Newspaper Page Text
SHORTAGE OF ; FUEL! M * COt-UMBt'S. ?>.. June t:.- -According to a report submitted t"dH> to the public utilities commission by ' : l?- '-' " Kibbeu. who is at i h?- head of the ? a t ? ' and gas division. this stare ;* f:u-is;K a serious shorta*- of las and ?-oV. ana ?> conference with i-epre.sen'ati'.es Tom the stat?? of West Virginia :??>? Penn sylvania in xn effort to relieve :hc suu atlon is propositi- These three st?t? s draw their natural >:a.-< suppi> from practically the same field. and the out look for obtaining as: increased pro duction of gas in deviated \ dark. Conservation and tn?- elimination of waste are declared absolutely necessary* "The unfortunate situation *>t la*'. Printer is an illustration what will, in all probability, occur a?ratn should conditions be similar, and Rives warn ing for preparation." says report. The situation is mad* the mot<- acute because of an expected shortage ot coal, high price of coal and a conse quent greater dom&nd tor gas tor do mestic anu industrial use. * Klve recommendation." are made *ro the commission as a means ot;; conservation and sivppuut waste. U is recommended that ;t:?c i-reiimiiiary re port itself, which contains many sug gestions looking to these ends. be given wideet publicity. A con te re no* v t ?!. commission with, xas companies 10 dis cuss the problems, and f-> have civic bodies represented so that tin* publi; tnay know the e.\act conditions is urs-d. A conference of tne commission* of Ohio. Pennsylvania and "West \ uginUi to work out some plan of concerteu a'. tion for each of the* tnree states which depend largely upon the bume tieids for their supply of gas is recommended. ?Finally it is ureea that the* ?>nio com mission tak? immediate steps so that consumers of Ohio may know wi,at to ^Expect and can take advantage of the June .prices of coal, trie lowest prices quoted during the year .as a rule. * The report, contains a statement by jt. C. McKiniey. West Vtrgima coal pro ducer. who saiu that West Virginia mines, as would Ije tiie ci'ij< witn most "Ohio mines will be unatilc to get iliore than per cent production of coal this Jyear because of transportation trouble ?and because of miners wr.o often iept idle- because of lack of cars, are going into other work wnere tney* can get steady employment. The public untiltties commission to ;day authorized the new reorganised Cu ^umbus. I'elaware ami Marion Klectric .-railway company capitalize at $^. y3o0,l"'ii. vv hich is two million dollars Jess ^than the olu company's ?apital. it was JJiought at a receiver's sale by eastern capitalist.* Mondaj . Seven hundred 'thousand dollars will be issued lit com ??Rftn st?v-K. in preferred stock and ?.i??. in l'u->ear uv e ;-er cent bonds. Tin ?roinmisS ion auih?ri7.ed the cornpaiij *o t><u-' ! m bonds. p;ew-t:. d ??fd <7?". ??<??? common stock to pax tl.?- ptn clia<> price. ? 1.533. - ."{?O to be e\<-naiiR*"f| t'oi underlying bonds anu $t w ;u bonds for improve ments th.s year. . Attorney '.leti- rai Mcvlhee. at request of the s?cret*?:> of state, today held that candidate* for <i* *es>ors are not required :?> pa> fees at time or lilin^ declarations ?? ? at:in?-o ;- :'????? nomina tion becaus. t!ie> (l<? no: r< c* ive an an nual' salai;. and ii is impossi ble .to ItgUi* the uut"Ultl o* li'e liliug fee since the p-: ?-ompvisat ion cannot be u?-tertc. 10 <i unt.l !<>nj; att.T the time for niins <l? lata*. t"tis of can Jidacj . RecruilliK of til- l>h:o .VatiO'ial 'Juard ?will continue tue ?laie "t the selcc we urait >u an c.1 (?'