Newspaper Page Text
HARRY CROW HELD ! TO CRAND JORY % i CALis, marshallTcounty man. CHARGED WITH EVADING CONSCRIPTION. Afleged "Slacker" Left Impression _ With Court That He Is .1 Grad uated Physician. "Doctor" Harry Cn-w of t'.v-. ?*. ' ; shall county, who was ;i; r< >:<ul l>y Sheriff W. E. Ciayton "t M:?r*hait cotmty on tho Cliaru-I- of failini: to ro ister on conscription da;. . wa.< _sri v? 11 a preliminary iivarm.s h-ini-.: I'nitod States Commission"':* K. ISoy?; yesterday and ti* Id *<> ; !??? tVm-ra! grand jury at KIkins .I i:i> - in bonds. Crow was ams;?-d Wedti?sdav on his farm at Calls. *.:? ar ('aintroti. Crow, who is J? years oh!. told I'otti missioner Boyd that h.> ' <:;: >?(?:? d" friend early last May whiio ac was attending a" medical school in I'hiraco to see that his name was resist* red. ~but that his frlend-Iaikd to. carry out his instructions. Crow when address d as "mister" said that his title was ??doctor." it is said, and he left the impression with the commissioner that he is a phy sician, having recently been graduated from a medical college in Chicago. NILE RAPER TO ENLIST AS A U. S. CHEMIST Second Son of City Officer to Give Ser v vices to Government in Three I "Weeks. Nile Raper of South Wh^'u:.?. proiu- ? inent young chemist for the lliversuio mill at Bcnwood. leaves today for tuts- ? purgh to offer his services 10 th?- S?>y- j eminent for the period of the war. 11 will cary credentials from otucla.s the National Tube company tnrotua which he hopes to h?* assigned to sonuv post as a chemist for the war or na\ ;? j department. I Mr. Raper Is the. youngest son of Ciry I I>etective and Mrs. Alonzo Kaper.^ l.'-ss than three weeks aero a brother, Carlisle Raper, entered the United States ine service and is now station* ', t? t Port Royal. South Carolina barracks. > Both of the Raper boys corn.' or' s- n ulne "fighting stock." at:d their parents. ' while sad at seeing them po away to war, are proud to be able to sacn'ic ? such fine specimens of young man Mood If necessary 10 their country. Their, warrior ancestry dates back for more than a century. "William Raper. grand- 1 father of the young men. fought m tn war of 1S12. An uncle of their lather. Thomas Raper. also fought m that war. Their grandfather. Mlddteton Raper. with two of his sons. John and Charles, served throughout the Civil war. aloic-c , . with eight cousins of their father, who j offered their lives to preserve the tintoa. : HOBO KING WILL MAKE ! ADDRESS TO PRISONERS The Jeff Davis, king of the hoboes, is meeting with much popularity, is shown by the number of ralks that he has been naked to make at the different churches. ; playgrounds. schools, at the Mission arc. the Moundsviile penitentiary. Je:i in-. 1 ended to leave the city some timu to day. but stated lust night that on ac ??unt of several requests for him to remain and give addresses, he was un- , able to make his get-away, and will; leavt next Wednesday for 1 tttsburgn. . From there ho will go to llurrisburg. . then to Washington. L> c. Yesterday morning Jerf thrilkd the , summer school students, who are now in .?session for the summer term at the high i.chool. with an excellent speech, l.ast , ntjrht he addr^ss^d St'V^ral huncirodi ? hildren at ti>- Garden theater on the "sland and ca\ them sitae good advl.