Newspaper Page Text
rt T m I- ' j Xew Tork. Nov. 18.--Rejection by the ; house of representatives of President I surtax recommend*tiona. Judge tiury's j qualified review of Industrial conditions; end suspension <>f the L ulled States In- ( dustrinl Alcohol dividend were anions the developments which prompted mod erate selltnK in the stock lod.?y. The re action mas by r.o means general, how ever. as evidenced by the strength of certain Issues In the railway, shipping and metal divisions. Chesapeake 4 Oh o resumed dividends and retention of reg ular disbursements by soveral of th? important merchandising comiatnles ^vas indicative of * more confident feci-, ?n* In commercial circles Krlce movements were most confus- ! Ing anion* oils, steels, equipments and mototrs. th -se Issues show in* mixed gains and losses at the close. Special ties of the paper, leather, tobacco, and utility types eased Irregularly In the absence of recent pool support. Sales amounted to 000,00b shares. Kor the hrst time this month th? mar Xet evidenced a tighter tendency, call I to loans rtsing from their opening rate of ik to 5 V* per cent In the final hour. This was unexpected In view of the easier tone of time funds for the short- : er dutes. Aside from the firmness of the I.on- i rfon rate, foreign exchanges were ir- ; regular leading In continental bills re acting slightly and Uernvan marks show - ing further weakness on pressure of offerings from London and I'arls. Domestic rails and Mexicans were the strong features of the bond market. ; together w-tth utilities, notably the new Issue of the New Vork Telephone com- j pany. Most of the Liberty and Victory j issues also showed Improvement over ; recent quotations. Total s-iles par ! vaiua) SI7.850.000. ? N. Y.STOCK EXCHANGF j Wheeling. \V. Va.. Xov. 18. '21. Kutnlshed The intelligencer by A. E \ Masten ft Co.. members New Tork Stock I Exchange. Second door National lUnk lar W. Va. Plcff. rTftQTKS Open High ! Low 'Ctoe? Allied Chemical.. 48S <8 % 47% ^ Am. AKr. Ohem.. 33 33 32% 33 Aliis-Chalmers .. 35*4 36 35% 36 On I>*r Smar 3a 3" 3" 30 Am. Can Coin...- 31S 31% 30 .31 Am. Cxr & Kdy Com .138 138 137% 13.% Am. Smoit Oil 4"% 41% 4"*. 40 A, Am. Hide & L.. . 11% US I'. H% do prof ...:.,. j 57 t 57 ? 55 % 56 % Am. la? <>. Com. 94% 95 94 94 % Am. Stoo! Kdys. 31H 31'% 3"% 31 Am. SuKur Uof 55W 58 3.> 55 34 Am. Tel. A To!. 115% 116% 11S \ 116% Am. Tob. Com... 135 125 123% 113 Am. Wool. Com. -3*4 79%, '3 ??'* Aar.conda Cop... 4(lj 45 44% 4 4 -4 At 'bison It. H. j j ; I Com 57 87 1* 87 S7% Atlantic Oulf ... 33 33 31 % "'?1* Baldwin l.ocom 95 90S 93% 9*. S Both Stool "B" | I Com 35% 56 ..5 -4 55 % do 8% pf.i .. . 101% 102 101 *j lu2 B. A O. It It. Com 57 37 S 37 | 3. % do. pf.l. 31%' 52 51 S 32 Brook Rapid Tr. 7% 7 ?<* ?\ . % [Butte <fc Super...; 1"%. I"% 10't' Calif. Parking ..! 70S 70 \ 70S 70 \ Calif 1 etc com. 42 S 4 2 S 41 \ 42 S Canad. Pacific .. 116 S.11. '-4 lie ? ' 1 6 % Ceno I v 1 amo.. 32 S 32% 32% 32S Cen. I .oath. com. 32% 32 4 3%; 32 Chsndl-r Motor. ?6 46 45S 46% Che-sa. .v <>b:o... 5?\ 6?%. 5R S. 59% C. M. & St. P...' 23 S' 24 ; 23%' 23% d>?. prof 3 * S '1 36 % 3 . S C tit W com.. 6\. 6% 6\, 6*4 e K Is!. <4 P..., 33S 33% 32.S: 3>% do 6 pet. 1>M 59 69% 69 69 % del 7 ;?? t. pt'd.. 31 32 ?1? ?" Ch. 00 Cop;.e- ... 26% 26% 26% 26 *4 Col-? Kipl Se In.. 24% 24% 21 % 24% Columbia 4l.*is 62% 62% 62% 62 % 1 ? 1.1 .j:,. (i .-a ph 4% ? % 4 Corn Prod 85% s*\ S9% tCoff.ii. mi ? ? 33*4 31 % 33 S 34 >4 Crucible Steel .. 65 %? 67% 65 J 66*4 Cuba ?'an* Suk.., * %. *% 8'? 8 -4 I el.w S Hud... 10?\ 109% 106% 109% Kr - com 12 12% 11%, 1.% d>\ ">t prof 18 1?'% 18 1 15% 12 :? \ -> b;? !t '4 % 65% 63 *4 64% C.r. I.!-?(-.c. 135% 123% 134 135 i t.-it" i Motor*. 11% 11 a 11 % 11 *? (.Irar! \ M. tors. 26% 26% 26 26 ? it. .'sort. i. Cr-f. 73% 74 73% 21 lit. N"rth. Ore 32% 33 -4 32 * 33 *4 a i-tub. Com. 31% 31% 31% 3*% In'o-b-.r" Cons... 2 2 1% I'* Ir.epti ; > "opper . 37% 3-9 3.% -.7% lute: Nickel . ... 13% 13% 12 % 13 In ? ? Com. 55% 56% H >. 56 Islam! ml 2% 3% 2%, 3% jN ? ;:> Sou.. 2I1* '*? *4 ^ Ke.-n. Copper .... 25% 24% 24 .? na steel. 42 ?? 42% 45% 42% la-* itubber . ... 27% 27% 27% 2i% J .? i_.. l.i.kv . 56% 57% 56 , 56% Mart.-nl >?| .... -'5% 29% 2S%: 29% ,\.k-... I'etroieurn 113% 111'* '41% 112 51 .ain. Coppei . ; 25% 35% 7814, 2M? Atldd.e States Oil. 14% 11% 1*% j-4 % .1..a .la- steel ... 2 4 ?? 25 24% -a 5.1). 1 iicin. com. 19*4 19% 15 4; P k *\.o. ixans Ac le* ?? 1 *4 1% 1\ 0 2*.c? Cuns. Cop. ? 1313 '?? 