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? ^ ^ 1 tmmmmll ? ?? ? 1' ^ n r 1^ ' "*rg~"' " ^ X ^ 71,15 U ' ? ????.*ii.' ?'?? I- ' CI ". '. -U* - r~i* : r. 1 r i ? ;?? },j ? j. j.' Dm : irr> *.; ? ? ? ? ? ^ ? ?. i -. ? * i: .".:';.."".T*. VI. " CM-'n * ***-"* *'?a ^ ?. ? ? ? ' JUDGE Uf FAVORS AGREEMENT 1 FDR PREVENTION DF WARFARE New York. Nov. IS. Negotiation or \ treaty which would prevent future rars was urged, in conjunction with n agreement to limit naVies. by E! ert H. Gary, chairman or the board of he United States Steel Corporation, i an address today before the Ameri an Iron and Steel Institute, of which je Is president. He also belittled the Ingestion that arniarticnt limitation puld reduce the manufacture of steel. *ying the thought was unworthy of , yen a passing notice. Business was j toproved, he said, but there must be j grther adjustments. "With an agreement for the limita- j )on of capital ships," he said, "it i fould not seem to be practicable to ] lop with less than a final treaty that I Hll prevent future wars. In addition a what is contemplated by the limita Jon of armament, there should, with Iher things, be an understanding that I any International differences arose, o resort to military force should be bntemplated until after a conference I tod full discussion by ail nations now | nrtlclpating in the deliberations at j Washington. | "President Harding and the four se ated, able and experienced repre kntatives of this country, will energet Wily and persistently strive for agree ?ent They realize their constituents . re fervidly supporting them in their ampaign for peace and limitation of rms. and all this is true of each of le other nations." He asserted that the international tTangement to bo concluded must bver every kind of armament here ifore or hereafter discovered. "The benefits which would be de lved by reason of all the nations liv-j \g under peaceful conditions as com-1 ared with the military conflicts, are' pyond calculation," he said. "If leans for the firm establishment and J laintenaace of peace can bo found | nd generally assented to, it will mark j n epoch of the greatest business pros-1 erlty, as well as the largest measure j T happiness that the world has ever litnesscd We should be thankful that' lis conference has been called." Failu-e Unthinkable. Failure of the conference, he said, tas unthinkable. An adverse outcome] tould be intolerable, and those re-j ponslble for it would bo repudiated Qd everlastingly condemned. "No claim for personal or individual | dvantage not based on the principles; f right and justjeo in the opinion or i le majority would be enterta'ned." j e added. He briefly dismissed the ; ? pggtstton that l^ss steel would be jtnufae'ured as a result of armament bltatlon. "In the first place," he said, "the amount of decrease. if any. which is' doubtful. would he small, and even, though they might be large, no sane ( | and right-spirited person would con-1 j aider pecuniary Interests as of any [importance when discussing national | or international welfare." Business Some Improved. Mr. Gary said it scented to bo gen [orally conceded that business cotidi-' Iftons throughout the country for the [last, six months had been steadily, if [slowly, growing better. The volume of [business In the steel industry bad more [than doubted in the last ninety days, I he said, though profits had been little i or nothing, due to high costs and low 'prices. Of the country's business out look. be said: 1 "Even though we have now passed i the mos; critical period In our recov ery, I still think we would not be war ranted in concluding we have arrived at the point where we can certainly ?predict the exact time when there will | be a return to a normal financial, com mercial aud industrial basis for the world's economic structure has been terribly shaken by adverse winds dur-? ing the last few years. There must he i further adjustments. "The delay In complete restoration of a sound and satisfactory economic development in this country Is largely due to high costs high coats of living, i high costs of production and transpor I tation. and high costs of owning and ! earning money or its equivalent." CORN BELT ADVISORY COMDTCTTEE. j Washington, Nov. 18.?Th? war ft- i nance corporation today announced the i organization of a corn belt advisory ! committee, to obtain the cooperation of banking institutions throughout the corn belt In providing adequate financing i for the orderly marketing of corn and j for the feeding of livestock. Candidates Need Not j File Expense Accounts "WashIngton, Nov. IS.? Tho supreme] court decision In the Newberry rase makes It unnecessary for mml Mates for j the I'nitcil states senate to file state-1 men's of receipts and expenditures In | connection with either the primaries or elections. Attorney ilenerri! Pnttghcrty todnv Informed Representative Taice. lie PuMlcan. Massachusetts, chairman of a I house committee Investigating a con tested election case. The attorney general said the decision could he construed as invalidating all the provision" of the corrupt practice act relating to nominations for the office of senate or rrpt caentatlve, whether by tirlmarles. nominating conventions or by endorsement at special or trcneral elec tions. OOITTtaM IUDD^E lTOaDCTATIOBr "Washington. Nov. IS.?The nomina tion of John W. Ttiddlc ?