-e. '"his evening at r? o'clocK. together y-11'1 1} W. Cory head of the Lnion Mis- 1 si'on. and "Louie." and "Brownie. ? recent ?ton verts at the mission, will visit tly. Moundsville penitentiary and will ad- f dress the prisoners mere, nis pai. . ?Doc" Hill, will render several piano ? ^olos as an added attraction. KiOUNDSViLLE J . Will Speak to Prisoners. ! Jeff Davis. "King of the Hoboes.' who has b<*? n spending several days at Wheeling, v. ill visit th- p. nitentiary this afternoon and at T? oVlook wtj. address the prisoners there. He will be aecoin- . panled by G. W. Cory, head o; the Iniw mission of Wheeling, and several con- < verts who have experienced the evsiS of . life. They too will make short speeches j to the prisoners. Ann-riai Memorial Services. _ ' Progress lodge No. 271. I. O. O. !? . . will hold its annual memorial services, at the Calvary M. K. church toniorrow ; afternoon- Rev. S. R. Hart will deliver the memorial address. The members off j the lodge will march from the h.end- - Quarters to the church, a.n<l rn?;f Bervlces there they will so to / he ceme tery, where they will place flowers <>n. the graves of their departed brothers, j ?Will Deliver Baecaleaureate Sermon. 1 Rev. Father Francis J. I'lanasan St. -Francis Xavier's Catholic -church will deliver the baccalaureate sermon to the graduates of St. John's htch school at; Pellaire tomorrow night. Father Hana-. I^n will also preside over the c^>in mencement exercises that wtil be hc.d lon? time netx week. TO Conduct Chapel Services. Chapel services at the penitentiary . ?will be conducted by the Hamilton . >1. . C. A. of Wellsburg tomorrow afternoon. J More than 200 Wellsburgers are expect- ? ed to visit the penitentiary tomorrow' Afternoon. 2Couinl*ville Briefs. Prosecuting Attorney James I> Tar- i riott was In Clarksburg yesterday at- j tending to buslnes matters. He will ko ; from Clarksburg to Point Marion, where 1 be will remain over Sunday Misa Ella Lindsay, who recently graduated from the trair.insr school for *iurses of the Ohio Valley hos pital. Is spending a vaeation with her parents on Roberts Ridjre. Miss Linri- 1 ?ay has accepted a position with the j Dhlo Vallev hospital, and will assume Jjer duties at the end of her vacation. Mrs. Ellzaboth Rj*an of Second street. | |s confined to her home suffering from fcstfima Slrs- Louise Owens of Shady ride. o.. is I Just the treat for small 3 luncheons and r picnics? FORT HENRY Calli Hams Cottage Hams Smoked Shoulder also Countiy Style Hams and Bacons Try One To-day Wei mer PACKING CO. Steel Bridge Corner THIS STORE IS OPEN UNTIL 5:30 DURING THE SUMMER MONTHS. SATURDAY 10 P. M. If You Have Not Yet Boug'ht Your STRAW HAT You should by all means hav? it for Sunday. Unless yon have a straw Mat you will look out of place. We owi satisfy you in whatever kind of a ' straw you want. In Wheeling's Greatest assort ment of Men's popular price $1.50 and $2 for every style that is new 'h:s season. "Extreme shapes for yotinc fellows. Also styles for older men. Outing Caps and Hats for i\Ien n For rvpry kind of .sport jr g-^ nr e^nonil wear. All h stylfs. Some made of >ilk. others of straw. Children's Straws and ("loth Hats. 25c, 50c. $1. 5 0c $1.00 Unequaled Combination STYLE, QUALITY AND VALUE Dark Fibre Soles or Leather or $ .OO Black. - ? ? ^L., J ? Soles Wilbur Low Shoes ?The facr that our shoe business increasing by leaps and hounds is no wonder. It mean? first that old customers: have jiopd reason :o return. and second. that those who havr tried Wilbur shoes are pa.