13 -4- '3% . New Ila\on ?t It 13%. 13 ?? l I;J"h .s. ?. 1 ci.tra! ... 72% 73 72%, ^3% .\i?rtKi'rii 1 ucmo 7S'* ?*?/y U. >a. Producing 3-4 3% 3 3% owe-as lloll.e ... 2?n 26% .'6%,2'?% l ai. .in. 1 ete .. 56 \. 51%, 43%, 50-^ 1 etilia It B 35 -4 35 % 35 1 3> Arrow ... 14% 14% 13% 13% oil 12% 12% MS 1 12% I (... ,i 0 . Va . . . 2 4 -, 24 -j 24 % 24 % Ptue i-tl com... . 35% 36% 35% 35*. 1 rose 1 S. i ar. 61 a 61 %! 61 % 61 -4 .- .. 111! 14 liL liny i 'ms i op... ., . ? i . . . Read. Com 71 % 71 71 | 72% 1 HCilU- i Ml 4?% 4 4 %! 41% Republic Own. ? 49'% 45 "k 49% U'i ilu. I rel " 54% '?? i I % 85 Roy 1-UL (N T.) 47=4 47V 46% 474* St. U x S?. W.. . 22% 22% H\. 2-*\? Sjiti l-'ran Com. 22 %? 22\ 217? 22*. Stars Itoebui k 23% 23% 22 23% Sin. U;l * Iter.. 23 S 24 S> 23 . 23S So Pact It. K.... 79 %i >0 | 79 79% So. 1U!1. i>m.. 19 19% 1? I 19% Sludebaker .... 75 %i 75% 7 4 % 75% S. i). of X. J 172 172 170V 170% do fret IIP, 112 S 11 2 S 112 S T? nn. i'<?;>. i: *"h. 6 %, o *4, 6% 4** Texas Company 45% 46 44%, 46% Texas Coal & Oil 30 30 S' 29 % 30% Texas 3c l ac 22 % 22 S 22% 23'.* TobiCcco lTod. . .1 <0 i SO I SO [SO T ratis-, "out! 9 10% 8%' 1?% I'nion I'acllli- .. 1234; 124% 123S 124S I S. K'l.-d rod . 12S 12 S 11% 12 I S. Hu'?. Corn 49% 49% 45% 41% Cnired Retail S 3t 51% 50 j 51% Cntvli ?'?!! 21%, 21% 20%, 21 V. S. Steel com. . 97% 82% 12 [ 82% . do prefe-red. .112 112% 112 |112% Utah i'?i>p?r 57% 58 57 ! 57 % Vanadium Ste> 31 % 31% 30% 30% Yir.-Oaio Cl,em 31% 31% 31% 31% Wc t Maryland 9% 9% J% 9% Wee* ng K!e< trie 47% 47% 47% 47% While Motor* .. 37% .:* 37 % 33 White Oil 13 ? 14%' 12% 13% Willys-Over cm.. 6 8 5% s% Wabash com 7 7 7 17 do A" pref... 20% 20% 20% 20% ? OWtMl. Liberty Loans*? , ' . 1 First 36 s [95.10 95.30 95.10 95 14 Second 4'? 94 T4 34 . 74 94 . 74 94 . 74 Third 4%'s...9?50?6.84 95.42 96.46 Fourth 4%'h... 94.16194.88 94.78 94.10 Victory 4%'s. .,99.72 99.8* 99.72 99.86 Total sales 857.300 shares. rUGLLft. New York. Nov. 1??The raw sugar market was unchanged as far as Cuban varieties were concerned with the com mittee reporting snJea of 10,000 t*gs of Outxca for prompt shipment at 3%c. cost and freight, e/jual to 4.11 for cen trifugal. Duty free sugars, however, ur"' available at 4.00 for centrifugal without finding buyers. The easier feeling In the spot market led to Increased selling pressure In raw sugar futures and closing prices wore 4 t.> 6 points net lower for active posi tions. December closed at 2.33; .March. ?.23; May. 2 33. and July. 3 42. The refined market was unchanged at 5.20 to 5 30 for Ana granulated with a moderate business reported, b In reflnM futures there were no transaction* and closing prices wore unchanged to 4 joints net lower. De cember 0!"sed at 6.45 and March and aaay at 5.30. STANDARD OIL SUBSIDIARY STOCKS Wheeling. \V. Va . Nov. IS. '-1 ? Furnished r no Intelligencer by A. ?. Misten & Co.. member* New York Stock exchange. Second llojr National Bank of W. Va. Uldg. ?STOCKS i an*. A?a** Anglo 19 Si 13 V* Borne Scrymser '325 1350 Buckeye . .' 1 88 I 58 Cheesebrough 1S5 2l'0 do. 1'td I I'D IV. ?Continent*! ;122 125 Crescent 31 33 Cumberland I 13 130 I Kureka ho j yd Galena 45 5r do. t)Id Ifd 10O ,104 do. New I'fd I 08 lOO Illinois Pipe lev it 12 Indiana Pipe i S3 M National Transit 29 SI 29 A* I NVw York Transit 149 '132 Northern i'tpo 96 t 99 , Oh*? Oil 290 <294 International Petroleum ...i 18 , 10S I'enn Me\ I 24 i 27 Prairie Oil 380 1590 Prairie l ire 228 !232 Solar ltcfmtng ,.370 380 Southern Pipe 1 99 93 South lV>n Oil 2 35 240 South wee', I'enn Pipe | 57 80 Standard. Oil of Indiana ; 97S S7T* do. of Kansas 573 585 do. of Kentucky 135 |4 13 do. of New York |370 372 do. of Ohio -405 415 do. of Ohio, pfd 1*9 111 do Nebraska 180 ,190 Swan & Finch 45 55 Vacuum 330 !340 j Washington j 35 40 Imperial Oil i 86 | 50 ? . ?. ^ N. Y. CURB M ARKET Wheollng. W. Va.. Nov. 18. '31. Kurnisited I'tie intelligencer by A. J4 ?ilaslen <4.Co . member* New Yolk Stock i exchange. Second Uooi National Hank j vj W. VA. Uldg. ______ ^STOCKS i iliiT". A?K | Allied l ackers i 4 | b ?? do 6's 4? j 60 Aetna Kxyioslvea ; 12VsI 14*4 Big Ledge Copper 3" 32 Boston & Montana 8 7 88 Calumet St Jerome '. 15 10 CI tlea Service 218 220 do preferred 60 \* 6t do Bankers Of* 1 14* ; Cresson Cons. Gold 17?, 2 Grant Motors 1 V% , 2 Howe Sound 2 v* 2 A* Magma Copper 1 21 j 21^ . Nlplsstng Mines 6 6t*; North Am Pulp & I'aper.. 2 I Peerless Motors 38 40 United Kastetn Mining ... 2 \? 