Newspaper Page Text
37 Years Ago j We Commenced Selling Pianos I In a Small Way and Have Since Grown to Be the Largest 1 Piano Dealers In West Virginia I In ail these rears 'we have practiced the square ileal method and have thousands of satisfied customers, who are sending their friends to us when in need i?f an instrument. Our Player Piano business has increased by lea^s and bounds. There's a Reason S We arc representatives of the famous Auto piano, and many other players <>f national repute. In the last 1)0 days we have taken in exchange | pianos of excellent merit. These | >i;i 1 1< >s we arc offering for sale at a bi? sacrifice. Just Think? I flood used pianos for about one-half their rca 1 value. 8; lie anions the rirst to secure one of these bar < ) 1 1 r prices the lowest. < )ur terms the easiest. No interest. I C. A. House Co. 1 1141 Market St. Wheeling, W. Va. I "Our Experience Your Safeguard." Q?i I u ?nl?-ii ii Krs. S:irah Nelson. M:? N SOU. 'Is* li r Sunn-- mi }"-tre?-t -ii ! ? ? ii?>--o !"n<uiy. t ?>l !? iriK l.-ri- I i! -- ? : I'll'- ? ?va - "?< : -n i ho licllair* ?? : ?? t ? . Uosides '?Of lr.isl>:t:r f >??- :s t x t v- . i l-y two ?liiUiro;;. !.:?? :itui V. i'Hiiiu N?'*,,,.. u.i, n >i ml ???rrt->r. :*un* r;i' ??? rv>. . ^ i!I I <? ?-??n-lto ???! Sun ? !:?> ? M I'.iti; .1 ?. .. Wiil 1. .ii-.rti.n-; r " ?? l"t?. l-ii> J.:. . W. c. T. U. to Ma?t. ? Sf r- i ? {?: "f : .'>!;?( v K. tied-' : .1 U. -? ? "hri -- ?ixii Y?inr? i-i in- \*il! *n;urs<; M- <. 'I. A. ?'??!' ? I ? : ti . oj> ? : rr? v- i !!li!. l-'ollow !it>; I h-- l?? .s, t.i-ss -si.-:; a r T'^rjim will t><5 r??ul?r?*t. Both Ticket* Incomplete. K?llair-- \..?.-rs t:n iiijtiUit'.'il pri maries t>:i T:'.""ii-iy. \ - : " '. t will h?v ir?ci>ntp'M? ' ri'-k?-ts ; "i the- l'?-moor?ti-* ? r<l?> a i . ?:? * ? t>jr ? tt? :?>ur-r :i:i?i for c'- ;ii. i;i:m:i- i! ar-- Iso'ktilg. ' ?h?- H*pi;l?l i?\?n -ti>l- u raniltdat? cotiRi*ilm::ii in S-f..n<l v. 't r> I i- la in p. Th,-re ?.??I n ???;. t.-i f. r t!t-j notjiirta t ion for iu:>>-*r fl..- I ?? ? ? i? i ? ? r:?." i ? ? >-Ule nri'l fur Thiri' '.lani i:u*Um:tii. ' "i i ho IV-piiM -i-f. ? !i- r- i < hut o-i?? ."Ontest. th.i; :lrn:?i! in in-; Fourth war-1 Parochial Schools Closed. St. .Iohn'< par hi;>! <??!)????!.? rlosed '.- .? terday for th- annual sniiiiti- r va--at;?>n. The ?on?tm-n>-?ment i.>-'n is?s will t.? hold $?unda> ? <'? -t 1 1 ir at t !i?- i--i:;rvli. fiov. r"rani*i<-- "t'is >?* Mo"nd*vill* will ?lr| i vf-r t'n? ?- ? -al-vtr^-it': ci'I'Sr^si !" cla.'s. "Vice President Here. XntiOD.l! V" i . IT'-"!'!- rit 'Siilioo'x i.f thf AiitTi-.visi i-'lijit < Il:i i !;? rs. -,:i;.>n arrivil :n rl:?- ? ity ; >-s( ? ? i-> i . . ; T? j??do to t !?? ?-"nr .-??>. .-r^y l?^t\v??.>n the ?,mtii-\v?-5 i-'l tls' KKiiittK- of fh? Rnd^i'-r C-iss i-i.rr.r-HMt li "-x porte'"! th,v riiff- r? wii! h-> :i?lja?tod today. FlayCrotin&s Tag- 23 ay. W\r Sat'ird'iv will h? ? !>iir iliv- in H"llait'-. wTi.-ii ;i^r<i>.-.i wiil h-- a?!:--'l ;?> rontrihuti- th-vr bit for ih?- y.f-n?->fii of 'ho playeroTsrdn. ft!!?ru-h?- ICii-li- r has <'harK" >?'" '!?" *> rra ner?\m?-nt* nn<! wilt name th? taxirers ir: .*? w <I;>y??. School Board MeetLnj. Th? r?JTi?J:ir nt?" tin^ -.f .-iry ooa?-f> *>f education n-il! !.? Si?M n?-<f M.->nday evenlnv in th- ???!???? of !*it; ?-rin'--n?J* ru r*. S. McV'ey. At Mi's iivetlnjc tho mnt* t?-r of repaiririK ? h?v vn ri"'iv bulMm^s will com? tip for action. Horn* from Enca-mpnsent. P. Masnn. .1. K. '"Ii ---i. >ri it;d A. \. Haa?, who .'ini-nrt*') th-- .-fif?- .utip mont of th? ilrati'l Am y ?>f !>i? n"?puh lio j?t Akron rer-srn? 1 m th?!r horn? -i <-r?. They repor' a i.'ir^? .ifendnne? iti :h.e. enc.irop'm-nt. Body Wot Clalnied. T!i? hody of the unknown man fotir.d T'^atinz in in? Ohio r:,-?r n?.-i r Pinrh Th'ir?dnv aff? r?nmin? i: n - !aim??l and iii? id?ntity !ia?< nni y<-t h?- u > stnlillshed. "rh? ho<! wm * plnr?-d in >h? recelvins vatUt in th? Ilnii- ![?!! tery ami will 1>* hc.-M for a f-*w rtn vm Tennis Everything for the ten nis player. TAYLOR'S THAT BRIGHT -SI'OT BELIAIBE, OHIO. CORRECT FOOTWEAR - ?h;.si tin.* .>ort of s inn ft yuixi luokinir shm-.s t yuii've nl' ways want i*"I to wear, but UOVIT klK-U" AvIllTP In' ifPl them. arc hi-iv with pleasing {?rices attached. Locke Shoe Co. BELLAIRE. O. tit i.iiM }!??!>?? ?!m: relative may claim M. , Meet Next Friday. : *?' ' ?' i-?-?i i *ii r iii-ftinjf or' ih?- M us.c. |. ;t? ? r;it?ir?- and \rt *?!?:!> will I"- h'-ld n ? Friday afternoon :ii the hotii" of Mrs, W'.illiMin it. .bins. >n. on flock Mill. :l no p'otrriiti! ".;li I arri ?| iut :? I" I ?- r which ! ii?- aft*-rni>i'ti will !>?? spent socially. To Atend Bally. Mo;ni.. r.? tii- .ii.o. r. \. M f.r this ? i';. will jrn to Wcllsville today to at tend the ili^tri'-t i:?n v.-ntlim <>r " Eastern (,lii?