Newspaper Page Text
HARRY M. SCHMIDT !i 1126-30 Main Street. SUIT SALE TODAY $12.95 35 la die? select a Suit fr?'Ui liijs number, as \vc havr- <-uly one of a kind. Tan. Giecks. Reseda. Navy Latest Models. Sizes 16 to 42 1/* Values up to $35.00. Waist Sale Saturday $1.00 20 dozen ne-*' styles, in \ piles and Onjundies, just arrircd this week. IMESlE CENT THE PINT JUL! 1 1N IS SECT! PRODUCERS SHOOT UP PRICE TO DEALERS AND THEY AD VANCE PRICE TO CONSUMERS. New Price Will Affect Practically Every Home in This City and Eastern Ohio. Beginning July 1, the price of milk j will increased in the Wheeling dls-j :rift. including Kastern Ohio. A pint t will cost six fonts ami a quart twelve! cents. Tito advance of on*-- cent. the;.' pin: was made last night by the Ohioi Valley M i I a P'-alvrs' Association. J Their followed the session of i th- Tri Sta ? Milk Producers" Associ- j a?i?Mi : ??st* n'ay afternoon. when the producers i.auie.i a resolution advising j , flu* f rib'! tors that on July I titeyt, would ail v;in?*' the price 2" per cent, i j to th^m. Tii" fro'i'ie. is raided the prie* lrtj, per ?-.?nr. -?> r ?s? dealers last wint-r. ? ! ami at;- :- -??? ??ral tm-'inps : lie -distrib- ' , lit o;-? ?'??"ruled nor IO increase the Pr'Ce , , rn erinsunif >. but to ib-ma ml the re- ; j turn r>i' .?:::??? y bottlee 10 cover part of', t h'-ir .fief r?-a - d profit. Trie in< pric?- will ,iit'?i-r prne-;! t'c-al'v r-.erv tainlly in Wh?- -line. oi:t|| ft;.. |?f k i!i-irir-. iM'aire. M.'rfins Fer- ' rv. F.enwr.fwl. Me M Then. Wa rwoof!. ?' P, t-isfpor: and e- er> vic inity in this j s-e' I, J R Akin-on w;?>- chairman of !hn; pr-' cortiiiiif that met y ester- ' afternoon, while f'-irl W. 'flre??n, fii:-.r.agf : of r'n?- F. a t?. i'airy. presided ?? '!? ft.?-?-f:n^ !;?>: night. >**???!? ? v -? ?!? a !? - in rh?* ? nrire | v." -;:r.. V- ? -ra- -Pr ; POTATOES MAY DROP IN PRICE. 1 I : ? v ;i. .- ? . V- . drop in i ... -i ??*.- k. accord- ? : price and are polling at f 1.7") anrl Jl.'JO a crate. Qeori;la peachos have ap peared on th<* local market and are selling at $3.75 the crate. MAY AGAIN PUT ON "GREEN STOCKINGS" Senior High School Class Offers to Repeat Play for Benefit of the Playground Association. ? "Gre?>n Stockings." recently present ed in this city by the senior class of h-> High school, will !?kely bo .?tiged *gain within the next. t? w weeks for the benefit of the Wheeling Play ground Association. A oommunration iv;is read yesterday at the special meeting of t In- board of directors of :he association, staling ilia' the mem bers of t he class would be pleased to repeat the play to raise additional ,'unds for i maintenance of the play grounds. The offer will verv likely bo nee 'pted. Prt liminary plans were made af. the meeting to liai'e a spe. ml and elabo rate Fourth of July program :;l the flir^e local tdaygrouiid?. Speakers wili he i ngaged and bands secured for rhe occasion. A program of some of the special events to be >n on the grounds this summer was arranged. The meeting was presided over by Mrs. R. Hubbard, president of the Playgrounds. Association. Reor<a ioti Manaser Arthur Murray. Jr., who trrived In the city Thursday night, prom 'he West, where iie has been en raged in playground work >r the past -vera! years, made a brief talk before he directors and outlined som*> of the <P?cial work he j* planning. Mr. Mur 34 tt sr FOH THE AUTO OUTING GET A JAR OF SATINETTES :? ? !:: ."I'M j'>V to t'llC fill ?% Ti< I ZPSt. h(('aU>0 hfi'C ? ? a ??an? I v u hich you know to i)c absolutely . ti'i .vhieh has. tojrethn- with its rare beauty, ????r ?;?)