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Saturday, June 16. 1917. STONE & THOMAS The Weather ? Fair. ^ OFF ly/^ OFF All Spring Suits OUR ENTIRE^ STOCK of Women's and Misses' ^ Tailormade Suits is included in this remarkable selling event. Practically all of them are going at half price, the ones at a third off comprising Silk Suits and a few late arrivals in Cloth Suits in black and navy blue. There is still wide range for selec tion, although, naturally the first comers Saturday have the best picking. All the leading models, ma terials and colorings embraced in the showing of Tailormade Suits selling Saturday at Saturday Neckwear Sale WE WERE fortunate enough to secure a lot of dainty Swiss Neckwear at a very spe cial concession. There are sepa rate Collars and Cuffs, as well as ColLar-and-CufT Sets. They come in square, round, shoulder point ami scalloped hack, in all white or with a' touch of color. Choice of a cood assortment here for Saturday A shoppers at 95 c and. New l.a<-r. Net and t 'repe Stock Collars, with jabot. They conn* in very attractive designs and arc in great demand, 50c to 82.50. Knit Hat Bauds, in plain Mvrnier colors aiid ??onininat ion stripe.*. special values at 30c each. Spci'i;i I |,?r of Boudoir < 'aps, ? ?!' Hiruri'd poplin with !;????? trini nx i r i ir. extra vaiues at 1.7 O cacli. -JSIa, n fioov f Molasses Kisses at 13c a Box i W.ASSKS Kisses are ? I ?? i 5 cious confections. Mil'; a lid ty, ei!ii<i>? ini; of pure cream. !v!'( i:i''i;'Nses and eain* xnyar. ? ?];: ! 1\ priciii for Saturday 13c a half pound hex. Ciioi ol;t t ? Marshmallows' ar?* hi:: M and :?'mprins nrl ar?- rov?*r??f .with our ?1 lirintis rhorola'' roati''^. sp<- I pric??d a" 25c a pound Why- not try our Tea Rooi'i at . roon? Oainc -- and ii|>peiizin~ uttieh / fnn a i.< cart* from It to - ) o'l-luok ? moderate prices. ? Main floor Spectacles and Eyeglasses ?2.00 to 810.00 OUR Glasses afford a comfort to tiuv who appreciate exactness. Krok'en lenses dupli cated. Registered Optometrist in rharc?\ Toric Lenses a spt ? ialit.* . ? JIl'n floor ^ Help the U.S Marines Join N-w ? the Call Is for 4.000 Enlistments by Saturday Night. KipUntf Says: "Aa' after I met 'lm all ovov the world. n-doiaf all kinds of thiujrs. X,lke landing 'issel wl*h a catling grin, to talk to them 'eathen ktnjfs. ?X sleeps In an 'ammlck Instead of a < cot, and 'e drills with the deck on a slew, Tor ther* isn't a "Job o>n the top o' th^ earth ^he "oeRT?ar don't know nor do." Recruiting Office, 1100 Market St. 1,500 Women's Lingerie Blouses Extra Values at 98c Each THIS is a very interesting: lot of Blouses just re ceived. The stvlcs are all new and dainty and in- 1 dude Blouses of voile and organdie. I A number of these j Blouses are plain or em- | hroidered ? others are j trimmed with lace, fan- [ cy organdie panels or j tucked and ? ! I: Finished With Large Collars in Cape, \i ' Sailor or Circular > \ Styles. Then there are novelty striped patterns. Blouses with patch sockets. and other stylos with collars that may be worn closcd at ' tic neck ??r low with detachable fichu tie. In this lot of 1,500 crisp new Lingerie Blouses so spe cially priced at 98c are all sizes from 36 to 44-inch bust measurement. ?nurd floor Shoes for Summer and Vacation Wear A. TTlvA< TIVK Pumps and White Boots for warm t ^ Summer days n<?w ? >n the way ? stylos for women Hid misses: Dainty White Kid Pumps with hand turned soles and covered i-Yi-ncli heels, always stylish with Summer dresses, S5.00 and ?6.00 a pair. White Cauvas and Nile Cloth Pumps in prottv Summer effects, S3. 00 to S5.00 a pair. W-hite Nile Cloth Boots with white sole and covered heels, cool and comfortable Footwear, $4.00 and S5.00 a pair. Hlark Pumps of patent, dull and vici kid leathers, hand-turned >i- v.?-lt'-d soles, attractive and serviceable, S3. 