OCR Interpretation

The Wheeling intelligencer. [volume] (Wheeling, W. Va.) 1903-1961, November 17, 1921, Image 10

Image and text provided by West Virginia University

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86092536/1921-11-17/ed-1/seq-10/

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' ' l
T Eunchal. Island of Madeira. '
,1? ? (Bv The \*?o :At.vl ITe.-s;> J
,?er Emparor Char-*.. ot .-v Vl
and former hmp;-ss /...'. ? v. *
?to Madeira by th. : I-- a.L-r *)Y. ..'*
'?fctonareh'st recent un>?-? ?????--? 1 r ..
?to regain the Hung:wi.?n ,r
'hare today on boarl the bnttsh ..r ...
?* Banishment of tr-nibi- m.V*:ng ?' r
'mpnarchs to Islands >?( tb.<- >? > ?
''.their one-time dominfhs U ^ >?' '"o
,fiion procedure hot proved, .->r ^
. plight of former Ernie: or ? i .r.. - ?
.Austria-Hungary ?H;' l,;i , ? ??
? to Madeira, ts found .n the ...>r .
? of Napoleon I. who pus.--.. . x - ? .
Kt Helen* In tint south Atlanta*. .?0
? .mile" from the nVst land, a prisoner
? more than a century ago. __
? ? St. Helena Is not only much snts 1
than Madeira but. compared to - ie a
?ter. la as "a devil', island to l^ad's^
nve-??xtha of Its area 1* de\o..i
? Vegetation and. aside from an army
garrison, there are no big to^xns
' other evidence, of life
W early All lUiterate
'* Madeira, live time, the sire of. ?
Helena Is an ocean garden s,>-<.. r
cih Its chief city, has a popu atl-n
of more than 20.i?0? and c
of a group of ^ ^i\ ^?iMlVXe
. produces some of the ..r?. 1
and laces tn the wor.d a. j _ '
abundance of fruits, ^ainsands-ar
? Oxen are mainly used fo. ^.n ult i .
?Instead of draft horses, and other .t .m
Ing methods are primitive* I*** than
?'two per cent of the people can read and (
The Portuguese mlHtarv garrison .*
very sm?M and t'hnrlos. Etta and the.r
six -mall children. If the allied rowor?
permit, may have every freedom except
.an unchaperoned ocean VI'>'Y* .-hi bv
..eon was guarded day and n.ghl b>
Madeira, the Portuguese word for
?"forest." Is directly In the At.antir
? ? ocean trade routes. St. Helena, a. I-r.t
lah naval coaling station, of.cn doesnt
aee a ship for days. Madeira .s i 1? ?_
' of call and thus la kept in
' with the outside world. The Island.,
400 miles a est of Morocco has a tern-1
" perate climate. It Is 12 miles wide and
35 miles long and elliptical In sha.'_ ,
Three other Islands n-arby e-mro te
.the Madeira group. .They are 1 orto
Santos which, with Madeira, have a
? ? population of ITM*". ?nd the TVsertns
? and Selvagens. two smaller Isvinds of,
? volcanic origin. The latter are unin
habited with reek formations jut-.ng
?' out Into the sen.
Two Coups that railed I
?4 After the collapse of tho Central
Towers In IDt*. Charles and /.tta sought
refuge In Switzerland where, for r ??
years, they lived with their .h.olrtt.
_L" Last March the former emperor at
. . tempted a coup d'etat hv erossing the
. Swiss border nnd reaching the town
..of Stemamanger. Hungnrv. where v.it
? prominent monarchists >" P .1
..enter Budapest. Th ? pint j
Charles returned to Switzerland. Aga.n
'? on October 22 last, despite his
? honor" given to the Swiss authorities
?? that ha would attempt no further "ma-,
? padea, ttle former monarch ?nd his wite. ..
?' during the dispute over Rurgenland.
Hew in an airplane from lucerne to
" Oedenburg and ultimately reached Rao..
.Hungary, where Charles was receit? >
by an armed party of royalists In a
.. aangutnary attempt to enter *_
the Carlists were defeated. The former
'? emperor and empress were cartaed
?? and. tlnalfy-at the behest of the Little
?? Entente, placed aboard ? BrUsh mon.