2*i U S. Light A- Heat IS 7S j do preferred J. 1 lj 1 A? ; t". S. Steamship X 26 27 i U. S. Ship i"orp 13 14 Wayne t'oal IS 1*4 ' Oatald* Ol'. Stocxa. I Boone Oil 31 35 Boston & Wyoming 52 S3 Carib. Syndicate ."> 5S ! l.?omln;on oil ' S 9 | Klk Haiiln IVt 7 \ 7% . Federal Oil IS IS j ? Her. Hook Oil IS 1 Ms ' Hudson OH . . j 11 11 International !>t 18 S 1?S !.lvln*?t(>n let 2 2S : I.yona Petroleum S5 S7 j Merritt ? ?11 11 S 11 V? j Noble oil A 'las 12 _ 13 I Omar Oil ' ?' J'enn-Mex. Fuel 21 27 i ennok Oil 6'4 1 S Producers Uefiners 5S 5S Ft van i 'nnj ' 6 !4 6 S | Salt '"reek Prod ; l^S 15 Sapulft Kof!n:ne I 4 ^ ^ S'.mms Petroleum ! 2 S 9S SkeHy (.>11 | 8Si fiS BOSTON" COPPER STOCKS Wheeling. W. Va . Nov. IS. '21 Furnished The lntellt>tencer by A. E. Mas ten & Co.. members New York Stork I MxchsnKe. Second lloor Nutlonal Pack nf \V Va. Hide. k'l't '? 'K'S i B'd i Ask Adventure 5" 75 A b meek 5 4 55 Alioues 2 4 24 S \r.-ndian 2\ 3 Arizona 9 ?S Butte lifilakla v:i ' 3 ''.-I. & Arizona 53 53 U ' 'a' .C Ilecla 24'1 245 ? 'entennut I . . ^ 9 I Popper ftar.Ko 3." \ 35 S ] Only West IS Fast Butte ..." in :>n, Franklin ^ IS 2 Oranby , 28 27 Hanoi k 2 S 2 S Helvetia 2S 2S Indiana 25 75 Tale ltoynle 21 22 Keweenaw ' IS 1 H" Ke?r t<ake ! 3S 3'j I?ake ' 2S 3 I?a Salle I 1*4 2 Mas* t'onsol ' 2 C'j Mich (gran ' 2 I Jkj Mohawk ' 51 H' 52 North Butte ' US 1 i ('1.1 Dominion ' 24 25 Osceola I 31 33 Qulnry I 41 43 Shannon ! 1 144 Superior j !S 3 Super'or & Boston I 1 1'4 Trinity I 2S' 2 T? Utah ("'onsol ' 2 ! 2U Victoria I 1 "si 1 Wpnnt j 41 I 59 Wolverine I 11 ! IIS PITTSBURGH STOCKS Wheeling. W. Va.. Nov. IS. '21. Furnished The intelligencer by A. II Atnsten .t; Co.. members Now York Stock Bxchange. Second floor Hank f W Va. llldg. ST' ><"Ka j Bid. I Aak Am. Vt trifled FVod ' I 11 Am. Window Olaas Machine.! 68 V 69 do preferred I 78 ! 80 Arkansas ()a? I 10%) 11 V* Carnegie I .end Jc illne I 3 1 S'.j Carbo Hydro j j 1 do preferred I I 3 Duquenane Oil ! 3 j 3 V* Honier-l'nion Pet 15 Independent Brewing ' 2 V* do preferred 7 Mex-Wyomlnu f 28 ! JO Star C?as 1 24 27 Kay County (las .....! IV*I 3 Manufacturer's L. & H I j S^V* Marland Beflnlng Co I IV4 3 V* National Fire Proofing 1 7 1 8 do preferred J 1SV?; 17 Ohio Fuel 1 1 4 6 V* Ohio Fuel Oil I 19 V 29 Oklahoma <ias i 20 ! 20*i IMttsburxh Brewing ? 2 S do preferred 1 8V* Pittsburgh OH & <J?* J ? 9 Pittsburgh Plate Class 1 131 Pittsburgh A Jerome Cop...[ 2 Salt Creek Cons t 1174 12 Ttdal-Oscige Oil _. .[ 13 V 14 V* I'nlon Natural Oas 1 1132 t'nlted States r;ias* I I 45 Westlnghouse Aid Brake....| | 97 N. Y. COTTON MARKET Wheeling. W. Va., Nov. 1*. '21. Furnished The Intelligencer by A. El Hasten & Co.. members New York Stock felxchange. Second floor National Bank j ef \V. Va. Bid*. flecks 'Open I High. I T?ew.lC'oae January . ...[ 16 fiflS 841 16 40! 1?" 71 March 16 62 16 88- 1 6 48 1? 75 May I 16 53i 16 71| 16 37 16 08 July j 16 151 16 34i 16 03 16 25 August f I I K, nr. .September ..I ' 15 75 October ; 15 37 15 37 15 25 15 25 December 16 80j 17 bh! 16 55 16 92 I LOO-AN AND BRYAN'S C LOSING STOC7K LETTER By private wire to A Iv Master. A- Co. New York. Nov. IS- The Impressive manner In which heavy absorbing In the , last two davs lends much i ment to those entertaining construe. 1 tlve prlcw Ideas and we are still ef the 1 opinion that the next Important swing j !n the market w ill be in an upward direction. j CHICAGO GIN I V. J C'hiracu, Nov. IS --I'ncaaiiivNs over reported crop damage itt Argentina aiul A us t nilia hail a bullish effect today on the wheat market lure. 1 rices closed firm at - T? to 3!? net udvancc with 1 Ntcnmher to 1.US\ and May ll.U'n to HIV Corn gained 1 to 1 ?'? to 11-i iind oats \ to ~t to 1 cent. In provisions tin- outcome varied 1'roin un changed figures to tu to 12'? cents higher. i t'pen I H;gh how | Close Wheat: i I i Dec...) 1 01V 1 OS 1 04>, 1 OS May...; 1 oS i 1 111 07 1 1 lSl? , Corn: I I I Deo... I 48 4 ? *4 47 V 49 Muy...| 5.114 i?4a* at'a Oats; I Dec... I 32 V 331?; 32?v| 33 Vi May.-.1 47 V Ssl* 37 V 38 V? Pork: !' I I Jan...| 1 14 00 . Lard: , i 1 I J a n ... I 8 2 7 1837 827 8 3 u Ma v.. . S 70 I S 77 8 70 : 8 77 nibs. I I Jan . .I i I 7 02 May...! I I I 7 40 <"ash uuotat'.ons??'Wheat: No. 2 hard II 06V,. Corn: No. 2 yellow 49'4 t?? 4'.'V No. 2 mixed 4S. Cats: No. 2 white 3">V to 3714; No. 3 white 32 'j to 35. 1'ork. nominal, Lard, IS.60 to 8 05. Itlhs 16 j WHEELING LIVESTOCK | Wheeling. W. Va.. Nov. LS. '21. WHEELING LIVE STOCK COM <X? CATTLE. Choke. 900 to 1100 1 6 50? C 75 Fair to good. 900 to 1100. . 6 25? 8 50 CJood to choice. 