Newspaper Page Text
Downright Good Value Exactly the value that your dollai should get YOU DO GET When you buy an "Alien" Suit SPRING WEIGHT SUITS ? Full or Half Lined? All Styles. $15 to $25 Choicest assortments of Paim Reach and Wool "Kool Cloth" Suits in light, medium and dark colors. $10.00 Walker Allen & Son 1419 Market St. P7TTl>A DELPHI A. IS.-SciboWs I pitching and hitting played a big part | in the game which Philadelphia won j from Cleveland today. 3 to 2. Seiboldj held- his opponents to five hits. He scored a run after making a single and stealing second base, while he also drove in a run with a two-bagger. Score: ft. H. K. ? 'Ireland ..I 0 0 0 0 0 0 ! 0 ? 2 5 i> I'hiia i> l> 0 0 >J 2 i 0 x ? 3 T 2 1 Hatt?n>'.< ? Coveieskie and O'Neill. Bil-( i.nps: Seibotd and Schaiig. 1 CHAMPS BLAJHCED. KOST'.'X. J is fi?? 13 ? ','hicago increased Its margin o"' b-aderstup in the Ameri can leagu- race by shutting <v.:? Itottoti. \ i.? ?>. today. <*'!,?( V.'tll lams, t'hi "ago >oiithpaw. pitched a well-cohtrolb-d I game. alio w.uv i ?? ? hi!s until tin- eighth' Inning. Thr ( I it ? ? ?n s four hits I vver-' mad*- it! *.k'% ninth without ;i s> nr>'. | v'hicasr" bunted Shore out of the box inj !!i<- r: f? I? inning ami itntii>-dialcly t'ol-j Iow*ii upon ivntiiv-k. who relbved him I n >li.uM>' by Weaver with th<- base* tilled! fnliowe.! by a -sacrifice ;!y and a single; ?iCcounttng for four runs. The score: i ,\B. K. H~. PO. A. K.; ?> i) o T O 0 ? Chicago ? l.iehotd. if Collins. rf W^a v*r. '"i* K. Collins- 2b ?? l I " "j Jackson, if ? \ = j ::: Ketsrh. if Oa ndil.. lb Uisberg. Schalk. c Williams. p ???? 3 ! ! " ?' ! i 2 2 o ; ft <1 ; .tnU 3.. s .. Boston- AB.'lt. F!. PO. A. Hooper, rf Karry. 2b Wnlker. i ',{?rdner. Sott. >-s 3 ft 3 n ?? l 0 , .. a ?. * 0 W>oi.\ a >"? ft '? " 0 ' *nt,uv,V ;i. ? ft ft . *' - , ,, ft ft 0 <> i .i:?nv ft 4 27 IT f ''o** F*a|Tt \rtrk 1 tT Sth. j r'hiiMjfn . '*? ft n ; \ n i o ? * j Ro^ToM ft ^ ft ft t) ft ft ft ft (I i SmtirMt* i Kti^w T1:--- !????. e;i h:?Sec i;..l!o>? hit- Williai::.* >a>-riflee f!v ? K. ""'illln? i - ' .... i Two hftse hits ? Weaver. v..r .laouson. Stol "A Sarrifl Mt- unnai;'.? ? i... * .... ... I'oiible ? Parry to ??ainr?\ f/^ft onj iias>-s ? F*o??t'">n. V; i "hl.viiro. ??. first ot> j ?.r. -Ch l'"lg'\ 2 Ihw l>Rils ? <">:?. ??bore * ami 2 it" ' < none o :: hi 3th >: ofTj P?n noi-lc. 3. rind 4 in off Had-r. " a n<? ft; ir: I. SM-:..;; .. !? (ir Shore ! :.v Wit- j ' :irii<. >: j.. PeuniM-k. t. W i ! < I nitch Shrtr.-. f ??;j;?ir'>s ? ' 'onroll v nn-l Me'"i?r-j tni-'k. Time ? 2:'T?. ?WOK BY DETROIT. WASMIVC.T' t.">. ? f>etroitj fr.i :< * h** a*--* same of the >;(-ri? < frnm i Wsi^':ingti?ii :of!.-?y. i ;o All the vistl l'ors' runs were Oirertlv frfo-^able fr.j u<e almosr unrirec^d?-nt<:il wil-lness of Walter ,fi hjisTt. who cave r ! rr h f h.'iS-S ! r>n bai's. hi: 'V-n<-h twice .-md made :j j wild pitch S'-ore: .n. ir. r? K^troit . . . ?? ? ?? 2 ft 1 ft " ? ? 