-s in? the sood word alone to their friends. This season has found us better prepared than ever before. High grade. shapely Outing Shoes in Palm Bcaeh (.'loth. also White Canvas, with either Leather or Rubber Soles. $1,50 All Sizes 1122-1124 Market Street " The Men's Store /^i/~kTT?jfy TONIGHT?Tomorrow v-< v-r U K J. ?? Matinee and Ni^ht LAST THJR.XE TIMES LAST TEBEE TIMES HER UNBORN CHILD SPECIAL On trc-annl C' th? bis (i?m?nrt for ?fits at th? m a- : n/? performances. lh? ma-iise i:ieni have d??:;tled to RESERVE * ?ctio:i of th? lower floor f.r Saturday Aftorno-on Only. Order now and avoid th? ru?h at th# box oinco. PRICES ? Sat. Mat., First 10 Rows Orchestra, 50c. Balance Lower Floor and Balcony (not re served), 25c. Night Prices, 25, 35, 50 and 75C. No one under 18 years of age admitted. spending several day." here the jrue-st of [ Mrs. W. U. Brown. ot" Second street. I Rev. J. Kelley Oiffen. pastor "f t tic I t'ntfd Presbyterian church, is attending ( :Iii? Mupklngum collcse commencement j ;l t Concord. O. Mrs. A. H. Millar of Wellsburs. I* spendine: several days here with friends j und rolatlv??.?. Prof. FT. \'. Merrick. superintendent of j Moundsville public schools, is in Hunt- j incrton. at tend I ns: the annual meeting) of t ho state ?'(iucational association. Mrs !?'. K. Wynne and children of . Wllkinsburjr. Pa., are the truest.? of her I mother. Mrs. J. M. Roberts. of Eastern j Fourth sir"et. Miss Ktta Courtwriulil of Jefferson! 'iv' nil", Jefr In.-t evening for < 'hicaRO, 1 nn ill III*-. J*-! r iii.-.i ? for an extended visit with relatives, j Mrs. A. M. Crown and daughter. Miss j rsrsir-t, art. vlslUnif with Pittsburgh relative? LOCAL BOY MAY GET I NAVAL CADETSHIP! Ralph M<t"tier of t it is city -svajs _yes t ? rda y nominated by < 'imKn ssman Xeelyj for a naval oadetship at -Annapolis j Naval academy, accord in? to word re-, celv.-d li?T? last tilpht WHAT IS A CHRISTIAN? ; Pastor Meat a Sturgeon "Will Discns3 Deep Sabjcct in Cou-Tt Theatre j Sunday. Pastor Merita SturK^ori. a disciple of I rh** late Pastor Russell, will deliver a ferture on "What Is a Christian?" in ' ?lie '"our! theatre. Sunday afternoon at i ^ -.VIock. The public is invited. Mr Smrsceon comes f r> "ni "The Tem- | ;>!<?" m New York t?? Wh'-elinjr to deliver ; lis rnessnce J(e i>< a logical, forceable ar.d Inter' stimt orator and Is cnsldcred mi" i"f iii'* l?-sf sp'-ak'-rs of the fius- I .v-Uiie t.ii'h in Mi- country. j BARNHART WOULD FIGHT. ! ' ir.MM.KSTON. \V. Vn.. Juhp In.? I'istrii i Att?u ti?y William 0. Barnharl j :u tiluht wiroil the adjutant gpnorril at Washington, icnd'-ring his sorriros in ti:c ?ovi'rnni<'iir for active field duty In !.'iin>|?\ Tiie application was made without r".U! iclion. no commission bf irs'K ask< ii. I'.arnhart announcing that h>- i< -if|v for any :-orvico indicated RELEASED FROM CUSTODY'. CHARLESTON*. wTv*.. June is. Proving tha' h? had sought to regi.sler in this county and had been refused, the government authorities to-day re leased J. Griffith from custody. traTnWtors ( Continued from rirst PTitfo. ) The aircraft production board 1in3 now mapped out. however, a campaign that menus an initial expropriation of about JGOO.OOO.OOO. ami an eventual expendi ture of probably' 5 1.000. 001#, 000. Brl?. General t><iui- r. in charge of the army aviation, made it clear today that tho ?war department stands back of this campaign, which he said was necessary to '''put the Yankee punch into the war" "Our plan c>n tern plates nothing less than driving the <Jertnan lllers out <>f the air ami maintaining a constant raid ing patrol ovr territory for 50 mll"i? back "f the fighting line." said Chair man Howard E. <"olt!n, of the board. In u statement tonight. "If we carry through our program to produce the thousands of