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i In Fitting Up 'the .New Home--? It's always most advisable to make sure that every bit of the furnishings will give the service and wear that it is right to expect of it. And that's a point that pertains especially to Floor Coverings. It is just as easy to buy Floor Coverings that are attractive in design, that fit well into the furnishing scheme of your rooms, and that will give you long, satisfying wear, as it is to buy the other kind. And the kind that is attractive, practical and "wearable" are here in our store, in the widest variety of pattern and color. Come in and select yours now. 1121 MARKET ST. BOTH PHONjsS. Largest Floor Covering Stock in the State. ANNUAL JOIN MEMORIAL SER-I VICES TO BE HELD IN ST. MATTHEW'S CHURCH. A Large Delegation of Pittsburgh Knights Coming ? Rev. Strider t Wiil Deliver Address. Tilt' armaai memorial services of! AVhr-?;;n^ Uaiur. I\aishts oi I'yih'.a^.i it"lu-:iii2 iiu!;imorr? 1 <otl c?> No. ?i.j Biat-k f *;? i :i ? ? l.uuia- N*;>. IS. \ ! ?;. i. *<-.*? \'?? :l !1 . 1 til,. \\ I !???!??? N*'. ! I". v? ii . t.f'ltj ;n ?s,r ! 0.' ? i . . ..v V r ; vi.'.iT'-h .. < ?.?. ? ; ? ??? v !? ??. a?> mmu =;'? ?'??? t i ? t:? ? ; v. -it : ? v ? .? pa: J in. I'ir: ? ! v aft'jfw V. ;i *i-> :n the *? t: \ if. . !*? ?' city nv?'r the; i" o' v : : it ? *!:?.? ar;i| P^'insyi-t ?\ ri?il:o;.t'-; :?v air: ii inc ?:Rd ?vi"! |i' : >? ?; : p?vi5\.? ;: an;s | ly i .?;? ..fiis i . ? i i : " iocfs^s ! Mt ?f r irnitiC'p rofiri' -i v. t'viiiia.i {'astl"; ? r.< :? .c'-Iock !o:iHirrc>"- f.iorainz toj ; :n?l arrarm^nu nts arrivias a t ? v!'y. >h(-? < ? f?ini <!pl??cat if>?!. .? :'| h,? ? !'tnr}< M'fcs* c!ub at o'clock. ?' I This rncor roni- 1 ' ntiife-'s ia ?-barc?* <>f /h- services. J r :il no ; > ' hv !?'<? and) 1: ??f [??-; o:" th* il^pari- 1 }>(i ??:-??? t! or w:ii pia.-o fl->v.-rTy. an ? Aru? ? <?: :i i i.; -r and "vthiau fla?. Al! :!.?> lix!^?'.? etl to I meet at the Pythiau Castle at l:".0 o'clock Sunday afternoon at which time the members will term In line ami marrh over t he liifferem streets of the city. The following is the line of mareh- From Twenty-seveiuli ami j Chaplitie to Koff ,-treer. up K?ff '? ; Twenty -third. ih?\\ n Twenty-third to; ('hapiine, up t*baplin?* to Tw<?ntieui. ' down TwHtitifih :<i .Market, up Market 1 in fiit 1>. t.ii Ki.-v.'ii'h ;>) ' hr.piai'-. and iIiiAn I'haplilif ;u i-i. ie- '? i . ii'i'eh "Ihf i;.'v. k s, rider. ? i ?>' (>i St. Aia" :iev? uiii uiu* the i;. i mil'.--. \\: I'ai:! .\ll?-n u.: :: i : m.i ~ t . ? ? i;.i ! ?? ?-r:arj:e a .. ai i : : iv?. n; ^ : - ii-al i-fx^raiii, iiv iti-ied ^ til h u.ll In SM\ e:\il liy * ? I J Crawford it ? : : I Mr. I * :?1 < iv .vt'onl. Th ??! - ? rijuhr y-"i^!. departed m?'ii!b?