Newspaper Page Text
M7Hli\K OF IT! ?i HEN, ACT QUICKLY! 40 SUITS, $5.9 FORMERLY PRICED j AT $15.00 AND $20.00 Plain colors and shepherd checks. Every suit is a crisp, new style lacking none of the smart details that distinguish t lie Summer tailleur of 1917. Prac fcicalh" all sizes will he met in the grouping. ? Cool Dresses ? AND VERY FASHIONABLE ? ot Gingham The very most attractive colorings for the. morning, street and utility wear. See a few of their smart styles in the large Main Street window. $5? $6.50-57.50 ALL 1 CHILDREN'S \ Reduced COATS ALL SILK IVo OFF SUITS WOOL JERSE Y 0 OFF SUITS ALL CLOTH]1 / q QFf SUITS J / ? Many Coats Greatly Reduced Not Substitutes? but Genuine Kayserft'S \ "NO SHORTAGE OF GRAYS" Kayser's- Silk (Jk>v<\s ? tin: he.-t ? ? 1" all ? tin? quality supreme. Short lengths in black, white, u'ray and colors. 60^ upward. Lciiq: crloves in black and white, up to 81.50. ' ? I ! ! Be-Ribboned! I Yes. every woman and miss may he bo-ribboned at a savings c?L" many a pretty penny, for we've several thou sands of yards of fair and line Warp print. Rroeade, Taffeta. Satin. Faney, I 'laid and Striped ribbons in l> to 11 im h widths, that are regularly worth 40c to Sl/50 a yard, now 25c up to 79c Yard j EXTRA SPECIAL FEATHER BOAS Tn all the wanted plain colors and in combinations of same, mostly duo toned. Very appropriately worn now. ? OF BAT IS IE ?OF LINEN E ?OF S WISS Q\ Y*ii?? blur, dnrinu" 12 SMART STYLES? 34 io 46 SIZES iit'* an euuauin::' sale ?>t' Shirtwaists* ;ir a price uncommonly low. The aiv In white ami stripes: the Swisses arc embroidered in pink and in Tin' Lineups aiv plainly tailored. All in all, a very fetching lot to be sold the wakeful hours of Saturday. Rotary Ties for Rotarians 50c '[' ;ii!'l trim wash ties with the Rotary symbol emblazoned in distinct color contrast. The quality ??:" rhcsc ii*"1- will stand them in good stead when frequent tubbings become necessary. Twelfth >1 reet window display. French Cuffed Shirts? Extra! Of tiiat delightful quality Madras and Anderson Ginghams that find instant appeal with all men who consider their vest-off appearance and physical being when Old Sol gets on the job. The prettiest stripes and checks that have passed this way for many a day. Ail in negligee style, and in sizes 14 to 17, inclusive. $1.50 and $2.00. \ Looks as tho' men were telling each other about our Men's Shop! Its business keeps grow in? steadily, surely, day by day. ?ml1 WILL MAKE SURVEY 1 OF CAMBRIDGE ROAD VICE PRESIDENT ROBINSON AND IECSETA1T KOSXiITZZUiZi TO GO INTO OHIO. "Will Ascertain Best eDtour for Motor- ! ista In 01 d"Wa*hl*jrton Section of National Pike. Vice President C. A. Rnbifson ?. rxi Secretary A. H. Hoblitsel of 'the- Ohio Valley Automobile club, with probably, other officials of the organization. will leave the latter part of the week for nnj official survcv < >i the National rond he- ; tween here and folistnbus. O.. to K?t ! authentic information relative to the; bejt fleto'.tr route In the Cambridge anil Old Washington. O.. visinltv. where ex-' tertsive repairs of 11 miles are being, made to the National ptke. There have he.-n a number .of con flicting reports circulated recently rela-j tive to th* h<^?t detmir route to be taken j and the officials will make a careful sur-l i vey if tho situation. They will also m.