2 Wasliinirtoti ? o " ft ft ft T 0 ft- -3 T 2 Batt'-rie-* - itoUnil itul ^r.innce; -.lohn- 1 so;: and' A instni:h. PrPP-S HOSCE RTJlf. NKW Yi 'RK. .Itsne 15. ? I'ipp's limine i rBti" r- ?ii- fir-: iiinirjr with -wo runners! on' ih?- bas*-?t a il- d New York in scoring HOW THEY STAND ]! i NATIONAL LEAGUE "STestsrfiay's Results. St." Louis. ; Brooklyn. '2. Philail??dl|>hia, I- : ? 'incumat: < . Boston >'<: ''hn'ago " Pittsburgh-New Ynrk:ra i Standing of Club? Clubs. Won. Lost. Prt Now York IV' 1* K44 Philadelphia ? ?? ? ' Chicago S" St. Louis ...: '.'T Cincinnati ' Boston IT '.'I .Brooklyn iT Pittsburgh I t To-4ay's Games. New Tork at Pittsburgh. Philadelphia at ? ,iivfnnati. Brooklyn at St. Lotus. Boston at Chicago. i AMERICAN LEAGUE Yesterday's Results. iac?. S '? Boston. 0. ^ Philadelphia. U; iTrveianri. -. New York. ; St. I. ('Mis, .. Detroit. 4: Washington. f> 7 1 4V1 ?ins Standing ol Clnbs. ' Clubs. Won. Lost. Pet. Chicago ............ .''1 IT .6,-.T Boston 3" 1 * . *> - "> New York -T Cleveland -?! ? -7 Detroit St. Louis Philadelphia iT L'x ... . Washington is To-flay's Games. Chicago at Boston. St. J<?iuts at N??w Tork Detroit at Washing'nn. Cleveland at l'hrladelphia. AMERICAN ASSOCIATION'. ' "o| ambus-Louisville postponed. wet weather. St. Paul. T; Kansas <"ity. 10. 1 .Minneapolis. 4: .Milwaukee. 11. Indianapolis. 4; Toledo. 1. CENTRAL LEAGUE. Spr.pcfte'd. 1; '.rin-l Cupids. 12. l>ayton. Mu?k>*g":i. J. Richmond. Kt. Wayne. 1. Kvansville. South Bend. ?>. DTTERNATIONAI. LEAGUE. Toronto. C : Newark. < . I .Baltimore-Buffalo gnrix* pos'poneii. ram. |{oehest<?r. . Richmond. 1. Montreal. !?. Providence. 80UTHEBN ASSOCIATION. Atlanta. ' 'hattanooj-a. 0. Little Rock. .Mobile, i. Memphis, 4 : New Orleans. 2. Birmingham. T; Nashville, u. SHORTAGE DISCOVERED. ST. PAl'L. .Miiiii.. June l*>. ? Shortages that may reach the value of S50.0QQ In government military property issued to the Minnesota National ?#uard were an nounced by < lovernor Rurn'iuist this af ternoon. following an invest igut inn of !!?!?; records, completed to-day in the In the office of Adjutant General Fred B. Wood. a to I victory over St. Louis h?ro to day. The Yankees hit Hamilton hard throughout !!??? game, bur four doul>!<? plays helil do m m their score y;. Louis also hit Shawkey hard, but could no! bunch it.- hits and did some stupid base Tunmnx Th?> sere : K. [ { j. St. I.ouis, 0 'in I 11 0 n 0 ? 1 <t 7'i New York :t l o ft 1 1 i o ? ? s io f> Hamilton and Severreld; Shawkey and Walters. TOMORROW At Sixteenth Street Ball Park, Bellaire, Ohio, The Pan Handle Athletic Club of Dennison, Ohio, Vs Prysock's Bellaire Athletics The Fastest Semi-Pro. Club in Ohio. GAME CALLED AT 3:15. SUMMER We are head quarters for Sum '? mer Hardware. Our stock is complete and the prices are right. Refrigerators Screen Doors Screen Windows Screen Wire Hot Plates Garden Hose Lawn Mowers Grass Shears Grass Hooks Scythes Oil Stoves Ovens Ice Cream Freezers T. A. HogeHwd. Co. 1018 Market St. Wheeling, W. Va. MN.WV >.h m ;i t:? I < ' : tic . i:rii iiiii" batting l'i" visitors finishim; Kav.mder was until the ninth' when ' 'lii?' : piled up s:x hits a?:?l ' these, coupled with .in error and a has. mi balls. netted them sis rims Previous to fins. Iinwcvi-r, Knetjier had I ? Ti hit hard and tini**! >. Kller. who preceded j Kncizi'i'. was also hit rather harrl a!