machines planned, tiie per manent supremacy of the alll?s in th<> iilr is assurer!. What we noeil 1s tlio mr>n*y tr> <->irry th? program through. " The American training machine haa The Evening Line-Up Both children ond grown-ups, with [ coughs and colds, arc all the better for ' . ? dose of Foley's Honey and Tar at bed. time. Jt wards off croup, stops j tickling throat, and hacking coughs. and makes an otherwise feverish, t>lcep i less night of coughing end distress, a quiet and restful one. ! BROWNSVII.I.E, TEXAS. Mr. C3iw. I Baker, writet : "My wife would not think of j mint any other couth medicine, n? Foley's | Honey and Tar ia certain to bri.ii quick relief. i It i? cfipeciiilly effective in cases of had coufht, j and we <ive it to our children and recommend j i; always as a talc remedy, fur it cuutaiat oo t>piatet." ? I Tor 5&ae by John Colwnan Co, J I Girls Should Prepare For Rood position* in banks, of flcea and commercial institu tlona generally. Places of greater re-sponsihiliiy arc oj??"'nin if to women ? n ? ? re is no limit but your own deterniin atJon and ability. Stenography and bookkcpplnc furnish fhr stepping stone to a rfplendid carper. Arrange now to enjoy thp bolter things of life by enrolling for our siiiiiiiit classes. Turn the usual "play spell" Into a period of the great est personal value. Call or write for information. Wt are glad to answer quest ions. The Elliott Commercial School Court ? To-day ? To-night "HER UNBORN CHILD" SPECIAL ? \t iif tiuiMii'": lo-rlay a section ol' tli" orchestra will be reserved ;n fiOr a s?a I. Balcance lower Moor and balcony, 2.">c. N'iichl prices 15. 35. r.t', 7.V. COURT? All Next Week 1' : I T> ? TWICE DAILY-? S :1 o ,\ stirring Virile l'hot <??-<.! rama of tho Last Fronties. "THE BARRIER" H) l!e\ Beach Priivs ? Lower floor, Cic; Kntire bal cony. l already been rinde : !??- standard for the allies in order tltiit parts may be inter chauk'eable. Wliil'* existing American Plants ar?? said t? ? lj? ? abb* lo supply only ton per of tiu* number of machines wanted. arraimi-iii'-ni s have been made tor 1 1 . - conversion of numerous nuto r ii < d > i 1 ? and other factories lor airplane:; biiildlns. 'If Kuropean aviators are sent to the I'liiied States for >dt uvntal traliiiinc. 'hi- number of training tbdds will be In creased to a score <>r m?iv and additional universities will bo d?sit;n!iud lo give technical uvintion courses. Thousands e.i ibl be ulvon .i decree knowledge and skill on this side of the water that would make it only a matter of a few weeks at most after tlioir arrival In Crance In fore they could Join tin- active squadron at the trout. Their machines and equipment would be furnished to! In France." COVERT, M'GARYi ET AL, MAY SUE TO COMPEL BRACY ACCOUNTING New Turn ln Howie Mining Stock Deals in North Carolina. According to word received here yes terday. \V. R. ('overt. David Mcllary and other-; were granted a decree in tin? Superior t'ourt ;it Monroe. N. < .. tho lirst of the week, permitting (hem io sue Armlleld & Sikos. reo-mrs for the Howie Mining Company, to have Smith VI. Bracy give ail accounting of all money received from the sale of stocks and bonds of the Howie com pany. These proceeds, it is alleged by the plaintiffs, aggregate approximate lv $400,000. The plaintiffs are also permitted to sue to have Bracy's unsold stock can celled. and to have a deed made to the Delaware Trust Company set, aside, and to have certain bonds cancelled, according to the report. Mr. Bracv, with his oTiief counsel, Fred A. Dolph. of