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Winter: Revitalize your blood and put your! system in condition to resist 1 the hardships of winter. It is the strong-blooded men and > women who are vigorous andj healthy in winter, and who are not i inconvenienced by the cold, wet days. Wet feet don't bother them, sudden changts cause no inconven ience, and even when a cold is! "caught" because of contact, in a I close, stuffy room, with some one; already infected, the trouble sel-1 dom lasts over a day or two. This j highly desired state of health is I brought about by having rich,! ." pure blood, uncontaminated bvi impurities of any kind. You may possibly think your: . blood is all right?you are not! troubled by outward signs. Yetf you have felt tired and languid, J you have lost some sleep or had some minor ailments at times, but you regard yourself as in "fairly good condition physically." This may be true, but you should take nothing for granted, you should not "guess" that you are all right. The thing to do is to make yourself right by taking a good blood tonic and invigorator such as S. S. S1. lt| is the best "known blood tonic on the market today. There is hardly a man, woman or child in America 1 who has not heard of it. .It has! helped to restore mam- people' to; health. It has brought relief! in j thousands of eases of blood disor-j ders during1 the past fifty years. S. S. S. is a standard treatment; for all blood troubles. It is a truej blood tonic, that purifies audi brings new vigor and new life to i the blood stream.. It is guaranteed j to be purely vegetable, to contain no mercury or other mineral drugs, but to be made from herbs and roots carefully selected for their known medical proper ties. For chronic sores, ulcers, ca tarrh, rheumatism, eczema, psoia sis, salt rheum, tetter, acne and I other such diseases as are duo to j infected blood, S. S. S. acts quick- j ly and satisfactorily. It counter-i acts the germs and poisons, cleanses the system of unhealthy accumulations, literally washes all foreign, matter from the blood and renews its life-giving properties. Be sure to take S. S. S. this win ter. The renewal of vigor that it will give you will be well worth while. One thing you can be sure of and that is if you take S. S. S. you will be benefited. Oct it today at your drug store?refuse any substitute. Fcr medical advice, j address Swift Specific Co.. 436; SK.vift Laboratory, Atlanta. Ga. TS8^??M/|^/ SPWJS KTSSSi Havt given . *igfri. -or ^ fJifiL ATTERITOOJT U8T. ' V WASHTXOTOX. D. C.. Oct. 17.?The following casualties are reported by the commanding criTal of tko American v Kxpedltlonarv Forces: Killed in action 3S Missing- tn action S Wounded severely 56 Died of disease............ 18 Died of wounds - 11 ? W-'iirvded (degree undetermined)... 75 Prisoners 5 Total 211 Killed In Actios. Privates? Andreas. Russell. Canal Dover. O. ? leissenhainer. Paul D, Zelienople, pa. Moore. Clarence F.. Philadelphia. Pa. Uat!?-r. Miko H.. Find lay. O. Rowlands. David William. Branch I 'ale. Pa. ? Scott. Ivan. Niiv i', O. Died of Disease. Sergeant? Conway, .lames R.. Cumberland. Mil. Cm-po ra!? Rarth. Herman W.. Cambridge. Md, . Saddler? Sinton. Luther K., Danville. Pa. C.-.k.? Smith, Coy, Auburn, W. Va. Privates? Oebberich. Thomas I... Lebanon county. Pa. Thompson. Wilfred. Icmfn. O. ?Wounded Severely. Sergeants? Lewis, Hugh Kdwin, Xorth Otmrd. Pa. Moyer. Xelson W., Lebanon, Pa. Corporal? Renlniillor. George Ralph, Scranton. Pa. Privates? I'lanci. RaiTa-Ie. R-'-ading. PA Craddock. Ella, Xake. W. Va. Fugnte. Frank. Greenfield, i?. Xlxott. William J.. Philadelphia, Pa. Safto, Kdward. Scranton. Pa. Zet's. Mike. Bradford. I'a. Wounded (Degree Undetermined.) Corporal? Re-dmlller. George Ralph. Scranton. Pa. Sergeants? Brady. Thomas J.. Philadelphia. Pa. ? Cannon. John F.. Pittsburgh. Pa. Corporal? Stump. Clot us K.. York. Pa. Cook? Ko.