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ANTI-BEER BILL PASSES THE ; SENATE: COURT ATTACK COMING TVashlngton. N" v * S The b rl ?? l' days of "medicinal beer" were .????:-?!?? ed numbered t"da> ?i;t-n the "??. by ?< \-ote of 5< t" 22. finally ?? b-pted th ference r??r" "f> tl.?- anti-beer With leg? s'.i'!vf action ??? ? t?>'11 i?I??? 1. tli*? bill. fought i \>r for months. ri"w goes to the president. who Is -x :??? trd to give It his ar-pt"?>\at the t.":i days period !n which he i'uji a *t. It was thought p"?'.' !?*. however. that tie-re might ha a fi w i|a\s delay while an opinion as t> the v-n-t-.tutlon.-illty -?f the measure was received fr-? iti the at torney general. I'ritr. bh? president's* '>'>'* on the hilt, man ufh'dure and sa> hv physi cians' prescriptions will continue, the treasury department at notinccl. to:', sr. sill ijuarters the lease on life for molli c' beer was. not placed beyond ten days, although the beer liars wetit down only a few weeks ag" with th>* issuance of the treasury's beer r- filiations Only an hour's debate, of ex'rn-ver \ Id chars |er. preceded the s?na*? \i>te today Prohibition a?l\o. atcs and op ponents clashed sharply during the tlna! session, llti.ped by agreement The lino up of tie* bill's opponents Included twe!\e Republicans are! ten Pomocrats, while thirty three Republicans and twenty three L'cnwcrats supported the measure T'pon enactment of the MU whose con ntltuMonallty has been ijucstloned In ' the senate us an extension of the prohi bition nrc.endrrsnt In its ban upon beer as an alleged medlclnat and no* a bev erage concoction. It was deemed cer- . tain that brewing Interests would carry i test case to th<* supremo court. Besides ;>cob,;blt!ng beer with more *.har :tt half percent of alcohol, the bill w >uld reduce 'he amount of w ine which Physicians might prescribe. The Itepublican opponents were Pen-' stors Brandegee, Pupont. Kdge. John son. I,a Kollette. Lodge, McLean. Pen rose. Phlpps. jyiortrlrtge. Wadsworth \nd Weller. The Democrats wore Sen ators Brnussard. (terry. King. 1'nme *ene. Kan-dell. Shields. Stanley, t'nder wnod.'Walsh (Massachusetts and Wat ?n (Cieorgla). Two other Senators. Reed, Pernor rat Missouri. and Moses. Kcpuhlican, New Hampshire, were paired against the bill Thirty-three Republicans and 23 Pern ?crats supported tho measure, while It *?>? announced that Senators Herreld. Republican. Oklahoma: Kellogg. I'.epub 'Ican. Minnesota; Lenroot, Republican. Wisconsin: M?-<V>rmlok. Republican. Ill inois; Sutherland, Republican. West Ir {Uila and b'ietih-'r. .Democrat. Florida, wb i were absent and paired favored the bllL Kills Palmer Baling The bill will set aside the ruling of Termer Attorney General I'altnor. who two days before he retired, advised the prohibition enforcement officials that Ihere was nothing in the Volstead act to prohibit the prescription of beer and light wines for medical purposes. GETII FDR ; - FALSE ALARM PAT7Xi FONXITBXXOEX AND Ml> I OAUAQHTS lO BE IN POEICE COUXT THIS MOXJTDfO. Had Been Drinking "and W?ro at the Corner When Alarm Was Turned In. Pa-:! B"tienberger ami Bernard "Red" ? Call.igher will bo arm :gned before Judge John S. Ritz !ri police court this < barged with turning In a false alarm of fire at 3 o'clock Friday morning*. For the second time in one i night, firemen turned out at 3 o'clo-k 1 yesterday morning ar. 1 made a run to? Fhapllno and Twenty-third