Newspaper Page Text
BODY WAS HAlN^llNVj r nvi?i /-* TREE WHEN DISCOVERED 3Y BOY. Was In Advanced State of Decomposi tion and Interment Was Mace In County Cemetery. ?Th? lifeless body of Albino Fon-j priest, an Austrian i-o:.! ni'i:> - of ! ?:? n- ? nock, 0.. who hnd been sine. June o. was found hanging '"i a tree1 near that piao- y.-steniaj afternoon, by Joint Karkula. au^-d Th" body "was in a bad state of decomposition and Coroner .t. R. Wvatr of Rellaire ordered it interred at once, Ctulerra ker Johnston of Sr ? 'lairs- ville buried it yesterday afternoon in the county infirmary cemetery. Fongriest had recently been 'akinc orders for clothing for a Wheeling concern. He had been "i i'l health ttjoi past se\eral months. Il? wa1- years' of age and unmarried. It was 'famed i last nicht that he bad nut relatives in; this country. j MOTORCYCLE HITS i MOUNDSViLLE AUTO; Gtenn Boyd Receives Broken Ankle in ' Accident Near St. Clairsville * Yesterday. ?Glenn Royd of St. Clairsville. hoist ! ing engineer at the Provident coal: mine near (ha:. place, is in the Oiiioj Valley General hospital suffering with | a compound fracture above the right; ankle as the result of a collision of a motorcycle in which In* and his wife were riding and an automobile driven; by Frank Williams of Mmaulsvilh* at | 2* o'clock yesterday afternoon. The accident occurred at the top of j the hill at blast Richmond. near St.; Clairsville. as both machines werej traveling west, on tln> National pike.; N caring r top of the hill. Williams started to branch off on another road i to the left, and as Boyd was speeding, cios?> behind him the lauer was un-j able to his machine in time to. avoid* n collision. it Is said. In the uux-i up Royd sustained a brokeu leg and his wife was bruised about the body.' 11 vr condition is not serious, however. ! Both the auto and motorcycle were ' damage.!. Williams escaped without J injury. FORD TOUBiNG GAR . I GOES OVER BANK1 W-hen the Driver, Frank Schreive of UniontOAH. 0.. Lcs<o Control of Machine. Having i>ur -.>.i a i"?wd tour-' i n ii c;r r. ??. tr !?;? Frank Sciir?-ivo i>f ' l":uonto?> p. O.. ?i ? f-i ? ? ? tl ii-'Ttions! r;i ; ? it wi'hoir n!> h' !j> > >?? -rday. whteu rcsiiit'-ii i!i<a.?; :v: -iy to- rho l-'ord. Vt>t?Tda\ ?> as iii's attempt to ririv" a ciisi K\ ?*ryt hi a.u ri-ii: \\f?il i.'r.'M ho ?:r.ri?al to it tiio. "jUM '-' it ? sir?>.cii i>ir f lit? ? National ;'.k -. Hi- siidd'-niy lost ruft. [ : ml ? ?r ! u:.?ohi!J>- and boforp S.-liT'-iv ?? kfi'^w v. fur ??,!< Ford h::'i !< :i : tui-r :? :i ?:i.-ii"-f'oot ? -?it bankntpn'. S?-:?r?-iv?- \va> unsrratch?-i! ; .:un r hi- car w ;? ?- Juitlh dama-'d. HOOF GLAZE ? 4 South Side T h-?men Hare Sharp Pijlit ? With names .it Kidn:g-Ut. Daiaaje is Small. <. . ? > : I . ' H ??? ? ,..f t >f - n t-sakitii: tto- vv?-siii:k a I?tft Saturday. TIf -h -iv- fi.iirrollfi! M ' ? r /!::>. ?mmi< \ .i ? 'o:iii>.i ay. wh.vii ?'???? b?-?-n ? Irawiiii: '? ? ? ? la: -C ??r-c.vus th* - 'last u ? ? :? t l-V?rty-s?i-oii?l ii - if! !??:": !:???? S;i tiir ria;." Oi'itii: Antsi'-rdatti. ? "iiio. wivt? I. *.?:!? ivtiiai'i th"s -.v'tk. South. Side Briefs. M:ss 1 :ar;--a Benson. of St.. is ill Miss Sarah JatnPs. Toledo. ' is tiff nt in-" <is;. Mis. \V. i;->s<o-. of .M-r-i't sir. -t. Spea'Iiu-i .? '? v. ;i ? IV. i : ? i 'iiio. Miss Sarah Flidn* -'a -/c> sirwt, ? is 'if g!i> ? ' M : s. K. L. Morris, of ? \ i. ?? - Miss Mary Ala-- Ma art. ?< Kl'tshing. j r>iu-?. yr->*rri!;,y fttends in tiii> si- ' i?t' th- ??;' r Miss Jaa- i iiii.Ii - i-s, of Ja-oi> street, is a I'liu-iiinat; \ is:tor tiits Masfor .1 ata?.-s M- < ube. >j( Water is Miss . .* ; \V:?yn?. It.d.. ;irr;vo<-| :i this . ry ?-. -nuiit. to > p?-M: a ;'???. K ??<?'<> \v.;ii M::,. ijus Harris, of S?ja;ii toff stre>*f. - ELM GROVE CHURCH IS FOR FOOD CONTROL BILL Cliristirui Ciiurch Sends Telegram to tlxe Pi-esirieut, S<^ca.'