-, though *er mtp In hind iilm allowed ihro? of tli*'1 visitors'" foil r runs to si'orc while hi* was >?!! t h ?? r:n n j : i*l . Score: ' Philadelphia. A !'. I!. < ?. A. *E i Paskwt. of f. . I 3 3 0 0 : McGafflgan. ?m.. * 1 1 - 4 f Stock. 3b 2 3 1 '1 1 0 < 'ravath. rf fi 3 2 ! 0 ft! Whit ted. 1- 4 2 4 X 1 I 1.uderus, lb .... 4 ! I S ft I' I Nteh<">ff. 2i> 4 0 1 ?" ?. 1 K i III !>r. c 4 rt 0 ft 0 Bums, c ft 0 ft 0 0 0 i I .a vender. p .... 3 I 1 ti I 0 lllDugey 1 ft ft 0 ft 0: Totals 86 12 U 27 11 8 il) ? Hatted for K 1 1 1 1 f e r In 1th. Cincinnati. A. It II ?>. A. K. I (?roll. 8b S 2 4 2 ft Kopf. fc'K 5 0 1 2 4 1 Koush. of ......... 3 t n 7 ft 1 I'htise, lb ...... fi I 2 1! 1 1 Winpo. . c S.o ! t 1 1 Thorpe, rf 5 2 ! T n u .Wale. I!" ? 4 <> 2 1 ft t Sh.-an. 2 b 5 I 3 2 2 ft KM or. 1 ft 0 f I ti KnetZ'T. p 1 n <? 2 2 I 1 2 >< in: fith i o I 0 0 (t j t3 m "larke 1 i ! 0 0 0 I i2)? Untted for In Sth. t 3 > ? Matted for Knetzer in !? th. Philadelphia ......2 ft 0210 .1 1 .W12 I'iriciunati 1 w 0 0 0 1 0 0 t? ? 8 Two bitse hit Thorp* Threo base hits: Whit ted. ? < 'ravath. Paskwt. "'larke. I Stolen h:u-?s : Xeale. Sheim, I'hnse, i>rnli 2. Koush. Sacrifice hits: La vender. StoOk .Mc< Safflgan. Sacrifice flies: Whttted I Luderus.. Xlehoff. l?oublo plays: X (?? - hoff 1 unass!st"d ) . Ro[>f. Shean to Chase. I Left 011 l>ases: Philadelphia. 5; Clncin I'a.ltl. First base on errors: Phllndel I phia. 2. Rils^s on balls: Off Lavender, I:'.; off Kller, l: off Knetzer. 1. Hits and 1 iMrm (I runs: off Lavender. 15 and a in j !? . off Kller. '> and 1 in 4: off Knetzer, K ; and :? in fi. . Struck out: Hy Lavender. 4; 1 by I. Kmplres: Harrison atid j OT-'ay. Tiiite; 2:02. I ' EXCITING FINISH. ST. L'M'l.S, Mo.. June 1 S.? fb-inzalos' ingle 1:: th - : well *li scored Balrd. who iiti I tripled. with the winning run lunl St. Louis beat Brooklyn here today, 3 to S\ J,"iils tied the scorc? In the Pixth \\ h> 11 Livingston singled and was forced b> Meadows. who scored when J. Smith doubled. Si. 1<oii!S wept ah^ad In the fceventh when llornsbv walked and i-aiivi home on Long's triple. IJr-K'ki;. 11 lied tl'.e score In the eighth. Stengel walked and took third on Wheat's single. <"ii:siiaw w:i.? purpose jy passed, tilling the bases and Meadows passed Smyth. forcing in Stengel. Meadows here was replaced by Atries. who prevented further scoring. Score: R II K Brooklyn ..IftOOO 0 01000 0?2 1 1 0 St. Louie . .0 0 i' 0 ft 1 1 " 0 0 " 1 ? S 12 1 i'odore and M ? yes. 1 1. Miller; Meadows, Ames and Livingston. 