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Mi. Unnl HERE IS ANOTHER STARTLING INNOVATION AT THE ROSE DEP'T STORE IllI . 1112111! THAT CONCERNS YOU AS WELL AS EVERY MOTHER'S SON IN WHEELING The New Men's Furnishing Dept TT lu. 1 i2y2c Uncle Sam Work Sox, A New Men's Dept. That Will Be Operated On The Same Underselling Basis That Is Making This Store The Busiest Shopping Center In The Community SATURDAY we herald the official GRAND OPENING OF THE MEN'S FURNISHING DEPARTMENT? a brand new depart ment that will fill a demand that has been "Towing- for some time. The same good values that has been a daily feature at this live, progressive institution, will be carried out in this new department for men. Nothing will b old that will not uphold our "Good Name" for honest values. Mr ,n ! we want you to come in and inspect this addition to our store. Wc will not entice you in by promising you a worthless souvenir, but we will' mention a few prices on wanted mer chandise to give you an inkling of what you may expect. If YOU cannot come, send your wife, mother, sister or sweet heart, for these values mark a new era in men's furnishing values in Wheeling. Our tremendous buying power makes it possible for us to under sell any other store in Wheeling. A mere inspection of this ad will convince YOU that you should do your buying here in the future.. Every article is first quality and strictly dependable. 12i/2c. Uncle Sam Work Sox, 8<*. Grand Opening Saturday, June 16 Grand Opening- of this new department will be celebrated Saturday, June 16th. Plenty of experienced salespeople to give all prompt atten tion. Everything' marked in plain ligu.res and so handily displayed that you can almost wait on yourself. Below a printed list of values that will make YOU sit up and take notice. Doors open at 8:30, will foil be there? I should say! 59c Athletic Union Suit 39c 39c Men's bhirt or Drawers 24t Men's 25c Wash Ties 19c 3 fer 50c MEN'S $1.00 NEW SUMMER SHIRTS hoos?* from an , '?xtr.i .frc atul <>f su'-u's i.-r ilr^ss sl>.ir:s\ Now itfriis. ri'*' stylos, new [.??vliatiili--- ti"'| old picked <iv. r lot nf O'liH rul emls. (f 7\ SI. 50 attached collar, Soesotte Shirts 98c S1.75, $2.00 soft cuff dress shirts . SI. 33 $2.50 men's madras dress shirts .S1.G9 50c men's silk webb sns peadors 39c 39c lisle Webb man's sus penders .......... 25c Opening Day v Specials ' $1.50 Khaki Mens AO? nade <?-! OA ant s* Pants S2.00 Cottonade Work Pant $2.50 Cotton Worsted Pants V ^ $4 All-Wool Blue Ser^e Pants . . $2.98 SEPARATE ENTRANCE FOR MEN MEN'S SI. 00 SUITS ALL SIZES. ALL NEW. ALL GOOD. Xo need to try tc> explain to most m you men about B. V. J)., for you all know it's splendid wearinir-nnd com fortable fitting. Made of absorbiiiL' nainsook, ribbed bark, knee b'-iiirth and sleeveless. MEN'S 19c* COT- 1 9 //->?> r TON HOSIERY.. '^L A larg'e ccnter aisle table full of these splendid cotton hose is ready ?f-\ for you Saturday: Come in colors and black; hose fully reinforced toe, heel and half sole. MEN'S S9c KNIT UNIONS An extra irood quality Fine Knit <~!nr incnt, Soil Spring Needle, in ei-ru only. Very elastic euff and sleeve thai will not stretch out of proportion Men's 75c SILK NECKWEAR Cut Silks, m n Forsi&us, /|t|P Printed Ci-epes.