.or Coajrrens- ! rnaa Urging- Ita Prvssag-e. in th^ > iar: chtsrch ar I'lm 'jro-a ;j>^t HiRi.f. tf.u Am^rj.-nti v-l; !:?;? i.s hi- i rtntl a ri;sol-.; nr.;i:ijs ta? pussac*. of !h?- rur.-rol v.!.. !.' JK'SS >i tiy i-uiisr-'SS, \V 1 : ! )>:. ?. ? !H . :i i-:f<vt ???? i- 'i i' ? ; : t k !h? hisii i "si a:i?i ;v ;U ab<':. isii s; e.- j. i'...-a ia sitifTs. The r?*srttutio? >rn* '>> Prrsi'i- lit S-iiat-c- S,:' li? rlaiuj and Consressnjan N' t ly. ir foliv.u-: "W.- '..">??? AiifraTin .-it h>?i iti !( ?- '."hnstUiti -. ilirn < ;r??v??. Sunday nitrhf. r'-'ri^s- that ? ?"! 5ttf'p??rt '!:<? passajt* ?'f -1 hill t<? ?r>ak^ '!!??;:.>! ,?):? -;i?>-ujat!'.n iF-.j>:ii<- n- f?-ssiti-? ? r I lf?-. and (a ot<?cs. -Ji* Ani'-r'can ?? froin rh" Ii. :ivv l*ur?1?n which th~ 'inn' ot^'i V<>ch r>r' livii.a lare* !v duv to tins ? '-1 . i;n[ioS?-S upon thftKi.'' d. ha *:rt y r:r> mk':ts"n M:iu~-.r ESTHER" FELL OB % JUMPED IN RIVER Fa' roi ma.Ti K?i .Mct'latciipy ia~:- right aniwrfrt a hurry rail io : t!?- wharf. whT'1 it Wit8 repyrt^il a Mian hail attempted to r>nd his fit> oy loaping into thf rlvnr. Rfarhirr: i Ii? - whari" ' found that John <*a;?y. a J'itts burgh man,' had ?ak-n a plun^o in!" i -tJbP rivpr. Carpy ir.sistf'd ihar i.> was ]v rational atul had ' ?ri ! v r'aUt-n ir.'n the river by an ov -. i^h' wii-n !>?? failed to no"tir? tiutt a ^an^ plunk w;< not in placo and said thai he was rot' drlnklnt. Hp w:ls iak?-n ?o poli? p s'a tion and piac^d in a <-?-ll. bits . likolv ?w1!l b? r-pbasfd this njorntn.;. Car?'v had bppn rmployod on r ji v* boa' Milton and ?as to |pav?** ii ivh^ti t>? boat landed hero last evening. GEORGE W. S1BSGN, OF ISLAND, DEAD; WAS SENIOR -MEMBER OF PRICE! <5. GIBSON, PRODUCE FIRM, j OF BELLAIRE. Succumbs to Peritonitis Following an Operation for Appendicitis ? Funeral Tuesday. lieorse Washington Cibson, aged fil yea rs. senior member oi the Arm of' ilibjtm. A- I 'rice. wholesale produce dealers of [lotlairo. (>.. and a resident j t?t" 13s Zane street. U'heelinc Island, died y?-st?Tda\ inorninir at 12:55 o'clock in i h>- t>hio Valley (ieneral hos pital. toiiowinu an operation per formed for appendicitis mi June 9,; which developed into peritonitis. ,Mr. Gibson was one <jt thf> most j widely known and hishly estoeuied Christian residents of this city, lie was for many years a well known farmer and, general contractor in barnosville, ().. where he spent all his; life until about eleven years ago whey j tie removed to this city . .Mr. Gibson was the son of. the latei John and Susannah Hib-on and wa?' born in llarnesville. March -1. 1S56. He married l-Imtua Kennon in that town in Jv\|. She passed awa> in this ci* > about seveu years a.KO. Mr. (Jib soil was twice married, his second wife beinc Catherine Mcf'affery, of the Wheel ins district, whom he mar ried about three years i^uo. She stir- ' viv^s. Mr. ?!ibson was a member of tho for a irreat many y?ars and upon his Barrtf ,-ville Methodist K pi.- copal church for a ureal many years and upon his removal r.o 'hi- city lie transferred his membership lo Thomson chinch. lie had be- n associated with Mr. Price ;r; the wholesale produce business i n iu-Iituiv tor the past -even years. - Resides 1*1 i > wij.? Mi. ilibsoti leaves only one -aiti. Ha.rry K. flib-on. a well known traveling salesman out or' this city. lie also U'a?es six brothers, narti-dv. William, Charles 1.. Hoover. Win field S.. and laiwanl tiibson. all of Darties*. i!J'\ anil I'rank Cibson. of San Francisco. i al. ' Itrief funeral services will be held j n :h> family home -tomorrow mornine ; at I1"' o'clock. with i 'h e Rev. |?r. J. l\. Mini, of Thnmsonr churcii. "(Hciarinc. The body will be taken to I>arnesville l a: noon wifre additional services will . be held early Tuesday afternoon in ?he narnesville Methodist Kp is copal ehurch. w ith interment in Greenmount , cemetery of that town. reatli of Xoljinette Child. nin. -fear-, id daush*er n' !?'