Chicago, and At tin npv Vannm. of Monroe. N. C., were present to oppose the granting of the decree sought by Covert. McCary ot al. Attorneys Slack & Parker, repre sented the plaintiffs, in what they de clare Is an attempt to make the stock of the company valuable, which tho plaintiffs charge It. cannot be unless the accounting and other redresses they seek arc granted, Braoy, It Is said, will tight the suit which the plain tiffs secured permission to Institute. The Howie mining stock deals- a few months ago resulted ln Mr. Bracy be ing indicted in this county on a charge of defrauding David H. McOary of $23. 1 000. The indictments are still pend jlng in the Criminal Court. OQOOOOCKXXXXJOGOOC KXXXXTOOOQ o About People Movements of Individuals to ^ and From the City. jjj COCKX>C<XXXXX>OCOOCKX>iAXK>OOa AT TEE HOTELS Rogers ? V. 1L Klni-aitf. Xew Martins ville; p. A. Simmons. Cameron; C. M. Talking-ton. Cameron: A. Vance. Can ion: J. 13. Lambert. Moriraritown: A. W. , Xeuhardt. brldceport : J. II. Wasson. i Fulton. AV. Ya.; T. Charleston: J-'. 1,. Koen. Miuininpton: J. M. Lindsay, nethany: H. Hawkins. New Martins vllle; Mrs. Thos. 11. Ncal. t'ameron. Mcliiire ? \V. B., < 'larksburir: V?*. Ii. MilDr, Xew Martinsville; Walter , S. Sugdeu. Slstersville; W. 1*. Sammons. It'ameron; Heroy I.oe. Kiklns; J. I.. Phillips. Cameron: O. C. Mowurd. Cam eron: 1*. \V. Grapes, 1-Virmont. Wlad?or ? Miss Isabel Faulk. East ? ?rpool: Mrs. J1'. Ii. Caulk. Kast Liver pool: Mr. and Mrs. 1''. O. Owens. Newell. \V. \'a.; Mr*. Charles Brown, i.'hfster. W. V:u; Mr. and Mrs. i leo Oosn?-y; A i 'orbln, 1'airmont; C. A. Wills, Torontu, <).: Jlrs. II. i'. liny i?s. Toronto. <>.; Wm. J. Flaherty, Fairmont: Mrs If. C Wint ers, St< ubenville; Mrs. l >.avld I'eer. Steu benvillo; Afiss Nell flowers: W. S .Smith. Chester; U\ <"*. Wyatt. Shinnston: .fobn Richardson. Sh Inns ton. Stanun ? inner .1 Andrew. Fair mont; Mrs. TC. F. Turner, Clarinet on: 1 1 D. Corfrelton. Gallipolls. <).: !?'. 1". inni lap, Sistersvlll.-; M. <: 1-ln.w. Manning tor: T. J. 'White. Hundred Mrs. ? ;. i;. Moore. Folsom, W. Va.; .las. w. Seoti, Marietta. O. Oapt. Dennis Aturphv "f i":.iysvilie ar rlved in the city las! eveuinir to v!?i( friends. He has been aMendin^ court at Wavnesburc for the post sr veral days. Jlenry i'Yow of Camerun mis here en business with the I'nlted Stat-s court yesterday. "W. p. Ice .if Fairmont return, ii l:ome last eyenlnc after a brief visit with | friends here. i Clarence Haskin*! of Manninir'on Is visitlrip relatives In the Wheeling dis trlef. Miss lllanehe Smith nf Sprinrrilale. wh'i has been spernlimr s< vern! ilavs I with her sister. Atrs .t It Tliornti'ii. "f Slstersville. in experted return | home toilay. T'r. i ' K Alien, pastnr the I'ourth Street M K ? hnreh. b:i?< r. fui-ie-l frnui I'ine i!fi?ve. m here lie at t f 1 1 1 ii< il : lie district M I' cnnterene.' I I., i". I.i m/ i t' '.Ifi^ksonbur:. *- j?? fi ? I yesterday ir the eliy. attindiiiK : lie I Shriller*' leiiliinn. lij-nt hers Throbb- Kdwin. It' rnha rd arid rhi'ejnen utjn ru< r.