??rt :?> i'.av ?? -".t'ey en listed men by t!ia* iia>. a. r.?r. ling to Adjutant ijeneral >;e,.rK'- 11 Wi?.?i| to day. The strength toUav . he >.i:d. is * 1S.000. meludins all etiiisted men, of 'h'i?ers. and the naval tmliiia of M'J men. which includes a l.l iim.s in federal s-.r Vice. '"'It is th?" inl'ii'iou of the uar '1'pa r> - ? m'<?iit. said 'leiorai Wood, to give the L, ' Mates credit for ai! men b< ? s in tlo NattoRiil Muard. 1! tlov ?unrd is re cruited- t?? full sti*ngth will mean that the <|oihh in th- ?liatt wilt fc- that much smalN-r. .-an! h is possib! ^v. . for a >-oui:<> l? enlist men in tro- N.i "^lional ?.ittard :u sto-h numbers tnar nun" will b.- viral t. .'??!- sei vi<>. from that -county . This stai--n>? fi! \\a- pot u out ill nd "'vices. r-v i \ ? d b> Se.-ofei I -n.itit .1. \\*. Headinx. c'wumandiiia lo-wlv organ ized Bati?-i-> 1 . a: Ms v. rnoti. Knox count \ .from Wasniustoii. according I'o .word from- tlo r ? i'?i.-?.' The kn"\ coun ty quota lor tlo- lirsf srniv i* rrlerr. Th>- batter> ha.- ihat number. This ? liuiiua'- ?? tw?s?iliiiit v of the draft in Kti"\ >?iin!). saul the mes suge from Washiratou. CORNER-STONE OF WARWOOD CHURCH PLACED YESTERDAY r&OTLESsrvE sravxcxs h zlc at THI NEW LUTHERAN STRU CTUSE. Ministers of Several Other Churches Take Part la Ceremony ? Other ' ? ? Waneood BTews. Yesterday afternoon a very lar<e crowd attended the laying of r- i ^stone of the VVarwooti Lutli?-ran church. The ci-retnor.;. for this ocosion was a ' most impressive on'-, and the f.Jattorm i was appropriately decorated with flag* and flowers. i The exercises opene?| With the ? invocation by Rev. K A. I larsiiman. pas- t ,tor, followed by ?v hymn. Kev. T. < 'Vhickenbersrer then iti* Sjith F'saln'. t aftjer a'hich Mrs\ Hupp > rendered a ; ?^Tocal solo. ftev. !?'. C. Frank if-d in prayer., " Rev. Harshman ea!I"d uj-o:i the fol lowing men. who delivered interestnm addresses upon the a.-sixned subjects "fjUtheran Progress." Uev. t.J. How ard: "Quadri-i Vntennlal Information.", Kev. C. ?*ritch!ow. "t,?->cal l.iitheran- ] l?m." Rev. A I.. Ber.?.e; "Knowing and i .Loving Our ?"h.irch." Rev. < >. ?' L>ean; ? J'lnner Mission." Itev. 1:. K. r>nnlel; ' "Lutheran Piety." Rev. ''fo Wepdel. One of the speakers impressed upon ' 'fhe aisdieiic. the significance of this I ceremony and the wonderful influence | this Institution might have upon the tnwn of \t'arwoi.i| in future years. An other spoke of the far-reaching eir*-et that thu Reformation lias hail upon 'he world, education Protestantism. fr?e pr?ss and democracy. Mrs. Hupp Ot !o anrl NJrs. Albert fox th^n favorevl liie auillence with a vocal duet, which iu? followed by words of congratulation and best wishes from the pastors of War wood churches. A list of tli?" \ar:oi;s nr'le!'-^ 'he stone contained was read by l>v. Harshman. ! while the stone was made ready to be! lowered. A large coppet :,r,\ conralnlng the nr-; i tides was then placed in the stone as' I it was being lowered. After a few. I word? and a shorr prayer the dovology | was sung, followed by the benediction, j I ire Association Meets. j This eveninj:. >" 'he I.oveland hosej j house, the stockholders of the I.oveland j Volunteer Fire Association wilj^ hold a 1 business meetinK to determine :i selling j price on all property King's Daughters Meet. The Junior "King's Daughter* are i ? urged to be present this evening at the business session of this circle, held at the home of Mrs R. .1. Met. 