? til; arid .\etli" i I'.r.'wr; ? iwhin'tt*. ! ? rne tlv of < 'amb.-rinmi. Md., died In j '?.t family home. I T j AYt<od? stre?-i, r*!*tTihiy ?n fit I ?''lw!c. Brief! s.-i \ ie?*s will l'f held in th" ' li. tr... ;h:s. : ri ir .*? u ? ! fV- h->dy will.b?j tak- n to ' limb. -rlnnd for tytrial. The laiher ft' 1 1:*- >;i rl w.->rk* m the local L.altimor.. ai.d < ihio ynrds. Funeral for Mrs. Tippe Today. Tris at t?-rn<toti at U o'clock l'un?ral ?.-rv tor "Airs ? '.arles Tappe. ac^d ? who died Krid.'ty nitfht. will bf huM in :! ?? family h< m.-, :t*-to Woods street. Th* U.-v. An/.ust 1 liasi'he u f St. 1'aul'fl j K\ mp i:i rluireli. will o! ficiilt'*, and! btir-ia! will l)e :n Alt. Zl>".n, .Mrs. Tappe was I?i.?r n iti this city wli^i si r- spent her' <-!Uir?. tii>. Her ruaiilen name was KVuherniund. Sh's l'-aves her husband and "r.e daughter. Miss H?-!?n Tapjic. als<> t'nr.-?> sons: Kd \*ai.|, ' I., ami l^awn-nce Tnppe, ????! ;hr-e l/.-'ith-'-rs: William. John and i 'enry Ri-.thermiind.' Alabama Mail Diea Swddeuly. rhenias l-'raneis ?i voC> MeCollech hire. i. was iit tu'd Saturday j nu rriiiis:. It.- iiati h.-ert ??tuplov .-d recently .1 th" Wheelias Mold and ''eiindry | i'ian'. Hts {joiiio was in Alabama. Lit- ' ?!?? is Itniivvn ,ib..ii! him fi?- re. Me tins j !t.> t-lHUvea in this cottinuinlty. Ftiaeral for Mr. Yaha Today. >*toi<-rai services for M^jtif-se Vahn. ;..-d '> I. widely ivi'.own risident #? f iln.t I ? th?- r. ik.'; s-etion. v.lio died i-YUiay ni^ht. will be held in th?- family home. ? I :* 7 South I'wrk avenue, l-a,!KW00d. this1 nn-rniiiK :<? o'elocU. followed with, refito-m- hii;li- mas* in St. Mlchacd'a 1 t Curia I wil! bo :n Mi. Calvary, j It- ; - ir-. by dausrhtors. M ri. ! W l*:.-har is Mr?. James Caehnian. i M:->. I inward C'.wmnn, Mr?. K'atherinu j r'.rist. Mrs .tame* Vail, itnd one pon, ilctyy Vaint. Ot l^llalre. S .*? 'i ! ;>>. t.. che lr!?tl!g?nf?r. CI..MtKSi:t K< I. W. \a.. Juno 17. ? \: I inuerinc in m critical condition I v v rai days. I.'avid Cassell Cart>pr. I toit.iti- iit yt'Ut'z barker aral society ' ma ik u.^>! litis a : t.-rnoo:! at. his home on S"Uth Sixth s'r-et. ilricht'.^ diseaso b': ttik- t lie i-atne H.: was t.-li'-r of the M.-rel.nn**' Xational b:i n U . He if stir l ive.j b> a v. if.-, ?orm-rly Mlvs (?rRon : !.??.> liuriean. a t>romin.iiit society *1rl of hobo urn mm LETTER TO MOTHER Tirst He has Seat tn Year ? 'Wiil Sp?ak Today at Kartius Teri-y Playg-rottuds. ?i'-f!" t'5>\ .s. kinir of holioes. who luus , ii.-vn rl:-. h. arths <>:' liundr-nis ? ir: Tins- city i>y lis talks vii "Alvtli*: r. wa ,'it" ; h-d yest.Ttlay smd i- ov.'mI to win- t" iiis motlier for th<: MM lim*. in a ; .*n. The .?.?tii!K? of it all | was si^tt ,i. ! i niojt t :..s|te| A! is.siuii . ?.si',' re l .v. i- spoke. "lltiv? You. Written] > M-.:!. r'"' 'lie ii"!.'' I.illfi re:id I! and!:al<..> s. .;t :t i< :t>-r to mother, who has 4 ; ? ? * !-.,it.| ;'i<. m htm for a yar. it- ? \piastied 1 1 . i .radoxi.-al mann'r of m v I tic i : if :t^ wrote houi" his imiviils !?l ' ry t>> persuade him t.. r-iur?.. ????: it* ?t : . i in .* ivish to give ? :> tit*, v.. i doinsr. l"ol!.e.\ ::.ldrrss, Htl?'.til?-r by Su ; ? r ? . jh- mission on "Th" ?T... J ? ?: .t.l a s,.lr. !.y Htnry Tl-ll. v .. t.-|io|..|..| to the call :'<>r . ? ? ? i \ - ? - i i n.akes a "otal of -<2 ? : ? ?!?? . v?. A.'Cf.rdintf to Sap. I '.'iT' :t.!?*t:! > tn ni?*n are brlmr i; i io.lKinc ;tri.l TV. in";t's are I.cIiik i .lii1;. Al..r.? ihan lift v? h.-eti ?ive*: tvnrk 'n the past three rn? ntt.s \ -xt >t:it'ia\ lh* s :r>? rint- rd ? ' : -.ii^ ??? ol !:i.'i an r :',i< irtiek- ami i ' .;?? >?* li' inev where there are h.. a ?? : a at?. ndinu Simdj.y s. i. ?' 'I'm- Iji.i.. k'.ux will speak at the . A it'.ir: {.I".vi:i--..! ???ilny. ITALIANS IN THE PALESTINE CAMPAIGN \.