* < or tl>.? tialiiteOM L'.ilire, one humir*''! :t"ii <%t!e ol" the Mai It I'rinee I.Oii.te. id:;. -nil. e brothers from the; Ohio Vaiby l.odne .'nd f::'? y brothers from tN> Wbeeiiiis l.od^e No. 111. C0IC8ED MEDICOS ELECT. CHAKI.MSTi >N. H V;?.. ,hin?* !."> Tin- ?.?!?'?. ? n" !i ???>? j.-r. i \\ \"i rjri (i i:i *? I ??? i i?-? ? So?v?-iy .-??<?>(? -|. 1 l'<T-- ?? f : ?' ??!<"?<; i.-n . ?().?.. Vr-s!d.-:i! It. .1 M. U h:i:i. t'f WIS !;:? msoti . pri ? hi.ti' . I ??? ! : A (VitrJi . ? jwi r*i? >! ? ??i ? r ?!;::% -t - ur?-:\ It. I: i. .l?u? ?. ? : I >? ? i ijr* ] f ?* ? ? ? : :s ? natioiiiii i s 1 ? ?i }? t! :t? *? ??* n ? ii'ii ;it i f*h:!:t<l?ds>h ? Au?u>-: l-'a m.?:u wa.; j Selected a; ii< j-I'ia--. j I Continue-:! i ro:n * irst Pay*.) t ? i ? \ < W <?'.?! nt :??? ?m.) ba i k nt.Ot'M, (? -tuna ted '?mth' batik > 1 lill OnU.VOv). est i Ul\e I'afUi. ?1.3c p. hi were mated by leuei.i! n I 'alias, $47. i?' by i hi- ivderai i San I'lmn iM-n muted by r.'ii.-i Y?bulat urns a; $ I OlMMMJ.'J"!!. cm the lace of these estimates. ii appeared unlik-l> that rii" total would fail heluv. $i.i;?iii,0!lO.yOV. It ap P? -a red that tliree reserve districts. At lanta. Kansas City and .M iunoapolis, v.ouM fail below their :niiiinuim al lotment. SfiTniary MeAdou annour.ced the over-subscription shun it .after !ho ??iosing of the books in iS ?as' "Th Liberty loan lias been o\ <*r stibserib '?(i." lie said. "!i is iiupos ;!?!?? to state i:i?' amount of t.V* oNt'i -.lil'St-ripllun bin i In- exact figures will be given out as rapidlt a" !? turns received at the treasury department." Official.- wait ? U Lo* tonight ai the ire;*. Miry fur ihcse ????iiiras bu' none can"1 in. There w-:v ? "liroatof. From every resect e bank ? li?* story was ill. >?:; in r> i ; I'lncmi'.'U.s volume of iii: u t> i: l;i : <?< ! returns f.'cAdoo's Statement. i 'a ; i < iu 1 1|.. o! ft. ii tile b; nits. Lib-: i ?\piv ? I'll"' .miLT ?w i: ir, v an?l ?ii l.o.m ]> appro patriotic ??on:i(M lyati. ;!i< sue .. striking unrrv." S<itc rapiu'd all ill! HOI ruji VeV ?t?m tn ? 1 1 ? ? - of ? i; and in ail itch iiav>* eo* ! s al l,iber ?s*uraiiee of :ts well a.- my r.:|uT nr-.uiiza. ;.>r: w operated with you ? :i t: : loan enterpr:-c tic m;. warm appi* ?? iaiimi cordial thanks? . "Will you not aiso urge thrse com mittees to preserve their organiza tions in order that they may pro pared to render signal services of like character to their government when It is. called upon again to seek an ad ditional credit? It is of the utmost importance that the splendid machin ery now perfected shall be available when needed." This machinery, Mr. McAdoo indi cated. would be utilized this fall in Established 1899. WEDDING and GRADUATION GIFTS Diamonds Give Delight. jt'iiis ai lair price* are if you make selection immen-.- assortment, novi lib- in gold and silver particularly appropriate fer gift giving ill sufficient vari ety to make choosing easy. Kvervthinc In Jew. I:-.. r . I : : ? sMi fed from our 1 >aini v .. ? ....... a.