^f J 1/ Italian Silks A womi'-rliil sissnr' ini in v rr MylHh. I flmvlrwr "t?-n ?-n<I I fo..r-lri-!ianil t i ?? s. !j ?Kv>tj* wanti-rl rol?>r. 1 rv< i v u'.nnt' il f ?*? . - I' t-rn. ?? ?'<ry wiiiiiod ' 111:11 ? ri:i I ar?* :n t iii< l??i 39c cut silk ties, 24c 19c Arm Bands, 15c 15c Arm Bands, 9c All sizes and uewast styles of "Arrow" laundered or soft col lars. Opening Day Specials Men's sl.OO Sill: Stripe ^Q/? \i . . ,i i tit/ v Madras Dress Shirts . . 7"i(* Sateen Work Shin 59c 49c i ;<)(? ('hanibray Work Shirts 1 '2 ' -_>e I'nele Sam Work Si IX ! SEE WINDOW DISPLAY. STOEE OPEN SATURDAY UNTIL 10 Chalmers Genuine Paris Unions 65c Men's Paris Supporters 19c , . 69c Pure Silk Hose .... 49c Fancies and Black and White. 50c Pure Silk Hose . . . . In Colors and Black and White. $1.00 Men's. Overalls 79c 29c AVIATOR IN ANOTHER SUCCESSFUL FLIGHT i Capt. William Frey of West Va. Flying Corps Advertising Ma rine Service. Kariy last ? venitm Captain William Prey of rh" ?UVs? Virginia Flying Corps. now ::i '/-.lUiiim at lh?' aviation ; f; vl?t !'? Bottom. marl*' a suct-css- 1 r'-ii flight uur Wheeling ami vicinity. | .\!t??c f'.yins over thi> section tor sev- _ ? ral minute.: he re. n: n?-d t c? Bf*er-h Hoi- i torn. 1 1 ?? vlroppi (' several thousand; > .n-utars a'dvertismj; tiie marine culpa it t *. i i tirgin:: ? ti!i."'iii? nt in this branch ; of the -?>:'vico. Th? training woi K of the students at J ? f. aviation field at Beech Boitomi v. ; f 2 he - taried within rh> n?\*t week or i ? ? n da; - Worn on 'he :i'-w han?ai> and rhe iii; < hinv shop i.- being rushed ;?> ? ojijpiei it t? and \vi!! he ready lur use ; witiiiii a very short ?:mc. j 8AIR0 ANSWERS i Judge Hervcy Takes Triadelphia School Site Case Under ! Advisement. Th?* replv <>? S. M. Kaiid. president j ' r. f Triadelphia district high school;'; hoard. 10 ihe alternative writ of mail- j damns through which i! is sought tu | c omp"! him fo siurt an order for $21.- 1 , "?to in payment for the I'larke site for ? " * he Triadelphia district hiith school. 1 1 v. sis aiaui to .ludue M. C. H?*rv?>y f terday. Attorney Joseph Handlaaj. and Jud?e ("rank U" .\<\-~hir ' represent- j ed .Mr. Baird. " Attorney .1 I'. Arhenz ! i of council for School Commissioners i Max Hps^ and J. H. Beans entered ai" demurrer to 'he answer and the ease | was taken under advisement. f Let us install a bath in your I home that you can be proud of. 1 Our lines of fixtures are the ' highest gTade and newest de- j j sign. . Come in, see them, and j j select yours. SCHOFIELD JOWL CO. i 23 Tenth St. Both Phones. 1 BODY RECOVERED. a! Hi" lMAihy'::irtr KAST IJVKKI'OOL. O. June IS ? icb'-rt Davison today identified a body Viuiul lis the Ohio river .u Sti ub-nviUi >s his stepfather. Frank firimm, ?.hose stepson. Joiin T'avison. jitjc! the utter's wife were drowned when t iicir ikii'f capsized here a week ago. Shakespeare was 2S years old when !