<MTM;T?)N, Jure 1 7 -OITiein) dispa;ch?-s r? e< i> . t! t;. :.. -.n.i;?\ irnni Rome atitio'iii' i .1 the Jamitn" of tip |>aliati . opi in.u- :i; . ousisi itii' t-i ear l)?rsa?lie?i at I *? >? Said in assist :!;?? alli. tl, . r n: . ? - ,i- l'al? -- title "|":Ve (tinniiteio i- in.. Urst tu by Italy into the Holy Land i fr i ANNOUNCEMENT j The accompanying ADVERTISEMENT and FLAN for the sale of the stock described was prepared prior to the announcement of the j LIBERTY BOND LOAN 1 1 ana it# PUBLICATION, as well as the MAILING of the PROSPECTUSES, has been WITHHELD pending the luccesa of ?aid LIBERTY LOAN Now thtit the GOVERNMENT'S r'LANS are assured we believe the WELFARE of the COUNTRY can best be conserved by fulfilling the slogan "BUSINESS AS USUAL" v..v. for Sale, and RECO 'PROFITABLE INVESTMENT $ i ,000,000.00 THEREFORE- We Offer for Sale, and RECOMMEND as a SAFE, SEASONED, CONSERVATIVE and UNUSUALLY r SEVEN (7) PER CENT., CUMULATIVE, PARTICIPATING, PREFERRED STOCK (Full Paid and Non-As*es*abIe) ?OF? FREDERICK INVESTMENT COMPANY (W. F. FRKDFKIC'K. PKKSIOKNT) COLUMBIA BANK BUILDING, FOURTH AVENUE AND WOOD STREET, PITTSBURGH, PENNSYLVANIA The Preferred Stock (PAR VALUE $100 PER SHARE) is CUM'Cf.ATfYE and ic Preferred both as to ASSETS and DIVIDENDS. It is re deemable at the option of the Company, after January 3, 1922, at $110 and accrued dividends. ' ? THE PREFERRED STOCK ALSO IS ENTITLED TO PARTICIPATE WITH THE COMMON ' STOCK IN EXTRA DIVIDENDS. All certificates are countersigned and registered by the.- Fidel:! v Title & .Tru?t Co.. Pittsburgh. Pa. WE RECOMMEND this <tock a?= a SAFE a^d SEASON ED 1 NYHS I'M F. NT. bcr?u?e the major part of the business from which its income is de rived has been in successful and continuous operation for more than nilRfY-SIX YEARS. . ' . i FROPE RTIE8 ACQUIRED The COMTANT h?i ao^nlred and hold." In its Tre?nury. !he cert Ifiraies therefor heir* registered In lie nam# by the Fidelity Till* A Trust Co.. of Pittsburgh, Pa.. r h e> KNT1 R E authorised capital utocke. Iir|!i pre iWred nnd C"ai mon. aggrrecHr'.Pi: Sl.l'S.lW par value, o f the following oorpcrnr^oji.v : vc. K. KUICDERICK PIANO COMPANY. Pittsburgh, Pa ' DAVIS. BfRKHAM ft TYLER COMPANY, VCheeltnw, W. Va B" F' re d e r I President ? MANAGEMENT AND HA. SIS OF PURCHASE Tfce management of thai* companies will continue a.s heretofore. their stnokhnM'r!' .having exc/inn* ed ihedr Steele at Its ACTt'AI. NET WORTH for the $1.000. "01 pur 1*-?' .COMMON' cock of the Frederick investment ('omphnv at It* ACTCAL hook value of approximately fl.OvO.OOO. GEXETtAL OF FICES AND KQCIPMENT T"h ? seneroJ afttces of these com paule* art til the National Bark building, I'nlo'n town. Pa. The Davis, Burkham A Tyler I'ompiinv o* ns a hnndroma live story brlc* structure at 14.10-1418 Market etreet, Wheeling. W. Va., the market vuJhb of vrhlch Is !r. exccss of ibO.OO*' 00. The value of furniture. ftiurM, trucks. !? placed at J66.P79 K2 for 'he cot bin*"! properties. Th? gereru! ?quliimml of h->ih l? ilrst-class in every respect asv.l afford? the tuout efTUtierU operation. Rental leius.js of ail ntoree are for satisfactory periods and on vary a dra n ta g eou? termji. Adequate ir.emratice la carried on al! property, equipment and merchandise r CAPITALIZATION OF FRJ3DER5CK INVESTMENT COMPANY Imv*4 |l.?on,i>00 In Ttr*"?r? $ j'f.OO'.t A utkorlaoil For Sale Preferred Stook, CumulatW*. i ] ..lull.*""' J l,r.Oii,ftO>1 roinmon Stock 1 .?hjv.Ouu UUNt'S, NOTES. MORTGAGES NwNE EARNINGS A ?tat*ro?nt taken from the hokt and ?innuiai,ia',d. '"?hieh ilio'Ti 'ha combined K.^iee. depr-soietloa. r o*t of merchandise ai.d ?v.">en^e, ?i.<3 ?v>t earnlnc*. of :ho subsidiary .;om ,vaa'.en for tbe fiscal ?**r erdihg March SI. 1917, and for eight years from April 1. l'..0;?. to April 1. 