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Summ er Dresses Continue to Arrive Tsaw djvs^rs arnvini: fverv (inv. <?ur as sort merits .'ir rhi-ir l??*st and thervhy innkos'a sat i'pfvtiicr st'in'f i? >n iSomp of the :irw ! ? ?f-s whipn fin vo rO',t,TiT!y ar rived include: New fluffy Pan nier < styles. New Sport, effects. New Tailored designs, ' */ New ideas in Embroid ered pnttem? . all ^jwhitc and tho. st.rik ?.intr n""v\ <*ol^r$ of fhs Sprirc Many at f racH-ra styles at ea^h prior ? $ 7.98 ?$10.00 ?$12.50 ?$15.00 ? $18.50 ?$24.50 THREE LINES OF TUB SKIRTS Exeeedin'cli natty styles at of the nruvs mentioned HpIatv Tnrkots unci buttons make up the Irimmines op, most of th^ni. A!' si/?'> ;? n? I ail the different lengths. -at 8148 at $2.9S -at $3.SS W? lii V t?. . . . "????? ?' W.*i?h Skir' > Wnvh Skrrf.s of lin ? ?! W'hsp .-Uir: . rin'tt '1 1 1 ft', i;: i tin t ?! : i:??. h"n?*y. lu-l'r.c t i! 1'iiiM. ? rr;t;> an-l n.1! \vht'?: . ? mrh < ' ? .t ? ? pl;>tn :n>.| ?( ' ;i ;ic;- ??[?!: s;'>-tr- tVirioy i ? : ? j ? : - . V- ry r?? ? *;t t-. S?- v??rn I ?i: t r?-"! i \ ?? !?l* as in r Ti t .!??.: n:?-f r. >? >fyl"- . ? :i<! i-.-n-l Mirror. . . .. ? \v ' ? !? rr-itmnitjc*. mH. n 1 r -i:t'r% I :<? 'I ? ' '? h?*i? *. ; ? nrl h.?* ?? .i< s.-. ? her. iti>>sr b--.i:t ? r | ;"->l >!? ? r> l>?tns \ ? ? f ?? ? ?'???U* in;i prtce. SI. -18 each. v>f. h: tractive iisnn'? Ik-si rst Dainty Voile Blouses One Dollar Blouses ?,?,??.'! M ?here ;i >?(> ;i!v;h< ?ri ' >ty !.?*?> riv>in ?\" ii i? ? li to make sriot't ion ? anil values ??anrct hr eve I led. Sizes up n. .">0 Hum measure. One Ninety -Eight w - { : i t ? ? vitilf w i r 1? dsintv Ineo-;, hand embroider*. effeets and i it i i? i ? 10 eollav tr-uituiiiir^. T,;rrv CT C { ?.L 4. Exelusive ideas in voile *? * Orty " J_il0 ht Mouses v.-ith dainty laee n1' i t-iii -???>:?!? i;. Huffy fronts and laitre pilars v. t: i?- h ??omi'i'H' if urakf them i-Xijuisite, indeed. WHITE SHOES i y __.for__ Women-? Girls-? Children House I Legal Stamps With Purchases ?V ' "CfW \ * s>! MOUSE )? feltEEMAWCV n&ds#/ A, carefully selected and ????mjilMp stock in white can vas. white' nubuek and white kid. rumpiote assortment o f sizes ? and the prices are as low as consistent with good, and h< ?n <*st shoos. WOMEN'S SECTION? SECOND FLOOR. Legal Stamps With Payments "GYPSY DAY TOUR" TO START THIS MORNING When Local ^Motorcyclists Wifl Jour ney to Cumberland, Md. ? Will Return Sunday. At>our r Jti :-* y motorcyclist* of tin? vicinity will mak" r.h'-lr getaway early this tnorniti? fo: t^umberiaud. Md . anil the star: of rh* "Gypsy Pay Tour" wiil have romni'Tii'^! I'.y this evening it is estimated that o\>*r *0" motor cy clists wit! at ?*mnhRr!aft(! a ad r h ?=> first fiay ft' the nation-wide 'our will have b?>*?n history The "Crvp.