Newspaper Page Text
' -? DONATIO!, M ' ' FOR HOSPITAL TUESDAY Or TTEXT VTXEX "WXLi BE DOWATIOW DAY AT 0H30 TAB BEY aiXElUL HOSPXTAB. Visitor* W1U B* BecetTsd At Informal T?a BftTwa the Honrs of j> a and 4 O'clock. Tuesday. November has been ??t nside .is Thank.sp;!vine Ih?V ', r t,,e Hhlo Valley General hospital. The jieopl1' of . IVhfellnt are earnestly requested to send fre^h and,l fruits ;?nd fresh atnl iMi.neil vegetables ti> the hospital for ttve jn the rare of the sii'k. Members of the Woman's Hoard will be stationed | In the re<-e[>tt<>n hall o f the hospital throughout the day to r>- ?'ve donations. A |'l'M?rnt feature :ra ooar.??-tlon with' ?ho a! fair v ill h- the Informal tea held for the visitors at the hospital between the hours of and ?; The following u .11 a t as hostesses: M esilaru.s' l (u-rles Hates. Sally Met'olloeh. Hates \t l.a in. Alfred l'au',1 Stunner .!? '>es Willlatn St'.fel. "? William I'.rrnati. Misses: Zone Mrvliire. Kor the eon, of tli<v?e who cannot serai their gifts to tie* hoso ta., reeeiv'.i.g stations have been established ntid will be \ipetj from ? a. m. to 3 p. m. at the homes of Mrs Gununlns. 3A4 ."south t-Vuit street. Mrs 11. H. Gsterl'.nc. Sixteenth St. Mrs Sillie Mv-t'niloeh. lf?: t'hap I'.ne Street. Mrs ?? Itnuers. 3K3>? J.ieob stre-t. Mrs. Howard llazlett. OH Main street M s 1'eeSles T.i turn. Kenwood l'la? e Mrs. i'. J. Milton. Kim Grow Mrs. J. ?* Ife.nleln. Uridgrport. Ohio. Snrprl?o P*rt7. V r. and Mrs. f| ?? flumes 'were given r pie ,s.i?it surprise par' > b\ their friends .Uo'i 'av miu, i"ards were tli. .hie' .llve."s;e|i if toe e\entrig. and ri , on. 'usi.-ti of the games a tempt ll.g '? "u W.1S served .V.IlOtlg thos,. jir. sent ?.?<? ,V< s-ln?!.< s It V? Hr-iot'li, h hi.oi An i-.-s. n I.Uv lie- Stewart . Hurdle T.ansn ii* I-alley Hubbard .V i s S? t!!?">' To ? for Philadelphia Mr. Wii tain Hound w .It the iii-iil'. . ne.t f?r Philadelphia, w ? ?? I.* w 1. .;.*riv! t u ThanksKlv::irj her *"n. I i:ui ItniMiit. win :n his iimtur r.:r at the I'nix'T ?:* * ? ' ! ? n:i.?y Ix.iritn. X-Hlyh Th'iikBirivlaij- Danco * "? ih ?!."! si.'1 .1 Thinks a; . -. i..u ? -t tJ?? ri-?v? I' hall >>n ? i' tir >? r.-.-t r::n? <ti tin* even in iV! :? sn.r I?i > Tin* ?f:?n?-?* . M-.i . I V ; I., fill til-do .1 1.1 the M??;??!y ' ? i..,11.?. Tin- *? i>:uni:tt< e :n ? h r . ;i. 1'|.!h Mis-rs, l*ote. Woods. fir.::!.. llilMiii"*, and 'iltffith. K old en Xilnks Club < :?> . :i l.iniv* ? *lnS w.'.i danee at f' - r !i 'i. l Thirty1 ?r' th t M >.h ? "V ??ti :i... The M-lnly Hoys : nt ?.:???! ; :11r* ?? :.fnl .? iiun Isnril.- j.rlle u. ! u r * ; t>. tne hoiiluii; the i i. . rri:?t?T. St,"","! (foment Announced . . n;r " i lit of Mi*. jMspiiliaio T'liisin :? 1 Ms. ' "ar.-n. ?? was nn :i ?? :: ?? i a h irtuta : affair sivoti hy \ . .1 :!? her heme in I'ldK a i il 1" a ? Mint; wlil t jdap* 1 ?> ? ??? Am ri ; the it it est* at the r:ri-> :? >????? nt ;<irt\ were; A*?? . . i "lailtn.iri Vi*s i r ri ? i?Tfr al.. I-'r^d'Tlok Myr ? .. U t!a??'! Itott !'-r. a I r! ? ?';i .Vary ? iailaijlier ?? 1 a- .vin l.i'l n Was'ier M 11' i Si' i hi ? t il M. ry ' ;?'??!? in r ii'yjrn Marnaret Wnsiier T i I. r :?? Var; Sh-!fillii' y i- I '.i .M l!.*:'*? T! . r*.? ? lithe M. nril ::> .! i " . 'i n. Mnry Kayser Ann ?. i:.,'i .! hiin Hii""' Me-- ' r ec. . * Mil .-: !'. r .1ruo*: "Ihfjiie .1 < i r . t...:<>\;.n ? .rtr?? r;e~e >? Ji. i li....-, _ |( ST'ib Bon?ntn XorteBB V.