>. A special Traill will .?any tho !????? ! ' '"lit i >ic*'i! t i/n>- i!i< f. ? ?I tin- 1 i it ic will b? a i'ianinirt'li .sire." parade in which most of ! h<- Indjr'S "f . I'tAsfrn ''hi" ;vi!i take par'. Bellalre Briefs. ' siiperin'enden* Marts of trie H.'thesda .'i 'h Ms was .1 visitor In ill'- rUv vester ds.y. ' ' A I.yn-key has .v?en i-nl !??rl 1 n St. f '."ins. Mo.. !??? t It* ? death* of Mrs. I.yns k? y's ni'.th'M . which ? .-curred ?Thursda y. Mayor Fharies Wassmati. John W". > s mill William Saldall yefi yostur ?tny !'?>!? an autnriiohfl. Tiii lo Marylnt'd. , \liss r|e|e:i l'.>r-r lift yesterday for I v ! n ir t mi. Ky.. where she w>ll attend a ; rol!.\-.. fntnriii-n^mrni. ? r*r. niril Mr?. !?'. Mai in of Shfldy ami Mr and Mr?. N'nruim Vn)m nf ?his . ? i t y will |i;ivi' Sunday in aiil'imi"' I Mli. for* n trip to YotniRstriwp. ! ~h. annual han-i'ier nf the St. .rr.l:r?*r? i Mi-h School Alumni ass<.c!ntir>n will !>?? li'M ii-^t Thursday evenins in th? r 1 1 J ' at tlv- Clk-.' club. Miss I'nrnthy Pan ford is 111 at her hi-.n:- nr. Nnrth" N'nMi' si reel. i Tfiirf were II births* in P..-llalr? and ! in Pultn. y township during th*.' ? month or" May Miss K v fmnrv nfler :? visit with : lf?ll:nr.- friend? !ihs returned to h?r ; home in F<olptv. <*\ ; Mrs .lames Prako will entertntn , this afrrrnnon nr hrr hom? nil : ? stro^r. ; Mrs. F. W. Fowl*:* of I'leveland and I Mrs. J. I.. Frlnt of St. < *lBirs\M!l? Rri: | visiting her sister. Mrs. Tl. t ". M?y?r. ; on "Vorth ,IofT?*rson str^f*. THIRTY-FOUR SEEK . i BRIDGEPORT OFFICES SQtnBX JTTNKKTS AND OSWA1D SCHICK B.T7AXS TOB . MA TO BALI TY J aciniblic.ins and Democrats Hare Full Tickets In Field ? Fltflit For DCarslial to B? Hot. j With "t I'd nfl nlaf s i. at for If political , lobs in MrldK^port. tli? vtllac? fa>-^s nun ? of the livttos' .-?l?-i-? i??ri ticrits m its his : torv. F\ntii ICr puhlii miis uinl l^'niorrafs I ha\o a f * i i I ti. ko! t!i.? f>?- 1*1 ,-rnil in ; fv^ry i'hs-' iIim i-niil' st promises t<? h ? 'hsnl and particularly th?? t!ch! for Marshal Mc'iarin's ;nl>. The fol , Sn wins p?-tKi?'iis ha-.*- ? n I : with th-' ? ??'itnty t li i? lion hoard at It. l!:tir>?. It wa i yesterday : Mavor ''harl-- .Iiliikin?. <H>: Oswald Sell irk. < T ? > Marshal ?' Ft Mi ? "?nnauirhy. f Ft i ; ? Sol Sr. i F : i " Harry !'ort?*r. I F{ ? ; >.'otr i Jordoi:. ?!!'. Krank M iss. v. tt'i i"harl?s Vaiichn. 'In Tr.sasurrr ? -? *!iii-J?? Mr' 'ounnujrhy. (Jit; Edward Lurav. iPl. r.'iarl-s A. SchHI. , i R) i '*!"rk ? lr\ iM K'?rhnliii'>. i fl t : John A i i-aw. I'M. I f: I : Vail I' ' t PC Couti-jti ? Thomas Howard, tllj. c. j DR. L. F. V08CE WILL MAKE HIS 244TH VISIT TO BRIDGEPORT Tuesday, JUNE 19th BRIDGEPORT HOTEL j 10 A. M. TO 6 P. M. ONE DAY ONLY ; See Dr. VcKe! See His Patients* Than If you are not satisfied do not take his Treatment I. r. VOKE. PH. G., M. D SPECIALTY: Chronic Disease* BLOOD, NERVES, STOMACH, CATARRH, CHRONSC DISEASES of MEN and WOMEN TERMS! $5 PER MONTH WHJCH INCLUDES MEDICINES *drfre?? nil communication! ta L. F. VDKE, M. D. | 379 West Sixth Avenui CO? UnflFTlllS, OHIO U.-aiinum. ill); Harry D. flllbort, tilt: W. U\ Ku;:g.?, ? 1 1 > ; < ?\v< 11 t'arr. ilti; Tii.?t:s:is II wit -, i U'l : Frank I' Fi.twcelt, ; < ! : I ; .J li I liiir " r. < K i : M r .M.-r>:ini-l. ; ? I : ? : W At. It. num. (IO:. William N. lii'mie, 1U1; }{. S. I >i hshi in. tL?>; I'l l"! Wiiiin^iT. -rK' II- Urosock, il": r.Mil M ? 1 1 ? ? r . i l"'i: a K. Conway. Il>): I i'tlllk \V Kl. I I 'I. J t 1 auW. ? 1.' ' ; j :<-jf ???:? ?!'>; .1. \V. Morrow, i P). : To Kaiso rlag on Juno 27. ;\V ? dn> -day. .tiiiio ^'7 was ilm date se | ' ? . ? ? ? 1 1 l ist night for holding Hridgc l"T'"s Mac raisin* and p.i I l'bit Io oel"|ira i : 1-M. Tin Hag will be raised on iho city ' building. instead of on :i flag- pi do as '? -i" at tirst suggested. Preceding t !??? i'..n: raiding tin ?!??? will b?- a parade ovr principal >;r? ??is ami all .-?? li ? ? i chll ?lr>?n. organ?;::! lions ajvl ? U i 7.- ? 1 1 s arc In kjied t>> | >'i r t !?? i i ?;?. t ? ? . Kol low i hi; t h". par ?n1" arVI Mng raising there will !>?? a pa lmitic address. but tip* speaker has not it-'ii selected as vet . Tim parade will r c?rm at an 1 will ."tart promptly at 7 n'clock. Meeting of R<vl Cross. \ pul'!..' iri-ctinc of tin, i :ri>l ?:? ivrt .' 1 1 1 t ? r ii1' ihe I:. Inintii county I><1 i'iuss ? ! .r:: iv.;m ' ion w.!l he h"ld tomorrow at' !?-rnof?n ;?.' " o'clock in t !:?? ? it\ building iiio purpose o' i-nmpU-i tng the local ? ? ? ion Ue?ideiits of l.nnsitig. \\ heeling. lti-iine. Martin. liVilr ; nM't hii'I ot!i. i "ii t - ;li" p:Ur points nro invited t.i be present. Police Court. For throwing a ? f t !?"? of llijtmr ' ntif'O s.trect. resulting in : 1-. ?