'Snyder. GOT TO PENDERGAST. CHICAGO, .litne 1,1. ? Moston won from Chicago, ti to to-day, by bunching hits 1 off Prendergast. Prendergiust started | .for the locals, btit had three bad in ; nings ami gave way to Tieuiher. Ru dolph pitched his best ball In the pinches ami was given fine nupport. Score: It. J l. K. I Boston 1 1 000022 0 ? '? 12 0 j Chicago 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 ? .'! 1ft I j lludoiph and ilowdy; Prend?>rgast. j ReuUier and Wilson. ft ' IN INTER-CITY LEAGUE Wheeliii*' Moid a ad. Tountli-y Team ShotUrt Add MticJi Interest to LeaCT1? Faas. StamUuir of tlio Clubs. W. L. Pet. Stro^hminn H ft l."00 1 UTig. M>'lil & Foundry. . . ii S .6 1!7 1 Mf?'onk?-vs c? .'< ,t>2.*> j ? - i i-r- ? 1 r 4 ,r.ii. Hull' ! s S ?? ..tT.'i 1 H--III- 2 K ,2i.<? ! Shftdysid" . . 1 7 .12.*. j Tomorrow's Sche<tnle. Wheeling Mold >?. l-'ulton. a: Tunnel, Green- 1 'mj'ire English Stro.-hinanti \ s. Shadyslde at Shady- J si'b- I'mpire Mei'orikey. Homo "'li;b vs. I'arroli at Kulton ? Xrm- I f.lrr Luw. I'riU'Ts vp. MefonK^ys at Whe?llni: 1 Park ? I'mpire ,l.>chum. Since the advent of the Wheeling Mold and Foundry team in the Inter-V'ity League, more interest than e\ <*r is he-1 ing manifested bv Mi'- offii'ials, man nt' rs and players of th" local circuit.] All the clubs at present, are local air- 1 piegations an<! a more friendly rivalry is bound to nrls.' in the rue., fur the championship. The Mold -rs hav? tak'-n tho place of the Steub^nvllle tcatn. which was dropped by the league 'directors at .a recent meeting. Several int. rest ing | games are scheduled for tomorrow To<Uty*a Games. Martins Kerry All-Stars vs. FVvsock's All Stars 11' League t Park. Virginia dub vs. Patterson :ind Eltn Grove, at l'*lm Crove. Sunday's Gainea. j Bellalre vs. Panhandle A. C. of j Pennisoo. at Bi:ll:dre. ' Martins Ferry All-St.irs vs. ! Patterson and Elm iSrove a; ' Leitgiie Park. Vlrginin ?'lnb vs. Parliersburg ' at Park er sou rg. VA. CLUB AND THE . P. & E. G. TEAM MEET This afternoon at 4 o'clock, on the j Klin Grove .groimds. the Virginia ? - 1 1 1 1 ? I Wheeling will elldeavty to wipe out III,, ib-f.-at handed them a few wcfT.s ago In the Patterson and Elm Grove nine. \s the T'lk" boys have been winning g no" after ^atiie. they will l/lay their usual strong contest and as Howard 1: Smith, fill heMve 'em across, they will present a strong front. Morgan will wield the Indicator, and "plav ball." will be lizard once an. -tin Th? lineups are as follows: Virginia , i~"lub ? Carisch. rf: l-tlisk". If. I !"nineii, i lb: l.a Hue. 2b: lvr!#<\\ ss: llahn. ;:b. w. | .Millar, rf; A Miller, >: Gaudy. \\ ? r man or Kfchards. p. Patterson i,.| ? ; j : c. ( ilrove-- Jones, rf : GUrth. 2b: !?' Sicitli. 1 ss; Harris, cf; Ib-utli'T, c. 1-: Sf::h. If: Madden. 8b: ftansom. If; Wehl?l. li>: Howard or II. Stm'K p. H OBEAST UTTTXN" 'EM. AnofhT former S t ? ? t: ! e- . or... I"Gre:usv" Wale, who performed In l!?;hl field for the Wheeling Central League club during ri.e I season of 1!GS. Is stilt hitting ! the old apple at 11 fas! clip and ' Is now 1 fi the -.'Ice: '.on ?