-ik'-' a survey of the. road conditions between hero and Columbus for Wheel ing district motorists and tourists who arc to travel in that vicinity. CONTINUE DISCOUNTS Wheeling Electric Company Will Al low Discounts on Bills Paid To day Because of Fire. Because of the fire which destroyed the garages at Sixteenth and Eoff streets yesterday afternoon, interfer ing with the business of the Wheel ing Klectric company, the regular dis count will ho allowed on all bills paid at the office today before 5:30 p. m., it was announced last night. ARRAIGN YENSEN TODAY. Waltr Yensep. will bo arraigned be fore Judge Alan H. Robinson in crim inal court this morning to answer to a charge of non-support. He Is at lib erty on $300 bond. CASTOR I A teitodrm-a ln Use ForOver30Years ?t 'Exams, Will Be Held | Next Monday Morning At Wheeling High School for Students Who Expcct to Enter East ern Schools. Colles^ entrance examinations, ?which will be for the benefit of those tfiud'-nt.H who are planning to enter certain eastern colleges next fall, wili commence at the Wheeling hieh school 'building next Monday morning at :i o'clock. The examinations for t hi. Isection will be under the supervision iof Principal H. H. Johns of the high jschooL The examinations, -finch are under | the control of the college entrance ex lamination board of New York city, are ? for 'those students who are graduates ! of schools in tho Norihern and C'en !tral High School association and who j intend to enter certain colleges in the east which require these examinations to be taken. CHURCH BULLETIN ATTRACTS. : The Second Presbyterian church of this city for some weeks has be si pub illshing a very attractive patriotic inii - jh-tln which has excited much eonipu jrnentary comment. On the front page Is found a lar::< colored American 11. ig accompanied, j with the mottoes: "For Our Moy:-. "For Our Hirls," "For Our Country,' j !"For the World." i The second page contains a n?ii <>f 1 honor bearing the nam* ?-= rind ; dresses of all the ynung it" n of church who haVe offered ? m > ir ; ! to their country by enlis; j The bulletins have h* ? n *1 js ? rihu: e.J in the various hotels and teauy nf :hi i guests with whom they f n;?i?l |;r. (.i j , have mailed them to si.cir mil of-to'v;-, j .friends. i RECRUITS SENT TO COLUMBUS, j Six army pcnii's v.-n- .--vt so i!i.| Columbus. O . l?ai:.t?K y-erdny. They sire; Raymond L. Evrus '<<?. t ; . ??? : ; teonth street V.'nlntn \ lli!i\ ? >r | No. 30 Thirl- ? ii kios and Kr:?nk let* ? I'- *h .>j Iv eif: , j and Chaplin-.- s*ie? t.-. .irinv > 'i. Will ton of I > j o 2 -.iii> !'r .nit 1 | French of Sniii li field. \V. Va. ? EVANS ALE Ah Ideal Summer Drink. Non-alcoholic. A great thirst quencher. A trial will dc liszht you and make you want for more. IS1/, c Bottle; SI. -10 Dozen FLAGS FREE \Yc have a few mure of those nice muslin and silk flags that Ave aro giving ' away Free with a purchase of a sack of Behrens' Best 11 our ? $2.15, md I pound of Perfection Blend Coffee ? 2-S?. Old ( j lorv should fly from every home in the coun try. (lot yours now, free. 1 Phone your order for Homo "Baked. Bread. Pies, Cakes, Rolls, etc. If you have not tried these products you'll thank us for railing your attention to them. H. F. Betas Co. 2217 Market Street. Branch: Wcodsdale. | Baking- Dept., 2350 Chapline. Everything For the Office Loose Leaf Ledgers Loose Leaf Price Books Filing Cabinets Blank Books of All Kinds Diaries Give Us a Call. Perry <V Stationery 39 TWELFTH ST. and ? kindred ailments. Thoroughly eliminate poisons from the body. Trained attendants for ladies and gentlemen. Si rat ford SpriYigs Hotel ? Wheeling, W. Va. Bell 1596. Nat, P. V. 155. fin * bbowwmbbbwp Hand Tailored Suits for Men are gTeat for sum mer wear. Come in, select yours now. C. Hess & Sons | 1321 Market St. | FOR SALE-Pnn&ass Theatre Cojii'ilPto outfit ? Mnrlrvsr Picture p*"/9ct coa<HTi*?; offered fct . .