streets, an-j pwerlng an alarm from Box <3. Amy- : Ing at the scene of the alarm. Chief A JJuriey Thompson and the firemen found that they had made another use less run. Detective "Chip" Orurr.backer and so v. era! uniformed policemen were quickly on the scer.e. and In a short while "Re-t" Gallagher was In custody and said that Raul Bor.enberger had pulled the alarm f>ox. Both boys were taken to police headquarters later yester^lay and tnc rharge of turning In a false alarm was placed against both of them. Had Ordered Them On. Detective Crura backer stated that he had ordered Gaitagher and Bonenbcrger. both of whom he said appeared to have heen drinking, to go home Friday morn |ng, and that he stood and watched them fs they walked up Twenty-third street ?n their way home. The young men. he pays, stopped at the corner of Twonty UUrd and Chapllne, where the alarm box p located, and while he was watching fo see If they wont on. the alarm began bounding. The detective and I', William HorBtmann rushed to that : p<Jlnt. but Gallagher and Bonenberger p.d made their temporary getaway. It was an easy matter, however, to rouno pi era -up. The first false alarm of fire Thursday ) night came from the box located ort {Corth Huron street, near the Island ?n<^ bf the Aetnavlllo bride. Police have ?ot been able. to learn who pulled that The penalty for sounding a f?g-? \larm of fire Is a fine of J50 and costs. Close Arguments in . Gas Rate-making Case Washington, Nov. 18?Argument* In [he salt brought by the Consolidated r&* company of New York to test the palldlty of laws fixing eighty cents a< [he legal rate, were closed in the 1'nlted Mates supreme court today with the ad |re?s of Wtlttam I.. Ransom, of court lei for the company. Other gas raises bearing oti the rate mak'tig powers of public utility commissions are sched iled to be taken up soon by the court. ?nd It was considered not unlikely that lecision 4n the New York litigation would await completion of argument In those similar suits. Mp. Ransom, summing up today. !r? ilsted that the statutory rate of SO *?nts would he confiscatory, even though Mplta> investment was not taken lnlo consideration. Records of the company show, he said, a cost of $; per rtfus ?nd feet to produce the gas f"r which the company charges $: -?>. GROCERY BILL SUITS WON BY PLAINTIFF Two civil suits to reer.v- r nwn' v al leged duo on grocery bills were heard before S'lUtre ?"harles ?5o|denherg last night. Both suits were brought bv N. Scbouer. grocer of PNasant Valley. One suit was against Mr ami Mrs. Oeerge ['aster for Jflrt arid the otb> r ? gainst Mr and Mrs. Sam Babe! for $107.40. Judgement f; r the full amount was rendered t>y She r-- Both cases were appegil-d. The d rug contained In the mn.-a! cactus button produces In the user ?Isions of forgeou* aunaets. 'i FOREIGN WARS VETS NOMINATE ELECTION will be held ISIDAY evenino, Dicrrurr, 2?list of NOIUNEES. Members of the G A. R. to Bo Taken Into Post As Honorary Members. K leeh - Is:? t11 1; s-I:ii. ,i'!i s l i st N'.v V.'."., Veterans of Kontitu Wars, last cvrnitm nominated. officers for the ?i v> i;ii ;lv? offices which .1:he fl.I???! ? the t'.rs; meeHnc 111 I 'ecemher Tin* i? >ts nf i.ffti . rs w.ll he ho'il Kr:da> ?wi-n'mj:. IVoxIt .. 