Newspaper Page Text
REAL ESTATE AT ELM GROVE, W. VA. There is a six- roomed modern dwellinsr "tTered for sale ;it tlio ridi?'?i-! lously low price of S3500, ami not all cash is needed, at that : is .si'u-i ated near the MONT.MKNT I'LAl'E. ami has every convenience, jrond-j sized lot, and in the very best of repair. HESSE & KIRCH1NER CO. 25 ELEVENTH STREET. Open Evenings. Both Phones, 471. , Member Wheeling Real Estate Board. 140-ACRE FARM Six room moriern housi?. ?r?am heat injf arrangement; farm lays .1 n ?? :n V>? j 1 condition. 6 acres alfalfa, good barn and iiat buildings; coat, oil ni.?J gas | rights k*o with sale: near St. Clalrsv?U?\ Ohio. L. A. ROLF AGENCY 10 14tH Street. Properties aianag-^fl, HLonoj to loan. Qaneral Insurance. Member "Wheel in* Ileal Estate Board. FOR SALE ?rick in fiiT I< i. Bath, rvcep House just newly painted. lYi< Eieht-roorn brick in fine location on Sixteenth >treet. House in A No. 1 condition. Rath, reception hall. etc. ? ^^000 Hmisp itist neu'lr oainted. I'rice tPOVf vr vr i Citizens Savings & Trust Co. BANKING? REAL ESTATE? INSURANCE Corner Sixteenth and Market Streets. Both Phones, 498. Member Wheeling Real Estate Board. FINE FARM ? Located near Triadelphla, 10 acres, 6-roomed house, ! . level ground ? $3600. . { THE FINANCE COMPANY Fidelity BaU/ilng, 1229 Main Street. Capital and Surplus 8160,000.00. Beal Estate aad Tire Insurance. W. O. BSA2TO, MOB. SEAL ESTATE DEPT. Modem Suburban Home ? ">v<Tl?>i?k:ng Wood lawn ami I-Mpwood. Ihtk- inwn plenty shrubbery with two across ??!' land. Ideal home tor the well man. Price ? S25.000. J. P. Roth Realty Co., 1138 Chaplin? St. Opposite Post Office. "I A Per cent- on your money, 7-room house, storeroom, stable; XU lot 56x120 ft., level, out of floods, 82400, rents S20.00. Tucker-Csiirilia-Campbeil Co. 1212 CKAPUNI ST. Open Evening's. Natl 1084-2C. Bell 710 MEMBER OP WHEELING REAL ESTATE BOARD. Will fix it up we will let' 'you arrange your terms for the cheapest home on the car line in city. Ri Jesbitt,jr. 16th and Market Sts. Both Phones Open Evenings. F OR SALE No. -JUT >t.. II r? ???:n two I baths.. l\\ <-? Uttcli* iss.'.ilrv. Kvry- [ voifx t'Hiono.*. I.ot JO"-. t. 'i'llli nice N'Tltl i-'lotll 51. .'HJflirry. I I^IO'S I?'\V. No. lii riau short:*- .V.e.. 7 ivanx a .<1 i biiiU. pantry. 1 1 : i ? - r i oios*-t u.iil hi (,\>ry oi-ub!*- i-liar. ! .*? ? t A fortf-c** tour it.'i.iis ;i::m buiil. | K'lg'ltt I'Wi. i Tatum & Caldwell Hooro 4. City Bank Blclg-. ? - , Bell 664. STai'l 364-X. j COUNTRY PLACES FOR RENT.1 1 (?!??? ? WiOK national 63L Bell 1593-3. poe nr.Trr 11*9 Market St., Cnd floor. 5 rooms bath ?50. 114? Market St.. Srrl. flour. 5 rooms. bath 35. 1151 Ma-k.-c St.. 3r.d. floor. 5 rooms. bath ? J0-I3th St.. 1st. floor. 5 ro->tns. hsrh 31. 15th. ? McCollooli St.. 3rd. floor. pan'ry. bath. wat?r r??nt paid... Z. 4115 South Penti St . ' rooms. ha>b. jn. Edjcdale. 6 rooms, bate 30. L^thTWOOfi. 2nd. floor. 3 rooms. bath 35 Security ! rust Co. Agepts 1146 Market Str??t FOR SALE? WAR WOOD HOME Five roomed house and buth. n^wly frtlehed. Two porches. Lot 30x120.' $2,100. Roderus & Win?erteri 1019 Schmulbach Builfiinjf. ' Tbxn*mi BeU 15T7; National. 978. | Woodlawn Lot, $2600 If sold at once. Think o? it. It 1* worth 1600 00 more. t? iiO\t20. and just tht pla^e for a beautiful home. Don't miss tht? bargain. PAUL-LOUGH CO. Rim tOi Srnii Bull BulMH*. 8*1 X2: N?L S73-M. A FEW LEFT i 0?a2J In the Midway ! THE BEST LOCATION inmcmeche: !i Low Prices ? Easy Term, REID REAL ESTATE CO. * ? - INSURANCE ? . -^16 S-CHMUIBACH BLDC OPE/1 ? SATURDAY EVWllNGf FOR EXCHANGE! \\V have t '?v i ? general stores' which \\oiii<! invuii'i* approximate-' ly s| -J null, which we won hi ho; v.illioir t<> ^.vhaiitre for srnod: farina or income properly. i FOLMAR-ROMINE CO. ! German Bank Bldg., Wheeling-, W .Va. 100 ACSJES TOB 54,000. Six r<">o:o house. si:it?; roof, (rood build ings. I" H'f-s So. S coal, st>ni? bottom ml. half this yc:i rs crop k.'ivc ?o owner; vi!l :r.*i"i?- j for quick ?i?m 1. and e:i*y ,t> r.'i:s; M* si.-r?-s !? >r $C.">r,'i: n"\v build-; iftiis: ;i ! I kii;<N of ? 