1917, with yearly average*. foil own. ? S*lea L?.ss Dejwewilatlon Oo?t *1 MerchanAJ** A Exjeetvae \et Earning* DEDiJCT 7 ?? THIS I68TK PRC KK R P. KT> Snrplsi or Set Profli* F1?ml Y eair t 2,048,J>3.10 $ l,fK0.37S.til 9 1H3,1H0.2^ TlllMiO.IMt F*.i(cht l>?r? Vrarl; Itrrnit n4.7sa.ft&o.?-4 i.5n1.'}23.0S J IS.'-'Ol.i'GT.SiJ 1'.' 0?0. 374 r.' ? l.J.T6,.'.t)3.7-t ;"'i 00 11S, ISO. 2# J l,H47.S6i :r |!*7.702 ?>> I ! ?no.lflf!.47 l.fH'.s.Jytl 7 7 70 .11... .?.! ri. ferre*. These flpurea ehow thi NET EaRNIN.'?;.S arallcuble to dividend* on :he pr now *fr?r?il for sale to be more than TAVICK the amount require.?. ; INDIVIDUAL OPERATIONS OF THE SUBSIDIARY <T).MPAVIKS 7^1 e IndSvlduei operations of the SubmdJary CoTt>par.l?< are ?hown. ae foilon-s >':.>?? ment of W. F. Frederick Piano Company nine* th? openlnj; of t!io , .n rit tel.urch. !'\i In IftOl. t perlvd of SIXTEEN VICA.R3 AND THREE M0.VT11.S, and Ktirterjie, t <> ( t BurXham Jt Trltr Company ."luce l! bes?.n buelnetw September 1, ivon, to April 1 I9i; a period of -VINE years AND SEVEN MONTHS. period W. F. FREDERICK IMA ."CO COMPANY dlxtrpn Yearn, Tin? Month*. Sales I17.3MS.302 22 Um Depreciation 3,&.r.y..'ir)S VC J16.72a.H43.Ka Co?t of Sf erohandlae i TCxpenne 1 4, 364. .14'.'. 49 r>Avr*. nrnKBASi * tyi.f.r rnjiiMVT M?f Vrurt, Seven ilonlka Sales ! . . . .)2.i4n.i;<:f sft Lesa Depreciat n?n 27.1. 4 ft n.Pfii.Ul.Ml Cost of ^fer(?handl.,'e A Expense 1..124.94 7.A1 ? 1.3ltl.4<rt.4T fl02.<0*4 71 tn fCamt?Bn lnterari; Paid .... Intereat Paid fhirphu ?? Krt Profit* OOMlilVEH KIN A N CI A! . STATEMENT A financial statement >>f the coiohined companies made front InTentorv fn- th endlnir March 31. 1917, U ta follows ASSKTK Cash on h&od at\d In bank Bill* Recel-rable. ^scored by lien op Merchandlao I l,4tf. 7P9."<< Bills ReoeHvable. sold. 2t>N.:if>l !>P 1 1 ll.'.fl'J is ' KiirpHp? or Xft Proftfi .1- 173. n*!? ? 220,-401.10 AoccMmts RerelvabU MerohandM* (factory ooet A freight). Interest and Intturarire 'Accrued Prepaid), Tr^aeury Stock E'urnlttire. Fixtures. Delivery Equipment Equity in Real Estate Expense Credits I... 1 ,22'\ ?.!*7..*)P I'M 1^> ??> 4'.K.?tS4 <14 m.7a?>. iii iir..'t7'i ?2 m r. vt on ^ 4 ? ? 1!> . MABaiTIES Accounto Payable toorrentl J 14.".2?5R* Notes Payable l.f,2..,,2'AiMi PRKHEJfT XKT AVORTB CAPtTAI. UTOfK VV. F. Krederiok Piano Co. preferred ... ? W. F. Frederick Piano ^.'o., ccmrnort .... Davla, Burkham ft Tyler Co., common $1.?97.''6(?.22 Ifrt.S 79 . J2.1.M 620.72 1. 1 70,31 X ill 5 ns i. .ii i.ii TOTAL F. Frederick Plan" < common U*v4tTld?d proats J fi7n.oitfi in 4;.fi,(ii*c, no *,|. Mllli .111 J 1,1 7f?.0,).i.i'"> 47.0. )*?*i. Inl J 7V.V'?lo on j i n origin or nrsiNKss In ta?l. Mr IV. y. Frederick. bus1n?s? a? ti dealor in '"?r(rM.ns nr.ii ! opened a muoic storj li 1'nicr: >>?* > . buslneau ia PlltsourBh, Pa. .Mnrch ."I v, .' ? ?.>.i 'A n '? * h e r r #? "'".i. r.o n'n a. id . n :ri o r. e \ . hep j ?it"!". : n IS'.' I. (>? li r,t?l he he;. ;?? r:iiarters. S.'; fli-M ?>M'e.<* .D'S LAP.' . ?" I he K t ? >? TT h . Pa , riOl MAN. T i-? 1 1 ! ? . s a i; i a n o p . n ? ? I r.-nv-itJi C ; f>ri;i ; -nuv; meniha ild'.jfn. a nir.f-story butld'nir. nationally kwwn as THE E. ? 'd holding: agencies for such * drld-rcno wned CSTffY atel F?>5TKR. h'1'! also .Automatic iinrt Repro -x.-.PI' ?? ?. WCEI.US. A I "TOTON K and VICTROLA. T> It ? '<>nij?i?nv beRatr I'li'dtefs September L lwOS, in Whetllnc, SVEINW-W. k \ A ? K. KHAKAri'^. HA Rnl'AN, MILTON' and :i k .iisitrumejitj..' nosh *.?? t h ?? 'AM PICO, ANG>1?LUS and AUTO H'fl.A franchise. e.e i. Mr, Frederick opened store* and esra blKned agencies ?vH;t>m? ft id en'Ripirsr his organisation until hs ?rni Mie Or?'Ht I Je k l<? t iw ' A I. antic Seaboard. Spending- thou r. ii.l- ; I s i , h:s coin pany's nutn* and extxaornlnarT eerv loe s ; I: ? highest standard of excellence In averythlng pertaining f.']l(lWTH: $1.000' TO 81,000,000 F- star?.'