Newspaper Page Text
t MARTINS FERRY FERRY AND LINSLY TO BATTLE TODAY! ftT.T. A.RJiANGETrlXN'TS COMPLETED | s TOR WHAT WILL PROBABLY BE BIGGEST GAME OT TOOT BALL SEASON. Visitor* to Be Given Protection end Cordial Treatment by Residents oi This City at Garnet. ^ The annual clash between the football team representing l.lnsly institute of Wheeling and the Vocal high school at the League park grounds tins afternoon :s expected to 'be one of the biggest football events of the season, at '.east In so far as local residents are con- j cerned. The school officials have an-| rounced that the visiting rooters will j M given the east side of the field and j ;he bleachers on that side of the allot- j ?d to them, while all of the fans fr m this city will be asked to take the west side of the field. Following a request by school of- | flcials.. several additional special officers j have bevn appointed and asked to report j . *t the grounds this afternoon at 1 S >'cloc|j to assist '.n preserving order should nttyth'ng get started. This was done /ollow'ng the Insinuation from the .?fflcljds of the visiting school thgt they -night rot gf-t t roper protection while . In the city. With the brand of weather prevalent t yesterday, the playing field at l.cagu- | park will he in excellent condition f<r [ today's game. .,n.i if nil -f the regulars ; of the local scho<>; team -<re .itde t<> par- . tlclpata in th* eont> st a very good e:t- i hibiton shouh! result The biggest crowd i of the en'ltc season is anticipated. Road Meeting- Called. A special meeting of those interested J lr. the prop. >. d East Liverpool p. i Marietta highway will he livid in th? I rooms of the Itelbeire Chamber of Com merce on Wednesday of the coming w--V?t noon, according to notices sent out ty Secretary Arthur A. iteckman of lieilu re. Ohio. All interested in the road taw been Invited. Entertained Club. Mrs I'bii t'un was the hostess to the me'mhers of the s. 1. X. club of this city at her home in the Fran- is apart ments .n S"Ulh Eighth street last even ing. aioi ni '-t of the members were present nt th<- event. \ charming pro-I gram <>:' s? d.versions was carried out. following which a daintv luncheon was served'by the hostess. Tun?ral To4?y- i The tun-'sal services for Mrs. Johanna | Chi: a. ue'l kn mm re- ilcnt of * ?? t'ole- I mil. pike win., i!:.-<l -. .i ?\ ago .is I lllo result of Compic t ??.!> age. will be held :!???:?? tio- ph.. . ?: .tii this ? uftcunc it. :.ifl tin* >??.: .ii tike place at Lluvvood ivi i. '.rr> at it.iiiio-. <>h; >. Vtctlm Keating' Easy. I> ive Tnkcns. alleged swindler of] several persons. who was shot twice 1 while making an ? -rt to evade arrest' by t ?ifl er Kltw oc l Itothermtind at an , early lour ;.n[?r'!ay morning. was re- i ported r?-tin g easy at the City hospital I yesterday evening, hut attaches of the i Institution ??>:?? untitle to retort him i much :tn;.:".ed The result ? ?!' his wound, w.ll pfhably not be known for! s?\??!??.! iia;. s. Luth?r L#a<ra? Ev*nt The tn? rnl>e! s of the l.uther league of ! St. John s l.ulheran church of this city | w. re very pleasantly entertained at the 1 borne of Mr. iirt.i Mrs. William I Seeker on N'Tth Seventh street yesterday even ing. A varied program of interesting social diversions whs carried out. and all te.iort a fine time. Moving to West. " "i ' %'rs. John Walton. well known residents of N'orth Sixth street. . . li ? ir I'o'iseh'dil goods to n: . i" I.os \iigeics. t'al , f> make their I -'t ire home, ijrover S?ni!iiers. a son if Mr- Walton, left for that city yestt jtti-iy and Walter Somrners and lylfe w'ii! also take up Wieir residence in the Siuiy, ppice. ZMrectors Meet. The regular meeting of the directors, ofl.vr: .''ii 1 ??h-iiniie-i ,.f com mittee- of th.? Hoard 5-f Trade will be h?:d in the pi.vnte di'i tig r ? >m at the 1 "esch heii ". c u street Xhor.da v ct on. Matters of import une,. t> he d.'S'usscd at thus moet ii,.. and every one of included in t'-hs It ? hive i-on urg.d to attend. Soard of Trad* Program. At a m-etn< of the executive com mit* ? f tk'.. Hoard <>f Trade held ys tcr lav after?: .on the officials decided t<? a ti e .