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The Wheeling Intelligencer PVb'lehed by The Intelligencer Publishing Company. H. C. Ogden. General Manager. t Arthur Mill?. Managing Editor. * TELEPHONES Editorial Rooms ? No. 823 ? Business Office ? No. 822 MEMBER OK TITE ASSOCIATED TRESS. Tb?? Associated Tress 1? exclusively entitled to the use for reoubllratlon of iD news credited to It or n>>t otherwise credited In this paper, and also the local a?wi published herein. Alt rights of republication of special dispatches bereia are also reserved. PUBLISHED RATES Higgle coot * -03 i ?y WAIT., R. T. D. / BT CARS IT B. IN crrr | On? month 150 C>Ce week I -15; Three months 150 i*e month ??* S!x months S.00 Three months . . 1 35 ? ftft >1* months 4.00 >**r ? 0h .'!??> year 7..0 'Weekly, one vear 1-60 ' (THE INTF1.MO ENTER. embracing Its several editions, la entered In the (sAatofficc at Wheeling. W. Vh . as second cl.ns.s mail matter.) * Compihlnta of non-delivery of The intelligencer will be adjusted by calling '.trcuiatlcn Department Thone 822 or 823 ? <fi^AOEs[y^^, COUNCIL 3 Saturday, November 10, 1921 I : ACCEPTANCE WITH " MINOK CHANCES" Th? enthusiast.c a* v ptur.-o :n principle 1 ? > Kngland. Kmr.. ??. Italy iit.d Japan ?f Secretary Hughes' [inn f..r i m :-????!;?t.- It r:T: *. .> 11< n of Hrin.mont appears n ? ? v* a) be moiv cf an acceptance of the ptin* rather than an |>t.nice of the )h?n in principle. From the utteran- es of the t>?ar ropros..:itaii\<*s of these pywers there seemed to he ftothitig. tn the way *f an Immediate adoption "f the American plan except a few "mirier changes" in detail. Hut that ?a< last .Men lay. and considerable water has passed under.the bridge s nec then. The first Impetus of the conference was halted when the American plans for i<naval holiday were shunted off onto the committee of admirals, ami ll became jllderstoOd that there would he t\.> detlnite action taken on it until the questions >f the KVr Kast had l>een taken up and as well as the consideration ?f a limitation of land forces. In other wotalr. the Kuropean traditions of Jftilomacy would not admit of the solution of the urea; problem until dher lesser >cea were lirst disposed of. In the meantime t'.i ? "minor cluing.*" In Secretary '-ftighes' plan have occasioned no few stumbling bock*. Ifnjr'.and is not satisfied ?lth America's submarine program, her stubborn opposition meeting with like itubbornness fri-m America. Japan his shown 1 erself dissatisfied with her por tion of naval strength permitted under the plat, and has formally made known )^r desire to modify the plan so as to give h v a "slightly superior" relative ilrongih. Japan wants one first-line battleship more if Japan's request I* ipanted, what will prevent Kngland and the catted States from asking f r a MfPportionate increase in strength, arid so on. one "minor change" bringing on mother upt'.l the American plan wi',; have rothi.ig but its idealism left'.* 1 The Chinese proposals are being accepted in principle by the great powers. ?ut. of cour*e. there ar* a few "minor changes" necessary. It will be the samp with the Japanese proposals and with the Krefich ideas of land forces. All wil. i >? accepted in principle, hut w.ll be subject to tae "min r changes." It was hoped '.yftkt til** straightforward boldness ' 1* the Ameri in secretary of si ite would be followed by the other representatives at the coherence, but with the "accept ances in principle" and "minor changes" we sr.? t).? line It.a; an h md of >. world diplomacy dealing out the cards as they fall upon the table. . The first lap around the stump ha* l?*>n ran. touch distance has be.*n covered. the objective is still f ir In the effing. Another bold play of Hughes may yet dpalr the injury caused by the "minor ch inges." ; THE UNIVERSITY CLUB | CONCERTS 'The appearance of Kichnrrt Strauss In ^heeling under the auspices >f the "nlvfriilty club concert committee ts Just another "f a lone line of celebrities ?\4deh th's organlzatl- n has brought to Jue music lovers of Wheel Inc. Such a ? iqnvert course as has been outlined for this city th:s vrar and In the years past ? testifies to the earnestness ati'l /.eslous- ; P^s of those responsible for Wheeling's ixecp:ion.i'. g. ??! fi>rtnne. Thes,. con* ' i<trts have ? I?? ne more toward cr?