'hi'> farms: money to' !??:??; ?writv tor int farm list to H. H. MASTERS, Agent. Canibrluffe, O. Plumbing, Heating and Fire Sprinkler Systems ROBT. W. KYLE CO. j Now at 1518 Main Street Get Our Prices Before Instating. LATEST MAGAZINES l'.""ks. Stationery. Post Cards. Ail sub scriptions filled at publishers lowest oricy. direct to your address. C. H. QUIMBY ' 1612 Market Str??t. GREAT ENTHUSIASM OVER GEN. PERSHING PARIS; June ID. ? Major General J,onn J. Pe is hint;", commander of the A met ican military forces In France, spent his third and last day in Pari* before leaving for rhe fremt In making: official call?, paying a visit to Mar sha! Joffre.. with whom he had lunch eon, and Ti5ltln? the senate. He also visited the Pieptts cemetery, "where he placed a wreath -on the tomb of La fayette. During hie visit, to the senate today j there were sc??ies of enthusiasm simi lar to those that, took place In tb? chamber ot deputies yesterday, Th? senators stood when Pershing ap-i p^ar^d in the diplomatic box acenmpa- j nied by William Graves Sharp, the American ambassador, and applauded him for "several minutes. M. Uibot, the premier, alluded to the presence of the distinguished Ameri can soldier and called on Foreign Mir.-' ister Viviani to address the .senate. M. Viviani. speaking at first with great re straint. launched witli great beauty of' expression into an oration in which lu. described the rwfusal of the United States to see the ideals of civiliza-j tinn. of democracy and of right in bat- j tie with dt'Strut r. i *. ? - torces without tak | itiK iter part, wnicii he declared" was j a great, and noble par'. The senate took a recess of half an ! hour e-o that t h?; members mi k ht be. introduced to General }Vrshiug. j J^ater General Pershing drove with General Pelletlre to the P'epus ceme tery, where a wreath was deposited on the tomb of Lafayette. ELLISON NAMED CN COUNCIL OF DEFENSE S'. aI it.!: ? '!.? ll.'-UU*'! ??; WASHINGTON. D. Cv .lune .lo. i 'apt. J. Frank Kll'son. of Cincinnati, was i inlay appointed a member of tie* inland rivers transportation commis sion of the narinnal council of defense, anil is expected to supervise the ex penditure iif millions on Ohio river improvement* made mort> necessary by the state of vur overtaxing llio capacities of the railroads. Washington, .rune is.? The coun cil of national defense today an nounced creation of an inland water transport a lion, committee with Gen. \\\ M. Black, chief of army engineers. I . S. A., as chuinuan of the advisory of the council, who has special charge of matters relating to transportation, as a member ex*o?3cio. The other members of the commit tee are: Walter S. Dickey, vice-chairman, of Kansas City. Mo.: president Kansas City-Missouri Kiver Navigation com pany. George E. Bareol. president of the Philadelphia stock exchange. Captain .T. E. Ellisch. Cincinnati, formerly secretary of die National Rivers and Harbors Congress. Joy M6rton. Chicago, director in many financial, mercantile and -trans portation companies. James E. Smith. St. lxmis. presl dent Mississippi Valley Waterways Association. M. J. Sanders, president New Or leans board of trade. Nontenant Colonel C. Keller of the corps of engineers will set. as secre tary of the .committee. ft will be the function of the new committee to bring together the com panies engaged in inland wat<*r (raf fle. including those on the Great Lakes In order better to meet the war situ ation and increase and make mor?- ef ficient the freight carrying facilities of the countries waterways. It is hoped through the agency ot" this com mittee to aid in sotue decree in meet ing existing shortage of freight cars in the s?srtions where water trans portation is possible. Misunderstanding With Japan is Cleared Up WASHINGTON. June lf?. ? Almaro Sato. Japanese ambassador, discussed with Secretary Lansing today the scope and purpose of the coming Japanese diplomatic mission which is expected to place the relations of t!iu two countries on a- better basis. All the complex diplomatic questions con cerning the revolutionized Far Eaist will be gone into, it was stated. The recent misunderstanding in Japan over America's note urging the Chinese factions to restore order was stated afterward to have been cleared. Ambassador Sate has cabled his cov? ernuient that the fa he text carried into the