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NEW YORK AGAIN , HONORS FOGH WITH SERIES OF FUNCTIONS New Y.N \. I x \ f.-'-i marshal of Krance st-le uwuy to r?-.*t tonight, long hetore .New York? bedtime. ter minating the rlrst hectic day of h tf-.r>>?? ? day \is:t to America's largest city. The high spot In his day whs his ] reception by New York school children I at the Seventh Kivrinient armory where shout five hundred girls presented a pageant. "The Gifts of the Nations." (?Yom the armory Marshal Koch went to the statue "f Jeanne O'Arc on River side Prlvc. where he platted a wreath then on t-> Grant's tomb, where, lighted on his way down !ntv> the crypt t-y wax tapers, borne by survivors of Grant's ; irmy. he placed a wreath on tho sar- . oophagy*. v battery en the New York I'nlverslty campus harked a salute of nineteen cutis as he arrived t-> present t.. the university on behalf of the Kr<-ti-h gov ernment. a cannon captured In the war After the presentation Marshal Koch donned a cap and grnvn. and marched In a processlojj to the auditorium of th-- j Rail of I'atne. where the degree of doc tor of laws was conferred upon him by J ' Chancellor Brown. 1 He returned to the Kounti home for ? a brief rest before po'ng on to the din- | ner of the American Iron and Steel Institute, which ended the first day's rrojrram I ! He Insisted on sacriflointf a part of i i his rest hour, however, to make art un- j - nc.heduled stop at the convent and acad- j emy of the Sacred Heart, where a score ' I of nuns an-l several hundred pupils were I watting; to get a .glimpse of h.m. | j "OBITUARY | MRS, THOMASM, LOVE II * DEAD; NEWS A SHOCK' aSuuHTMr Johneon of Ooark Oete Bad News? Kad Been ZU Only Short Tim*. Very sari news reached Manager Fr*d j Johnson of the Court Theutre yester- 1 day morning in the form of a telegram | announcing the death of Mrs. Thomas y. Love, wife of the managing director Of the Chapline street playhouse. Mrs. Lota had been ill only a short j time, and her death eontes as a clear Id ow to those who know her. Manager Johns, n Immediately wired his deepest sympathies as well as a handsome floral 1 tt ibute. , Krm. Anna Bine. Following an Illness of the past three weeks, Mrs. Anna Rine. wife of T. M. j R!n*. prominent farmer of Middle Wheeling creek, passed away last night at 0 o'clock. She was in her 49th year. Mrs. Rine. besides her husband, is survived by fouj- children and four step, children, as follows: Oliver T. Rine, Albert H. Rine, Mrs. George R.singer, of Moundsvllle. Mrs. Frazler \Villlam- 1 son. of Kenwood. The step-children ! are: Mrs. Wilbur Duncan, of the Island; | Mrs. Kdward Rice, of Warwood: Mrs. Hpbert Oreig. of Valley <irove. and Mrs. ITar! Muldrew, of Pittsburgh. Four brothers survive. Albert. Samuel. Swan and Taylor Ritchie. Mrs. Kir.e was a member of Triadelphla M. E. \church. Ttinersl Today. ! This ?f?erno?>n from the home of her 'daughter at Steeple Valley. O.. near Mar tins t-Yrry, funeral services will be held for the late Johanna C. Clark, well known Belmont county resident, who ( passed away Tuesday following a brief i l!lne.-s Rev. Barry, of 'Warwood. will ? officiate and interment will be in Green wood cemetery. Attended Tuners! Wilson Xaylor. of this city, returned | home last evening from Cory. I*n., where ii.< attended the fi:n?n! services for ! his cousin, the late Riley Xaylor. aged 4" > rs. of that place, who passed mm -t Tuesday. Riley Xaylor was ; a son ?>f W K Xaylor. formerly of j tins city and Betlalre. Mil. Robert Humphrey \t ii r hono*. ?"