-:i? *.!?.?:> .'i arst cost. Main St. ? i-.-.. . i i ii ? *< Marriage Licenser. Wiiliam I i.i ri i? > ami Mari-- fii'dford lioili o! i :. n v. tinii. \V. ?'.! Ludlow I rk t-r. .Ir , ni Xrv. perl, Ky., and Laura IWry. <>! W ;?????!: nt:. Deeds. i , : \ '?>! i:' !'? Siv-im am! Iiu-band to It. 1 !:??!: . ? >| ???;?: ; iri J. shirty di.? trirt: >1" anil i.ajn-r roa.-;.l' ration. Deeds of Trust. I i?l| r liiii'l- i>i' J!-'! i ,ll!ii llllVe V N a.-i ii : ? -it - ** i !"? !i !r-.j for record yes CONTEST EXPECTED. Will cf the Late Ella Dunn Offered for I "rebate Yesterday. Tha: .i 1 1 tin i\ ! or ; if- ;vill of iho Kli : I'iiia. >?! W'o-t Lih?Tiy, will "? iii. uji- \? i > ; : ?.?::<???? t * !i ?? dom ?ir-i'.i -A.i.- if:.-: * i .or prohai* in ihr roi;:i!y I 'l.i.'i : day. Tb?"> will, dis !i'?>iu.; ? -i;'.i'i;i tv;a;i-, b^ ?l !!*?;? ' lis on ?? only r Is * sum of Tim W. -i Liberty normal .school l)"f|iifa" io'il a m-joiI sunt ?>!' money. CA'NNOT USE SLAG. ? >>un'y commi-'j-ioiM'-rs ?*-rr!:i y ad ?};?? road ronrratsnrs that they *.\ ; ; ! !Mit j .? ?! :n i ! ri* . ::b?T inj; ion of sin,; ;.-.r ;-and aivl craf-l in ilio pnvinc of :v!?;op;iI ro.'iJ at I'uJion. I'hr con i rartor- had romplainrrt ? bat t h?\v aro una b'.*" to oi"i!'t* and gravel fast ? nou^h for ; !;e work. DETAILED DETOUR - ! OF NATIONAL ROAD OVER WHEELING HILL! I i KOXTTE TO BE TAKEN" WHILE ROAD IS CLOSED rOE SXTENSIVE &E7AIXS. ! Autolsts Advised to Take Only Rout* i Laid Dovm by Club for I Safety. ! fl'Ti: is the authentic detail tour route Mi. I while ihe N'ntional road '.vr I'.'ae.dtnsj hill is closed on account ' "i' ??.v'vnsivo repairs being made. as fur i insh'd ? !n?t cvcninc bv Secretary Hob i.f the Ohio .Valley Automobile ! .-Jul.. I .??? vi rt(5r 'be Market auditorium at ' Kb M'tiiii p ltd Market streets In ffotn;; ' I'V.-r ih'ti r"Ute take the following J . nlirim; ? in r.fiiuh '>n Market street to sixteenth Mri M " : t mine. Turn left on .Sixteenth j:'r<?t with trolley. Follow irnliey ? strairht ;ibe;.il n:i I ri n ic slightly lo j left ..ii a.-phalt. f.'in.s under tramway, i . nut miurtL' xtraiirhi ahead. Trolley ! loavi-s ?(> nebht. I'lefc up netv trolley 'and t'ollnv .-Jiiurt t>. I foot of hill. I ' In i?- ? ? ri? <?;'??* ali' ail v.t'h d?ubl? | tn.iiey iraeks |n 1 f'ti r-ii.irp turn to . r l?l.i Hi r.*i ipiil iileid v.ith single trol ] !??? Ira. miniedintely jinssinK over . <?!??!. !.(.'!?? . IMS.*' under It. P.. viadurt ;.ii bad ' iiv ! I'p grade benrlnR 'o I rlffbt an>l i ruiiMiii; U. Ii. trncic on ?nia'l , ?|.-p.-?iii 0, S eurve immediately ahend !'>>???< it ? i.rld!?e into .-'e.-ond ?:tr>"-o:, J Fulton. . fij. I trolley two S'l'MfM i.. I ** ? 1 1 1 ? I . ? ?r?<-i ;? turning '<? I'fi <i p Mn/.il '?:r: ide leaving troliey. i!r,.| i ornT. t'" ' low and .sound Ii?. ri> Turn tK'bi miix ' :? ' lorm 1 road 1:01 and I t r..n,.- ird wb:t- atid blue b-.nd* on telo ad l:.t?-rs"et ion." '?i'lriKt'in fa Si, --Sr"'d limit i "llf I I ?? If il!.- ? I Id be taken by mo t>. V.h?ei!'i|{ from the | NATION-WIDE MARINE | CAMPAIGN ENDS TODAY ' Local Recruiting Station Locks Nine I Men ^of Rescuing Allotment of Twenty Recruits. (init ial ? < ? w :T from" \V a s h i n s ton to 'tin' effect that, men past tne age ol ' i'i seat.' eiilisi in the marine sei iv'ici- was rciVj veil by Sergeant i-reder ieks oi iln* le.ral redlining iierday. l.'p to th..