-sy Day -Tour" ?o;nprl?rs t >je crossing and ? ri>s it?ssiii2 of tiv* yv hoi" country b;. ditfvren* division? ??;' motorcycle In riii? evru 'ho ?o.;rtiry has be*n divided i n '.< ? h?*vMr??l rMtiiiitf and ?'ach of the** s"f*tiotis has hern d'vid'd into >tuali?r sr'-uup?. each croup Jwhjj: "rnd^r tiiv stjperv'vmo a motoroycit manager who i~ prom inent i^r ?m?: .?:*??;. i |*? ?: rcl>-> in i ? : ^ Ti." tn::r will come t<> a :;i tomorrow niK'ru. [ RIVER NEWS The riTer i> ,>;il! r??-pdin2. as a stap* of eleven f'->*t arid ~iv initios was re ported at rh?-: wharf. y?sr>-rdny. The strainer Miitori lef: y?>str rdr.y morning at 11 '.'?>> n'rlofk for Mara mo ra/* and 'ir> will arrive this ev?r{;tt from Mariana and -.vMI d. par: tt 21:30 oVlnek ::n- mntTiittr fo;- \i at - amcrra& Th?* Ki:t '? *rh<viuleri ht tie up at the r.<n k I'ri.n I'irt^hurch at i ? ? o'clock tr.N morning >m h'-r regular ran to ?"jarv:-?ton SuridHv moaning at 10 o clO'-':* t:-- Sloan" r r u::h: - \vtil l^avo f.?r P "t 5- :: YesWa.v morning tii.- sSam^r QoMec;- Rod p,'> -^d rr>;= rfj\ on h*r v-*jr to '"a'.o. P? . he- d "king p">:v -I<?t o tght t/??? s???rj*r Hot:i?r Sn.i'h ! currier! sfvpral hundred people on an i aversion rrir i- Xrrancomrnt? arf boir.c made to n:.:k* sov**ral iuip:orrnf nt? at the v ? h:i :*f Kft\i:"s aro hfinq made to build iii^v road fn, i hr boat, as rhe presen' driveway is dattjrorous at the time of ; floods. BITES TELIGEAMS. I ''avis islan'l dam. 7 feet. fining; ft('-ub',nv!!Io. !*????>:? "'loudy. r'.i rk?r?;t.:irs:. Jalllnfr: oJn'idy. Moreariio:rn. ? f<-?'. falUnc: ol"Ar. ' '??; ?"? :y. i f>.?r. fjil!:nir. cloudy. ?Vnrreu. 2* :"?<??. r.<in Belmont's Subscription To Loan is $1,425,000 i O.iio-Side County Exceed r, Allotrrvent hy $135,000 ? Bell^lrc and Shadyside Lead. R*dm<?'nt county ovprenh.^rribpfl Jt.s liib-'rfy bund : i i ? ? ' r; ? ?"" n ? t>\ J I .?ti-fordnis to ?r loff 5:i I figurr* fur* ti:.?.iifd yt s'"rdrt.v "!"?,?? county's' sub script ton v.;.- :tpprr?Nimai?dy in"'" ,*i n d i" s va- $ I .L"'|t,i?"<?. r.^Ilairo and Si?adys*i(l" I* d in t In* sub ."'?riptinn i>v lakinc St ^ worth "f .'?bonds I IrU -n w a - s?-cind with 2.r>."IM">. Sr. < 'lairs'.ill" third with ,$U0.t"V.. f >arno> \ i !!??? fourth, S1ii2.|,0,.,> and Martxns r-rry flft'n w-j:h 'I'll*- c*:naind>r was -tibsc rihed by th'3 lOtliT Miv^ll i:t the county. )? PASSED BY SENATE. U'ASIllN'.ti >N. .! 1 1 n ? ? 1".. A bill to pmpi'tt'T t If ?;i'cr?'?ary of war to arqitiro land for training ramp? and ? niilitav. i?i j rj ?n by condomna : mn was pas-^d today !>.'? ih" .-onalo. -Y" WORKERS AT MISSION. . \* i h" I'nioii in;s! inn Ia<t niubt a hand of wnrkorr- 1'rnni *h" Vonnc Men's ( 'iiri.^'i'in a.-'.-0"*i:r i"ii h :< d < ha rti'" ol*'h?' j ffrviffs Som?- . v.oilent talk? nrrro I mad* ami* good ni'i'ic *van furnished. J TP PREF/iEE TO ftO INTO HTLL3 , AND SHCOT THE TAEGETS KEXT WEEK OrdCTH issnCil Teaterday to Pn>pa.r? Tor ! ' Attack on "Eats" Pxlda-y tuul Saturday. Plans were ????