<? wrote "Romeo and Juliet." SAY GOOD-BYE TO YOOR OLO SKINNY SELF; SAY GOOD-BYE TO SCRAWNY, PEAKED LOOKS FOREVER In Twenty-four Days Pamgin Puts on at Least Five Pounds of Good, Honest Red Blooded Flesh and Changes Your Weak, Run down, Nervou6. Timid Body Into a Strong. Vigor ous Robust One or Not a Cent to Pay. Well it's discovered at last. Of course rn ??<! t men at* surprised ind many are still unbelievers, t?u? the fact Is evident, to utmost every up-to-date pharmacist that at last \ combination of wonderful chem ical agents has been perfected thnt will produce rtesh without violent methods, face creams, dally mas sage or beauty torture. Ill order to assimilate th?* unur l?lilnif food thin people dally lake !nto the body and turn it !nt'? healthy, red corpuscle#. t!i?? nerves that control the process of diKos flon and assimilation must first b* P'lt Iri first claim shape, and that- Is n:;? of several t >i i r?K that Pam Kin does. Partiiciii <'>rn?!f in ":na!l tablet form; a t welv?*-day.s' treatment In ?auh box. aii'J twenty-four days' treatment ' 'ino tablet with each m?*al) Is Kuaraiitewij to your weight at l?itst Ave pounds, and !t In almost certain in ten days to maku you ffl?l like a new IteinK, full of ambition. vlKor and a ilnsirt to accomplish tiiliiKS. ' ! F1 'Irlont ?1- ''o. it^l Market St., has agreed to PUM<ly ri-ad? r? of thin paper with Cant Kin and t<> Knar:int?*i? it to do just wlia' Is e!atin*?l l?r it. or mnti^y returned. J Manninjrlnn l.oil^e !: !' <_?. Iv. .\s* CS8. will hold ::s annual I'la,- I'ay ex ercises In tlieir lodge rooms mi Markej sireet on Thursday i-w, June mil. I'.'IT, at $ o'clock .all m> . jiin-rs will iw ex pected to b? present and pay Iioiiuiko to our t i lus . Funeral of Chas. E. Wella, The iunerai <?< the late Chas. K. Wells will be livlil from the residence at ijluvr 'lap. Saturday moriiiii? at li' o'clock. Iter. li. Sto, r. pastor ot tile first i'refby tunan church. l-.Vir ru ? > n t , will conduct I i .'-' i vice. '1 li'? body will be taken to l'-urmont and tTieii to the Hood c< - ii t < ry. near l;.i\ ter. to b-> Interred by the siue of his wll> Mr. Wells was a member i>l the Man hinKton ludne !?;' Klks arul of Manning - i ? ? i ? lodjfe No. 31, 'A. !?'. ami A. Masons, jiincii latter .order will attend the luner 11 1 in a body and conduct t : : ?! services } ut thu il rave. Liberty Bonds. | As Friday jinon. the < losum t"r I.iImt I ty bond pu rebuses approaches. Alan Lnlnfftoii subsenbtions ar? iwiumirtK up ! aim were well over the ilUU.U''0 mn:-!; this mornitiK. The throe local batiks report total subscriptions of SIih. Tilts largest Individual subscription was for $-5,000 and there were uim w r two tor ?10.t)t/0. Tiii; citizens of Manning:-!!, rue ?No d-Jlni; their bil by liberal :u- : i.staucu to the lied Cross and Army V. Al. i . V. Itioveinetils. Held PefftlvtU. Tim Red Cross chapter li> id a straw berry festival last evening oil the school l ouse lawn. The I'Jlks brind fur nished tru> sic arid the ti! fair v. as fended by all mo citizen.-; e! .Man:..i.^ ton. Manuiiigioa Briefs. Mrs 1. M. Jitipp and children aie here from Molllidsvllie where th<y w:ll m:ilv their homo. Mrs. K. ii Murray u :i< I Mrs. S. j(. 