()( lit nf eatinir mialitt. " inrttps t-niin- to you in jus! Hie ri?rht si>:#? 'y jar*. Seaieu air-tiiriit. lierm-proot" arid '-[>!(?. .T. Iliirhly flavored and assorted in layer.;. Chautauqua Confectionery Co. JASEESTOWir, X. Y. I*? wnibpr 1 1 ? ?"* famous oM name ' hautauqiia. In candies ? the best. 4UBBQdARRt&4E3HR& rt ::: r r ;; There is Lort^ Life ill Columbia Records How many times do you play your records before they scratch and become noisy? Fifty times, or two hundred? If you have some COLl'MBIA RKi'ORDS among your others, you will notice a re markable increase in the number of time's they may be played without the kiss of any of their full ri?*h tone. Step into our shop and select your favorite numbers fiv. ni our bis lists of < 'olurnhia Re cords. You can play tliem on your own phonograph, and they will mean greater ni joyment for you. The Music Shop Slri wx. 38 Twelfth St. ray ttrfeil as ?e<Mvtary of Hie mooting. ? In ihe nbsi'iico uf John W*aiince. | Anion# ill*' offlcrrs a(: ; lie session worf : Tho Ilov. l?r. Jacob Uritting ham. Mrs. Leo Wolf. Misses Frances Poll, A tine ami Elizabeth- C'uramliis. . At tii'- meet mjr yesterday the follow ' in jr weekly prog run "f some of til e spe ' trial features to i?e v ?? :i .>11 the vanoUA j local grounds werv outlined: Week of Jan? 13. Tuesday ? Election children mayors j and 'other officials; all grounds. Wednesday ? Play festival at Twenty ' sixth street playground. Thursday ? Picnic and tramp at Fortr (sixth street playground. j Friday ? Play festival at Stxtaenth street playground. W??k of Jnna 33. Tuesday ? Hare and Hounds chniro at J Twenty-sixth street playground. I Wednesday ? Efficiency tests at Forty 1 sixth street playground. Thursday ? Picnic imd tramp nt S!x j tenth snreet playground, and group o?n 1 tests at. Twenty-sixth street playground. Friday ? '.Mothers' play day." all grounds. W?ek of July 2. I Wednesday ? Fourth of July celobra. 1 tlon; all ground*. Week of Jul 3. I Tuesday ? Ivleetlon of officials; nil J grounds; picnic and hike at Twenty j sixth street piaygruunds. Wednesday---' Iroup contests at Forly j sixth street grounds. j Thursday? fclfflciency tests at Six ! teenth street grounds; doll show and I demonstration of i'oik dancing, circ!? land singing games a: Twenty-sixth 1 street jrrounds. Friday ? Hare and Hound chase at Forty-sixth street grounds. We?k of July 10. ! Tuesday ? Hate and Hound ohas* at j Sixteenth street ground. Wednesday- ? Efficiency tejsts at Twfn ? tv-slxth street grounds. Thursday-- Kite contest at Forty-sixth j street grounds, and '"orphan asylum" j day at Twenty-sixth street grounds. : Friday ? Doll show and demonstration j of folk dancing, circle and singing < games at Sixteenth street grounds. "Week of JTily 23. I Wednesday ? yuolt tournament at Slx | teenth street grounds, i Thursday ? Kit* contest at Twnty ! sixth street ; croup contests at Sixteenth 1 street grounds. Friday ? Poll show and demonstration ! of fidk" dancing. circle and singing ' Karnes nt Fortv-slxth street grounds.. Week of July 30. i Tuesdny? "Klection day" nt all j trrounds . Wednesday ? Quoit tournament nt 'he Twenty-sixth street grounds. Thursday ? -Baby show and parade nt j Sixteenth street grounds. Friday ? F.lTlclency tests at Forty sixth street grounds. We?k of August e. Thursday ? Pageant, all grounds. We?k of Ang-ust 13. Wednesdav ? Kite contest at Sixteenth street; "orphan asylum day" at Forty sixth street grounds. ?? Tliursday ? Ha by show and parade nt Twenty-sixth s-tree; grounds. Friday ? Quoit tournament at Forty sixth street grounds. Friday ? Efficiency tests at Sixteenth street grounds. Week of Anrnnt 20. Tuesday ? "Flection day." all grotmds. Wednesday ? Efficiency tests at Twon tv-slxfh street grounds. Thursday ? Unhy show at Forty-sixth street grounds. Thursday ? Tni-r- playground track meet and held day; closing rulehrntloir. nil grounds. By Both Camcvoa. Taking Stock Springtime. Is with us? In other words, the timi "f houseclennlnc. 