'nils. Plans for the picnic are to be discussed. r X. X. V. Circle Meets. Miss Kthel Kr.oke. of South Warwoort. will entertain the members of the "In m His Name Circle." this evening. ?v A very brief time will be gtven to the [ business matters, after- which music. I- games, and a light luncheon wilt be the I pleasures of ti.e evening. r*l gatertains Class Ko. 6. ' t The members of M? Flllton's einss of the M. K. church, will enjoy a social evening at' tli? home ot Miss Kurh-ririe .. ? Mentz, this evening Speeders Plaed. Msyor Montgomery and T**n S?r. ' geant D. L Poole stopped !b-?f ir>a- ? chines which u*r* spe?clmc above (t,e {lmit along the iriasn hlghwa-. frjrotjsh Warwood. The drivers' wer? fined $5 tnd costs each. Personals and 3?iiefs. ? Mrs Mary Vanda. who ? e> her i brother's home. Mt V .*?? Vrimla. ,? ill Mrs. Tost, of Caaiar War wood, haa j This Is a Friendly Store Has been for 35 years. Has had the confidence, the good will, the friendship of the community. And we are better ready than ever to meet your Summer needs ? to serve you well with goods of quality ? the kind you expect here. Nifty Summ er Shirts of coo!, [icht weight fabrics, with B soft turn hack cuffs. are the popu lar shirts in warm weather, and since in most cases the vest will nut he worn, the shirt must he particularly at tractive in pattern and ?'o!or. Wo have Just the rijjhi | kind l'r??tn 59c and 9 So up to those of fine silk at S3.50 and ?5.00 Straw Hats Since ilio warm days are hero, ami from nil appear ances mean to n|h.\, there is a elamorine for the comfort able. soft Straw Hats. Lifflit. fresh and clean, every one: any style, size or shape. $1.50 and $2 For boys there are 90ft Straws and Wash Hats at 50 C. Underwear Union *uits of Balbriirtran, Pnros Knit* Nainsook, lias proven to i h <? <?? nil plot o sat isfaction of thousands of men that tliis is the coolest ami in o.n i comfortable kind for hot wejit her use. 1 50f, 79c, 81.00 We Have Shirts and Drawers iif I ho sanif material ;is lon ax 25o a -garment. Others at 37V?<\ 50c and 75c a garment. $4 for the height of Fashion in Men's Low Shoes. Try it on ? it will stay oil. We Repeat It, the Very Best $4.00 Value Ever Offered For the younp: man or any man <>f spirit then: arc black or tan calf skin lacc Low Shoos with narrow toes and blind eyelets. Also black and tan kidskin in wide toes. Summer Belts... 25c, 50c Summer Wash Ties. .. .25c Summer Soft Collars. .. 15c Summer Garters 25c 1122-1124 Market Street " The Men's Store 1 is her guest y est erday, Mrs. Marguerite I 'osier. Mrs '/.>? ji|> lUdden anil Mrs .+?sh Fette vi-re i ii e guests of Mrs. Krfrseh, of st reel. Sunday. Jefferson Koberts visited at the doundsvilie csimji grounds yesterday. j I:. ('. Moves .s in Wellsburg on irn- j ?ortaut business. .Miss AiiK^lio** Ka!tl.:i( W spont Sunday j it the honn; (?:' Miss Schlitzner. j ij. .1. Valentine has been ill (or the ; <ms' '?ew days. Mrs. S. I'. ' 'hristian. of North War-! .vim.iJ. r?ilurn?>d to lift 1 1 o j 1 1 ?? yesterday, j it'"-r a week's visit in Charleston. W.Va.i Miss ilo .loutigmann. of North War-: rood, will "return to day to West Lih-i ? rtv. where she will complete her course I liis nuinmer. Mrs. John Mitchel and ??hiUlrrn lis ve j ?e turned to ft'arwrtod alter visiting her, no t her. Mis. Sa vers, of West Liberty. j RIVER NEWS Aft?*r reaching h stage of nine feet , night. the river becamp stationary tv i t h th e raisins of the wickets at the j McMechen ilani. Th? Reuben Dunbar reached this ?try last nipht anil ti>Hl up at the wharf for a short t im?