Newspaper Page Text
All Choked Up With Catarrh? Why Continue Makeshift Treatment? Sprays and douches will never cure you. Catarrh is annoy inc wiu-n tt chokes up your nostrils ami r pas sages. causing pamful ami dsiTuuU breathing and other diseomioris Hut the real danger comes wht-u ;t readies down into your iuugs. This is why you should at mice real ize the importance oi the pruper rreat tnent. and lose no tlnu ? -\p- rimeat'ng Kith worthless remedies \v'ui<!s touch only surfuct*. To bt? rid of c'n uu rh. > t?j i must drive tho disease iri-rn*.-8 out ?<(' yuur Mood. Spi* !!<iid results hu.v>? bi- ti ri'in>ri? (j t it?- us?- oi S. S. S.. which coin p!? ti iy routs? from your biood ' h> >*at<irr!t ui-rtus, for which il is a toct aiiii'io!". S. S. S. is ?old by all driuj;!.-' s. IT you wish ?:n tikal advice as to lh-< ir**atiu'-nt <*f your own Individual case, writ" r>?d?y to < 'hi<-f Medical Advist-;-, Swift Specific Co.. Dept. L 277. Atlanta, <Ja THE NEW EDISON "The "Phonogrrph With a Soul" I s You an: undoubtedly a music-lover. Do i lie mere meehaniral reproductions of music by the talking machine offend y<?ur ear? Thomas A. Edison's new art makes talking machines things of the past. We want you to hear this new art? Music's J\< Creation, and cordially invite you 10 visit ?>ur Shop. We feel it a privilege to briny you nous of .Mu^i'-'s Re-Creation and shall be pleased to demonstrate it for you. Diamond Disc Shop, Inc. 14 FOURTEENTH STREET. Nat'l. 1335-Y. Rogers Hotel Building. Bell 1063-J. Use Our Money to asli us for money If you havep't the ? f - v to j ay your W'e ma!u< loans In Wheeling ? 1 towns in West Virginia on Household Ouods. lors?s. Vcltii'Ics. u." any kind of personal property. leaving ?'our p?s*?.:ssion Our layments art? \-ry sniail unci ?;:*>> Vo'.i .\tu pa> o ?' f the amount in small weekly, monthly " i tn. nts, and wo wiJJ allow you a year's t!m* if neo V?'U rail i iy o : f the loan a" ati> r i interest only ime you k?ep the money. You win find us square and hon all our <.!? :il ir:cs ? that's tlu* r-ason <*!trii >>-ar shows a de -- . ... 1:1 '>ur business. A!! busings s'rietly ci'tilidentiH1.. Extension of ttm? Kru.nt>.ti without extra cost in eases ot" sickness ? r our of work. Mail or phor>/> app' :<??'!* ions re i r?:r prompt attention. If you :>;?-<l .nrtri ear. not <-ail. fil! out th>? following blank, mail it ro ?.!?.' Room 22n. SehMuIbach Building. Wheeling, W. Va., and our agent w ill call and arrange luan at your home. Pen t hes rash with wh: a;! s:i:r.?i:r.d:i Pranks. them !r to r i.a1..' "r ?*s?ar> . for the o:ab! elded Nam? . , Amount Wonted We a'?o mak" Io.t:* ;tt o' Bridgeport, Uellaire. and all su :r same low rates In Martina Kerry. rrour.d:r.e towns in Ohio. Tiiones ? National. 1701-Y; Bell, 1727-B. Call ns tip TTr-ifcl 0L?0 RELIABLE ibClie benefit o/? Kfoui Experience O :sr ? ? x f ? r tri>i !n r? the* tr*:as day. ? ? r.'i .? rr.? ? ; ^-r?