'he time when one (ln'ls out what 1? 'n in"'c drawers and - what has gotten ? ticked j away In one's closet and clipboards and I gloryhojes, during the yoir. Women who so arrange their work that they never har? to tio any special cleaning (they really exist for I know, one or two. Yes. as you suspect ed they live In small houses ml hove no families to speak of) avoid the diffi culties of the houseclennlng season, hut they also mls? that pleasant evcitenient of re-discovering one'- possessions. W e have already retrieved a missing part of the lee-cream freeze- and a collar that has !>ecn hiding on me for some months. Houeecleanlag Is A Domestic Stock Talcing. TJonsecleanlng has its faults, hut it i n kind of domestic slock-takjtu-. and a ? I sueh has Its in ihc o.-hen.^ I things. Which brings 1110 to t;- anal ogy I want to draw. Why wo'p.lrs'i t ?... spring also he a good tirn? 1'or :? . * f ? 1 ? k taking In character? In a most Interesting hool; f<.- "rh. Hmhitlnus woman in husltu ?;<- " ;| . author Includes a self aunty- :s .1.1 ? ? which employers present to t !?? ;.? , plnvees. The latter tl re fllH.|.o-..| t. Imnrk themseiv?* In the rnr'ntf: ;uh>c!' land tl<en to mark themselves pgt.'n year later. 1 Eyerythtng Ttrirn Cheerfulness To Ker.^. ness In Dress. It would he imp ?"o-ild-- t-: rr i ?. ?- t ii ; [of subjects here heeaiise tii?re ,i ; ,. , ' rinny. Put her* are a few jus' . ?. . j von an Idea: Strengtlt. ' ???idura . . , j thoroughness, order, enthusiast::. ? hr-i-. fulness, sympathy, patience. ?. 'executive Ability .n-It !fie?s !n v...!,. I dress and person.* etc.. etc. \ personal stock-taking wot;! : !-! id '???elf finest Innlac as to whether '-r. ? ' 1 ('formed any new good habits'.' An.! K ? . ] i lines" 1 me'n worst fault* hav. i' . j l>e.-.n ovrcome a! all ' lias m|i i; I ?'iy valuable new im.-r#"--' *it.- ? ;? .[?lace of tho--? <->ne | ! ? . 1 h' ?. v- a'. ! wliat faults doe., one r . . . 1 t*. .. I attention In ?-??tninc ? ? 1 ha\. 1 decided hat I most ,,-e , , . itjence -the ? ; ? | 4 ?tr-nct'i SO \\:ii| \\ ? i . : | watting l?< ti'-i it*, it'! ti"- !?< . om.- jr ? flt'ible or 1 1 ? !-?.*? ,ivd I t!<?p. i v, froni-todav wiii i.nd nie with more >.t ! it.) Steei-Ing Not Drifting. Sfoek-takma a ? i."' t; t ???ii ? > , ... ?finds !?< tr> 'i ?-!.? the i ? [ ;, l'i?tst? ad of iti." J. f 'ii- ? -!i : ? ii., i |er no- r-f.-r I'.i'.ol r . 1 1 !'" powerful r- fi'itidcr. ?' Th. j statid' /I -- ili.' for t'e .nn -a bo . ?wh-re I,, j, coins'." j DOCTORS' BUSINESS MEET. The Ohln C'Uiim M- ein j. ;\ I 1,< Id Its rei:ul:tr busino>.- itfeiing j evonirm in (ho Secniitl Lira n Hi coiineil j chamber. Th>' prt'siiloni. I ?r. j. |{ ! I'al'lvvell. I'tesitied. ami liHlo ljul ? ruutiiic bipinc.-s wa.s taken uy. CLASS OF FORTY CANDIDATES RECEIVED IN BIG SUMMER EVENT LAST NIGHT. . More Than 600 Shriners Attend ? Wo men's CUib Serves Banquet ? Elo quen't Toasts Proposed. More fhan six hundred NoblPs nf ?*-.,? Arabic Mtd'-r Nobles of iln< .Mystic Shrine auond<'d :Iip summer ceremonial session of < ) s i r i s * 1 * ?? n i ] ? 1 ? 1 : : i ? I ? J last ovi-ninu in the Jolin VV. Mor ris Scottish Hi!" Cathedral. Th?*r?