50, Si. 00 and S5.00 a pair. SPKt lAL |-'nft SATURDAY ? White Cnlf Boots with white h top. hand-turned soles and covered heels, button style, vny sisrhily, regular $7.00 Shoes specially A P pricci i"< ?r Saturday at, pair HkfJ Shoes for the Children ? Cool and easy-fitting Shoe., are what children require for vaca tion wear. We carry a full line of Children's Shoes and you will find them most moderately priced: White Canvas Button Shoes for hot weather ? Shoes sizes, 5 to 8 at $1.45 to $1.75 Shoes sizes 8V2 to 11 at $1.65 to $2.00 Shoes sizes liy2 to 2 at $1.85 to $2.50 ? Ma. In floor , ' j?>f one & ?iomas i Geo. E. Johns Co. ? _ -"The Quality Shop" ? ? ?? Specials for Saturday SUITS All this mason 's suits of Cabardinc. Scrjrr, ool Yrlnur/ Burella Cloth and Taffeta at- - 1-2 and 1-3 Off Original Price. COATS Coats of ( rabardine. Velour ami Burella Cloths, in plain rolor and ratify plaids ? $15.00 Formerly up to >=20.. 50. Summer Dresses Remarkable Values S5.90 Dainty and useful styios in thr straieht-iine and belted effects, mad* of the newest Summer Cottons. DRESSES Silk Dresses? styles suitable for sport and after noon wear ? Pongee, Silk Jersey, Taffeta 'and Georgette? 4516.50 and $19.50. Formerly up to $32.50. SKIRTS Skirts of Taflfpta (Black), Serpe, Gabardine? beautiful styles.: These skirts have beni selling at $12.50 and $14.50. Saturday ? $8.50 I Wash Dresses Very laree assortment of new stylos ? Voiie.j Batiste. Organdie. trimmed with embroidery or la<-e. also the sport and tailored styles. 98c j Regular $1.50 Value. j THIRTY. FOUR AUTOMOBILES ARE BURNED AS RESULT OF A GASOLINE EXPLOSION. City Hall and Court House Threatened ? Jail Door Afire ? Lincoln and Reo Plants Wiped Out. Conservative estimates of the loss in yesterday's lire. which destroyed ih?- Lincoln garage and Ron Sales Agency plant at k'hapline an<! b'off streets, indicate lhai fully $60, "00 worth of property went up in llaincs. Only h small part of the loss is cov ered by insurance carried by a few individuals who had their automobiles insured. Of this flgur<\ Jio.non or more is represented in the destruction of thirty-four automobiles. The building whieh houses the two garages was totally destroyed, with a loss of $ 1 ii.iuiO. Tin- ivst of the loss includes gasoline, oils, tires, accessories and supplies .together with several hun dred dollars that will Ik required to replace paint and broken windows in the city hall, county jail and Wheeling Electric company nliiccs. The latter offices are housed in an annex to the McCullagh building. which provided , quarters for the Lincoln garage and Ueo agency. The lire started at - o'clock yester day afternoon when a small explosion occurred while (lone Schreiver was ; using gasoline to ch-aa the mechanism i of an aritomobiie in the Reo garage, | housed in the north section of the ; building fronting on EolY street. The i car took tin- and communicated quickly to a room connecting the two j sections of the building in which a \ huge quantity of oil was stored. Ef I forts to check the flames with small i extinguishers proved helpless and Box ' -1> in the city hall was pulled, call ! ing out even piece of fire fighting apparatus in the city. But before the departments could get on the scene i the entire garage was a seething ma?s i of dames. Thirty-live ears stored on ; the lirst floor of the Lincoln garage i were removed to safety and three cars j were saved front the Reo garage. | Ilelore any morn machines could be 1 taken out, the heat, smoke and flames | compelled employes of the garages I and car owners to abandon ro t In flames eleven cars stored iri the 1 second floor of the Lincoln garage and twenty-three in the Ueo garage. Entire Department is Cailed. I For several minutes great volumes of water poured into the seething fur | nace by every engine and chemical I apparatus failed to check the flames, j It looked like the Wheeling Electric j offices, fronting on Sixteenth street, , were doomed and a great deal of the j content^ were carried out of the way | of the lire. 