$l St. ?? Opposite Auditorium. ^-SESZSSEjWSBaSJEaSSCSBBBOEfflBaB&a m W ork-Reducing Inventions eacft like a willing hand to assist you, in the KITCHEN CABINET There were at one time a million women just like you ? thought they didn't need a Hoosier because they had plenty of built-in shelves. Those same million women today possess Hoosiers. They learned what the Hoosier is and what it does. They now realize how much time, how Tnany steps and how much energy it saves, j What it means to be able to sit leisurely at their work. To have 400 articles all within arms' reach. How 40 labor-saving inventions make it an indispensable servant. Will you try one in your kitchen at our risk? It must win you or there is no sale. The Vital Section Is Exclusive Six features form an exclusive arrangement found in no other cabinet. This section Is the part that helps you most in ycur work. 1. The All-Metal Glass Front Flour Bin. 2. The Gear-Driven Shaker Flour Sifter. 3. Revolving Caster Spice Jar Rack. 4. Ingenious, Big-Capacity Sugar Bin. 5. Scientific Arrangement ? most used articles nearest. 6. Doors with handy trays for ute xsiia or new Roll Doors. Each Hoosier is sold tinder the broadest guarantee ever given on a kitchen cabinet ? your moiiry all back if yo-u are not delighted. The tremendous popularity of the Hoosier ? making possible quantity production ? has made possible the present low price of Hoosiers, Coaie ia and see ihe latest models ?while the present low prices still prevail. TERMS: 3.13.C0 No interest. No Extras. 1304, 130 , 1308 MAIN STREET ^ * . with order and your Hoosier is de livered to your home. $1. weekly payments easily und quick ?y Pay# for it. EC V Urj iicntimitow \v. \?? Juno : -jl; T'.if forty -M'vrM'ili annual mm pillion ' i if ilif W.-st Virginia laluratiou A ?>??- ! | ? taiitni roiu'Imird it.- .-e.s.-- ion.- horo jo* f night and silocloi! W ii ? t ! in u hs ini> nii'i-tiac; plaro uflirrrs \v**r*; 1 1 i-l-ctod us follows . ( 5 I'r'-siden- . Wai'man ! Harbe. Wf-st , t Virginia l.'iii'. y. .Vorguiiiinvii ; \ n ??? E jn i-.-iiiriii. i.awi.-ni" M tiiil. pr : 11 fj }>,i ! | i nni'or'l Norma' School. Athens. p it r* . Many W ."del 'nwvli. loiintyjl ; ::d' s* t . Ma'rsliali muni;., it .MdUini-villi ; t rf*H.siin*r, .1 < Sunders. [ Kt-JM*! . t - 1 1 - ? a ! 1 1 1 1 1 ? . <;?>i)l-y- l: : 'cli' bank. I'ai: iiinni. and William K?-n- , t dm k, of Wf-i Virginia ( ' n : \ ? r.- i; y . i' I' i "lit x : tm I ni i i'il - funiin:.'- | t iotn : of i ii iii*?ii ion , : 1 1 1 - 1 I I! Kraut-;.-. ? [ tup- i i m ? :!?<? in <il' schools :it t'oltmi- I hi:.-. I'ii!". v.i,-.- :h'> print ipa! spi-ak'TsJ nf the cinsinj; -i -r-ion jj fina'in.;: the loan contemplated ! i':;.d<r 'i - ST.' ""."?'H.''"" v.a; finailt" f In A ,M ? \!i \don <aul 1 1 ? ? did !ii>' j, there v. ? ? ; i : i : ! ?? anoiiior olfenni: ? ft. : ? ? fail. Tlo- n> \i lor, n iiardly -? il-! j In- i !