* after which i' lefr for, Pittsburgh. The Ruth left ail) o'clock i ast n iirh r for Charlesiort. The steamer: Milton is expected at the local wharf his morning ai 11:30 o'clock from! s'ew Matatnoras. The excursion boat Homer Smith ?arried several- hundred people on' a! iver i?xcur<ion ye.-i^rday afternoon. i, \nother excursion trip was made last'1 light and the boat, was crowded.) For Constipation Carter's Little Liver Pills will set you right over night. Purely Vegetable Small Pill, Small Do*c, Small Price Carter's Iron Pills Will restore color to the faces of tkoM who lack Iron in the blood, *!< moat p*le-faced people do. THROUGH CAR SCHEDULE ~ WARWOOD BEN WOO 0 NOKTE BOUND. moa benwood: J.'at'y ?*.\o*p t Sunday? 5:15 *. m.. itul every t? 1 1 minutes thereafter 'mil! I2:0o midnight, except thi?: 11:45 p. m. car goes to First jaly. | Cars leaving n i 12:10 nnd!2:3i ?. in. go to Tenth street only. Sunday Only ? 6:0't a. rn.. t>:30 a. m.. f:t'0 a. tii.. 7:30 a tr?.. and every lif tmen mlnufs thereafter. Hit, schedule from then on being the same wceL day. FROM TENTH STREET : Daily except Sun'iny ? 4:30 &. m and. every liliti'n mi!iut>\? thercaner jjitil 12:00 rutdnighl. l.ast car. 12:;iu u. in . 12:l."? car to first s:ree'. only. Sunday Only ? 6:16. o:46. ?i:l5. sriii. T:0C'. 7:30, 8:00 a. m . and cvury fifteen minutes thereafter. The schedule from then on being the same ?.s week day. SOUTH BOUND. FROM WAX WOOD: Daily except Sunday ? <:53 n. rn., and every lit teen minutes thereafter until 3 1 37 p. tn. ? la>t c?r to Uen wocd. Cars lea viiiK.. at H:a3 p. m.t 12:04. 12:23 and 12 ,J3 #o to Tenia street only. Cars leave U'? t'.vnod fur l'"irst street only at 1:23 a. in. Sunday On!>? 5:3K, ??.()>, ?? : s . 8:33. 7:23. 7 :3S. 7:53 and S:?3 a. m.. and every fifteen minutes . t hereafter, '.h-* .?< h?dule from then ou btin? as week day. ? *. WHEELING TRACTION COKPANY. Dancing was the feature of the two trips. River Marks. PITTSBURGH. June 17.? Thr river murks were reported today as follows: DAVIS ISLAND DAM ? 5.2 feet; sta tionary. Clear. STEUBEN V I LLE River 10 feet !) inches: stationary. Clear. PARKERSUURG River 'J feet 7 lnche.s; fallinc. Clear. MORGANTlMVN - River 7 feet Inches; falling. Clear. OIL CITY ? River 3 feet a inches; stationary. Clear. WARREN ? River 2 feet 1 inche.-; stationary. Clear. Patriotism Dominant In Baccalaureate PRINCETON. .V J.. .Jan. I.'-A re cent rated Princeton transform! ti l>y a Steal wave of patriotism in t ??.??pua.~> to i he country's rail for service, was i'ielurH loduy in ('resident Joint Or;< r ilihhen in hi.- haccalaun ate ad cltess which marked the close of Princeton's 170th ceremonies "No one who has listed on the cam pus sine th<* declaration "f war with r.erntany " said l're.-id' til I I ihhen, "can rlrniht the transforming power of a r-ommandinc cau.-e. As if b.\ a m:t?ic lotich. ali the fine promise of yotinu manh I lias l?* ? n ~ tn l? l? ?n I \ matured i t Mo- tplt. iidul li"^:n"iit3.s of its ^ V VV tii\ . BRIGHT'S BOD! ' TAKEN BACK TO WEST VIRGINIA PITTSBURGH. June 1 7. ? Accompa nied by the father, Am us Bright. state banking commissioner of West Vir ginia. the body of Cleorge Russell. Bright. aged who committed sui i id<' by shooting himself in a college fraternity house near 'be University of Pittsburgh last nicht. was taken lo the Bright home at Sutton. W. Va.. today. Commissioner Bright and his son had stopped off in Pittsburgh en raute lo Buitle Creek. Mich., where th" son was :<> be placed in a sanita rium. Young Bright had been in 1 1 1 health for several years and resultant despondency is believed to have caus ed him to ? ii k ?? his life. Story of the Suicide. Geor-e Russ^lL Bright. aged "... of Sip ton, \V. Va . son of Amos Brig ill. assistant banking commissioner of t lie slate u; .