'City Hall Threatened. Tongues of tire shot out across the | alley next to the city building. It was so hot in the police station that i Ihe officers there had to leave their ( desks and Lieutenant William Bucey : Joined the firemen and held it nozzle for an hour directing water upon the flames while the other officer's worked : to drive back the crowds that pushed ! against the lire lines arid hampered i the work of the firemen. Windows in . the Second Branch council chamber were cracked by the intense heal. ' The paint on the city hall cornices and towers was burned off and it looked as though the building would take .lire. : Judge 1L C. Hervey and Judge K. M. Addleman. 'whose office.- are in the ' third floor of the city-county building, fearing that the structure would he burned, prepared to remnw their rec ords and papers out of the way. in ? all of the city and county offices next I DIRECT FROM FAC TORY TO YOU. SAVE MIDDLEMAN'S PRO FIT. Stan\ Remington, Rich mond and Trayser Play ers and Pianos, from $250 and up. TERMS TO SUIT. 50c Music Rolls, Special for Saturday Only, 5 for $1.00 Wheeling Piano Co. FOurt?enth una Warjtet Streota Bell Phone 898 Plumbing -Heating Electric and Fixtures Competent Men in Charge of Each Department. Let Our Figures Count. Call us up. Both Phones. r. E. Bnlloetoa HentlnfT H. T .Neumann Plumljbiif P. J. Erh . . Elect do W. E. Roclenbnch Chandeliers Steam Electric Co. 20 Sixteenth Street. Next Door to Qurter Savings Bank. Huyinc cheap goods to save money j is lik? stopping a chick to stive time. Wheeling Optical Co. ! Conservative Life Building. V. L. POWERS, Mgr., Optometrist THE MENDEL COMPANY Oarl J. Kepner, Prop. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Private Chapet, 1213 Chaplin* Street. Os^^lther Phone. 387. i to i ho fire, preparations were made to; move records and valuables 10 ?>?? fei y. j Jail Door Takes Fire. Seventy-five inmates of ihe county jail. Just across the alley north off the lire, were thrown into a near panic. At one time a big door closing! the alley under lh" jail look fire and: Captain Hurley Thompson of the Fort J Henry engine company ,had his men ; turh their attention to saving the jail, I .Sheriff Howard Hastings rushed into! tho jail and stayed with the prisoners I until their fears were allayed. | After a hat tie of mom than an hour, | the llamas liad completely destroyed > both garages and their contents, but j } the firemen succeeded in confining the! fire to one structure. Two streams; , of water were kepi playing into the j ruins until nightfall to guard against a new outbreak. Building Not Insured. R. J. McCullagh, who owned the big building, placed his loss at ?ln.O"0. The huildir.g. however, he said, could j j not he replaced for that sum now. Ilei j did not carry a dollar of insurance, j owing to the prohibitive rates. . . Ceorge Hartleib, proprietor of the', j Lincoln garage, lost every' dollar he,1 ! had. lie stated after ihe lire. Besides J I his garage equipment .two cars owned; j by the Lincoln garage were burned.: Every car saved front the Lincoln ; j garage was owned by his'patrons. I j The Reo Moior Sales agency, owned' t by Henry M. Russeil, Jr., Arch Otto I j and R. .1. drowning, lost most of i equipment besides valuable stocks of j I oils, accessories, tires and supplies,1 as was also the case with the Lincoln j garage. Many Lost Their Cars. W. H. Koch, general manager of ! the Hitchman Coal A; Coke company, j lost two ears in the Lincoln garage. I others whose cars were destroyed i there are Tho.