11 ml t!u- itis'a! lat i ? >11 will take place* two weeks lalor. the fclijih in); nominations wi re made h> the p.fijf Pest < "otnttiati'ler William .1 iTom pers. Haynmnd Kallaml. Sydney l.ake. Irwin Haer. Senior Vice Commander Andrew Hess. lieorKe Means. Kobert K <larrl- 1 Junior Vice i"ornmamlcf^, K \' Murhe. Jj'hn Tone, hwriti' Stein. John Stntiipp. ijaytnotul Kuliund ami Harry Vance. ,?Off;< ? r of the I>a>?Harry Hani* y. .ft*hn Stumpp. Chaplain -Charles 1 Casey, l'ost Suntcm l?r. \V. 11 Mcl.atn, 1 ?r. ix'tn. C Pontius. To Take In Old Veterans, t'n Saturday evotilni:. Xuvcmi'cr ?6. members of J. W" Holiday l'ost No 11'. Olrand Army of the Republic, will he taken into the Veterans of Korelitn Wars post as honorary members. The fnusterintc !" of the Civil war veterans as honorary meml>ers of the Veterans "f Korefcn War* will take place : ri tlie < S. A It. hall immediately follow line the Cram! Army's regular Saturday night me**'!n<. Comrade \\. S. tlrafton was present with the Veterans of Foreign I Vj'ars last night to arrange for the i esenj. A number of applications for member ship In tlie V. .F, \V. -post were acted j Upon favorably last night. ami a sihall ' cja>s of recruits was mustered Into the , post. MINER CAUGHT ? : BY CUR: KILLED Albert Dolgurxo Vtct'm of Tragic Acoi d*nt at Clifford Mine on Ohio Sid* Albert Delguzzo, n con! miner iO years of ug-\ was instantly killed lute J .yesterday afternoon at th? Cl.ff.ird ; nine ?>f th?' cYntral Coal Mining com- I pany. located on the <>hlo side of the j r'.\er across front Moundsville. % ' Lytguzzo was encaged in coupling coal cars when one gave wa'.v, . itching him between the car and the rtt> of the rnlno. Ho was badly crnshoil about the che^t and death was almost instant*- ! hc.nus. The body was taken t" the ! Myers morgue at Reilxire. 'kro ner Hnrdesty, of nrldgojwrt. will hold j an Inuuest today. No funeral arrangements have vet been made for the funeral. Cv'.jruzzo was unmarried. CHILD KILLER MLCIIRj ANNA BOICI. TWO YEARS OLD, DDES INSTANTLY WHEN RUN OVER BELOW BELLAIRE. Was Playing Along Trooi When Sleeve Became Caught in Car Wheel. Anna, the little two year old daughter of Krank Moid of Rig Run. six miles | south of Rellalre, was Instantly killed i late yesterday afteriloon when run over by a railroad car loaded with coal. The | accident happened at tlie I'ennsylvatiU ! switch at the Rat! and River intne No. 3. at Rig Run. The child, with two other small chil dren. was flaying along the track where I cars loaded with coal were being moved. ! In some manner her sleeve became caught in th?? wheel of a passing car. I throwing her head tinder another whogT. ; llefore the car could be stopped the wheel passed over the child, severing | her head completely from the body. | The body was removed to the Myers I morgue at Rellalre. where I'oroner I Clyde Hardesty will hold nn Inquest to day. No funeral arrangements have | yet been made. ACCUSED OF CAUSING : THEATRE DISTURBANCE Charles Xickson. Hurry Charlton and j Stanley Sukz will he nrrnicned n police j court this morning. charged with dlsnr- j tl'rly conduct. They art- arciwd or creating a disturbance last evening In the Liberty Theatre. Patrolman arrested them, and Louis- Velos. man ager of the theatre, anil several ether witnesses have beer, called to nppear against them. QUICK RELIEF FOR ALL RHEUMATICS Fhyvlclan Believes a G-ooulr.s Remedy for the D1 ?ease H.vs Emu round It Is an established fact that one tea- | spoonful of Rhettma taken onre a day , for a very short time has driven all the i pain and wgony