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SUM FOR DEATH BY DOGBITE ! ISBELiNT CO.JURYMGTj vt> *rcNT STRATOK Or SEAS MAN SUED OWNER Or THE OOO TOK 510,000 Cas* Hard EouyM and OceupUd Moat of tha Day In Court Twelve hundred and fifty dollars for death muyeil hy the late , f a do|C was he award of a jury last e\enniK at St 'lalrsville In the ease of Joseph task, dmmistratnr. attains: \nn.t lima. The ?ase eon.suiiied most of the day and ins Riven t<? the jury '.ate In tile after-, t< on. It was alli-Red that a dog owned hy Mrs. Hnra h'.t James Rnrii nrli and that deinenek tiled from the efl'eets fliie-, weeks later l.isk. as administrator, en ti-red suit against Mrs. {l.-ra for fin.iuin .\ttorneys Thorntnirt; and lewis rep resented 'he plaintiff while the defense was in the hands of Xi.-ho's ,<? Walker And Kennoti ,s Kennoti. Judge Smith presided. MBIG AND McGILTON NOT OUT OF DANGER lome Donbt Also Expressed as to Recovery of Ming Bsrtha Borkhardt l! wru.s l.un out at the <?a:o Valley lenera! hospital l.'tst n nht that there tad heep no ehnniTe In the last few tours In the .-ondition o< either Ambrose v Mahljc or Willinm .M-'Itlton. two re ?ent shooting \ n t ins wh<? are patients ti that Institution. for the last three days the condition ?f neither ;?:ttient has l?ecn regarded so avorabl" a: during previous days, nndi< ?>th patients ere on the hospital dinner ?st. Mi-tiltton's oi ndltioii has remained vraotleaily uni-hanged "'nee Thursday. > . * hen H was ntveisiri f-ir him to tin- j l>ri.M a thirl operation. The third . >perat'on. whl.-h It i< feared wilt he ? leeessnrv, ha* not t et l?een performed jpon Mr. H.iMr I. M.iblg was shot ;n h:-> genera' store :i t Market and Twenty-slvth streets by (?'rank Krv'n. of North Renw-od. who ^ * is eonfes.sed the shooting. MrtJilton dentifled t.j nn Mi-Ony as the man who * pot him. Tterth.a R'lrklm-dt. an fVark. f>hio. voting woman who was shot when :t ' .tarty of fi-crlKiirrs attempted to hold ip her family's ear-on the Notional road west of Rrhlgepo-t three weeks ^ " tea. i* reported to he m.iVrig ra'iier un fa tlsfaetory progress toward re.ov?rv ?t the North Wheeling hospi'al. and in polfce ami Holmont county official cir ?le? it l.? strongly rumored that she Is ' ?ot likely to reoove-. THANKSGIVING DAY UNION SERVICES The First and Second unrt the First and Second I'nlted Pres byterian congregations will unite ?u ' Thanksgiving service. Thursday morn- ' inc. November t4fh. at 10:3<V in the F;rst I'nlted Presbyterian church. <'hap -, line street, one dnor above p.-stoffioe. j The sermon will b? preached by the pastor of the?First t'nted lYeshvfertan '1 > hur>-h and the offering will he for l!/? thlidren's Home at l.ealberwootL . LOCAL MEN ATTEND ' IRON AND STEEL MEET; ' A number of local men left here yes- >. terdav to attend the meeting of the Am-1 ?rtcan Iron and Steel Institute which. is now hold'rtg its sessions In New York*, t'itv. Inctudcd in the pnrtv were 1' Messrs Andrew Glass. W. !?. Higgins ?nd W. W. Holloway. Mr and Mrs. A. Allan Ilurt will jo to New York th'.s! ?venlng where Mr. Pu.-t will also attend :he institute. 