1 less are visitors in Wheeling today. Mrs. .Murray is MifferliiK from an i n - Jury to her ? caused l > a piece ,,f screen wire ? nterjim tin pupil uiii..,i !ius be-'ii eery painful also dam;' -runs to the slfrht. Latest word froin i that eye specialists think .??ho a ill m'-t lose Per k Ik lit. Chas. K. i'hiillps Mils week from i'hllmlclphia. Ml-. I'iiiili; an I son James remain- d for :i I' ni;-r i< Chfirleu Ktinst is at i- iiiiinj: . :he funeral < > f an uncle in itraiten u.iav. Mi. and Mrs. .1 ct. I.. ijK.-it are v Is ilor.s In I'ittsburtrh. Mr. arid Mrs K II. Clover am! .!a t?r lof for a vi;*i t With reJat iv at Knox. P&. Miss Krnina 1 ".n r 1 1. ? ' i-- vi it;i:< friends in Wheeling !h:i v.. . U. Mr. anil Mr.i S II At ha and Miss i\ fialv i.f i irbutdo. Via., are ie-:e fi r .i visit with the former's mother Mrs. Klixab^th Athri Th<- [iirty i ? . : . - 1 tl-i; t : ij. from Klorida by Mips Ulatic!.. Ad*iin ?? ii ?!' Marion. Ind., is litro to spend thu ? umm?r with h? r father. Mr. and Mrs, W. S Mitei rM an- vii ! 1 1 ri k reia'iv ? Ir. I' .rl?> !?l>uri; Miss Mamie ft; t .Iur;.: J is ti e uu( Hi re- i ! i ?. i < ! i ? ? i' ? .1. S J oh lis ton Muri'-tia. u j.i n visitor In I'-wrt th's tifinitr,' Mis Mar \\ . lli.ilil- iiti: ? ' '? h. ?? h e- - II. \|.. : tills \ lie . - ? ;? a \Mt-i Mi.: here. Cool, tempting-, de licious; you will find ;i dish of Kloss Ice Cream, just the thing you want on a hot day. Eat a dish every day. It's pure and health ful. Both Phones 1710 CHILDREN'S DAY SERVICE Tin* i "1 1 1 1? i !? n s'Tvloe will I"; Ik lil i mto v.- ' viMiiii*; fit tins Fourth-' SirV-.-i ,M. ? i .iiiM'ni-.'ii < liur?'li -J | \ ? y Jin.- i ivki.ii: will l?* rond'-Ttid by i 'i . S;.ii'i:i;. m-:io.?I. 'I'll.* )>r<>t;r;iiM fol : l"ws / ' I.'n-Ui !? . IlaMuiimsi j IT"' It; J . :i "Sniff I'raisr". . .. . ' I.owOcii i I: i i'.?i m rn:??'iii niul I'mycr l?y tl: l-f-t..: . nu I:. lis . f ? 'hi IflrtMi's I >a;. . Pri< ? 'I li'* Si'houl. ? Siiiiy- I :?- ! I s 'in; ' I liirrlnulun '!'h*- I'M.iuny ami I loKHiiicts' Ue-. (?artint-iits. )T;i?.I-ji:i "Th.> Natlvit . " ... .Mi-<s l.i I liuii Inirst -"jva'U Mm- ' m. \N ?n i .-I I Miss llp-rl-r Story ..j' Jij.. t,'iiililr? u's Pay.. . .. ? ? ? Sit-:* N'tli.' Vi>u 111; i .'In!' ?!! v I rrNtnrx ?i ! I '?> citiM- is I l:. M-.i.-n- I <1 1 ss ^ "Tl... \V>iri|s of , W isili.i:. ' i Til. Scjii.ii! ; Smiv '!? '.'iir !m Ik?ii| I' "ays". Harrington .luui'-r i ??- t-si I I in* lit !:? ;i.i?r- J -. ?: S.i!|'ti:r. C-ailinK. l?uh. 511-r.r . J u uii ir I '??pa rtmviit lit. "T o Mf-ssii (;?? of t lie Hells"... . i . . C!frn?jiit3 J Tho School. , Ai|i:i?>;<s ? "I'i' iil Matihi'i'il" ' !?"'?: 7T T. Johns : Sniii:K"Tli" \-. .Ti'l :- Ast'-r . I lurriliif tun Th-t Si-h. i'l I Ail'.Iriss -"I'nli'.'ikiiif: th- IVmr" .Mi** .ii-nnif* Hall i t.'u.-irt "ill* l-'i >?? wii ril i 'hristinn , Si'Mii r<" . . Sinurt I 'l'li._> School. I I '. !1?- 1 ! I j IV.-l i tt> !?- TW i? I' i- . aii! "ha: 'hi- T. r'.iii pnrplo of I flit may ii ive been a ?li:c-;i crimson. Informal Conference Last Evening lo Discuss- City Affairs and Talk Trip to Dayton. Tlu! ri!