>i\? vit pit of t :?? K.wanls c.i.i- a*"! as.mni* chariic of the progrum of ... t J.. . ?-??. hit! -heon to l.e held u text Wednesday at noon .v ? .? iker been secured f< r trie day and a member pinced- In charge uf the n u-i . ? if tit'.uit'un of making the e\e,'t ?-x t. ??: :!:>? :r.t?rest? nr. \7om?a's W*l?h Club. Mr* i'r-.i Lewis of Wheeling Island was the hostess to the members of the Woman's Wmsh clui. at her home on Huron street ja-t nicht. .Most of the tru-mbr-? from this city were present at the meefne. i?li report having spent a most enjoyable evening as guests of this enhrm ng hostess CHre Orlantal Deg-roe. ? \ largo ass of candidates from the various secret organizations In this city will tie given tl.e Oriental degree at the rooms >f the Junior Mechanics or) llannv ep str-.'t ?hls evening, and much interest is ng shown In tho event. The !'"ig.: r'> 'r?i gives promise <>f being unable to contain the number who wish ? , ancnn the event. Reported Improving. The cnni!:t:i n of Charles Hodge. an employe of the y. and (>. Coal company, who suffered ati Injury in the mine at Florence a few day* aw. is reported im proving .at the City hospital, and It is expected that he will he able to leave the institution In a very short time. Lanlum Pn-nertU, The funeral services for Far! Flrnest. the Infnn' s<.n of Mr. and Mrs. Marvin of Yorkvllle. Ohio, who died a few days .*1*0 following an Illness of infantile trouble, will be hcid this aft ernoon. Rev. y. It. Itever. pastor of the YnrkvlPe M K. chitrch. will ofTieiate. and the burial wili take place at I'pland i-emeicry. Threatened Her X<lfe. Following a family row !n the North End. the w<>m^n -n the case was lost for some t:nie on Thursday afternoon, and a search failed to r? . her where abouts. A hat tie between the hiisbalt'l1 and another resident resulted In both men being; locked up by the police, fol lowing which the woman came out of her hldlr-e pla< e >n the attic ..f the home. The husband Is alleged to have threatened her life, with the result that she hid, and the matter will be taken up by friends who insist that'the i husband be prosecuted. Eli e Dance. The members of the Elks club and a larise number of friend* spent a most enjoyable evening at the dance and social affair held In the club rooms of the lodge last ntcht. Jones' Novelty orchestra supplied the musical program for the evening. CARD or THAiVKS We wish to extend our heartfelt thanks to our kind friends and neigh bors. also Rev. r>r. R It- McDanej and the choir of the hirst Baptist church, for theur aid end sympathy and for the floral tributes at the time of the :lhics? and death of our beloved wife and mother. M'e also thank those friends who sup plied cars for the funeral. . (Signed) \ JOHN M-'HKNIiY AND FAMILY ? no.i9-g ?tudaoM Meeting. An Important business meeting of tho Kuvanls club will be held in the J>'r*t dining room on Monday evening. and all members are being urged to nt t- :i?l the j:\-etJriK- Matters of import ance t . the c*ib will be discussed and acted upon aiUhat I'tll". Slao-tltis Terry Brief ?. <?rover Summers "t this city left yesterday f.,r l,os Angeles. .Pal.. where the remainder of the family will follow shortly to make their future home. Miss Virginia Ho Inn has returned to her home at Htthesdu after a vl^it with friends in this cltv, -Miss Helen Hyde of Sebring-, Ohio, formerly of Bridgeport. is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. '-Otto Trunx. Itobert French. son of Uev. and Mrs. W. M. Krench. Is spending a few days visiting in Washington, l'a. An interesting and busy meeting of the Fraternal Order of Kagies was held in the.r home last night. The regular meeting of the Pease township farm "bureau will be held In the Hoard of Trade rooms today. June, young daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Tii.