-> !>li;h |in?ie-??.en wiil entertain n' '?>.? Jiii'v ? ;i t'i<. t^inrnl fine afternoon i .r f Mi?m \''i.f.Pia Moils*, a ; i ?; hri-ir-ele. t. Ilriilito will he en-. ? ?* e^n the !i"*ir? of two nn<l ! ii.r. ,ii. ! ? ihiinty ! tt 71 ? - he 'T?. whose ileo ri! on-- w ti l.e in i i ojor a-heme of i'lai; aril white, will he served nt the > i.neiis . of t he cimoi Mt.SS [InnM * t* *'s. %V 1*1 bo: Virginia If. ?Ik** ??*!!% h'tira i;??etre M.irj 'r c Meyer )-(?.? lire Kuril M "s.lames- . fllohard M.*'iiy Ar-h l?>raev t'ar' .lohnson Matthew Metrner .f-'nes Smieret Ka:v? ftosers ? loorse h'rank *'hnr>s Mods? I * - tie i Hot ton Myers A. A 1 mr.'rv _J i About People Xorsmmta of Taf t-rldnsls To As4 yi^Mi Th? city. j AT TTCE xoteia McLnrt?\!r ar.d Mr. O. K Moore. New Martinsville; S-ephen Mason. FaIr view; John AVhitaker. Huntington; Chan.-. Oailagher. Chariest ->n; I. He.* Ststeiv vllle; Mr. nn-l Mn t K ?'l^rk. Wesc l'n' "?n; Cleo 'V Simmon* famcrnn; njtve Stewart. famrron; Mt" H. I? lti?'kman. MarMlncti'n; Mr*. J. tv. s 1 Meli.,, ("harleston. Roj?r?? J T. Ash tort. Clarksburg; .r W n.f'-h. rarkersburg; Tt. P. Toting. I; i.-kl-annna; H. AT Watson. ramrron. jStatnm?V. A. Smith. Frew. Windsor?if. It Watson. Fairvletv jf M F!*hrr. Caraornii; H K I'ranr. I'.iai.' ?ri>ri: Fred W. 11*11. r.imercin. Mrs. Armlatrad M*ml* of Huntington, who ha* been visiting hrr parents. <;*n era! and Mrs. Alfred Caldwell on Main (.trr*t, has pone to Pittsburgh whe-e ah* will visit friends for the next few da i ? Mr. and Mrs Frank Cassis and dough ter Pauline. i*ft yesterday for Sisters \lUe whore they Will spend the we.-k ?nd. I H. W TVatson. pretnlnent Cameron business man. Is a visitor In the city, and attended last night's performance ?t the Court theatre Mr. .1. W Kwlng of this city Is stoj>- , |>t!lg at the I >\t:e-St r;i t * rd tin'*'. IMi.n.elphta Mr find Mr-. U A AV;?r.l wilt !mh we- k !"??: * ?r!:?-III". I- ;.. . where Til" y .'ill <i>?"ii' 1 tl.e winter. ID1E PET1IM TELLS HER IDEA STAR IN ""WHITE PEACOCK" BE LIEVER IN ECONOMIC INDE PENDENCE OF WOMAN Was Formerly A Reporter On A London Paper?She Elites Movie Acting (BY CAROLYN OOSDON) "I l:k< Madame !'? trova Tins s-?tin? 1 i bk>.a *:? ?? ? 1 st irt so we gripped our ? . 1 and l< uned forward in order In In"." what the star of "The White I'^lc o-k" hiol to say *-n behalf of the Fourth Kstite Mat St ? turned out "o he a case of a purple r-'W nfter a It. She'd rather -? e than l e lie Sixteen ago <dga l'etr>"'.:t iw?' forgot to ask her if that the name ?he went hv then' u rub reporter on the I.on t*? tt Tribune isn't the right word. Me gathered that a hraud new word was needed to define her status, as women reporters were s> aroe in those days Anyhow Madame IVrrova (although in those days she was Mad etnoisfllei worked very hard on gener al assignments for several years and was later promoted to dolus: "night police" in rite Mow street polioe court She elirubed to still gr.'af'-r JournaUntie heights, hcwrvi r. and finally became ( dramatic crifle f -r the Tribune. Her Big Idea I had great tan telling how good? or had? Sir Henry Ir\ing was f r a pound a week" she said. " It was I who got ' the pound, not Sir llonr\ I might still he writing drani'tl. i.