front thousands of racked, crippled and des;ktiring rheu- ! matins. While powerful, gratifying and qulok ao'.tng Rheurnn Is harmless, and pives Lifting and blessed relief almost at hnee. The magic nnni" has 'fadiel nearly every hamlet and there are hun dreds of druggists who ean t"il you of, the good It has done in what .seemed t ? be hopeless cases. I'r. M. <*. Lyons. :i prominent western physician says: "I have made u most careful Investtgath-n of tho formula em ployed Iri the manufacture of Kheuma. and 1 heartily recommend !t as a remedy for alt forms of rheumatism. 1 find Uheum.a far In advance of the methods generally employed In the treatment of rheumatism, and altogether different in composition front the remedies usually prescribed." If y.oi have rheumatism In any form di n'' delay - try Rhe-tma today. C. II. driest ? will supply y..*j and guaran tee money refunded If It does not |ltc , uulck and blessed relinf. DE BLATE IS FREES OF LIQUOR CHARGE Vm.-.'iir tv.,-. r. of N. . in 1:. w .? ( p .o ?> of lusl ne.s was r;i! !< >1 ? 'i l? ?: . ?'?> .-la'v I'<??!???? 1<?? m;r. l'.urr and ll"tfrh k .<:i?i win' was ei arci'd with makitit; Whiskey from moonshine. ? t : ? ? i; an I I lav or. ami f-ikItiu a {"? ?!. {a I '? ,n.|i, is'liti -? :i t - lac that the whiskey was "i il.nnvir''," was 'llvmlsscil of ttio ??!. irit>- ]a.-: ni?:ht hy Siiiiln ?*harii-s tiosL riherft. When his place of htisinsss was raSl ed. thrsi dozen <|inift i oM.'i.s ???' l i' ? ?I whiskey, (???arlnir the !.if???! "i; .1 nta. i e." :.nd "hottlo.l it! l-oti'l " a.:. iniin h'Tliry tilso fo'.iml ahour t.'irty caiiotts ? the mixture all i->-iolj for 1 ;111np'. II" was h?M under homl At 'he heiirinK last n yht I'dilate ?h:.ioil own In i: tlii' whiskey, i!' s .i l h, ' veni the pr-'fier: y whnro the !a;iior w s f I. hut that in ri'nt.i! tic' pat: ??? tin- huth:* ? tilt lo a inau hum- '! Sam lip uwick. HANNA FUNERAL TOMORROW. Washington, \?>v. is. Funeral j..r\ !i-i's for nirs. i'harlotre Augusta ll.nnn, widow of the !aty S"tiator Marcus Hail li.'i. "I Ohio, who ill* 11 here last will nr h"Id ill Winle M' nmrlal olm'pil. Oh", ehitnl. tomorrow . In', rt:.?? nt will he In Luke view ii'iiietery thele. STEU8ENVILLE Kteuhi'tivilh'. N. v IS Max 'liirski and I'iinl ii.jk'Wski ef this city ami lieorK-'i iiskl .aint \'e\ Keinski of Wi'lrton drew prison sent- in es uf irom six to ten years In the Western Penn sylvania j.>e.Mt' ninny. when tin y con fessed in er.imitiaI nun t at Pittsburgh to hold nit uf ami toet.iiu: the Imperial State at llupot tal. 1'a . last Aiik ust. The men t I 1 how tllev took J Sim i:t small hills ati ! e.dn and were later raptured in a nun hrflit with lVnnsyl v.inhi stiile polli'i iind ll.meock eounty deputy sheriff* near Now t'umbcrl.iinJ. Many New Americans A class of l-'ti aliens were examined hero |oi!.tv for their 11?'?*>1 pliers which will ma k ?' them fall Aai.riim .1: J ml:-?' W W. i ii presided A ttia . Jarltv of Hi" appii.ants ate I" Ink ? >? repted, although til.' examinations Mill Hot he ? olieludcd until l it" Saturday Big" Sertoli Is On -v AtiiH'iiiiiTTiii'iit Mas marie t? l.?y that tin agreement had been reached (??-t ????!? tin- managers of the ilnl> loothnl! team of tills <ity atol the Toronto Timers for li tlli't" gatm- M i a s to *?I?