-odore Ilothermund. Is reported 111 with scarlet fever at the home of her parents Several nrw applications for number -h.p were reported to the secretary of the Hoard, of Trade yesterday. Contractor if. Ii. f'rlswell of this ?itv has risen awarded the contract for building h new school building at ! .a lfcrty, "Ohio. . OELLAIRE COUNSELS REGARDS I NEW APPOINTMENTS Something new in the way of nuinh i >aI', politics Is said to already be under way in Pellalre :it connection with the new administration which takes ofbe on January 5. The new niavor-elect John K. W'yatt. It is rumored, is con ferring with representative, business, professional, labor and other represen tatives. before announcing hts appoint ments for heads of the various depart-, inents and heads of the sub-departments of the city. Heretofore It has been a custom to give appointments In Bollaira to those who .aided most politically in the success of the executive. This rulj will he entirely disregarded by the next mayor-elect, it is reported. He has to'd s- rue ,.f the leading citizens of the city that efficiency will be the big determin ing factor in appointments. T AW NUTaf A big mooting of the American I.e gion pO;?t No. 52 of this city was held est night at the headquarters In the city hall. Charles c. I>iekens, comman tier, was in charge. The matter of an ??ntertnlnmcnt to l>e Riven some time in January is being considered. Officers' '?adg* s. with the official emblem >>f the '??irton will he purchased f<>r the officers hv the post. Hills for the Armistice lay and lames events were ordered paid. i Game Sunday. The Sixteenth street gridiron will he ?he seen* of a big Ram* of football Sun d *>? afternoon when the Peerless Col >r e*t 'Hants <?'" fhls city clash with the fast Znnesviile A. C eleven. The Zanos ville 'eaftj i< :i fast one and the same Is tree of tit** peerless eleven. Many Frizes. Many prizes as attemlance Rifts are contributed by the Ih-llaire merchants fop the Home Products Advertising dinner to held Monday eveninK at the ? "hitmher of Commerce rooms. It Is planned to have a prize for each person who attend. The value of the prizes wilt rarj". from 2." cents up ro S'_>n Thi* e\*?nt will likely he attended hv about I "O persons and it will no doubt l>e the 1 igges; 'Chamber of Pommerce meetlnR yet held. Experts on advertising will be the speakers. Mlnrtrol Dates. .tanuary II an*l 12 are ?!*..* dates flxe*T ?*i*r the sfxtli nnntt: ! ' rrorli'Hs elnb rnlri s*re1 perr,ir:c.*inee. Cltnf Prnper <*f Now York will aim In have charge this year. Me w!'l j?rr:ve In P.ellatre about Janti :>rv 2 and r'-h? irsals will be held each ? lay following Jos arrival. Wake Repairs Kxrrn?ive repairs are being made to the Pennsylvania railroad roundhouse in the c ,v p y .ri'.s here. Ffveral (.;lr loads of lumber have :???en received for us** in repairing the building and many carpenters are alriady at work. Wheeling Rent Ttut one rj'.ore game remains on the Be! la ire H'.'h s' hoo| f<> ??hall .?? Jmdule 'olfowmv 'ho- euit s* p.dav at Kast ?tj ??ii! T ie last bat'le ??{ the season w;'.l he with Wheeling High school at the Island grounds Thanksgiving day. Fans are hopeful that llellaire will ?rush Wheeling and thus a perfect rec ord for the season. Services End Special Win-.My-Chntn services which have been underway this week at the First Methodist Episcopal church with special speakers and music each even ing. carye to a close last night when devotional services were held. Miss Pauline Mvving was the leader. latter a social session was enjoyed. Moosaheart Rally A rally of members of the Mooseheart l.eglon of tho valley will he held in Bel laid Sunday. Members of the l.eglon from surrounding towns will he here There will be an initiation of candidates at the rally and a program and banquet. Kennedy Funeral A number of llellaire people will go to New Martinsville Sunday to attend the funferal of Milton Kennedy, former !o-al resident, who died at Elderado, Arkansas. Services will be ??;t the home of his daughter, Mrs. (JeoiKe Ilresock Burial will be In the cemetery there. Select Official! Officials for the iiullalre-Wheeling high school football itamf to he played Thanksgiving Duy at Wheeling Island have been