' tor in the Danube On November 3. the
?* ex-royal pair -ailed tor theif future
home in the mid-Atlantic. On Novem-I
" ber 4 the former emperor, who had .'? r
' slsteutly refused to renounce his hereu
." jtarv "rights". dethroned and tue
? ? Hapsburg dynasty was o-sted fruin
Hungary by a law passed by the. Hun
? garian national assembly.
Kapolaon'a BaiUzhmant
Napoleon's banishment in 1S14 was n?
? less bitter. The former Empress Jose
phine had died ami hU living consorr
Marie le u.se. with her son. the .Itt.
Prince of Rome, had p-ne from
talnebleau to ?"lenna following the em
peror's abdication. Meanwhile th*-al..e..
powers had ceded to Napoleon th
Island of Elba in tue Mediterranean ami
there as a "sovereign" he might have
passed the rest of his lif- in ueaee and
tranaullity. Eleven months of retire
ment. however, sufficed to spur h.m to
escape and new adventures.
He had been brought to Elba aboard
the British warship "Dauntless" on
Aprfl with royal dignity a:t>t Consul- ;
?*r.?tion. on the night of bVbrtiary I
!vT5. with i.OM followers h?- s'.i;?;>???! |
? ut --f I "or to bYrnttJ" and th*-n began t:j
famous 'tie llundrrit lSiys" In which I
l-e sought to regain the throne of j
rratue Ho gathered strength In men
? uid iicns as I-.e crossed the Alps and '
marc'.???! on f"nr:s. hut ills reign as a j
"?? *n-t ?utionnl monarch" ?as of short
duration Croat llrit.hin. Kus*:a. Austria
and l'rus>I.i ill- "sired him an init'aw and
raised tin."fin tr. oj's t-> .-rush hint. Tin
iest lotto- Waterloo the following |
June saw tin- <nd of hts power.
The former emperor threw himself ?
?spoil the men v of the Hrlfish. falling j
In an effort to ilee to the T'nltel States. ;
He mane overtures to t'aptiln Maltlstiol '
of the warship "Be'.lerophon". who took i
him to l lytuouth. Flru:.. pending disposi-j
tion of h.s ease !>y the ;illi-*-l jiowers i
lr was rlnai'.y decided to srn-1 him t->
St. H? o na and there. guarded In is
strong ttrltish force, he landed on Octo
ber IT. 1S15. l-'or six vears he lived in j
practical solitude, writing hts memoirs
an l no tiogra|.hs on military campaigns i
and political affairs, dying on May '
1*21. of n earn er which had been nggra- j
vated by deep periods of hatred and ile- '
pressl -n. The Prltish Ceneral Wilkes. !
the firs* governor of St Helena, proved 1
too lenient with Napoleon and "tool
amenable to y-.s Influence." and. as a!
result, whs displaced some years before!
li a ("orslcan's death by Sir Hudson I
Detroit. Ml oh.. Nov IS.--iKxpuIslon
of Senator Thurmati If. Newberry of!
Michigan. from tin* 1'nited States sen-I
ate on account of the excessive use J
of money In his campaign" was demand
ed In a resolution adopted at a meeting
here todav of the Michigan branch of
the committee of forty-eight, who was
reorganized Into a state branch of the
new liberal party.
Thonnuli DUcoTirid Dr. Sd
w*rd?* Olive Tablet# are a
Xarmlaee subertltnte
Pr. Edwards" Olive Tablets?the sub
'? etltute for calomel?are a mild hut sure
lavatlve, and their effect on the liver ts
? almost Instantaneous. These iitle ollve
1 colored tablets are th~ result of Pr.
Edwards" determination not to treat
liver and bowel complaints with calomel.
The pleasant little tablets do the
v irood that calomel does, but have no 1
bad after effects. They don't Injure the
teeth like strong liquids or calomel.
! They take hold of th?i trouble and ,
I quickly correct It. "Why cure the liver
' at the expense of the teeth? Calomel
sometimes plays havoc with the gums.
.So do strong liquids, It is best not to
: take calomel. Let V>r. Edwards' Olive
' Tablets take Its place.
H^ulaches. "dullness" and that lazy
feeling come from constipation and a
disordered liver. Take l>r. Edwards'
Olive Tablets when you fee: "h->*gy" and.
"heavy." They "ctenr" clouded brain
and "p? rk up" the spirits. 15c und 30c.