- bottl* bretti. ii t jr. an old man from Klin Ornve wa-H i ni'd ?1 anil cost* In Mayor Schafer I'i-t night. T}:? arrest was mad** by Of . r iVde. Red Cross Cancas Today. I an eff..rt i obtain Its meinbersh I p i il i-l" ' :k-w members. members of I the Ft idgeport chapter iif i !i- I :??.! t'ross w Ml make a |!oiis'>-to-h>*n<5^ fniivas* to I'llav M ^nili'-rs will tour tl?l? ??Ity and j iifiny of ili>? small \ lllac^,i out sh?* pike. Brldtreport Brief ?. ? William Smith of Hroo Us id*. !>> In j i "!? on l-'isin^so ?IildR'i Char!<>.? .T. I.ynch o f 55 1. Olairs | \ llf. was in town yritcrilay. [ D- .loJin i.'ald'.v^ll of Hnvland. h' r?> yr st t-rday. j I'ifty. ? I '?i^r <?"?* abovr s?ro wn?i rh? low. | fst mark resist or^d hv th-"1 tliermoni' '?r a' ilif bridec lf'll lions* y. si.-rJay afi- r I noon. At ? o'c!i? k last niKht i: r?-jrl"< t - ' ? r--d f>" nhnA Mr. and Mr?. I'f^rc" If. ffannan itnd i dnupht^r. Mi>? Harriet. > > f HrooUsid". ni-A rxpect-d hoiiH- t"dav from W^Uns j l-v. Mass. '"??raid fton^clph^r and ^'lar'>nr?? Tiitirii-s bav?? > m ploy ?d by th? ? ':irn',,c!-'> Pt^ol company <d' l':>dlnlri?. The- P'ort ll'riiry l-and lias li^i-n fiiKas i "il to play at tin- r:? ?: ib^'Wosi \ u irtnJn S ta ; c fair Grounds on July t. WELLSBURG Wl'T.T.SRl'TTO. W. Va.. Jun<? 15. ? Mrs. I Aiicusta S T'jiiiii* died on Friday .nftor ' noon at 2 3r. at the hom?% of lior ilauscli ler. Mrs TV .( llom^s. l.tSK Main strict. rtK^d about SS y.-ar- Mrs Thonia.' lias made h<*r homr1 with lor dnuclitor. ii^r only surviving oh I'd. sine** the death of J i <t husband n number of years apo. I"u n oral servieos will be held "ii Alondny afternooti. at 2 oVIoi-k. at ili<? I'reslyy 1 t> rtan Mar?.\ l-Vdlowinc the services j ihi- hody will he laid to res' n! R?ook<! I rount>'. Mrs TTolmes wa? native fif New T orl; j stat". heini: born in Franklin. Delaware I county. Slio was a woman of I'hristian { character and kindly disposition and : durlnir h"r many years rosldopee -of j W'ollsburu. was endeared -to all *'ho J kiii'ir her. SI." hore her su fferine wiili fortitude and t?atierice and in her demise real sorrow Is caused her many friends. "Will Exceod Lbnit. ' Th^re l? a general I'eelliiK of elation i Hiuone th" hanks of the eotmtv on the ! successful r closing of the campaicrn io ! si II I.iherth*, l.oan Imnds While no <}?? ?ailed rep'jrt -lia:< been made public, aiul will no' h| until word Is received from l!i? Federal rererve hank at <*l"V"laiu'. ? f'ilio, the local |i;mkers have all slated I tha? their ?oih?rript ions oxcei-ded what ' I hey exported and that lh? aiuoillil of | liond.s Hiihserihed i 'i 'he eoiinty will . \ ' eeed the S 1 I j.O'i't desired by th" eminl v. ! How much In etc ess of this :in mini the ? Itrool.-n count subscript io?: will he will ; not ho announced uniil all the subscrip t:ons are "hecked up in d>'tuil. Brvclc to Cfunp. j T^l^ut^nant i.'olon"! John !l ''harnoci; i left on Friday mo-nirc to reg ime his 'military duties with !h? Pecond West Vlrpinin regiment aft?r a few day's -pent in this o'ly. <*"o!otiel t'harnock will ico j first to th" stale capital at ' 'harles'on. | then to th" camp at I'rinceion Ahou' | the middle of July the West Virginia I troops will to 1 'hillici.the. i">hin. for 'the National Military Training *'amp. ( Orand Jary. 1 Martin Marde.i. Austrian, '.din ?.-.<? i.ois 1 v Injured Tom 'lellis l.v :i.s i.:;i ^ |. tm ? with a larc" stone, near t lie W.-ihash bridp". on Tuesday rx-en'iiir. will held i to await tho action ?>!' the I'-i-.o)... .?outi ;tr irrard Jury. While ?;*!!? w.i- in. i ns i seriously injured as first supposed, 'lie j assau!" was f-f such ,i -evimis clmr. I ncter fhut Menb a will (>vei in ! the October term of c.nir'. Game Saturday. I A pt roup team fron. Si ? u- b' in :lie will I meet the Wellst'li rg A !' ' Sil i lirday affrimon at th.e Fourth ward ground* These tenins played .i lie 'several weeks as'-v 'Aoillg st'-plted b; r;i|n I at th" end of the ninth ami tn 'i i- game |n decision will render* d n ? ? I ? ? the I elrii'.en' s again lliterfi i I V/eU3bnrg Briefs i M:vs l.ila Wirten. wl"? la hi | ' e i , 1 1 1 p t; s< * li i io I ,i ' i *he r 1 1 n . ? ih : ? ?, ^ ? r - lint: In-r sisters in 'his ? ? i " *. ; Mi.--- i "la ra'eri w a < a .-a':!"- n F-d ' nil Thursday \ I ti? 1 Mi-s Itachae! U'lit.-n wa-" a caller in Whe. I! ni; ..ii l"l> Mrs. r: F. King. ??' Kit t -l?-|r? ? = . i. . visit:!. g a' ther lu'nie h"!' daughter. | Mrs II W King, of i 'liarb-v si : ? r M:?s*' Freda I'.arreii ) i,n Kridax* for her laui.e i .i.l';-. ' d,:... al'le ,i visit [ wll iivi'iiit' in tlita" iTiy, ! To Give Grand Opera j I At Chautauqua Sunday | FAMOUS SAN CARLO COMPANY AT i MARTINS FERRY TOMOR- . ROW EVENING. j Zodelar Symylionis Sextette, Mavffarot i Stahl anil "Burns of the Moun i ? tains" Attractions Today. M.i I ? ms I "''i ry ?? l *l;i will reai li < i lis . [?