\\"Yst Virginia, .shot and killed himself in the 'Kappa I'si fra ternity house. Craft avenue, ai ?i o'clock la.-t evening while h;* father was w a. tin;; for hint to go to a train thai would take him home. The act was that of a man who had been almost an invalid for li; years, according to his father, who was in i he Port Pitt hotel last night. Mr. ({right. Paul McConnell. a friend: Wil liam (Iyer, a cousin, and Paul Hamil ton of Fairmont. \V. Va.. were in the fraternity :? t. ihe time. These men believe young Height commiiied suicide when confronted with the prospect of years of suffering. The father and son came !?> Puis burgh last Sunday. The younger man had been tn-at.-d by physicians in Bal timore for several "years, but when no ipiprovement in his condition was no ted it was decided by father and son to go to Battle ('reek. .Mich., to a sanitarium. When tbev reached Pitts burgh, however, the younger man si;g. gesied that, they stop here for a few days to consult an osteopath. The father went to Morpantown. W. Va.. last Tuesday after having been informed by a practitioner thai his son could be cured but thai it would take considerable time. He returned to Pittsburgh yesterday and went to the fraternity house. Ills son was de spondent, he .said, and expressed a tie sire either to so hack home or travel with his. father. "We decided to return home." Mr. Bright said last night. "While we were waiting for him, however. ? he shot himself. He had said nothing during our conversation to indicate that no intended to commit suicide. 1 never knew he had a pistol." BED or LINGERING- COUGH. ? h?-r p/ rsi.s! i-d so late litis >? ar that nia?i\ pecanns hnvt cuius than "ii"' iieh'ie ;i( lhi> ".ensotn Vruj can C'-t I'iot -I'reui vru-kiriK. hacking couchs. 1 1 - ? ni wii'i ::y, stio.-.v !ir>>ai hintr. fruin i'hh M>rf- tlirna; >.nU iikIh rli-st tl. "Ila/.i'T, l?i nu>n\ il !???. Ark . writ's "1 can n ? ?>inni<?ri>l l 'i ? ( I ? -i ?* ;. -j ; i ? ! "far i *<mi>i,uti<| t us* it I t'..; i . - ? ? i u ' - that I lia.l frvr years and was j-aitl to hav i niisiiiiijii ii>n. but- it. .u .-<| m Coniains i, ii i ?s. Children J i k r Coleman .<? Co. 4,662,000 CENTRAL EMPIRE NATIVES HERE WASH IN'H'IViN, | I C , .Tunc i: Thv' natives (?:' Ausinu-llkii.i;ar.\. I !'i ! )?:? i~ii< . :iin I Tiii'm > now i" ? j < 1 1 r : in t In* i Hi; cil Stat#-- a fc 1 ?' ;iM-r?>si inal^ly ?(.ilti.'.WiHi, or ;<tjoiii 4 >?.. | >??!? iTin ? Mil- tOiitl I'll t'lll Of till.' I'lllltlll'V. 'I'll' foropoinK total :s anttou i?-<hI by l>:rt?rtor Sain. I.. lifters of the Hur?-a i ot Census. C'cpurtmpiu of <\>miii?'i rr. Mi" result "f ;i < :i li ulal !?'!! has -d ??m 1 1 1 ? ? r.-nsus Jikuivs of I :? 1 (i. iliv r?-|>V?r s of' Ill" |!tiri-au of I tiiiuiK rid ion lot- '.lo period l.i-i ? wn 1!Mrt mill tl ? i-i> ? nf linn*. a nil I h?- est Iina ; e.| nioiiali'< <1 i ? illK III. It I ??? I H ?< I All luxiKli 'i I;"! sil>!?* by this iiH'lh'ui to ?!? ' <-i m n . v. ill .lbso|i:t>! ??xarlln-ss -h>- mitii 1~ n.'i ti\->s i ? r 1 1 ?? ? mini ries named livitiij in ih?? i nited states. a is ? it tii. 1 1 thi- results obtained r?-|?r?- ~.-n : i i .-:i .n - ably <-lo?.f approximation to ihe fu--!?. Tin s.' l.i.O'.' "i'ii fori-iun* ? 1 1 - I f- 1 l>i 1 1 : <1 ,*ii sr l.u rountry i : birth, as follows: < nuiny . I'.- niifi ?Vistri 1 1 tiller ?