?4 Wetzel street.; occurre I 'he death of Mrs. Robert Hum- j parev at 4 o'clock yesterday morning. . Mrs Humphrey s infant child died last1 Sunday Resides her husband, sh* Is \ survived by two childrea. EIvh and i \ T^onvu Adams r ? r. t'a.. Nov. IS.?Thomas Ada ma, | wf>1 s". .mine Inspector of the first j bituminous district, died at his home, . here, ton wJ Ills death was said to I hav * i due to heart trouble. Mr. | .sAdams liad be<n a mine Inspector in j l ennsy Ivnnia for forty years and he Is i said to have been the oldest Inspector i !:i isiint of service In the United Suites, j Mr Adams :s survived by- a widow and ; one daughter. John O Toxins'?r Martln'iiurg. W Va., Nov. 13.?Aftqr '? p long Mines.*. John Groxinger. one of this city's oldest residents, died here j yesterday. He was a native of Germany i and during his earlier life held many positions of public trust In Martlnsburg. House Destroyed But All Inmates Escaped Grafton. W. Va.. Nov. IS.?A terrific explosion occurred last night at the home ? ? Wyrnan Wilt, wealthy Taylor county farmer, r.ea*" Poothsvllle. Klames drove out the family and consumed the house, nothing being saved. Pelbort Wilt, age-l 10. had Just gone into his bedroom with a '.glued candle. Tt was recall,.) that there were flimsy dra P?rie^ md a p?.ti of gasoline In his r"?-rr HONOR FORTRIO New \ or'*. Nov ?Henry Macon, architect: <*hnr>s T?ana Gibson, artist, and Joseph Pennel!. et,-her. have been elected members of the American Acar emy -'f Arts and Letters. taking the p faces left vacant bv the death this our ?>:' J"hn Hu-r-cichs. Abbott Thuye end Harrett Wen<le'l Their election was announced today, at the Academy's John Rurroughs mem orial meet in if nTDICTtD rOR HOLD-UP. Pittsburgh. Pa. Nov. IS {hdi.-tmrrits against three men were returned by the Federal grand Jury to-day iri connection with the holdup ?rf the Manhattan Lim ited ? ? n the Pennsylvania railroad he tween i lallltxCHti ai d Lilly last Jul*, during which J. V Lantz. of Thompson ton. la. a mall clerk. was shot through the le* I.antx was the only witness to *:>pear against those Indb ted who were \ .1 filth-M Me. *:oskey. Kdward Y<<n ar.d ? K Laffertv. CHILD IS MIND READER. ?? m **?? I N'ellle t'ordell. nine years ol<l, <>T \eptucky, has been taken to Olncln lutl by her father to show the cltv >eople what a wonderfully gifted mind die has. For five years Nellie has been he wonder child of the mountains. iud the folks In thut pnrt of the world <uy she can reud minds as others can read writing. district Attorney to , Keep Bryer on the Job Martinsburg. W. \"n., Xnv. IS.? riiomas A. ltrown of Pnrkersburg, W. to succeed S W. Walker as L'nlted States district attorney fi>r the umthern district of West Virginia, ef fective December 1. held a conference acre today with Attorney Walker and his assistant. Harry H. Hyrer. Routine work of the office was discussed. District Attorney Brown announced that he had arranged to have Mr. Hyrer remain In office so far as his personal Interests would permit., until the new staff becomes familiar with the work. The new district attorney said that he had not yet named his two assistants. Attorney Brown left for his home at I'arkersburg tonight where, lie said, he will establish his headquarters on De cember 1. , ANOTHERlFFORf TO PREVENT BOND SALE Morgantown, W. Ya.. Nov. IS.?The proposed sale of fl?2J,000 in bonda <>f the Morgantown & Wheeling; railroad by the Monongalia county court to Samuel Pursglove