>iiipl?*ie.! ye:? t'-rda>- for j t outmp s?n<! tare- i ; ice -!? by 111.- hunrlrod? of in-mber- . t 'h-J | Hn?;:id>? ? "inpai.ies v*!n-\?!inK | .;i??rir? Friday and Saturday '***?'' "' r* ar? pr'-parinc <M jrhe '1" v?>iipk t (-.-Mi'-iV tiii'.u "f ill- it' lives and ili-i ? 1 > ?. are loMiitiR I'-ni'M ;n '!>** tv'"' . >?. :t!i considerable atii !??!;?>*? i ? ? r( Th* follow IriR ??rii*-: v. r.--i;ed y?.?tor-; ?:;u h; ?,?n.-ral II U. < '* Iilaba-mh. com- . i r, u- ; - t ->f t i". ?? Wcs" VirvlnlM division, .r sir.K all > ??ini 'ini'-s partleipnie in ; <>u*t in r: "Companies will flrsr assemble at | ?'"ir i c.ip.'i'i : v -e h-ariqaiirr-^rs ami mar' h . ? " ili'~- ""amp. nr r ' i ?' 3 1 member r' por' ?!! ri-n th?i ramp. as commanders pf lb** ? various 'On. p;i in inay ? 1 1 r ? ? ? RfP"r' ; ?-b"ul<l be muds loiwwn IV o'clock^ noon j and 2 p. ro i n i p wilt hv b'.^k^u Sutur rinv ovfnini; ! 'T?m? *i r * i straw will V" provide.'. I I "a- I: Hr:p:i.1l'r will brins ?nN h;.:n th- . !'? ?llovlnp One liIrink'M I'lirk : r* torrid' ; r i? pan. knife. fork, ?*??. *m '-?' ? J,,'a ?-t:i'|.m|ent rmi'inf !"r four meals. > n' In- : ?hidmc Frid i > difin'f. ? '? M I pv -..>?? fop ? ',r,i.ti:^ ill* pro'-^vN. b'ii fur po*.||>>. pre PllnnsJ l>" broiich' ' i Uric -di-rf hn- ms ? i ri i ?*' ? ? ?h^W . v, r if <,ti>i-' 'Jtir > w i! ! Iv o*H'rie'l "<">n Friday ov?miIim? ill'* Kr'u.tdo will, i !?.. a on grounds. Sandwiches. j . p>~, i-:i >. ? - MriM-Vi rif"!. ani I. r^atn uili bo serve.) Pa-di ni?mhcr Is j irrR-'d i1 ?kndwi!?-lii?p. p'.^s aiul , nrd 1 1 >!?=* r l-rinc with him. or j !?-.-> \ t t h ?> X- iY 1 1 .i r< I '.vn.r? t'-'inp-inv' 1 >r?. I ' I? Jh'k*i st.'' ' Itofor* - \\ m . ! :? V. Th?4 1 ' I* I h'* .^tlOlfll de 1 | i r 1 1 . 1 1 on ?!).. .>f i h? ?.-?!!>?'! In ?: ! net . ???;? F'ricadi'i" i* urC'l 'n *.vor\ j ? irr^sr ly. ' I'rtr - rits and frlond.s it" 'irenfl ?o j tof./l th" s?-!r! r.'vl s?-rvt<"f> will i mi n froni Stop T I ,F' ' ? ? "li ? h<? M t j l?r?i:n-h of t!r> <"'it y .HAilwiy ? ir 1 ln?- t? i ?' ? i'at<ip. S v 'iy Aui*-* j i v ill run i r^m ?? i * ; on i'.* on' Koine j 1 'rips Mini ;? ?o !? o;i i !, a r.--iirn ftps. ill ?<?.?> i!i:t? j*a>-h mVnihT ! of h'?- roiinTind i ? :i?'! ?!i*d lift tho| fin'jou n?~?m?n' nia?l? w? :iiA ?.flrl^1!'*! rjuirch s?rviiv.<." CORNER-STONE LAYING I AT WARM) SUNDAY nvrPKESsnn: exercises will be HELD AT NEW LUTHEBA!? CHURCH. Many Vlsltinr Mlalstern anA Conertijra- 1 tdons Will Take Part ? Other Wanvoort News. Th" forn?rntoni> of tii<? now W:ir\ l uili^'an chnri'li will )? ';i 1*1 tn-mnvrow ! :i t ?? i is.ioii I! nVlorli. with n j???: 1'pria ' o I <"rv;o>. Tin- piogrrani will I ?<? i_i. fharp" t of Ov. R A 1 1 'i:\sh ma nn. pa.^toi* nf th? ; .?hurfh. i Th? T^ith^ran 1 1 f ' i r*sr! ?