\it n>; -.n appreciation and a love for good j vuslc than any other one thine, until j Wheeling has become known wide'y in pfusloa! c!r< |es as one <.f the nio*t np Pfeclatlve cities :nv the east f?>r high i lus.s and talented artists. The man*' nfcers of the I'ntversity cluh concerts hjive hrouirht and will continue to hrtnc tj Wheeling the stellar lights <,f the wy>rld of nuts!', and the -occpthri g'ven them by the music lovers of the city pliovrs appreciation. 'The Strauss concert Thursday even tag. *fi;l" bringing t> Wheeling one of tV-' most renown - I eotnposers in the Mirld. yet proved a disappointment In ' rrfany wa> s. in the first place, the selec tion's sung by his assistant. ilNs ?:?*r hiirdt. and the accompaniments were t >o heavy f .r appreciation by an audience Jfiade up of music lovers and n t trained musicians; the h.e.irers would hive uel rpmed s- m-.-tbtng from the master be sides bis accompaniment-*, and were j disappointed that he did not appear ill a number alone; and. lastly, the entire program was In Ormm. It is dearly evident, w.thout the enliichtenment of the Strauss concert, that enough time ?ihs not \--t elapsed since the war for , un- evening's. program In Herman to l?> appreciated tn America, and the cxperi* j enco this great eompos?r has had in -Wheeling and elsewhere should prove; very helpful to other artists ;n arrang ing their programs. Live and lean:, but don't forget to euro. WAREHOUSES FOR CORN Karnifrs ova- th#> eountry will he Sn ttrested to know that th* .11 gov ernment N serio isly < orisider'ng the establishment ?>f great warehouses for t(i? purp >s>- of storing com and 1 n- it lug a sufficient market for corn that the farming industry may not N throttled nrrlth h condition commonly known as 'stagnation." It would he the purpose << the government t>> sto;,. aw-iy > < rn tfurlng the years of plenty against the lean years, Jn this way always .ixurint; i?n adequate supply am! a steady niar !<*? t. Quoting from the Wall Street Jfournut: "The question has been well answered hjy IT'dess r 1?? K Warren, reav of tfie of ngrh ultur?>, who Is ;*i acknowledged authority Iti th> ? reunion of >Kri> ulture. Iri a re>orit study 1 ft far::. products he pointed out that tAitpie supplies of grain arid hay should la- hold on farpi* In each y. ar of ixo-s. rave pro lux t'on. More attention, ho said, sjiould la: given to storage and tlio lytiancln:,' of crops in years when the -weather Is unusually>:>* >>. that tii? un> xpe '?1 production. wh.-h is a uften a >.>:am ty V the farmers, n;.>y l.e Us> >! t > ?u; o l? ? n ? ' .-h<>rt ? > ?; s :. ..11 are 44ft Hh? h'l ? given l y pndesv.i Warren >,. B.ll? ? t . orn iri the t r?: t?-?! states Is nn ^Vtt.ry too intimately .- l?-|e. ted with ^HntiKin e.s >.f a great .>->>-fi.ri ? f our went, where > ? -rn ;s k::._ t ,->? i mas been ;t t!m>- w i.en ?r, pur .-.hasir-i; power of an a> re . f corn (?? i-n ?>> Jt>w as ;t Is today. The farmers are at the disadvantage <?f haviriK tli'ir re cources tied up iti a ? ?>rn >:>>p f> r w h'.eh there la no market, eonseuuontiy the purchasing power >>f these farmers is comparatively as low- as the purchasing prwer of an acre of corn. The industry hi the country cannot help t>ut bo af fected by this condition tn a way that is far from being optimist.c. The corn crop I* being wasted because there is no market The corn yy.are h.-uscs offer the means of using the nasto of one year for the neeila of an other. and wrniM ultimately .???id to the general Impro.ement of business condi tions by increasing the purchasing power of the farmers. REGRET FAILURE ONLY Why ilermany lost the war Is being acrimoniously discussed in that country, according to a dispatch from Berlin. The oec.-is'on .r such a discussion just a. this time is the third anniversary of the Orman rollnpse it t? stated that opinions are as widely divergent and as violently expressed as ? ver. Kecrlrnin.i tioris t>etwcen the militarists and the defenders of the civilian population are leading feature of the controversy. The fin mer high officers assert that It was the people at home who crumbled and not the army, while the defenders ??f the people say that their blind faith n the military leaders continued to the bitter end. The mental att tuile revealed by this controversy is Mat the fact of defeat still occupies the minds of the Herman people, rather than any re ;ret for the patt their country played in causing the war. ll.ol (iermany won. joy. mingled with supreme arrogance, w.uilrl be ? the keynote of Herman sentiment today, f' brought merely the sting of failure, and not repentance ,,r a desire for atonerm-nt. JOIN THE RED CROSS Th?? Iw?