-views hut unfor tunately? or fort'inafi iv - I go idea<* and as I uldn'.t p. rsuade any editor to P'thilsh i'lcn fop tie. ! took to the stage In (?riler I" make enough money t" c,e my hh'iiS published." "And at heart I am still more writer than ,i. tor. I am an oplnionlst an egoist. ;f v on wil', but w ith rue the Idea is paramount." Here yv? re-feet f nil y queried yvnat the idea, v as Madutia- arched her ex pressive '.rows and l".tn" I forward with eyes siarklitic 'The idea" site said "Is the ultimate economic Independence of woman. It is the one thing :n which T am most interested It is the fundamen tal thesis which underlies everything T write In "The White i'eneock" I have tried to slmw a modern woman who Is strong enough to control her own des tiny." It developed lafr In the Interview ?hot Mart.n mf l'efrova thinks that most piesent day writers in the list analysis emphasize the subservience of woman. VI; seems to me" site sal'! earnestly "that they tncre'y show ns the prnidem am! leave !; unsolved. Ihsen iltil that I am a admirer "I Ihsen's. but I hae trle<! to make Vvotte take lip life where his N'orah. of the I'oil's House I. ft It" , A Q-oryeoua Brain W'e h.i'l always liked Madame Petrnvn in the movies, hut we like.! her even better when she was t tlk'ng about her !?:tr I'lea. She has. If tl.e 'erm Is per mits! n i er> intel'eetiia! east of eoimt. nance. \V ? remembered that some weeks nto Iter in! ag.-nt had In forme.! us that she had a gorgeous " At the time ?wondered Jus: what variety of bra!n that was. but sin. e seeing Its possessor we have de ci.led that the term was not far wrong. Ma da a.e I'etrova has a \>ry active brain, whteh emits some Interesting .sparks. "And now" sbe sai l "Pld yott want to ask me some questions'"" We rem.-m hnreil that on the way to the hotel we had Intended to ask some of the stock Interview questions, calculated to elicit >?f a r; 1: n g answers, but somehow wo couldn't think of them. S>> after n Jew 'deep thouqhs we fell back "n 'which do you like hotter the movies or the spoken drama?" "The movies Y..ii see I am not inn .-erne.I with the technique. I want t" ge" tny hbas across, nrd the movie radius ts wider I can impress my opinion", on thousands of people all over the W'-r'd through 'he movies, whereas In the spoken drama I can .only r?:i'h h few hundreds at .1 time" TO RETURN RECALL ? PETITIONS TODAY Amended petitions for the recall r.f the eleven members of ? ity coi^ncll and t*lty Manager Homer t" t'rago will be returned to the office of City f'lerk Howard 1". I.a tie today it was stated lest evening. The exact time of th? filing of the amended petitions lias ri"t b--?en stated Th? r*". all committee worked long into the night In the office of Attorney S M. Noyes. checking" up the amendments, which include the ad dition of several hundred names of ad ditional voters who hive signed peti tions since the petition was certified by City .'ierlt I .are as Insufficient n'no days ago. I'lty t'lerk J.anc has given to th* press absolutely r.) indication of what his next certlftcit.. concerning the suf ficiency of the petitions may lv expect ed to be For Thick Heavy Hair i Use Cuticura Treatment: Touch spot* of dandruff and itching with Cuticura Ointment on the end of the finger. Next morning shampoo with Cuticura Soap and hot w.-.ter. Finse with tepid water. When you have made your scalp skill clean, sweet and he.dthv then will >our hair become suit and thick. S^iryU ??<h fre# by ITuf! "Ontfcn:*? %b orAtarlii.D*^ ' .????] *vr-r -. j?JfifcF"~Cuticur? So*p ?h?ve? without mug. i ? i MISS ALICE MANN Then* will not In- a lattre number <>!" West Vlminians co irom Wash ington t.