-i:vl?.. | Y. st?rday. batt'ng acain^'i "Soit j ball" .1 IMl I . ". ? ?tn|er ih. Philll." t Nationals, lie t-.t iwo singles, lie ' also a bas?. N'.vil.. sc rns to ' ha \e gained V, '? baiting rv,-. ;iC am. as is b. ginning t" l?.ii{ ' the sat'r. wallops after c>'Miug av.iv to :i r.*it|..-r .lisciirairing s'ari. lb- i- \ . n: left I |e 1. 1 f..r Mattv'a I led !.?' iiv I .... ? . ?WTLI, CONTINUE. ] rHU'ACii, .1 11 11** t:. ? "til. ... ( 'line. I i,..;?yii. a' a :???.-?. 1 ' luieimg; here to-day <!? ? id* ?! to continue the or-, g.t nutation at pi- 'itut-.j aud io p|a\ tin L-'-'ii. - [?????. ? I ? ? 1 in i r ? sei-: s. h- dub Pres. <!e' t T- .true V I- "Ith'Oi/cd u> I sh.cter; il.. baiTJ - p! I Villi; . on If! such .l-lioll .leiii;c.| lid '. IS. 1 hie l.'i'er In I the year. I Free Pants Sale For a limited time only, we will make for. each purchaser of a $17.00 Suit or Overcoat , ? .. . i One Pair of -Trousers Absolutely Without Cost On all former occasions of this sort, we have been compelled to with draw this offer soon after its introduction, and therefore recommend to our patrons to make their selection early. There must be a reason for everything, and the reason for this special "no-profit" offer is to keep our employees busy during this particular period. This offer involves in your Suit or Overcoat and the extra pair of trousers free, the usual $17 standard of excellence? a standard up-to date, unrivalled by any tailors anywhere. National Woolen Mills SOX IS WHOLE SHOW Sox Soiboid. who is now T-i^i Jilr.n j for the I'lilltuidphia. .Nthl-tlrs and former Stogie iu< >1. wbos. \?-..r'v l ist y'nr won lor him thousands ??!' friends of this vicinity, was u. who|o show in :i samo \ S !t ?? Oh--vHand Indims a; I 'In I'vl^lplita y#?s!(-ri!ay. It'-stdes holdiiiK th< In dians to flw scHttrr'vl hits and iwo J runs, ho was instrumental i n win ning hi? own same when !:.? sin^l'-d, j ?St.. I- s-.-ond and sen t*? d on lilt i ami al-;" ?!????*. ? ? a run t:i with a * liitijc don Id* lator ! n tin- c.'iini". Th?- A t I ii-.- won, of lat.\ S? ? v ' hits. besides [.ttrluuR. r .- ? ? ? n a jron< rn I unMiity man ! < ?r I'onnic Mark's , | sohorts. i>lay:njr in th?> outileld. ' fitn> li hitting a nd doing ot h-r rhorps oa t J i ?diamond. llo was s?Mil to ih'1 Athletics at th<- ?-lo?f of | i ) i ?? ( "km ral' louiruo season last fall ! court is withdrawn I'll 1 1 .A! >i:i .1 '! 1 1 A. .Inn- I... '| 1 ? ?;a!- , i I itnor ? ?!':(? i.* di- 1 ii in'i I-Vd- ;a! ' ; I., ic ii'- ;*nlay wttialrvw it.- atiii-trm t 1 j il.iin;iK?- s"i' ai'. iii'.-T ?rimiii;-.oti lirtli. i "I'liis is the s-.-"tid 'inn w 1 1 ii ? ti tv ? ? j j yi-ars that a. I* mil a?-. ion. l-r.unh! mi i J j 1 nited States court ii.\i.|\hik :!i- ? ji:? ?: j lioll of h-Hi -tla i "rsianiz-d ha. ? .i.tll a I ? i? rat'-l unil'-r th- naii-nai au:--- in- . II-- a trust. iias In-, n itndtaun i'or? a j il.