-a* as : ; hour of ;u:;?ral !? ? > f u? .of i?r that last Palace Undertakers ;3C-l-06-0o aioln St. Soth Pitoaen. Mrs. Augusta Hepe. Mrs. Au-rusia i !?? pt-. one of the old est. and fidely known r*--id>a:s of Henvj'ood. died in the family home yesterday morning a- 7:4o u'i io? k She a?e-| 7". Mr.: i I had lived in *he Benwooti oomnwuiiiy for a xreaf many year- She a as a com municant of Sr. Matthew's Luth>*rau church <>f that town. She leave* nine children. namely: Mr.<. tl. Marx. i>t" Wheeling; Mrs. !<'?; rerer. \<f Trenton. N. J.; Mrs. George Morpan and Henry H'.*pe. of ' 'olumtMts, Ohio; Miss Minnie and Ausju.-i. Kd ward. Louis and Krede i !??;??? of wood. Funeral s'-r. v. ? ! ! !??> ( place. of dea:h Monday af 2 o'clock, with the Rev. George h". Hein officiating. Uurial w ; 1 1 he i:i Greenwood i ??nu-'?-ry. r i ; i Funepal for Jacob Snyder. Many friends a rinded the funeral services herd yesterday afr-rnoon roi the Hon. .Jacob Suvder. former state senator, v. ho died Wednesday. The services wi v held in the home o! his sister. Mrs. \\\ Morris, lil I Koff street, where he passed away The Rev. K. K. " L. St rider or S' Matthew" ?; Protestaa* Episcopal church, otflci ated. Interment was in Greenwood cemetery. Th? pallbearers were \Y. >d ;ti : riuun i!. Swart z. Charier Campbell. FVnl. ; Snyder. Alfred Snyder. K. I J. Conn-r I and iit-nrv Kroutuweth. I ! Funeral for Young Guardsman. i Yesterday uiorninu bri?-t lum-iai . services w?-re held in tin* Mendel . chapel. 1121? Chaplitu* streit. for Kay ? Sanders, member of Company A, of Clarksburg. encamped on the Islarul. who di?-d in a local hospital \Vedne> I day. The body was laketi to Clays* i vilio. lJa.. his former home, where J additional services were held rind in ? tenuent made. The body was arcom : panieu by his parents and a detach* j cuent of comrades as an escort of j honor. A. D. Parr. I CLAHKSBL'Ki;. W. Va.. June !*>.? Anson Dt-arin*: far:-, a leading busi ness man of this city. died today at his homo on L'.'ast Main street aft'T ? a lingering illness of blights disease J aged years. For many years h" i won fame on race tracks throughout ! tin- country as the owner of some of 1 1 finest strings of throughbred tracers iti West Virginia. He was head c.f the I'arr Lumber t"o . a founder of ; tio- \V*??st Virginia Pair Association I and was actively identified with the ; business and social 1 i f ? ? of this cotn ;muuit\. His funeral will take piae^ I at tlirte p. m. Sunday at tin- Church ! -r rne immaculate Conception. Stato Deaths. } S;- ? I > -s -?? - J- S" !li? 1 t'l.AUKM>t'U< W. Viv, Juno i.V ? i ;i 1"Hk il.tii --. M J. f:?l?ey. a. n.* ? 1 1 r??i business \V?-st'jn, <l:o<l f < ? J ?|:iy? :n ;; t 'l.-il kslj..ri; :it<s|>ttal. a^c<l i I ? ???rs : .1 <??!!! i * I ,'ivil \\":!.?i.r.Snrjr, !?' ?!> ail | i';ii(v.vijn; u vurKi<^t operandi In a ; ?*:iirkshurc li"spttiil. tiK'-rl V.' The ? a'l'.l v? rai children survive, j i FATBJOTIC SEE. VICE ' i A t'Utr! >t!?