<>-? :. i 1 1 1 ? ? * : " i 1 1 prio: Sr-p- J ! !' ? i'liai >i '-!i;.- ..-i pi.o.'- ;? ? ? ? s ?. I. -a", v. i : I . nnvii: ]?? : 1 1 ! ::0 :iini a' l?-.;si Miii 'J days* |?rolia!d.* will I... li.-vo'i-.l M.' ? ond ' mm ;.;,r:n Motv V oik I.csuls All. \i:\\ > ? ? i " ! ^ . i i .*? u * ? III! S ? I ? ? ' 1 1 V. till 'Lite liiV'rP 111'! ' 1 1 I !..iii ? i j I ?-=? ! .:>? ?! lor $".ii(?i',l.lMi i.i I . ? 1 ?? ? r ! I ? ?i 1 ?? i ii 1 1 - . i: was ? ? ff t ? ? 1 ? 1 1 > ar.nuuneed !ai" tonight by the l.ibert;. loan committee. NI'.W YORK'. June 15 ?Willi tabula turs still inllitiK la te tonight in an fur I to reach tin- bottom ot a m< "UJUA'.M" <?1" check*. i he Liberty Loan ronimliu-e announced that it probably would In- im possible to determine before tomorrow th.! total subscription* irmn tin* New Vork Knderul Hesorve district. it was Known, linwi'viT, thai the tuial will far exceed 5 l,0(iu.ul.i''i> but cstimales var ied a.s iii tho amount of t !??? over-sub. rcrlptioii. It seetneu to lie the general l.i'lii-f I liul 11 w ? i u 1 1 1 reach at least JL'UO. t'UO.OOO. The l.ih. rly heart r*>.?rn m i 1 1 tra ve out tonight a compilation of sub? ripiioiis ? 1 1 ? tn i ii ii 1 1 1 from 1 ] H batiUs In Krwater N? w York Tin- tola I r? aihi-d : h?> ??hui iiious ami'tiiii ..if StC.'.'.'iju.UiiO. Tula! li.'.ilni^ ? iii I .:!>?. rt> i :ni liond^ u 5 1 r i - 1 1 ii i; .n i.:i i. hi: \ ? ? u > ol'l, >Io.U ? \-'S ? hi; r. i: in'-.iiti .t in Ss I | ? E '(!:? tri ?? " . . ? -i n 'ii* I iii > is wli"li ? . " ? ? ' Wil ' . j, ?i ? ? i Ni'iy ?? i ' 7 ? p, t'? l*?u ? 1 ? ' I ? ? I ' r. " ' l' ! ' ? " ? ? 1 ' ' ^ W IS In! !?' \ d I ? ? ? ?' 'I. I !? S Ml I !-? ; ?. II III. .. Ill ? ?? I .. i I . ? ? ? loll -to ? it -.rki I hohi; i.;. i'l.i- :;?>.< r- s'n'ii!> \ ?? i-- 1- j . ?.? ?. W ii.ll!"'! Ill a liT-e ?? >? ? H l" !.| I I : I; . II ? : I ; .1 ly 1 1 !,:ii! ; . I . ? f j . j J lationa! t.i-af!i,|ii.i ' i tonight sub-i-rip ? tons ?! fioin a pi r-i\ iii .r ? ,i' | ? loo, 'imo in'! i x t.:iiai'? i j; d.EVi:i.AND ! S ? "l.ia i:i. \M?. ' ' . .lui.e 1 1 .1 ? . |B ? . ? . . : ri-::i ?. Mm 1 .1 1 ii* rl \ l.oanlR i :i.:;.r ?? i ? ??_!_. i .i I r.e 1 ii, : t .- r ; R I H .lit i ? imrTs i 'in ? . ? I > | :n tin!'" {'??kirlli il'.-.ri ' -..nil ?! ???riil hisji: J -> 1 nOfi.i,-'u i l.iin|t\ in;i!i Mibsiii!" J. tioii.i TJie i''-'i Mluuln all. ' men; Jor lliultf liistrtet Mjs J.,:,"|.|' ,' i ATLANTA. ATLANTA. <;.i, .II!.- Th." ??->::.! allium: of l.ibi rf\ loan su" . riprions I'or i he Atlanla federal r'-.^-rv l.a:i'.? ? 1 1 ~- ? l" 1 ? J was $?? 'O'.-.u'dtlij; ??il; : 1 1 1 1 1 ?? II 1 1 ? ' i ? 1 1 1 * ? 1 1 1 lute lonii;|i; |.y t !)?? ? hairin.ui of th- bank board. DAILAB. I'M.i.VS. Ti v. .1 ti iii* ] . 'I')-."'-: : I hi'ial !o:in v as iivi'rH'ibs.'ribi'd it:i i than t.'i.niiii. in tho Kb vctii f?li*ral i ! ^-r\- ili^t rii't. invonlini; '?? i W. i n.ipi i, | ? ii p'.ity K''vcrnor :'?? I'alhis f-ibrai i r?