I Ends Stubborn Coughs |
in a Hurry |
Tar real effectiveness. this old T
home-made remedy has no equal. ?
?*417 soil cheaply prepared. <?
You'll never know how quickly a bad
cough can be conquered, until vnti try
this famous old h^me-mad" remedy,
i Anyone who has couifhed all day and
an night, will sav that the immediate
relief given is almost like magic. It
takes out a moment to prepare, and
ically there is nothing better for coughs.
Into a pint bottle, put 21 j ounci-s of
Pinex: then add plain granulated sugar
svrup to make a full p;nt. Pr vou can
use clarified molasses, honev, or corn
svru;?. instead of sugar svrup. Either
war. the full pint saves about two
thirds of the monev usually spent for
cough preparations, and gives you a more
positive, effective remedy. It keens per
fectly, and tastes pleasant?children
like it.
You can feel this take hold instantly,
soothing and healing the membranes in
all the air passages. It promptly loosens
a dry, tight cough, ant soon vou will
notico the phl?gm thin out. and then
disappear altogether. A dav's use will
usually break up an ordinary throat or
chest cold, and it is also splendid for
bronchitis, croup, hoarseness, and bron
chial asthma.
Pinex is a most valuable concentrated
compound of genuine Norway pine r*.
tract, the m<>-t rf liable remedy for
I throat and chest ailments.
I To avoid disar>r?ointment ask your
druggist for "2L, ounces of Pinex" with
directions, and don't accept anything
elee. Guaranteed to give absolute satis
f^tioa or money refunded. The Puiex
Co, It Wayne, Ind.
Miller Prosecution
Rests; Defense Will
Rely on the Coroner
I'ittshurKh. I'a . Nov. In ? The prose- i
?-?iti? ? t> rested its case t'ul.iy tn th*' trial
?>f John W. Miller. chanted with alloyed
connection In the death of *-nr-??l?!
Nadlne Kramer, whoso Imilj was foutlil
AI?r 11 1* l;iHt under the flooring of a
?tah> following her disappearance font
days previously.
The defense Indicated that It wnuM ;
roiy mainly upon testimony of I>r. f*. i
H Srh I blocker. coroner's physician. in '
an attempt to establish tho Innocence
ot tin- accused. Tho physician. as a
oimni'iiiwealth ultnoss, hail testified at
tho opening of tho trial that tho child
had 1II.01I front psychic shock super
induced hy enlarged thymus glands.
In tho opening address counsel for
tho ilofonso said that Millor would be
called.to tho stand to oxplaln what 1
tnmsjilrod in tho stable. motion minlo
hy Miller's counsel for binding Instrtic- j
lions to have the jury rot urn a verdict
of n?t guilty for lack of evidence wns
denied by tho court.
Muntintton. \V. Va. Nov. Ill ? l.ocal
lodges of the Independent Order of Odd
[?'?Ihiws and tho KnU'hts oPI'ythuis to
day launched a drive for funds to ere.-t
a point horns here. Tho structure
planned will cost a(iproxltnat '.y $-l0.??f>0
and will lie three lours and modern
throughout Approximately M.il'" has
hoon suhsorlhed. Krnest Hodges. secre
tary of the Knights of I'ythlas-. h;i,s an
r 1
Heal Hives, Rashes, Tetter
and Poison ivy
Jl *?,??[
Yeast for Health??Yes
in Tablet Form?Mastin's
VitamonQuickly PutsOn Firm Flesh,OvercomesConsti
___pation, Increases Energy and Invigorates the Body_
To mako it easy, pleasant and eeo-!
nominal for weak, thin, run-down folks'
to get the full health-Riving, strength
building benefits of the true yeast-vita-'
mines chemists have ut last found a way
to prepare a proper dose in highly con-j
ccnfrated tuhlct form called MastinV1
VITAMON. These tiny tablets will not j
cause gas or upse* the stomach, but, on
the contrary, arc a great aid to digestion.!
Watch how isquickly your nerves are
strengthened, your energy increased and
your body rounds out with firm, solid'
flesh. Boils and skin eruptions seem to
vanish as if by magic and the complexion I
becomes fresh and clear. Even chronic!
sufferers from constipation soou throw
away their laxatives ami worry no more
So rapid and aniaeing are the results that
success is absolutely guaranteed or the
smntl orice you pay will be promptly re
funded and the trial will cost you.nothing.