> Newport News. \ .1 to a't? n<l the Hunchinj: of "the battleship West Virginia. Saturday. The event has not created the Itrere-t anions them that *a> expect<.-<!. nor anything line the itit? rest iti the launebinu of tip* cruiser West Virginia. oiithiten years aao. at the same plaee. It is probable 1 hat the fart that tins t??? *a hittlcship is destined for 'he scrap pile before any more work of nscquence is done i>n it i- responsible for the lack of interest shown in the ht'tnchinit, am! i: is also likely that the general exodus r<f West Virtritii-ans in the Capital to N*w York a week from Saturda> to see the Army Na\y Kniuc is V contributing taotor. Mr and Mrs. Isaac T Mann and family and a party of intimate friends will a'tend the launching Miss Alice Mann. who i< in be in'rodueed to Washington society Thankscivinc !"?;? >. is to have the honor of eliristenins the new battleship Of the state's concre<sional deb cat i n. t'onaressman and Mrs. Wells ?ioodvkoontx ami Cnnrresstrati and Mas. I.rotuo'd S. Krhols have announced tiiat they will be present w In n ;h. bit: battleship's hull slides down tin1 ways. Kl i !. All cars ?.n th*- ? I'm: S*?? nl?<r?ivllle (livlsfon of the Wif hi g Vr:i. ?!"!> rotn pail) were I;tt? 1 up : mi: . visi.riay morning when th. puir w ? r: t "if Th? monthly v< ?:.??! of the Inter: me.lluti i|r| ,ir:i!i. nl i f the Sundae school or Jl.o I "'nth S-r.-t M li. chiiri li ?.i . !.?!?! la-- i \(:i:ns The prn tir*ii; was j ?-? 1 v Mrs I .ant a Kas ley Kroolis' pupils The Central Sishtng club uiemt? rs. who are en i-nito to Now i>r>ans via j the river. |,,i o .-.rrito'I a'. Memphis, '? Tottn V> ???irillt: g to the teoencl hot O !' ? tt '-:t.! ?: ' are !??? : well sup- ' [?It* ? I w::!i ^atiie it lioM-tttit.j;" Atior tlfj 1' \ M-'Kee lull'./; ti e official rule Invitations were sent .if to a! I'vthtans attnoitn :hk the ceremonial Mission of I'aht.a Temple No. I'll. !? ? K M . to ??.' If M ThanSiSglvlng at the P> '.luati ? a- ' The meeting of the rr:ift!.? . ,.n ui'tic, of trie Wheeling ? h.miher of ci-aiilf fee, 1 S'hedulfil for ? ?;?!.iv, was ????!'. ! "II until next Tin s.lav N'e\f \VA.!r.esi|;vt el oiling *| ' ??ottltt"-. (ration of the KitV. Haj?t'? hutch. Itcv. ? A !? Illltoti. pnsfut. ami of tin- Socoml 1'reshv feriati church. ltei 1' It K- rrls. . v. ill un|i? In a Thnnksgivng i niters service a! the V'irsi liaptist oli'in li. A special train left at o'cl" yes*er.lay morning m ? r in - K. A ?? rr.ll roail carrying officials of .the Wheelln ? ? 11v: sioii; 1 itclitili 'l in the party wo.-o .1 M Scott, general supei inti ndent; S iWilliam, division freight agent; I,. I! ("nniplieli, traveling freight -nln fur ami a staff "f assistants. THUNDERSTORM Rsther unusual at this time of th year was the thunders! .rih th:.' swept over tho diP> Vailcv y ~ieril.ii morning about six o'c'oi k. There was much light ;ftig jin'l thunder in th" storm, while there was a heavy rainfall, totalling 47 Inch BUSINESS WOMEN HOLD DELIGHTFUL MEETING T!ip Pun-inn - :unl l*r..f.?s!s:nn W'flmnn'H a !? !ii :"u 1 li iuirr la*: nijclit at t)i>- l; .I? :n i-'ifty m?"iit-wr? IS'ITO j ir?? <-:il r?: i. * ?? r: ?< x< ! tile ilr !? i :m:.? :i . ti.i. I'r. tVnia S-?** *???? save Mil .?!? t. ?! !l.,- (.1 VI. I; V ;i < IV.'l ll lipprP ? t.itPil 11:i? ? ? :.1Jn'!!u ero I'lvcit 1.-. \; \\ \ ?"