800 to 900.. B 00 4/ fi 5o Fair to good, 800 to 900... 5 OP'S? 6 00 Good. 700 to 8U0 5 25 i? 5 50 Common 4 Co? 6 00 Beef bulls 4 00? 4 50 Bolngna hulls 3 001? 4 00 Beef cows 3 00? 4 69 Bologna and cutters 1 50 7? 2 50 HOGS. Heavy, 260 to 300 7 00It 7 25 Choice. ISO to 225 7 50? 7 75 Good. 150 to 185 7 25? 7 75 Fair to good, 100 to 120 ... 6 00 7? 7 00 Sows 5 00? 6 00 Stags 4 00? 5 00 SHEEP AND LAMBS Extra 3 60? 4 50 Good .. . 2 00? 3 00 Common | 1 00 fr 2 0'! Lambs 4 00? 8 00 VEAL CALVES Choice. 125 to 175 11 00?ll 50 Good, 125 to 175 9 00W 10 60 Light, heavy, coin calves.. 6 00? ? 00 SAX BROTHERS. CATTLE. Extra, 1000 t? 1200 6 0o? 6 50 Good. 900 to 1000 5 r.0'.|. ? 00 Good. S"0 to 900 i> 00 \f 5 SO <'n.ntron 4 00 ? 4 ,10 Reef cows 2 00? 4 00 Beef hulls 4 (ioSi 4 60 Bologna bulla J 90 ? 4 00 Cow a ? 1 50 if 2 00 HOGS. 173 to 200 lbs 7 25 d 7 50 1J0 to 16c His 7 00 '<? 7 23 250 to 275 lbs fi 50',i i PO I'tgs 6 50'til 7 00 .?own 5 OO&J fl 00 Stags 6 00 ? 4 0( SHEEP. Extra ? 3 00? 4 00 ^ >lr to good 2 00 (ff 3 00 Common 1 00? 2 00 Spiing lambs, good 7 5<?tr;' 8 0* Lambs, good S 00? b 50 do common -1 00? 5 Co CALVES Choice 11 00 ?11 50 ESilr to good 9 oo',j jo 00 Thin and heavy 4 on? 6 00 PROVISION MARKET Wheeling, IV. V.i , Nov. IS. '21. (BY BKl.YEK HIt' (*r I iEIt S.) IRJ.'SK MXA1S. HEEK Vcr ib. Rib roast 20 ?25 Chuck 12 H ?/ 13 Rib boll 10 Hound steak 30 Loin steak 30 Corterhouse steak 30 PORK. Loin roast 30 ? 'hops 30 I Shoulders IS j . VEAL. Roan 20 if 21 ?'hops 30 Stew 16 LAMB. Leg 30 Shoulder 20 ('hop 35 MUTTON. I Leg 20 shoulder ?. 10 | Stew 10 SMOKED MliATS. HAM. ?'mn.ll SB Large skinned 20 Clonic 17 Boneless 22 BACON. Medium 25 Small 25 Heavy 20 Squaroe 20 BTTTTSK AND EQQS. BETTER. Creamery 60 I Country 40 oleo 30 ?40 EGGS. Select 50 CHEESE. Cream 35 Brick 80 Sweltzer 40 Llmburger 30 ! PRODUCE MARKET Wheeling. \V. Va.. Nov. IS. '21 B V I'. BACH MANN <t SONS. FRUITS. Oranges. California ) 6 00'? 8 00 Grape fruit 7 OU<if 7 50 Apples. bbJ.Roman Beauty. S 50 Grape fruit 7 OC Apples, bushel i C-u? J 25 Apples, boxes 3 25 Tokay grupes 2 60 Malaga grapes 2 50 Tomatoes, bushel 1 0U4j 1 ut Lemons 7 00 1'ears. Bartlett. bkt 4 50 do Duchess 2 75 Honey Low Melons, crate. 2 75 VEGETABLES. Fotatoes, bag 3 75 i'otatoes. sweet, bbl 4 25 | Beans, green, bushel 75 if 1 It Cabbage, parrel 3 00 Cappers, hamper 1 25 Unions. 100-lb. bags 6 75 Celery, bundle 50 Cucumhera. nuahel 1 75 3 uC Onions. Spanish 2 35 FOREIGN EXCHANGE | j New York. Nov. Ik?Foreign exchange ' lrrturular. Great Britain demand 4 3'.'94*; 'cables 4.001*; sixty day bills on banks i 3.064*. France demand 7.22 la; cables j 7.23. Italy demand 4.17; cables I.17U. I Belgium demand 6.90. cables ?. >n. Ger many demand .145%: cables 3d1.*. Hol land demand 35.15: cables 35.21. Nor way demand 14 3k; Sweden demand 23.30; Denmark demand Ikiln; Switzer land demand Ikkn; Spain demand 13.75; Greece dernund 1 Argentina iemand 33.00; Brazil demand i :t.0?>; Montreal 01 5-16; Rumania 074, I'olnnd 3 ('0; Finland 2(12; Jugo-Slavin it. "725; <*ze cho-SJo\ akin 1.09; Austria O.O-l. BAST BUTTALO LIVE STOCK Hast .Buffalo. Nov. 111 Gallic receipts light, dull. Calves receipts 1.600: slow, lower. I'< to 10.50. Hog*/ receipts 9,600; generally 25c 'Inner; heavy 6.75 to 47; mixed 47 25' ynrkers 47.40 to 7.75; light yorkers 1 7 75 to IS; pigs 17 90 to k.25; roughs |5.75 to 6 25; stags 1 to 45. Sheep and Inrnbs. receipts 12.000; h'ow So to 55 cents lower; lambs 4 t<> 50; yearlings 13.50 to 6.50; wethers 14 So to i.75: twos 3.50 to J-l; mixed sheep j 3.60 to 14. LOCAi STOCKS Wheeling, \V. Va., Nov. IK. '21. Da!!/ quotation list Wneollug Sioek ICitchauge. Compiled for Tha Intelli gencer Stomas | Bio ! Ask | JJ. ?Mlbd ''ackers J 1 1 8 Hlorh Bros. Tob. pffl..J j 1 85 do common . 165 1155 Central Glass Works..) ' 155 t\nser\ntlvc I.trt- in<.: j | 8 Kostoriu Giasa Co {112 j T12 Hazel-Atlas Glass Co..' 150 IMS Iinoerlal Glass Co ? 92'i luo 100 Murland Oil Co ' 2:"-? Market Auditorium ...| ....j* | 50 ?Sterling I'rod. (Inc.).. 20u 203 Stratford ?;p. I'r j I jiou I'nlted Dairy Co.. pfd.'j j |100 do. common [ J J 36 I.'. S. Stamp. Co.. pfd.. I 1150 Ward Baking Co. pfd.. 33 ( ,100 do. common j 34 | I 96 1 Warwick China Co. pfd; | Jim | Warwick China Co. Cnij.... ' ..(36 Whif. 4fc Bel. .Bridge Co.; ' . ?! 88 IVh*.