* service will i.<- leinor rf-v. ? ?. ??iun?r. i: 7:"". in th?* \.<rih Str*-?'t I ' M. ? -!i i r- i s '."hil'lr^n will ; : rt :,ri interest mv proirr.nn < f ?"nK.- and ; : ? i-it;i i <" IturKesv Taylor \v : I i ; liver an risi-ir- s-? i-ij "Our Inity- iii the ; I *[?, ... f ; * I "I" J VI ^ " t I | i \?bi :? piru-h -?f baking powder to tna j ? crust. VISIT THE ACORN DISTRIBUTORS FOR ALL BRANDS OF GINGER ALES AND TABLE WATERS : : Sam L'njrerleider, F*resident ? Rudolph Schafer, Sec'y and lYeas. ALUMNAE REUNION |! OF ST. JOSEPH'S J DSXJtOHTl'UI. AFFA1K WAS j LAST NIGHT ai riil* Ao* SOClA'ilON jsovv Officer Elected. *?VUU yiBcca;j Owe us aj Preslden. ? Flt-* unr yxoyraiu. , --- .1 ? a-iKii-. v- 1 '' 1 'tis-- nicnl of 1 Uu natli-i : ; r stum/iiis. wt>- l-r: i~u- ;n Hi* ^ ; A". .mua; A ? .aUW. , ^ ,j... , . j su" ?i.''" ' iT:^- . 1,1 I ' , * .11 ?!? c. t<- : ii- tun -m hall ! ^uiiuiLtfec 11 . . | V ui- :? . ?!?? I ? a d' I stulUi. pio , . .. V .V : sunt had ' ,rH v,-;l-.w and .?.!? 1 1--'. JmIiii - am ! '??r:is ai-l hu?vs bundles <?! woodbind; -iiubt.-iw u'-j-.; used. - t imcis Hold and vvliio; ctvu* paper. | i t.,- v :???/.; tn ;s was o| ?> mil by tlm sniif-i u;>, ol th" l"apal anthem ulld Alllvricii | "horns. l-il-wal b> roll call and read 111); Ui ibu u? mutes by .Miss Marie Lam:, J ?-. er-tai v . Mr,. M. I.. I-Vml. ir-asuri:r j 1 1 th- association. mudu inw Uliuii- . .?ml report. alter which. Mrs. J. J- k-ai"" | ,..t: pi-. siu. su. addressed the members, bidding Hie!" wcleom. . ami lue-lly , . :,uiii Ui- b iivlll ot Calhulic v;tU"\uion. . with welcoming in IxMiair o. j tile As.-vclui loll. tl*?- clasa ot i'l.. i *ri?o soc'tUiry, ^li?s i.uiu. itnnuuiii'.' M t!i- follow mi; ualn-s, ft HI- 'lass "f : Aiad-im- sradnaus. Mis? -> ' ? ?thy K. Hu'.ts. Virginia ? ' ' "J ri* (? " l-.u/.a???--iU M. J'f-?;ii'ilui . f i-'rciMiKiili. KaMi? " 1 :? \i iV, i;ur-t A. L>vugli.-i :y. \ irjjiuia A. Millei.. A'i- lUt iv. M- i'-ul'I' i" , ! i *n tii:<i>arcial gra-iua ? - MisSi-*5 Ar.p-i-i I. Uwic. Minn ?: Uurul.'. Uuriu !.' i .Wii,/ lUliihb-tii K. i I ullcr. ljilliaii .U'linsioii, Ocrlruii'- i; Iv^ru. Joanna ?-? .\K'i jvi'.il, Ajiiicc M Mo?f lian, JtiuiifL*' ? \j Mcli'.ii, liruco M. Ui JUy. v.<crLiuJj ]\i' siiuii*} . Marjjurut H. Siainm. Mt>s Virginia t'.inull iiiailo a very ? i.UaslliK liitioiiiu tioii ol Uu; v.'lu>? ol i ar.d i.\|>i'**:?&cil t!in M loim atiCC- j ti'fii ?>! t!i- for llicir Alma ilaic!., \viii? 1 1 will bv' oiuc livit^Acii^'ii Lheu j uni ion wiilr ill** Alumiiao. Th s w us rt.-.?|?oinnrd lo by -Mi."^ Mar- ( ...,{??? t JLiouytn-'i-ij ami iliss Mai i? *? ? j Coy iio ft ilio cla>s oi 1'JlT. Mias 1'ourIi . ri y lold ol" her tim>i?infd lo liavi; llu*. j ? ?fi'io: tmut v bi itiuiik i!ir- ori;aiui.ation r. |- tin- ijoKl \U da! :oi- l-URliSa l.iUia fa'V. v.litcli liifj I'.a?i iifitatcd to uo! A > "aiU'ii; :c tjiaduai-s, ami wnidi ?a.s w->n j.. v |1(. r. I .ilvvw isc. Miss CoJIiu. w i i t'.isud if-r api'T' ciaUoi; l?