !? "Bowers. pre>id? nt ship and sermon t week day rvic- - Zane S:r--r M K cKar. H. Ho.vard. I' i'. p.'s'oi HI a. iii. Siitnlay si*h<?>! Kpwor:!-. le-atrt;.- ai:d P.ib! n>. Preachiii':. - p. m. LUTH2SA.V /lion l.t:ih?-r;ui t"l?ur<-li. r. i I ilair.-t strett. lie \ a. !.. lenz". ;a>toi ?Sec ond Scndav a !"???>? Trinity ? Sunday ?fcchool at :>:!.*? a. <*hief service at 1U:30 a. iii. This ?-??uKresatioii i:iVit?->i to takv }>:?.'? t in laying ot' the new Ktiylish ehurch at Warwoou at S n. m. i">-. II Hoys' Kricad..: uii Tii day eVMiiiii;. Musical and llt?-rar> < tevtainnieni under atisni- ? * of Ziot HiOtherho..d ..r Tliiirs.iay eveninf. TriiMty l.ati-r .'street. Wii-? luifT day after Trii: worship ;i* I ?? !?*> pastor. \ ? .?.in-r: r school' at a. meets at ??. choir and ?in.".* ! scr\ ice?. ? Ml cordially .it' itei' Vices. Keaular : pre para veiv ?? Titpir at 7."" l;o" aditiinist"! Som. at-.n ev> luir. 'i'!: hol<l its cti:'.ilr?- !?'-? of tll""r. uul-.r ?! 1- Tl.e .-..miii; . . discontinued .??; t ? - ! First Kits its': i.-.n n-t ?.?! . s i-. ? . - teenrii s:r ? ' iie'.r Mifli* ? Hf>\*a.""i. P. !'. f. \" ? hur-h >iud . daily. o'i-li.i\. Suri?ia . si-ho.d wit.': iutcrextllik: > 'Ii l\n s-r\ e ? ~ at 5* ;:!?? a n. Morroti" w.o-shin w irh ->???? sermon in . hi!> it a' llarnitK IjRther I .????! ??:*!". fnr all couiur ; eopl-: Kv v. < :t> ?vi,l. ?-??rriior.. "Til" f.:;iiy V. -h ;1ie l.sitit' A 1 1 ? I - w> U Dtv-itioual 7 !.*? Spe. iuI Hroth-ri:-"-"! ?n- -I iti^-, ? n'- r;.,,,:!:ik* tic hoys of ; '??? . ? "t iii i ? - li vii'l ? ? > Tli'ifilay f s NERV-MINTZ FOR NERVOUS PEOPLE The sr'-.-i ! f; rv ? r. in. ? i h- *a m?us e?ly- 'ha- v.iii put vi<-.-r. vi:ti aioi ? unlit} tn-rvo'is. rire>l out. all :it. d? spviident peo ple i-: .? w dav.- a .\li\o||. <;i ii pt;v ;i l,..,v ..t.iv .'??'C. a r.c if. \ <'?>. ar auf hocir.-'l i>> i . . . i : : ? 1 1 iur- to refun'l ir:?- pnr> ii-is. j>;-i- e it any one ?liss&*i:?!" e?j '.ii'h ;?.?? first box p;;rcli."*-'.'i. Thou>Rfi<:? pr.-.i*< rh.m sen rrnl drrldli'*.. :i> rvous pro? 1 1 at ?.o-. nunlfi. d-pr?is;i.R and unstrutsg i :in --ii o ? r nalulseiic.. In h!< r-.l.-i- ?>: o\? rv.i.ii; of any l it-.-!. "or ar;y i f'ti? ! ion of ? I ?? ne. v?us system \ ki; V-M I \TZ ar-J unsurpas?e.l. while hysf< ria. trernhims and neuralgia th<-y n-e .-:rn ply .stden-iid 5i.r h*i-. iJries: r?ruif Co. Mail rrd- r- f.iled. post paid. J Do you want a clear skWi? If your skin is not fresh, smooth and plowing, or haa suffered from an unwire use of cosmetics, here is an ea?\\ i::.-x pensive way to clear it: Spr-.nJ on a little Kcsinol Ointment, letting it remain for ten minutes. Then wash oft with Pesinol and hot water. Finish with a dash of clear, c?id water to close the pores. Do this rrjro'.ar!?, cnce a dar. and see if it does not quickly sootb* and cle.iaie th* port*, lessen t!ie t'nd rv> to pisiplti. acd leav? the complexion clear. fresh a:ui veivirtv. Rrsinol Soap aid Ke>iucl Uiotcreal 4:e suld by all cruyjiats. J nt 7:4*. p rn. Illustrated address on Bovi [ >?*out work. S; .tarn-.s' I.uihcran church 1 4a*'- i n ! ; ? s;iv.,i. !>v. Walter K. S.-hiuru*. ' pastor ? Second Sunday :tT*t Trirntj 1 Sunday school ari.1 Hiblo clasps. i K;,?'lisi, j I and (fCrinan) at i*:;5 ui.; Morning s?ir- | vl. o .KnghsM i :i: 10:45. Mr. Ma.x SoluilsU J <'t < apital I nl vorslt y. < 'oluriibus will! fr-ach. Kv^suiij; .vrvi.-o (KiiKlish) at ? 4.'. Wflmn by Mr Kch-.ilz. Monday' ; ''tuny at S:QI>. Sumlav school boon! . tifsduy .