- Bridge Co ' " I WKj. Fire Ins. r?. . ."Tl. ..." .1)31 Whg. Metal A Mf|f. Co.' 6S ' I 68 Whg. Mold Fdy. pfd., ' SO do common . . IS 24 23 Whg. Sanl. <tl Mfg. Co i i ; 7S'a Whg. Steel Corp. pi A , 11 3 1? do "II" il26 Vz { 1-6 1? do common 66 56 5S Wheeling Til? Co | J ,110 ! DUN'S REVIEW New York, Nov. IS?Dun's Review to morrow will say: With a continuance of fluctuating demand progress toward hotter bun.nous Is still gradual an?l un even. Seasonal Influence, as usual at this period. now begins to cause In- J creased activities In some branches i and diminished operations In other lines I The latter phase Is an channels where Inventorying Is becoming a factor, hut retail trade In moderately stimulated, j holiday requirements develop and lower temperatures prevail In some rectlons The net results of commercial move ments is ri"t adverse, and the announced reduction In freight rates on farm prod ucts add to the constructive forces whose ultimate effect would he bene ficial. ^'.eoent tlccltnes In prices of cot ton snd grain, tend to jjifrease uncer tainly and hesitation In strictly agricul tural districts of the West mid South and the enlargement of buying and gulp In collections has ben checked In instances. Weekly bank clearings $5,385,792,009. j CITIES SERVICE EARNINGS FOR MONTH OF OCTOBER ? 'In ude Meeker. stock broker. Board of Trade Building. Wheeling has re-clve 1 the following statement by whe from tho I'itieu Service Company: Month of Month of net IH21 So' t mi. dross earnings . Jli7S.873.2l ?721.263.43 Kxpcnses 37.696.31 38,800 82 Nil earnings ... 171.880.82 F'o.822 S6 Int. on Debentures 171.880 82 17d.s22.8G Net to stock 7??4 2OS.07 510 848 81 Div. pfd. stock... 404.508.GO 404..'.<>6 SO Net to com. stock 1350.787 47 $106.431).51 NOTK: The above statement reflects th?? increase of 25 cents per barrel In the price fo crutlo oil inuile September 30th ami the further increase of 25 cents on lmtober 3rd. but does n"t reflect the 50 cents per barrel raise of November 7 tit. CITIES SERVICESALES Wheeling, W. Ya . Nov. 13. *21. Reporteu uy il. I? D-> tarty * Co. New Turk, through t.!?"de Meeker. Itoard of_ Trade Untitling. Wheeling, bale Stooka limn Low v.'ioso , Aslt 728 I'otnrr.on ...220 210 221 226 615 Preferred ... il 6" 4 60% 61 *% 23 4 1 Hankers .... 24 S. 23 \ 24 4, 25 BUTTER, EOOS, CHEESE New York, Nov. Is Mutter weak; creamer* higher than extras. 13 to 13 1-3; creamery extras <32 s .? r-.? ? 1 4 . rreaiio ry ilrst* (85 !?! G to lU' .o.'ii; stcek. current make No. 2? 4 t ? 23. lav unsettled: fre.-'.n gathered extra tlr?ts to t>?: fresh gx'l.cred firsts 58 to Gl New Jersey hennery whits, *?? tra candled nlectton '.'5; nearby and Tieari>> western hennery browns i\-' tras 74 to 75: nearby gathered browns and mixed colors. 11 r.-1- to extras, 58 to 7(. refrigerator special marks 35 to 33. do. lirsts 35 4 to .>7. t' steady; state wind., ntllk flats fresh specials 21 to 22 '*: <1 ? average run 20 b> 204' state whole nil k fresh twins speolals 21 to 22; do. average run 20 to I'litj. l.lve poultry easier: chicketis 20; fowls 18 to 2G, rein.- lers !G. turkeys 4;>. Dressed poultry sternly: prices un changeil Flour unchanged. CHICAGO LIVE STOCK i'hicago. Nov. 18 ? I'attle receipts 4.000; beef .steers shipping stock and bulls steady to stronger; ? iiiailty com mon to medium: on" ioad good 1,147 pound !? -ii.n yaarilngs Ji? 23. buik killing steers around to 5.75. fat cows and heifers largely $ t 25 I 1 5 25. din ners and cutters mostly 2 5o ;>> } i; calves mostly 25 cent lower: pao ? rs top vealers J8; slockcrs ami fiodcrs weak. Hogs receipts "I.Oon: s'rong to l<> cents higher than Thursday's average closed active; holdover moderate most ly off the market top $7.25 for 151 pound averages practical 100 $6.I'd; bulk 6 65 to $'? pigs closed 5u cents lower: bulk desirable *5.25 to 7.50; early 7 75 to $6. Sheep receipts kiiluic classes steadv to strong: bulk' far iambs $8.50 to 6X.5; tor> lambs f' culls largely $6 to 6.25: bulk fa! ewes * 75 to 3.50: heavyweight (?' t<\ 2 few feeder lambs steady to 8.25. ujviiak Toll-do, Nov. is \\ ln>.it cosh $12.5. Clo verseed prime rash and T'ecembcr $12.fill. January nttd Kcl-ruarv $12.?0> March .\lslhe prime casji February $11: March $11.25. Timothy prime cash and IiecemPcr $.1; January $3.02 ',j; February $1.10; March $2.1.*-. I.D1V grade seeds t'lover No. 2. $11.50 to 11.;;,. No. :: $11 25 to Timo thy No. 2 2.5.3 to 2 6"; No. 3 2.50 to 2.55. DRY GOODS. New York, Nut. 1V Vott"n yarns were easier and ij-tiet today with cotton (roods, unfinished. still unlet and prices liarely steady "h print cloths and sheet Imks. Jobbing trade was better than la?;(>,week hut still very moderate Silks were IK-t:er 111 second hands and knit goods nulrter. Woo! markets showed , lin-re firmness, especially In tine grades. PITTSBURGH LIVE STOCK Pittsburgh. Pa Nov. I'1- Hogs re i celpts. J.KOO; market steady: heavies *!.!