Tokio Aushi from Its New York correspondent, was not an actual note from his government but merely the comment of some Washington correspondents -on it. Charge Wheeler >? Tokio had previously similarly ex ;..ained the situation. LONDON. June 15. ? Great Britain ? ?day despatched to the United States ? reply to a note addressed to tho ;-.u eii t"e allied powers inviting them to associate themselves with the United Spates on the principles of the recent American note to China, w?iich ex pressed regret at China's internal political difficulties and a hope that, internill peace soon would be restored. The British aivswer, which is of considerable length and carefully framed, expresses sympathy with the principles enumerated by the 1'nited .> THE PIASIO.VD UHjfcND. J.?dlc#t A?k Jouf nr?xsrj?t foi <'bl-eho?-lcr ? lironi 1'IIU la K?4 and met?tllc> bow*. bc?I?<1 ?ith Blua Ribbon.3 Take a* ether. Bur of ronr A?kforCin-CnV:e.TZ?<"? DLAMO.ND DUA.NO PiLLJ!, for ?5 ye*rikii9wa0sBsit,S?fcj!.At?ayiR<lt3V:e SOLD BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWHfRg How much mileage do you get out of your clothes? Ours are the long- distance sort built for substantial service. We are showing new linos of Shirts in Madras. Silk Stripes, Fibres and Silks. Prices $1.00 to $5.00 Even* Straw is not a Sailor ? some men prefer the Bally Lnn. the Panama or Milan. We have them in all shapes. Prices $2.00 to $5.00 Geo. W. Fox 1310 Market St. BARKER'S MR BALSAM HAIR A toilet pr?pw*tloa of merit to?rnJlc?t'i daalrr.IT. I For iiertoriae Color wjd _ Bceutr to Grt r ?i" Fadod Hnir. Ma ?nd >1.0* r>r?rrt?K. Industrial Success la beyond j>ro cedent. Say your lot. quickly. Dou ble your money. ACT WOW 1230 Market; St. Bell Phono 1135. * lsfat'1 16G-Y. ATLANTIC CITY ATLANTIC CITY ir\GloriousSummertirr\e The Leading Resort City in the World . with the broadest, gayest and safest beaches, insuring security to the most timid bather, the finest attractions, the best hotels and moreover, the most invigorating climate ever known. I isif Atlantic City and be convinced THE LEADING H HUSKS ARE ALWAYS OPEN and will furnish full information, rates, etc., on application (Hotels are all American 1'lan, unleshotherwlse noud.) Hotel St. Charles Hotil Dennis Hotel Chelic:i On the Ocean Front On the Ocean Front On the Ocean Front Newlin Haines Co. Walter J. Buxby .!.B.Thoropson&Go The Shelborne On the Ocean Front European Han J. Welkcl. Mgr. Marlborough- Blenheim On the Ocean Front Amrrkvin and Euro pean Plans. Josiah White & Sons Co. Hotel Strand On the Ocean Front F. B. Off and H. C. Edwards The Holmharst The Wiltshire. Seaside House Central'.NearBeach Central: NejirUeauh On the Ocean Front Henry Darnell Samuel Ellin F. P. Cook's Son* For detailed information regarding train connection*, etc., consult local ticket aSonta (ialca Hall Hotel and Sanatorium F. L. Youwt. Mgr. I States ami a wish to do everyt hing . possible id conform with Preside*..: Wilson's desires. Hut it adds that ] Great Britain naturally must view the situation from a sliciitly different . i standpoint than the I ' n i t ?-d Stat-s ami that .-.In* may not be able to do all Shu president suggests. LABOR MEN PLACED i ON DEFENSE COUNCIL i J WASH INC, TON*. r>. c. June 15.? ' Labor's protest against lack of repre J. mentation on the di fense council's com ! mittew on coal production was an- j ? swered to-day by the appointment of j ; these men to the board, John P. While, j Frank Hayes. William Green and John I ' L. Lewis, oil! vers of the Cnited Mine! j Workers of America; .lame.- Lord, of j !the American Federation of Labor; I John Mitchell, chairman of the Indus- J trial Commission of the' .State of New ; I York, and II. !. Kerwin. secretary to Secretary of Labor Wilson.- The an- j nouncenient of the selection of new ; 'members followed a meeting of rhe la-: |bor representatives and ollicials of the . (council of national in the of- i 'lice of Secret a rv Wilson. PROEING THE ALLEGED i | PRO-GERMAN PLOTS; '? SPKINC.FIKLlt. Mo.r.Iune If. .