Newspaper Page Text
SEE WHAT SHE FOUND Miss Mildred <>f I.os Angeles. f*n' with the two large nnd vnlunble peurl? which she found recently In an oyster which she was preparing for n stew JEALOUS HUSBAND SLATS THE WOMAN! 1 COMMITS SUICIDE Sper-i*? PI'paich to The rncallieeneer. Ste-lbenv l!!e. < >., Nov. IS. A double tragedy occurred early today tit n Mni ket street rooming house, when Mike Markrnmss shot and instantly killed his ?wife. Annie Muckrntrss. and then turned the revolver on himself. IntUtlng n wound In his head that resulted in his death at h hospital tlve hours inter. Jealousy was found to he the cause 'for the double shooting. In an investi gation conducted hy t'oroner Thomas H Kirk and members of the city police. Msokramas. who wns 23 years of nge. had traveled hundreds of miles in the past ten months trying to keep near his wife, who was his senior by eleven years. She went first to Pittsburgh. ' ?epi! to < "anronshurg. Fa and Inter to New York ?*ttv. lie met her there and they lived happily together until two weeks ago. when she returned to rHeu ben v: Me. WOULD PARDON DEBS I AND OTHERS JAILED DURING WORLD WAR ?\Vnshlngton. Nov. IS?Ann'her plea for the Immediate pardon of Kugene V. I">ebs and other persons n?>w tn federal renltentlary f >r violation of war time laws, was made In a memorial to Presi dent Harding today, by a delegation headed by William Allen Whit*, of Kan an*, and Including Oswald Harrison Vll lard, of N-'\v York. Father John Kyan. of Washington; Miss Jutfu t.athrop. Mrs Charles K.dwnrd ltu?setl. IVm. F Cochran of Hnltlmore, ilsorge M. l.j monte. of New Jersey, and a number ? other* "Kxecntlvs clemency to Mr. r*et>s without at the same time extending It to others convicted of similar offenses would be as distasteful to hltn as It would be unfair to the others." the memorial left at the White House said. DECREASE IN NUMBER : OF COLORADO STRIKERS Denver. Col.. Nov. is.?Prcrrusf lr the number of strikers tn Huerfano : ml ; Las Animas counties anil a sympathetic In the i"?n>n I'I'y dlsttut w?-rv reported by th* Colorado Kuel ?v It' n Company as the prlnolaa.1 de\e| .p.rents La the second rlav of the strike a g V. n - a reduction of wastes In thirteen of Its coal mines. Approximately Vs'T state rangers are on duty In Huerfano county, to-tiny un der a second martial. Ii? rule pro claimed today. The now proclamation ?was made necessary, it was said. by i provisions of the state constitution that troops must he in the field hef.-rc such a proclamation van he effect'w. Adjutant (Leneral ilfittirm-k Is !n eh*rffr at Wals-nbtirg nn i torrgbt th" Situation was ret>orted ns epibt. w.t'u n<- disturbance of any kind. The strik ing miners were to hold a tr.r-tin;: i;t Wolsertburg tonight. JAP BUSINESS MEN ; SEE WORLD PEACE Washing ion. Nov. IS?illy the \sso. , elated I'resl).- Japanese business in-.-n see in limitation oS? ai inati.ents h stop toward realization of ;i n mt- rfi it l-mal peace as well as an alleviation i?t the tax burdens of th- nation. ordiiig to a radio message received by t' ?? cham ber Of commerce of t'.le I'niteil States today from the chambers or cotum-uin of Japan meeting at Osaka. Arrest Negro for Shooting Theatre Proprietor Vlttsburgh. 