* wore forty candidates for thp cere monial session, am! f );?* work was ably ? ? x <"? n j i ? 1 i f i r- < ! by r !i ?? f)ivan of Osiris Temple. assisted In tip- \rnb Patrol. \ bis baiojiio; ' was served iIip Shrill I'ts and thp class of cundida:cs at six o'clock la-t ??vonin~ in the dining hali "f the <' 1:. Byron. Illus trious potentate of Osiris Temple, was . toast master. Tit*1 following toasts wort.* proposed: To tli.- (Irand l,odv* of Went \" 1 r ? L*inia iirand Master ('barb's 1". Car : :i;ati. To the (irand Chapter of Wont Vir ginia 11. ('. I.lnsley, To tlio (Irand ( 'omnutndery of West Virginia -Robert M. llrnwnc To tli" Ancient and Accepted Scot tish l!it.> of Free Masonry -Charl"s F Scltullzp. To flio Jmppfial Council A. A O. N* M. S for North America- -fn.^t Iniper * ial Potentate W. W. Irwin, j To President Wilson, commander In I chief of tin- \rmv ami Navy of the j 1'nitpd States Past Potentate It <' i Piirrab. I To the Ping of Our Country ? Illup j Erious Potentate B. (}. Byron. j Tito banquet war. served by the Women's club of W hoelinx and tbp I club was presented with a handsome I polloction through its presldr'U, Mrn. I John H. (Jarden, who rpspondpd with an npproprJatP address. Many visiting Nobles attended the pprptuonial from Pittsburgh, colum bus. Stpubpnville and thp neighboring cltips of Went Virginia and n number I from far distant plncps. j TALK TO YOUTHS ' : Agricultural Club Officials Address Dallas School Boys and Girls Yesterday. "Mire and Li?*p," "Tomatoes and | "Shirking and Working on Fnrms," ! wore among the topics discussed yes ' terday by County Aupnt Cook. Secrp i tary Kirnppl and othpr officials and | inPtnbprs of the Pan Handle Agricul j tural club bpfore the Acorn Corn club j of the (Ilondalp school at Pallas. com I posptl of both boys and girl?. TIip youth who crow* the largest I crop of potatoes., corn or tomatoes | will bp given a free trip and expenses i to the farmprs' short cnursp session of the university at Morgantown.. Prif. Oenrp'' Mn Irh. of N<-w York city, j originated American Flasr Pay. He con ] ducferl a private school nnrl on fvcrv j 14th of June he h^ld special exorcises I of a patriotic character and every pupil [carried an American fine ? About all matters of portrait ure and photography KOSSUTH Make an Appointment Kossuth Studio 1219 ChApliuo St. Qerinia Tire Insurance Bldjr. J uUicioijity comljijjuj wiUi lu 1 jJiiO TitO V1BIIATOKY. liLKOTlUC HlUil FKKyUKNCY or UL.TKA VXO LKT RAY TKKATMliNT does mora to euro disease than all tho aruss known. With this wonderful new methe<3 I restored to health numbers of pnti'-nts a'ler* others failed. Fif teen yenrs sunrrpsfu I prric'. lee. Con f;u!l:>l ion free. Dr. G. W. Boiler ^ -V OSTEOPATH. Nat'l ^hono No. 536. , 2342 CliayUra Street. (Near [ MISS IDA FRANCES RADCLIFFE WILL WED MR. CHARLES MINER. Ills ? lilll&C Fran Mis. | Pretty Ceremony Will T ake Place ft j the Third Presbyterian Church at 6 o'Clock. A bra III j I' III ?.?. .?diiiiis in i will in: it t- in nisi Triage Miss ' * *'*s lC;iil.'lif( i . ij.ti :rh;er of M'-. :? n j Marry lin.f.- Info. m Mi. t'i's.rles | ii'-r. Tin1 (.-> i'"iii' m.\\ v. ill' !:.!?:? r* I .tin- Third I'n'- byi"t tlic sci". i?-?- will (? . j Uev. '.I I' I.'-m :?! .-it . < ncf ot man v s. u- . I Miss l:> ii :1a ;;a.? 1. I ilii- ?>r i?l? ?. wii! 1 1 1 1 1 y ill and Mis. il' l? n I mi: I /i'. ? 1 ?; i iu> : .!? a i i nd tin ? !(?.-? irii-nd "f wdditi:: tmi; i" will ,-iim "1'i-r r.-iiiDi) . M i.-s , pro:-, rani "!' Inula at rival of llu* iMi'-s'. Mi I r: r < > t > 1 1 1 . bride's i will I.. MO 'ILa.ol will ,?la> Itniudr dsiiiii;: lit I ai i lie f!tii : ? !i I c ? ? t i i .i Min?