1 tor a 'Weak rrtoinach The rreat refllef afT >rded by Cham- i berlatn's Tablets In a multitude of cases ! has fully* rroven the /treat vatue of this i preparation for a weak stomach and Impaired digestion. In many cases this rellsf has become permanent and trs'e; sufferers have been completely re stored to health. For sale by all deal- : ! THE RIVER There was a stage of 15 feel, 9 inch?s and rising slowly at the local wharf last night. The General Wood left here at I o'clock yesterday morning for KlttS; ? burgh. The I.eroy left at noon yester day for Matamoras. The General ltea?h ?s due In this morning from Pittsburgh to Zanesville. { Sunday morning the General Persh ing will be h<ve on her way to Pitts burgh. The General Wood will In a' 7 o'clock Sunday morning front Pitts burgh en route to Cincinnati while the Senator Oordill will leave here at the same time for Pittsburgh. EVENING SERVICE AT ST. MATTHEW'S On Sunday evening at 7:3i\ there will he service in St. Matth.r'M Rrotejstanl Rptfcnpal church, corner Fifteenth and '"hapllne streets. The, public enteral!. will l>? Interested in this ser\I e. There will ho a sermon by Hew R. H I.. Stridor, on the subje-t. "V Heavenly Mansion.*" which, will be based on Or. Henry V-trs, jyke's charming little story calie.1 'The xJanston." At the service last Sun day nlKht the sins-Ink; of the magnificent anthem. Kiplitnt's "Keccssionsil." with music hy Matthews, was a most attrac tive feature. The full vested nialr clioi of forty-five v'dces will sing an anthem ;?? the service Sunday night. Resides singing by the choir there will also be a devotional service, and congregation- t a I singing of familiar hymns. The !en g t h of the service will i>e one hour. The public are cordially Invited. UNDERWRITERS~TO HEAR INSURANCE INSTRUCTOR I'rof I'harlrs .1 Rockwell, instructor -?t life insurance salesmanship of f'ar ncjfie Institute ..f Pittsburgh, will ad dress tiie members of the West Vlrglni ? 1,1 fo Insurance 1'rider writers Asso.-la lion at their nicotinic ttt the M' I.ttre hotel a week from to-day. Mr. Rockwell's subject will he '\Meth ? sis of t "losing." "tie of timely Interest, and no doubt there will be a large at-' tendan. e. ?CENTER OAOAimED The Warwood Social ''enter was pep manently organized Thursday night, with the election (.f council, officers. Committees, etc. I'harles St!'/ was elected president Mrs J*. Real', vlc?\ president; Harry R. Shearing. secretary. Harry Smith and A. R < 'ass were elected dlre.-ti.rfa and members of th? athletlo committer I BIG G. E. RALLY AT I MsMECHEN MONDAY , Pr Satmii'l Martin I! I hs<>n of this fit* will be the principaI speaker at the I'k t'hristian Kndeavor rally n> he held at the Klrsi I'nurch ot ?;>>?!. Mi Mx-hrn. on Monday evening. Pr. liihsnn's siih- | Ject will be "I Will." Pr John Whiss Irr of l-'imllay. Ohio. will also deliver II Jl Interesting talk. Mlrsulrs the spcakili.g. tin re Mill be an excellent musical program The full' program nf the evening. as m?w ar- , ranged. follows; Prayer by Ilex. Fuller Si-lection '?> iirrhi'sirii Selection hv choir. (Orchestra. l-Hiet hj Me^il.unes Sharp ami llarbi-i son. Xddress hv 1 >r < ? ihsnti. Solo by Mrs t'barbs Pally ? 'Imir. Address 11 \ Pr John Mh.s:-ler of Findtay. 