1'a.. Nov. IV - -l-'red Jsep hour. a ncgrv ??i taken !r.t<? cusr -dy ( today by poller. charged with co.nner tion In the shooting and wounding of Thomas Kurke, proprietor of u motion picture theatre. Hurke. who v:?s in the ticket seller's booth, w^ts robln-d of a diamond stickpin following the shoot ing. according the police reports. Hurke's condition was reported us pot being serious The negro was lodged In central police statp.rt on a leolinieht charge lb- dl?l not have stbkpa. nor a plstoi when arres'ed. , MATERNITY BIX.X, DEBATED. Washington. Nov. ;? \fter devoting ' ?ix hours t-> debate over the S.'irppArd- ? Towner maternity bill the bouse ad journed tonight until 11 tomorrow, wc.en the discussion will be tesuined. Itxpru-? sentatliw Mondell. Uepublicati 'ead-r. 1 said he ?xpe. t.i| a Una! vi t? .,a the measure before 'h- 0 . i r-Sunday ad journment. JTonotifc'-fi opposition '<> the bill i n (he ground that t would infringe o? state rights developed Hula v. Propon ents of the mca-n-e dc tared, that neither statc^rv-r federal ng-nts ?would Have Authority t" order homes . r to take charge of children i.? ob jection of parents. i - T LHU CLAIMS MADAME HEON I All IN PIS j Versa:iies. Prams. N"\ Is?'By the l Associated press> S* me <1 <?ul?t Us to' the Kijjft of the prisoner se ino l |o hove hecn l;t.jeeted into tlx- muds of the jurors trvlnn Hen-'. t.audru. called the "WuehiVHrd of ? ?emho is. when l.andru t. ft a \ nave to the court an address of ?>ne of the ten WoiiV'tl he is a. eusecl of t hav'.fix murdered. This woman. Madame ! Heon was declared |.y l.andru to' have heeri nl!.v and residing ttt a smalt hotel 1 in Pari--. s?\ months after tor supposed death his han is Proutnr t;odefr\j tlie court he hatl. cooil reason to tieppve that Uandrii's statement that Madame Heon ] was lh'if>K at a dat?> after the altered munlef was eoi reel, tint that an Inves tigath n would to* made ar.d a report de iiverod. to the court tomorrow morning. Paris. N'oy. It. -it w*as n nnnunood at the prefecture of police tonight that the ' police thus far had lieeti uinhie to vcr Ifv th?. statement of H-tiri l.andru that ? Madame Heon had resided at the Hotel ; Ilu Ms>ns. Her name was not found on the registers which hotels are hound under tl.e law to keep, although they were Minutely searched Eleven Senators Join in Reduction Protest W'ashlnfitnn. \nv. 1S.?A protest against the refusal of eastern and West ern railway systems to follow ut> tiie.'r reduction on steel and Iron product * to North Atlantic ports, by concurring In * m:lar reductions to southern port.1, was tiled today with the Interstate ?'otiini?rce Commission by eleven I rlted Stales senators from Mi-- middle vest. The petition added that "a still graver denser Is Indicated bv the reported plan if the railroads to extend the of their action s i that not < nlv steel but exports of all kinds will be 'nctuded in the preferential reductions, or denied th.* present equalization rates to the southrrn ports. Those who signed the petition wen Senato-s McK'.nley and Mct'ormick, of Iliinels; Willis. ?>f Ohio; Spencer ami Reed, "f Missouri: Kenyan, of tows; T'<wn?cn/1. of Michigan; New and Wat son.-of Indiana, und Capper and t'urtls, of Kansas. NEW WORKING RULES FOR THE SHOP CRAFTS t'heago. N'ov. IS.? (Uy the Associated I' i??The I'nlted Stales railroad labor board announced tonight, that new working rules for the six shop crafts would be completed nnd Issued in time to beoome effective December 1 Issuance of the rules, under a recent decision of the board, paves the way for i onslderatlon of requests which inny be riled by the roads for revision of the shop craft wage schedules. The new shop crrft rub's will affect approximately Oan.hfiO men on all class 1 railroads In the country, ontv !M rail roads are dlrectlj concerned fn the present ease, the others to t having '?boIf submissions in proper shape when the case was taken tip, hut board mem bers anticipate that all the class 1 railroads will probably carry out ths *tisru?s!or. without further hearings. The national agreement, which the sew rules will displace, was first | brought before the railroad administra tion In January. 