-*? 1 porv).-^ fn- ( laying 'h? ffranlto \\!H !?? rond by Ihol ] s i o r. as.sisf'fl by \iv|t!r.c i?astor? The new ohnrrli i> bomn ? nm" I'lin-'l \ of vnriKnt.?d t;?p?'Mry brii'k trimmed1 ? i t . . ^ THROUGH GAR SCHEDULE : WARVVOOD BENWOOO ? NORTH BOUND. FROM BENWOOD: i I'aily Mi'?pt Sunday? 5:15 n. m.. j ?.nil ?v??ry minutes ftor ] nntll 12:00 niidnisht, o\c*?pt thr: . 11:15 p. rn. car to Firiit .?t ?>???. ; .??illy. < 'ars leavlnc at ]?.!."> and. 1 2:3 J u. in. p? ? in Tenth 'tr'?'t on'y. Snr.'luy 0niy--?:00 n. in.. n. rn.. T :0ft a. m.. 7:30 u. ir.. ar.'i ovo.-v :1 ?? \ ("li nilnutps thereafter, th'* -chcdulo , from ibcn on hK?1 r;*r the same m \vc-?L i rla y. i FROM TENTH STREET: j r-?ajly excppi t?umi4?y ? < :30 a. m. |l and o; t-rv htti'^n i.iti.u!"-- ? ' .?rc.if : ' .miil J..'0 m.dn!i;ht. l.:ij>t car. 12:"') ;i. m. 1 - . i J iair io Fli-at >:r?e: only. ! Sunday only? 5:U>. :>:?(.>. ri. io. b j 7:30. o a. in., and ?r?ry iii??ecn I ir.inutcs therojiftor. The fcciibtJu'c I from ihon on b^infr th? ?anio a.% : we ok day. : SOUTH BOUND. FROM WAR WOOD: Daily <> xi'Opt. ijundsy? 4;p3 r.. -n . j and every lifu-on' inir.ntep tii?rea"icr ' until 11:37 p. m.-liun car t? Ben- I wood. Car9 hiavlng at ll-:i>3 p. m., 12:08. 12:2:i and 12:S3 y.o to Tonth >i r-^-t only. <"ar? laavo \Vnrwoc>J for l-'irsi Mr^ot only it.'. 1 ni. Sunday Only- ;.:aS, >l:(is, i;.r.3. < \ 7:23. 7:38. 7:53 .ainl S:?3 a. m.. i.m! ! every fifteen initmle.s th<!iv&fi*r. h* ! schedule from then on beimr a.s week day. WHEELING- TRACTION COMPANY. ? 'I a Thoroughly tried and proven for Headache ? even the most stub- N horn, aggravating, ex asperating headache, yields to M DR. TIJTT'S T.IVI'.R F'LLS The rr] ief afforded is y surprising. Learn for yourself. Bin ' a box today ? and smile Tomorrow. .. J IV ! ? h ri** . n ' a ei-ist of M7.000 It tv ill 73 t'i M lonip "> f'-f ' H'id".,wl'li Sunday seliool "inii social rooms on tin f try* Ofmr ,ttk! ?1i<* auditorium on ?io.-nml. 'Pi* l>i:l!Hm? )? of KtigH*>h ?;?thie ?"1 ?* ?; i ej : ? ?> nd will l'? rhufhlj" In ? v?r' i 'J'" " ,= ' ? t I Jus' south ? f tli' nr^1! h :eh si ii ft"-'!, or. TNnrwooil ?v'iit|?, liMwe.-n Sixteenth nri'l S"v<>n l?f?nth r-lv+r-lft, A iarc* .-rim '1 Ik t" h<- pres ent a* f e i o r;i | roiigi ven' ions ha-v* Invited to p.irt i*-? |?r. t " F?ll?w(i!(f Is th?? pmcram. i:>\ ?r.itl?': Hymn 17* "Tho Omrch's r?ti? Koun- i datlar." ' Th* Psilter Hcv. F <} A I per* Tli" r;i?rla I Script Hf.s I ,ns.?on f Mo'.*. P P ' 'rloUonhTgfr Vocal Sol* Mrs. Hupp <"?tto Prayr . !;ev. K. Frank R ;? I e Vddres l.tHh^rati Prongs s . i:?v. i: >; upward. p. n. 0?uadri-< v :.!? nn:al of f li ?? Reformat ion. K.-\ <; w. .rn.-hlow !.'???! I ,u i }? "-a ; Pot \ I, Belize 1 1 v jimi Thy Z:ot;, l.ord." Rrief Addff s- e - Knowing anil l.n\ini; ?"