-ke. Wayne L.. West Chester. Pa. Privates? John. Monessen. Pa. Cage. Manle.v !?:. Degolia. pa. Christian. Henry !>.. Houston. P.a. ?'lark. Curtis W. Atlentown. Pa. I'l-ituro f. iIowa.-it South Alien to at.-. I Dorn. Philip R.. Philadelphia. Pa. Rickes. Samuel. Cleveland. O. Bobbins. William C.. Bergholz, O. Sniuk. Rubin. Philadelphia. Pa. Silknetter. Samuel Warren. Lancas ter. Pa. . Williams. Edward A.. Punxsutawney. Pa JKAKEST* OOBn CAXTTAJCiTTSS. The following casualties are reported by the commanding: general of tho American Expeditionary Forces: Killed in. action 30 Died of wounds received In action... S j Died of disease 1 Wounded in action (severely)....-.. 54 Wounded in action (degree undeter mined) 100 In hands of enemy 2 .Missing in action 1 Total 10$ Killed, in Action. Sergeant? | <limit. Edwin Le R.. Toledo, O. C -rrx? Freed. Carlos D., Columbus, O. Privates? MiRer, Dennis C., Morgantown, W. Ta. Murphy. Emmett .T.. Salem. O. ?Ott. Harvey K? Pho.-nixvillo, Pa. Severely Wounded in Action. General Sergeant? .... Strickland, Earl F.. Portsmouth, 0. Sergeant? Eair. Harry B.. Mill Hall. Pa. Trumpeter? ?* Boeder. Vernon P.. Akron, O. Privates? Broome. Lawrence H. New London. O. G-oesreletn, Samuel. Benwood. W. V?. Williams. Dewev W.. Monterey. Pa. | Wounded in Action, Degree Undetermined ; Sergeant: j Warnecke. Francis. Baltlmru. Md. ? Corporal: I Dillon. Wm. H.. Windsor. Ohio, j Savior. Elton. Toledo. Ohio. White. Charles S.. Harrison. Ohio. I Private. ! Bayne. James W.', Oovanstown. Md. j P.erry. S*bert N*.. Philadelphia. Pa. " I Hamberry. Joseph II.. Philadelphia, Pa. 1 Huerkfimp. Frederick J.. Cincinnati, O. Loos. Joseph F.. Cincinnati. O. Moats, Fred O., Fairmont, W. Va. Moore. Albert W.. Madisonvllle. Ohio. Sullivan. William J. Springfield. O. Stonger. Ralph A.. Berwick. Tjl In Hands of Enem". Previously Reported Killed. Privn'e: Wright. Ralph T.. Htbbetls. O. Returned to Dutu. Previously Reported Missing. ! Private: Knnis. Allen Marshall. Mlddletown. O. Kingston. Frederick J.. W1llci%s-Bfcrrc, ! Pa. MIGHT LIST. Th" fol lowing casualties are reported hy the Commanding General of tho Am erlcan Expeditionary Forces: Killed In action ..31 Missing In action .,..14 Wounded severely. !. . 65 i Died from w-.tinds 6 Died of disease 7 i "Wounded, dogreo undetermined 52! i Total ' 170 j Killed In Action. Lieutenant: Morsolis, William F... Jn, Passaic. N. J Corporal: Puffer. Harry S.. Ravenna. Ohio. Wagoner: Brooks. Edward B.. Milesburg, Pa. Private: McConnoll. Charles Ofanna. AUoona. Pa. i"urcell, John Joseph. Pylesville, Md. Died of Disease. Corporal: Moore. Rny R.. Scranton. ret Wounded Severely. Sergeant: Peat tie. Ooorgo IV.. Pittsburgh. Pa. Patterson, Floyd IV.. Waynes burp, Pa. Corporal.:. Everts, John B., Hancock, Md. Goodenow.. Glen AV? Crancsvillo. Pa. j Grog or, John, Rites, Pa. Muslean: P-aish. Harry C.. Mow Kensington. Pa. ! 1 Yivate: 1 Bickart, Oliver. Phoonixvillo, Pa. Binguy, Howard H.. Mttnhnll. l'a. Bund. Georg--. Smoke Run. Pa." Xtanolson, Osbern, Cralgsville, W. Va. Decry, James w.. Garrett Hill. Pa. Dimareo," Piernio, Philadelphia. Pa. Dunbar .William. North Eraddock*. Pa. Esh'-r. Nlel, Philadelphia. Pa. Hereon. James A.. Cn.rtie.gie. Pa. lb pkins. Edgar. Philadelphia, Pa. Howard. Joseph A.. Oarbondalo. Pa. Ksakitls. James. Girardvlllts. Pa. Koster. Walter N., Dubois. Pa. ? Ever Ralph. Chambers burg. Pa. Moeeabee. Gazaway, Columbus, Ohio. Wounded, Degreo TTudetonnlned. Private: Buchell. John Turtlo Creok, Pa. Glltuoro, Frank W., Buckingham. P? Guthrie, Daniel D-. Kitanning. Pa, Kennedy...Thomas A.. Philadelphia. Pa ! Short*. Samuel. Philadelphia. Pa. Eckroat, Edward H.. Shenandoah. Pa Fischer, Michael. Brood Ford. Pa Herman. Franklin. Norrlstowiv. Pa. Missing In Action. Private: Fisher. John. Philadelphia. Pa. Lewis Charles "M. Carlisle. Pa. SantivbarNtra, Julius. Cleveland. O. Schultz. Oscar