*0 to $T; heavy y-Titers $7.75 to 7.55: light york.-rs and pigs JK to 5 2.3. Sheep ard lanihs rceelpts soO; mar ket lower; top sheep $1.75. top Iambs $2 5"; stead>. Calves, receipts 5ti: steady: top $12. MONEY MARKET Now York. Nov. 1 s Call money stronger: high I- w I . ruling rate l1.: clos:n.g ldd 7.'-; offered at ?! hist I -an 7-cm!) c-atis a r.unst acis-ptaiices I Time 'o.itis easier: days 5 to r.i, t'u days 5 to ' \ ; ?: months 5 '? to J'j Prune m- r-untile paper 5 to 5! LIBERTY BONDS New Y--rk Nov. IK IJherty bonds closed, rt'ys $95 10 llrst Is $'14 72; sec ond Is $94 50 I.M. llrst I >-4 n $24. X4; s-c .?pl i'*s $i'i '? i: Miltd is $9i,..:t?: fourth ? *-4 s $94.7i> \ Ictorv 3 \ s $99 SO: VLt-.ry I'c $?9.1mi. C. & O. DIVIDEND New York. Nov 15- The Chesapeake and Ohio Hallway which deferred Its dividend In May. today dro'ared a div idend of two per rent, payable January 3. For four years prior to this year the company's regular dividend rate was four per cent unnually. jl 9() 4 "l m)~5jl>61907^908 190911910 191 1191219131^141915191619171918 1919^920 192l"! v agk _ ?BABSOFiCHAR" IF BUSINGS? 0 li? oTactuai^^^^?3-- : J? BUSINESS? B? IflKyjJr -? ?L NE OF JORMAL GROWT ^ -jf!? ?? ,T01<iY-- 1 ? ? C???rijhr I <321 All Ri<hll Strictly RogrxJ ? ? ? I I I L_J I I 1 M t ROGER BABSON DISCUSSES THE BUSINESS SITUATION NOTED AUTHORITY AND STATIST!- ! CIAN TELLS PLAIN PACTS OP DEPRESSION CAUSES NOT "PSYCHOLOGICAL" BUT ECO NOMIC HEADACHES ? MUST COUNTERACT THE EITECTS BY ROGER W. BA-BSON A (treat inuny statements are !?*?.!rik [ made nowadays by prominent and sue- | cessful men. saying that from now on. i or In the near future, business will . begin t>> boom Then our troubles will j t>e over. It makes pleasant reading, but ? when you are -tr> ing to run a business, I or Invest mondy or plan f..r a Job. It Is well to do a little studying for your- | self. I question very much the sup- | lined benefit of these "sunshine" Inter- j views, unless the tide of business Is j ready to turn away. If you have a headache the so mer ? you find out the cause and correct It. , the quicker you will get over your | headache. You know- well enough it Is i not "psychological". If Into nights and j heavy suppers cause It. you must pet' more sleep and eat lighter suppers to cure It. depressions ate noth- i lug more nor less than economic head- ' ache;-. They are caused by excesses. I Th-y end when those excesses have ! I'ten stopped and their effects counter-1 acted. Hence. my advice l??when trying to I judge how long It will be before bus!- | ] nosx j'arls upward, look for the fun- j i da mental eau-ses. When the causes of ? Jei resston ,?r? removed, then we fcet ready for go >d times, Wo had live \ears of "prosperity".! 11 h 1lO'Ji-) During that time we did! more than the average volume of bwsl ! ness. l'rosperliy. however, brought a'-c ut a gr".it change In the whole na-I tlon. Inflated demand for goods and ! absence of competition both at home and In Rurope caused manufacturers to I think more of profits than of service l Duality declined but prices increased I Big orders an 1 promises of big orders caused them to expand their plants to a producing i-:?jxi?-1!y far greater than the consumers can suppo-t 111 t?v-ic-- t'.*n<-s 1' Insisted on rnoro wages with less work. Short supply . a ??? is wita u.i Innlted demand started speculation among men and IfO'-sted prices still rur thcr. Nterchants. bankers, brokers?In fact every group?-tirr.ed 11?. /-.'forts to getting instead of giving. The mania was to go* .something for n -thing. Ready for the HeeAc.cbe .iMnuary, 19*n. found us with a big ".?1'ime i-f btimne-ss on n rotten foun dation. So much money had born spent in non-productive ways that credit was ?t-i'm-d to the breaking jsdnt. The whole business machine \xyti gisired up to a , fever beat?:? perfect prescrip tion fur a headache' Tie Inevitable col lapse came. T-i the past ve-r and a ha if we have been suffering from tho effects of our ?*-ri-e. | n?- I -nv, will it take to g-'-t well? de| ends on how ?a ?t correct our previous wrong dolnrs, l-'rem a tundnmental standpoint hti?l -s- i-i a whole lot better now than In ibo hist pnft "f the pr -sperltv period \\ c have made considerable headway. I'Vilera! Bank reserves have Increased from l?r'. to about "t'V Speculation In commodities h a ,s been cut to a mini mum. Wholesale prices on the average ?re low en nigh. nil' ??:!r I l''l< ne* pave expnnded their fixed over-head charges so much that they cannot make a li?"nr it Hie*e price* until there Is further readjustment. Retail pi Ices Mil l<?