>?>: i ??ui<?rr'>? ? * i-miisr when 'Jio.' j S:ni '"alio ? 1 1" ? j i ? I < >i?"r;i company. ire<>hi : from u t ? ? . r >?? ] ? - ;i > i 1 1 1 k \ cili' S. j 1 will i!Hi- :t ;i"LTHiu of numbers from! ? i !:? leading . p. ras. includitii; i ? 11 act*. ' from 'Th" Harbor of Seville." T}>?* . j .'on. pani will i>" under tho ijir-elioti of! I in pre> sn r* :? > !-"i ?i*i n ii?> 'Sallo and will I"! accompanied I y ;i 12 -.piece "fCln'.sl ? ?. j ? 1 ' i io ? ii. ? iaryt n.unhi r stars ? wiio appeared in Marlins Ferr> with tho. ? :o|>aii;. lasi .-ninnier til* To will I"* ?*? ( ii - 1 ii i r of oilier i ?? >t ???! sinKcrs '<>m?"?r-' row ? \ i inns I >? lii;li t".i with hi* '!***", i option last yiar, Sigui.r i.iallo has rt> ??! - j '??i sti'-n}j'li i" ills imrsi'tinH and !.*' fi'-riiiu a program even superior to thiit | oflr?T-?i last yon r. 'I'nroo !'ii; nil raet lon? are offered to-j il.*>v. Marenrtt Stahl. on*- of the foremost , of woi;i.|t readers. :h" /'.<-'|<-lor i-vm-J jih'?nly Se.xtet to mill I 'r< v i'l'-iit .lames V Hums <"l>nrns of Hit; Momila ins" > of.: 1 'nHila institute. Oneida. Ky. The '/?>?> !-; f-Kr company will give a concert huh, a fiernoon and evening. presenting class- j it'nl music In a witv thai always pK'.'is'-s. j Following I Io' afternoon concert. Mar-, traret Sinhl will read the famous piny. i "Strongheart." and after the concert in. tlif. fvi'ninp. "Hurns of tlr* Mountain*" j ??*111 toll of hip experiences among tho' Kentucky mountaineers. of whom ho Is j Tho*.- who hravd tho colrt to attend | yesterda v's Chautauqua programs were; rewarded ivilli three of tin- host numbers ' Kivfij out vet. especlnllv th"' lecture on j "The Man i.f Now." by I > r. Charles M"d- j Iniry. chancellor of 1 ' ra ke nniviTSity. Th-- ilii>rm> of his lecture was showlnui i If unprecedented uppoi tun it ios of the. man of 'onlay and she }:rt-at rc.spnnsl-l hilitii-5 that arr- upon his. all because oil i ho tiphoa va I and change resultinsr from ?ho world war. 11. ? defended In glowing j :orm* the all.icd cause and th" entrance j of lh>? I'tnted States Into tho war Ttif i ollx-r hi i rai-i iop.s wort nuipii'al eonforts.l both a fteriinon and ovi-ntnp hy i"rra'H HovmI Hawaiian jtlnift-rs. and a lerluri?-: eniortRiniiifiit In nlni; hy I'harlMi <Iorst. hird imitator. Offers to Teach Girls. j Miss Kuttprlhdd. sMpormtoiiilfiii the i-iiv liospttal. and Miss .It-an Mo' 'lain, i Idl.titian ui ill.- hospital, hnvo o.f.-r-'il i to ? .? Ii women and y.mnir women of this . n v hranclies of pivoti'Ml Hod _ ji'inss work which wom>-n all ovt-r the etn;ufr?. luiv lak' ii n;> Two rooms In ! tlio )iospi!:il are uVailHldi* r"r lilts pur , poso and Ii is possible that p'-rmis.Mlnn "Will |.e obtained from th- tru.steoji to i beirin tin- .si.udy of i h* s. tiranches. The work io be taiichl will Inclinl.. propara 1 ;ion ..f stirKlcal baivlajres. Ilrsl-ald. ear<> i of the sick and i > r* pa ra ' l?'.n t<t looil for i Wotindfd persons. Party for Bride-Elect. I Miss Ksther Moore will Milortnln n | niimber of vouriR wonifii at her homo .on North Kotittb sireei soday. Iionorini; I Miss Ttion Iiobi-rtsha w. whoso weddlnir io Tar! i leppolt will tak" place AVcdnes ?lay. To Distribute Biff Pay. KnudoVfS of Hi** l.auplilip Tin mill will receivf nnotli'T bt^ pay today, when a iht'tV* w^f'ks" p? v will Appro\imaiol\ i 1 "S.0"0 will !?<? dlsirib l ; ( I rl to the ; tnployes of -the mill, not includini; Hie mint rs mid monthly m,-n I'ifte.n hundred dollars will bo handed, j 1 1 t today, to the city employes. Attractions nt League Park. \ ball u'ame. an exhibition in an oaro-j 'plane and a balloon ascension are th" ' ! three a i.'r.o- ions on today's proRram at i l/.>a?'ie park. \i - "0 th-- Marlins K.?r j | y All-Stars will clash with Prysock H Ml-Siars; at 4^15 there will be an exhi bition in nig; army aeroplane from the I i ralninx; jrron^iiils at Iloech llottoni and i j,. ; r-tt ?lo re will be a balloon use. II I sion by ??r>areilevil" Hmith. ; | Additional Committees Appointed. ! Throe additional committees wi re a p- 1 i pointed yosterdflv by li?>>\ Nesblt. 1 chairman of tho Martins Kerry Rod j ' 'l oss . haptef i>. assist in tho bm meni ! borshlp cam pa ten that starts here on .tun- 27 rommitioe to divide ih- city t ! Into districts and devise plans for con- : dnctlnc th- ,-nmpaien Albert Pel,. I chairman Mrs. William Scahrchf. Mrs. . \ \V Kerr ami Mrv Klla Y melius, com-. ? iriltti t. in adv. rt is inc. Mvron K ? "le. ' ' I'h.'ilrmiui: Wlilard Hall. Kenneth terry? i and llnv I "aimer, committee on supplied i Mrs Marsart i Hrainard. chairman wlt.i, ?power select the committee. I To Contlnne Lttncheoss. | ! W'.-.-k i ? p. .on-day luii. h. oi;s tor inem-. i b.-rs oft'Hie l.oarii of trail.