-vecuiK' 7m.".. Womiin s Mis sionary sbeletv. Mrs. Torr-y will speak. PltESKYTERIASr. Mrs: FY-sb\ terian .hurcli i *0 ! line street, t'latul* i-ortor Tf.rr,. Illin?. , -??r. Miblv school. : 30 : naisl, by tiio oreh?\?'ra; ni'-rmnjt worship ??? ?15 ?tins worship. 7: .10; j]-.,. pnHI,.r' w?, I'r?acli: special nu;.-ir |.y chorus I'liolr. v\ *dnc*8riny ? \ s?*rvi?^? r :;?? 1 Th?- church is op.-f. dav f?r rest m-ditatioii and prav<-r. " 'i Second Presbyterian church. Or John ' Royal Harris of PUtsb.irch. ptt w-,u preach morning and evening Prcpar. tory service. ? ? Third Pr-sh\ t.>nan church. Thjriv- ! ?'iKluh and Jacl) nro'is, i:,.v r r I\ ??nl.ersr-r. IX |.? pasto,. rh.? s-rvic'-s ? Jor Sabbath. .1 in- IT. aro as follows:! Hits bHni; Childr-a s ?la\. t!>. church . "lid Sabbath si ll...,! wl!l I..-- i'omi>inc(l : into ii.'i'' sorvit-o. commencing at 10 0 clock. Prcaohlnx -'it 7 j>. :n j 1 :rs: l nito.,1 i 'rjs!>yterlan church. Kov. t "has. li. Robinson. | >. ii 1 1.) v tor i Regular servi^s Stbliaih at IV -i:. am. . and 7:"* p. t::.. ynh sermons In- th.-' pas.t.or. Jiibl- school. M-n's mid UViii-' ?*ll S MihU> 3 ni V ? ?'i n i' i i-'I'l.-s , Matins cm;" P. m. Prayer nt. ctinif \\ .'dn.-sday ??'?tnnt: ar 7 t.">, I >.-cotid I tiitoii Piv-sbvt.^rian eTvsr>'h ? 1 najil.n.; .viil !?* .;:ri. . si i h snoots Fra I I. il.t rcary. paster. j.", (?. :::ir<;iiin ii ?i>r- i v.c". s.M-mon by | a.c .r: Mibfeot. i i.ookinir a: th?? Pifr.--.; ? ' 7;,*:o i. I sp.-i-inl s.,:iL- c ?vl. o i,v. th.. rhrtrj.. ' "ir>: a s!mi" . s- r-i...;) bv ,..,-.ror ' "/Th- Miniftrv ..f Souk. j,..\ j PHOTTSTAKT E^.TSCOPAX. Si. Matjh.-w's i-iitirrii. rom. r I-'.f- ' and t 'ha pi in- Kobt I' l ! St-id-r >.-v:.--v fur S-.ndav i ?ast- i.. s, Sutul.y ift.-r Trtnitv; ???" s a. in. I|..|> ? 'utni itiniori. ] I":'." a ni.. ni?rn:nt; ? prayor and s.-r- ' : 1 ?"> a. . Sunday .--.hoot. ? ' ti: . Mori's Cihli clas... a It; .' ?: !' . Knikl.t^ ' ' ? ? M^*rxu'>M;i| s? rvi? - 7 ; I '!?>! air s?-rv!'-o. I'ublic niv:?-d. j I aik'-'s . imr. il. ,ia.-..i, i :rit i iimham. ! .'. r'-'VV S.ror .l S :ndaj uftor ? 1 \:l '? : ? S ,%l :i 1,1 ? ? ; Z>*:.?0 a m ;tnd 7 3 ?? p r:i . st-rvi-.-s /in.' ; 1 s- rmuns. ? 1 s- AndJ-W s . Mnvh. Tinny- k..V(.n<ii ; , 1 |Vr< " I l."?."i!i i-'isb. r> ! ' f ^ y.til h? s.-rvi.-. -s inrnorri'W. I ? ? ?? .. ??? oiiu t>uaila) af;.-r Truiiiv, at ii I " . 1 i . . .? j. mi. t ra\ .j,- s^rvi*"*^ ; i f "? 7 ?'<" :ho u-uii.-s' i . ..Id -s...-.;,: v,.| h-!d at 1 Ik- Rectory [on j a-su.-.y fv-.-mtijr. [ I CHRISTIAN ' W Mk!"'1 ' ? u.r. l:. K K. Vai. ? \ pas 01. r-sid-tK ?? i'j ||,,iltu, . - t?;; ? fili.i.. sej 1 a I ,. ' ' 'l ' a; a. ! 1 l h?* i.ikmI >;ifu:triT:i : " y i*. |' ... ; I.'.--'' f-n '-I- I' "> ? s'lti- i | ! irs: 1 "iinsf inc. . a u- n. \v. ff. j MTVU-rs .-Hilda v.. .( i.,1, I f' Mibi- i.t; I. IHv \Yn i.v 1; w ? v V. '?.? ? ''onumui,..,, ??"; >otii:ir s,, j Ijsi'i .??nu-;.v..r. >;m;.; 1;,,!: Hi-ivic, -< rr:lo?l ?? ?. t !?.- ,? |>r:st..r, ^ , ? ! "I I:- Mountain Tot. ,,i th. \\,,'P|,i ., ii: ..ory m ni- w> fIlc..t,,,l|-B "I.;, j U ? du.'.'day -v?Miin? a 1 7 ihc | adi. s" . v 1,1 S'.ficry Iti*.'? ts -.11 TNarsday ;i'| Ih'.v ? ?"?jij'Ii all day session, <? iTh-arsul "it !? riuay ?.?viiitij; 'it ".-I"., EVANGJ-ELICAI, 1 ?i:.v;lr,S"- 'ii.-a! ?-hii Thirt \ - i Iv K' ? * ' !*rri ",s- r.-ir! ('b. Sunday 1 s, .1' ??::?> a. in t 'hildt -n's Day s- rvi. ?? ;?:"s ?. ..Vior!; A v ry int^r. stint; I I !'t--r.u.! !*ts Ivit jirr.'tiijj; f| f.?r , in* itur and will I..- giv?n lliid>:r llio di- i * i ' ' ' v t " ' V- S- yl.ol.i assist-.; I 1 l!r- ".v """ :h' oruanis:, Mr | J ' " ?' ? l-roirraru u i| i?. p iwa'.