for 50 cents on the dollar, which was enjoined by the circuit court on petition of R. H. Jarvis. as a local taxpayer, and which injunction was withdrawn when it was agreed thnt the bonds ou'.d be sold at public sale next Monday, promises to be further compli cated by the announcement tonight that Manning Stirs, of New Tork. president of the corporation which owns more than half the common stock in the com pany, would ask another injunction at once to stop the sale. MATINEE PRICE' 2 TO 5 P. M. ! Hot Chocolate (Regular Price 20c) 15c The Mcl-R Garden Wheeling Steel Bldg. S. ' 1 DON'T THROW * I THEM AWAY I ? Our Alteration Department un- I ? der the supervision of. Mr. Taflan, ? m can do over that suit or overcoat _ | tha: doesn't fit, at a very small I cost. ? DAVID I. TATLAN ' Mutual Bank Building J Phone 864-J. _ ? ???????? FRANCIS' Mo rune Gunpowder QA^ Tea, rep. $1 value.*.. c/vrV> Orange Pekoe (Golden Tip), regular $1 value t/VfV/ Market HI end Coffee, regular j"es'. $1.00 Recollection of quality re ' mains long aftei price is forgot ten. | David Francis Stall 22 New Market House [SPECIALS Steak, lb 25c and 30^ Roasts, lb. .15c, 18c, 20<* Plate Boil, 3 lbs 25^ Pork, lb 25? Fresh Hams, lb 20? Fresh Shoulder, lb 15^ Smoked Hams and Bacon, lb. . . 20c4 and 25C Fresh Bacon, lb 20c Lard, 2 lbs 25c Sliced Boiled Ham, lb . 50c LOUIS SCHNEIDER Stalls 52 54 Center Market. "Quick SaKs?Small Profit." ^ I TORNADO WRECKS ARKANSAS HOME; EIGHT INMATES DIE DISASTROUS STORMS STRIKE IN WIDELY SEPARATED PARTS Or ARKANSAS. TAJVIILY OF EIGHT WIPED OUT NEAR MENA-HEAVY PROP ERTY DAMAGE REPORTED, Metia Ark N? - v !* Kit-lit persons in the linmr <?! Robert K. W corns. near Wokes, :i' 1 ? ? ti tu-i nii -livi- miles <? .i li of lit-:?- w-re killed I:?; iilglK u l < a a tornado wrecked (lie house. Tin- dead are Mrs Kola I t Weems, li<-r dnught'ts. Mrs. Mattle Kelts and the Misx s K-rn n. Rela and Verda Weems; her son. Warner Weems. aged L'H. ami I law ley Kelts. brother-in-law of Mrs. Kelts The body of Miss Ycre Weems was found In a potch of woods hail a mile from the wrecked house. Robert Weems was at Wlokes when the storm struek. and discovered the fate of lus family and home when hu went there after the wind subsided. lie notitled to ighiiors and searchers worked til! night before ull of the victims were found. I'amage was not general In the com munity, the storm seemingly having struck only In the immediate vicinity of the Weems home. l.ittle Rock. Ark.. Nov. Ik.?Twelve persons were killed, 3b or more Injured and considerable property damage done by two cyclones which struck in widely separated parts of this state last night. t me stortn near Menu in the extreme western pert of the slate wiped out a family of eight persons. Another storm striking a lumber camp near Arkdelphia killed one person. Injured L'4 others and then skipped 'north to a point near Mahcrn where three more persons were killed and n number injured. * Communication* are do mora li/ed and It is feared the death list will be aug mented by later reports. Ambulances, physicians and nurses from Hot Springs have been rushed to the sections visited by the tornado. /Hot Springs, Ark., Nov. IS?Two deaths wore reported In a tornnilo which j 'swept th'- rural sections lit' miles east I of Mot Springs last ri Uk li t. Mrs. Jennie; 1 Walls, 7?. ami Justice of tlie IVace j Lawrence, were killed when the twister struck near Magnet cove and Lonsdale. Several children of Kt|. Walls, son of l , the woman killed, were injured. The netors' union was in control of ; | Die which explains the following | conv ei s;it Inn: "You don't die fast enough in that j nst net." "Weil. I ni Ke'tlru; time and a half for overtime."