1019. NEAR PANIC IN CHTNA Washington. N"V. lx? Runs have started in the Hank of I'ommunications and the Rank of <"h;na In I'eklng Tientsin and Shanghai, aocordltu? to a cable to the commerce department to dn> from Peking. The situation Is con sidered. serious the cable added, but I'hinese bankers are striving to save the situation. Stiff? Sore? A lame back, n sore muscle or a stiff Joint often is considered too lightly by Ihe sufferer. It should be remembered that backache, rheumatic pains, stiff nets, soreness, sallow skia and puffineM under the eyes ore symptoms of kidney ond blodder trouble--and these ccntunly should not be neglected. Joleygdney]^ lielp the kidneys eliminate from tho system the poisonous waste and acids that cause these aches and pains. They ccf promptly and effectively to restore weak, overworked or diseased kidneya tind bladder to healthy, normal con dition. J. E. Simmons. 400 E 50tb St.. Portland. Ore., writes "1 was troubled with beckache and urinary trouble 1 tried Foley Kidney Fills snt will say that 1 lii?hly recommend them to any one troubled ia that way, is they arc excellent." ?i VXJXt V WilJn as a. WATCH~REPAIRING " Thoroughly efficient and rellaole Prompt servicer rlfc'htly priced. JAS. L. TEACHOUT 4TH rLOOS NATICNAja BANI 02? W. VA. BUIJ,DUfQ. ? J THE MOST REFRESHING DRINK IN THE WORLD BOTTLED f AT ALL GROCERY STORES. CAFES AND STANDS. Have You The Comforts of tleclriciiy? Wo furnlah wiring, lighting flat turey. shade:* and lumps. complete ready to light and iclvo you 10 MONTHS In nmaU monthly payxuanta. Have our represrn'iitlv? call and explain our prices and pltn to you. The United Electric Co. Phona 3104. 1506 Market St. She Ran Away From Foch's Kiss l ittle Christy l.iiella Kissl.t;^ a ji;etty 1. .m ; t ar-n'il cf i*1?:? ?? >. T'iis?!? lift S?>| f funintl.s the (III \ Mil rstllll I'tieli rtas t ill i e '.V :vfi:?!a;I to hi*S the Wol'l'l* greatest w?r {jeiienil. l.itfle Christy n;i> svici :? ?' '<? present a !>i_' hiineh n daisies tn liiMii'i'itl I'm'h I'V th" e\ service oi Jiorrts & i'n. The jreticrH was so atYerteil h\ the iiieident tliat he desired 1 ? ? hestdw the famous l'ren.*] ?reetiaa "it the tieaiitlftil ehiiil M's* Kissling heeani" frightened ami lleil. N loiiht In later \ears she will resret the ineliletit. ? . GETS $50 DAMAGE*. ?"tint Norland. M?l. \.n I < Mr.".' l-'lora M. Kulp or I :*? l: ?>11 u Iter suit f?>r Jlil.'ithi dama ges ut M u tHishurR. W. Va.. itKUinst William It Keexi . k-r, a I:t? - more Ac < thin engineer. for s'atnlO". was awarded J."ii. which ? li?* regards as vin dication. Tito ease arose flout n iiniK? which Ko-'spi kor admitted hp hurl ml l? Slat lie had been w tit Mrs. IVtt11>.* f r tncrly i f Marllnshuri;. In u lions.- In ? 'umhet lan-f fitter it: ll'l? or lltKI. .Mrs Kulp 1.1? i\o*! that Mho was never lo-t.' t'iimhorlatnl a; tho ttni.- > companion ! salt dire I'M against Mrs. Ivoesockrr :s let t.i 1? tried TWO CRUSHED TO DEATH. Harrlshnrc. 111.. Nov. IV- Tw.i n:on engaged in sinking a new air-shaft r the ogam i'ohI company were crushed ti. death hero today when a tub la-lcn with rook, upset. Kll-ert .Johnson of KMnntdn, and '^p* ' mnn Pick of ' 'hristophor. were kl.'