> hlirh. plthnurh thl? daft* not mean th:?t the retailer In making a b'g prnflt. lh also rimt take hi* tn?d!i llie for utl ivise buying and overhead expansion. I^ibor morale has Improved somewhat hut tin mpnv worki -r are sticking to the false Idea that they run got more money for lev work Korelgn rnndl tlotis are still a sore spot. As I stated two weeks au'o. tremendous Issue hangs or the outcome of the armament con ference. l'eople are bovinn'ng to see that yeui r.ia't get something for noth- , In if and everyvvhi re there is a tendency to get barli on t'e sound foundation of n nard day's \< ork for reasonable pay. The Chart 'I tie host guide I know in Judging the*o condition* Is to set down the fig ures of business art'vlty In chart form. Re meed to a single Index this gives you the oilf'dne to the chart above pictured The line marked X V representa the j average growth of business and divide* the periods of prosperity and depression which are formed above and below It by the variation "f actual business from j norma 1. j Vou will note that eneh period of prosperity Is followed by an equivalent oerh'il of depression A hlg boom of I tie.,*, and lhftCi was followed hv the panlr of 19"7 and l!"'i>> The period above the line in 1909-12 was fn!lowed by the do- , pression of 191,1-15. In tlie pre?ent cycle ave still have about two thirds to gn. it Is well to remember, however, that as soon as t-he corner Is turned business will show r steady improvement even though we are still In the arej! of depression. Ttnslness this last week has Improved I'-c'c and n>w stands at 17T below nor mal? th" highest point so fir this year. M'MECHEN To Present I*lfty-Ye?r Jewels. The nrinijR! open meeting of the I IV (' 1'. lodge will be liehl Monday eve ning In the parlors of the M. K. church. The affair will '?? fop the niemlvers r.nd their fnmllles only. The banquet will he served by the Radios' Md society .iiid 1*0vers will he latd for over two hundred guests A program will lie given during the evening In which Hon. .lames !> Ihir rloit and lion. Charles Carrljfan have been secure.! to deliver the prim addresses during the even In v. A num j ls>r of talented people will also take part. After the program. the two flfty-vaar members. M V." Ktrri and T. F l\lg-r. <\"? be presented with the (lfty-ye*r Jewel. The lodge fools that this is going to he the rnnst successful open meeting | hold for some time. Class Play Arrives. The class play of the seniors of the ' I'nton high school has arrived, and they will begin rehearsing Monday ncning. after school. The title of the play has i not yet been made known, and will be j kept a secret unit! the literature has > been put out. W latt Pun oral. Funeral services tor ine late William | Wiatt were held yesterday afternoon at 2 o'clock, front his late home on Sixth I street. Hcv. S. J. I'ottcn of the M. K.I church was in charge. The body was laid to rest In the McMechen cemetery, by the members of the Ohio lodge of j Masons. Smashes Foot. OHb> PowelI, who is suffering of a' smashed foot sustained several days j ago. wit en his foot was run over by a tar while at his work at the 11. & O. ; railroad shop. Is reported to be getting I along nicely, though It will be a num- j her of davs hsforo he will have the use j of It. Mrs. Powell Entertains. a pleasant time was had by members I of Dtvlsjc n No. I of the Ladies' Aid so ciety of tho M. K. church last evening, when they wero entertained by Mrs. .1.1 T. Rowel! at her home on Cinrflcld ?freet. j After a short business session, music, tn cdlevvork and other diversions were, enjoyed. A templing luncheon was served at a late hour. Basketball Practice. The newly organized Kx-Migh basket-' hall team of this city will meet at the i'nton high school gymnasium Tuesday ev ening for tbctr first real practice. The j time will be spent in pass work, and prm tlctng the new signals. Anyone wishing a tryout for the team is re- | 'ine.sted to get In touch with Alex Has kin. Woodman to Meet. A meeting of the Woodmen of the. World will meet In the'r hall this eve- ; nlng for their regular meeting. A small ] class will be initiated after which a ' social time will he enjoyed. Christian Church. Regular services will be conducted ' at the Christian church Sunday morn-j log. with Rev. C. IV. Fuller In charge. M tN? morning service he will speak on "The Seventy Sent Forth." His sub loot for the evening will be "The Seeds I We Sew " The chr I- will render spe- ! clal sele-tlnns at both services. Christian Er.dearor Rally. The annua! rallv of the Christian Fn- j dcavor society of file Church of llod ; will be held Monday evening In the j church parlors. a utthi'uo program Jk>s > liecn arranged. and !