???? .nnl wv. ??ni! Klt!v trn:n it. .luril.r <"'ii> ca\f rr.-i'tiriir \\: . }.. !.i < II N"t>\ at V \\\ <\ A SERIES OF SERMONS ON CHRISTIAN LOVE I "!' .Hi v j at ?!??? i-Vi.rta M? ? ,-S.tir. Ii in*t Sn:a!a ? tta.rn.i-. i.tsti.r. It. t'inr I'tii-.- |\r..;i. n:;* | . ti ? n.-i.iir'i'w :nnrn !?.. "ti ?"bristinn 1 \ ? \ *i ? \ j. ??'itt. 1': r.?T ? <?? int'i :.i t. .-ti? it ?!?., i't.*r S ilijr.-t. %\\ ? .t \<.\??ii.tM-r - 7:'. T>,,. i ??at.i Jyivr; ' !? . 'i '?< i tltli. ??*."}!?- i:t. rt..i! S?ii r'ltta.'y ? '? Th.. I'. :<-'s Si'i vti'r in t),r ?a.-nt' t, w-:; ..j f-n ? ill a (11t.'i-it-inlntito ri ? ??? la' Mr lir.'iham Mar?h M: ? *'?:?: :?i:? ? i t.v.i.v v .'..isl will :r ? i 'n!'!i.*ari." T!.p vpstf.l choir ? SiiIM-I". >>:' n :?> t.'.o js, : ? ' < ? ?:?-v: I*. t.t .nit." \ ? ?????' a\ i:attun t- . v:.? 11<I? ? 1 t.. all th? :?> T v i.e. i f t ain ? hilt' }l TIip minfli.wiT ,i! v. :t . fail*, tin' nun f \ Smart Styles j in High Boots H^IIIS may he ;m oxford season. !>ut ne\erlheless We are prepare'! to offer you a very wi?i? ? ehoiee ,of llirrh Shoes in 11. oootl looking 'j?si?riis. Those women who hadn't intended to <_*vl |||m'i Shoes this Fall tuay well eh a nvre their minds: these* styles are so swat.'U'er. And after til! when you think jihrmt it, it's rat In r diftietilt to net through a loin.; winter v;it limit a pair <>f Moots to fall haek upon oeeasicnally. ('nine in and try on this and otlmr of the season's . smart models in tie Fed ('loss Shoe. A delightful ex perience is awaiting vou here $9.90' ^???? ? ? ? ?? Nothing equals ? SAPOLIO ,or I <^31 scouring land \ polishing cutlery. Makes all i metaiware look like new Agents f;?r <he Red Cross Shoe LOCKE SHOE CO. 1310 Market Street 1043 Main Street v. ? ' Cu|SoD FW DESGENQANTS ONE DIES AT MOUNTAIN LAKE I' PARK OTHER AT VTNELAND, N. J., ON THE SAKE DAY Rev. l?lrkwood Alexander Died In. Vlne la-nd?James Porter Allen In Maryland T?'i descendanIs of the Kiikwoud , family. <>1 the pioneer families of : II.. t'rn t'hiu. and l'?>r whom the town of Klrkwood was named. died Thursday I on-' at Mountain I..'ike I'ark. Maryland. ! anil tin- other at Vlnelaml. N .1. Ilet. Kdhwooit \hxiimler. aged about i 7!' years. for many years u minister of tin 1 resh\terlan church. with oharResj in Iowa, died at a hosplts 1 _ :n V;neland i win re In- lias 1. i'ii livlrit; retired for a. number "f \ i-ars He had nut visited . WToollnu for mote than twenty years, hut there ate many in the local vicinity t who will remember hint. He leaves to' sun Ivr his widow, two daughters. Rl herta and Rllen. and, two brothers. James and Henry of Moiindsvllhv Jantes Porter Allen, ageil si1 years, of I Cumberland. Md.. passed away at his home after beliiR stricken with paraly sis a half Jnuir before Kor many years he was Connected with the Seehlit Jit itaiker eontnanv of I'lttsburph. Mr. Alh n was a son of l>a\id Allen nr. 1 a grands n of i'olone'. Holiert Kirk wood of Kevoliit'onary fame, and one of the founders of Ohio. lie was horn in St t'lalrsville. and Is survived hv one ho:i. James ? lillrsplo Allen, with whom he made his home ttoth men were des.-endents nf th? | f 1; lies pie. Kirk wood and Alexander fam- j Hies, ami their deaths on tin name day i Is a peculiar rolndch nee. BOY HIT BY TRUCK APPARENTLY UNHURT !