-i ision i>*oJ (??????; Kit -n The lirst sliit ? :i> liroii|;hi : ii :ho IV-. i - j [ r-ml ecr r; in I'hii-ajro ir; January It'!'..! land was wilhdruv-n when t !i>- \n.-i li an j j ft t : ? I N'ali-'lial l.i :u:i|.-s mcio-1 a p. ' nx;roi no-lit with i ? - 1 ? r- <? -i- ? a : ar. ? ?>'" l-Vd'-ra! l.-iiT'i' in I '* ?? ? nihr |- ..i ii, :..tni >?-nr. Tin- :t-i|--n ? ?? t italt inior,- ?inh in dropi 'nj: lio .-nit ? ? Jfi > wn-. i.:!?* n. ih< i-oiinvl " il l. l-catis- M ?;i> ????iv l Hi-- d that lh>- l?r- si-nt-it tv ? s of oru:'i!i:'.<-i| liast-liall li.-ti! not i-nt- ?i->-d int-i a ? ? ? * 1 1 - 5 ? : i' - m y to d'^ti'-;. ih?- I"1mii- ? ?s or r lia1 lltlion cluh " \"f. thills; was -aid in . ' iioiim lm; tli-- \\ itlul'awal. r'-siardiiiK t .?* i, ii. -s' ion ..j- u-li. *!i.-r orsani::- il l? . > . 1?.- ? h;ii Iwiiii. on. r.ii>-i| in \ii?la*i- n ot :l \ t'.nli trust K'.ws. Aeroplane, Balloon and ua i n Vilrieil Attractions Tliig Afternoou for Eeus'it of Martins Terry Red Croiu. >: l.'-n-i ? !'.-iri; I ? i i - 1 1- mi. .M a his! i- |/:< l-i'i v II I.. >li'-v.ii tl) (< >?>)?'. ..f rii. < ;ri- it. i \\ h< !i in: dis; i i.-t, v a- 'i i >:i ?-? ? ! - \ I'riit Smith \v : i I II alv?- a iialoon as II ? II*-- 1| ?!! a--. I'!''. I'l r.-o-h : *. Jlllji. .An, ?' t i;'.t .,'i I'rori: : !??? i- ? 1 1. tn.-n ? m-Ihh-I at f i . i .-ii I ? r t ? -in will tl;. ?? ' i - 1 -i "-.-i t ion <1 ? - 1 riii"t .'I') '!:? I ? Iit.ra '?:!??. II v llllCiii \*ill t.-rti -trial- a: '(;? I <11 1 1 pari.. \ 1. i all iv 1 1 ? vvil .'l-o .- -.ia^.-d t? "W'- n t!;> .M!-St.-j|-s . ? m|- ;? ii . in ?-.? | >T 1 ! n - ? ? I I.- 1 : ? -i I. ! I I'". - - K. II.-III I .-I :1k ? Athotii Vi-illv. wh-> I- :- In <*n IdirMnu n i hi* I mxI" will piii-ii : ir; of ;!i- j:.- in-- *'oi I' i ? v. T'.i.- *-{?!: :; i Ma v. ii- ,-t-irt T!i -<-ri t iai ?? i ? ' "il- r ' ap; ? tiii.- ~ :n ! '* aid th- let ll'-on :iii'i ir I- ? 1 1 ar.ii paia-' . .ii. u 1 1 1 wil." ? il. t l.o .- j Tlinsi- i-voins v ? i . i-.i nii it ra i ? a srrios ? r. rilru-o nl t h" ;?*< ' ? f--r : !i? i . ? - ..-M Mi i(i i.i.ia I . a if II.-- ".f t r ? ti. ? ; ?-;ry hr:uii h ??'' ? * ?? i "i i . -s si.i- ( FAST BELLAIRECLUB SCHEDULiNG GAMES | Has Already Several Tea.-iiH tn Whieling: DiBtrict Hooted for Contests. Tli.. i.iitral V ?' of 1 la I! wiii-li i - . ? p . [i.tsi i.i1 \ i- . l>- has plai-r-H ! : : -.-an .-ii t ! -. - hasid'all dian ond atnl J f..o' I. til cridiroii. I.-. ;;i taiiK'tiK an at-; tra'tii- luis-hat! i-ai'd and has alri-ady, ; iiodjih d : oiiio :li.- i.asti-M ti-atn ? in' ?In- siM-iion ? o| Siit, day. .In no "Jitli, tio; wi'l o-.?t ti.<* \'iii;ui!a I'luii and nil Sunday. .1 illy 1. t!i'\'-' staok up auainst j lio fast I 'a i i -rshiiiu' out :'it at pl.H-- . j <>-i .iniv 1 1 1 1 . tli- ? \ ' - iravcl to s : - - ; t- ?'