?'i r I'hurch IP- v. i >. i ' I a :i ln'i?r .M:.??lnit pe\ K. !?" Jlnl'iani"!. I'l1' l.ijtfwa'i I ' i ??? t K?*v. 0;tn U'cnrt'l . lutei* ; M . ? I Mpn ? "?t ? nd Mrs Allier< < 'oy ? Pee; I : : i; I .??<-.?? | Pa.storsi r C > in li L'y I " r-1 ?.!?! 'he Sure Founda- ; lifi'l S'lniio." ' } , Tile 1 ?"f : ? iS *P I : <? l.ayinn nf 'l;f ?">rn?r .j P..?v fi.1 h \ i I*i r .li: i t : : j i . i R I 'i. I ?. r> . i:*v. j?oan. | Rr-v S. S. Adams PiixoIokV P??noili't l"n Rocitll for Red Cross. Mrs. < "jirl Wor-t mann, n pi.-al lie! '"ro .' worker w li Ci". ?? ;? lf',l t :i 1 at t h '? S ? ? ? ? ? ? . ? 1 ("nlii'rt Pr??shyirrian cliurch. WK-olint: ?n Th'M'SJlay ^vi-iiins. .T i ? ??: "1. a' s OVPV'k. It lf> to LMVfll fur * ll lifllf fit of lor:'.l n.-1 ? r?ss Soii^ty Tickets), ?!<? on wlc nr. Oar in, Pii-i;liatii Tj l?r'> . niu.?lo stor". '?"WThnt Caa a. Woman TJo.* T!)f> j?ooor?l o;in of TP**. > i ? s cf >r: - on "What '"'an ;i I'n." v ill l.? Oflni rf i 1 1 t| i- O arw-.oii Pr- t ? !:mi church. S'iIiiI.i-' * vnirv, liy Rev. P P it i - r.,..-, or i h ?? , Woman in Social S <?!?. ! -e Work." Enjoy Ontlag'. " ho r-ntir" fo;v.- rh- 'A'fstcrn T'ntop : leicpraph offtc ?v i" ?n|oy nr. i j t : ? . c. Sunday.' a.' oj(<? of atiracsivr 5>pot^ ! n<*nr Warwool Bnptist Picnic. Mjiny "f '.lie pv.-io!'- "f Wa: wnoil n!'e::<ifi| ??<? a' I1J . i ???n<*> 's cr?v?\ ^l-.i-n I'.v 'In l'.api if:' clwir- hi s o; i W l!?s?- 1 i i > k. -e * t o -(| .?) ! Cliolr DlsoontlJiT:',(l. ?*?!?'?!!* pra '^i*" o<" Jrv ?"'h risi ian 1 church l':;s i "<?t: .1- i i* :i.;i| fur 1 1 ?? 1 ? ?i :s i m . >?:" mi - j l- is anil tl-e warm \v"nMior Brirjr a Boolt. Sunday, .lane iT. v.ili I-- l.ihrary day i he Special Display of Watches in Our Windows THIS , W !?'. Y. K . Every waVb. smranfocVi ? n n * 1 iiir prims v sin* jou. | J. B. BAUM CO. ota^oxps w a r< ! !.i;> .ir.w r.i.m Schmulbach Bldg.. Street. jj L?Z^7J4fc5iBaJSSa?Sii We Have a Liberty Bond for You! __ Keeping a savings account here is Help helping yourself financially in the m o s t satisfactory w a y possible. VnnrQplff Briu? in your savings regularly and iuUIotSl. deposit them here. Maylbe the amounts are small, but the sum of . . them is sure to be big if you, keep it 4yc up. Start now and keep a growing of course! account in a "growing" bank. N1A HALF 1501 MARKET STREET. Let the Direct Action Gas Range sever The bonds of the Kitchen Drudgery Here's a Stove that thinks and acts for itself? a Stove that any woman can cook and bake with? the inexperienced bride as successfully a< the professional chef. i - ~n TV Direct Action Has Range is equipped with an Auto matic Oven Heat Regulator that controls 1he flow of gas. When you hake bread, you sot the wheel at a prc-deter mined poiut, and your oven will come up to that degree of heat ? it never goes beyond this point, because the pas is automatically shut