>f Connecticut to be nntbassador to Argentina was con-# firmed today by tho Senate. OFTOSE CAHA1 FKOjnCT. Snvnnnah. Or.. Nov. 18?The Atlantic deeper waterways association In an I nual convention here, adopted today a resolution opposing tho Great I<akca ytt. l.awrence ship canal project. ,A'r ^ ^ i.? ^ g*? [?nl Wfl [^WjymTFffffW i vnvpnnfaScHD^ i flu m finF! Ixfl H tPliVS! ' ttmmm Best Shingles on EartI 13 1. fnr roof or side walls D6St fur looks and ttear We carry a few colors in stock and can ordc ^ special colors as desired. ' f "CREO-DIPT" ^ / STAINED SHINGLES 30 Colors 17 Grades 16-18-24-Inch They last twice as long as brush coated shingles ?>r natural wood; are proof against dry rot, deoay, worms and weather. They save the time, muss and odors of 6taining ou the job?and cost loss. Cut from selected live cedar, preserved in creosote and stained in permanent colors with best earth pigments. No waste?no wedge-shaped shingles. *?" ^ N Come ap<4 see Samples of Colors on Wood-* (\onr name anil address) . " ~ . Scott Lumber Company | Bridgeport, 0. Martins Ferry, 0. ' Wheelng, W. Va. Wellsville, 0. f Cali wheeiing 1093 ] ) ? I ?FOE? P I SAND AND GRAVEL j I Car Loads j . Truck Loads. j t OUR PRICES AND SERVICE?ALWAYS RIGHT j ! Wheeling Wall Ptaster Co. i ? MARKET AND 27TH STREETS <1 A SUBSTANTIAL BRICK RESIDENCE DESIGNED BY CliAS. S. SEDGWIGR ? 1 CHE man who owns his own ca? . will delight in this design for: a home as in this model, the garage is tncluded in the house plan and the architect has cleverlj i treated this part of the house. Hcrel the garage is built in the rear ofj the house and It is easily accessible | , therefrom. There is always more or less dig i | nity and charm around a brick house and from the minute one enters through the Colonial portico, into the wide hall way and glimpses; the delightfully bright and sunny i rooms on either side, one is Inv j pressed with the charm and dignity t of this home. The large living room,1 riming room, kitchen and sun parlor comprise the first floor plan, while j on the second floor there are three 1 sleeping rooms, a bath room equip j pod with a Rhower and a sleeping porch, in addition there are numer ous closets and an unfinished attic 1 meant only for storage purposes. ? There is also a full and complete bas?*nrunt, with laundry, drying room, fruit cellar, etc. As shown here this house has' ,? walls of brick with "Texture" facej brick It Is -T feel deep by 40 feet wide; the parage in the rear at tache^ to the house being 12 feet. 6 inches wide by 23 feet, b Inches deep. The finish is of oak and birch. .with tile in the bath room and vestl hu'a. The estimated cost of build ' lng this home, exclusive of the : plumbing and heating, Sb between J12,000 and f 14,000. n A 11. w. 1" . r\j7| ?*?ti" iju*1 j r^c^tei}?7 W tj!l A| ^ Stj? "" L ."PL J " ' " "\ Electric Lighting Fixtures Prices on Our Entire Stock of Lighting Fixtures Has Been RE-MARRED And We Are Now Selling At Pre - War Prices The Trent Company v 1301 Main St., Wheeling, W. Va. / r * HtTAUC*033 D?IM?C I I30MCTRIC DRAWING ^^phou\nq steel lumberf/oor construction. This Fire-Safe Floor M ProtectsYour Home? From Basement Fires Fire insurance does not protect you against the loss of loved ones nor treasured possessions that money can't replace. A Fire-Safe First Floor built with steel lumber does. ' . An average of over 2,000 homes were burned every week last year in the United States. By far the greatest majority of these fires started in the basement. Steel Lumber construction is not expensive. In fact, the cost nearly parallels that of wood floors. Over 30,000,000 square feet of Steel Lumber floors are already in use." We carry large stocks of Steel Lumber on hand at all times, also rolled structural steel for all purposes. We cut it to size and deliver it to the job promptly. Our Engineering department is ever at the disposal of you, your architect and contractor. Let us show you how little Fire-Safe Floors will cost in that new home, store or office building. Write, telephone or call on us. J. E. MOSS IRON WORKS, Wheeling, W. Va. i steel llumberj Wall 1 Unsurpassed The kind of Wall Paper you want, and at the prices you want to pay at D. C. Kurner 1518 Market St., Wheeling r \ ? ? The McMechen j Electric Co. ! 3rd and Garfield Sts. J McMechen, W. Va. $ Phone Benwood 272 f ELECTRICAL WORK J of All Kinds. J Motor Repair Work ^ House Wiring Fire and Burglar Alarm f System. f UNION LABOR J i ? Own Your Home j Wheeling Savings! & > i ; Loan Association j | We Pay 5% m Savings \ f??? 1 J. LEE WOOD & SON ? GENERAL CONTRACTORS Exceptional Service in Our Line?Wood Work 519 S. Huron St., Wheeling Telephone 2895 _