Be mire to remember the name Maatin s
VI-TA-MON?the original and genuine
yeast-vitamine tablet?there is nothing
else like it, >o do .not accept imitation*
or substitutes. You can get Myelin's
VITAMON tablets at all good druggists,
such as C. II. fJrlest A Co., Rau'a
Pharmacy and Baer's Drug Stores.
Are Positively Guaranteed
to Put On Firm Flesh,
Clear the Skin and Increase
Energy When Taken With
Every Meal or Money Back
' 1 I
? ' ~~ I ? - I - I
Thf, Scientifically Built Watch
i i
WaUham 16 Si:e Crescent Street
ii Jewels $no
With Winding Indicator $t>f
The First American
Railroad Watch
WHEN we talk Railroad Watches we can say
more, mean more, and prove more than any
other watch-maker in the world.
'I he Waltham " 16 See Crescent
Street." illustrated abo\c. was
the first standard Railroad
W atch e\ cr accepted in America.
Such is its accuracy and depend
ability that every railroad in the
world accepts this watch with
out question m
'1 he Waltham "Crescent Street'
has proved its excelling merit by
close time-keeping under every
known railroad condition, and
over a long period ol s cars.
For traveling men and busy
business men who desire accu
rate time-keeping ? its per
formance will be a revelation.
It is adjusted to extremes of
temperature; also every posi
tional test to which it can be
The movement is it jewels and
priced uncased at sixty dollars.
The price o! the complete watch
varies only according to the style
and quality of the case selected.
A--k your jeweler to show you
this'masterpiece of watch-mak
ing. I ic will case the movement
for you according to your taste.
When you buy a "Crescent
Street" you ow n a n atch.
W ri'e for a xalnal'l4 booklet that it a liberal u arch eaucauon
Sent jrec ut ?'t request. 7 he Waltham Watch Company
C rcs*cnt Street, U allham, Mass.
tk'krre yxjm tee tkn ugm they tell H'eltkem
Maker a of the fumout VTa/thiim air-friciiorx quality SpeeJjmetrrj and
Automobile '/ ime-piecet utedon the uorlJ j leading cart
Conservative Leadeis |
Try to Square Themselves
l.n erpool. Nov. ltl illy 111 ?? As*"-I
< till oil I \ hirer number of'
1'nioiilHf leaders. iiicliidiny Austen !
t'haml.rrlaln. jtovernineiit leader in tin
Inium1 of common?. arrived hen tn-n!irht
to attend the cunfiTi-niv of tho chiisitv- :
atlvc party to-morrow.
Most of the loaders who have arrived ,1
expressed themselves us helm; Inn ? in.
? if aohiov ir.y; a settlement of the dispute ?'
hetwaen the two sections of the rt ?'
?vt>r the Irish negotiations. notwilli- (
standing the nppuretitly (treat iliffel- ,
ell cos. provided they were not . Otlipelleil '
to make premature disclosure- rcuaul- :
ItijC the progress of the iicitotla I tons. I
The I'n'.onist loaders are assuring tin
rank and !l!e of the party that tiiey in
sist upon the complete security of .the
Hriltsh empire and of I'lster Thev np
penr to he more apprehensive of aitcrcs
sloti on the part of Andrew liouar I.aw
and l.ord I'nrsnn. prominent .on-ervi
tl\e leaders, than that of any possible
imitation i.y the so-cnlled "tlic hards. '? ?
Washini:N -v. I*'. Marshal Foch.
'II .1 III mini- ..1 .. losn.lt rollCRC of
Km tire v. .i.. |.t ? n t.-.l today with a K'dd
? wi.rl hy tn'.'t!.. iwii Keore Jrsilit en|
!'?<?* .Mi'l inij\. i sitt? of the fnited
The presentation ?*?? ma .To at OeorBe
li'Wii I'tii rsit?? .,n tin- p..frit of the "U1
N? ? r?11 l.tilM nv uhl' h served as the ton:
|mr:try ?t?,t of tlto I'nlted States
tftor the llrltish hiitnod Washington in
1 s 1 I. At the saino time the marshal
re,el\o| the .l-iti-e -.f I?oetor of Otnon
itel 'hv.I I.hwh from < lenritetown.