*s.T\"' o;t nk. M; per slat-'ij i; i wo. .ni '??? int.* be/ore Mnal .?"^iir. s wmihi I av.ail.ibli-. a" rb'rl ? iw-re s'.vr.inp.ii j with work of tabulat iiii; J >. ? t Snb^i-ri rtirtns in I CKICAGO. ' ? 1 1 1 ' ' \ ' .1 line lb- i ?:!>? i i l.' i.: . I ? * i .? ' ; ifai;.. ? g I . s?-r\ .? 'i 1 1 1 ? ? ' ?? - .-?li "I all ? ? l una t* s. ' B .\ : 1 1- ? .??! ???.? !?;? ji { was niiu'e a' luld- f* nli;i ? : ? ?;? irs i ? hun J.'!:' i ii'"Miaii . { z ???? loan : taken i.i- ilistrict. of wljlrh J .U'.'vi.OO" had Ih-imi l?b..ittte<t. : G XAliS'AS CITY. ^ KAN'S AS ? I'I'Y. M". Jun- 1."., KM i- 1 9 mat !??' that h?crij'lii)iiK t>*rty fi I < >: 1 1 1 would I II ?' ;< i.i. iiftii. lift 1 1 J. the Kali ii sas I'ify Kid.-ral |;.nik dlMtrii'l " i " 1 1 . Ii lit?, i u ? : ii in !? in". I. '? : e todav F] b> I X. M i il ? :. !i . no-.-r: or ? .,' : ?.? S si it i: t Ion The .'\a.'t aniii'inl . -i? 1 <i j ? t e be known uii'.l morninv:. a. . nr-i n.: lo y All Miller. t Tiie district allojiiiei:! u as .* I ini.-iai F OliK. _ _... BUTTE. j H IM'TTK. Mont . .In:!- i'.u ii I'l !>?-?! Sl .i.i:oi.i;,'.ll loi l.;b.:r., brilels. U Tin- i*i! > siibsriipiion i s nearly ??? ? I: I 1 ?_ ?In."' II. ? ?. Pol II. ? lit v. liK'l! Mas ?l.l'-''-.S an. i Unite siii.-i'i'.b- d a larger am umt s than was allot, o for the t-niirc .state of II Moniruiu. ^ COLtraiBIANA COUITTY. S;*X' l h.1 plk'.-hirli Tc tut* liitriii^rarf KAST 1 .1 VKP.I't " * 1 .. " .Inn. .... - ? ? 'lark .1.* J'*irf?!iiii'.'. i. hnirman id. tlo i"o lumbiami eiiiir.y riy j">an lea^io . ,g loniKiii a nni-iiui'ed tha' : .Oiip.ii.ei won i; 'i of subs. i i pt ions. Slid;, . :? e\iv.?> ??? 1 & I lo- .puna, had ijeon se.'l'i'ed ilt tlie rouii- | 0 i '. . ? Th' i > w.-r e J.i'. '.'.1 subscript Ion-. ' S ! as'' I .!?. el'pin.l V.itll j 4. i I U.I Mol'th ??: C snbsci ipltofi^. alnuis t U'ti.i'H" hryotid 5 he r i|tioia. it'ii other ? a'rs in ill" cininiy. IE IIAUHISON COUKTY. Spo'!?l 1 1. iii.ii ii f>. I n* Inlrlltifiuf : ? ? \ I ? l X i'. .iniie I.'-. ti:?i'ns..ii \ i.unty fltl/.ens iiri\" pi rfol'l.led Ih-ir liisi hi: in tie war b\ niir-suhi-pribiiisr th.-i:- al b.imoiit "f s:t'i".0on l.tPrrlv imids by JL'T.Tim:. This i.-p.ut whs iii;o|i at uon.'i lodaj Thosi who had "bari;. of i)i,,. sllbs. ? i|i! iuli are lK llK?lti d : hi' slii'ttliiL' in. ul" bv oik . | the smail-?! .(?uniiis in th" Slaif ? HUNTINGTON. 11 KN'T.I N '.'I \ a . .1 u i.o I.". ; I I nil : n. t; : "Il lnt< sabs.'.-il" d S 7 .V' ? loj tin- f.ib"rt.'. loan, ii v as aiiti'iiiticed this J i ? \ ?? 1 1 1 ? 