>? Turke j UliiK:*: I I iillu I:, is impossible to s.*i > \\ i ; ? i ; - ? - 1 lo ipropor; ions nln i:>- -ih.n i-. ix-i son ; who li:i\>- not -i i ? t * ) i <-? J foi iiitt in a |i>.n t ioii ? ???rl ili, a'- ? among th'-Sf l'?tr?- 1^; ?i< i ?? ate li | ? | ? r< >x 1 1 1 1 1 1* I > Mf sapu. i: 1!'IT a- !!.?_. w ? re :n I'M". I".i!. Mouti'jiii; !bi- lo ( tin* ??us,, tin- number of tn ;t I- aliens .'I years or' aue and nv?-r in. Iud? d in :li<? atn.ivc total would to*1 api>ro\iin.'i' ??! y ;i ii 4 . i m 0 (.p ah-.ut i>"r irnt ? > :' tin total number o|'* inhab lants of tloi I ill- d Slalis "I j?hv? of r? t; I ? a-io nv?i Til.- distribution of these aliens a.ioid liiK "" <rtuiitry of birth, wouin be 1(s (??How s ; 'I'Minany i'ai,"io, \ iisi riii ..41 7."drt limitary ,-vn iiini Turkey mm linl^aria. .x.OOrt '1*1 n- |i!v|>oi t ion x f aliens ari'ot:^ male Hermans 11 ?<ai> oi hw ami "or is v>'-i y iriueh stiiall?-r than 1 1 1 ? ? . orr- -sjiond 'nit proportions for tin- oiher > ournri'S named .bavins: b? ? n ? ? t ? 1 > < liii!. nioro than I! (>"r ffnt in 1:M". a? ast;>:iisi h|> pr<>\ itnat ?? I V ??'! i?'i ? ??lit for \i:s!rian?, 71 |"-r i'? ill lor ! I ti ii *r ;? t la t.s. i ???? i-i-ni 'l'?r Turks and inany |k.i i:?nt fori Ittiluaria n?. Positively Relieves the Suffering. More Convincing Proof. When Lj'dia K. rinkham's Vrfjctablfl Compound was first introduced its cur ative po-wers were lioubtotl and hail to be proved. But the proof fame, and the use of it spread over the ? whole country. Now that hundreds of thousands of women have experienced p the most beneficial effect? from its use |j its value has become generally recog nized and it is now the standard medi cine for women s ills. The following letter is only one of the , thousands on our files. iMinison, Texas. ? "T cannot feel that 1 have done my duty until I tell 'J> what Lvdia E. Pinkhnm's Vegetable Compountl has done for me. I sufr'ered front female troubles so I could hardly ^'j drag around and do mv work. 1 wag ] n very nervous, and had dizzy spells, heat nii Hashes, and headaches until life was a |?, burden. My husband brought me a hot-* an tie of Lvdia E. Pinkham's Vegetable ^ t'ompound and I soon b*gan to improve. 1 continued its use and am now frea lot from all pains and aches that made life nv a burden. You may use this letter in il any way you like for 1 want the world r'! to know what a prand medicine Lydia ^ E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound is. " j' ? Mrs. G. 0. Lowery, 911 S. Barrett , o, Ave.. Denison. Texas. ,p Write the Lydia E. Pinkham Medi- la' due Co.. L.vcn. Mass., for free advice, j all SWIFT'S NAPTHA LAUNDRY SOAP Cake, 3V2c SUN BRIGHT CLEANSER 5c Can, 2*4* MONDAY SPECIALS TRUE ECONOMY IS HERE REPRESENTED Not cheap goods at so-called cheap prices, but good goods of dependable grade, priced at a small profit? that's why it pays to buy at THE ROSE. Prove it yourself here tomorrow. Women's 50c White Voile Wash Waists ? Newest styles ami all fresh and (dean. M\ sizes. Monday Special. Women's -50c White Silk Gloves Double linper tipped, ll-clasp .f s i > l eninp. Special, pair - Men's 50c All Pure Silk Hose Black and eolors. W hik' ?> dozen last. Perfect ponds. Special Monday r Men's Canvas Gloves - 'I lie kind thai, sell in all stores | lor H'i\ Monday Special --- . Men's Red and Blue Bandan na Handkerchiefs- ("iu a ranged last colors, I?