-r. a mpiw of will n aid of bono: and :!ir ? : 1 1 * aiifiidiiiii. while Mi Miner aMi-ii/Joi! In :*! j ? ? |>ric|?-*s brother. Mr. Ivan ICnlcliU't . and tin- ushers will . h* Mi \ ili- liadi'li/fc, Mr. Kit wan! Mi j ii? -r and Mi I'M ward A i nil?r?-?-lii . Tin- bridal I'Hitv will i ? i . : ? ? r in the | inn ic n| Hi" w>-ddiim ma r<-ii from |"l.?iln'iu'.rln." lit" lirid" wiili her fa-: ?Jin*!, v. ? m i " will yr.i- Iht in marriage. 'Sin- will Mar a i r a \ i ri jr suit nf d;.rk J blue \ "luii , a lai X" ha* of whi'e. p??ar| i;'iay j ? 1 1 1 1 ? j > and ai ie-r eorsa;;'- a bou |ijii"t u| ?w "? 1 1 1 1 -a 1 1 ro?".- and -lik-s of lili" valh'V. Tli" maid of honor. Miss | l!i ti ha Mim-r. will follow ami she- wii! j 'wi'iif ;iii at'nH-tiv" iroi-k < tunjuoiep; I Idii" with white h:it and will rarry an j ii tin f ii 1 rif Killanii-y roses. They will, ! Ij" met at th" altar hv the proorii and! jliis his-t man iind hoie the rorpniotiyj ? will lake pliu-e ;n 0 oVlni-fc. There will j j l?" lovely decorations about she church 'of wliii" and oinlc lilooins lavishly I combined with Miiila.v and palms. | I'ri'i'i-ilina tin- wedding a dinner will! | hp served a I the bride's homo. 10 which j I hK'HiIkth of ill" two fiimili"s will bei jSiiest-s. There will lie beautiful dero-! I rations of white and pink n bout thej I rooms and trimminp the tab!". An Informal reeeptloii will follow iiio wed- j dlnp. nl-o .it the homo of the bride's i parents on South K"off .-treot. ;md la- j tor the couple will buyi* for I'itis-i . bur i?h. from whore "iiey w ill ;ro tn; Washington, I>. where thry wii! ro- j i fdd?\ "I"!? r? briilo Jia.? n vr> <?'. frat'lvo per Isonality wtiieh ha> "iiiiiMreci her toj mar." frioinls. >in- is weli kr.tirn in 'local musical linns and h;.5 h"eti nr-| 'zanUt at the i n * ? Street cliiiivii for: j sonic time. Mi. Minor is ill" son of; I Mrs. Lillian Mini:' of North Wa- ? 'hush smoi. and ha.-' renivs of locni friends. 1 1 ?? is a crailtiato of t hr? j Whoidin^' C.isl. m'Iii'iuI and is a former j president of the .ilumii i asswiat ion. ; For some t i mi-- In- w;i< assist an; serro-j lary of the Wiling Younu Men's Clifisiian assoriation and now , holds a. ! similar position at Washington. I'. I". j Copies of ilii- loliow ini; cards will be issued to th' ir fri'tids: Mr. and Mrs. Harry RndHiffo ii?inoiince :ii.- niiiiriiia" of th"ir liaiu'iit or. Ida France?. io Mr. t'hnries K, Minor on Ssiturday. .'uno sixteenth, otif Miousund nino initidrod and seventeen. I \Vhe?-lins, W. Va. A? home after July first. Washington. I '. C. Tlcicto Kequestetl. . Mrs \\" )! Mai/hoi. wli.i h.-ol ibo j ?if lirknis In i-h:ira<* for ? I . i- l-'lac 1 'ay i par'y of ili.. W^tnai. ?? ? ? 1 n I ?. r>--)r?-s ill ? ??oininit I ???? ;t rn I nil 'lii-s..>> suln ink-! ??ti fur tin- ti tli t r. i ?? r* purl :t t Ri'-il , i 'rosf> he.'t <li| n.i rt f rs '-ii ,Mi?stil:iy morn- j in j:or ?-.-ii!;. Muinlti* ? fli-riioon. This i inqerniiv ? i :t. ?<! t-|.?>r' row l?r (ii'i-ur.vl tit i ! . . ? 4. -ii : ?i,\ii, tt ?;'> :'iiut n | |.;i !. i nitiv h t'lri-i' Eng-.isenn'n.t Avncnacc;!. T1 i nc.u:' -TM hi "i Mi - ??!!?.> .!? art lV Il,.;:. I- .Mrs Ann- il M?j ! t<-?; T !?'?? Iff. :)! |l sln-i-l. Mr Til- S ' / ?? Shnhi ? i i Ii - - uf \:i?i-Ii- i l,.-.-ii tin-1 nntii.i'fii M --s 1 1. h;i? Wfi-n ;> ni' in ln-r <?!' ; i,.. tin.-.-tni- sflll ??! '!??? ? ?Jt !? ? | Viilley i li'ti'-l ;i I !!?-; Oil iv., y.-iu-s | anrl !its u attv I" r i ? ? 1 1 ? I -? vtiv. Mr i *51 !??-?* I * -i 1 1 i m; i !'