0))ln. i 'hair'. ? Archest ra SALE OF MARIANO ! PROPERTY REPORTED Word was received yesterday by Hnzlett & Smi fro>n \ew York that the Maria'. 1 KeflnttnJ company would mi 'Vollflce todsv the si'o of a tiioek i?f t?'I - : ?It'iry to the (toy a I I Mitch Shell com .?any fur two million dollars. This property cost the Mnrb.nt! company yihout ftrtO.nnn. Maria ml was quoted yestcrilay at ibi. The Crystal Restaurant Under'Big Improvement: The new owners of the t'rysial lies J taurant ha' e licon anxiously waiting the j past week for the arrival of Mr <? V ? ?Jeorglsdes from ltiist?.|i. wiio now is j here ami has taken charge of the kitchen ^management. Mr. <in r.?*i: d. ?? has hem working for Hint* years as a i.he: in hotels and res tnurants :n the prim ipa! ? .tics of the I nit-'d States nrnl abroad ami last a' j Jtoston at Saint .tames f'afe idon't for i set ISoston baked bears) nn.| has proved ! an up to date fn nous ion's. Me is smalt In statuTe but he is a wonder. Galls Out Department to Extinguish Auto IVhen 11 "?(>'? Kbcllng's urlven by Mrs. Khoiltig. took Ore In Hi" intersection of Twelfth and Market "trrets uIhmii o'clock > cstcrilay. a hy-.sta.uder pulled alarm l">\ 21 while Traffic Office- lloneher wis trying to extinguish the Idtire. which started un der th? motor etind. lYactieally the entire tire department responded to the alarm. ofticer II"n ecker and firemen f-om the station on Kiev en: li street quickly had the blaze c <tingu'xhed anil the machine was hurt but little. SPECIAL THANKSGIVING PROGRAM OF PRAISE, The following Thanksgiving praise | program will he rendered at the Second I t.'. V. church, l-'ourteinth street, Sunday i evening; Organ prelude (a) Knchante.l .Forest. th) Live. (el March of the Gnomes. ?Stoughlon Miss Alene Kra'i. Quartet. "I'ntversal I'raiso" \ghford Duet, "Watchman. AVnat of Thy Night" Mr. Tim I'.ycoti and Mr. Syivlu Bowman Quat'et. "Thanksgiving 1'saint".Aletton t'ffertory. Twilight Stehhlns Du**t "(Y?ncede the Lilies".... Topllft [ Mrs. W. C. Stobcr. Mrs. Connelly Quartet. "Festival To Ileum" K.L?. Buck I'ostlude. Choir?Soprano and directress. .Mrs. ? V. i". Steber contralto; Mrs. J. 1., It. Connelly. Tenor. Mr. Tom llycotl. bass, Mr. Sylvin Bowman. OTganlst. MKh Alene Kraft. TO MEET THIS MORNING Three meetings of the members of the Amalgamated Association of Iron. Steel; and Tin Workers will be held this morn! ing. Members of Beech Bottom Lodge No. j 2.1. with K. l>. Sfltvat. president, are. re<iuesto?| to meet at ?:20 a. in at stop No. 15 on the Will-e 11 ng-Stcu 1,epv111e <11- j vision of the Whrwltmg Traction com-i pany. The meeting .of Crescent I.odge No. v, of which James O'Toole Is presl- I dent will be held at 10 o'clock at the Valley Trades and Labor As sembly Hall. No. 1515 Market street Belmont Lodge No. 4'i will nieet at 10 o'clock at their regular meeting place on the South Side Aim ell Stiibl, is presi dent of this lodge. 29 FROM OHIO COUNTY TO GO TO CLARKSBURG There will he twelve ho> s. twelv Kil l" ;inil tlxe I?1 *? fs from idiio rourita. attended Ih?