A.. Dayton. O. flitHiimimmUuB.A 123466 123456 12S4K 1| SOUTH SIDE Boy? Back To Murgantowu. Tho S. A. T. C. boys who havo boon hero for the past two weeks from Mor 'gantown. havo received their cards ordering them to report on duty next Monday. They all seem anxious to return and to get into training again. | Tho South Side has a largo percentage of its boys In the S. A. T. C. > JXmclngf Party. iOss Edith AVork entertained a. number of her little friends last evening with a dancing party at her homo on South Eoff street. The guests danced to Vic trola music until a late hour when a dainty luncheon was served by tho hos tess. Miss Work's guests uumbered twenty. m At "Washington. Mrs. Philip Wetxel has been called to Washington, where her son. Philip. Is re ported ill at a baao hospital in the vicin ity of that city. A telegram telling of his illness was received lost evening, but it did not stato what ailed the boy. It is believed, by the relatives, however, to be Spanish Influenza. Red Cross Society. . Tho members of the Red Cross affili ated with St. Alphonsus church are ac complishing a great deal of work at home, while the ban rests on the city. Every week & day la devoted to sewing at tho various home* and in this way. a number of garments aro completed. When tho meetings aro again resumed, they will bo able to show fine result? of their work at homei Arrested Tor righting. At Market and Twomy-s?vomh street last evening occurred one of the most exciting spectacles the South Side has: seen for some Ume. Two Italians In- j | came In some way antagonistic to each ] | other and as a result some heavy blows ! < were dealt. Several outs had hemi ad- I I minstcred when the police arrived on J I the scene and ended the fracas. The fighters aro at present in jail. No New "Pin" Cases. Up until last evening no new cases of 1 "Flu" were reported in this section of : the city. All are taking strict pre-1 cautionary measures against the disease I and those who were in any way affected J are rapidly recovering. From tho pres ent outlook the epidemic has nut gained ntuch ground on tho South Side. Wo Meeting. The meeting which had heen planned j by the mebers of the A. C. X. Club has I been postponed indefinitely. They will I hold no banquet next Friday either as the membtTs have not held any meetings lately to prepare for the same. The i affair will probably be given some time i in November. Has A New Car. Mr. I>miel Stoops of Thirty-third i street, f has recently purchased a new j Overland. The machine Is ono of the | latest models and is replete with all new j I Improvements. It presents a very pleas ing appearance and will probably lie of J much servlco to Mr. Stoops. I South Side PerBonala. Miss Elizabeth Hutchinson, of Xew I Brighton, Is expected to arrive in the i ? | cl'v so"n to take up h'er residence with) hor aunt. Mrs. Anno Nolle. "f Chapliuei street. Mr. lliiwaril Xelley, who is employed ' by the, Hell Telephone company in A lor- I pmiotrn, Is tho guest of liis mother. I Mrs. H'-nry Xelley. nf-Eoff street. Tin- Misses Doris and Kutli Kline nroj tho guests of friends In Elyrla. <">liio. j Mr. .lames O'ltrion is the guest of his! aunt, Mrs. T. K. Iteed, of Chaplino street. clydFsmithTeaves i Clyde Smith. prominent IVarwood ! young man. loaves this morriiiu; at. 7.10: o'clock for Camp Alfred Vail, at Tattle* Silver. .V. J. He will " titer the signal corps of the regular army, having;?volun teered through Washington with the consent of the county draft hoard. Mr. Smith was formerly employed at j the Stone and Thomas store and later at j the Ilazel-Atlas Gloss com puny, In the! power house. CHABTEKS ISStJXD. CH A PRESTON, W. Va.. Del. 17.?A ! j charter was issued today hy the secre-j tary of stat<> to tho following corpora-; tlons: , Ttraxton County Coal Co.. of Chicago, j V. Yn., capital stock. fis.hOO; incorpo-1 Tils., to operate mines in Itraxton