?Houston l'ost. NOT THE USUAL LANDING ^ kb ??? T-r- 'i | ?| ? ?I HI ??Hfc I Misled in the (lark, uu aviator ?rushed Ms plane Into n tree about a nlle from the I'niverslty of Virginia it Charlottesville recently. This most lnusunl photograph shows the plane itlcklnp fast In the tree on the follow up morning. i ^ M X^WcitkinAA : I Cfilopticians [ ; n Funeral Chapel 1308; B LICENSED EMBJLNXRS \ ? GHWATKlPSolB. oWFoYUMHlEL- 1 1 r f>nC*?b -4-5 ?? 'Oi 2 P^43?w2Ml? ? ! Because of the lack of room in many ' homes, it is frequently desirable to hold j ; a funeral from the chapel of the ? mortician. Our chapel is for the use of J | our patrons without charge. , . &" | SPECIAL I H FRIDAY AND SATURDAY JACK FISH, ROUND, 11C PER LB. M JACK FISH, DRESSED READY TO FRY, 15c ? PER LB. THESE FISH ARE LARGE IN SIZE AND EXCELLENT I g J.L.KENNEDY I H SOLID MEASURE--FREE FROM SAND AND SHELLS | H Fresh Mackerel, Flounders, Pat Fish, White Fish, Yellow || ? ? Perch, Boneless Herring. Pickerel ^scarcej, Stake Hake, H Si Halibut, Squid, Cai p (.if anv). I n IN QUALITY m TIIHSE LOW PRICES ARE NOT MAINTAINED TO IS | ? GIVE AWAY FISH OR TO DISPOSE OF AN OVER- ? l ?a STOCK. We simply aim to buy stock in large quantities, j|| I thus gaining the advantage of a lower figure, enabling us to ? ? sell at lower prices. We have bought these lish. right from H 1 EH the fisherman's boat and they will he sold before they are K j |H out of the water 'J4 to 3ti hours. 1 0 OYSTERS, WITH THE TANG OF THE SEA, ' ? (>0o PER QUART m Other varieties will he on sale: Live Lobsters, Live Tur I ties, Shrimj) Meat, Crab Meat. Clams. Cooked Prawn. De viled Crabs, Smoked Herring, Blind Iiobbins, Spiced Herring, H I Rollmopps, Salt Mackerel, Salt Herring, Finnian Baddies, |g Stall 58?North End New Market Tomi= = TODD'S SPECIAL FOR THIS WEEK PHONOGRAPHS Compare this machine with the most highly advertised pho- j nogtaphs on the market? Compare it as to appearance, tone, finish it is cpual to the host. Then compare it as to price and value- you'll find it's in a class ?l?v!i"! I . TODD'S PRICES , $130 Machine S SO $150 Machine SI00 $200 Machine $125 I'd'Y \<>\Y! Come in nt^I select any niaehine wlueh pleases your fancy, place a small deposit on it, and u < '11 hold it tor \ ou until < 'liristnias. This is the logical way t" luiy that phonograph \ou've wanted for Christmas. FURNITURE CHEAPER AT TODD'S t TODD AUCTION. FURNITURE & STORAGE CO. 1044 Market Street i , Wild Talk By Pomerene ! in (lie Newberry Casej Washington.* N"V. 1^ 1 >.>rlaratfnn by Prnat'T Pomerene. Hemocrat. Ohio, that would resign If evidence such us that sulonl 11 ed against Senator Newberry w ? re adduced against him. marked fur fuT consideration by the senate today nf Henry Hard's content of Mr. New h. rry'.i s. at ps senator from Michigan. "If I stood here with such evidence against me. I would resign from the *? r.Mc at on.e" said Mr. Pomerene. Asked b> Senator Walsh, IVmncrat, Montana, what his net Ion would he if he had violated no laws, the <?hlo svn ?? f ? ? r ropltr.*: "If 1 war.