off until the oven heat begins to fall below the required temperature, when the gas is automatically re lighted. This same thin? holds good in pie or cake baking, and means an assured success even before you start ? never any thing burnt, or underdone. With the Direct Action Gas Range you can cook an en tire menl in the oven? eight or ten different dishes, ajid through the aid. of the Oven Heat Regulator, arrange for your meal to he fini>hed in 3, 4. 5/6, ~ or 8 honrs, depend ing on the degree of heat at which the regulator is set. This eliminates pot watching ? your work is done when the cooking or baking is placed in the oven ? the Direct Ac tion never makes an error. Von <-nn have a Direct Action Range in any one of a dozen varieties table and regular range styles. Let. u* crire you a practical demonstration. n I ho. .M K. oh'.ir.-h. of Warworn!. Each J member is asked to l-rinp a an<l : n i ? l.f>tik contributed l?y those interested j will ht- nppr? ? iati-d. Meeting- of Stockholders. A \ pry Important I'listhoss of ' io* sfn?*kh"iil<,!"s tho Lovi?laiid Vnhin ??or Kir* -I'l-ia: :ou. will h* held . In i rvi'-nlnt. .Mine I at >' o'clock. Personals and Briefs. Mrs ?;?.t I.AvniiMid nti'l Ik;- diusli'er. l>rn. are visninp relatives away from' Mrs ^ .?|. ff iV|i;or \\':i rW'Oi!. is the ? :u- st o*- Mr.- I'h.f. > f '.V :ipi'! i lie. Mrs !". jk" I -? > -ur.-i r l will havf* as hfr i su^>rs fiir* u-tvli Mr and I Mr W. .1! r?* and .-?ons. V .;?m 1 and i William .tumor. f.f IVrrysvtllc. O. . Mrs. K 1 ''.ir1'"1 -i :t?l children arr vis- \' itini. frl' ttds tn ' "a 'iifr.>n, \V Va. \\'al' i* |i.iw?i'ti ' ? ? accepted a position! > it t)v r.l'-t..- .'?!!!?? Sprinkler < "ompany. j .1. ?' It pastor of the M. j !.' i ' :< a : t . ndtnir the annual l"iis-[| M r<- \v \ ii i>,ir and family are! r:*.:li:;i; frionii*' ri Liir.a. O. ! Mi- .1. w I .. t . wti<? ftas I'ocn spend- 1 ? k several w?-k? In Warwond, |ei't i>:i [ dn>>sday i"f lie;- li?*it??- in Halt imore. ' Mi: j Mrs. IV: pot*-. ??!* Mantiin^t..n i> the i;iiost Mr:'. ("utitv-Ml. of iVntor War-j Hospital D'reclors Assure Plivsicians. Their Families Will Be Cared For. The bnnnj Hi" nil nrs of 'he Ohio" k';.!le\ hOspilal la.-' nishi In tiici i? inn to roiiennini; its- assurances " -'ippori th" ?li;io Va lirv (j.'iji ral lO.-pital i h? it which i- heinu ojkmi izi-d i >r i- wiMi i hi* Aii'.otiraM Aml-'j .?Hi**-"' i 0. in Kinv-po t'lf; iclili ? i i|?.i 1 una ran lie- that i' will proviiie in funds in raro for tlto f.iiiiilio? of /n* physicians ml others v;ho will : iK'o up the persnnnol (if the unit. ' 'ii-5 :? r- 1 i'ltt was taken at a joint ? ' j i tli*? hospital liirconirs called . i i !. \V I'l t'Tson. rind I 'i I. 1 1 \\"i!snn. ?!? an of tiio hospital ;'aff. fur tiii" ptirpn.-i; of furthorlns; p organization of i he ambulanc^, | orps unit and r:va;int: now ?