-r tln? K"'1' . vial sin- rcc-u.-tl !i"" ivmuitiialiip. t i* ir li to l be i-'wiiiui1 '? ?-"'ai ?raduaA?a j winch slio lor men: ivcelvi.-d. 0f!Lc?r8 ElectwL it , Tht> old school sozi?. * Alma Mater . tlieii suk at'lei" whiili tile '?l<*ctlOii j it oHloers ensued, with tile lollowlnK l'resi.1. ni. Mrs. Vinci n: nw. ns; lirst vice sJ?i'. n! .^'1^ I .oUis 1 lleliel , s??C oti.l vie piv-i.l- ni. Mrs Lillian lluni Plir.- ., : 1 . i : ? J v ic Mr*- ?[ ? an oil; :???-?: t J\ pt-snl. tii. Mrs. U m. : scuTfi ar\ . Miss Mildred ? tivsi s?ur?-i\ MiKs N ? ? I i ? Moxaii. \>rv i:.-v, II M.?>.-. \. t.. Id-. 1 . . men eM'-iiO' il comtraxulu: ions lo tit ^-ruduat-s. ami oft-red Kind and -iiOoui iiKlnp wo-ds t lie Alumnus ' The sin^il'.n o* ?111- Mar r.-ii ?-r do? .1 111- program, and all I _,.,| tli- ? lass room, which had t'--:i made h-a.i"i: i! for the occasion ,(?? urevailiim >'"!'"?? f1"11, white, iiitertnins'i-d vvilh Rr-cnerv andjj rnasrnolius. . . Th- irii'-st" vv-r" s-'al-'l at Mi. all ubh ? w lu.-li w> i- ajl-rm d with .?m:ill !? reneh . ? ; dai-i. S ai d partook oL li il'r-. inht fill ''ni' I;" "ii- vv hi eh bore yellow (111*1 Willi- S' st ion" Those ?'? es? lit m-'. idcd: MIsbOb. T>o?- Wiv!.-. Cerirufl" Korn O.-ii- .i- v-W hyt" cr.i.-c Kiddy 1 5? n? vi^vo i*lark l4inct*?rs V;rtrim i ??lark Lillian Humphrey /.itn ' 'lurU Hejtlna Kart-nv il-rtrude Slar.-y Uatherin- Kvnn Man- I'oynrt i Marie Winif-rtv Katlien:i- Kol- ? Marir:ir-t M<"? l;>shoy .loaiina Mcitroa! < ;<>rtrud- Mono'ian U-Sinit Kobrooht Airneo Mon<?han Katharine Sh^flin N-tth- Troll IVroiiella 1 'e VII?BhiAddl- Menrtenhnil .Tano Carey lliiyhucl Mornn Maym- I'ar-y Martha Morun May l!"wl-y M.-uKaret Sachfr ilos- l.oMns He trln a iTell Airn-s Mulbn-'v Virginia. rroll l.l/./.i- li-n??-r \nt;ellii- Kalt* nhach Mar?:ar-t Malunoy \l:ir?ciir-t Cillifc-an Klizabeili Jtitit: Knt!ilc>*n ? ? 1 M i ii :? :i Anno W.iil' rt*.-r Mndcll!'?? ^ Ada fa rroll II-1-ti l*'liw raid i 'arf'.e Oiumpors !r> Mehi n Katharine I.iiwth??rs Lillian Jdhrsmn Marsneritw U? th- Murmur-: Manioii .' .-rs Janet le M-hen Ml' aimr r.alU-y Mi!dr*-d I'ouh v Mary Mullf.'ii'ns Margaret Tuck-r | r.l.ral'-th li-lf. r U-wina Walsh v -^-!a Uoy iw vla3?'lir.e Hohel I . tolhv litltts Mai nur-t St.'inilii Haz-I \Veltz-l Irene fnfrone Api-s Monillan MiirKarft Malon- y j i U: Hi H-ai-y . Kos- Ow-ns ? Airn-s 1 Juiian Abii-s Mullam-y M;irv i lorsuch Knih* rine I'Mali-r' \ J l? -in:: i Ichsell- I .11;? ib? i !i l.H.n^llerty ku-hn Vrtiia 1>ou^Iitij. ] a i i-l: ? si'kik hn Martian t I >? mi k!i- rt y Jvlilh ' "arr-dl Sahilia I?i'v! \n^-!a M' Kndd-ii Vart-ar-t HiirIi-m fie! la M.'l'"ad'l> ti .Y.ui par-t l?oyl Anir-ln Pp '-miuII' r ? riiy.ah.'th lleiiry j Frances 1 ?i ? umil'.er K-th-rlnV* Henry 1''!li I in-Kinillwr Karrle Mlll-r Marie bau- Min-ita Mtll-r Noll Moran Virginia Mllier J-an-tte M> Alllster Ttn I !i Jordori , Anna Matey Mai v l..y?.n? I'atlieriii'* Karlcy <*,air.