-ir*-- at i"?tbedral Inch srhnftl. left j n ? r nicb* f'-r t.nul i lvi|!?, Ky , whrre thry will attend the WASHINGTON, June Ifi. - Pr^t ! ('???! Wilson prevailed upon senate leaders today to expedite th>- adminls i nil ion food control bill, which is to be taken ut1 in the house Monday and v/ltieh tli" presi-dent vvanxa enacted by July 1. before harvesting begins. Senator Martin. Democratic leader, , tul Senator Hon1, chairman of tho ;it- riciil l uro committee, summoned to th< While House for a conference, rc i.inied to tie- capital prepared to bring iin- bill 11 ! > for action as quickly as possible The understanding had been thru tin- senate would not consider i lie measure until alter the house had disposed of it. 1 Later. Senator Chamberlain, senior Democrat of the agriculture comfnit t"i-, introduced the bill for formal ref erence to the committee, which was called by Senator Gore to meet to morrow with a view to an immediate report. Senator Gore, although he op poses many of its provisions, pro posed that the committee briiis out tite bill tomorrow without amendment or recommendation, in order to place it in position for kmnediate debate. In order to give the food measure a eieu r .. track. senate leaders tonigh t < ojisid'tfed displacingThe pending Ira II mad priority .shipment bill, or adding the latter bill as ;ua amendment be cause o/ its relation to control- of food tuft' transportation. Such an arrange ment micht Ket debate under way in the Senate Saturday. Vigorous and probably ^engthy oppo sition in the senate t.o the food meas ure is assured. When advised of the new plans ur?ed by the president, senators opposing the bill said it would be "adequately" discussed. Pro hibition and many other questions also promised to be added as retard ing influences. Senators Hollis and Kenyon told the president thero Is greater need for the speedy enactment, of food con trol legislation than there is passage of the revenue bill, and emphasized their arguments by pointing to the sucess of tbe Liberty loan to show that for the next few weeks at there is no urgent need for taxing 0 Try a Can of BAKER'S POWDERED SWEET CHOCOLATE For ui.ikiiiir a *1 ??!!?- bovfuajce or for use in bakinjf "and ;iir I' m; ;in<1 healthful lilt*' all other Bal.vr's products. Pound Can -10c ? Vvlb. Can 20f. RUSSIAN SALAD DRESSING A I v.nijK'i.t n iiliv rnad? frftin Olive Oil, Tomato"#, lice'-. V* ? r. '>!ives. I 'I m" n !'??;?' and delicious ly spiced. A Bottle Costs But 25c. RYZON BAKING POWDER T h ! is ? ! i ? ? purr food baking powder you have hoard so hifrhiy r<>' <"?;:i!in-ni|rd WV heMmo it the equal of any and it10 price Is very Jur>t 35c a Pound. VVr- ??!:;! i..! .- l. ti Hy/on t *?w?k Hooks that will ho irivon frm of charge with t ii ?? lirM pound ?>f Kytan Raking .T'owder you pur cha*?i. FLOUR SPECIAL *' (Continued All Week) Two of the' medium priced flours on the market ? take your choice, here are the special prices: . [ KITCHEN QUEEN PASTRY FLOUR Special ?1.89 a Sack. 1 \ RELIANCE BREAD FLOUR "I "Special $2.00 a Sack. Send Your Order in for HAWAIIAN PINEAPPLE Only a couple dosnri cases remaining- on our allottmcnt.' Tour order must come In at oncc If you want some. 1 Dozen Cans ?2.55 2 Dozen Cans at $5.00 ' Delivered in October ? pay when you Ret them.. WELTY'S ' "PURE FOOD STORE". 252 Either Phone. 1044 Market St. i'"inmenoemcnt c.terclses at St. Xaviar's ' cull'ije. Air. iinr! Mrs. .T. C. F. Frceso of "Wood l:twn. wlm li.ivf b'.on spending- thf wln i- i- in California, will return homo next wi'i'k. Mr. ani] Mrs. WilMnm Frohme ajid two sens will K1 1 'Sardis. O.. tomorrow for :i \ 1st with friends. Miss Mih. 1 Mrt/.n- :\ who r^calved h*r A. 1'.. nt vioucher, has returned tu 1i?t Immc. Hn-.vard I*. Wilkinson. Jr., of Wood iawn. will leave soon for Portsmouth, t'. where he lias boon named assistant ni' Irtlhii g-int for the Whltaker-Glossnor company. I'oilce Pnfrolman Kd Fra ns Is sorioua I\ 111 at his homo on Jacob street. State Fire Marshal John S. Horan left' yetterday for his home at Charleston | '? :iftcr an official visit to this city. I 1>e Ott. chairman of the state work- 1 men's compensation bureau, loft for!' Charleston at midnight after being h<?ro ' 1 on business for his department and at tending tbe Shrine ceremonial last eve ning. I Deputy Prohibition Commissioner j Pert K. Phillips returned last night from Parkersburg, where he has been attend ing a session of the federal court. Deputy T.