*? ii at Toi onto ; on No\ember "f. Auto Accident II t^imrral. son ? f W .S Slinera! | of tins i !t> Is a patient tit the West I i'!in hospital nr I'll:s'lin-.ih nursing 'serious Injuries smtaltud yestei day when an auto m which lo- Mas a | as sen tier sk lihlo'l Into a telegraph pole near lirldgev i'.le. Pa. Got License to Wad A marriage JlrctiM- was issued here ' today to Harry II. rink, used It? of Wheeling W . Va . and .Mis-: Klizahcth Wise, aged .'I" of Vor- el lie. Ohio Reward Unpaid i Court decision may he needed to tict fh- the i la.ins of tilt"" pel tons .-???eKlng . the $ I atd' reward for the rap ture of Walter Wright now at the Cei ! imihus penitenti.iry under s. nterp e to ? die t'oj- the slaying of Harry 1' fuin ? mln.o last August. The three jursotp' Involved in t>1 /? capture of Wright have I????? ii - unahie t" rc.irh en iiffrwimnt . mm im Ihemselve?:, Kirh claiming the lull reward. L SISTERSVILLE Slstefsv !lh\ W Vh . New. IS.?Mrs. P. II. Suvre, \\ ,;l!s street. entertained a- few friends Friday afternoon. honor ing Mrs. t'tinfllip Sinclair, of New* York i'lty. who Is th'? guest yf Mrs. IV. K. lli-itz. and Mis. iJvnry -&;ahl, of AVhfAl 1 inc. who Is h?*re to visit her slater, Mrs. William Kussell. Two t ibles of brldg6 v.tro played and at ("Pillock a delecta ble luncheon was served. tlcorgo A. ('oiikllri will i^ve In A few days for ICeriMicky, where ho will look after oil Interests. Mrs. Prank Iloltnann, who has been tile fewest of her par. tits, Mr. and Mrs. . I,, i'. Abler, will leave Saturday for lv?r home In St 1 .owls. M >. Mrs. .1. Wlllard Pushing Is spending i several days with relatives In "Washlng , ton. I'a. ; Mrs. II 1T. Thaw Vntertalned At a ! dinner party of lovely, appointments, i Thursdav evening, at " her beautiful j home. "Thaw Place. ' An elaborate menu was served lit H o'clock. Mr. and Mrs. ?!. W. llill have gone to Clark- -'urg on a business and pleas ure trip. Mboes Mnrctnr?f end 'Virginia Thistle left FY May night for Huntington to visit Miss Ir ma Workman and Miss I-ouise l.yon. Miss Workmnn larmcri.. was a tii'-mber of iSistersville High school family. The Sfatersvlllo public schools wi11 observe Thursday and Friday of next nek ns the annual Thanksgiving va luation. Members of the Thimble Club were delightfully entertained Friday after noon by Mrs. J. F. Frame at her home on /{allroarl avenue, honoring Mrs. <?. M'. Kotzobue. of New Martinsville, who Js the guest of Mrs. Frame. Needle wot k j and otto r Informal social pleasures were en gaged In. and nt >6 o'clock a three course dlnneV wti s served. Mrs. Miles Mci'arten, who was the guest of Mrs. John FlfegynId. of Park ersburg. has returned to the city. Magnolia trves on the lawn of Mrs. Harriet .stocking, of North Wells street, are in bloom the se>'t?id time this sea son. CADIZ Mr. and Mrs. Joseph McMannls spent a portion /-f last week In Wheeling/ Miss Madeline lfaverfleld of Canton was visiting home folks over Sunday. Hoy .Sanderson of 'i'iltonville was vis iting his sister. Mrs. F. F. Hamilton A few days. l)r. and Mrs. John S. Plumer who have been visiting Cadiz friends, re- j, turned to their home In lien Avon. Pa. -~ Burch Cochran, who is engaged in mining <*nKineerin^r hi San Puis i'otosi, Mexico, and William Cochran, hardware merchant <>f Dewiston, Montana, are here v;sitjng their mother. Mrs. Rachei Cochran. (in Wednesday there was ? ? family dinner in honor of Mrs. Coch ran's T7th birthday anniversary. Dr. D. H. Smith, Will C Clifford. F. n. Drove, John C. Sharon and Barclay W Moore attended football