--Fed- \ I era! Investigation of alleged abduction j ! plots supposedly directed in Spring-: | field by agents of the German gov- 1 jernmeiu. \vas resumed today with the I l arrival from Kansas City, of Arthur ; ltaclry and Oscar Schmidt, special in I ve.sfij;ators of the Department of Jus It lee. Ho'h admitted they nail obtain I ed certain .statements from Claude J. | ! I'iersol. who was placed In jail at Kan- j ! sas City following unsuc. > ssful at .tempts by "vigilantes" to -wring a ' j confession front him in connection! jwlth the disappearance and death of. j Lloyd Keet. 14 month old son of a Springfield banker. It was intimated rhai the Keet kid- i ! naping mystery had a cl<><. connec 1 1 ion with the mission of the Federal j agents in this city and thai they were I on a trail leading to St. Louis | HANDSOME TREATMENT ! ! OF U. S. BY URUGUAY i I MONTKVIDKt >. I'ruguay . June 1 '? t The senate decided today that if; [American warships visit Ctuguay they j [ will be treated as non-belligerent.-.. ! j (Although Cruguav decreed its lien j trality in the war between the Cnludj j States and Germany she esppMseu : sympathy with the action of the Cni' i ed States. Warships rated ;is helltg j erents would be permitted to remain i in port only -I hours and would ! limited as tv? the suppli-s wiiich tle-yi might take on.) roughTledding 'j FOR THE RIVER BILL; WASHINGTON. June l.V ? Debate ! 'on the $L,!',i'oi.ii,iiim river mill harbors (bill uniier tin- five-minute rule began (today in tin* house, with its support-, jers striving to rush it to final vvte by, j tomorrow night. If a vote is not j treadled ilicn the food lo-ntrol lull will' I displace it for possibl) a week. | Fight on the bill sprung a new drive | with an antendtuent by Representative ! ? I'arker of New .Jersey to prohibit ?w ipenditure of any of the motley during ?the war except on I he president's ad-j [mission that It is for necessary re-i jpairs to existing projects or for imnte-| jdiate military necessity. I Supporters of the bill who contend1 ii' is a war measure and not a "t/ k bill" rallied to the attack and del'./ i 1 1 ho amendment. I BIG INCREASE IN THE GUARD ENLISTMENTS ! WASHINGTON, June i." An in 'ctease of ::!f> -;ffic:jrs and 1 7 fi en-' listed m?n in the National Guard not j in the federal seivkv i.? shown in the latest report.? to the militia bureau i of the war department. l):i May .11. j the strength of the National Guard was 4. 112 officers and 10S.RS1 men.] while on June Iflth a lotnl of -; . 7 7 -S ! officer? and 122.tH?7 tnen had been | , reported. ! On the strength of this showing the! ? aggregate of the National (Jnard both j I In and nut of the federal service Is i j in the neighborhood of 22f..00n men. I within approximately lOD.Otlu of the! I maximum .strength of the forr?s in ' eluded in the tabulation. i M'MECBEN i j Miss Minnie Goepiein. Miss "Mabel! Thonon and Miss Ethel Uruv will j j leave Sunday for Atlantic City to i spend their vacations. TJjy Pythian Sisters will meet at . I7:I0 In i!io basement of the Christian! cJ lurch and go in a body to lite audi-' ! lorltim where the .annual memorial; I sermon will be preached by C. W. j j Fuller. Jr., minister. ; FINGERS AMPUTATED. Isaac Gilson. a Richland miner, wrb the victim of u painful accident yes- i terdity afternoon when l he finger of his right hand were mashed by a fall of stone. He was removed to the! North Wheeling hospital whero last I ATLANTIC CITY HOTELS i I iC, B-Z ATLANTIC CITY ; Be cool and comfortable i Ims su rcrrer I ON THK 0< KAN FRONT ? j j "IN THF VKRY CEN'TRI- OF KVtSTTBtNC" : ! Trie Hotrl i, built cl" STHFL. BRICK and i STON'h". .W dcIigHtio! r^?n?, TV with pri- ? j vate hath. equipped ui:!? hot and cold. fresh ? i and ?cb warer. Orchritra ??t '?olntsta. NX'Al.K, : ; l.iRIVEur MOTOR amid unu.tuwl imercm.n? ? : surround 1114:1. Private ?tira;tc on premises. I ? Sea hathinc yachting, fiMnn*. shooting, and ? : GOL!': }:inc*t H hole rotine on- rhe j ; Atlantic tY?a<r. "Ytu nil f.nJ u.t %ineereh interested ! rn ji?T* y ou " cuit mont enjoyable". v Ownership Management ;? ,X-T / AMERICAN PLAN RATES ?2 to ?i Haiiv? $i?. si sir.. fiT.r.o Weekly. Bnat Located Popular Prior Hotel In Atlantic City. K.J. ( NETHERLANDS Now York Av<v. 50 Yards from Boardwalk. fawi: aii'l ? ? ??an ? \i|arltt. CENTER OF ALL ATTRACTIONS. KN?\ator: prp>at<* liaU*?. ?.vrj .