<rpe size? repu lar scllinp price l"e. Special Monday $3.00 Women's All Silk Crepe de Chine and Pussy Willow lao Silk Waists Colors, and white. Vn-v hitcsi styles. Larpeeol lars. Tailored or laee i rimmed. All sizes. Monday Special Women's 50c Muslin Gowns l,o hi: < 'loth finish. Kmhrnid cry irinnned. Slipover st.v le. Special Monday Women's 60c Corsets -New . est models -of pood, wejl mad., ihoroiiphly honed. AH sizes. Fresh dean new poods. Monday only ? . Women's 25c Brassieres ? Kmhroidery trimmed lops, per I'cct clean, new poods. All sizes. Monday Special MEN'S HEAVY QUALITY WORK SOX ? The 10c kinds all stores. | Monday Special Men's $1.50 Ki-Ki Pants? Full eiit. well made. I Collide st itched seatii*. I'ottom. You'll pa\ *-.?"> for these he |lin. many days and he plad to ,r,i them. Monday Men's $1.00 and SI. 50 Dress Shirts of Madras, etc.? Sliplif ly ?iu<sed from haudlinp and wi:h slipht imperfeciii.ns in tin* weave. " N'ui liiny to hurt the wear of i in in and will add I nr llier th'-se Id tie short cominps an- si. si i in that if we didn i T i | \ nit d fii'"l?ali|\ nev er see Assorted si/.e's Monday Women's S1.25 House and Porch Dresses ( u' poarant-e.l fast colors pi n ph a in s ol pood si 1 1 rd v ipiality. I. i phi and dark enliu's. All Monday only Women's 25c Lawn Dressing Sacques -Assorted st.vh-s ami |, at terns. All sizes. Monday only BOYS' 50c BLUE DENIM OVERALLS MI size* Monday only Women 's 79c and $1.00 Black, Flowered and Striped Sateen Petticoats? I n assorted styles. |)ecp flounce trimmed. Monday only . Women's Regular SI. 25 and $1.50 Waists - Newest style* and materials. tailored aim laee inserting and medallion trimmed Iwvry one ^ | 1 i ? * a in I span lie w. I.arpe collars. faney eiltVs. Cte. The waists, you liny of us readi'ly. every day at *1 .00. You can take your choiee of any in the house marked $1.00. no reserve, tor 29c i3 7c J ]29c J j 7'/2C J I/2C J $1.89 J 39c j 44c 15c \VAc J 98c I J 1 [59c I J |79c 19c )? 39c 89c I ? I | j Women's $1.00 Wash Skirts^ of White Gabardine ? Novelty stripes, checks. P. K? etc. Very new c si , hi tost and best styles. All clean as ;i whistle. The j same kinds as others value, at and $2.00. Monday Spe cial J Women's $2.98 plaid. Stripe'^ and Solid Color Gingham Wash Dresses ? -Copy of one of the I season's very newest ana best slyle.s. All sizes for women and misses. Monday Special , $3.00 Felt Sport Hats ? In the"1 season's newest, best and most wanted shapes and leading col ors. Monday only i All arc perfect, new and ! clean. J Women's $1.50 Panamas ? OP excellent qua lily. All wanted shapes. Perfect'/ clean, new hats. Monday only J Women's 25c Burson Hose? > IHaek only, perfect, goods, first quality. You' can't buy them anywhere in the U. S.. A. for | less than lioc^ Monday Special- J Misses' and Girls' Sport Hats^ --Of imitation Panama. As sorted colons and combinations. Hand' trimmings. Correct shapes. Most stores get $1.00 for these. Special J Choice 25 White Pattern Hats ? That were marked $3.98 and $">.nn. Trimmed in the very lat est styles. Correct shapes. Hats in the lot suitable for street and dress wear. Every one new and clean. .Monday choice of the lot * Men's 25c Silk Stripes and Brocade Wash Ties ? Beautiful colorings. .Special here only 3 for 50^. Men's 25c Paris Garters? Of silk finished lisle clastic. All colors. Single or double grips. Special Monday MEN'S 50c PURE SILK HOSE ? Colors and Black and White. Special Monday Men 's 89c Knit Union Suits ? An excellent quality. Lots of stores get $1.00 for these. Every size. Special here only Men's $1.00 Blue Denim Over alls and Jumpers ? All sizes, good quality, well made, per fect new and clean. ' You'll be glad to get; this later on at $ I . ."