The two reremotileH were witnessed
l<> .? ilistiiiKtnt hod group, lncludintc
Attorney 'Tenet,,! J'atiKherty and Serre
lary I'avis. Ambassadors Jusserarid, of
(?'ranee, Mnthieu, of Chile; Riano. of
Spain and Tezot of Peru. The degree j
was conferred hy the Kev. John B.
t'reoden, president of Georgetown, and I
the sword presented l>y the ftev. Joseph
II. Itoekwell, of New Y? rk. provincial
<<f the New York-Maryland province of
the Jesuit Older.
ITlor to his visit to Georgetown, Mar
.vital Koch was the puest of honor with
i loners I I >l:iz and Admiral Bcatty, of
Secretary of War Weeks at luncheon.
Tonlplit a reception In his honor was
piven at the French emhassy, and to-1
morrow he will po to New York to
spend three days Fteturnlnp to Wash-1
Inpton for two days he will leave on
a fifteen day tour throuph the west. In-!
eluding the Yosemlts vnller lad Um
Graftd Canyon. jf
Toledo. Ohio. Nov.* 16?At a meeting
here yesterday hold In response to a
? all of the committee of forty-eight
with a view to vetting sentiment on the
proposition of organizing a new political
party, a oorfimittee was appointed to
frame a platform whioh will express
the sentiments of Interested porsona.
Similar platforms will oe frimed In
other sections, the whole to be Anally,
sifted into a concrete national platform
for the proposed new party.
To help you save la the m! as Ion of
Intelligencer Want Ada
Bellaire Child So Weak and
Delicate Mother Was
"My little girl ,vns pale and delicate.
I!>color left lierj Utile cheeks and site
suffered so much. I was almost wor
ried to da\tli. Instoao of playing with
other rl'lilnn slo< woulu mope around
tin? hou o - r'uln't seem to he interested
In anything - felt dull and tired out all
of tho time She became pale Hnd:
nnemle and would have fainting sp?ils. .
1 was so distressed I couldn't let her go|
Imi k to school, much as 1 hated to keep |
her away.
[ "Friends simply begged me to glvei
her these little 1'hoe-Pho Vitamins j
tablets with her meals W'e hnd tried '
other things, but w hen we found they J
: had helped other children we felt that
they might do her good> She didn't 1
| mind taking them at all and H"on begun I
to have more life. Iler appetite picked!
up. and color came hack to h?r cheeks, j
and she was soon nble to he hack at |
school. The teacher talks about how
rosy her cheeks are when she Is out;
playing with the oilier children, and |
how bright she ts now that she Is well, j
In the afternoons she comes running |
home from school shouting for some
thing to eat. And I Just love to fix I
things f..r her. now that T am comforted
In knowing that she is wrli. It Is the
sweetest musle In the world to me when
I hear her merry laughter at play.
Nothing I ran say expresses my grati
tude over what Itios-l'ho Vltamlne tab
lets did for my precious little girl," said
Mrs. M. J. Huseh, 4126 Noble street, Bel
lalre. O.
Thousands of little ltlddles In the Ohio
valley nra now bark In school as a re
sult of the dlsrovory of I'hos-Pho Vlta
mlne tablets. They are well and happy
aeain. while many of them were pale,
sick nnd anemic only a Bhort while be
I"lios-I'ho Vitamins tablets are not i
patent medicine. They are the result of
cooperative effort on the part of Amer-|
Irn's lending chemists for the relief of
these troubles. And If they are taken]
according to directions, they will make
every home Just a little bit happier. Tou!
could not find Ingredients better suited
*n a child's delicate stomach, as Phos
I'ho Vltamlne tablets nre more like food
?linn medicine (See formula on bottle.)
Start your siek little girl or boy on
I'hos-Pho Vltamlne tablets todny.
"Watch how they pick up In strength and
weight. I'hos-Pho Vltamlne tnhlets are
being featured by all leading druggists
At this season of the year they are put
ting many kiddles in condition for the
cold winter months, wvten croup, coughs
and colds so often take their heavy toll
among weak and run-down children
Oroyn-ups, too, may well take this help
ful tonic.
Remnants Lots and Room
This Season's Patterns of
are going fast at the ridiculously low prices we are
making them?some as low as
for an entire room
An enormous assortment of patterns is well rep
resented in this sale?a wonderful opportunity to
paper one or more rooms at extremely low cost. We,
however, urge prompt action, as sale will not last
much longer. # .