-??!? ii'T .V>-w j Vi.rlc l-'i-nm.'.ii i"n ????no'iiny ;r li- i-rh : Koiioin. T-i.' *" vi hi 1 1 ? u '.vill i.ikf plai'rt I this ni'ir, !ti. T or aliis Raicliff M n Tt.nrsili> .-\--i \ ;? r ;?? i shuw>r i Isos" VVC'i il'lir ' ? : iiinoO a | It'-r -Ihmoo wlili \ltv^ I,::. irnl.'llffl il:- il.t.rl.^ At i lelll'O ?tl! tak" | ? ).i ? ??? 'oi!:i\ i-i -i - i ?. . I :< mi ill b- r "i !??- ft'v Kll;? f* >r v? tin' foll.i'.i in< {ji|?-sl< Mi-t- - ' lilfi * C:i ? ? -I i ? i'?- Irt-riha Mimr VirKiiti'i ! '? ??.iiiiirin ' !;n >. .Mi.rri* ->n ,\li.-.- s. :tlif:i;?o \\ 1 1 :r.:i H.-irplir I ?iis \V i lli.i'r. - i-n. S i ii I'ri'i-lirtr .! N'. w M.ti ! mi-.i :'iv Kiiti S' .!??? >*lw J?eco 1 1|. . l;li-.ri Jttrior Dancing- Fai-ty. 1 Mo-. M iin h :: \\ ? i?-s. .|-im''ii"r Mr. ;il:i| Mrs \\ !?' \V>1S> nf KlltlW-iO-i. ??II 1 1- r : :ii i i?-ii Iisi >'v. ninss with si. .'.in. ?? :?t tli.- i ? . is t r f'iub. f'i - ?? Ii- r );ii' Xl:isi?-r I lit til. '?i > I *..? I'jr- ? ? of I'oininbiis. ii. I.sif. ???.?i naii:'-- ???irt;. w.-ts "in "f tin- i.iosi a' - tr:ii-ti\i- ? .??!!;> ? ha h |n?eij - n.i ? ? j *??1 roi?fiii!\ i voiiiik sm-l'tv nicniliTi ui:'l si 1:? i-u ?? f ?-?? r i >- was Ini-linlort. I ? t-jii i. n? i f I'ltius \..-r<- vei l- li.-un tilit:lv .-it tsiii". <1 soul nlh-:" .1- isiils tin- ; ' .1 ;? I > h.-irii/onrs-il ^mkinriy '.villi 111. I'M I r.'I II- t llv . i|?*l* ' I .-I |i|!ll !IH-nt .? . \t Ii nVli-ck .\i:iusii;>-r r:. tiilincft of :h? ? 'lull. "?! rv<vl si il^liis'hl fill siipj ? r. \ C"!*--| inu M U'"lvs in :i.- ??n'.i-riain BHIBBBBRBBIBBBBIIBBBH ? ??BBBBBBBBBBBUBBBBB ? B a a ? a a m ? w IS in a w sea BB ? w BBS E 3 DB B 51 H H B ? BB ? ES no B O b y> n ss K SR Good taste has nothing to do with geography. The same love of smart foot wear influences the gentle women of California and Milady New York. Their vogue increases as wo men exact more than slavish conformity with the trend of fashion ? and demand /'^ . fit, comfort and quality of the shoes they wear. I/iy :? 'J Hub B H y;im t / r ? e biii a ? ? ??? hub imeiiBii its ??????????? ii i ? ..! the von n c people rv?re Miss I ."iiisi- A ul of Nashville. Teitn.: Mlssl K:ti hcrine a ul. Mi.0-!" Sarah Stump. Mrs. William |!r.ri;'-r and Miss Holvn Aul. I The sruest? wore: MlS.-es? l.ydia SpehM Alien Norton Hi-m I Rtrily .lul? Stifel i I {? n >1 i lonri'Htii Slump Mary l-'li'/.stbfth .Lucille .Mil 'Stil'el Mary l'.urdatts ? A I ????? Me.Vtjliy Klranor Stewart M:i rie ..It If Klloti Wilson '??'?n? Wil-oii Kisi?> Wa>; ner ? 'iiroline I'aull (^uarrier llazlctt . Amelia Norton Alice Speid?'l Nancy li-?if-> Jane Maxwell l-'|nr?-t?io Maxwell Jane Ruseli Mary Arli?-ii'< (Iciievleve Norton Louise Harper Virginia Sweeney Natherine Arbenz Josephine i'aull Klizabeth Adams \'ir<inin Jlarper Klizul>.-'ti Madden 'lertrude Burns A line Itussell .Vf.iry Beat tie Jaii" Howard Master.? ? 1 lard-st y |:/iri;?r. John Wilson ? ?T Columnus Phillip Paul' Malcolm Whltaker Klaceus Stit'el John Howard Melvin Helt'rlck ' 'ha rlos ("ollins Albert Whiiaker ("harl- s Madden Hilly Trtischel I'ra nk Mc.Vilty Taylor Heal t le l-Yank M cN ii !'. y Tom flinch I'aul I'e.attic Kdward l'laccus John Xuylor ferry Jtoattle l ? i ! ly Irwin I, on Is Waterhouse I >an rtownJ I 'onald 11 rand J-'rank \Vaterhou?e Julian Hearno Junior Armlirusier Vance Harper Arch I'aull ?Wedding- Annonn&emeJit. The weddins of Miss Margaret '"Jroer to Mr. I'harles Wardle of Bridgeport, 'was announced on Thursday evening: to a party oi. friends {fathered at tiie < freer home. The news was made known by liny < 'upids, duriiiR the servlnp of luncheon. Those present were: Misses ? Margaret ilr^r Anna PullJon Acnes Spurlock Mary Reece <;erirud<- 1 Saliaffher Anna Wiener Sophia Molt" . Kale Hores Minnie Holie < '.ladys Wigrner Til lie Stone Alien t.onjr Anna Kutehman Helen Crlcltard l.illi.m ? Ii-' tzinir'T Hose Eckart. ( "live Wigner Mesdanies-? ; M. Wardle J IS I .one J ?.