- present ihe had 'ben L'u years lor acceptance in inc^ |M With bui one day left in the national 1 campaign fur J.OOu additional nianneb hv loniulit. yesterday brought Wheelieig \s total up ^c.'^on I;,en. and as this city has boon a Ho' lied L'ti num. chances iiv nui tue hi ???' ? ' ,n reaching that number. Hovtvu, ?rrcpani Fredericks is optimistic be lieving thai, the nine n.-n ne'eded to brins the pre?. '.it inial to -0 * 1 1 1 , enlii-tfd h> lonlght. ^ esterdaj \\ ,il liam .Jennings Br>nn Towles oi th b ,itv ami W. I <? Mallei I of Mound^vill* were t.cei*. -d at u"< local oitit-e and ! win b,. sent in ritishurgh this moni ! n : Fn ill tb. re Ili-v will go to Pnila ' deiiihia Joseph Kavesky. another ratlnV ,.-cn ? m at'" If*? 'ff> vrith i be above two mtti. . HC wab ac (?eritcfi la si Tinir.-da y. , It si ems as iboiigh the roung men of litis vieliiiiv do uoi realize the w ? tierfui advantagf? thai the n.? in- a \ ir.? ha> over tbe oilier braliehen of | p e r v i i ? e Th< odore Rno^eveit. W iliiani | 1 loward Tali. Arthur T. ili'dley. nreM- ) dent of Vale university. Joseph Dan iel- -.eer -iiirv <u tin* na\.". and othei , f- imoiis 'men "?>i the i i.untry reootn-jJ me-nd the marine < orps and encouragft | boys to enlist in this sorvlco. ? MINISTERS WILL HOLD ! ANNUAL PICNIC MONDAY) terlal tjtilo*. ! The .-u:inV and j?!?-nio ^ , m 'mv.i-v u Hi'- ul" ! ,, ,\?i. !,,!:? ;? af-rn..on unu ' ? , n ? . ? ,:t K I " ? 'i'i'" Wiw.-s and ? bil- , ti, tt r, v. til ah- *?>????. .Mibois jsb no formal l;> - 1 b . arran^-ii. .-o vrrnl tuf pri'-mpi ti eidr..-? w:U ?'??>?? ;U-'1 a n- :m 1 I tine- . \;.eete,J. alleged bootlegger. Picked Up by Constable Suckle on j State Charge ? Gives Bona. j A man giving the name of Halnh Auerbrnt airested yesterf.ay by i 'o-siitbl" .l>>!tn Sit' kle on a charge oi seit'riL'. wi,i -k-.-y. Squire H. ti. liobbs ieli-ased i tie prisoner on bond in the -nai of 5 'i'i" to appear for a hearlus i Wednesday evening of nexi week. ONE NAVY RECRUIT. I At navy recruiting station yes lerdav oniv one man ?as accejued foi th, -erv icc. alt bougn two were rejeei ;' i during I no d. y. William Och sitc . . 1 1 in passing the required exams Vesterdav and will L" .eent to Puts Inirga. w'nere he will receive the llnal ilest? stinie lime today. j Y. M. C. A. NOTES. I Members of the senior swimming i I't-s-'s received their regit. ar bi wi'e'ii". les.-nn.- i:i 1 1 1 ? ? an of swimming en tie Mite supervision of Fro. Milcr ? m the V \1 C. A. i?nk last nig'.u. J he business n^n's class met at a: la | o'clock, While the senior class met at s P ECIA U'g RAND JURY. ' Judge Addleman to Act Upon Number i o of Pending Cases Tuesday. led"" i! .M- AtKiieiuan \rr.i.nia> ,? jied";! speeitil term of Fart I. of elr- . '.run to he hf-ltl Tuesday. June: i ?? \i t'jnr time the cinri will pass ? upon a number of pending terms oi l.i iu;ii itiii. . , NO TRACE OF RABIES. Ur W r. JiizPjr yesterday received wor.: from the fia:- mi.??i-?'y ;? tories thai an examination of iho head oi the dt)g whirh bit Harold ll-.ines several days ;'co showed no i rue,- of tabes, list' "">' reeover ? inK rapidly !'r: m t.'ne effects of a pain ? lui bite oil the leg. WANT AMENDMENT. ? i Steamboat owners whose craft re 'reive and discharge cargoes irom the W [KM>linc; wharf, will a*k council to .Modify th" ordinance forbidding calves io br ief a i the wharf at