- llo..|seh Annit ilcCab- Laura I. j M?*Aani?8. .los. S*cudpr I-'. I'- McOSe* Hnlif-rl l-'iseli^r Tlios.- Marker ? ( Harry .IiuiKliiii? .T ?->lirs Waller i-'rank Allm-yer Stan!--. I A J Nooine Knlh-ritie itluisan i M. .r. foid l*. I' H'-ntlierly j Vincent <?w-ns Lro lloseh Howard MeKadden W W. Maurice u.-mdTu Panl-'I n l/*ary 1: K. Lvons Kdpar llofrman I lo i.i ts Hein-r K. C. Knowlc.? Jos. McGnlsran Will Ttemp" M. P.. Ball^v Joseph I'lllor. j J. Par roll .limies AVhyte K. I*. HoaHifrly Muskingum Finishes lis Most Prosperous Year 8f?-ial r>!?i'?trh to Hi# li?!?'.l,K'r.>'#r. NEW CONCORD. (>.. J?n? i:' with ih<? college sing Thursday uii:hL wiiieh wib attiudfil by two tlmusand t.poplo the meat. -St cornmcnoiMiicnt in t j... histnry uf Muskitiuuui coHenf was conelutled. In his annriuncomcnt in the : i f i ? * i - P-ii.n l'residotu Moniponiory rr-terroil I CI I he fuel thai l hv year had ??"?? mi Table in that the larp^si aHiinlanf.' !,?? ativ sitmle year had hct-n enndled ? his vear. a toial of S*2 siiniotlis. wo hundred and eight thousand dollars have been added to the assets ?>i he Instil ulion during t.ho year a?ul addi tional uit's are OlTereil Vhtrli will in-, tal sr?00.0"i> when completed. five you up nion and women, while ; honorary di- -srees were eunion ed as ? follo-wi- iKK-tOr of lJlWrt. Waviie U. i Wheeler. A. M. of Washington. I>. < . ; Attorney lv,r Uie National AiU i-?a loon . U'anTie; Doctor of Divinity on i{ev. j Frank Lloyd, of Cincinnati Ohio. K-v. .1. 1 iarp^r llutchnian of Irwin. ? I a . Rev. P. NV. Wilson of chase City. I'a . | President of Thyno lnstitnl". t'resiuent J. Knox Motuuotni ry. in his address to the sraduatiiiic class I in' deliveriiiK tho diplvimas preKeiue.i j the fact that the world had a rieht ( to expect of these young people !"?- j 'business diregtsrF 1 building CONTRACTOR. "Vincent Vercellotti, Cement. Prick and Stone Contractor All Work Ouaratite?ed. sell * Photic -1K-R. FntterMon. Kim Orove. W. C*. STRATFORD SPRING WATER Wat?T In Ohio Vall?y. t'ellvered Fresh Dally Sell 91-J. Nat'l Ati. MOKNING SPECIAL 8:30 to 10 30 CLARK'S 0. N. T. COTTON All Nos., Black and White. 6 Spools for Sells regular for 6c Spool. .. ? j AFTERNOON SPECIAL 1 to 5 ? 15c Can Extra Large Size WILD WOOD VIOLET TALCUM nil9n POWDER 1 Special these hours o^ly. msasr >&*? Seasonable Merchandise, Per feci in Quality, Very Latest Style and Priced to Undersell The lv??sc Company is strictly an Underselling Store, arid by underselling wc mean new and standard merchandise and not so-called odds and ends. We feature cut prices every selling day in the week ? and not wvait until at the end of the season with an accumulated stock of "plunder" that is palmed off on an unsuspecting public. So, the difference ? Seasonable merchandise at a big substantial saving when" you actually need and want it. ? ? crisp Clearing {fie Decks of Ai! Coals and Suits To wiml u j? our .ui?rins season art"? rlot-ina' out our entire stock at prin-.