*.?? outMidc rovm* have l.ct ami in?M rtsiarti m?c wat^i. j SPECIAL THEE FEATURES. Bsthing Privilege From Hotel. I LAWN TENNIS COURT DANCE FLOOR Booklet With Polnti ot lnt?re*t. In Atlantic City Mailed on RequM?. K1 II \\ \ 1.1:1.. ritMpitiKTnlt j KffoCeJ, ?>> n ?v ?l 7 9 "ATLANTIC CITY. Open cU a\\seasons K of thc Year j\ r<?ccKjrvi.sed?standord oi, WALTER J. 3U23Y. r*nrirftf<*e. Av. I Bo.irh. ! ? lift; KitvpriMif. Addition.) j FREE BATHING ROOMS AND i 'U/YTE! 5H0WCR BATHS ! nUl LL Kite trie Light*. 2 w:if#?r In rooms .*:* u: ?Sa?!v. (.;*??-, ?,l irnrklT, ( ! * s la j aitil iimi1 ?' ' .?? v.f HOTEL BOTHWELL~~! ATI.AVTIi- i'IT V N. .1. ;*k.fia At* !i -i;m? :i. I rijivaik and l"!t f l!i?.\ .1 ? H'.aii'l? 1 !?> .??* a??.| M-rrsr.- li . ^W > PHILLIPS HOUSE Mii>-s:h,Iiii->4 i> A > ?. :u :ir Uracil. I .Wla%u. ? *it v. N. .1 ? l? :i :? !l ' ? ?? l:.?.K|.'!, i\ I'. Phillips. j BEDFORD SPRINGS, PA. Curative Waters With a National Reputation at BEDFORD SPRINGS <?em.aL) HOTEL & BATHS Spend n 'nrpr. lienltliful rammer In Till- i it:!. ? ! >: ! :? in p:irk "f .vr>?. luvit'imtinj; ll'yo ? hoif frn I ???<?!. rii-iuri.-^inp InM'.a p:itlis. i'"--! r<*a rif.ll>* wall.P. I"\i r? i-utijuftr nr..| !n Idor ti;*?-rs|ur- coif, t' llliis. r.dil.j:. Ixiw'.lut. HWlllltUlIIZ. "lauc ine. M#gri" ?la na?li* ami Tlcdfonl Mineral Wst?T* : f rital jbw? of tfi? fniiious Europ'-iin n-sort*. Mi.fnr tnurisfs win flnj ac* COaimoilnriniK. NOW OPEN. - *. F. BEMI3. Mf. M. C. JHEEHT. fitet. Vjf. niichi Mrs. Ahfi'snlii and Hailing' am- 1 l'uiat''il ihrt'v I'inuci.- . ' ONLY FOUR STATES TO BE HEARD FROM; WASHINGTON, .luiit* 15. AV* ? i H the I totals from four stairs still tui report- j ??d. tli?> nation's military resist ration I mil iiad almost loiiflnni nine million' lonlchi ami officials still prcdicicd j t lie final tabulation mi.yin show rnon.1 j ihi'.n nine :>nd a littK iiiillion. The tola! from M states and iiu'J Oi.--:rict f?t' Columrda was s.S''s.:, 17 ootnpitred to a census estimate of !?,- 2 ?<?21.837. For the four states yet to re- j port. Mapsachuset is. Kentucky. Mon- j mm and Wyomlnc. the a(?t;regate cen-j si:.-, estimate is more than CSo.ono. I MAY REBUILD SOON j Architect Faris Preparing -Plans for' Reconstruction of Garages De stroyed Yesterday. R. J. McCuilasb, owner of the prop-J ertv ai Sixteenth and F:off streets, the; sc. ne of yf-Kterdiiv's ll rc-. which de- 1 stroyed the Reo and Llt'.roln garages, i may* rebuild the structures at om-e. | Lnst nipht Architect F. F. Faris went ; over the ground preparatory to draw- | ing up plans and specifications for new j buildings. COLOR~DED MASONS ELECT- ! Pindtl nir.'ntch t" t!i? tnt^UUenw. i'LARKSBT.'RG. W. Va.. June 15.? | Officers were elected as follows by the j West- Virginia. Grand Lodge of Negro j .Masons, which has just closed its for- i tint h annual convocation here, after selecting Huntington as Hs next meet- j ing place: Most worshipful grand j master, A. E. Goodwin, Rluetield; right j worthy senior grand warden, A. W. Curtis, of Institute; right worthv Ju nior grand warden. W. K. Mitchell, of niuefield; rlKhr worthy grand treasur er. R. R. Trent, of Huntington: right worthy grand secretary. G. W. Hughes, of Huntington; right worthy grand lec? A You Behind ? lz tits your bills and would like to get straightened up, come in and see us. We will loan you the amount you need quickly and confidentially. We do not ask you to get endorsers for your note or otherwise publish your business. You can pay us back by the week or month in easy payments. You will find our charges reason able. If you need money, call, write or telephone. We will be glad to explain fully and you will not be under obligation. National Loan Company Natn Whfl. St Bell Whfl. 42 Room 301 German Bank Bldfl. NOTICE NotW Is hereby y! Tt-r. thai. u : a meeting if the stockholder? of tho South Side Coal Works. 