-. McK. llearne, Harry . j A. Paradise, Joe Dona van, Herman ! Swicker. William Harlow, Harry Mel I Ions and the Lincoln Garage company.' The cars destroyed in the Reo i I Sales agency were owned by Joseph i ! R. Curl, Ed Roniine. Christina Bach- i j man, Emma Burkman, Andrew McGin ! ley, King Jewelry Store, J. W. I Wyant, W. E. Hoffman. W. G. Becker, | | l?. A. Jacovetti, A. Allen. Curtis H.l ? Rice, H. li. Moore, James Malonev. J. j R. Schellcrosse, of Bellaire; Camden | S. Taney, Harry Seibold, City En I dneer C. B. Cooke, Deputy Prohihi | t ion Commissioner IT5?rt E. Phillips,,' j George Lobenstein and.C. H. Ritz. { 1 Chit'f of Police Thos. Leyland andj i Councilman Chester G. Thompson con-! ? sider themselves fortunate. Tester- 1 ; day morning Chief Leyland sold Ijisi Maxwell car to Mr. Thompson. Just' j about noon Mr. Thompson took the' j machine out for a drive and was just ! j on his way back to pus it in the garage,' j when he saw the building burning, j | lie parked his machine and rushed to: j the scene to render assistance | he could and help save the city hall i property should the city-county build j ing take tire. Guard Registration Records. Mayor H. L. Kirk was quickly on I the scene and he with City Auditor. j j Charles' 11. Alliens gathered together the records of the registration in 1 Wheeling which were being checked | up to determine if there are any I slackers here. County Clerk J. li. Wells and Cecil A. Robinson of the j , county conscription board, looked alter | J the safety of the county registration, j records while Sheriff Hastings and his I ! deputies were busy quieting the j frightened prisoners in the jail and ! looking after the safety of county ! records. RED CROSS BENEFIT | BOAT RIDE IS GIVEN j Merry Party on Steamer Homer Smith I Last Evening in Spite of Chilly Weather, In spite of <-hiliy weather a good j sized crowd of Wheeling, Martins ! 1' erry and Bellaire people last night j enjoyed the excursion given by rhe j Modern Woodmen of Wheeling for the' I heneiii of Wheelinp chapter. American \ ! Red Cross. The steamer Homer Smith j ; carrying the excursionists left th*! . wharf here at s o'clock and landed at ! Bellaire long enough to take o:i a mini- ! | l.i-r of people there before proceeding < | on the trip down the river. I The proceeds of the excursion above ! | the aeiital expense will lie turned over i | to the Red Gross by the Woodmen. j j Forty-eight additional names were I added jo the Red Cross Roll yester- j ; day. They were reported by tho I j branch at Rrn.\vs Point. I Liberal cash donations to Wheeling j ? hapter. American Red Cross, were re- ? cej veil yesterday from A. S. List. Miss j Hettie List and Cecil It., Robinson. I WILL MAKE ADDRESS TO SOLDIERS SUNDAY: - ! . Usual Afternoon Services Will Be Heldj j tomorrow ??t Camp Fort Henry. Tomorrow afternoon at J;::o o'clock! J the- regular Sunday services for tho j benefit of the soldiers who ate now j ; encamped on the fair grounds will he j I held and " ill le featun d with an a<? ? dress by ihe Rev. J. I'. Lcvenherger, ! I>: I>, pastor of the Third Preshvte Irian church. The meetings arre being jcondtnted every Sunday afternoon at ? Camp Fort. Henry. j Kver since the meeting were com i.menced some time auo much interest i has been shown by tin soldiers sta 1 honed t lo-re. LIFT QUARANTINE j Jwo Smallpox Pases Handled Quietly' i Without Spread of the Dread. I Disease. 1 i Dr. W. C. . Ktzler. city health com-; missioner. announced yesterdav tliatj quarantine for smallpox ha<! been' lifted irom a 'South Side home where; two patients, a father and son. have I just recovered from the disease. The! pfttients contracted the disease from! a G|en Kaston huckster and the cases | 'were t rented by the municipal au thorities.