-- !>ss than uin-half in many instances. Th.-n-'s some \?*r> ihoice' picking yet for t that have "waited ? all at extra bitr savings. Suits Up to $17.50, Now ?7.50 Assorted sizes <*i n < 1 colors, only left, so if you're to iret the Suit come quick. Suits Up to S25.00, Now ?12.50 Miule of ;iii except imially good, fasw. color, Men's Wear eSrge, very newest ! of styles only. COATS nf lincst Velour plaids, sport styles, ihe regular ?7.50 (PQ QfT .and $11). 00 kiin 1 tpOot/O COATS nf I'upliu and Velour I'ln-viots. JVnntiful colors. Smart est styles , now COATS tlral reuniiai-ly soil at $1'J.')H ,nn?' COATS that roiruiarly >ell at $20.00. nmv Regular Silk Jersey Sport Coats, $16.50 to All Colors, Newest Styles ? Correct Lengths. WASH SKIRTS at 89c to $3.98 Most important of all to the decidedly predominant. "Washable Skirts of Repp, Pique. Fancy Cords,. Basket Weave, Linen, ictc., with all the new plain, gathered and o ther 71 ovelty pockets, with broad belts and tine pearl buttons, com plete range of sizes at 89<p, $1.50, $1.98 to $3.98. woman who- wishes to be stylishly attired is her skirt. The skirt that is now the smartest is the i Newest Trimmed Hats? Black White and Colors. 81. OS up to So. 08 We can >;iy without four of contradiction lliat each one ? ? f llirse splendid now .-'.inuiier concepi ions a iv wuri li double tli money. Many appreciate "Hose" .Millinery ? '"or Hiey ran sertire ;i new hat ? at i heir price- when 1 1 . ? ? v want It. ll table <il < Mr* spe Untrimmed Shapes Values in) 1 $2.00 Trimmed Panamas 79c 98'' Boys' Clothing at Special Saturday Prices Boys' $6.00 Confirmation Suits Hoys' all-wool serge and fancy mixture I ontirmutiori Suits ? pinch back, a\ i t li patch pockets, lined or unlinod pants, ?w Ira good. and durable double d* A "fa ms, I'ully reinforced crotch tj) jL'&t/t/ Boys' $5.00 Summer Suits An extra big assortment of boys' fancy mixture suits in the newest arid most tiirssy m.odels; pinc.h-bac.k and elev little mannish models in the assortment $3.95 SPECIAL SALE OF CLEVER WASH SUITS FOR BOYS ,\ ltiu' tabic of Ki?vs* Wash Suits in an unlimited assortment el natty styles: nicely made,, of galateas, poplins, repps, peggy ?loth, etc., in white, blue, tan and combinations. Si/.e A U from :: to S years. Keonomy Sale Price )ys' QQ^i35c Boys' 9%f B?ys' sP?rt AQs> jring- Hats ,Elouses. . Blouses Boys Sprin,, _ . A table nf Hoys' Liftni I Hoys' Him*! W i'iciit < ' I o : li a n it hra v Striped and j White and colors Slraw lials, al! sizes; j Percale Tapole^js 1 ,,j ..4,.;,..,.. ,,i woVjIi ??."??-. Sale price HIou.