1 corpora tion created mid t,rp:ui 1 r--d under the laws of the 8:?t? of West Virginia. lifted at Wheeling. W. V?.. on I lie 2 tat dar of May. J 3 17, the following rraolo iions ?ere adopted: Jteaolred. first. Tli a r the South filde Coal Wo rim, a corporation Wider the law* of the Stale of West Virginia. does hereby dlccofijituie business a* a cor porntlon and surrenders to un l>1 Slate it? chari?r and cori'irato franchisee Ths Hoard of Directors will pMCeed to oonvcrt the property choscs In a> lion and ?.I! a.isets of tills coronation Into cash. ami pay of.' fcmt discharge all the deb:*. liabilities and obliga tions : and after fully dl.v-l: arvln; all mrh debt*. l!n - Milt if" and obligations. ditide tie remainder among Hie Mtix-klioMera pro rata, but r? auoh purulent aliaJI be made t*> any stockholder until after Ike publica tion nf ilia notice hereinafter proriiled. Hev.lvwl. se?vnd. That Hie prom dent of this corpo ration i-aiiao iwtlce of the adoption of the foregoing rr-s.ilnl.lnu to I* published In some newipn^r of gen eral circulation, published near the principal office or piaco r.f bucucfj of tills rori'-ratlnn. once a week for fjiir successive weeka; and that he ecrtlfy these rrn lntl?na t<i the secretary <* state of the ttiite of West Wrglma. and delirei to him a wt.'flcate shoniug the publication of raid notice, as provided by law. Glmi under my band this .Hat day of Mar. 1917. wm. r. nonwnr. President of Mid corporation. Ait est: M. S JONES. Secrr<?ry. Je-l-J 16 M NOTICE. Of Redemption of Bondi ol the Loan of 1695 ot the City ol Wheeling. Notice m hereby given by tl)a cotnmlsstoni>rs of the loan of |S'5. of the city of Wheeling. Worst Virginia, that. pursuant t<? the tequlremenla of the ordinance of (aid cltv. passed May 1?. ISS.'j. entitled, "An ordi nance to provide for the !>sue and sale of bond* of cttr of Wheeling, to bo Known aa llouds of the loap "f !.'S.r.. and for the redetnpllon and payment thereof, and providing for payment Into the City Treasury of "rtMn amounts from revenues of the lias and Water Works," the following described l?)n<li lesued under' the ??aid ordinance, were determined by lot bv .said commissioners for redemption and pay UiMlt on the l*t day of July A. IV. 1 P 17. to wit: ilonds "f S'tiO prtiscli-al each numbered 97. 37. 91. wid ttoml* "t JJ.OOO.i'O principal each, numbered as follows; 157. ISO. 165. 2M. IBS. 303. 183. 261, 165. Saul l?ir.d? so determined will be redenmed and paid at tb>? Hank of the Ohio Valley In the City of Wheoling. W. Va.. on and after the lit day of July. 1917. end said bonds so determined wll! oeoee to bear Interest from the last named day and date. U K. BANDS. ai.ktiku ca^dwkix. IV W. PHTEJiSOX. Cummiisimiers of the l.oau of 1SS5. Jo-16-t-ly-l NOTICE. 01 the Drawing for Redemption of the Main Strwt Bridge Bond?, ol th# City of Wheeling. S'ylice 1? U'-reby given by the coinmiistonerj of the Main Street Hrtdge B-)Ods (first teries) that pumuaht tit the requirements of Uio ordinance of said city paseni the lltll day of March. 1S90. entitled. "An i irillnancM i/> provide for the Isatie and sale of nonda of th? cltv of Wheeling to be known a? the Main Street llridie Ilonils (first aeries) and'for the redemp tion and payment lberw..f." the following deaenbed RoniU lasued under said Ordinance, were duly deur niined bv l.vt by said commlssloneri for rederapOca and I'HTiiient on the first d?y of JuJy. 1917. to-wli: |*.i. ltd t.f J.rnu.OO principal nil m bored 1 3*. "Il< id of $1 .000.00 principal numbered 202. Said bonds a" determined will be redeemed and paid at the Bank of the Ohio Valley. In the city of Wheeling. Wen Virginia, on and after the aald firM <S?v "f July, 1917. and said Ix'nds so determined will cense t. ? |;ear Intercat from the last mentioned dav and date. II W PETERSON, .r A MTI.I.KR, 1.. K SANDS. ('.?mni'.Mioners of the Main Street Bridge Iflnt serin*. Je-16-t-)y-l NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS. T'- All Whom is May ("i-urern: Th? Hoard of lie view and Ijjuallitatlon of Ohio Comity will uiret in the' .lury H orn uf the I'irciilt >'ourt in I bo I'ourt House uf Ohio County, in Wheel ing. IVeM Virginia, for the jurpoK- of riaminlng and re. toning the l.and and I'ervuial I'ripnrtj Hoiks u rotiinii'd bv ih" assessor for the year 1917. The Hoard trill meet for organization, etc., on Tliuriidav. July the Jtli. 1917. and the several Magis terial I'isirirts will be cimsldered In the following order . Washington Ulstrlct? Monday, Jnly 9. 191T, u 9 o'clo-k a n. ' Madison IMstrlet ? Tue*day, July 10th. 1917. at 9 o'cliK-k a. hi Ctav lOslrlcl -Wednesday. July llth, 1917. IU B uVIih k i. in. I *ii ii.ii IMstrirt Tfcornlav Jul.v ilth. 1917. at 0 o'clock ,i. lit. < cr.tvi IMstriet- ^T.