night. They Will ask that the responsibility b<> i placed upon the persons io whom the snick delivered. ' I ..,rv b.iUb-hl;, of the' fni ted States \ , r- .'ii'iiled ?o ;.",0 American flst^ i i rV tbr< ?' veers, .sithouch there ?ro , in'.nv -ei;?wair. dnrin* that p^ri-"l '11 ie of I he I"!r<ss for each ship Is J3.000. , . I JOIN THE RED CROSS Many of us cannot fight, but yield to none in patriotism. The non - combatant should join the Red Cross, which has a well organized branch here in ?Wheeling. The Red Cross needs MATERIAL, MONEY, MEMBERS. V HANGHER HANCHER'S JEWELERS, SILVERSMITHS, IMPORTERS. ARTISTIC MEROUNDBB 1283 MARKET ST. ATTENTION! I I ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ' re You Suffering From Any Compli ated Disease? If so, come to us. Our equipment is one of the best that is used in European Clinics, with greatest results. We treat successfully Rheumatism, Catarrh, Kidney, Blad- , der, Heart, Lung or any other complicated disease. Also Pri- .. vate Diseases of men and women.. Come to us, no matter how many Doctors have been treat ing you. REMEMBER! DELAYS ARE DANGEROUS. EXAMINA TION FREE, IF TREATMENT IS TAKiiN. If you arc improving under your family doctor, don't take up our time. Office Hours Daily, 10 a. m. to X p. m. Sundays and Holi* days, 10 to 12 a. HEALTH RESTORIUM QUARTER SAVINGS BANK BUILDING,.. Wheeling, W. Va. Special For Saturday VEAL ROAS T ..JS< per Pound BEEF ROAST... 20tf and 22 1 per Pound CALF BRAINS XO<^ per Pound CALF LIVER SWEET BREADS FRESH DRESSED CHICKENS FRESH EGGS and GOOD COUNTRY BUTTEB BEL TER BROS. 1116 Market St., Wheeling, W. Va. Your Crops Are Planted Now? Protect Your Plants and Shrubbery by Using* "KILLS 'EM" ? Sure Death to All Bugs and Insects. Cultivate them by using modern, up-to-date implement*, such as we sell ? Spraying Materials for Fruit Trees, Inter national Harvesting Machinery, Lawn Mowers, Binder Twine. Let us quote you. Our prices are right. Why pay more? Dairymen's Association J. W. WIELER, Manager. Both Phones. 104S Market St. 18th and Chapline. East 29th St. FARM MACHINERY Harvest time is near at hand. Give us your order for Harvest Machinery now? to-day. |*i n j i McConrick Mowers and Binders, Rakes, etc., W 0 J G 1 1 ^?ku -^eere anc^ Syracuse-Plows^ Harrowi, Cultivators, etc., Associated Manufacturer* Co. Gasoline ar.d Kerosene Engines, (OVB) Hardware, Land reth's and Dickinson Seeds, Harley-Davidson Motorcycles and Crescent, Chicago, Amtrica, Waverly Bicycles. We sell established standard lines of known quality. In years to come yon can get repairs from us. Buy from us ? you see what you buy. Yon have no freight to pay,- no wait, eic. C. F. BRAUNLICH & CO. 1012 MARKET STREIT. BOTH PHONES, 532 Near Upper End of Market Auditorium. Plumbing Heating WM. HARE'S SONS .6 and 48 Fourteenth Street. Wheeling, W. Va. ROTARIANS TO ATLANTA. | A delegation composed of W. J. 'rankston, T. F. Mayua, A. S. Ad.ifiis, ] ndgf' James \V. Ewinj; Georpe hi. ? louse, \V. P. Pip wart. Pliny O.' Clark; ind Mr. and Mrs. William H. Hare j oft yesterday lor Atlanta. Ga., to j i trend the International Rotary club I lonvention. continUe VOST~CASES. Two Yost law cases which were to | have boon hoard .it tlie county Jail laat evening w?r? continued by Squire R. G. Jlahbs. Thin' will be heard Monday evening. POLICE COURT BLANK. Police court was a blank yest?rJ*T as the result of a charge of auaoft preferred against "John Doe'* by th? proprietor of a local hotel beiag adjusted out of court.