-d ' . til I lb- . 7 : :: ? ? p. m. .Sundnv I ts., tool Pi. ?Ill" a- Mi'iyn.y's <;roV.- ,.i, ( , T h.irsday. .Int.. 21st l->. o iransporta- ! ;i on will ?>>? pn.vid.-d f.-r all m-rnbor^ , srl;??r*I. . i CHUISTIAIT SCIENCE j I'*i rs- 1 ?'i-.'iri 1 of t'hrisi. S.-i-n. . . !l* W Xuilitori'iMi. I'!'1 i 'hapliu- ?tr !s-r\ i.'<-s Sunday i' I . nt . s>ib|. . :???! th- pr-s-<>rv ???r >>i Man." W-dn I We're Simply Telling of Values Extraordinary i in Women's White heather and Fabric Shoes . H KTX ?fs Whito hinc ? complete in a dozen different models of J high shoes, low shoes or pumps, j banishes all your footwear ! problems For Snmmer. There are dressy Hiuh White Kid or Fabric Boots xi-j t-h colored wood .heels ? Low Shoes of Cloth or L Leather, "with hiirh or medium ? heels ? Sport Oxfords with fibre soles and rubber soled Pumps. Th? extraordinary part?' Tlio vniurs f<>r ilie pri ?rt*s ynu will be quick to realize when you see them. P*\Tp T7/~"\ /"v T1 "i i rT7 \ MODERATELY PRICED FINE rOOl WEAK correctly fitted W. A. HEIN & CO. 36 TWELFTH STREET. $3.98" K:t?-k ??f Ladies' ami ilissos' Wasli Presses and Suit*;. (Jalmnline. Voile. I. awn ;m ? 1 ?'l! the season's j >? ? j m i i ujraves. $10. On to $J ;,.<?) {alues, all at 8"onsai"$5.98 WHITE'S BAZAAR 1116 MAIN STREET THE LOW PRICE LEADERS Dollar Stretching ? Price Slashing In the Manufacturer's Overstock Ladies' Wash Skirts All the season's popular -weaves and colors. Values to $3.00 go on (J?-J Qi sale at vJ-?Otc 250 Dozen Middy Blouses All styles, and color ef fects in two assortments ? 89c values at.... $1.50 kind at ?7 1 Another block of surplus stock of leading Eastern makers. Another cash transaction of such dimensions and unheard of values. It will be trippingly on the tongue of Wheeling's thrifty women the balance of the summer for such bargains must find expression in so many pleased and grateful customers. It's nous? for any stove to attempt to compete with this mercantile event no matter what their claims or pretentions the impelling force and money saving opportunities this =ale implies is beyond the conception of the most skeptical and circumspect shopper. Come to White's Bazaar anticipating dollar stretching events you never experienced before. We assure you big values and little prices that will not disappoint. $5.00 COAT SALE Another lot of Ladies' and Misses' ( 'oats. solid color and checks to lake tho plaee of those sold out Inst week. They are $15.00 anil $lS.jO gar ments. Your choice at Rack of Taffeta Silk, Silk Poplin \ and Crepe de Chine Dresses AJI colors ami >i;:vs, $15.00 to $'20.00 ! values, go on sale at SUIT $13.95 SALE Ivaek of Ladies* and Misses' Suits. (Ira v. Tan and Naw Blue, thr? !f;bu $13.95 SUMMER FURS Iceland. White Fox and il<>lc and MrunTlon in gray, $15.00 and $1S.50 values at... Table of Ladies' Wash Skirts I'ique. Gabardine. Linen Crash and Jiepp. $1 .!'S up to $o.00 values, AO lto on sale at vOL Ladies' Knit Ribbed Envelope j Union Suits ? ' 50c values &tsL 100 dozen Ladies' 1'nion Suits, rr^u lar $1.00 values. gr> ou. sale at ' Manufacturer's Overstock of Waists. TWO THOUSAND WAISTS In Four Challenge Assortments. 69c I,c t of Unvii. .Swiss nn'l \ oil-* W ? I c t n : gin! 51 "'0 values -- als<> r\iii silk* $1.00 T?b!? of W ft > h Wp.lsts, Lawn. V?iitp Swiss and Madras; J2 values. $1.69 ?|fl r1";wn Whit* and r-nlnnvl Silk Mummy Wnsli Waists; S3.?u values. $1.98 ijf.oryoi to and t"'rep? Waists: all ^l/.