* llrst annual northern re gional cnnfori'iii P "f t nYoung I'eopite of flip Sunday schools ??!' Mast \lrglnla. hold in i'I:, rknl urg. November 21* and j" and Itceeniher I. .Mrs; Wilbur Jack son has not as y? t S'd>'< tod the clolo Kiitcs Three region il < onf'tciu t s will ho h?-ld t?v the joung people and the goal is t<> reach l.OOn voting people. with each of the pftx-llxe enmities In i ho state 1 ppiasoni? d !?> tln-ir ?inula. Tho norrlii'Mi regional ??onicrepee w ill I lipid hrst a I ? "larUshurg. immediately following the eastern nmfii" i in <? which will he ludd a i .Ma it inshu r< and tin- southern l"> tohferritee will he hold at t "ha first on. Tin con ference tlioim Is "Ituilding 1'imrMiuari 1 and the letters In that iIipiiip represent the follow ins Important idi.tsas of the i i>nfcr? ?ico: Hlggrst ex ant of tlip year; utilizing the nj'porttinii x : internati'Val leaders; living tin* "Jcmis way;" dano onatratlon fr-atef-ps. inspiring: ines s?g*-; tiPxx ida is; great challenges; fel lowship haiui'ip'. "I K.i t.ifclim for serv ice; useful suggest ions; raal lixa sing ing: sipraopt laon plctnrps; qiuillt'x l-?r leadership: unusual faa'tires: auto sight seeing t r i f ?: regional in saopp; avry county represented. CINCINNATI TO HEAR LOCAL GIRL'S SONGS At a rPallaf to bp given in i "inainnatI Nov. '."2. some of th? compositions of Miss Klizahcth i'nni< o'* tills ?*irv will ba sung A niong these will lie a Kt"tip of snjig? from "A t'hild's (Jardeii of Versos The recital will h? Riven by Mrs. Marx ^ Toxvsley I'faii. maw. on tralto. with Miss Cook. of the facility of tlie t "incimi lti t'out area iory of Music, at tin- piano. Miss i "ook is the daiichtP" of Mi and Mrs. Win. J. ? ?.ok of J' ant Valley. Credit Men's Directors Meet Monday Evening Kxerv nienihe- ,?f Hie hoard of direc tors of tin- Wheeling Association of '"redit '.!? ii Is being urged to attend *i sjiei-l;: | meeting of the hoard to he hal l Monday evening in 111" private dill 'tig room of the I'atides restaurant, nt xvhich time several important business u: liters * i'l he disaussed. tin* nf the matters f - discussion xx 111 hp ?he reoort ? Seat at i-; Treasurer I'roi.oe. of tlie National Assnejnt|op of 'redit Man. xx iio made a stirvev of the a ssocli I ion here on Noxetnher .1 Another Important question to !r ilis etissed xxill ha the ajipointmmt of sev ?rnl new committers nd chairmen foi eomniittpps that haxa grown Inactive within the past few months, IMPROVING HALL Kxtensfxe Improvements are being made to the large hall on the third floor of the Mcl.iin building at Twelfth and Market streets. Tin- hall for some time pwst has haeti the quarters %t the local lodge of tlie colored tidd Fallows The large hall Is being partitioned into three rooms, making !d?:il huslness office*. / MOMSVILLE K, OF P.'S f ' ENTERTAIN TONIGHT Zilttl* Prlnc? XroCgo No. 79, to Be Host I to All Pythian? of Thla Vicinity. 'I'i> mailt ;it Moundsxillo l.mle I'raoe I Indue No. 79. will entertain ;ill 11 \ thialis I of this vli'lnitv. The <i.n,milter Iris arranged a pro- 1 Attain that promises t? ? ho lull of stir- I prises. I'ohua Temple \o. 1 it I I'. ? ' K K. I have to.i,fie.i all liokirs of this noetinAt. I urirlnc them to .itt-nd. Mr Vlelnr MrVrt. distriit deputv I ittund < hnn?