\ .S. Marshal Jihn Short re turned fast iiicht from Parkersburg. where he ha? been attending- federal eoutr sessions. Superintendent C. K. 'iithens of th^ public schools will return to his home < In this city this morning after attend- ? Ing the conference of the West Virginia j j EXCURSION TRIPS Sunday Afternoon and Night, June 17 On the Magnificent Five-Deck Steamer Homer Smith Boat Isox-vtm at 2 P. at. and S P. Iff. Retains 5:30 P. Iff. ftnd 11:30 P. 2rt Saxaphone Orchestra ? Free Dancing- ? Dairy Lunch Service. No Intoxicating- liquors sold or! Riffht reserved to refuse admit permitted on board | slon on refunding' price of tioket. Tickets ? Adults 50e; Children under 12, 25?. For Open Dates Address SECURITY STEAMBOAT CO., Incorporated. POINT PLEASANT, W. VA. Educational association at Hunt ington. Born, Thursday. June 14. to Mr. and Mrs. Alton Thurlow, of Market street, it t.he North Wheeling hospital, a son. RED CROSS (Continued from rir?t Page.) the principles upon which, our Republic was founded, but "for our very exist ence." People of England and France" also were slow to change their ideal* ?arly in the war, he said, but now "It as if tiieir affection and regard 'or mankind has immeasureably increas ?d. They seem to be without malice or lesign. envy or jealousy, without sordid nmbition-to be living on a higher and better plane. Even with their terrible sorrow and suffering they seem to be stronger und surer and more content, to meet whatever may be given, them to net. "The process of fire which has thus mritlert ihem has been for our account ?is well us their own. "1 hope you will not think me an ideal ist; I 'was never more practical in .my thought, ft is perhaps an appreciation ~>f this that has causer, me to go 10 the Orl Cross. "For T ilrmlv believe thai through the Red ''ross wo cannot only render a ser vice to the people of our Allies ? 10 those ivho are today fighting for lis ? but we ?an bring forcefully to our own people * <ense both of their obligation and of heir opportunity, and I am optimistic iiouch to believe that 'he men and wo nen of this country will, irr a. not far llsuuit day rejoice in sacrifice? In real <r.crlfico ? and demand that the Rci . ross xliail carry to the peoples then liv ng of sill our Allies the heartfelt appre ciation of what they have done for "'tis tnd express such appreciation by ev*ry possible aid and support within their niwer to send." NOT WEATHER IS WITH US Baer's Are Prepared? Are You? VACUUM BOTTLES We purchased before the prices went up. A good pint bottle at $1.50 LUNCH KITS and CARAFES We can replace your broken fillers. An extra good value at__. BATH SPRAYS Can be attached to any faucet. We have them in all prices. Every family needs one. 48c At our clean fountains we are offering tempting drinks and frozen dainties. Made and Served Baer's Way BATHING CAPS- tfl t? Cfl . Fresh goods, snappy designs. All colors.. ^ BATHING SUIT BAGS AND WATER WINGS 15$ m TALCUM Let us suggest a pound of the best Borated Talcum in a sifting box BAER'S DRUG STORES Twelfth and Market Sts. Twelfth and Chapline Sts. BAER'S SELL IT FOR LESS P