- will likely bo continued, acoor.lmir to announ.e m. nt made y.-sterday 1'V Arch 1 n Ion. _ I sr . ? ret a r '. of Hie board ol trail". Mans, ! nr.- n-.w on foot to arrant- anoth-r t series of Htncheons. To Se-K- for Red Cross. ' I St winp "f"' the It1 d ? i "sf so. ie .i..' i for I be sobii.fs Is to be a provable pas- ] 'tune of .Martins Kerry women durlm: ; the months that are !?> ' "Hie A move- ( ' ? iie-it has lio'ii star!. . I by ivomon ; witli thl- end in view and efforts are. I ?ov b- i-u mail suitable qii.-ir- : Iters. The old board ??! ii-d- roniiis m j ihe Metropolitan ar>- d.-sii-.-ii. or s-.ic.e : eth.-r location in the central par' of Hi-' ,.j>\. |-v is iiianioi! Io 'install a miniber j ,.f sew tttflf iniieo'iies in i he room. \\ her* j women may stop ::i tor a t.-w minutes, or longer whib- s-hi.ppmi; in Hi- I uslne?.< j district. Enjoyable Dance Hold. ' TounK pi' 't this i I > held an "tt-| ' jo\ablc,"t|aii. - '.a--1 evenii.? in K:ks' bail Iwht- h was atteml- d by about tlples ! Music \*.is furuisli. .I b> iverl'-^r i orcll-S'!" ll'd "I til"' ?. ; mires WHS j 111,, "jaw, band" This coiumilleo in. | charne was coin posed of M'-srs. S-du-; J wick. I and Huberts. J.H.S^oore, Jeweler MARTINS FERRY, O. Ail Kino* of Repairing Oona Watchza a Specialty Jerper Gets Eiirhr MoutUs. I'or I'.-fu- mi; t.. i-uisi. r lor military service mi Tuesday, line l-'red Jcrs.-i. i loe.-il SOcial'SI b -.-ill. r . .V.i.s sviwenc d I" t serve a It rill of >'niit 111' If. thei 1'eltLwar. w >.i k!e':is. h> Federal" I Sati r at ? 'oiumbus yesterday.' .lerK-T. pit ail* d mill'; in Illy cluiriif. eh, i up ill;: j til' . ? i : u 1 1 : -t I ?? ! . a o! not t:iiilt\. Ilisi ii.-arini; was !.. have taken plaeo Mon- I tla\. I Asked to Join Here. U.!."'.iiis |'Vrr> .- ea:opaiKti fori Ketl ('io.-s in.-inb. r. hii's iiecssar;!. : |.o.l polled Ilt-I lllse ot the > h.l 1 1 1 il 11 'I I ?!> ' I tin; wt >'k and .\ >tio!ial |{fd ?' week | i i lie followinr, week. .Martins !?'.? rry pen- j -pi.- who ai-- a por .ach. >1 ? f I ? |i| s ...i-| I s(,|. Vlaltil.s I- . it--, .ii, ? oi| 1 1 1 ;t ? . t Io. ' wait iiii'il the o:<| o|-tuni; '. to u 01 ,11 litis it \ is i: . X . II Democratic Candidates AJuionuced. I'he I olb.v. I I i. ?..??:?? it- t-andiilaTi-s . ? tor . :1\ ol fit'.--: w..f" alili.tuiie d yes- j I.niav w h" ii :;??? nam- - of lllins ; 1 p. i:!it>tis a; t . loiintv . I- I'lii'i: hoard's I j ..lice \ el*-' made hl.ow ., . Major, Junes I Sw .-. i.e> i ? i ? - . . i . nt oi .-il, Frank j I I. -lunch : aiidttoi'. ' lerhart Soumiers: -'soll.-ll..!, \ ?!"!? h'-lirel. .Olllt.i;, Fl'".l j Morris and ,\. It I ' ? - 1 1 . i':rsl waul; I....W-I is M S..rnni"i s, Th:r.] ward: ctuti. il-at- i lam.', ,|..h!i Curtte a:i>l li ?' l'i.:f, j Martins Ferry Briefs. .M .s" M ircni. i S> <h:vvic!? has r."nrno.| ; it-in Isnnisoii i .11 i.-rsli> at ilia.1! \ ill- ! { Mr niiil ' "M rs |. V. Whit" ret urnetl ] 'Pi-' e- t niiv^ fr >111 at t<i|ilin? Hit: Frank- ? ' i 1 1 1 t olb-Ke i-omin.'ii.'. in. nt at N*w : ens. j \\ v iidhani I. --wis lor. from le-thle.| I" in i'a . (o lis. i f;.s pHrenlP, Mr a;.d ' , Mr> William W.-st I'.-irllslej , Mr. et. i'-.mI Iri'.is ?? r i i h t o-la i for i 'J.-ve. I ? . in. I t't spend 1 1 1 1 ? ? I -. \ and s-ili. lay uiihj '?l.i. Wiiliiu l ? ? i t:i. i I ? ? f l hi- . j T'hjlip I ii vi. s and I'aui I .obhius willj j 1-t-i.r. s.-nt th* b-. al .-hapte- th- \lptia | I I'i I 1 1 ? I :i: : -. r ''i.- .iiinu-ii .-..ti v en | loll j ! t.t * h*. f rait i P. !>?- Iti in I'oshoi- -! durillVL ti,.- las* HI . I 1 1 ! x I t III.- I 'tell-. \ Ip'ia . of the First i. I! mc d.','. v,),.e will hold a hake, ? .t1..- iii Mo lb . \ ward l.oti^ Hardware j .or. ... Ilannvor street, today. Wilhert S^al'.t ir.ii' t;r.s returned from! (? aiii-'Kie "l t itinieai school ?t I'll ijihurph j Obitnartos. I Ml-- ! ; Mali v.- ,?i?U i j. di?0 at licr j Petroskey Seeks Arrest j . Of the Deputy Sheriff! I'uiii.'ti ti l!i?> liitrlligmcr. s*n;fi{i:\\'ii.i.i:. ? ? . .inn- 15.- Him j l-y I '? 1 rosk' . husband of-Julia I t r* -- j ?k'\v. lli?- r%i" 1 II In n 1 u?iimiii wlm commit- | led Mil' til?- 1 1 j:un|.ii,i: "?in of ;i court Miilii window afxr she 1 1 ; t * I h- 111 ?????; vi-i - ? ?it ??!' killing John lli ?n . .Dill trust >. :ir |i?r:tr. "l in i ourt l-'i < d a \ .mil demanded lji:il 1 1 pu'y Sheriff ,-l I '..m toft lit r* sl id. H'- i luitri" thai Huscroft is respon sible for ill- d-ath ? ? I" Ins \vi fe. M ?? mad*? th'- r<-'|in-st In ili- presence |of .1 ti ?Iw ,'nrl II. Smith anil i *|-. .s? r? utor Carpenter llv win* I ? ? li| t ! i:l1 u ? 1 1 action could nut I"' tnki n. ' as 1 1 !?