1 1: . tins i? slipiiliy more than! tlo. alloit'd ainounl .'tmoinil WEST VIRGINIA. CI I A i: i.KSTi iN . w \ il . :i 'ifie t ". While limine*: III," I'll-, ('.serif IIISI I'l't ii -re no'. known loni^iil. Secretary Hardy, of the U esi \ irjimia hankers a.? Sill I. ill. ill. le.ell.'d W.llll In till. liff.'C't ilia) i he r.i.'hmoi'il 1 1 ? - : 1 1 ? ? i hail sub si i'iie'd ; h- .'iiioia ,.f i ] U". but it was imposfibli to details. |i ;s kii-i'.v ii ttia! i 'ii albs ton o\ ilbscrlb-d ii'- allotment I' a lir.- ? i 'nil the huur. o;i :iie I Hill." S ; > t ? iiiive nut I ... ? n f o r t hci im i ii ^ . I? b?'iei, ,-ij. how* ? ?\..r, ihai'ili"' ni.-'X iienn. v.ih- lion-Is ::i IS- u.'l reach I i .'..eui'.'"!". Mini' th- ^!-it'.'i ipio!.i was $ i "On PARKERSBURG. I'A I: i\ I .U.-sHI It'i. u V.I .1 un? In.? ) Put k.-rsburii : ? siiicn: .- sub.- rilnd >\ to i a I of ? >> 7 Cl.T ."?!? to tiit l.ihcrly loan. It! was ain "llle'eil i,e;p tonight. Exact Total Unino-vm, \\ \.- 1 1 1 N' IT" ' V, .1 il in I.".. The e\i|. i >?|| .1 ,.. i he eoiilltry'- rev |mi|s.. I . > I h" I ;i!i |i|oli.ild\ mi!! no", bo i. n- ? w u un'ii in \ ' m ..???!:. In son.' instances ilions-i :r ? i ?- ..f ? 'lie. ripii"i'S i-anie !.'?? lati I ? ? IP. ;. ill ? a : r- ? ? r\ ? l.anks. Th-se. I.i si. ifi.iii funs. mi,. I I-. II Im Ii I "I scp..ia'i|i an I Ih- lota.l I'.r Mardi'd In \\ :'shill}:li'll. .Ilist M hat i!ls- ; P> ..'? : t jolt will 1" mad" of iheni lias ' J ??: !,. I., .ieiermineil, I ilo ' ulis.-rip: iiiri are mII-.m-' .-,( ..!? i-oi, ji lei' ilia! I *ii-\ r im si i ! ? t j" m d 'i 'i;ii' -s ??! ' J i ? - ? bsi r 1 1 1 1 ' a: - .^p 1 1 ? coi ? I nt.i?'tl I ?-? ? .ill. and should be i j-li'M!. Hi il." 'inj1! ? i! '.' iii-- \iii-'l ? ri. an ??"!" ..ff.-r. d im.. TI.. v. i.i I ... i-.v ? ? n '.Ik Ulliourits 1.1 :-'io-. ripl ; ? 1 1 1 ? rec.'l v.-.l l?y ! |. -loi n l- ? ri !? i.ks lip la I I '<??? !-?'?! ?- ? \ plained |.v ? ii" ! . i .... ? I' !iio,|s:,fi.!- of ti.inl.s hold h ? ]. I.. .1 iiii i I lp? I'.I.'i ll'ltil the Ixit { ii - h' ii... il' i s :i n.i ???? 1 of th.?u"- ; ai.i- ol ?! ?!' ilii'-t.irs did ll'.il ^'u '?> !};. I II I-.S v.|!h stibseripllolis until The I I .III lo !h- iV'-lacd district t' wis "sti nai il tic" :P" number of suhscriberM wouivi reach 3!/.*. Ne'v Yc-r?. expect ed !.. 'v Viief'. ?? o i.i narr?^ Evrrj aK-r.v.i worklhs for the Iohii June 18 We will place on sale entire stock of paints, var nishes, stains, fillers, shellacks, polishes, enamels, etc. Tiii> > ! ? ?<?!?; ?.f Paints was purchased last fall, and will be offered for sale ;il less 1 1 1 ?' 1 1 1 w lioicsalc prii-rs. 1 Inns. ? Paints, all colors. in?*liiditiir Inside and Outside Whiu*. lMllirc 1 1 lie ??; Market Price $3.25 and S4.00 per gallon. Closing Out Sale Price #2.25 per gallon. . 1 gal. cans best quality paint ... .82.25 gal. cans best quality paint. . . . . . $1.15 Quart cans best quality paint 60d Pint cans best quality paint 30^ y2 Pint cans best quailty paint . . . . 18& 1 gal. can best quality varnish $2.25 V?, gal. can best quality varnish. ; $1.15 Quart can best quality varnish.- 60^ Fint can best quality varnish .? ? 