>'||or. will preside. anil iris I annoumi I that a pari of thr ? leiilliC I will he t|r\otei) to ir? 11 n-j. better :ir- I <jii:iIntorl. \ session of hati'l-shakitic A I real I'ythiati love least lu addition to tin fin- program ar ranged a sp rial ??oinmill'- has heen 1 appointed to look after tin refreshments 1 and voit ran expert somrth ini: out of thr | ordinary as thr reputation of I.title I I'rlneo alonn this llnr i-- well known. \ I sporlnl Imitation Is rxt-nd-d toal! I'\ thl ins lo attend The provrraiii at Vmindsx ill" t??-nisrlit I will include undresses h\ Supreme Rep- I r-srntn tt ve \Y |{. fa.-k. iltano \'t.-e I ? "hanrellor Harry It. It'll, and Hon. J I'. I I 'arrlo't. An rlaluiratc social program has hren I arra n??od. WOMAN PLEADS GUILTY TO ILL FAME CHARGE In Ohio county rritu oil rolirt yester- I day Thelnta Roger*. alias Mother I'ow- I ell. pleaded Kul'f. to a eharite of nprr I a line a house of ill fame .ludiro Man | II Rnlitnsrti ilcletr-d passing of Sell- j teinr upon the woman until Noxrnjlior I H'Tirn the prosreut Ullt ?lt|H".s. Hoy I l<7ttman. of .May nard. Ohio, I'a led to a p. I Pear in lore .luditt Rohln-mi was ready I to adjo.irn roiirt. ti e ? se of .inlm 11"- I P-kt. aoiiete'l on a i liarur o fgrand laf- I ef'tiv, was emit Imo d t.. I lei-embcr V I Holiskt is charged with working a I swlti-h came wiieiebx lie is *nnl I" have I ili 1'ratilled Hztiman of Mnu Judge It bin Kon dcelitird to rcdils e llo|i,slit's l>oiid I from $7.mill to $ l.utui. .Indue lto|itn>o|i will hold a r-'ilorl srs* I sion of erinilnal eotirt mis morning I ? I pending inati rs will be I dlsppHed Of , Crystal Dairy Lunch Under New Management. SMMKTIIINU DII-TKKKXT IN WIIKKLINC Regulai Dinner I Served from 11 A. M. to 2 P. M. Special Supper j Served from 5 P. M. to S P. M. ? ALSO SPKl'IA 1. A I.A ('AUTK j AT ALL IIOI'KS ! / II Short Cut to Weatlh Far tuo many people want diamonds, deeol lette ^owns, tailored suits, ami silk shirts with out first being willing to u?c alarm el neks, aprons, overalls, ami flannel shirts. Th< re is too much envy of weahli ami too little willingness to work for it. Those who spend freely, usually etnl chained to their jobs. Those who regularly put money in the bank win final freedom. Dollar Savings & Trust Co. Wheeling, W. Va. Largest Bank in the State Solid as It LoGks Home for Savings Geo. E.Johns Co. The QuaUty Shop ' 11 I Wonderful Opportunities in Our Stock Reducing Sale We find at this time that we have an rxin heavy stock. due to the local conditions and the con tinned mild weather, and have decided to reduce the stock, consisting of All New Fall and Winter Gar ments by marking them at the "Lowest Possible Price." Space will allow us to mention only a wry few of the outstanding values. A 25% DISCOUNT WILL BE GIVEN ON ALL LADIES' READY TO WEAR (EXCEPT SPECIALS) DURING THIS SALE Wry smart Dresses of Canton ( repe, ({corvette, - "?atin and t 'rope de < 'hine. Values to .ff>9.7r> Special $39.50 A very special assortment of Dresses for street and afternoon wear. Beautiful styles in Silk. I'oiret Twills and Tricotine. Values $2">.<?n to $_>!>.".