^s and colors: J3.50 and $4.00 values. LADIES' AND MISSES' SILK SUITS A Leading Manufacturer's Surplus Stock Featured in Two Assortments. $10.98 For Til.irk ;*ml Navy P.lue T :? ffet ;t Silk Suits made to sell at $15.00 All the liitrh class exclusive suits, liirlu and dark ulors: values in $07.50, $'40.00 and $45.00. f SILK AND SATIN SPORT SKIRTS Stripes. * herks and Solid Odors, featured in two asseiii.-'rnts. M QK FOR THE ?(1.95 | <3? A QQ INSTEAD OF SKIRTS. I Vt'JO $7.50 and $8.50. A LIBERTY BOND FREE Get a Liberty Bond Ticket with every dollar purchase, write your name and address on reverse side, drop in Liberty Bond barrel. A 550.00 Liberty Bond will be awarded Thursday, June 28, 3. p. m. LADIES' HOSE 85 dozen White, Black and colored Hose,, fancy stripes or plain colors; Lisle or Silk Boot. 39c val ues at 50 dozen Ladies' White Silk Boot Hose; % Silk; 75c values, at 46c Another Lot of Silk and Satin Camisoles $1.00 values, lace trimmed, all sizes at 49c at Ladies' White and Black Silk G-loves $1.00 values, go on sale 69c RACK OF SILK COATS Black and Xavy Blue, all sizes, $25.00 and $30!00 values, all in one assortment $12.50 MUSLIN 49f> UNDERWEAR 200 dozen Gowns," Skirts, Envelope Chemise; Lace and Embroidery trim med. Values up to $1.00; all /IQ^ styles and sizes, go on sale at frJ/L/ Table of 89c Bungalow Aprons. All best styles Rack of Children's Gingham and Percale Dresses. Values to $1.50, at Ot/C AZAAR UI?> MAUN STREES THE LOW PRICE HEADQUARTERS FOR WHEELING <!?>)? r t imoninl m**-Unir ut S : 0 0 p. m. J ;-'UT?<l?y school at i4 : 4 C> a. in. R'.'atliiiK' rodin< lil!' t 'hapiinc Plrvoi. npeii dally . \.-<-pt Sundays ;?!:?! h'lidays. from lU M iir.Ul f. I1'') p. in . and ori Sa fintay ??v?,nlnjr 7:00 oV.lvcfc to :? :i'v o'clock. J SPIRIT XT Ai. 1ST The Fir.'.; Spiritualist Association "ill [?'id sfrvii- s Su .I n:??- lath at ticir 'I ? tnpl. a* thu I'oriiT ? ?!" Maryland a' ? ?? aii'! North R roadway. Island. The, ? hildi-'-n's i>iv>sT'%fiv'- lyccum a' I'M ? ? < K a m. Svrmmi will 111- ili?!i ver'-il | by l<"v \\ in. iC. ifiitnond. pallor of' the ? i-'trst Spiritualist ? hut ch of ('<ilu'i:li'i?. I ? ' Spt.'lt Uivss.iRifs by K??v. G. Way f All ii r- wclconie. BAPTIST First . Baptist church. corner ot Twelfth i anil I'yr. ti s:r?<;s Sunday! school nt !':<:? a. :ik; Morning worship at i 11 a. in ; Evening srrvtca* at. ;;13 p. m. 1'iM?* a iass ami prayer ni'->'iiuir Wednvs- 1 day i'r"t:i t> p. in. to J>:3'? p. ::i. ~>>i 1 1 for niurnwiir s-rmott i ! 1 Im- V- .ir Suv-i i-- you." < "hildr'-n's I >nv wtllj .hsericd *nt thr nv.-tiltiit M' rvh Tii p. ...... ... Junior choir will render special music. J XVAXGELIST PROTSSTAJ7T St. Johns Ev. I 'i-? ? : . ? Rut Ion. J I ur. W tn. <1 t'lf' i-i \' xr S'Tdsy, at 10:4.*? a. in.; Tu-.-day. .lunu 1" 1 n. in. a Musical and l.itornry nfr t rvl ntua*! it will be fri \ ?-!: lis th- V oil tut |>ojdM' society. N? ut lift- incotltiKs. HEFOSMED St Stephens H- !'"riii* d ? h'irrti. Thirty- ? ?;\tli and EoiT slrc'lf. Ii- c S. II Malr.K<? I I .istoi ? ? S* r\ !? -- for Sunday. .Inn- i .' -| ;> I.", a. i:i. Sunday ?c! I. Alb- rt KIs. !vr. j .-i;p<-ruit''iKl?;ni . 10:"'' ' I'-rmati Kncii.-h' pr'-ai:hln? service. foib.|eci : ' Pn?Vati!1n|r j pravei " No ??v^nim: s^rvh's, Tuesda y j evening m-tmn of \ i*. S UNITARIAN' First T'nitnri'iti church. Eoff jtr"' north of Tiv' lrth. K?t\. .1. A. ? '. K:i^?iii;:- j ir \ii' i. :nini..t"! S'-rvi/'ars at ii n. in . ; topi'-. "Sin." -Ml are ?welcome. FIKR CHURCHES. Vnnce M^iwrinl i're.Mliy teria n Vh'.rcri. ' Woiidsiiaic. .lames Mras' Potter, I' I ? minister. Services ;t t II a. in and " p. in. Moruinir subjea-t. "!:?