.1, ?v( - h j.-ss llinti i it.* ~"n<>w.- u nd Dollars. At the close of buslnee* ?'I 10*7, his 'iln.Hiti'in i f a lament nIihu'h A.viiih ?>f over $2,151,000 and an actual "I'.Til < > I-* ii. mis VKT V/mRTJI b.?it'K the actual vaiu?- of his companies ? iuctlnir all hd blli: les k:m: depre I a ! ioi.h, ar.d aft*r having ua'.d hundreds of rhou ' do! la ?:* :: !Tfr?J! av.d rt:v!(lrrfl", and many hundreds or thoueanos in aalarlas vhui:! i T>>! >'oiii|>any failing with a very small capital (appr?xlmat?Iy or f T .-.??>.>? , -:d OoMisry t. I tiie y?ar ending March 81. 1017( with in M1TTI "f ?V rtr. :-c This j, belujc th<* wfr and above a.l llablll S;cu**:iii< ?!! ??\peu:ici<. salaries, depreciations; dividends, etc. , Uurl ts.UVl XV 1 1 ? A l.? ? AGENCIES AND FRANCHISES WORTH $100,000 A YEAR ? r csHT.j'f of the value of the A k epries and Franchises held hv the SUBSIDIARY A N i ICS. w? t|UQie Mr. W . F. FreJan.U. s follow*. "Any music dealer will appreciate or* i i >>' iiuenct-H n? ar, a?s<-t of almr-st INCALCULABLE V'-VLUE, as tney are ally known snd adv??rM"ed." '? ?* till, !o . your nitention to an ASSET OF '"J/tT^AT V'AI.tTE. I ref?r to e?r .KJ-At i .???.<! m me t w?!v? or :i, ??:.?? RpTAll. VTCTROUA 'f ra;.;eh'.(?nM. Thefe franchisee. >.i m y >vi.r>l'ori. AiJK U'uRTH f It'C'.OrtO A VKAK I'ROKfT to your compamei." . o. :ii* :??.-tors-" (rcf^rrliig to. ARcnciea and /''ranchiso*} "however, ESSENTIAL to s. a:in x.-c AN.N't'ALLV WuilTil dllEAT }jl"MK to tbe comjianies you coivtral." noon will xot capitalized af<1'iir'?is ? h " -r V<?" \ Al.I'E whatever wan pieced upon tho grood will, ?:f ??i!-. t \ ; v an- -6 i:ud<- for tho Airern-ies for Flnnos-and Automatic and Renroducln/r vents t\-r t i.- \\ ? U.?LEafAl.EK K A N 1 ? RETAILER S FRAN.CIIISE8 for Vlctrolas. ITTUKF PROSPECTS Fl RTriE5*. M'-'P.K ! AM i'EK'.fl'S i "UN I ? I.'. 1<.?.N T H A TWKNTY-KIVE KARn.. ..F TIIK iMMNfON THE INDUSTRY IS IN A MORE PROS- ? MAS EXISTED AT ANY TIME DURING THE X^A.ST M ',1? xr rr^L NATl'RK A\H SAFETY OF THE BUSI.YESfl ? !?; a NJ"'1'E?8IT\ the over. History proves It HAS been anif' alw?ya Mankind CKA VlvS sr. Itiv'h and poor WANT !t." ?tfor: : ? "iippl;. ail 'i !a>>r.s im "INSTALMENT PT.AV" w?? adopted. The bual ?" ;?o?!d ii? iarye'y run ^n t!i? In^tHlrrient Plan, tloverninents, MtinlclpaJltieB, Oorpora fi-.F, U-> iir .iid?. I i.'junt ri'-m. lame ii. bonds nnd mortgage* to .be retired In partial pay ??..ts. Urv:\? utloiiM with accumulations ot hundred* of mlilionn of dollars have been i; 1 1 '.in and 'nut pilii-eni stiuoiureM orr..-tfi! on verv .small weekly paymeTUK. The Inntalment isiin'HH, -"iir"i>erly rondnct'jd.. i.s SAKE. SOI'ND arid SUOCBSSt UjL. The monetary loae ider i ins m?-thi>d of selllne is Hlinost loo small to reckon with." ENORMOUS I.Vnt'STHY ? OVER $100,000,000 ANNUALLY r> is KNiilOlul'S. It is ^a fe to say ther?-l? produced EACH TBAR -?r $ l','nj,0(?i>.iiti0 of securied liens, tiiortjages and confracte taken on - l.ti Q Kiirv; Thiir Tli" niUnica I indu> In :he I nili-d .^tale:" over * i oo, <hh\ in-, an jllcu . , , ? . v 0 ? :v.i Yi. ".tolas and ? . i n <? r niiiM.rfi i:ist nuuents. Thfs? oblijfatlona are SAFE, Thar 3: ? 1 . !?:?'.? A L MENS. Tli'*: lire NE'tOTIABLK. They are BINDING. They con be fc.N K->R<;KI.i They arc CIIATTEI. ' MORTOAiJES on property. Thev are SECURED NOTES Th'j a;> I.E'JAL EVI1.?EN?'KS m tlt|.v They ,mo GRADUALLY MATURING (liquid) i >111,1'.; ATI1 'NS, THE SE'-i itiTY Y.M.I K rif WHiCM INCREASES TO MATURITY AND TITLE 1">KS S"': rASS UNTIL THKV ARE PAID IN Kl'LL? WOTH PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST THEY HAVE BEHIND Tit KM. NOT ONLY THE PROPERTY ITSELF AND 1H r. I NIT i AL AND P.SEy 1 . ENT PAVMENTS THEREON. BI'T ALSO THB PERSONAL PRiDE:, < !; EUiT, REHOL-KC12S, REl'LTA V-ION AND STANDING OF THE PURCHASER.1' WORKING CAPITAL REQUIRKiLE.NTS In r>r*T rn