Come, in tomorrow.
The J. R. Greenlee Co.
Wall Paper, Paints and Window-Glass ,
3371-3-5 Belmont Street Bellaire, 0.
Phones 765 and 706
Do This Tonight
Watch the quick effects?see the change in a week
Present this coupon to your dealer. Ho
will give you a delightful ten-day test of a
new teeth-cleaning method which millioni
are employing.
Watch the effects, quick, pleasant and con
spicuous. Watch the new luster that comes.
In ten days let your mirror tell you the way
to pretty teeth.
Leading dentists everywhere advise this
method now. You will see and feel the rea
sons when you make this test
End the dingy film
The chief purpose is to fight film. This
viscous coat, which you can feel, causes
dingy teeth and also most tooth trCSfbles.
Film clings to teeth, enters crevices and
stays. The old ways of brushing did not end
it. So film-coats night and day threaten seri
ous damage.
Film is what discolors, not the teeth. Film
is the basis of tartar. It holds food substance
which ferments and forms acid. It holds the
acid in contact with the teeth to cause decay.
Millions of germs breed in it. They, with
tartar, are the chief cause of pyorrhea. All
these troubles have been constantly increas
ing. Despite the daily brushing with old
methods, very few escaped them.
Now you can fight it
Dental science, after long research, has
found ways to fight that film. Able authori
ties have proved them effective. Now lead
ing dentists everywhere advise their daily
The methods are embodied in Pepsodent,
the new-day, scientific tooth paste. Millions
of people now use it, and the use is fast
spreading the world over.
That is the dentifrice we urge you to try.
Your druggist has a free tube for you. En
joy its effects for ten days, then judge them
for yourself.
Also starch and acids
Modern diet makes other things essential
And those essentials are embodied in this
scientific tooth paste.
Each use of Pepsodent multiplies the sali
vary flow. That is Nature's great tooth-pro
tecting agent. It multiplies the starch di
gestant in the saliva. That is there to digest
starch deposits which may otherwise form
It multiplies the alkalinity of the saliva.
That is Nature's agent for neutralizing acids
which attack the teeth.
? PAT.O!-r. |
REG. U.S. ?????ii I?????
The New-Day Dentifrice
Endorsed by authorities, advised by leading dentists every
where, and supplied by all druggists in the large tubes.
All This Week
This 10-Day Tube of Pepsodent.
Simply present the coupon. This
test will prove a delightful revela
tion. If will show you the way
which ' millions have found to
whiter, cleaner, safer teeth.
This offer is for one week only.
It means much to you and yours.
Act now.
An Ideal diet would do these same things,
but few people get it So dental science now
needs the tooth paste to bring these desired
Pepsodent will daily bring you five great
benefits which the old ways did not bring.
Together they mean a new era in teeth
Men's tobacco stains
Men who smoke stain these film-coats with
tobacco. The use of Pepsodent brings them
conspicuous effects.
Food stains with women make these film
i coats dingy. The glistening teeth seen every
where now show how Pepsodent removes
But children need Pepsodent most .Their
teeth are most subject to film and starch at
tacks. Very few escape tjiem. Dentists ad
vise that they use Pepsodent from the time
the first tooth appears.
Watch teeth whiten
The results of Pepsodent are quickly seen
and felt. No user can long doubt them. A
book we send explains the reasons for them.
A very short test will convince you that this
new way is essential. ^
Present the coupon for a 10-Cay Tube.
Note how clean the teeth feel after using.
Mark the absence of the viscous film. See
how teeth whiten as the film-coats disappear.
Watch the other good effects.
Then you will see and feel and know that
Pepsodent is necessary. You will realixe that
old methods were not right And this dis
covery may bring life-long benefits both to
you and yours. Present this coupon to any
dealer named this week. Cut it out now,
A Ten-Day Test Free This Week
Simply present the Coupon to
25th and Chapline Sts.
1145 Market St,
Main and Bridge Sts.
16th and Market Sts. ,
Preaent this coupon, with jour name and address filled
in, to any store named. It is good for a 10-Day Tube of
Your Name
Out-of-town residents should mail this coupon to The
Pepsodent Company, 1104 So. Wabash Avenue, Chicago,
and the tube will be sent by maiL
Only on* tub# to a family. Wheeling fhtelligencer

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