-{ t oi- I . i ? Tiirt'iijih S.ii ft!!c.o " Sutiu.-iv .-rha.'il ati'l a a ; i i ] i-la.'.^rs. v a. m Vnuii: ' p<viple';< iti' '-t i r ipr at 7 p. m. j i'.ublf M K. rhurnh. tM'tunt '1? ? "iian- j t-i!) M. D-Hriniu. nunlst'-r. To tho t'.?l - ? (???.vine ."rrvicos a cordial Hivisat i--in t^ j '?\T?:iiic'|: S'tnday scimol u ?!:?!*? a. in. J It. .\Wk .sut>ornit>-nil'*nt. i;vni:u;' Ml S. p. in. ,V.. m rvi-os during j tii" Wa i?l-: :t' th'- rhiu-'h Th" l.toivs'! A;d Mrtcb-lv " i',1 mo--t .it the r> -id' ii- " j Mrs. '?Vi!!". Hill in I'ulton ..n \'.?d-| ii?:-lay rvonitut. At this a-ii'-ct iin; a. Inachcoii will br- rvcd, procvds f? r ; b-nolt "f t ti#- <-Jinrrh. ?tiin<? Pr>'Sbrt rrlan. Kim i.lrnw, 1. P.. | l.'-wpllyn. pasior. Vr^Hchin'; I ? > pa: Hi M a*, tn. a/Id 7:30 p. in. Mnrnm r ' i i ? - ? J^ct. "N-> i 'omproniisr- ??v.-r.ini;. A j I 'fS<?rt Plai,<N." Sahbatli school at !? ! ' ''-s for adtiltM :i! ^'iin" Ii i'ir. .1 * : 1 1 1 ? ? ; O. K. at ?! :3v. Mrs. II it. Hronnan stipor-j imeridcmf. Senior i". .">t' '!?*', Mr.c Klsle MoCausland. r. Rti'-Kioy M. t^Tlum-h. IM^wo'icl. '* \ j Snsd'-r. past"f ? Sutida y s- )i'">l at !'?:;?? a ! i?'... J. E. Sol'-s, siip-'rliit'-inb-iit I'liiili' ' worship and sermon at a. m . I j Hoy Mi't'iislcv. ivistor >?!' tii- North ' utr^-'t M. E. church u ill picsa-nt iiimi j ibdlver tin- STinon. Sol" !?> M t r. .\ : Wilkinson. At this wrvh-o nil wa,<;"J 'tirncrs <>' !.hf? ohur<:h and :? i i ..t'o '??- who ?will ur" expected !' ? j - ? ?? ? jiml ? ? ? u i tiihuto an ninottut ?qual !>? < !-? , as a payment on th> ciaijrch ????!?? ? "fail- ' ?Iran's day s^rvlcs at innhi at 7i-Kc ; i, ITay^r ni^^tinK Wednesday nifth: .r p. tn. St. I'aul> churoli. Kim 'aro .v. ,t | . . .van l-Sfii. rca-tor. Thvrc *.v i ? i i-. '.?? tomorrow, th'- s>-.-..n.| Suiiday .?liter Trinity, iit !'i."ir "'cl-jcii n th. yi'-[ icftnxui. l-'trs.' Christian church. K!in ? : ? v- . 1 larr> ? son. pastor. I 1 1 tdionc _? | i ltl a III Mill!" ?-.h"i>l. 'la'a.l^a- Ma'-! i lowan. nipc iiit'-'ial-Mi' ; II :? m. ''ohi-. il union M'l'Ma-i nll'i : ? *'"l|a ?( . . sllbj' ".-?'tr' ntf h' Tinrc ' 'tli- - ' 7 ! i 'itv-. t !*?"ll Kljll'M \ Ol . > ;? ?!!'.; ?. .-ill'1' I .istor's -iiisW'.-r '?? Mr \5"I. ry. ' i'omic .'ind you will !??? Hit- : <tf||. Tu'-.-- I ? i.?y a t s j. in. lie "i tiif "? ?(,, \i_- i; M Wi-rf?.i"sday h' - p. m |;. . [? p.! /aiimncrrituii, pnstor Snad> .dale j Christ-ian cJiuri h ?i!! I'l-itii; us a "hi- s- I s:i_'. ''. i? :ii 1. h' ,'iim. l-'rula ? .it j i p. in. choir pra'-tici-. Ed k wood l.nih.r.iii cii, j:vh. ;:.|;-a |! 'own hall pine ot' ii!'<tni<; l:> \. l:al;ah: A Harsh man. past..r. Sunday, .lum; 17 ? ??af?n?l Sunday :ifta-r 'I'tinity. di\liia- wur ship wiih -' Upon !?;. ti'i- p.-isior and n-i port oj en fv t a?ncc a' !'.'.3" a, in. Suiidav svisool at f':30 a. in fonierstonc laying'] ut Warwood at :> ??>. ?> _ j WAS "WOOD CHTTXCKr.S. Warworn! l'rishyterlan church. Tw?-n- I licth street near War wood tive,iip\ K. j 1*. Carson, jisuoor. Service.* for Sundaj , the 17th as follows: Sunday >i| I at j !<:.TP a. 111. Morning worship ai I" i tojhjeei. "Tlio jlun Who i-'oi;i" li;>. Soul." Christian Knd?-nvor at 7 o'clock Evening service. 7:4."' Ttoj siii.ioei ?? ! "l">r?roas, ur i I'." Woman in Social S-m - i vim," ill*- second of I Tic series "What Can a Woman l?