>r Samuel V. '71b-I foil of the First T'reshyterlnn church of I Wheeling has bean pr cured for tho ' principal speaker for tin- evenlnc. a I delicious luncheon will bo served at a i late hour. Personals. John Cusack Is reported to be improv ing t b-ely at the Clenda> hospital. drives Amos of St. C|?lrsvll!e, who has heeri attending to business here, has returned home Mrs. F. Jolliffee of Cnldvrell street j has gone ?o Pittsburgh to visit friends, i Miss Virginia I.tiken of Rethnnv col lege Is spending a few days here. M-s. Charles Klncnld Is Improving nPelv at her home on Marshall street. Harrv Hicks Is nble to be out after a | flight Illness T t JS'lppner h'?s relti-ned to Powha tan after n brief visit here. Charles Rnhe- is Improving nicely at hi" home on Marshall s'-coT. Cards have been received here from Mrs. Minnie Kude, who is In Florida lor the winter, to the effect that she Is having a delightful time. , ! Clarence Belhl Is able to be out after ? a slight illness. Miss Clara Wilson Is Improving nice ly at her home on Caldwell street. Mrs. Anna Porterlleld has gone to Washington, D. C.. to visit with friends. Mrs. Kfile Morgan, who has been spending several days in Wheeling, has arrived home. John Hopkins has returned to Mounds vllle after attending to business hers. Mrs. John Itaber is able to be out af ter a serious Illness. ' Miss Anna Lowe, who has been 111-off diphtheria, is able to be out again. > Miss Laura Porterfleld of Grant strosi who has been visiting in Washington V. C., has arrived home. Miss Amy Woody cf West Liberty Is \l- i!?ing friends here for a few days. ( Mrs. Amanda Morgan continues Ilf at h?-r home on Marshall street. T. J Shaw, who has been visiting In Gi moron, has returned home. DtCIABZ DBT A OS ST US JUT Pittsburgh. Pa.. Nov. 18?The federal,' grand Jury here today filed a present-), merit relative to the activities of John Exnicios, In charge of the Pittsburgh pt4>hlhltlon director's ofTlce. in which Rxnloios was described as "erratic and unfit." The o itirt Immediately ordered a cony of the presentment to be for warded to the secretary of the treas ury. Exnlclos was recently brought to' this district from the Pacific coast. Battery Service !L?t our EXIDE experts t*M care of jre"? BATTEEY We can eliminate all your starting and lighting troubles GEE ELECTRIC CO. Howard Baziett & Son (Established 1822) Members TTheeUag Stock Exchange Krw Tori Curb (Aseoelete) Phones: 2510. 2611. 1111 2611 Xooiai 815, 821, *88, Whssllng Steal Oervoratloa K4g. GEO. w7 BARON & CO. WARD BAKING COMPANY 712-713 Wheeling Steel Corp. ZUf. Investment Brokers ind Insurmnes l'hons ? 1328 and 13X7. Talk to George Baird About Life Insurance Special Kcpresentettre. The Vntmnl Uf( hnnaee Oc. ot Vetr Tort Sixth Tloe*, Wheeling Steel Corporation Bigg. CLAUDE MEEKER, Stock Broker Board of Trade Bldg. SPECIALIST Phone.' Wheeling, for eleven yea-re la Wllg. 811 W Va. the eecurlUee of the I). II. Coppoek, District Mgr. Cities Service Company * A.E. SVIASTEN & CO, BKOJUBS 189) SO4-JOft-30? NATL DAXK OT W. YA buildtno LOT7T9 T. BRAITD, R??td*nt F*rt?? V ? MEMBER8 ] Maw Tork Stook Bxtkalfl Wow Tork Cotton *xohoaf* i Eooton Stook Bxchaafo Stock Wrtup CMeoro Stock XmekUfO Cliloifo Bou4 Of Tro4o I ' J.D. MFRRIMAN&CO. nrrasnflnBWT sbcttrtttes Oor.rnm.nt Bond*?rortljpi Bxchsnfe BOUGHT SOLD QUOTE*) 1500 KUrlit St. Bit on. 1993. Jfi r>i rf hKBS IT. T. Stock Brofcaar* Wt|. Stock Bxtiuuir* ITcw TOLB 0*rt M**kd Direct Private Wlm i \ I Humphreys of Mexia Fame | Now Leasing Acreage in Kaufman County?5 Acres For $50 Now Good acreage in Kaufman County on the structure. Sell ing fast. Colonel Humphreys' Interests of Mexia have bought 17,000 acres. in 2 tracts on this structure, and guar antee to drill 2 wells. We offer 5 acres for $50.00. Title and papers mailed on receipt of money. Sales made for any number of traets. Acreage going fast. Get in and make some money. Price will advance fast. C. E. Hubbard & Son 508-9 Guaranty Bank and Trust Building DALLAS, TEXAS L