selected. Chester Story of Pitt, will referee. \V. \V. McKinney of Elizabeth. Pa., will he the umpire and Frank O. Hugh of Pittsburgh will b? the head .1 tin-srium. It Has been icc.uou that the price <>f admission shall remain i at 25 anil 50 cents. Reserved seats wilt he sold .In advance at the same price as seats on the day of the game. Home Sunday Charley Arnold, Rellalre druggist, will he removed to his home on Gravel Hlil Sunday from the City hospital. Mr. Arnold h;t? oeen cnflned to the insti tution for' some time suffering with a bad case of blood poisoning For a time it was thought that he would not recover, his condition was so critical. To-Eaet Liverpool Members of the Hellalre high school football team, accompanied by a num ber of funs, will leave at nine o'clock this morning for East Liverpool where the t?>anl does battle this afternoon with the htgh school eleven of that place. Hetlairc should secure at least four touchdowns in today's game and at the same time hold the home team score less. The special train talked of here will not make tho trip because of tho lack of -Interest. Bally Sunday Rally Pay will be hold at the Chris tian church on Sunday morning. It will t.? the annual fall rally for the mem bers of the Jilble school. Record at tendance is expected for the day for each of the classes of the TUble school. A special program will be rendered. Clinic Opena The child clinic will be opened today at the City hospital. The first ses sion of the clinlo will be from P a. m to 10 a m Parents unable to secure proper attention for their youngsters of pre j school age are invited to take them to the cllniii. Clvio Club Met. A Mg meeting of the tvi man's fVrlo Tjh was held las' night at 'h?- audito rium In th- Miners' Temple, on Vclment I street a report of the stnt.? conven tion was submitted as one of the f?at i ur.-s. and Mrs. Charles Lan. t r lead I a very Interesting paper. Vl.vre v.a^ special rr;?ij-i.? and ether featur ?? in con- | iwct:.-n" wtiii tiu- rn-cting. Song- Sertvce A sj song s. i . i. ?? wit! be heal Snn-Uy afternoon at ????:?? lc at the; l\irst Mi-thodlst Episcopal church. I'ti program will In rendered under the il: reetlens of It. Herbert l-Yrr-n. choir ' director. The program will consist of solos, duets and ohorus iiumhers. Bryant Pyle Wedding. At ?t. flairsvilie yesterday was sol etitrilz< d the wording of Mr. < "ydc l!i>? ;\nt and Miss \\ ilda Fa ye 1 "y!??. promi nent young people ot tills city. 5l> v. f. W. Cnop.r. of the St. Clairsvilh- M. K. church, performed the ct-t viimny. A wedding supper was enjoyed last [ night at il.e1 home of his parents in Pittsburgh. They will later te.ddu in this city. June, daughter of Ivwey Corbet t. ? ? f | Twvntv-ninth srtroat. is, lit with diph- ' theria at tire horn* of her grandparents, i Mr. and Mr*. John' Carman, iti West Hellaire. Mls.s Ivuia lYorler, of M est Twenty- [ tiiird strer-t. has g"ne to liclmont for u visit with trlends for a few day*. There were n> offenders arraigned In ; l>ol]ee court yesterday, no arrests hav- i .ng been made since Thursday night Kenneth Duffy, of West Twenty-third J street, has gone to Key to spend the I week-end with his parents, Mr. and j Mrs. Thomas M. Duffy. Young men of tiie Christian church, and their dads endjoved an oyster sup- j per in the-club rearms of the church las' I rtight. More than fifty persons were In i uttcnoa nee. A special missionary pageant will he j rendered Sunduy morning and evening I at Trinity Kplscojral church here, com- j memo.