*u r? <;?'<>. Danner i M. i;r<*i-r (Tiiaa. IX'tiff i < .\*inivr . Mat. torn- Warmer. Mr and Mrs. J. K Vasriier Have Issued ? irds ann.-uiK-iiic the of their daiiKhier. Kmmn Kliznbclli. to Mr. Wal ter Henry Ma'teru of Marietta. Ohio. Tl:.? c/oom is con ik ei ed with t'he <1. S. Smith Sons, jewelers of Parkersburs'. They will live at Marietta. Suffrage Meeting". A t Suifrace headquarters or, Monday e'vninjr. the K<|ual Suffrage League of ('?hlo cuii lily will hold its regular meet inc in T^."i o'clock. Any one who is In tri-es'eil Is invited to attend these meet I l >?f s Soie-atcuermott. \ ijiis-r rteddinir Thursday afternoon (.1;, united in marriage ^fiss l.>dm M. I><rntolt and Mr. John SiTlo. Toe wedding took place ,-it the home of (???? hi ide's hrotiier and was solemnized hv r?..v, T. K. Van Winkle of the Island ? V.rKtiar. church. The bride wore a yfvi'y :? ft eciioon umwii "f pray ,-repo and a .Misuse 1 1- > > H 1 1 ; I ?(! sweet lien r? roses r. ii* i Ul'. s the valley. Mr. aioi Mrs. S"!e left at 7 o'clock j foj- the ??as. i and upon their return to U h'-ellnr. the lalier'pari ?>l" this month. | v ill live :it 4 ?? N't'W Jersey strict. >Dukemeyer-Clykcr. ! On Thursday niorninc a" I*1 o'clo.-k. ft t the parsomme of St. Paul's Kvaji Celical cliundi Miss Marie l.otii-c (?'lvker the hri<lc of Mr. Irwin li. M inkeute;. cr. Il'v, A. Reach oitl-' Lciat"d. The bride wore n becomintr i costume if ;:ray ti-orcet t" cret>e. with [ hat and k loves of 'In' same shade The | couple were unattended. ! . A weddltiVr breakfast followed the ? ??ft Tiiiii:;.' at the bride's Imme. which was ! ??Mended- by only immediate members of '(in- family! Owlnp to a recent death hi I tip* bride * family the arrangements for a more elaborate wedding were cur-. . I tailed. .Mr. and Mrs. Minkemeyer left At noon I for a wedding Jotirnoy. and after the ; . | tlrst <>f rn*\t month they will take up th-ir residence in 1 h is city. The groom is stationary engineer at the National Tub<? c^m pa nv, and has a large circle of friends. Bridge ParTj'. This evening at 1112 Ohaollne street . thr Daughters of the American Revolur tlon will hold a bridge party for which many reservations have been .reselved by Mrs. Mellwaine Miller. .Mrs. Blanche.: ? Pref-nrod. Mrs. .1. J. Holloway and Mr*. ! Charles Menkeni ill^r. The party Is In-J', stltuted to secure funds for the placing,, of a memorial tablet at McCullough's" l.eap. Oar d #n Party. '? The Women's Literary club of Wheel*.., Jnjr will hoi. I a garden party at Country . elul) on June 20. After a program of.--, music nnd reading (he ladles will indulge in conversation a.nd will sew fop the Red ; <'ross. Omnibuses will meet cars at"* Woodsdale iHStwoen 2 and 3 o'clock. ciarksbttrc Wedellmr. Swclil Dlspateh to the Intelligencer. CLA RKSBt'RO, W. Va. June 13.? .. Miss Mabel Fletcher, daughter of A. J.'"' Fletcher, prominent business man and hank president, was married this after noon at her home to Frank C. Graham, an employe of the Chesapeake & Poto mac Telephone company here, now ser geant of a company of the First Regi ment. TVest Virginia National Guard, which is now In war service. Loan Oversubscribed By Half Million Here Definite Figures Will Not Be Available for a Few Days, However ? Bonds Sell at Premium. Although