County j I rotor:'*. AV, S. Shaw. Shaw Association, j i!. c. Saunders, ol Chieairo; Estate' I Rraekley Shaw. A. S. Cassils, T. DeG. J Stewart, of Montreal.' Que., and Alex Cameron of East Jordan. Mich. Buv MORE Bonds j DULL, SPLITTING" SICK HEUCHE 1 SR. J AMIES' HEADACHE POWDERS I RELIEVE Ar ONCE?10 CENTS A PACKAGE. Ton take a Dr. James' TIcndaelio Pow i der and in Just a few mono nts your J hern I "dears ami* all neuralgia and pai>i jfades away. IPs the (|iili'k"*st niul surest relh i" for h'-adaidie. whether dull, throb bing. split ting or nerve-racking. Send someone In tlo* drug stol'** ami get :? diine package now. (juit sulT*'j'ing- it's S"> Heedless I SII|'C J'Oll get Dr. James* Heaihohe Powders- "hen there will he no disappomlineiit. % CAMP LEE SOLDIERS BUY MANY BONOS Two Keystone Men Given Prison Sen tence for Kefusal to Obey Orders. f'A M [' l.r.K. Vn.. ??et. 17.?rndisturbed l>.v pence notes, i lie soldiers tit this wimp, many of whom probably within sixty iltiys or less will have taken their places on the tiring lines In France, tire subscribing enthusiastically to the Fourth liberty Loan. He ports show that during the week the men have subscribed bonds In different numbers to bring the camp's total to $fi2f-.O0O. It Is hoped that during the. present week the goal of $1,000,000 will have been reach- d. / Kandolph "*!. Payne of Pittsburgh, a negro who was em ployed for seven years by the AVostinghouse company, refused to be vaccinated nn-l gave as his rea son that it would "ilclib* his body." Ho was defiant in his refusal and was tried bv :i general conrt-tnartial. Ho offered no testimony and declined to make a statement at the trial. Ilo was sentenced to ten years of hard labor, which will b0 served at Fort Jay, N*. V. Ualph llcrir. -if Krie. who was In the wholesale candy business in that city, claimed to have been converted from tile Jewish faith t** a religion which hud ns one of its fundamental principles ob jection to military service. The court decided that Hertz was not conselon I tlous in his objections to military scrv 1 ice and the board ordered that ho he i given full military service. Accord ingly when he was ordered by t'aptain [ Albert K. Mnlhy to receive'rifle instruc tions and r-Tuscd In? was arresiod and | tried by general court-martial for the j offense. I!-* was sentenced to fifteen I v'ars .of hard labor. | War Insurance Bureau Attacked in Congress WAsll I N'HTOX, Oct. 17.?Pnrtlsnn po litical dis.Mission ami criticism of the war risk insurance bureau, delayed ac tion by the bouse today on the six bu llion dollar nilhtnry deficiency bill. Head ?'crs hope I" pass the measure tomorrow laud send it to the senate. 1-ut Kepre ! s* uiativc Sherley of Kentucky, in charge of tile bill', warned the house that this was impossible unless discussion was confined to "what is in the hill." I'omim-uiluilon and condemnation of i ho work of tin* war risk bureau were I freely voiced during the. two hours' dls j cus.Vion of iippropriations of $7,000,000 j for cleric hire and $70,000,000 for addi jtional family allowances, both of which ' were approval. Hepresentatlvc Gladden <>f lllimiis. Republican. denounced the bureau as "outrageously Inefficient" in {administration, and said It was "filled j with idlers." 1'ny for the army, amounting to $606. I 027.0110, was the only Important military {appropriation considered today. It was j pas si ?