?vill''. uli-ro t hoy will iii <t? t ih- I'ad. a ? i"ii\ i i r 1 1 ? ? in a iltlild'* h-adi-r 'I'll- ' joiiini-y i'i t 'larksbnrR o:: Sunda\. .Inly j Sth. I o' |?ia> ih<- team of thai pla. <? i An team wishing c.inn\>-. wn Ii thf> Roll- I airo tiltln will lo- liiTomnioii;itod l.y i i-a 1 1 1 is u Ti'-.l on tli- .V.itiotial n nd n-i, for tli- manapi r. ORDER NOW FOR JULY FOURTH TAILORED TO MEASURE COAT AND TROUSERS i . Don't wear a readymadc suit this Fourth, -when you can get a finely tilted tailored-to-measure suit, made from dependable fabrics, guaran teed ro tit perfectly, for as little1 as $16.50. T A I L'0 RED TO MEASURE COAT AND TROUSERS During these reductions we will tailor to your individual measure Coat and Trousers for t hut. an- warranted to b<- 10" per cent per in fvory respect. floods all \vool and worsted. Linings and Trim !i i:m;- .thoroughly trust wort tyy. I'oai Fronts that art* guaranteed to hold their shape. Workmanship faultless and Filling perfect. A man can lu> proud of a suit like these nowadays. g League Uossip 3y CHRISTY MATHEWSON Former Star of New York Giant* and Manager of tile Clnciaaati Reds. ? "I >:< I X N ATI. <?. .!;mc 15. ? Monus. \l r In-. K"Hi- and iliMlblc-tToss'-d mo ! ii>- ins always a hard fellow ? i?. ? -u : k >?? .Iumt v. ' i n I liad put i lie , <irp<i >hpi>? rs '>!i hint. t li?- calabash pipe hi his month. and .h id sat htm ! il'.wn ni? !"? i i*t r? l> I >? by toijs rirosido fori l??- ? '?tins buck into I he tfame. j iii :< ??.?lit artiel*. 1 iold how Wapnor i had l-tarney It'-v I'ltss ? all -tni* ? | and hud d *- 1 i 1 1 1 1 ?- 1 y i]i .-I'l-d lo (??'( ire from | .Hi*1 !ti i11 for kooiI. Tlirt ilny this nn-j Miiinri-mrnt was published, lloiius was inhabit ins Piti-burjjh uniform unit .t j.!r*,i-.- hi t!i>? b.i\ score. You can't : u-i-ii I'l- in mi: "I' il'i- citnie. until th?.: are cut off Paste that m your | I; a i l lin?f>Vfl. tli'iUKh Hornjs rl'd crr).c? n|i\ | I nni Ki 'il >?'? b:m back, and li'is ri? j i'lrn will In- ;t tin.- thiiiK f"r baseball! a :nl fur I hi- Pirates It is ul>n a relief j !?? mo to. think of \\ ijinT li.u k. Im'i;?.u;< ? | ln^ ret Iri-iitrni in:nl?- mo think I wkii I Cftiine \i r> far almiir. He is r follow j I used ;.o l""k up 1 1 ' ;us a ? yn(ing:st<-r | ninliiur on In iKbts 1 ???ulrl never aspir in reach i N-iw I have conn: and icon*. ar.d 'Im i still in the active service It almost I ? nfournccs me io tnk- nff the blanker I and * r > io pitch :r ball game if v.,<l ? mild c- ?' ;t nice- warm ti.iy. ? ilonus' hi -! line nil! help the Pirates, for th?> bai-j till? i > ?' In ft 'I'll' hip fJi-rinan' ?'?n tits: bjse has a mote comfortable I 1 ???rt li ilian at shortstop and will still; cover ;l I i * I III" ground lie is nf till' I architectm ?: which {??mil's liim to | reach n mile or so and spear h hit or thrown bull .without moving around much U lint Wagner has for a k>nz 1 1 m?