games' in Pittsburgh last Saturday. Mrs. Nannie Whittaker and Miss | Annie McDuugal have gone to Colum I bus to spend the winter with relatives. Dr. and Mrs. John S. Campbell and ! Stipt. George K. Itoehc were In Colum ! bus a few days visiting their sons who j.ttr students .it the university. Mrs. J. D. Myers of Alliance and Charles Pogue of Coluinhus came to at tend the funeral of their aunt. Miss ' Kliza I'.nrcroft. Miss .Barcroft was one i of the older residents of Cadiz. S2 years Old. and held in the highest respect. Her sister. Miss Kllen, died April 4. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Oglevee of Flush ing have been visiting Mrs. Oglevee's sister, Mrs. Alice Vance. John A. Banna was in Chicago and ' t Milwaukee last week attending cannerl' conventions. Bdward Hanna has purchased Harry j Kerr's property on McKlr.ley avenue. Possession will be given next spring. Mr. Kerr will erect a new dwelling on his lot. Others who will build new residences on the same street are John c. Sharon, Dr. George P. Sharp and Mr. Bargar. 1 ..-ox. JA CC^i'CJL - ' NANK.EE. 'N X.Nu ARThtR'S CQUdT" v w * u *"* ".fc* f*c K. i>.oci'C* c,*w' A? flu- J'l:iz;i nil r: Nf \n ^ CHARGE IT J-HAT'B AX.I- TOU HATX TD SAT. ^ j ' Ton P*7 As Ton a?t Paid, la WMkly or Koatlily Paymsnta. Men, Women's and Children's Clothiers "%ST LIVINGSTON'S "iS?" Tie Larfsst of Its Kind la ths Stat*. s 1057 Main Straat. Wbsslla*. W. Vn. pgggQgggBgggQggBUQMHBBBiHMHHIIHMBBMHl Bring the Kiddies I PThe Only TOYLAND in Wheeling'1 IN on the First Floor A S you enter our doors (on either ^p?j] street) you will see what we ^8? believe is the most complete line of worth-while toys in the city. .Of course, there are the simpler kind too, lots of them, but the stress of our entire line is laid on toys that educate the young minds. I You can't imagine how easy it is to do your Santa Glaus shop ping in our store. Everything you may wish to buy for your kiddies, on the street floor ? no steps to climb ? no congested elevators. Our sales-folks are courteous and will delight in showing you the many mysteries of our TOYLAND. i t And CTirls, cur department of dolls is fh? host ever. Here is almost any kind or size doll that ean be imagined. Dolls, even, that are human enough to talk, dolls with beautiful, fluffy hair, dolls with lovely clothes and wardrobes, funny dolls and dolls black, white, yellow and brown. You should bring the children to sop those wonderful toys. Wo cannot list hero half of the wonders that wo have <m display. There are hundreds and hundreds of toys that are as interesting jis the opes wo have listed. A few more are, outdoor toys of all kinds such as wagons, scooters, roily-coasters, see-saws, etc. Come early, bring your kiddies and let them wander around in this paradise for young and old. Tn oiio place you will find a big clopt nient of mechanical toys that will delit the 1 carts of wide-hwake hoys. Klech and Vsj.rinp' locomotives with two A, three rail tracks?sand toys such as p drivers, hoists, etc.. hnilt on the sai principle as are used by modern en, neors. And wo havo a hilt dopnrtrncnt of doll furniture: suites for every room of dolly's house, just like mothers. This department contains many, many other toys that are really worth while and will keep any boy indoors on the had winter days that are just ahead. Right Thru From Market to Main 1121 MARKET ' 1118 MAIN mio; m [l la, w <$>