-.djy. July l.ltli. 1917. ai 9 n\ l<?-k a. in t\eb?:?T I'lStrlct -Wartirda' July Hth. 1517. at 1' o'clock a. in Uiti'lne Itlxrlct ? Mondai. July '.Crh. 1PI7. at fl uVl'vk a. in. Kiel, land O. strict - Tuesday. JuVv 17. !9I7. at (I lVI?l. a. in l.ilk-rtv I'btrlct- IVc*!nrs?lay, July If. 19:7. at 9 Thursday. July ISih. 9 o'clock a in. iii ?.\ it i > or r.rrv imv ami koi amzation Hy JllllN II. WEI.I?J. 1" It 2" -10 tJ f Kx Officio Qerit. NOTICE OF AMENDMENT OF FRANCHISE. Notice hereby given under rrorlslons of an ordinance granted l*v Tl.u Hoard of ? 'rifiiuilsstonerii of the I'ouiitv of llliiii, to die Wlieellng A Kim Urroe lta lroad l cliip.i uy. wpjch ordinance was t<assetl Oc ceniber 22. IS:>7. aiul lev.uoe effective on the 3rd day of Junum I . the ?aul lloaiil of I'ommission ere If the fount-, uf iiliio. will on the ::h day of July. Il?l,. act ii|?m .in amendment to aalil franchase. risjulrlng tl,? W.-s: Virginia Traciion A Electric. Com pany to change the !"cati"ti of ita tracks to Uie mid dle tf the r.-ad ficm a ciiltert or. the National Read new i Veil Place to the Town of Klin Grove. Till" RO,\RI> UK 1'OMJil^ltJNKlta Of" THE <"0CN ?XV OL Oil 1(1. CI! AS. O. EPKUN. President. * 11. C. UNDERWOOD, "'t cierX. lurrr. J. II. Clifford, of Mariinsbiirj;: riphi worthy grand' chaplain, th^ Rev. J. T. flibbons, of Clarksbur;;. SUFFERING FROM SHOCK Boy Who Was Cleaninu Automobile When Gasoline Expioacd is III at His Home. It was reported late I a. si nijjbi thai. "Buddie" Schreivf-r tin- boy v ho was cleaning th? automobile wiv.-n gasoline exploded, causing the fire which de stroyed the Lincoln and lteo garages yesterday afternoou, is ill at. his home, suffering from ibe shock. Young Schn-iver was sliclnly burned, and his clothes ignited from the- explosion, but bystanders rolled him on the floor, putting the fire out before he was se riously burned. ? A iRrge number of Wheeling peo ple expect to attend the lecture in Washington, Pa.. Monday night when the Hon. Henry Van Dyke, former United States minister to Belgium, will make his first appearance before the public fMnce the war began. Me will speak in connection with the Washington and .l??fi'"rsim commence ment exercises. ? Alyn Clark Putsch of 1134 Enfl' street was graduated this week at the Sanitarium Training School fnr Nurses In Battle Cre^k, Mich. Ffe will pursue hie vocation In that city for the pres ent. ? Dr. John T. Thornton of Leather wood, one of the most prominent phy WANTED? Male Help WANTED ? Drtter for Uxl urn#, 84ft L2th St. ... Je-1?-1 WANTED ? ,\f*n for beary ihlppin*. Wheeling C*D (.'a.. Wwwond plant, J?-1B-1 WANTED ? Twn ifwI steiAr men for w?*oe- Ktrtt llno |r< l'n., Bridgeport, 0. Jfr-H-l ) WANTED ? 2 machinist*, Wheeling Can Co., 47th tad j Knff. ' )e-14-l i WANTED ? Wen to uU oar lln* of ?3U*?>i>** funjiDhlRgf. from boa** to Loom on TifUl j I we?kl; payment*. W? p*y weekly. ! ror-B-tf C. r. ADAMS. H40-1MI MlH t | WANTED? Men. Jne-irerlenced for factory work; I ttxady: a'-l jew around; chuiv) for ?dTuenneni; ! ? h"iirs worlt. I'l hour* pay. National Carbon Qa. I I'larkahur;. W. Va. Hee Mr. Buili. McLur* Hotel. H to 12 ?>. m., 2 to 7 p. a. Ja-14-1 i WANTED ? At 'in?, lateral foo<* w?i '.T?ry *Ad talM I boy*. to work befoi* acbooi. ^bply at C?ettl?tki? i Deiicruiu'iit. Iucel!lienc<r. between * and I a. aa j WANTED? ilen. Apply Wheeling Tile Co. >*-15-1 WANTED? Female Help WANTED ? 520.00 weekly m?d? writing naxEea for | mall order bouse*. No raiiTa&slci. Particulars fot > tramp. Tbe Ciuiile Co.. Memphis, Teon. J*-16-f j WANTED ? Experlcncnd woman nanl* washing and , Ironing by ijay. Bwt of referencti. Would Ilka [ work on the I. ??land. Nat.' phc-o* 1SS-L, Martini | Kcttt. ' l*-16-l ! WANTED ? Girls o?er 16 years of ase; good wages. Ajiply Wheeling Til* Co. J#-18-l WANTED? Miscellaneous. | WANTED? Second hand wagon ?cal?a. *. C. Moore, I'l'dniont, 0. Je-H-h ! WANTED ? Salesmen. WANTED? 