- The cases were handled qui-' etly without alarming the public and! the recovery is now complete. Thej mother and a La'ny in the home were! spared from -uifermg the dread d is- j ease through vaccination. CHECK CITY CARDS Wheeling Conscription Board Seeking; j to Know If Slackers Are Here. j i The city conscription board vester- i j day began the .task of checking the i ? registration cards with the reeistra- j .linn for the city election to dererminel .if there are any slackers in WheelHng. I ?A dozen stenographers yesterday | morning completed the task of making the duplicates of the cards. TO ATTEND BAR MEET. ! A number of Wheeling attorneys i have niade their plans to attend the j summer meeting of the West Virginia | Bar association at White Sulphur Springs July f> and 6. 'Senator J. B. ? Sonunerville .will deliver one of the add rcsses. BRIEF COURT SESSION. Judge Alan H. Robinson will hold a brief session of criminal court todav, at the conclusion of which he will ad journ th-* May term. He will alRo con duct a juvenile court, session for the I consideration of one juvenile case. Geo. R. Taylor Cd. Store Hours ? 8:30 to 5:30 HA VE YOU? A TUB SPORT SKIRT Models developed in a well bodied Orr rntal Crepe Weave, with spots illumined thereon in Rose, Blue, Green and Lavender ? -u-iih Pointed Poekcts, High Waistline, Self Belts and fascinating riiake-up. $2.98 were $3.98 7 his Type Is Smartest Fashion Practical Too , Since They're Washable ? also ? Further Pricc Lessening In Loveliest SILK SKIRTS M0DK1.S THAT AYKftE^ Among these are Color IT TO ?* 14.50? NO W $5. 95 MO DHLS THAT WEKE IT TO $25.00? NOW $9.95 St ripes, Plaids, P a 1 1 c r n Stripes and Plain Colors, ?light and dark, in Silk Pop lin, Khaki-Kool, Satins, Tal fetas, etc., in a great variety of fascinating styles. Silk Gloves NEW STITC1NNGS ON* BACKS AND ON CUFFS. WHITE. (tRKV. PON XrKK AND BLACK. Contrast effects, smarten summer foilrt, these in host makes. 91.00 and 91.25 PAIR Dresden Ribbons 6 inches wide ? )' Fancy Borders} -3C Chic 7zvo Toned Wool\ AT r, V Sweaters for Women )Now $4M i FORMERLY WERE $8.95. . Iii Mack and white, find purple and white, the somber color dominating and making a splendid and good look- ,\J intr sweater. Collars, Cliffs, Belt and Pocket Tops arc of | the darker color, too. THERE ARE ONLY A FEW? DECIDE QUICKLY. . J Silk Bags OF BLACK MOIRE ? JN TWO GOOD STYLES Neat dressy models for ? dross accompaninjr, with . bright linings and fittings, self strap ? were $2.48? i 91.85 Pear! Earrings Studs Only; Large) and Medium \ 3-UC SPECIAL J\. <3^ G. Corset $2.00 Brocade Model ? Whitf only ? Medium Low Bust and Medium tfkirt ? New Model. $1.50 - SPECIAL WOMEN'S $1.25 Silk Hose Black ? PiH-e all Silk in a good make. 85c Pair 10 Cent Sale- - Notion Dept. 2.3 1' ir?c Kit: 15c l :?<? in.* 1 }>c Any At 10c THESE PRICES FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Sanitary B'clt.-. 1 Supporters ? Toutlr Brushes. Rath Caps. . : Hair Nets Amber Hair l^ns Rune Hair Pins .)<? Cards Buttons .")?? Cards Safety Pins .")(? Sanitary Napkins ."><? I)arnin?r Silk ."><? i ' ( 'lasps or Iron Holders. . . . >? The quality of . our notions'is of the best ? no trash, but de pendable, high stand ard wares. Week End Art Department 1 .2.") Stamped PETTICOATS ? Sheer 98d T.u- Stamped PJLLOW CASES? Pair 59<? -KJo NOVELTY BRAID (Turtle) 29? 40c VICUNA YARN? Colors 33? 20c OLOSS KNITTING YARN Sl<? 1 2c RICK RACK 9? Split Prices on Mussed Scarfs and Centers. 1 he Taylor 1 horofare 11= Expert Dental Service Porcelain and I Gold Crown j and Bridgework Better Dentistry for Less Money Treat ins as NVr do tbc large number of patients ? where the ordinary dentists treat but the few ? we civo you the benefit ol" our vast experience at most reasonable prices. Let us furnish you an estimate and show you samples of our work, j ESTIMATES FREE DR. C. M. TALBOTT Both Phones. DENTIST. Lady Attendant. 1229 Market Street.