> r i * is no law u ud" r whii'h in make ili- arrest. II". was (old tn consul: hl;> attorney. Tins l ?? - < ! i ? I anil It ij-- un?UT?fni?j he was t-dil I" a at' until after his wife's funeral Saturday ?i fternoon Th" riiinnr thai I luscrofi liart resigned his position has ljr-f n dc ni"il u! tin- sheriff's t>n ><???. Jefferson County Does Well. Jefferson cnun: y and Steubenvill" did i iheir bit in subscribing I" the l.ilivrtyj loan. Tlw total amount subserib> d "? I ihe county us announced rriday was $!. :r.O, In this ? ? i t \* till- .1,11x111111 sub scribed was S1.27G.1'"'. This :n: >ii it ; i.i | considerably over I In* iiuotu siat'd. Harlny A r von ted. rtny Jlarloy. a Mas .1 S feivis is in !h??t ??ounty jail here and will l>c taken to | 1-a f'rosse. Wis.. w here lie will be given ? a hearing on a charge of deserting his | wife and children. Flo has been null0 | prominent' h'-re, being rlrlll muster of the newly organised minute men. Threatens Wife. Frank ('hefllinski has be'-n placed un' | -,b-r arrest and is now in I lie county Jail await lot? a hearing on a charge of h.'iv inp threatened to kill his wit'" II" "was arrested some weeks ago for heating his wife She hns brought suit for ill- | v orce from him I Held to G-rand Jury. A\ i : 1 in s rt Kiimartin and James Smith, i two Toronto hoys, who arrested for | riminally a-'snultinp two young Toronto girls. have l-i-oii bound over in tin- grand | J ? i r \ under ?"?fl bond ?? :< ? h. They are t it i jail. Defendants Win. til t h*? id' T II link -. s I" II ! Kirl:. ? ! 1 in which -nit wa: brought ! to det-' rminr th'" v.*. lid li \ ??!' ihe w-ll of | the lute ,1 a ill "S Kirk t!ii defenda lit s won. j Th" will was i i 1 >i t vd valid ? Gov Nice Slim. Vial!"- lit-!. ? 'I irctl, is ??ni " <>?? free aiiii lie lias i Hi' - iittlv roll of long | r? " n in in." possession. i I ? was held its ?j witness in ;h?- l'< troskev case. Hi* was] handfd $7-1 Fridav and turneil loose. "Vtctlnr of Mimler. Wold I . i< s hoi-ii r-'relvoij her'' of th? nturdi r in ? 'h-ariii'lrt. I'a . of \V. .1. I*hid|is. fi?rn?er w-ll known local man. II" was waylaid mIouk a railroad track, slain and ih'-n rohbed. Companies Accepted. Tln re i> ronsiil<-r:il.?l?* rc.ioicinK h?re as th. r-sul: of th" receipt of word from Columbus ih" ffl'ici i hat i-ompanles had b"Ti a | tod in thi federal service. Itoih com pan ii- s have over UiO men and recruits will still be examined. .Ttisf how soon i he boys will leave for camp i? not known. Master Brannen Entertains. .Master Harold lira linen, son of <'ity| '"b-rl; and .Mrs. .1 I** rank Hrennan. enter-, ta!ti"d a number of. his friends in honor] ? if his Idrthday at his home on] South Mat>haU siruet. Thursday eve- i nsmr. Aftii" sevr-ra^ hours deli^lit fully i s|i.-ni with mnsie. panics and other social | d: vi-rsimis. refreshments were served toj the following k ueji t s : l-Jthel r'aiipherty, I llstt'.er Snyder. Helen llihbs. 'dive \'ll- j let's, lb-!- u I'rawford. Jessie May Peffi- ; ba'iRh. Mildred Meffihaush. Virginia I leane. Kuii liobliins. Mabel K*-lly. Anna, Kemple and Ann.* 'Ireshner; Masters! SterShiK White. Ilarobi Hurketl. Cecil J ? "lark. Jonathan Watson. 'William James, i '.lo>,-(ih ? ire.vli sic- IMitur I'T'luif. Melvin. ? lb-ss. l-'i anris ii'ltrieii, Joseph Pet rone and ilaroid l!r;i:in> i. The. lad was the. recipient of man; beautiful and useful] pres.-n's. j St. John's Fluff aaislnc. To inm-row will In- of the n.-ist er>. joyahle it n<l 1 n t "IIS" ! * patriotic th.- ?Ic'lKht ful June month when the mem tiers of S'. John's ? Iiiii.'i raise tin beautiful flair which the Knights of i'ol-. limhiis presented j-i ihe St. John's par-! oi-nial si-h-iot ?om.- time ago \t C1 ? ?'clock tlx- parade, ?otisisting -if I'athe driil cadi-ts. Knights ''olumbus. men: ber? of tin i-otigrcgal ion and school chil dren. w 'i| form a: tlx- corner of Seventh and Mtiin strei-ts After a march' through the town, the cadets will letxl :!inse follotv.rig to the corner of Sex-; cnth and Mi Ale. hen streets, where the raising will take' place, on the school, ground lie*, l-'ather l-M. I'.alway will act as 1 1! a s : ? i of c. r-'-iiviiiO,* Tlx- following program will then be carried o-;t liaising .-t "i- King Klfe and drum m i*a'h-lral I'.id-is Address i mr l-'lag I J. ? uniff Singing St.i- Sp.uigb'-i Manner All Address, ' i nil" I'outitrv" ; A J No, Mite. Af I ?. \ti.-:ica" . . . School I'lliltlienJ Address - I.--, ;i." Name of Our I'urisli" j ..John Scarnechie i " Leave for Oklahonuu M:s- Mw.-ll T,,st. ,?r Main street. :e-l ? ???I ??'. d t iclcgr.tni that her .sister, Mrs I. I". Itasch. is si-viously ill at Ix-r Ixure ' ,t Nowata. ? 'kla. I.a?t eve'nitig Mrs. Vost s soil- in-law and li.uiphtei', Mr. and; Mrs. Ilarrj Mavis, left for thaf place Benwood Briefs. Mr and Mrs. S Sclioppener, ?f I'aid *'??11. < >.. are ihe gix-sts of Mr and Mrs. ? Atwell Vost. of Main street M I" liuiiither. of Uavenswond. and, NTiii Whaleti. of Huntington, called upon ' John Me be. manager of the local lied ; Star .store, yesterday Mrs Fred Muskirk and son. l-'red. l?ft I yesterday for Ibdlowav. M ". and Mrs Joseph n-er.dy, <>f Mar-j shall street, are chanpinp llieir resiclence ; to Water stleej. Mrs .1 >; Imi rersnn. aecotnpn nled l?y i Ix-r -..