-ating tho 100th anniversary of | the beginning of missionary work in j that church. Members of the E. IT. club were de- i 'liglufully entertained last night bv Miss j Elizabeth Tracey at her home on Men- i roo street. Members of the King'* Daughters' cia?s of the Christian church were en tertained last night at the home of Mrs. | Elmer F. Richards on Highland avenue. ] The Young People's Auxiliary of the i St. Paul's A. M. E .church enjoyed a social event at the church last nigiit. Mrs. r? A. Helnlein entertained mem- , hers of iier rlass of the Presbyterian Satd*th school at her home on North Guernsey street last night. Mrs. F. S. Wright, of this city, has in vited a number of 'friends to be her guests at a luncheon this afternoon at the Mel.ure Hotel, Wheeling. BRIDGEPORT Club Entertained Mrs. T>r. J. A. Mciilonti was the charm !ng hostess to tho members of t!??? Weil nesday Afternoon club of this cltv at her home In 1'rookshle yesterdut attor noon. The usual interesting pi "errant o( social diversions was carried out at 11??? event, following which a dainty lunch eon was served by the hostess. Two Cases Up "With two cases of local Interest up in the eourts at St. Ulalraville yester day a large number of local resident* were visitors at the County seat One Was a damtice suit against it local tirni and the other was the outgrowth of the death of a man from the bite of a dog. School Demonstration Announcement has been made that a demonstration in the domestic science department will be held at the High school building on Monday afternoon at 3:45 o'clock and the parents of students as well as all others interested in tho school work have been Invited. Supper Attractive There Is certain to be a good crowd of persons from this city In attendance at the chicken supper to be held by the ladles of the laineaster chapel Methodist church at Upland this evening. Supper, will be served between the hours of 3 and 3 o'clock and all friends have been Invited. Farm Bnrean . The regular monthly meeting of the Fease Township Farm Ilureau. with which most i f tho rural residents of this vicinity are connected, will be h> Id it: the rooms of the Martins Ferry Hoard of Trade this afternoon at L' o'clock. Im portant business matters are to be giv en attention at this meeting. Road Meeting A meeting of those interested in the ICast Liverpool to Marietta Highway ha been called to take place at the rooms of the Hollaire Uhamber of Commerce t>n ?Wednesday of r.ext week at 1- ?'i lock. Interested persons from this city are planning to attend this Servloes Close The last of the special services in "Win My Chum Week" under the aus pices of the Kpworth League of the West Bridgeport Methodist church. was held in the church last night. A very good attendance is reported, and the services were very successful. Will Hold Bake Sals. Mrs. Stewart's Sunday school class of the Klrltwood Presbyterian church will hold a hake sale this afternoon at Charles McOonahey's store at Kirk wood. Over fifty home made pics and cakes will be on sale st the store, and the c i | ptihMe I- ii;\ itcd t <. attend the -a!'- The sale is f-r tV hem-tit <?!' th Sllllda v s lio.c eias-. Briflgaport Briefs .Mr unci Mr- t.. .1 Kaiuuer K:ik wc.cni Mill : . \. ? .-:,i irt ly t'c-r I vnvr Oil.. I" tit.iki> ilitir future home. I'r. .1. \ ,\i ? ';!? nn ? ? f this city .spent yest.rday at S,l Clatr.svl lie, as a witness in ' Mr.-.. Tie it a I'avis of this city l-? visiting at Warren ?'?.,* whcic she was called hy !ln> loin s.s et' h.-r daughter M i. a lea- Iter in the schools. The usual meeting of the liretiien of this city will he held in their nuarters ("tnurrtiw a fiernoou. ST. GLAiRSViLLE Pctlfiont Piled. The council "t the city of 1'ellalre. j hy John T. .lohnsoii. et ;ii. Petition for the transfer of J-l.j'Mi item the general lend to th.e safety fund of said city and for such other and urther relief as is proper. Attorney <'. C. Sedgwick rep resents the vtly. The vase ol' J-'hn .Ktinpp vs. Scott Lumber company, set for trial In court yesterday, was continued until this morning. JLrrested. Inspector hidings and his force made two arrests on Taursday night. \iuia Oastieo of .Martins l-'erry was bnnuiit t" jail and a charge of manufacturing tiled against her before Mayor Musics. It is alleged that a si!!!, two barrels of mash and a .inutility of liguor sxero loiltid In lie,- place. Jcdin NaJepov of Holla ire was also ar rested by (tie oftivers. M tttjj alleged that a uuamlty of ih|?or was found in his possess,on A ? barge of possess ing was tiled against him before Mayor j 1 'US ie.?. Probate Court. Leslie I lion, juvenile delinquent. Af fidavit tiled. Set for hearing November i'~. MHll, at in a. in. W'uiruitl and sub | poena ordered and issued and causu i c ?ntlniied. K< I ward Knight, .Ins'tnb- delinquent. A flhhts It filed. Set "for hearing .Vovoru ' her jj, 11?21. nt la a. m. Warrant ami. i subpoena ordered and Issued and .uuso I eotlt tilled. Janet .Maun, deceits.