oondurt an Inntalment business, amounting to more than JIOOJXW.OOO a :4 ureaf oeal of workm* capital is rui|uircd iiomiitir the avallal'iltty of the total funds :e;>rci:-.ite>J by the customers' oblipat'.or.H. Tl'.o merchant, therefore, raiut provide tii? di(Tor?nce io 'H^h bfrwe-rti th>? a:>ioun' paid down on the** obligations and t.he re mjti nd" ; ioli s paid Ister That sucit ,'idiiilionai i;n?h h?K heretofore been provided to dei. r-e attalne'l. is died au "convtncjns: evulenco of the SOUNDNESS. STABILITY nn'i J'R' 'FITA RI.ENESS of the buMi.r " O KG A N I Z ATIO X AM) .MANAGEMENT The laws of Mr p-oven 'i i.e d j ,?:i ; t n -.1 lti> pi"' a ? ,^>r ^ s Mie an ? ?.% a : f *n d F. Fi ede ?;meu: I'oiiijiain was inrorpo: a ted February 22, 191.7, under t}?e rt'Kl-t'-rod i * i acccila t:ce with the lew of Pennsylvania. ~ a t s etude ti I. ai.'l the heao.s of a. I dejiarttnenta expert* ot I '(?! at: ? iti.in3i?er !? Mr eitl of t>e >.'^i?n. iimn en t tlna.iolal Alexan der i' Tfui?t.'"o Interests. . Thompson, for many of Pittsburgh. Pa., and ASSET veam manager of the bond formerly ottlclally oonneoted / th UH ! T I A 1 , 1 . V turi. !1\' T* ' (he PTederlck Inves'n.crt > Ktrpat ? cn*i?i*? of First. The entire capital corporatiot.s d-prri !>*d in ihe for"Kro',riK. and which hnvi- produced aver rrinirs "after depr',<,J4i,?n.? du-ir c th>* laiM e'^ht years of over TWICE as di\i'lnn>l <>n "h* i> jfe? ,^.i row cf'errd f"r sal" These stocks have of atiproiin ato.> 5 I n- . Sec.f.d. '? on 1 1;.-! of A I.i'A Jll.E and EPS EN - I'.SSAKV \vhol-*:<3 > a i <: ri-ra.l Bjtttne.i at'd franchises. Third, Oltloe furni-' e ; ill' P'i' LI AH1LIT1 KS LIABiLlTIFS < h*.- tuau Its onrs'.ar d.rp .-orr-.inon atock. LEGALITY mm ...' ti.' i a I.* c.Ullat'I. " ?|:i at.jn PURPOSE OI- SAL T H K r. i:m : * ! T A ; iE T! T > i I p a ; . i : Ml' r-i (?-?ii -T the tnr r. ha n > > 1 1 .V I ' \ I ' Mil ti :?5t ii OKI:- v. . ... .. '!?'?? .1. ii.') i r, . i .? and i' of rim company, the !?.siipice of Ita eecurttles ! ;t? s"h???ti?.'y |iro;n*r'ie!<. hn-e-been under the on atte.'f iriK tiic;r validity and legality may bo <>F PK EFERREI) STOCK .M.K-mv THE 5 l.mio.rtofl' PREFERRED STOCK T'? l'll> > VIDE PERMANENT WORKING hs:r::bv>; them to pros-. RIIVIT THAN ii ERET' > E'tRE. KNEI'IT Ot THIS SWING.. ?? .if iirioftiona. proR'able hu."!reea and .?rrn loitidf. ni-'es an<l r.e/otlable Ir.stru u d ials. TERMS OF SALE UK OFKKR 7IIK PKRr'KKRKli STOCK HKSCH ! MKI > i X TUF. F"OK K?.?? UN'? msil. nr delivered iri per>?,n. to the undrralK'ied Th? riRhl is reserved in award a smaller amount than applied for. Payment rj.av he hi fi|Il i>r In purl, by rash, drnft. ??heck. ?m?n?? applications mu*t-bo seeompanled liv fSf. ini for ? *. h ?? i? ? r?-> upoliorl for. and t hrf bHlan.-e ?i!l i>? due and i-n r.lde i;po If no allotment Is wade, ifco first payment v.sil bt repaid' in full, and ,!f only ? portion of ih'< umntini appi.f.'. for b<* balance of the amount due Kailur* !?> pay r )i <-? >e.rond installment when due will render th" previmu. p.?t> ineut Hal) pending the delivery of the definitive, certificates. ? PKR SHARK Subscriptions may h? gent by a- y ard aii applications. and abo. in any event, to order or express ort'l ?? If |.A.?s rbao the full amount be paid o!:<- (?' il:<-> number of shares awarded the cpplicant. tied. :t?> first' payment .will be applied lowardi the ? fort'eir ure. Receipts f??r all* payments will be given <~o ni' : 'IV ' " " m ? r 'i ? ? ! i- . I Th? sis' l*t 'c? ?tn'?ii)?n t drawn, nr. (1 o-ioferl r?r!>Hr'<s. en this idvcrll-Mmfn' ar? ' .? U ? n <? from a lot f ??r of Mr V.\ I" ? >r! glna! of wfif.-h in* ? 1 1>? -i tion), wi'l UK LIAdLli. r:.'1 ' 1 'i'. it 'T Iti a . . <??.??> n l la ! J* tails. FREDERICK INVESTMENT COMPANY ALEXANDER C. THOMPSON, Manager, 50.V.10R ( olumbia Bnnk Knlliliiig, r'nurlh Air *n?1 St., Pin*hnrjjh,- J'n. Moll I'lmiif-: l'??urf APPJ.fCATlOVS FOR THF A ROVF STCM K 'All. I. At.SO III* ?II.