\ council la?! evening held an informal i-onferoiice with Oily Mana ger-elect <;. o. Naglo. jn i li . ? F;rs-t. branch council chamber. < " i i ? ? ? f" of I'o lici* J. t". Sills was also prca.-ui during a [>an of the session. At the conclusion of l Ik meeting it was sti.ted that noiliing iraor-pired oth er ilian an informal discussion of ihu work 10 !)?? taken up preparatory lo jiutiing the commission government into effect July .1. and lo talk over plans for the trip to 1'ayion, June 11, wheu the council will visii thai place 10 witness lite operation <i the com misslfni govt rnnieiit as the guesis of the Wheeling Commercial Association. SISTERSVILLE Mrs. ? lill'j.-i'ie and two ?laugh; era, ; N.fiin an. I iu.-ile r huso i ??'. ?? rn?'?l I rom a two m.-i-Jis' visit with relatives in West I uinn. I Miss \ irgiinu Tlost !?? lias Jtrrivod liornc I li'in I luliila > > luii's, u le.ri: slio has j !???? ii ali.nding school. Mrs. John K. Kinla.\ son of Tulsa, j . lias arrived bero to visit her par* ? ems. Mr. ami Mrs. <!. J?. Sb-maker. .Mrs. A. V. Iloi iup aii'l children of Wichita, Kan. ar>' visiting Mrs. lloonig's ]j>ar? n;s. Mr an<l .Mrs. X. I. Marsh. !* Italph I'evore has returned to ilulf } | ; ? ? t- 1 . Mis-., after j. visa here with his | j j a r.-u is. I'anl I'ollins ami Dewey I'elerson have' i I' ll for Youngsiown, where they will j j I'e employ* i| ? Miss Anna I'milkner. of Manning iF&. j is t lio -guest of Mrs. .J. .lon>-?. . j | .Mrs. T. J M. lo.? of Wuyii'Sburg. !'n_. ; is visit ing her sister, Mrs John Stath | Mrs. S W M-tals and two daughters.] ? Mar> H II- uiul Margaret, of Mounds- 1 I v tlli-, .'in: tii.- gnosis of Mrs. John Hunt ! lug. I \ < i on t ? ; ?? w.'lilitig oocured In Wheeling ''Tu?\. v.leti I'onald ?' <!ilson of this } i-i t \ -i in j M;ss Ntlli. Uapport. of X - w [ Mart insvili.- w ? i-?* tnarrieil. Kay S tiers ' <t ii it Miss .Vol !?: Luton of tins city, wcr<} jiiiso married. Uev. Allen of iho M. 1-J. j church ??:' Wheeling, official. .1 at potii [ nod. lines Mr. ijilson is a son of Mrs. j'- M <;ilson of Kenton street. nnd is i <ei i-nipif.;. .? of tin- I'arter I'll I'onipmiv. 'I'll.- bride is tint atlrnetlvo daughter or I Mr. and .Mrs. I'M. I.appert of New Mar J iln?vill>-. ? Mr. Stiors whoso home is in < 'oluuil.iis, ii. lias l>e--n employed by the Carter ''II ?"???mpiiiiy for some time and has m:e!.- his hrnno Willi his sister. Mrs William Heed. The bride Is n riiui gh t .-?? of Mr. and Mrs. Al. Kuton ot this city. 1 Liberty Hums, n well known resident j of Antii'.eli, i). died of neart trouble l Thursday morning, lie wns well known > in ? ii . ir.;l.-s h. re mid at rhxi lime of | Ins <!.--nt|| was foreman of the Tyler 'Ml ? ????njpan.* . al Antioeh. I Attorneys J (>. McCoy nnd A. O. j Swlg.-r w.-i-' attending lo husl iiftHs mat t. i s iii ! 'ii rk?rsliu rg. Friday. I 'I'h- I. i*n I I : . - ? I ?'ros? went in Mlddle : l.-"Uriic \ ? st .????In y, wh-ro n campaign wm I I'.-oi.v The i'"it \!brr I'hautnufjua open od its engagement there Friday find the management of tins attraction has ot i'eied ti? ryrii over the .signal gate re ceipis i>l' sh>* opening d:iv to the Jted '"t^ss alter i vpi-ii.