-<l. W'alvcr of lime I In which to tile exceptions to itihcil i tali' c tax lltoltng tiled hv tax commis sion. Tax certified to county auditor I for collection. Harriet IC. Warren. tiec-ased. < ?r.ler of private sa'c of persona1 property re turned and nied endorsed with report ?>' sale. Sale conilrnte.i ati.l record ordered. I Xella !!. Ilaf", deceased. Filial ac ' Count tiled. Set for hearing Meccltlber i 31. 1 !? 21. Notice ordered. Continued. I .Thomas Coidell. guardianship. Mar tial account nled. Set for hearing 1'<? comber 31. I'd. Notice ordered. Coll- | Untied. .uiccm.un. i'lydc Sim. i'ii ttryunt. am- -7, a clerk, tltld Wild i I'.u- l'vle, a;.'e "1. l?<th ??('! Itellalro. Ki-v. <\ W. i' ?(.[.. r performed | I !ii- i et i-mnti v. Kmuk Siii\ ?*!an ' a butcher "f I Ni*w Atli is. ami Anna bulla Shores, ape 1 . | iai:|> ?.: Kev. Knipi' per- : ii'im'il t'ii- . cri'tii'iMy. IVii ?"itf I Its,n'i' 2i*. an enamel w.-rki-r. Kr.d HI la < iortrudo Oomlwin. aci> r:i. both i.i-l!alr", la-v. l'aliiu-r I" .rnn-il Realty Doods. Klyile t". t'oyle ami Stella li. Doyle, in l't. K. ? ami Km ma M. t'oyle. tract laral !ii I Vase township; n sldor.itlnn *1". Hannah K. Dawson ami David Daw sun. if. Milt-.ii .f.inii-s, .\n. nf HotU-fi-r's saci.mi addition in Shatlvslde; consiliumim j!0. D. Mnupit:. to II. K. and Marv Tun-I nant. 'ot S'o 17 in Sinitlt's lirs: addition I tn Sliailj si'l.-; e. r.sideratton $4.aim. I-ectnro Conrnn Opens. The ilrs- Tiiiml.- r .a Dm le. tare course fiir this >..ii was ulven las; evetiinp in :?m I rr-byteria'i chuf. h Miss Mar-| parol St ill!, entertainer ami r>'ail<T. was |ii>isi.|it ? i J tin iiirpe number who at tended wiry eroatly pleased with Ilia ovi-ninir'.s entertainment Five nmr" j iiiai.t-i rs arc nil the course for later In the .season. St. ClnlrsrlUe Briefs. Mr. ami .Mrs i'Maries N'eff of Bnvnes vllle spent yesterday at the home (>f her hrnthi-r. .tohn Sidcbottoni of .Marietta street. l-'r ?/ I'rirU'n.sen of was n busi ness caller in town Friday. Dave Kerinnti of liarnesvillo was In' town i.p business yesterday. Atto-iiev it A. <*? lidtts of lt.arties-! vll'e was a business visit, r in St. t'iairs vllle yesterday. Si|ii;.-e 'A'iili.arn Dritto-i .if Tt?? Itjeport was iti St. t'lairMviUe "ii business viv terday. Mrs i'. K TinihclaVie of Doilalre will return home today after a short j | v"-i: ? " ? '.f Mr :?nd Mrs. ]'. L. j ij >h '., i i". it.? rh-sty was In I i'l.1^1 ? n yestcrUa V. A! I "in> 1' I' !??;!:. "is of Heilaife was a husin.-ss l ull-i lirir 1* inlay. SHAQY^iDE KaJly Day !?.".?I?? p: ? . .irai .nils ha'-e been ' ni.uii by teachers anil ailnr officers of | tin' < '!ii 1sti.i:i 11111!f school I? -i* tin- s-T-| tomorrow ninrniiiK. The annual Kally Lay ;.?> tn In- observed and the, S>I.|;??t t al'fMlaiM'.i tin- Mhoo! ever ? knew is anticipuied. Several important a Met at p'ti.s liaVi- heeii completed It: tile; an ili'i il. department. primary, junior, intermedial-- ami senior, will of-; iMtpy a distant e titnl tomorrow each will ilft t nil leers and eifn t its own or- i Kunization. Slindysldo Briefs The annual Thanks^n Ini; service fur tin- eatiiuiunily wltl in laid this year in I lie Line 'ill Awhtl.e .Methodist eharili. l-'ull aiinounneinent us to the In- ir, speakers, and music will be made early ln\l week. .Miss Kll/alieUi Irwin of Liberty ave nue entertained a I.umhe|- of Vounir peo ple in iier lioioe last ? ven'.ny. i->anclnu \v;,3 one of flu- diversions. Mr. .Miles Hart, lather of Mrs. K. D. I'iper. is seriously il! at the home ot his ilatiKl'ier on Srultlilield street. The Ladles' cla> s the t'id U'eijee ?'liurih will hold an oyster supper this ??..?ninn at the home of Mr. and Mrs. 1>. M All rii ht on i.'a-li llidite. 