|i and dauRhter. returned to this] ? it ? after speti, -ling several days with, friends iiini relatives at i'lllshtirph. j S-iuire I'muI Uieib-I was a Motnidsvlile j v. si t,.r yesterday. Miss \'i-i'ii Mowers continues. seriously ; ill at her home o:i Water stre\( Miss A;- ties Ka\ i'ti.augli. w lxi lias been visit inir Miss liepina Walsh, of Mc- i Mi-.-lien street, has returned her hotnn id New Martinsvilb-. , Albert I. ;ias, of Water s'reet I -i* a--- j e.-p- - 1| a posit Inn with ihe Wix "ling Steel and I l oll < 'o Sam Murlde. of l ift Isjon streo-, is i|! Miss llannali Jones, o:" Main street,! Is II! I Mrs Krank Koyoe. of lliph street, is1 ? peinli'ic a ?f"W days with friends and rela t i \ i-s aj ' 'leveiand. Mast- r William Thomas, fif North Wheeling, is visiting his grandparents, j Mr ami Mrs Isaac Thomas, of Water) .st ! ? ? i Mis* ? ' I ii - . . White]-., of Water sireot,! Is improving after a recent illness J- W Mtirns. of Mr.Mi-chen street, is. visit tnp his brother, Frank Murns, of i Shov! ('reek. Soartl Meetinir Postponed. The iiiet-i,np of tile hoard of rdura- j ? ion l !!< Triad'lphia district, which; was to hue 1 held Inst night In th??! Uoo.l-daie public scl.ool. yas post pone<l. j I'resnb nt S*. M Maird was again an-i Entertained Last Nipht. The nifiie cjtl7? lts r>|" the lowil of We?l| A!. "Sander rovnlly entertained the w o r k - j tn- ti .if the West - F\-nii I'ower company. I who are .-;u?i rtered at that low-ti. last! l ight, m the West 'Ab-vnnder I'resbyte. nan -"liut-b The i-mtviiy* is esiab-' lii n.e s-..p I on the Mavland line yes t?rd--i-' iii--Miirg at H:*o o'clock Death i ! ;??? t.- :t long illness of drop--'.v. Tw. sor- . | ; 1 7 1 - ? and William survive. 1 mural s< rvni? will b- held Sunday ??* i- i'ii. o- with interment in i:iv--rvb w ? ??ineti-ry Funeral s-.--.t-es over the remains of lalwatd M. Williams who died Wednes. da> ?<?*! bi held tomorrow at th-' home of l-i- s. ? t. . Ceniamin. Stop 7. on ihe lla\ land line i;ev t-; s Jenkins will i" ii- ? I'urgi ? nd will he in j i;i*er>.ow teinotvry. J 'The boors go by like minutes!" When friends gather round the Victrola of an afternoon, time and dull carc are lost in melody. At a Victrola matinee you can hear the song "hits" from not one, but all of the latest musical comedies. More than that, you can summon before you the greatest artists and entertainers in every field of music to provide you with your afternoon's amusement, ??.. VIetrolas '??* Let us put a Victrola in your home on our easy terms. It will make life merrier for the whole family. Davis, Burkham & Tyler Co. 1416-18 Market Street. Authorized Pay Stations | Elm Grove, W. Va. The Flrsr National Bank. State Bar.k of Elm Grova. Edgswood, W. Ta. Edgewocd Pharmacy. Fulton, W. Va. Bank of Fulton. i Whtelin*, W. V*. j Company Office, Cor. 12th and Chapllne Sta. Pay your electric light, gas and , water bills at the moat convenient | pay station, before the 10th of each i month, to save discount. Woat Virginia Traction & Electric Co. j City k Suburban Qua Co. ^ i , - >; l.-shing an electric line from Beech Bot- I i '-in to Charlerol, Pa. J Revival Meeting's. lie vivaf mwi ings are being hold this, week in ill- Kir.^l I'hristlan church- of! West Alexander. The services aro In ??barge of Ucv. < '1\ de E. Kraft, and It is report) d t hat nearly a dosen conver sions have bCen secured. Feaxed for His Garden. W'iil wonders never cease? Cattle w.r. arrested by s<|uire Charles Sclbcrt of Kim i iruve yesterday. The. cuws. II! > : i nunibor. were seized on the complaint "I' a resident of Viuw Point on the'com ihai I would injure li is garden, as tli? *? allowed to s raze on the Stone i h'.ii i li road, and as he hail tto fence m t'ou nil his garden, and didn't intend to litttld any according- to his neighbors, llomer Smith was railed into service I'V t lie s?| ti j iv-. and drove the kino to the town pound, iti back ot the Hand livery !?;< ri!. en the Stout- church road. After r"tisid?-ririg the rase. flu- si|Uire decided that a "tax" of two dollars a load should lie placed on ra.h, and after notifying tii.- owners. they paid up and drove their stock home. Lawn Tete Successful. TI." lawn f e ie and social ? hWti ? lest nigli; | iy the Sunday school of the Kdg wood I .ii tin- rati ohurrlt at :!>?? Kdgwood park, was well attended ; i ft) I proved a success. despite :hr conl wi-atlier that prevailed lust night. This was the sec ond night of 'the affair. Entertained Outing CI til). TP.