.-l. and I.tithor Kimmell an-1 Pan Sew el I i were Injured. REDUCTION IN WAGES (Continued From Faff# One) l!HK l"> ami Tot ci-ms :ui hour. 3 rents V ni'nuiitiin w ai-T "f .I") ont< an lmii' for j.J'?t female Jul.or is pr?>vI?!?-<! These rr.lin t Inns itpplv to |.!anf?r Ir ? "1. i ? ? -i ic i . Si I'iml. Sioux I'lfy. < >m*hn St .tosrjih, rtty. St I.outs arw I >eti\ I f. The reiliirtioris at Kort Worth \vher. vvjiri's ali' x;li.tsI'y bv'ul labor '"until Hons nt'o I nskille.] Inho- ri>o>;vii]h' that l"'i cents an hour. 7 'y ertits Soml skilled labor. i ere'.v inj; finm l-'s t( 4 7 U i'(Ti|s an ?> r: t. Skills, labor roi'oltin.K nu>re than 17 a cents at limtr. ?. rents. The final T?f?t ,>f the |.!an "11 rnmr however. oT'.oi.i I < s;.>. win ii 't is seer whether or not tin* t> of eniplnvet ?<?, . pt the th <?!>!. ii of their i-hnsrii top roseola t i v is. The tilfC f ve plant# have always boor known a* 'open shop" itnlastries. I'acklnc officials say the union m^ni bersiup In largely ?unfilled !u thd smaller ;i.':iniv anil tha' .my sir.ho ca'l wuuld Hot a Ifei ? I ill. in i i ioiisly. Omaha K?c Accept. ?'It '.Ik,-. \.>\ is Swift .v t'ompany anii" :iK . ,| t? iI;i thai the ?unaha as M'llll had \o!e.| tu a. . (-;?! .1 wagf .tit hut had ted : [ ... I'.i i| ; tic- amount or Ju.w ? u a s It. ?!??: c: nunc I. Sw'.i'l ,v t .,iiij,[ii.\ 's .?: 11;>i? cs are 11 ? i! < 11 > k ;???>? :nl?l\ iiio'i ,ii|; < In ll.o vari ous titles whep.* s u ? ? 11 orriaiil-ii rltttis ?stst anil these ass.-ml.Iks are a--P.IK Imln :.i>i i!I\ instead of colic lis o!>, aa was tl.e t ,isc u :fh Armour employes. iiRlctaN sji'ti i io \ e\tt ? -:. <1 the em ploy t > w.1 <| lalil; tli,. a'lt'tii .if the nit-a apt ..'Med to : ? ; t ? * ? itt Ikotli In liio . llSSCUllilt. S V/IU Not Accept. f'li aha. \ i . i. >. \ i.t* Tie IW< 'homarnl ti -'i.,icrs i,f ?Ii.- imiaiia ? hap ?t<r i f tile AII...:cat: 'nte.l Wat < utters am) Itiit.lMf SVoi U.cii fT North An'.crl'ji wili in.! a. rept lie wane re duction nt la .'ttfti: n.a<l.' Today. in ? "111 - cHpo. In tween rcjifticntatlves <f Ar iiiuiit' \ i Hnuuiiiy, and the "idiiiit com-I mil tec." aceitrdiun to a siatcnicni made, ?oiwi-.t lit ,| \v. I:>ins, secretary of ? Iim:r:? ? t council No. ;. of the Mi at Cui tetc and Ihiichc Workmen Winn m.'ormc.l of ii.e redm-Tlrn pro vided fo; it; tin. imri'i nicnt iji Oiil'aKO, toil;.'. Secretary |!ur?s sn:d "The officials of iho \ iiialframated Meat t'uttcrs ati.l Itut. I.ri' Workmen of ? \'ti :li America and ropr?. seniatK es of j all in. districts an- in :?? sslot; In <"hi . e.atfit at' this ilnie. v.o. K'ns, <?> >t nnnther pro;..'hi!Ion. I am positive :he of. ' flclnls arc no' po'n< t ? a ? fpt i'i?? re I ductliili. "We trace '.'tr rati'mri /ciicrs the light to .all a strike i temper if A w.irktiiff agreement satisfactory to The. ortcatiira' Ion as /: whole cflnnot he leached a strike will 1" the result. II, S. OPPOSES INCREASE (Continued From Page One) r initi'.t. does rod propose Io limit the Hrrnatnent airreeniont if there Is one : to the nations represented In the Wash ington conference. Whether a treutv 1 or .simply an "undersf*>iidntff" wonl<i j come o; the :evotinU>ns j nation itfi'n ials would i.-ot predict, but i it was that 'almlcM r t' e form of i .?p i : lit" other i'i! i-resitcd nation*' ??<?!?! !-.? .isi.e.i t, pa rf.? Ipa tc. i.i. treaty t ?-itiiMtig senate <?"!, I; r m;.t i'ii result, :t was said to he the belief "f t!i<- administration that (he who', armament reduction program could !?