definite figures are not yet available, it was announced yesterday that Wheeling oversubscribed her quota to the Liberty loan by at least a half million ? dollars. Wheeling's quota was S3.lo0.000. Reports have J not yet been received from al! the dif ferent agencies through which sub 'scristions were being taken. No sales of Li Deny bonds were re ported on th<* local stock exchange ? yesterday, although dealing in the is- . J sue began on the New York exchange ishorflv after the subscription period I closed" at noon. A few sales were ; made at a premium, selling as high as 100 2-5<\ the premium being four cents. The bids and offerings in the bonds I will be made at variations of one-fif tieth of 1 per cent. I ? i' I ~~ ... _ I How is your boy frnfahfttg up '.7. j his school year7 Does he n stand high, or is hehindered ? j by poor eyesight? ' \ j Let tis examine his eyee and i St him with glasses that give him keen, clear vision and enable him to study better. Harold O. Etz IUt)*oal Cntxin Baa* Mrund Fleer, Mtta Mf T*wnk n<|b ORIGINAL CUT KATE ay and Monday Specials cKJte g | CHOCOLATE ? CORDIAL CHERRIES A lucious, red. ripe Mar .-ohino Cherry floating' in its own juice imprisoned in a wall of the most delicious chocolate you ever ate. Most confectioners sell this tine quality at 30c per pound. OUR PRICE FULL LB. BOX ASSORTED CHOCOLATES Fruits, Nuts, OA ~ A Creams, Etc. Pound 3atent Medicines 50c UsoHne Oil 39<* 00c Sal Hepatica 34 c 50c Swamp Root 34c $1.00 Swamp Root *>7<> 50c Nerv - Ittints 436* 25c Sloan's Liniment "1 7o 50c Sloan's Liniment.. . ,3-Sr 25c Zemo .17 c $1.00 Zemo 67<* $1.00 Eeef Iron Wine (>9c 50c Calif. Syrup Fig's 34c* 75c J ad Salts T?Oc $1.00 Pierce Favorite / Prescription . I O I $1.00 Pierce Golden / flHc Medical Discovery . \ O I 35c Fletcher's Oastoria. . 2Uo S3.75 Horlick's / QQ Malted Milk. . . \ t/0 $1.00 Horlick's Malted / T1 rc Milk \ I D 50c Horlick's Malted I QQ0 Milk / OO 75c Mellin's Food .55? 50c Nestle 's Food 40o $1.00 Eskay's Food 75c 50c Phillip ' s Milk / Q C Magnesia \ OO 5c Glass Nursing- Bot- / 1 Ac ties ? 3 for '. \ XI/ Colgate's Baby Talcum... 15C Stork Castile Soap ? ) 3 for. \ LdO MARSH BIO HAVANAS 4 for 10<? ? 81.25 the Box SAY GOOD-BYE TO YOUR OLD SKINNY SELF; SAY GOdD-BYE TO SCRAWNY, PEAKED LOOKS FOREVER In Twenty-four Days Pamgin Puts on at Least Five Pounds of Good, Honest Red Blooded Flesh and Changes Your' Weak, Run down, Nervous, Timid Body Into a Strong, Vigor. ous Robust One or Not a Cent to Pay. - SPECIAL SATURDAY, 83c the Box? 12-Day Treatment. ?at last I've found fws iant iSumon Relief I don't limp and fnes and worry? I don't scold and fret and bemoan my fate and my feet? "Bunion Comfort" g.a\*e me instant relief ? stopped the pain instantly ? gradually reduced the inflammation and softened and dissolved .the bunion without one bit of pain or ( liscomfort. You can wear regular shoes ?no pads, plates or cutting? just put on ? ("Bunion Comfort" and away goes your pain ?|ind away goes your bunion. Over 72,000 ;::en and women hare been cured last year ?and we guarantee that vou will find com plete satisfaction with .''Bunion Comfort" or you need not pay one cent. Buy a box today? try two plasters, and if yon do not find instant relief, return the remainder and get your money bacic. We know what "Bunion Comfort" has done for others? ?we know what it can do for you? so try t'lein at our expense. FREE We develop all roll films free when we make the prints, no mat ter where bought. 36-hour service. ANSCO CAMERAS, S2.00 UP. | "GRIEST" SELLS FOR "LEAST" 1125 Market St. I