- lnnofent. I'd fight the bat tle <>f niy life for my rights 1 would not remain silent." Mr 1 "onio'- >ne charged that majority '?"".pii' elections com mittee, presided over by Senator Spen cer, Republican, Missouri, had blocked ul! efforts t' gather pertinent testimony In its InevestIgat ton of the case. Much of the time today ?as taken up with argument over legal phases of allegsl activities of the Newberry cam paign committee as brought out in the senate Investigation. J. P. and Deputy Sheriff Arrested By Dry Agent Charleston, W. Va , Nov. IK?Official reports to the state department of pro hlbition today told of the arrests In | Wyoming county of a deputy sheriff | :in<1 a J list Ire of the peace on a charge uf "unlawfully having moonshine whis- | h -y in their possession." More than a I >lo7.en other an eats for dry law viola tions were reported. The Wyoming county officers. D. ' Bearers, Justice, and John R. ffiremora, deputy sheriff, constable and ooanty Jailer at Plneville, were charged with having one pint of moonshine whiskey . in their possession. The arrests were made by T. E. Ruth erford and local officers. They were heid to the grand jury. ? . ?' N j . Especially for Christmas Let it 'be a gift from Baum i I 1 vot tlie House of Baum j lie vour gift, counselors for the holiday season. ; The name on the box j means so much. | | llKINli ,VOUR WATCH HE- I PAIRS TO OUR MR. ! * WETZEL i i J. R. BAUM CO. | Whg. Steel Corp. Bldg. I QUALITY FOOD Combination Order TO IL. Suirar 50 1 ha;: Our Best Flour... .$1.10 l'k. Karly Ohio Potatoes.. .40 5 bars W. 1-. Soap 35 5-1 b Now Soup Beans 35 1 roll Toilet Paper 05 2 cans Best Corn 25 ' ?3.00 ^ Fort Henry Butter Store 39 Sixteenth Street. ?68 And Be Satisfied i ^? j M u t ual Savings Bank 1126 Mxu-ket St. I Thrift Is Such a Simple Thing ?And tt moans so much. It is the foundation of success In busi ness. of contentment In the home, of st.indlnK in society. Start a raving account here with a Dime! 1 Depositors h?r# rtedTil 4Interest on th?lr quarterly biUsoM for th? part y?ar? J Wintry Blasts and the predicted pas shortage I" should cause 110 worry?install one 1 of our COLE'S HOT BLAST HEAT- ^ EILS and be thankful during tile cold months to come. SPECIAL?Closing out our entire line of JA11YIES (JUAL IlKATERS at loss than cost?real bargains at $17.00 3-2.00 $95.00 C. F. BRAUNLICH & CO. Wheeling's Largest Stove Store 1012 MARKET ST. The Scott Lumber Co. BRIDGEPORT, 0. C STOVES, HARDWARE, PAINTS, OILS MASCOT, YOUR THANKSGIVING DINNER WILL BE BETTER COOKED IN ONE OF OUR COAL AND GAS STOVES WE ARE MAKING SPECIAL PRICES FOR SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 19th OTHER SPECIALS Roasting Pans, large. $1.39 Single Barrel Shot | Roasting Pans, Guns $10.00 medium $1.19 Shot Gun Shells, box.#$1.15 2-Qt. Aluminum Stew Coal Hods, all sizes.... 45^ Pans 15<^ Shino Mitten Dusters.. .33^ i Oil Mops .79^ 0'Cedar Polish . 25d 8 Day Alarm Clocks $2.89 Galv. Wash Tubs, No. 3.69? Brooms 47c Miners' Coal Shovels.$1.25 Buy Where Your DOLLARS Have SENSE - - ii urn i muni??i? mi ??m?rrri J SPECIAL PRICES I 8 On Discontinued Grades Roofing and Paints I ROOFING Regular Price. Sale Price. I 1 Ply Master Roofers $2.75 $1.95 . 2 Ply Master Roofers 3.35 2.52 1 Ply Everlastio : 2.75 1.95 2 Ply Everlastic 3.35 2.52 | ' 3 Ply Wearwell 3.50 2.6P 1 Ply Weathertite 2.75 2.18 2 Ply Weathertite 3.25 2.50 Sherwin-Williams Brighten-Up Varnish Stain Size. Regular Price. Sale Price. *4 Pints $ .30 $ .20 H Pints 45 .30 Pints 75 .50 * Quarts 1.35 .90 1/2 Gallons 2.45 - 1.63 , ' I Gallons '...... 4.50 3.00 Sherwin-Williams Familv Paints Size Regular Price. Sale Price. Vo Gallons $1.90 $1.40 ; Gallons 3.50 2.60 | H. E. CALDABAUGH ! I 1058 MARKET STREET j j PAINTS, GLASS, ROOFING, BRUSHES, LADDERS, WALL BOARD /