11. A W rlsht has heeti speaillnu a few days in ltarnesvllle. lie expects t ? move ills f&inily there in about ten j days. Services wl'l be conducted in the 1' church tomorrow* by the paster, Lev. il. l'hllltps. Mr and Mrs. Lay Warwick and two j children have returned to their home! after havln,<r sjieiit a few da> s here as1 ru-sts of Mr. and Mrs. 1*\ L. Kllby of \orlh I: k avenue Tho Willlay Workers si'clotv' of the I'i (??!?'.hi iliurrh will hold a two ?l:tv ii 'liil.iv during the I'.rsi week of 1 -???n 1 ?????. Thr alfatr Is beln^ planned > ii a latye scab". I.utirhe.s will In- served ail ila> on thf hrst <lav of tlii- ha/.nnr aii'l .i fookfil lood sale held ill the M-cond day. Sis torsi lllf lllyh will stud its foot ball t?-.mi this afternoon to moot S. II. S. on t}iv local yridiron. The Shiuly side hoys have not yet been defeated and In v ? worked hard under t'oarh Ar nold so as he in fine shape for ibis contest. Weather perrniMitiy. the l?lk rri wii of the season will sue tho y.ame Tickets are on sa.e at the News Stand. Miss Verdii h.ewls was hostess last i-voniin; to the otlo r yiris of her Sun day si-hool class. The party was he?hi at tlif I.ewls home on I.lnroln avenue, BARNESVILLE Mrs. Willl'iin It. Stephens of South Chestnut spo-t outirlhuti d another to the d ? rthtful ! ti-nttp1 ia 1 oomph moms tendered Miss 1-iva Ncdr.i Carter, whoso mini aye will take place next week with a it::.sfcl!aneoii.s shnwi-r, Thursday eve* nitty. |-.o I, cues! was nlven cheese oloth to make !*.:?? iiast ? the tlrsL mil throiirli and r lay I la-lic.t test work was U'.e.i a I e .utiful l.arrl-piiir.ted cream pitcher. M'.ii i'tirter won tin- prize and was also liven the dust cloths. The yucsts thell enjoyed ;t social hour with and conversation, after | m lin h a larye basket .Irap.d in rainbow, colors, was hii'itylil In ami presented te. Mt-'s Carter. Many beautiful and ! Useful ylfts tilled t ha lasll-t. A delirious luncheon was served itn-l each yu'st was yiven a beautiful buyn eh;.-aiitin-iiitim Those cnJoyiitK Mrs.I Stephens' hosfiltallty were Misses Car-! ter. Ma: y ie: it" Morris. Shep pnvd Mali. cil.son. Audrey Katharine Wort hlneton, l.eait Itoswel!,' Mesne m.-s ib .rye Fisher, l-Jdyar Thom as. I-!. U Vow ell. 1.. M. Carter. V. M. Moore. I.llllan Kyle, Mary iiced and W. K. Stephens. Mr?. I'alnp-r II dtr* l.aiiRhlln enter tained urli a six-course dinner at her home Walnut street Thursday after r.C>on. ?i lni: Miss Mildred ?%>!??. bri<l>- ' ??loot. A >'"-inl linnr was et^oyt-d. tin? J i;ii"sts :?'i) towels fur Miss 1 < 'olf. Mrs. K.rl ?!. Harrison of Krist Main str<? -1 is visiting hi*r .r.other. Mrs. II. Kesstnirrr J.yti'.'hhur:;. t'. Ct iTp- Wilson of Pittsburgh, Pa., | was a visitor in town this week. .1. \V. Kouiko si i?nt Saturday in Wheeling on business. Will 1 )or? r was a visitor In town Wed-1 nes-lay <'!>'!??' ? rt h'?rrw> Ihil , wtM?K from fin extended business trip t J I Washington, Philadelphia ana .-sew zone < 'Ity. .Mrs. Jnmcs Gill of North Broadway, who has been quite sick Is not Improv ing as rapidly as her friends would ilka, 1 >r. ami Mrs. William K. Sfipaen* went to Wheeling Friday evening to as t<-i,<i the "White Peacock" show at the Court theatre. Then there is the dentist? who re gards it as a pcrs * offense for you to have one of ytrur own teeth In your head. ^ The Modern Store sprciALs tor Saturday. Far v" a pplrs por 1 ?<?x. S3.50; fam ily .six.? $2.80. llinhest grade coffee grown, per pound 30c. Kxtra fine rice. Z pounds 25c. Sun Maid Seedless ltaiains, 2 pOUIldsi -10c. <"r\stal W'lilie Syrup, per gallon 65c; 1 ?. gallon 35c; .small .an 12c. Kverydav milk, tall ran, 2 for 25c. Toilet paper. 3 for 20c. i ^ i ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH 2118 MARKET STREET ANNUAL MEMORIAL SUNDAY O^rman Services 10:30 A M. K:uth*h Vespers 7:30 P.M. Sunday School with Junior Choir, 'J.lJ A. M. Rev. J. Knruthcuer will preach the sermon at the morning service A cordial welcome to ui! and especially to those who, ilurltsK the passing churcth year, laid to rest someone dear to them. ltrv. S. K. Strauss. 