<? put through without cong res? I .otinu. 1 nterna 1 :ot>a! "under- i standings" ..f policy <]?> ii"t require the , .i ppi ? ? \ a . i.f congress. mil ol'lh la is saw tin- proposed scrapping of warships ???ti'11 In.- accomplished unrler general au-' ihurit \ iiireaile I.oid by the eyecotlv c. ; Will Give Their Views. Tlure was evety indication tonight,' that ;i!l the powers would pft Into torn morrow's Far Kastern conference, fnliv j pri-jarred to express their views on the | plan presented as a basis ot discussion i b\ t'hin.i. iMtriiu; the tw*o-<l:iy recess the f< feign delegations have been in - touch with their jroveinuints, and til-j :'.""i,!, rod i ll tnsiy desire ta make i ? ? i tailed .statements of th? tr views at. tilts' st ?? ?;e of the negotlnth tin, here is n ' genera; expectation that s.mi-j progtj ulil Ik- possible. Ti e J.ipalit-se, l?? pariicn'-jindVeti-1 that they preferred to l ave their ja l-- . j lies ill \ I'lojii.,! stew by step t.S the I'Wgi'i tlatbitis (oritiniie. The;- tveis prepared | to : sk for a:i interpretation o; ton.t of i':i i'iinesi "N ti points." 'Jhii feenu'i ; Bpocliiily Interested li; the ptopoMi fo: |1 the t e-exn rr inat'on ? nl! compacts nt-ij rpctin," ".'una .^houlil t'hina ties'rs ? 1 raapi-i. what Japan regards as 'ciused ' Incident"." the step vlli bo opposed 1c- : lerinineilly. Support 'ay Brttisit. firnrr.'i support of ?"hira's aspira :!????? lor national development, fr't fr'T.i . tlie r.'s-rii ii'.ns that hitherto have ?ir roufideil her. was exported today atnon<' tii? Dritijih deles*; ion *, vritc declared their gov firr*rncnt wm ready to jrlve u? the extra territorial privilege <t? soon us Chinese courts were nufRcitiitly vck.feil to guarar,tec justice. A slmlhrr it tl tunc already has been indicatid by Knuu-c and the l"nlted States. Jf. The Chinese delegates themselves will go in'o tomorrow's meeting with the a' 1i tude that, having laid dov/r. ihelr dec laration of rights, 'it is same one else's mo\ #. 'I hey are preparing Jt^- no fur lh?-r ?iiA'cij.ejii, hut say that they will l e glad to answer questions explain (heir inurpretation of their propositions V formal call was issued today for the 'i.i.-ii imoilo sea.-,-ion of fho cor.for ('?*" >' hie!', is to he he id .Monday. Prei tiller i'riand of !?"ranee, is expected to speak to tiie delegates en hind artna nifii's, in which i-'rancc la vitalJy inter es'i-d. ir.ylng down a formula that will hero mo the ha.vis of discussion later. r\3/ ft good 'drust Company in a good town j I J Advice Worth $6,000,000 j State .\n<IItor John i* Jtond *n!d the J'.anhan'lle : Jj rtlstrtrt of West VtrRlntn i?!??n* hux thrown .'?/ Into worthless oil ni-vk |>rotnoth:is. Krom the first II IR i ' , T)w> Security Trust ('nn.uanv lias warned the piddle ji'fl ;u,:i ?",!,,,ir,s ill H it tfti-y'i f at u np.lln. Th-y ;>r? . .ill rplne tho inno.-t-nr jitihlio to l>tiy west- WHrl *ti ??:I stm-Us :in?l yi-l rich qulf's V, ) Ask jour frl'? n?! six months front now f^mj h<- l-t'vs t!tis Jttnk whtii it 1- w-,rth. '|j Cot rl?'h tlio saf?, sure, slow way > su\:iik nn-noy. SECURITY TRUST COMPANY 1143 MARKET ST. li Christmas Cards j \ Leave Your Order at Once for Your * Engraved Christmas Cards. / SAMPLE BOOKS OX OlSPLAY. Lnnrcst nnd Best SOi-ction. i | Perry Stationery Co. | 39 Twelfth St., Wheeling, W. Va. ] i > Your Bathroom j | Is it cicjtii, imo?U\v' i;p-j?i (Ink*. or is it a rclir of the hark Ajjos? 