* is Dial Iiih upf isisi a i "lug out ? ih'' ]'iiiu which liriv many stars I ro'm th" game. Strangely enough, the legs "I a l> I ?; I.e*guer seem to go firs.. Arthur f'cvlin's I'ks stopped Ins ca reer. The quirk starts- and sudden moves or an r appear to be most irying nn the legs I'.ut Wiignor has suffered from rheumatism contracted years ago in his legs n? the "M Sports nuns Park "it tlu river hank in l'it-ts hurgh. I have watched lata play v\ ilti ih" sp""d hT a l u: lii-r just breaking ? 11 when e\ st.j. he t?">k was lorture ??> Inn: .\ le>s game man. would have b. ??! sitting "'I th- kiu'li .list hoping int. I drawing his pay. T w < ? or three hack. ll.'iiiis said t ? me; "I won't last much longer. .Matty. My legs arc had." Rut th'- great shortstop has always tak^n splendid c;irr III' hilllSeii. Mint I would not b. surprised to see him g) a I li isi another i oupb- ot seasons. \V>' ?nr.- all glad to hav. him back. : or h" is one < i.Tinan w?. love, and the grand est Dutchman ot" them all. rapt a in. Hustun has pone uwav ? 'he I lighting otttjej- of tii- Yankee. Cap has! don.? as much for iiig League hasehail - hs any eluli owner ever to hr-ak J n t ? ? I the game. Xi/v. he litis turned bis hand] to helping I nele Sani. No one can say Cap was hard of hearing when the call C/lillO. H>- started the military drill In the Hig I.eaKU'^s, and the last move he mad'?" uhs to try i<> Kvt permission to play" Sunday ball names tn the ea-s't, all t'.'? receipts to he jjlvon to the Red Cross "If you are over p. soldier." he said . I" m<\ ??you'll know what "the Red Cro::s moans to the Army. It's Just the dlf ;Vrt-r.<'f between life aud death to many I Si 111 (ill " j VW are nil for '"a plain Huston. Krom the itir?-ctron of the Detroit ball rltib. 1 ran li'-ar loud chuckles and Ruff: f?\vs. They are emitted by Tyrus Ray , mond <"obb .caused by the row between j McOr&w and Myron. When Ty was In ! Cincinnati after his famous battle this ! sprins;. he said to me: ?".Most of the '< Hants are crazy.. Mc ! 'Ira iv will get in many a tight before . I stiis season is over." I Cobb i?s laughing over the accuracy ' of ins prophecy. i (Copyright, 1917. by The Bell Syndi | catc. ln<\ ) FERRY ALL-STARS AND ! P. & E. G. PLAY SUNDAY, j T. ? :nrirt .I't.-riio tn a: l^easue park* j i !:? \!1-Stui> will itir._-i die fast jroinn, | !'. .v iv. I'm. Til. out-thc-pikc boy.-i, lutv.- ;?<? !! playing ;<!?_? i' lixlt this season i i ? iu>- ??f'tit* j! with a \ ictory* over the j :Vrr> -arlif i- in th?; season. '* | llrad Ssni ? !?. will pitch for the pikaS i Ikds. while V.' i iM.n anil Noilly, who has^ | just returned t'roin I lie lMxic league,' i iv(|l do tii.- twining for the All-Stars.* 1 Same ? ?:? 1 1- d iil 4 : 1 T>. ?" i Tli-" trains will ? j ri?? up as follows; m | 1'. .v K. -Jones. rf. I*. Smith, ss: 'Jiirili. .'b: Harris. ?!": Reuther. (Capt.i. <?; M.tddfii. ;:i>; K. SnnUi. If: Ranson, If;. \\V>id>-l. lb. P Smith, p; Moward. p. ^ ,\ll-Star>.- Hamilton. If; Kaston. ss; ;?"i!lts. rf; I'rum. if ; '.'b: Cropper,, "!>. 'VMalley. Smith, lb; Wil?on. p;* ; Noilly, p. Umpire ? Morgan. "*