* I without discussion. Several ap ' propriations for civil departments also j ? wore approved, as were legislative sec- ? j t ions giving delinite authority for the! ' enlarged powers of the shipping board I ' for extension of shipyard facilities. | Peace Rumor Sends 5,000 Miners to Idleness j .JOI LVSTOW.V. Pa.. Oct. 17.?.Five I thousand miners in tho Somerset and ! Camhral counties were out of cmploy i nient today and the government It short 35.000 tons of coal because the men quit ' work hist night following circulation : of unconfirmed report that Germany had ! surrendered and the kaiser abdicated. ' Thirty mines are affected, tho men hav ing left to g'd more details of the news, and most of them becoming Intoxicated. COUNTY COURT NEWS KarrMc* T.lowi? Thomas Barthci, 18, and BeoZah Hlg* gins, 21, both o< Canton. O. Administrator Appointed. The Dollar Savings and Trust Com? pany was yesterday appointed adminis trator of the ?state of Joseph Spelldell bond. $lf>0,000; surety, none required by statute. Administratrix Appointed. Marperct K. Linton, of Lenox addition* was yesterday appointed administratrix of the W. L. Linton estate; bond, surety, W. E. Wallaoe. ?(Bay Liberty Bonds)? OATHXBX2MHI BUTTOX CHICAGO, Oct. 17.?All public gath erings throughout Illinois not absolutely essential to the war wero prohibited In a proclamation Issued by the state In fluenza commission, with the approval of Governor Frank O. Lowden, late to day. Buy MORE Bonds Proof that Some Women do Avoid Operations ^ r Jmk. Mrs. Etta Dorion, of Ogdensburg, Wis., says: '?I suffered, from female troubles which caused piercing pains 'like a knife through my back and side. I finally lost all my strength so I had to go to bed. The doctor advised an operation but I would not listen to it. I thought of what I had read about Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and tried it. The first bottle brought great relief and six bottles have entirely cured me. All women who have female trouble of any kind should try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound." / . How Mrs. Boyd Avoided an Operation. Canton, Ohio.?"I suffered from a female trouble which . caused me much suffering, and two doctors decided that / I would have to go through an operation before I could / get well. f "My mother, who had been helped by Lydia E. Pink- I ham's Vegetable Coin pound, advised me "to try it be- f fore submitting to an operation- It relieved me from /I my troubles so I can do my house work without any J ?. difficulty. I advise any woman who is afflicted with / \\ female troubles to give Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege- / ^ table Compound a trial and it will do as much / sf T/ for them."?Mrs. Marie Boyd, 1421 5th St.', / //7 A/v K. E., Canton, Ohio. I/?'/ . I / Vi Every Sick Woman Should ^TVy/r 11 LYDIA E. PINKHAMs^ VEGETABLE COMPOUND, Before Submitting To An Operation ^ f L J Ly?lA Young AMERICANS Do your bit Save sugar, wheat, meat, labor and fuel MOST people when they say "Corn Flakes" mean "Kef logg's"?the Original?the Flakes that are delicate and thin, with a flavor and sweetness all their own. Don't merely ask for "Com Flakes"?specify Kellogg's Toasted Com Flakes and look for the signa ' ture of W. K. Kellogg on the package. Every time you serve Keilogg's you are helping to save, wheat, meat and sugar. Kellogg's is ready to serve. It saves labor and fuel. It is an all-the-year food for everybody, any time of day, with milk or-evaporated milk, fresh or stewed fruits. Kellogg's is about the only cereal that needs no sugar?owing to the flavor and sweetness developed in the Kellogg Process. It is economical and convenient to buy. Any family in America can get Kellogg's Toasted Corn Flakes in the time it takes to reach the. nearest grocery store. The signature of / / -A Identifies the Original Corn Flakes KELLOGG TOASTED CORN FLAKE CO.. Battle Creek, Michiean "THE BIG AMERICAN'S BIT?BUY MOiiB LIBERTY BONDS" No Indigestion! Stomach Feels Fine! No Acidity, Gas, Souring, Dyspepsia ?? i Belching gas, food soaring iri stomach, lumps of pain from indi gestion and all distress from art upset stomach stops instantly. tYes! At once! No more stomacH-hcadacHe. Never any indigestion pain. Pape's Diapepsin not only re^ lieves bad stomachs but it strength ens weak stomachs. Splendid! Gosts little?Any drug store. |upset? PaDe's Diapepsin