-i's ill' ihe day were sifitli il. A half h<mr was also given to the lii-il Cross during Hi" program of the I lie st day for speeehi s. I?r. Ilershey of I Wheeling. made un address and R'-v. I'htrk nl' this city, explained the work! of' the local clurpter. Miss Mahi'l Klynn arrived homp yes- ' t<rday from Indiana, where she ?t I ended j St. Marys of the Woods. 'I'h- "Homer Sniith" will Kiv?- another ! i xciirsimi mii the Ohio ln-twe--n N'.-w : .Matamoras aiul N'cw .Martinsville, Mmi- | day evening. OaneiiiK will be enjoyed jnnd a large number from here will at I end. 7 Merrill Mitchell and .lake Peterson have hl't for Cleveland. (?,. where they will he -employ-id din-inn the summer. Mrs. A. lienier and daughter. Miss ' 'Ilea, w.-re visitors in Wheeling. Thurs day.' Mrs. A. M. Junes and daughter. Miss Helen .Tones left for Dberlin, O.. | where 1 In; v" will make their home until j .Miss Jones eiimr-leies her course in 1 iniisie at the < 'on.--TV.-?tory. Mr. Jones I I has jjone I ii Bartlesville. Okl.i., and will j In- joined later by his family. He has 1 had ejiarpe of the Sistersville Electric I i.iuh: and Power company for several , jeiirs. ' Mrs. 1-1 R Claw. son. Mrs. Ernest Me- j I Elhn.<s<? and Fnn, Jack, have left for Springfield, O.. where they will Watt relat ivos f<?r two weeks. Hhnn Alexander left Thursday for Cl'-veland. O., whore he has accepted a position. TVan L. Kick'-tls. advance man for J:<'<!pateh Chautauqua. which will bo Iuti- July 11 to 17. we?i Ticre this u. elv disiributltijf advertisements In and near the city. Souvenir programs hav? lifi ri jriven out and promises to be the lust i ver presented on the circuit. .Mrs. \\*. II. Hums of Tulsa. Okla., baa arrived hrfiv to be the truest of her daughter, Mrs. IT. W. McCoy. Greenbrier County Man ? Is Farm Bank Appraiser Slfi'iaJ t/? iiio Intelllccacer. WASHINGTON, D. C., .lune 15.? L., C. McClung of Lewisbtirpr today was appointed by tbe national farm loan.; board as one of two appraisers of tlio. board for West Virginia. The salary! is 52,400 and expenses. McClung is a! Democrat. The other appraiser Is aj Republican. The law makes It neces-j sary to divide appointees between tbei two political parties. Education is the foundation on which one's life work depends. Build for success. Equip youijself for worthy, practical service. A thorough course where actual practice is made to empha* size and enforce the theories taught is given at the Pennsylvania State Normal School of Indiana, Pa. Thousands of successful graduates demonstrate the value of Indiana training A Faculty of Fifty-five Members. Healthful location, 2,U00feetabovesealevel. Modern Buildings. Splendid equipment. Development of character and of physical health considered important factors in school life. $225 covers all expenses ? excepting books ? for one school year, for one preparing to teach. The Indiana School of Business and the Indiana Conservatory of Music are connected with the Normal School. Write for ihc ln4!ani Cxuiof ? one of ite most infr^tinf books about scbouij ? irec. Adtlrris :b e Principal. J. A. H. KEITH INDIANA. PA.