>a\:d Kletn. R-yenr-nid eon of Mr. I and Mrs. '"liarles Klein, of Rim tirnve, last tilgl t appeared to he suffering no se-tt'is effects fppin peine struck hi- a "?mtth .7- Mlefcei < ompany truck yester day while he whs returning home front | seho.ii. The he v ran r ut of the way i >f one truck directly info the path of I * I. ? one which knocked hint down. It 1* said. I>r. John T. Carter Rave the boy me Ileal attention. HOTEL MOTOR ON TXRE lumftfcc estimated at tt.'.o was done to th.e motor which operates the eleva tor at the Cr.itid Central Hotel yester-' cIhv no rninir when 'he motor trok fire. Smoke filled the hnll. and the cheniieai I I'nsine company responded t ? a still ' alarm. The blaze was extinguished i hi-mlcals. Plan For Co.operafign in Industrial Glasses! i ?< t The committee <>n education of the j Wheeling chamber of commerce met ; lust e\? in the <f es i.f the chain- I ber In the Market auditorium ami made j prol I in '.tin ry plans f(.r securing t!ie co- J operatIon*of the employers in tills ills- . tri.-t In connection with the part-time i Industrial Americanization classes. now j being conducted under the supervision j of the lily sehoo ??. I'rof. i". ,K. tiithen? supejIntendeni of' ? public schools, eiialtntali of the com-' nilttc-e on education, presided, ami H IV | ? 'orcorun, maiifer "f tlie Wheeling ! chamber of i.merce, acted ;,s sec-; re'ar> . I The commltte,. v. ill meet from time to ' time to out'ine plans uttlil a perfect or- \ gan;::ation is completed and tin work ? carried on to the highest possible point. Thanksgiving Observance at First Presbyterian | Tito First I'rosbyterlan church at 1.1th , and I'hapline Sts.-announces two beau-i t: f ?>! Thanksjil vIiik Services for rVtn-i day. The Pastor, 1 >r. Gibson will preach i at the im>rtilng hour -? ti "Tlie Sacriili e of Thanksgiving" and a. the Popular Kvc- i ning Service his topic will be: "Health j and Happiness." The beautifully trained; i'horns ? "holr will sing special Thanks-1 giving Anthems at botn Services. The.' evening: service of this church is noted ; both for the remarkable attendance and! the unusual proportion of men. i'r. Gib-, son's strong, direct, fearless preaching! I Is making new friends every we;k. i MRS. FLORA WILLIAMS; TO PRESENT MESSIAH Famous Oratorio to B? CMt?h ? Colonial?Several Placet Op?a for Singers. A largo Messiah chorus under the dh . paction of Mrs. Flora Williams Is bein4 trained to present the famous oratoril at the Colonial theatre Sunday evenlnS services shortly, now being conducted by Rev. Crnrge }?;. Lockhart of tW Wheeling Haptlst Tentple. Mrs. Williams unusual work In con ducting oratorios narked the Court theatre twice last season and many will tie glad to hear that "The Messiah" li again to be rendered under her charge There are places still open for chorui and solo voices and any more who de sire the training may get the same fre? of , harge, for helping in the final ren ditlon. Those desiring places in the re cltal are requested to plume Mrs. W. I, Williams: cnll 1707-U Wheeling. Fro feasor T. W. I.esterlcigh will preside a' the organ Mrs. Williams will have charge of al Sunday evening music at the Colonial through the winter. A special sacred i oneert. proceeding Rev. Eoekhart's dls courses will he given at 7:45 o'clock ea.h Sunday night. These gathering! are for the general public, and tomor row evening. Mr. Walter Sadler, bass at:d Mrs. Williams, soprano, will slnl respectively. "Report Ye." by Prlndl! S'-ott. and "The Publican's Prayer." bj Van Water. Roth solos are by special