-nt?iu>i i.-iii anions; ? h< physician . f tn*.' .- tall t:id t ho rity laii-*-. \f'or ihi- |i|."i ns for !?".?? < ?h i <"> Valley I'tiiTMi hospital tmil had hooTi : a" 1 k < c? ? ihoronshiy th- hnspital diroi'tors Mlimirnod : nc! ii;i% physicians wi-nt i. ; i . Appli'ra? ifins n; t ii j-t -*? ?>-\\ riiTUits Mi p- rocojvi'd. Tno staff i. in.- .ii!oj': *"d a r?T?oiin ir?n de iarin- it 'f> !? ? r !?? - -? n-o nf tlto :jk-p: :u 1 1ja * rvorv pliy.sjrinn ? ho ran do ? I ?hiiiiid ?liii.-! in tiio >')hio \'aili ? !? iv- .1 !>i-pi:.i! .i:: if Mr. Wi!i <"?? ?' who v.-n.-, .-oioiMfd ;r. ii* diroi ior of tiio unit, siatid la>; |i-:f 1 1 1 a t h\ '.i< \l wook it i.= iiopoi] 'in jiOrsonP'! of tho tint will I" ?t-v.iii '? ! Il-Trniis must pass mo ?>v; tMination cf t lio tnedioal rosorvo' nr |i- it- fore tii?y fan !>?' arcojiii"! ? nd t no pvrsoiiiioi will not bo nn iiiiino ri itniil tho i"xatniTi."tionF havo ?.??"it oopipi- tod. .liisi how soon Whoolinc will ho rop ?..sontod jn ill.- hospital porvioo no-: -trpds upon tho rapidity with which, iio ro?riiits ran pa?ss thr- oxamina-' ions and ho assignod to ihoir p!aco> ' vti the s-taff. More than a sroro of mrsos hosidos iho physioians and stir :oon.-i will ho inoittdod in tiio person- ? io| nf i ho tin it . Tho funds for equipping and main-! :? i n In c tho tinil in .service aro nil iimraniood and overy preparation will' ).-? spooded until Wheeling's first hos- ; ^i'al unii ij ready for porvioe. TWO DEAD IN ACCIDENTS. j ?^!a! Dl<??*ch tn InteUU^oeef. j ELKIN'S, Vk*. Va.. Juno IS.? ;Ono man | van faiAily luin a-nd two women and " hro? mori seriously* injured when a! landcar on which they werp ridin?!' 'rotn a lumber rarer to Even wood " ?.rashod into a box oar. Tho Dead. ii ElAJCL TETTElR, 19, diod on special o The Call of the Great Out-of-Doors Is Creating an Unusual Demand For Just Such DELIGHTFUL t Frocks, Suits & Skirts With more care in choosing the shopping place, more women can gratify their desire for pretty styles at right prices. f FROCKS Lovely Slimmer Frocks, in dainty and crisp niatri* nl. and ihetv's no count In^ llio I'olnrs ami color p'unbinai ions. IVicod as low as SUITS Plenty of styles we can't duplicate, once these are prono ? styles you can't duplicate elsewhere, even now. Prices beginning as low a.s KIRTS Those new Skirts cannot last ? t ho time to choose is( while the ?*hoosinjr is sn ffood. ? Prii'<\s lipjrin at 95c THE BRIGHTEST SHOP IN TOWN WE LEAD IN VALUE GIVING rain brinsin? the injured to El kin? nspital. E. S. Burr. ?>7. died today from be-' ig struck on the forehead by' a piece f a burst puliey at the plant of the lEIkins Box rornpany. Burr was work ing one hundred feet from the pulley land i he small piece -which struck him I barely missed 25 fellow worHaen a? it 'sailed across the room. w worlgaen h