-ch. Sale price j . ^ ? U?e I L'5c. ; sizes. Waists ? Every Kind and Every New Style at Prices Much Less Than Regular. The woman who must have ;t now Waist will find a most gratifying selection afforded by the tmivesrsal assortments now ready. Hundreds of the daintiest new Summer models are here at. virtually any price you wish to jviy. and excep tionally large attractive as sortments at the- popular prices. New Striped-Voile Waist6 ? New Organdy Waists, New Embroidered F'ine Voile Waists, Crepe De Chine Waists, Pussy Willow Jap Silk Waists, Georgette Waists. The Season's Choicest Style*. At price range ? S5.98, 95.00, ?3.9S, QP(i S2.98, $1.98 & New, Clean, Seasonable, Wanted Merchandise at prices you can't duplicate them for elsewhere. TOILET WANTS At Prices Mucfi Less Than Regular. 'Jill' !>!\ I .Villi S Toiitll I'.'ISll' ur I'uwiirr . 17 c 1;V. Willi Win hi Talruni I'nvv <|t-r at f)C ? !.?r I >;i|_rLr? i> & 1* a ins' It II s <'n I' I Oram at. .. 125o ;i('r I Vpsii jnnt Tuiitli l\*ist?* it . ."?(??? I!-. iiic Parisian Sasjr I lair T..ui.,_ ,'?Df '2'w I >.i ?? r Kiss Talruni I \ >u .It r a! 2 \ C !?'n ???'!' i\i Olid li.'t Ivico IW.I.r 1 ' 'r ( ilk'.' I'alin ? ? 1 i v ?? S??:i |? ...... -71. >0 I'.i.n I" R.M.-Ii.t's ( astoria .. I Mr ( \' ;i |] i ? y Fair Tnili-t Si. an. a >si?rt i-d, ??a li ?? .... _ . ?J;"..- Civilian's Tr-t Inn 's, Sanilol. >'?' Saliti Skin |-*;i i ? ? ? I'nwili r. I?>;\ 1{)C L'.ic CaUi- iu'siiml .Mfili i-alfil Toili-t Si >.t | ? 1 Or 'J. if I ?fi|J If <)liii|'ll<l. I (OX Spiro or jar .Mini<> kills all n<|or it!' |?rr>|iiral ion ; f.lioif c 1 flc &0c Women's Double Finger Tipped Silk Gloves ' - 'J r I ii s |i fast i-iiinjr ? .-ill ....39c Women's 50c Envelope C liemise Kmliniiilrry i ri in in ftl - - a s s o r t o d SI/.-'S ... 1.39c Women's 50c Brassieres ? ( ' 1 1 1 1 1 \* l;n*?* and embroi dery trimmed bark 'and front with wid<' i*i 1 vri npfs ;? 1 1 < i insert inirs. Newest, styles. all sizes. .'Hi to -18. IVrt'ci't simps and ifw. Special here only 39c Women's 50c Muslin Gowns Slipvvi'j* style. ?'in hr? ?i d'Tv trimmed, ribbon hi-m : eiit hi?,' and full juid \v i ? 1 1 1 1 1 ; i>? ir and of j;uud 1 1 1 1 1 ? rial. Special here only 39 c Women's 50c Collars of cm hroidV-red -o r jr a u d y and lace trimmed c-.ol l;i rs. and coll a r and ? : 1 1 tV sets'. No west shapes. ??hoici; 39c Women's 25c. Drawers of ?rood Li'iij,' cloth. wide ??lit . finiiruitl.Ty i ri in xnotl n|)fij or closed 19c Women's 65c Bungalov? Aprons of Percales, guar anteed fast colors. Cut full and big and roomy. Light and dark colors. Saturday only.i 49c $1.50 Women's and Misses' Middy Blouses of best 1 1 n;i i i 1 Hyde's tlnlalea clot hs. Self an-l contrast - i f i ir colors, .stripes, flow ers and solid colors; Lt'iiii m?*? I. NoAvrst styles, assorted sizes. Here only Saturday S9 c Women's SI. 00 Corsets ? Perfect and only dis continued lines. Good models. Special Women's 50 White Silk Gloves ? Double riujror tips, l' - clasp fasteners. All sizes. Speeial__39c Women's Auto Hoods ? Select stock, very lull iiiui fluffy. White. Mack, hlaek and while, white and black, and taupe. The price' range. $4.98, S3. 