( FIVFTI HY THK mi.I.OTCIVG: AnviT.!* rt^f.rfnR :o He no, rrsr d?llv?r thulr "?:l??-orip. iors ' Q'llrien of, any of : 'i* STi'HKS or A'jKNVl KS, wherever mo.<! ?:o;v *;i|o of W\ K KH KDER l< '!< PIANO COM PA NT a ml MAVIS h UK HA M f> TYI.KR f'Oi-l PANT A d Srii*' H I j'TlONP ???!! received and IN Qfl f!i KS K-artiy #ns',viT?d 7*TRKSTON. WATT S sriTOYKR I'nlon Bank BulKUnp Piltrburgh. Pc. CITT7TK\S TITI.K Tltl'ST riUII'ANY Wi'si M it i ii Si rr*M I'nioniown, P? second vattonai, nAVR 'West Mn!n I'niomown, P;< YJ l:..i..-ri : 1. 1> t ?.?.! i-:.? ? . i(hi i?- ic.'i i ?? i "t rii- :<;>;<vhi; ???? ut "f iliililiflR iiisl" <?! ui . ?(-.v.- "?!' !::i?'\vn :tli Snl- voiinif 1 1 srii'l !?> >v;i!np<Ml it skiri" r w!:|. h III*-;, wvr. Iulli::in;i .1 ????? f wtf ? him SiitiirclHy iiiyiii. Th?y. II ' .It'll >-1, J"' "I I l< I |l |t| (ll < 1 | | | !(.! I I I I ,* I " ? before ad jv: mini." Crimmul couri. ' .Man I! P.iil.inson '.ill t \c? i'i Kins in , law I i linii:a ! . uili'S a mi Mi- ilvU.riiinnu ;?> 1 SnMmiat : i.i: sic I 1 1|- --la!' i>i. I l-'iiry II... lii. V. a ? ? , 1 1 ; ? {. <1 ill I'f.". ? ;i..| I ? I'M- ."I I I..! Ill- si I .. '.Vli. i! Hi- v|>iiiii:l>i -\?lt*rti 111 l ii*> ?>? in-lit Hi- k stiff) Mur? 1-t l;.. Stiii'iiit in. riiiliK '' I J -i tj ?* ? Miantit y <?!' wi.i. r t?.,:r.<tl tni?> I h?? I.a.s. - nun:. Most i.i" i'i. (???ri.-iiuM- KOyils n-r- >.n talil-s -s.-ni" .1 ay-. . '? ?i i it i y . ..:i.|*stnii' i s iiiv-stlgal inu 1 !!.. ..|' Ih- Kullun sfh.-.r.l fati!i<i thai i! was ayv-.ssrrj for o:i- - cai j^^i <i a ha?i ii-ss.;tl iniu the humlH i !' the ii".ir>l ..r imIih atimi ati<] ? ?nl>T",?l ! til-- iu.mtm IY>r ill" r'-fiiinl- .1 . Whwling linlcf Knights I'ytlil.-i.n will i.-iinffr th?> rsiiik ?r <\?nuir.- mi' n c!h ss ? . j- cjin'iiil-"- - Tiii\?rliiy <*\ - ''lily 'tin- in 1 1 Ti.-iKf I was is s .? il ! s.ii if ? J . i > It w:\? i;raiiwil to it t> i. hi M-rvW of Mw frnt>Tna1 Wi'l Isliiii'i: ' "u n<i;i . Jul> "?! Mr. Iln-ii- i r- ??\;i 1 1 ?m1 r..l>T of th* \V li?-?-i i n C ' i. ..f KU;?. '?n m-ii i?>n .of f'ro^^cii i 1 1 X Attorney j I.' ili Ki'# ,h:rt-r<> A Inn KobjllSOIl qUHsh'"(1 Win. i?r;uvt v iiiskf. "'it;.' So Will rl* 1 : ? i i ?i!v an-! Vloti-rla 1 "i It !*??-" ?.|! ?t .1. 1 InroM Ultima ii ? iw i.|" I In- adiirt-ssi'M lit :? iiniiotnii'tM William Mornvt. ? ?!?;? t-si. -?.! with n>.s?i:; It ami rubbi-ry. ;ii'<i ?? ? i ? ? I ???! M. >rim in X" .it nliii'v'.sitil join III." r-'Kimi'tn id t ti*"- <?hiii >Cu.f :??!?;? I 'I aril. Tli" prof.; i.l sr ?; wjtmss aR.iWi.^t Al.uiiri fall.-.| 1 1? shoe. :p Wtllium S. Hull. .liitrR.-il i.y ? :.>l<i! '?r'i\ w- ? tli h'suK a lifn.iinisl. war iiik'ti fr> \\ Ii"f liiitr iwspii't I fur trot i ??hi s?t :ri!:i: . tl? Mii'Nri'l :i si r.'ii'riul' piiralvsts in ilii- Jail ail"! .liaise Knhin .??'?? ii i r?-i- 1 ?*.! i'mi In- 'if i':l<*asoil nit iiiv invi: : ?M'iiKtijxnii''i- to ??'ntcr t li?- hosplml. --Tlii* siiiiniviM- urogram of iiilcrostiiic at 'l lioaltht >'srr< is>-s on the three looal playground- will Ij-kIii to-day. under the .supervision of Arthur .M urrky. Jr_ i now recreation man.'ig^r, who ar rivn! in tin* city !u.*a Friday. ? ? ? ? ri ' ???->? ? .1 ii i s iledaiv that. Saturday whs ih- .?.iicii'si .liiri'- ilijy 'Kince 1809. i > 11 ?- \ <-t ?? i.i 1 1 townsman declared that t ! i ?? ? i jioiti ?? t ?*t > in Who'-litiB- proper i iru |> (?<.??! i.i in i ii*i: mi .lam; 1C, 1 8 6 1* . :nnl a ii*\t vy i'imsi killed th>- greater part ii.; ill- nr.'ivjlij; \ .-^eiat inn. ? ? It is i railroad officials have tiitili f itrinside,ration the advlsabil ; it y of making a I'nion terminal of the ?; hSaitintorr. & Ohio station for all roads ; emorinc this city anil in" erect soma overhead Macks in the Kiphteenih street ! sscction. ieHdjad^lnlo .the station.