?(>. Monday Special r Athletic Union Suits? Men's Icinvd nainsook sleeveless knee length i'nion Suits, the same as oilier -stores sell at 69c. Mon- I day Special J Men's 60c Blue Chambray" Shirts --- Of good fast color material, well made.' cut big and full. Shirts that. fit. will wear and givu perfect satisfaction. All sizes. Special Monday Men's 121/oC Work Sox? Un cle Sam malic. Perfect, clean, new goods. Monday, pair Women's $10.00 Kayser Silk' Jersey Coats ? Newest styles. Correct lengih. Pockety large collar, cuffs and sash trimmed. All best, newest and most want ed colors. All sizes; Special--. Women's S5.00 Taffeta Silk Skirts? Newest style. Assort ed colors and stripes. Monday while they last . choice one big lot 85c }$1.69 [$1.48 89c [19c 44c | $2.95 I. \19c 19c 39c 64c ?\ 79c 39c 49c 7'Ac $8.95 $2.89 mm situation i NOW FACES SPAIN, PAKIS, .1 vi no- 17. ? .Sumo liirln is j lowii otj the present situation in i tain, which has been the cause of! isgivings recently. hy the special j respondent of the I'ctit Parisian, i 10 has been making an investigation fi?-. J|e wires the following sum- i urv of the situation which marie thej siiion of the late cabinet untenable nl presents an acute problem for the I w ministry i i First of all. the situation in ("ala lia (a district of about 1L\4U" square, iles in the northeast of Spain, with j population of nearly 2. 000. 00". whose I pital is Barcelona), is critical. The habitants are aroused acainst the j liuiish covernment and are agitating r= isten tlv for complete independence. J ie faction openly declares in a Bar- j lona newspaper ihai ii will obey no ? not passed h\ ('atalonians for Cat-} jmaus, and demands independence | at .any prior. Aside . from this 1or*al situation. ih? correspondent tintis thai tin* economic .-la'tf of affairs in general demands speedy action by t Ik' cabinet. Strikes are imminent. especiall y ? in Asturias (an important district in northwest ern Spain, on the Ha> of Biscay), and may break out to-morrow. Strikes arc] under discussion by all railroad cm- j pi nyes and most of ih;? industrial workers The cost of. living has ad-! vanced 1." 1 o I'.'i per cent, in the last three months, and now the poor can no longer endure the strain. The supply of coal is so scanty thai it is almost impossible to- operate trains. Stagnation of the export trade, owjni; to the submarine war fare. is resulting in crowing irritation. Finally there is the external situa tion. which everywhere is recognized as grave for Spain, and which, the cor respondent says, is made infinitely more troublesome by tierman espion age. Herman intimidation, and the German official press, which has wounded and antagonized Spanish pride. Notwithstanding these difficulties, the correspondent writes, Spaniards SJ believe confidently the new premier will be able to find a solution. WEST VI. COUPLE MARRY AT BALTIMORE BALTIMORE, Md., June 17.? Prank A. and Margaret Ratzer, of Fair mont, \V. Ya., applied at detectivw headquarters today for marriage li- , reuse. Detectives played the good Samaritans and the couple were wedd ed this afternoon, j ?.0 T ASIANS AT ATLANTA A T l.A NT a. June 17. ? A patriotic open air muss meeting and Addresses :n local churches by visiting Rotarlans marked the openinp here today of the eighth annual convention of the Interna tional a-soseia talon of Rotary clubs. Business sessions bepin tomorrow. t "elevations are here from. all over the t'nitr>l States ?no from Great Britajn, Canada and Cuba.