98 __ $2.98 Women's $1.25 and ,$1.50 House Dresses ? Fast color ehambray. gingham and chock- ? plaid ;ixicl stripe ginghnriis: well' made of -host of materials : newest styles, neatly trimmed, regular and extra sizes. Special J 98? 29c Women's Gauze Union Suits ? Tape trimmed tops and lace trimmed- come all sizes. Special___23? 10c Women's Gauze Vests Tape trimmed. Ten do/.e* only, while they last.. 7c 50c- Women's White Voile Wash. Waists ? Tailored or lace trimmed: newest styles; clean and . new. All si /.os 29c SI. 00 and S1.25 Satin and Crepe de Chine Camisoles of best materials; newest styles, lace edge and in ? .serting. trimmed and new colors, flesh and white. All sizes. Saturday only 89? Women's 29c Burson Hose Perfect goods, black only, pair 19? it* of J lu-i r diplomas ut leas! ihivp i! i.ns.w fits:, liiat i hoy would !i<- nu n r mi w*o * 1 1* * li of \i.-iun. i I oar and }.: ??;? < I . rfiuiti. i ha I i hoy would i>. un'n ami v.nnn'ii or' iviiraiji'. utterly undatnifocJ any <i liTioii 1 1 y ihat mifilu voitfroni ihi-rii. ami thirrf. thai they would bo !n<?n and wonon who would fWfPi'il, having no. siuh word- as. "failure ' in ihfir vocabulary. The annual address was dolivered l?y fir. James I of \itshville. Term.. and was one of tie- best over I. card here. Ix-ini; most limHy in this n. iiou.'il and wi ld crisis. (1m discuss r>d tho llfp and '? alership d-mantied in t!ir>un days. In Hrown ora'orteal mutr-st the iir:/?'s w*?n b\ FV-a-rlee Mlonn-, ? f Stanton. Ky.. Rohard Jobuson, of St. < "lairs vil !??. O., and J. J. NJrIh*aino, I j of Hen Avon. Pa. j ' Tin* roli^KL- board was iMiihusia.i'.lc nvi r iji" progress of ;h" school. t | rlm-ted in ilif chair of Knglish. Pr(Vf. ; Thomas \V. Baldwin. Ph. I of Priiu.-t*- i i ton I nivt-rsity. ami to t h^ rhair of Ed- i juration. Prof. John \Y. <i0od. o:'" the j I iiivcrsiiy of Illinois. Th?- Sutiimer Srhool opens Monday, i.lnm- IS. ;i ntl fhr outlook is for a .arge 1 1 y iiirri'.'isi-d on rolling nr. The Sensible Course. .limrnie- singled when the 'rachr-r .???-ad rii? siory of the Roman who j swam arrnfis in*1 Tih'-r threp t imos j bt-ior?- breakfast. "Vou do not doubt, thai a iraiaea j swimmer could <lo that, tl?? you, Jim ni lonelier demanded. "No. ma'am." answered .Timmie.. "but I wondered why he didn't make it four times and iret hnckco the side hi.- clothes were on." GEOJCGE W. GIBSON REPORTED DYING THIS MORNING. fir-urn*" W <? ? i t j ?- c? 1 1 . :i^i**1 :i 1 1< I w i ? I ? - ! >" ki'nwn r.-?l>1ent *>:' Kif. '/.hi ieol. ua." f' r"?ri'*'i i" i?-' ilyuin' i !? tie; otiiu \'nll?>5' Gftural n op (vital al 3 o'clock this morn inir. ?. Mr. . Kson. vinio Is the senior rcnunfo.-r of the Oihson an<1 Price produce firm ..f ivliair-v wns ??i)?,r.uod upon several days ago lor appendicitis. Owing to his It Is ?h.-!i.-vi'<l that cannot survive ?Ji r?-.'u:! lor.. I ' Ills family whs summoned to his l.ito night.. He b??^an sink ing > "St'-rthty ami has rapidly b?-conii weaker. *!*!???? proof ol'th* political pudding' lii-t in the pi tint of distribution. 1 A