*" VTnrwood ('hr.stiaii church. I'run i* ? M. liiddh-. minister |:il.le sc'a -ol. ? it:., fur! j 'aruthet s. snp-rinliinP'i!' lord's Slipper and sermon, 11 a. in,! HUbJeet, "\ I vntecosial Miracle." Song ( s^rvliy and sermon, f? ni.. subject,; "Warnings." All cordially invited to j all the serv iee* YVartv. -o'l I ,u theran church. , Center! school pVice of iiifvlinK Ualpli A. I I la rshtnan. pastor. Sunday. . i t ; 1 1 ? - J ???<-or:i|. Suttuay al i'-r Trinity. 1 >s v i :i:- j worship wiili s'-riii<>n l>\ paMor and re- j port of at 7.110 p. mi Sunday | school at p. in. Sorm-rstone lit> i ni; j services at :t ;? in KcKECSIBN CHTTRCHES Christian church. Mi'Mi-cii- u, corner j l 'oiiri !i Mi'l IfOgan Mrvein; pai'M-nat.'" frotiiini: I II i'lft'i .??li'.vt: i'. U J-Iill. i.i Jr., 1 1 1 i f : : * ? i . phote- No. li'S -M. r.ll'kj school. |ii a m . i' i. ? r<-.-ni:i i> ami W ? | W. Wilson, s'ltn nan ndetits.- Morning j worship. II o'elocn: .!um?r? Knnertv "f. . o. i ... ^ I ?' I!.. ii:-i,i p. in. ITcach- ! i I IK Sel'V lev. 7:!.| p. III. S'T'lloIl ? clai- . ly for I lo* ry.h'.ai, Si>-ior-. l.oiie Slur J Temple No Tic r 'lay 1 1 : i ' ? ? 1 1 pietuc at) \\ le I'llns l"a' !> Widn?*sda> ? ? . i i ?? sr. ; address In S S l.rippin of lii-than;.* ! i 'olli-itc. Tliursilay. Indies' Am meet-; iiil; all fia> l-'riday cliotr : a hears.*;!. ' Saturday evening the i?;:h .official j boa i<i meet I n v at the ? hur.-li Klrst M. K chili. ,-ii of McSJerhen. lie-,. |t!air \\ i ?>-. pt-itor. S.noavi .?i.ltool m J K.ui.usch and <. has.) liroi h.i . . n j ? r-ri n ? ? t ? i- j, i ?; i V.m-Jililp II I : 1, Si: >. "I rod's t'ar. for Man." I'ray-r a!M ci- 7 1... \\ I ?. ; 1 i;o->dviia. ! ? -i . ? . ? . I> ???.inn worship at'' V suhj-ii. "" i.e I'l'ur-l'oiit I mi*. > of I 1 nan I. .lie"!:, ! a-. lire- No 4!'. I. n ? ?. , * I", v.ii! I" ui'n i.; in i body r !:-? ? j i ii j; - rv .ee tor t annual nie- J i liCll.ll SiTX I'r.:.' ? r nn cttllg J ? ni Mlay at 7:16. ? ;j BEKWOOD CHOSCHES. :] I teiia mid M K il' iit li. ? i rie r 1 . " ? li " 3 ami Main streets; 1 : I'. Saitip.'- on. pus- J ' 'or Sanda* ??? :.? o,. 'n u: M-'ii's ? I .la; ?" I i: . I'm I. I. IV.ij. ? , lord. Ii iii h r Mm;.,..: worsi' ip II.., >i ? tiioi- li.\ tf.e t > . , i" \ ' ii Sy: . rill I* liv i!o> i i'li--. A so!,, l.y TV-ill- M: M :!.:a ol Mar:- ^ | I ?!. ? I I .IIW Of I 1 1 I . . 4lio I . ill |l Ii ? 'hi I - ' , ?!f i a'- ale. program ' ;r i-, , -ih-r-il, lij !. i hildf ni i :' Hie Slii!ila> ?sclu.m!" at \ 7 .;?? o m , : . a - I of pi ? a< i. M td- ! J V. eels Ser\ 111 , ?\'ei|l;i mI.'IV ;l ' ? p. III. I i I COLORED S.ntpsiin *?! I* i tin ???"! i. Sunday. Inn"' i i 7. ! 1 1 7 ;; I ?>?' pli I! .?? mUiiis. H. \. ! I' l>. !llllll,.-i '? 1" !? (i. 'i:;. |.iiil'!lc set- I ., \ |1 i r- .\i 'mac In l lie pas;or, snhject : { " Tlie ? 'orn- r Stoic " Smniav -clued at j ' ?; ???.: '^Oi.ortli l.-aKii" t 7 p. m., j \ >oiir : ?' i". '. e i .\t v (in |._ i 'aiidl'i i,'?' i > pi oi, ran! I ?? ;i?l- r d. Til" . 1 1 1 n i. ? hoir .j I will as i.- 1 !li" |i,.,>| in it.?; ir.usie, |a Uaynoin > M K d, ;re!i. R"v. H t 1*rr>n? h JI?irN\v. f^. I ? . l-nM'"*! - -10. 1?- | i i r' .n Jnnc 1> ?*;?? p i* r?>r. n t: "Th- , ! I*;wig?r ? I' 1* Could It Be Worse Diil yi<:i hit visit ;m in s.'ino ;i>yluni or nnlit'C t lie liiinii ; 1 1 1< I ?*ri |?j?!o itifii mi tlio -iivrt uillmul tliiiikini^ what y ii ii r Iinaiifin! I'oivlition woui-l ho if you were so jifTliclp.1? Witli I I'annoi prc \ fiit y(?ii i'roni iirinc: su ii M I'or! uii;i J e. loit I ii;ivc a policy tliat i 2 i t.sikc ?*;i ro ?