- numbers .?? the Trrtidelphia t'lni iiig ' inli were ??nt"natn^il at the home of Miss Sarah Piinrnui'k of that "place, las! iM-nltii! \ pleasant evening was spent, and at a :<??!?*? mablo hour refresh no tits ^ ' re served. Children's Day Program. The annual Children's lVi.v will be observed In ?h.-- First ,M. K. church of i:iiU 'jr?'\e. Siiiida> All the classes of tlin Si' I I will take part. . Tim proe rani follows. Song Primary trasses ln\ io|i \<?f. Snjn A. U". Krooks Sang I'rimarv Classes i Solo . . . . . Stella Brb; Story Th? Kirs; 'i 'hlldren'a I >a jr.\ Sonu . Intermediates Kc-jpi-i'isi vi- Heading . i ....Led by A?st. Nupt. A. \V. firooks Soni; ....Junior IVpartment] Pray<*r. Song ... : Congregation ! S v nii-'isl u ni on education i ... Int* ritii diaie iVpartnietiti \ddre-<s Marry |?acuo| Song All Classes j Address lotm Marsh W'aiton' Sons? \1! Classes' Recitation Klden ICuhens Offertory Prayer Song Benediction. Rev. J. A- Hess , . . Congregation Fraak Shepherd ObaeqnUa. Funeral services lor Frank. Shepherd, respected farmer of Big Wheeling <*re"k. were held yesterday morning 10 o'clock ,al the place of d^ath. Rev. J I. O. Teagarden. pastor of the Dallas M. K. church, .officiated. Interment was In the Stone Church cemetery. Pall bearers were three nephews and thrc sons-in-law, as follows: William. James and Louis Shepherd. W. W. Luke, Ed ward Mull and C. W. Rcmke. "The Jffew Minister" Jt?p*fct?d. The musical play. "The New Minis ter," which was presented In the First M. E. church, Thursday evening, an. I which was such a success, was repeated last night In the Trladelphia. M. K. church, by the same caste. At the closo refreshments were served. The play was given under the at^plces of' thi% Kpworth Lcsujue of the Trladelphla church. i In ths Church of God. ! Sunday evening will be the time ob I served for Children's Day at th? | Church of Ood- . The most elaborate program ever attempted by the Sun I day school will be presented. The sub ject of the Cantata is "Hearts of' Gold." A large platform has been erected and I will bo decorated with all flowers ob tainable. The T. P. S. C. E. services under the president. Ira Xlckerson. will begin at 6:30 p. m.. instead of the usual I time to avoid confusion. The program will begin at 8 p. m. Special music by ' the children, a part of the Cantata, has j been arranged. Sunday school services j promptly at 9:46 s?. m. Preaching by * the, pastor promptly at 11 a. m. Dress j rehearsal of children at 2:30 p. m'. Wed j nesday evening at ? o'clock, mid-week i prayer service. Thursday afternoon at 11:30 o'clock. Missionary Society' meet ing. Friday, S p. m., choir practice. Thursday evening, 8 o'clock, will be th?? opening and enrolling nignt for the Church of Ood Sunday school teachers' training class. Personal* and Xriafa. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Boyd, of Howell avenue. Patterson, are the prond parents j of a girl. j Miss Audrey Campbell, of Park View, has left for East Liverpool, . O., where she will visit relatives. , Jj. M. Romney, of Cleveland, is visit ing relatives in Woodsdale, for several I days. j F. < Folraar. of Elm Grove, has re | turned home after a visit in Cambridge. Ohio. | Robert Clovls, of Dallas. w;w an Elm j Grove business puller yesterday. Billiard Steele, of Majoravllle. was mi | Elm Grove business caller yesterday. F. S. Rodgers, of New Athens. c>? I Is visiting friends in Elm Grove, for several days.' | Miss "Patricia Tyler, of Colombo*, is spending the week-end with relatives in I Woodsdale. Isaac R. Gleshner. of Cleveland, was an Kim Grove business caller yedterday. B. Robert Deerlng, of Toledo, was in I Fulton on business matters yesterday. ; ('hnrles Kraft, "of Trladelphia. is con fined to his home with a serious attack ! of pneumonia. Mr. and Mrs. Qulglev Thorpe, of ! Washington. Pa,, are visiting friends iti the pike section. Marry \\". Bloom field, editor of the .Washington, Pa.. News, Is at th? bed side of his father. William Bloomfleld. well known farmer of near Sand Hill, ? who is critically 111. BIRCH-LYNN MARKET llo'mp .vpcrotiiblos <rro\vn i-icrht in our neighbor hood. still wcl \viili the morning dew. delivered to your home in plenty time for your dinner. Strawberries W^'hnve made arran moments with the errnwer for his entire crop. ' Will be picked in the morning, delivered in you (ho same day for your dinner. Start today, and every day. as loner as thov last. ? Special for Friday and Saturday ? Homo raised -Pens. Home raised Beet*. I Home raised Asparagus. J Clark's home raised Head I.ettnee. Imperial Valley Sweet ("ante! on pes'. TVatermellou. Pineapples. Large Dewberries. I 25.- Pound Bags Cane Sugar, $2.15 W. A. DRIEHORST CO. BIRCH LYNN, ON THE PIKE. Bell, 71 and. 92 ?Phones? National, 83.