() Special J? 17.50 SUITS I)is(ineti\e Suits, fur trimmed ??r handsomely embroidered, in a vrry larjje Variety of smart si vies. Ive^ular \ alm s to 7n? Special SI 1.50 Mostly one-of-a-kind models. Jn the tiner qual ity of tahries. ('oats are attractively lined and \? ;i'*111 ly interlined. Plaid Skirts tirentlx Hedueed. Made in the new iVunella ami Twill Plaids. Both Pleated and Plain Skirt Styles. Special The 25% Discount Includes Furs, Coats, Wraps, Waists, Silk Underwear, Gowns and Separate Skirts ^ Geo. /?. Taylor Co. | 11 We Underwrite The Fashions JVe Show The Style Show Models OF ' FROCKS at $14.95,$19.95, $24.95, $29.95 to CO A TS at $19.95, $24'95, $29.95, $54.95 to $49.95 Can All Be Bought Saturday INTEREST YoCKsELF NOW?WHILE LINKS AKK COMPLETE AND AN UNRESTICT ED CHOICE CAN HE HAD. MAIN STREET FLOOR J SHOE] $6-95 o / r77 \ C)ALh. j $4.35 FOR Women's Oxfords and Pumps Mroken linos in Fall footwear at a consid erable reduction i> a feature of tins sale. All are from stock and arc the finest and host of authentic slyles. Not all sizes are in these groups, hut if you find yours you will surely tret a bargain. Till-; FXI'KRT SFRYK'F (JIVFN 11 FRF A SSI R F YOU OF T1IF HIGHFST SATIS FACTION THIS SFRV1CF IS YOURS TO COMMAND. rSALEf3M FOR j Walking and Talking Dolls The Dolls are of large size?the walking movement is veyy natural and automatic? the enunciation r.f "Mamma" is clear and habvlike. Garbed in fancy dresses or *? bloomer dress and rompers. THE MOST EXCEPTIONAL VALUE AT $3.9S THE OPENING OF THE DOLL SHOW IS TODAY?BIO AND LITTLE DOLLS BOY AND GIRL DOLLS?WHITE AND COLORED DOLLS ? ALSO NOVELTIES IN DOLLS. The Whole Story of Gloves 1 R K< i I LATH ?.\ LENGTH FRENCH Kid Gloves Tan, Grown, Gray and White. 2-clasp over seam. $3.50 value. $1.98 Pair Cape Skin Gauntlets White Champaime, Mode. Grey. ^Strap wrist. $.r>.00 value. $3. 98Pair *i)RK.SSY SUEDE-LIKE GLOVES Fabric Gloves I Brown, Mode, Beaver and Grey. 12-buttou length. $1.50 value. $1.39Pair Short Length Stlk Gloves White, Black and Colors. High Grade? Values to $2.50. 69c Pair Boys' and Girts' Ji'oolen Gloves?98c Pair ' BAKE SALE?Alp ha-Pi Sorority of Bridgeport AT NOTIONS THIS WEEK END ONLY Clark's St zv/i/Q thread Black or White. All sizes, lingular 7c spool. 58c ihc Dozen O. N. T Crochet thread All sizes. White mul Colors. At regular wholesale price. ()5c Dozen Leather Vanity Boxes KITTKI)?BLACK, BROWN AND GREY?IX PATENT LEATHER?WALRUS AND TOOLED LEATHER. Ivory and metal fittings. $1.50 to $5.50 Crystal Beads?$1.00 Strand Some graduated?some with pendants. Ribbon Wrist Bands?50c Black?with Cold Plate Buckle. - ^ Children's Hat Sate?$3.98 BEAVER?Black, Brown, Natural. Value $7.98. AVOMKN'S Glove Si IN FLACK ON LA'. KFOCLAK $ YALl'F. $2.69 the Pair AVO.M FN 'S Woolen Sport Hose I)roj> Slitfli, ('I iri.fil ;in,] TToafhor Mixtures. $1.25 to $4.25 Pair SPECIAL G os sard Corsets FOREST OUT FIGURES 1 < Medium length model?Low bust of while routil. $3.50 1'INK BKOCA.DE CORSETS FOR SMALL FIGURES--ELASTIC TOP. $3.50 Ift-INCH WIDE ELASTIC GIRDLES $1.50, $2.50, $3.00, $3.50 BRASSIERS OF GOOD HEAVY MATE- \ RIAL?Scalloped and embroidered edges. $1.00 to $l.f)0 kinds for 75? SPECIAL! Pillow Cases 25c Each Large Cotton Blankets $1.89 Pair SPECIAL! Satin Bolster Shams $1.69 Each Pretty Curtain Madras 41 c Yard ' m f