>!' you. ainl your lovnl nuos if the worst romos. Albert Snedeker THE INSl'HAM E MAN <00 G-^rman B:\nti BulluiiiS*. V7l:ec\io4C. to the \Ur Is the Sermon Theme of REV. CLAUDE PORTER TERRY : at the First Presbyterian Church, Thir teenth and Chapline Streets, Sunday Even ing, at 7 :30. Chorus Choir . Gospel Songs Good Music A WELCOME FOR ALL? Come !!??!. \s 1'iiv K<-rv !<?.??!< by :1k* SunOir. '??i lii-l, Win .1 Wood. siipi'rint'MHlcn'. . ! p. n !?!?? . ? i ? i i ! k b\ Kcv. < il. .Mill i <??. of ih?- i:.'!*;! :st ?"lmreh j li I! J ; '?iiAUi.KST'i.V. W.Va.. .I;:n* I." 1V.1-1 fli;i ?: were issue"! I ? ;? i!i-? i ????try <?:' .-i.iio to-da> in llir :'??!! ?> \v 1 ja R { nt,. .-re . i,*ii lir:. !; .<? Til'' < "nrr naity . of | 1' . ?!.!??>. I ?? a! I .I'M n> lial-j ?nrls 1 -iijn! *. , i :i|>ii:il stn. '? Jl'.r>.Oiir> : hi- ! ' T|.'M 1 1 I-- K II <*:iri.-f. ' I. lini'hllrr, . ?V \\ Hun:.. T M. AV:.:Uli.iin and .1 K. 11 1 id. alt 11:" !?<?. i;l< _. ? "liaiif.-iMii \t!oy JSt I I'ompany. of I '.??iii*. to uficnii' in Kanawah roimly : i apilal si 1 ii*l; . iii?ori>nra!ors .1. j il I'avif. I'.v. ?!?"??>? .Minor. .Jr. .1 !?'. ISoti-j ?1 ??ili". I*!. \ Mi ' Vi.v ami 1'. I'.i etitutn. j >!! of < ":.'t rlesten. j ?"I'-xela 'iS-SuiMicfini ?"Viinpnny.iif 1 " 1 ; and; 1 > operate in !.>>j:an i*??iisu;.', W* ? .'a . ii> tIim ii'.iniiiir of ???iil; ??aiMtiil mo. )> : .?mi nun. :::."or|?>i aim's 1'. \\". ? 'anipbell. ? \V. Mriiwn. < \. l'avi?. M. I.. Iturneti ; ml I' I'.reeder. nil of I lunli(!j;tot>. . 1 Ii'!!?*i?l-* 1 '.i oi hern Ineorpora led. Weir- ! 0:1. in liav i hief wnr!-;u at tin' miiii'i ? laif. ? apilal stoek Jln.ilOi'i; incorpora- ; of Amly Siallat. <" Leondi.s. John ' ' t ? 1 . : ?. * . ili-orp" Sta ir.a 1 ?>lo?. Tom Htdo- ! las :t!i(| Mi-tiola.s ZaRorprianos, all of1 A I ? t*T* i Ofl, Ww suli.-vrH>ers to tlif worlitnfri'P J ? ?mj>ciis;i 1 1 . ?!? ;'ii rui ivr?- ?? 1 1 1 ? ? ! I ???! lo-day : ?y ? 'nniinis^ion^r ''it as follows lidw.od ? 1 Toole. tril.ste?\ roal mining. ' A*?'|.*h; Curiiint: ti|>riiiKs t'oai < 'ompa ny. J ha fl-st "if. ; I. "wis 1 'reek' ? '??at ' 'nmpnny. : ?"liarii'stoti ; Nidly (1;i y <"o?| <*otnpany. j riiiiiiPlion: a lid Thomas T. I 'shur, i-oul ? minni?. I'lii!;idelphlii. I 'a Kornvr 1 Invrrnor A. 1'. \V li i t ?? a|i>ifjr- j ? I I, ??;'(. n- the putdir s"i"\ i. i- iTimtn i-sioti ! ? ? f i 1 ?? the of s li" I 'ark'TMtm j ivicibfi of i'otunir?"?? against ihi? in . ?teas.- in freight rnt'"S on roal and i-oke j is fib-d tv.-ently by ail tho railroads. iprM'atilii; In tin: Stall" In bo effort!", ..1 ! Inly t. j Supreme 'Hurt JudRi.'S Williams and' tity. to. iiav awarded a writ of orinr in, li-- of ?tlii- state against. Klyuti Wen--! -\ . ! mm UalfiKl' rotiriiy. \Vofli\- Is! ittd' r Miilt'ii.'c of tin'1 j ll? 1 it- ? I'll" t li 1: 1 r 1 in - 1 nal court of Kal^itrh i-ountj . approved ( >y th** rirmiit <ouri. l'ff Imprison- 1 n??nt. having bofn ootivii'trd of the mur ; b-r of .latti's 'irlffitli. Writs of error also were allowed by ' two judR.-s, sitting in vacation, in ? >>? i"n?cs r.f A. .1. Mason aealnsi ?b-iffer. troin I'r^stoti itiunty. bond, !0'^; (l;i*tte Hawkins atralnst South-, v ??.stern Mutual Fire Insurance t'otn- ? pany. from M'Tccr eounty, bond S20H | i j!!>i Augustus S il mitlirlf* aRHtnnt Thos. | , ? ' Mi iiry others. from '?'ayette coun tj. I ; 1 ' i i ..\ ii appeal wa? refused the state in the! < ? ?:i of ill-- .stai?> by Walter S. llallanan, .state lav commissioner. against Billiard Manufacturing I'ompany and others, I'rum Wayne county. FINAL PERFORMANCES OF 'HER UNBORN CHILD' ! I ??