500 aaloimen to sell Magic Motor gaa; ont quart pric* J2; equal to SO gallons of gaaollne. ? Greatest product ever discorerod. X^arge profits. | Auto Remeddy Co.. Dept. S. Cincinnati, 0. le-16-f , WANTED ? Vacancy June 23rd fcr competent salesman | or ex-merchant, with large Cleteluid corporation, ' to sell merchant* a nreded blgb claaa specialty In | W. Vs. Mid surrounding territory. J300 to 1500 ! prr month. Comnu.vilona paid weekly. gt?x* ezperi | nnce. Address: Hales Manager, Box No. 176, Btatlon j l\ Cleveland, O. >e-16-* WANTED? A l,ite salesman \VheelLng dlatrlet. Gl?? I agr, married or single and reference. Good ?*lary 1 to suitable man. Reply to r. A_ X_, car* Intelligencer i with .vnur. address or phone. Je-16-g WANTED ? Agents. WANTED ? Cash in on bun* dry MIL Msk* IS t day easy. Will show you how with our Concen trated 1'ure Fruit. Drinks. Wanted erwrwher*. Small packiy:^ just add water. Here's the chance of a life time. Grab yoiir territory. Write quick. ?. M. J"elt m&n, 2fl"-3iil St.. Cincinnati, O. jt-16-g WANTED ? Xtush postal for free aarapl* "Splk & Span." Wonderful .new naahlng tablet. Washes rlutbcc srotlcss, nilbout rubbing. Tremeodotu aeller. 2110% pront. Samples free to bcoat **J*?. D. K. , Newberry. 202 Peoria. Chicago. je-ll-g , f WANTEO ? Agent*. "Amerloa" the patriotic picturry with the punch. Taking tbe country by storm. 16j.n,X> 20 In oolors. Kelt 250 day. |5 per 100. Sample 10c. I'oiples l'ortmit Co.. Chicago. Je-16-g FOR SALE ? Farms. FOR SALE? Farm In Beltnont county. PtuaMcg towi ahlp. containing 74 acre*; new fram* 7 roast haul*, j good b*ni, other buildings. Call or write J. A. HIsm, , R. D. '?!. Plcilniout, Ohio. Jfr-ll-r FOR SALE ? Real Estate. j PUBLIC SALE? Jan* 23d. 1917, at 1 o'clock. Stand | ard. Farm of 1 04 acres known a* the Brattcu farm. on [the National pared road, S-4 mile ea*t of JFalmew, | O., Belmont Co. All underlaid with No. 8 Ttln coal. ! Buildings fair, wall watered, 2 good walls aoft water, | Fruit, locust and other timber. NIc* laying land, i good soiL Kin* location. X. W. Brattco, Falrriew, | Ohio. my-KS-SOt FOR SALE ? Tea acr* tract uf lan4L with 4. roome?I dtreiluig, stable, chick en-houa*. sltuatad just out Kide of the corporation limit* of Betbwda, Ohio, on good road. Bargains in coal lands Address Lock Box 74, Betiusda.' Ohio, J*-ll-k FOR SALE-Horses, Vehicles, Etc. FOR SALE ? 4 year old roan mar*, wilgfct 1230 to 1J00. Guaranteed *cund. City broka. All nurpoi* ri.are. Prio* raasoaahi*. Bell pftoo* Warwood 1S-M. t*-13-m LOST AND FOUND LOST ? Between Carnegie and Wwt Alexander, Good i rich Sllveriown tlr* snd rim. Ubmti rwward foi ! return to Intelligence offic*. J*-I4-? MISCELLANEOUS PATENTS trademark litigation. Booklet fr??. H_ S. DUKLAT, TnttmX ZAwy?z. National Kxchanue Hank Build lag Wheelinjf, W. Va. i I FUNERAL DIRECTORS and | ARTERIAL EMBALMERS I Calls promptly attended at all Utow. I?L?FHONSB: Storo ? Bell 124 2; National 17iS. Residence ? W. K. Ooocy, Ball L834-J, Nuilonal 1372-Y. Kcsidencu ? A. Beiswaafar, Mationai t3U3-lt FUNERAL "DIRECTORS LOUIS BERTSCHY FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND ARTERIAL EMBALMER 1:122 and 1124 Main 8tr#?t ? CalLp Answered Day or Night Store Phones 636 C. J. Bertschy ? Nat. Phon# 1959-K: Bell 1334-B. \ BRUEMMER & HILDEBRAND urri3i;sTAX?Xs and tl""Tifin iufbJii Telephones :or'i. A 5i2.jBa<i. ataOT Richard T. McCoy Funeral Director and Embalmer. 1609 CHAFLIHl IIU1I office paoass xasldraca 1374J- Bell. M-W Baa 723-Y Nat. Vat. jsicians in this soction, has been ree oinmpnded by United States senator I Howard Sutherland as a base physi cian of the army. Ben S. Johnson, .local nopro. has also boen recom 'mpnded by S'^iator Sutherland for en Itr.ince to thf Fort Dps Moines colored, [officers' traininp camp. | ? Tho Richland Mining company, of which J. C. .M< Kinlcy is prpsident, will 'open a new mine on Buffalo creek, near {hp Standard mine. It will be In j opera lion in about two months, j ? Peter E'-oyd of this city has been elected official in charge of the 10,000 motorcyclist convention that meets In : Cumberland. Md.. early in July. C. R. , Durkee of Vonkprs, N. V., has been : chosen spcrerary. ---Miss Isabel Rogers, daughter of , Mr. and Mrs. Edward Roger*, ad i Miss Elsip Cook, daughter of Mr. and iMrs. W. ,f. Cook, both of thi? jwill be graduated with degr* bachelors of art this month a*. 'Erie college in Pinasville, O.