1 nstor. V ' LAYMEN'S SUNDAY AT FIRST UNITARIAN CHURCH 1129 Eoff Street. Mr. "Waller B. Hilton will occupy ihc pulpit ami speak on "THE BKOTHEKllUOJ) ol' MAN" Service at 11:00 A. M. Everybody Welcome. I j BRASS TACKS Said Big Bob Brown. "are cold facts. "In h?.rd times some people dig down to bedrock. Hopin' for cold, they find a bunch of brass tacks. "Every tack has a sharp pointer on one end. and a hard bump on the other. "They point the way to better things. The Jolts nre bumps of wisdom. I \ "Brass tacks are not sold, hut they teach many a man the value of money. "Most brass tack bumps are.easy if one lias a cushion of cash. "I don't mean a cushion of dead dollar hills, hut a bunch of money that works and prows. "My cash cushion of live money is in a little book, backed by a big concern* "Yes. it's The Buckeye Savings &J.oan Company of Rellairo; some of that six million dollars is mine. "Part of it ought to be yours." THL BUCHEYE T^% V^INTEREST ^ / A standard treatment i with thousands who know how quickly it heals sick skins Askanyone who has tried it Soolhinq And HcAJinq ???? i ???Hi f j 1 Sandwiches! b j PARAMOUNT | | DRESSl^GJ ^afc' Mj ST A RD r: iTJ?Sjg.'*t V- . f[tiBfst! EDWARD WAGNER Distributor ( \ St. Stephens' Reformed Church Thirty-sixth and Eoff Streets : 1" A. M Sunday School A. M German Service 7:> r. M English Service V t - First United Presbyterian Church Chapline Street, One Door Above Postoffice. CllAliLt.S II. KOBJXSON, Pastor. !?>!() A. M ? Bible School. Adult (.'lassos for Men and Women. ]?>:(.") A M --Public Worship. Annual Thank Offering1 Sendee by the Women's Missionary Organization of the Congrega- 1 tion. Address by Kev. W. II. Heed, of Assiut, Egypt. 7 :IH) P. M.?Public Worship. Sermon by the Pastor. Strangers Are Welcome to All Services. ' : ; I First Christian Church 2115 MARKET STREET. W. H. FIELDS, Pa?t0r. Hililc School 9:20 A. M. ' Morning Service .10:35 A. M. Sermon?"The Storm." Christian E?dea\or - 6:30 P. JL , Evening Service ^,7:30 P. M. Sermon?"The Boldness of the Early Church." , j' SECOND PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH ! Corner Twentieth and Market Streets. PL1XY BROKAW FERRIS, D. D., ilinister. ? - Preaching Services 10:45 and 7:30. Themes: "Our Intimate Re lationships" and "Life's Judgment Seats." Sunday School 9:30. Adult Classes 9:45. "A Church for Everyone With a Welcome for AIL" You Are Invited. ' December 11 Ls 100 Per Cent Sunday at This Churoh. < i ' OLD SOULS IN NEW BODIES Free Tlieosophical Lecture Unitarian Church Sunday, November 20?8 P. M. By L. W. ROGERS, * National President of the American Tlieosophical So ciety?a Mai; of International Repute. V < ' Vance Memorial Presbyterian Church WOODSDALE JAMES MEASE TOTTER, D. D., Minister. 1! :00 A. M"?The Vision That Turned the Course of History." 7:;$0 P. M.?"A Wonderful Beginning." Sunday School 0:30 A. M. Christian Endeavor P. M. < I ? , Second United Presbyterian Church Corner Fourteenth and Chaplinc Streets. Ralph W. Mansfletd, Pawtor. 9:3ft A. M ??? Sabbath School. j 10:4") A. M "Preparing for the Day ol the Loud** 7 :."0 I1. M Special Musical Program bythe Choir Brief Message by the Pastor. Enjoy These Services With Us. You Will Be Welcome. - Wheeling Baptist Temple ''The Church With a Future." MORNING WORSHIP 1 Y. M. G. A. Auditorium Popular Evening Service, Colonial Theatre (Pending New Edifice) .MRS. FLORA WILLIAMS, Directress Vested Choir. ? GEORGE E. LOCKHART, Minister. Sunday School ?......... 9:45 Men*8 Bible Class 9:45 Sermon--"Growing Faith" ... .20:45 Sermon?"Your Soul and Sin" 7:45 A CORDIAL WELCOME TO THE STRANGER j V I'Ti'r s7 PRE SBY T ER IA^CHURCf^ Thirteenth and Chapline Streets. Samuel Martin Gibson, D. D., Minister. - B Special Thanksgiving Observance I Sunday, November 20. 10:45 A. M.?"The Sacrifice of Thanksgiving" l ; POPULAR EVENING SERVICE 7:30 o'clock?"Health and Happiness." Special Thanksgiving .Music. A Big, Bright, Beautiful Service in a Cheerful, Cordial, Comfortable Church. A Progressive Church Located in the Heart of Wheeling. TEST OUR WELCOME I