\v i- ril Mi'Kon: Harms' new play. "H.-r I'isIhtii I'hild." which has been' m !<? resting large audierYces at the t'ourt all w'ti'U brings- Us suecessful week to a dose today. with two presentm ions of ihis much ii<l';0'l a him t play. Tho fjues l it?n <?!' hirlii limires in the story :? s i ? I till' -ubject is ha ndied by the author in abl" it !>? I i :i * ??! lis^n ' manner. The | I presenting company is .?.?iii|?<sod of most . ' ??a!>:tbl>? p. ople and the p?ay is given ai' .good st i-iiio surrounding. a: the matine*!' today i|:.. ma na^eiiiont will reserve a 1 1 i. in of I he I'li-ie -;ira h!? cents a J s< ai This is done on" tti'count of the i 1 !i'.i!ii* :-oii v requests made by Ipatrons for i : r. .i.-rv-'ii s.-.ns. Tip- balance ;>f the low-' 1 ? r floor and the balcoiv* vrice will ba : lie same a-* has prevailed all week. ' i'l:iMr?n are positively n..( ndmit!"d to 1 any performance. The engagement closes i lo-night. and the company closes Its sea son, returning; to I'lib-nito to-morrow for I lie usual summer vacation. "CrA-RDEN OF ALLAH" COMING TO COURT IN 7ILM PORK, j 1 IloVv-t t :!i!?*h?*n?s nnvnl, "The [ i "je ^ii^iarrr. : _ harden of Allah." read bjr every lover of fiction in almost every country hi i he world lias been made In i photo rirama by Colin Campbell with Sells player? acting- the leading- roles. It is now playing: an engagement of thr- ? weeks at the Pitt theatre, Pittsburgh. ?.nd comes to the Court entire week June -i>. Helen Ware is the ?eatux.-<i actress and the cast includes such wri> known players as Thomas Santschi, A! Filson and Matt Snyder. Variety i> itt'fered in its introduction of tiniqui" stage settings .snowing the desert an>i its caravan, the story of the sand di viner and the musical scor* will Ik rendered by an augmented orchestra "TEI BAJLSZXK." Those who have read Rex Beach'f famous novel. "The Barrier," will b nterested to learn that a motion picture I'prelon will corns to the Court theatre "ntiro week of June IS. All the pictun* ?ritics declare that "The Barrier" mark> i new era in motion picture production. Fverythlng about "The Barrier" is powerful, characters .plot and Incidents >peclal music for the picture has been composed bf Fred O. Honks and Sol. Levy and will be Interpreted by en Augmented orchestra. The picture will oe shown twice dally, 2:15 and l:lo ar,<l :he engagement Is for the week. He ? And the National Guard la t ? jrutect the- bridge*. and She ? How perfectly scrumptious! Car. set that second lieutenant with the ?tirly Imlr and the soulful eyes when I ;ive mine? ? Judge. yr -pr . ditioa. Th? jjite to prywd jn X T aad the crisis la ?ne o i nueh lass S> P io Zm' B B M ? danger, Three generations of w? JL .1 ft ^ JL 11 .1. men hare used '"Mother*! Frfand." They say they wooM-net gv tfcrovgh the peried of expectancy without it. Every aid that may be given the expectant mother shoaU be ren dered her. Year husband wffl gladly A woman desires to remain healthy . get "Mother's Friend" for yoa from and to retain her good looks after the druggist. giving birth to her child. \V?nen Write for free book. Merely ad who go through the period of expec- dress Brad field Regulator Company, tancy with the least strain and | Dept. A, 177 Atlanta, Ga. suffering are those who prepare mr ' ^ their system in advasca of baby's iin ^Mother's Friend" is prepared I JXJJ JL to give the mother-to-be that f direct and immediata help she I B7^ V need?. The muscles expand easier. V D,M ?! I ? The breasts are kept in good con- I I I