30# V2 Pint can best quality varnish 18? Gill can best quality varnish 10? y2 gal. flat wall finish $1.15 Quart flat wall finish 60c Special Bargains in Wall Paper during paint sale 50 patterns of Wall Paper in room lots, including 12 wall, 24 yards border and 8 ceiling. SI .48 TO $3.98 A ROOM. & sa. ? w 9 i Wholesale and a $12! Market St. Retail Wail Paper Wheeling, W. Va. KOOL KLOTH SUITS and $10 "Like a Cool Ocean Breeze" That is how every man who wears a Kool Kloth Suit describes them. They are light in weight and leave you free to move, yet are so built that they; will hold their shape.' ' They are stylish, too, and come in several attractive colors. Pinch backs, of course, predominate but our collection shows some natty conserva tive models. HOUSE & HERRMANN LEGAL STAMPS WITH PURCHASES LEGAL STAMPS WITH PAYMENTS ?? "i.ichf in n of siil'Siriptinn''. Th?>j :iv,ii <-tni>l>>y<-i m ??!' l:il?or ri*p??r i suli-j > rlrs i.ti> (?> t ' ????-< <>f t lioiisiintl* fmm '??? n:irii" S ? ? r i * 1 1 ? 1 1 j?*i >* r'-lls. Th? Ifaiv | -< on:s ? nli.?t> 'I nearly IxO.'W'fl P'Tshiik ; iitii ;? total :iKKr*>pal IliK i'.?. T3r..>"f> Til-- I Vi.lll.-li V ????111 III | ( |,t hro'-'ntit id" I i:ui;v:i no* ??? iho buiinV -\ll It.i iiclt-a ul ?It" gov* riinii-::'. r??yt."iil>-<I Wiim liiij arinj t? ?>u was not labu-i u ivil ttiiiigli*. In: Hi'' tot .? I is ??si liiinti'') " hv 'licii.T than ji I ioiiM with! ratty ( miikI" ? s'll.-.ritiors. ,\ prir-, ia! its', itii: linr Mi l>s< i'i|?t mnfl r ii filed iti t'.\ ill" nmj i Miil'lisirnit iii >inmoil ]?.'.? 00 subscribers with a total subserip-j ii"ii of nearly 52.000,0.00. I'h" jt>i:ki>-s "ii t tic dreadnoughts of! ih<- Am* ri.;.n navy also did their bit: i!iian> -tally. T!i>- dreadnoughts s***iit from Jlii.oou !?> U'i" i-jifh, representing . from l^.*> :o subscriptions from racli 'I'll, lit ! !?? f'dlow.v of the destroyer and ' swluiKii in- iloiuia ami other Mnall craft,!1 Mint their ??tiiisiTiiiiion.s in. loo Mni'i siiati !uo and one-hal times as. iiimii;. j? rsotis auswi rt'd the eall of tie; l.ibert\ Until as responded lo i>rin;tny's ; llrst var loan of 4.460.0u0,00?'1 marks,!, approximately Jl.nsi. 490.000. Th<; first' Herman loan wa.-< Moated in September. 1911, when victory seemed certain. The ! . subscribers' to this loan numbered 235. . ilr'-it Mrita in's first loan was Msg--; 147.70S pound* sterling. approximately $ IT r t* . .?? T T>. T t* 1! Ii was taken by 100,900, Mii.v.-r:li?-rs. or l.-ss than four per centi Hi tin- number tl'.ai apparently subscribe! i-?l i" A nK'rica's tlrst war loan. Greati Britain's lirst loan was tuk<-n almost en tirely by. her wtajihy classes. Measured by the standard of total' ' subscriber*. the Liberty loan stands in! it class by itself as a nation's first wafci offering;. ? ? 4 A Philadelphia oyster dealef bear* XhiJ [ippropriatc uauic v? Shcllcm. ? 'l%