8 iriio i i umplircy is the only genuine Kadiant fin $15.00 to $82.50 No Oilnr N't? Dirt \t? Sweati 11u" I . Costs about d j '\ cent Im."r hour m operate I Wm. Hare's Sons ! PLUMBING KEATING -16 unci 45 Fourteenth Bt Telephone 13o9 | B??i'Wi? ? T i inirTilinfTiir'fc&ifeiii, I nit# Good Coal l| i Nut?a special siw fur tin1 B f urn arc. Also Hun-of-Mine ami (.'loan. B I Reasonable Prices. GLENNOVA COAL CO. i Warwood Phone 26-J B ZANE GREY 'J | WONDER STORY The Mysterious Rider A thrilling love drama told as only Zane Grey can tell it ALL THIS WEEK PLAZA ? v J, % THE MOST SENSATIONAL ACT ) IN / THE WORLD'S HISTORY ( V ALL THIS WEEK. . i Rarely a Drama As v'ivid j ^ j Featuring ilrcida Novo, Jack j i r*?!t; r.n?i Kvaryborly's Darlirig. j Lit lib Mickey Moori'. ALL THIS WEEK s. ? ? ? P. T. Selbit Pre?enti "THE DIVIDED WOMAN" Sawed in Half 4?0 T H E R ACT S?4 And Feature Picture 1 N The Greatest Screen Production of the Year?The Unrivalled Photo play Spectacle?An Extraordinary Thanksgiving Attraction MARK TWAIN S GREATEST MASTERPIECES "A Connecticut Yankee" > In King Arthur's Court [ IT'S A MASS OF MIRTH AND MERRIMENT IT'S A FILM SUPREME?COMING ??? PLAZA Week m n m\mu <? m Weck ?? g Thi ? I it 11o | u thermos!*? L a ut o mat* raJJy turns t n c <1 a m e up or down tokcepheat absolutely I u n v o rv i n g in the Ther mo-Chef. * ***' I As soon as cooking starts in the Thermo-Chef the flame is automatically turned down to a point just sufficient i to keep foods cooking properly. There is no danger of | burning, even though you should be gone half a day. Thermo-Chef users say this one device reduces gas bilh i' surprisingly. The whole meal cooks without forcing or pressure over one burner, another trefnendous saving. Holcomb (y* Hoke 1 /J ! Thermo -Ch Gas-h eated ? Clock rc?itfo ted ?>" ? Cooking starts automatically at any hour you wish. Just set the clock, put entire meal in the Therxpc-Chef and give it no further thought till you are ready to take up dinner. Sleep late in the mornings if you wish. Breakfast starts cocking while you are still in bed. i Come and see the wonderful Thermo-Chef, now being demonstrated. Taste the remarkably delicious I meats, vegetables and desserts which it cooks. Learn about this better, more wholesome cooking method? why it gives you so many precious hours of leisure; why it saves so much in food er?d gas bilk. Phone for free home demonstration $5- DO WN SS&X. Come in tomorrow. Bring only $5.70 with you. We will deliver a Thermo-Chef at your home at once on 30 days' approval. You can pay the balance in small amounts. The savings in gas and food bills help you pay. And while you are paying for it you are enjoying undreamed-of freedom from cooking drudgery! Don t imiss this golden opportunity. Once you see how much the Thermo-Chef has to offer ycu will never willingly be without it. I The Burgess Co, , Bel] Ttkphone 1800 'o.26-w0 iVuiii' Vtliocluj^, W. V:i>. Foods cannot burn in the Thermo -Chef cJS(o 'watching is necessary $5,000 Cook Book |Jj FREE j You can have this valuable inx>k of delirious recipes, hripfu! 'ueuui snd complete cold-peri; cdormg instructions without charge it yo?i a* bring the coupon i> sto?*.. jjj This book is written hy Al'c Bradley, head o" Miss Fosf rr'v famous School of C >oVery in Eos ton and recogftirnd as Ar>;rica't ' if foremost cooking fcotV.rty. CJic? this ctn;po,-? and briny it in || 1 T ree Cook Book Coupon 'fl & TK ?* er.tyon to * f'.~o ti..' J.", of-) cck b vjrti' "Tkoi mc-i ')iof I>< :J? >;ic< Krv'ioy. ntiru persouVtly ?! ii out fcluio. '? i| j ?