request. A large vested chorus will sln| the anthem numbers. Doors open al 7:50. CUR KENT OFT TEMPOBJOtiCLT While a transformer at the Scottish Rite Cathedra! was being replaced, the Wheeling Electric company was com* pelied to shut off the current supplying * Wheeling yesterday from - to 2:36 o'clock. Dementia praecox Is marked by short bushy hairs which fill the spac* ovef the nose between the eyes. YOU CAN'T WORK WELL WITH A COLD NOBODY likes to be around a person suffering from .1 heavy cold. It exposes them need lessly. You ran talce care of your job and keen business and social engage ments shortly after vou begin using Or. Hell's Pine-Tar-Honey. For it is prompt in helping Nature exj>el phlegm, ( .allay inflammation, ease breathing, and drive away irritating coughs. I 'se it?give it to the kiddies'. Don't suffer a minute longer than you have to. At all druggists. 30c. Br.Beir&^S' Rne-Tat?-Honc^f for Coughs and Colas /evemthiiwv / IN THE \ J Entire Store J > REGULAR P Q ]Re 2!2$8 Hub K I Why Can't You, loo, Be I " 1 Well and Strong? j FKW of us ic.ilizc how prertous pood health is until we begin to lose it. To be well Is to enjoy lift' end make pood times for those around us. To be constantly .tiling is to miss life's pleasures and to look with envy upon our robust friends and neiphbors. Are you one of the unfortunates ? Is your health slowly slipping away ? It's tine*, then, you looked to your kidneys! I Much sickness of today is traceable to kid :n \ weakness. Its increase is alarming. That's because it's usually unseen or neglected. But It's easy to te]i jf your kidneys are weak. You may have only backache; a lame ness, stiffness, or sharp stabbing pains; dizzy spells, headaches, or annoying bladder irregu larities. If you have these symptoms, suspect your kidneys ! Remember that delay may result in serious kidney sickness. But why dwell en the dark picture ? Rather think of the brighter side ! To remedy such a weakness is to add years to your life and to regain the health and strength that enables you to ente^ life's daily battle with j?y and enthusiasm. If you've reason to suspect your kidneys, read, the stories of these Wheeling people. They tell how they won back good health through Ooan's Kidney Pills, the world's best recommended kidney remedy. Doan's have helped thousands. They should help you. Ask your neighbor 1 I g "Use DoarisSay These Wheeling People | ? IC. H. Alvey, frro'-or. 122 ISth St.. savs: ] ' My kidneys sot out of ordor and I had a soronoss and dull achins nrross tho small of my bark that niado it hard for mo to stoop My kidneya didn't act ripht, so I usod 1 loan's Kidnoy Pills and thoy roliovod the troublo. Tho barkaoho loft ami my kid nrys have not trnublod mo slnro." IMr*. U\ MrMnnus. 2*1'' .l.vnh St. says; I .My Kidneys were 111 a weak and disordered condition. When 1 did my washing ?ir house rieanlnfl. I cat such aw fu! pulns across my kidneys I eflt-n ha I to stdp and rest. There wasn't hardly any let-up to those terrth:e backache*. i became run down, weak and ' nervous and my head ached a great deal. My , ! tdnevs acted too often s>> I used I>oan's Kid ney T'llls from the Jtege-Pavts Drug t'o., and 1 ha.e never had any thing do me as ntueh good . I soon feIt like a different person r.nd I depend on Doar.'s when 1 hate any re Doan's Kidney Pills T | At all dealers, 60c a box. Foster-Milburn Co., Mfgf. Chemists, Buffalo, N. Y. i