*<i i 'r?ss i ni.?*iiw?<*r.-'U i p drive !s going well here. but thei" are k::Ii s. in" hundreds of reasonably proa; erous citizens win* are not weal ing the button. This should not be. i "i ? d'ably ;t "ill lift t?y the ???!?! of t ;?? drive, fur Wheeling Is sisimd to i ?>rm in appreciation of 111?? wo k of till splendid nidation. Tin; solicit ors. who are working voluntarily an'l without r- muri'-ration. arc seeing as I many an th?-y can, but it Is a physical to reach everybody. To l>e member of tli?- ited Cr< ss is both 11 ?luty and .1 pleasure to every true Anu-r.i an. and the oust is only imp dol lar. I* you do not happi n to m?--t one ?>l th<- young ladles soliciting member ships, K" ihe postoiT!,-.- ur any other place In ivhlfh they are stationed am! /?hi. That dollar "1!'. do more good fot ITerlng humanity than almost any other yu have pvr spint. Klt-tIom rnor ?' ?rnv.fll la a speech al Martlnduti g style I thy Washing tor ? onfi rt-th e as "Thy lireat Klwiinl Club." We didn't know that tin* forelgi: delegates wry su< h bit; eaters. Several merry iptlps will no doubt b. made on tin- fait that I'tirb- Sum !? launching the Huper-dreadnaught West Virginia right In thy midst of the yon f< renee to limit armamynt. "Fifty I'. S. Congressmen to Vlsb Ottawa for Study of Canadian Tax.' H> t thyy taxed tlielr hralns for tins ex i use. but wy have to atltnlre their nervi at that. It is reported that a former shoe maker of Itrookly n is tiow a general ol th.? Reels In Russia. The rhiiii''"s ar? history will record hlm as a better shoe maker. Japanese newspaper iii-ii want theii government to am | i the Aim-roar proposals without modification llin/.u top the s.' ft may take n't kinds of pe..p[,. ?. lu'ke Up Ho- World, but, honestly, dotr't v..- where some of them fit in. Tt.o prisoner who thanked the jmlg. In Younjrstown for sentctniny Mm t?? lie handed rm?vt have ayjueri'iteil the fa< t that the judye jtave him .ill he mul'l. Kri?m th. talk nnu Kdn* .in In Wash ington it u.iu'.tl s?-:ii that a naval offl. er wi'iih! feel ashameil tu lie seni ti'ioti tin streets. As a vehicle f >r tile ?lev'triii'tinn of halth-shijis. w ,? joint with a virtuous j-rtile ti> tin1 Kuthieiiith Amendment Itussla wants t.i !?? on a j>ar with other nation*. jot :? not averse to I'ticle S vtn as a m.iltie .1 hotel. What Other Editors Say A national ofitanlrJith'li of w-al-itn .w:i free t r.i ile i i .? ?: 1 v . t .???? te. ? tit > -err a Series "f (|Uest ons to "il l "e ?olintlilsts." It Is a safe let that Hot > to- III I'll <?{ tin* "c. <>iionii*ts" ever ran a ta.'lory or met a |M>-rnii.? 111.nth-Id Te|?<r:ij>h. 1:: ti rri nirir y yet r.. the ,s' w mi I: Hie. a ha*l>ii:i<| slooiM allow tlve min utes I'Xtla .fill e\..;v tlilolllery show w III.low there s I.-I ween his h.-ine all.I the the it: I arliershury News. Fashions in vi .'lien's dies... ere a Mi 'illSet: ???!. hi;' father kli.'Ws thet ? he.'ks will )i.- ;ijj'i:'.ai -? Morsantoivn New I <? minion. Marshal l'mh is he nc honored <> kem-rilly h\ American col'e|{e* ah I unit ? rsitj.-s tha" w. are teninle I to he liete lie ;* Keltlmt a .V|Utl in te.| with us by ileitrees. s'liarlest'-n i.ainMte Sse.ikitii; ?.f Senator Watson. ho ha*n'* . si.e*l as hut w fhnt the 111el .lim. of In.liana. wotiM like to ha... it a nnoiineeil that he Is "no Ciill!li I'tioti" of the II -n. Tom. of ' * I'jjia. i *h.11 lev t.>!i liaily Mall. S'inieh sly has ninn I t ".Mellon" < fooij," * . ii e e Secretary Mi'lh ti slll-[.iaTlt< the r-il jiareh! of the "heer-for-:rieili? cine' hha. wtihh oiinht to so down In ll >'? i?y i, s l'.tla;ers lauoe.a. Itl..\v oft the foa a . ainI take two callous and a half for a d ise. Weston Independent. It !s i'1" !ntiTC?t t"! !tt connec tion \? :tr? t*i?? fnrrslvjht of the American Rnvernno nt displayed ta the Washlnr : n ??.?nf'erenthat it took the I'arls I peace nf-renee fortv 'lay to arrive ai its tlr-t 'lelitilte sta.f la the war ot11 :i eit: ? "l:iri\?hiirj; Te!f' Kvp'c.lnlnir. truthfully en urh. that ?his ere tt e.n?!'>n is fully as Important the 7>ro!:rPM.s of the ?nrM as the f'tu when the dual fiRhtintr was on. our past w remarked thought fully vest ar ia : To he'! with secret diplomacy 1 ? ?hi-i St ite journal. WASHINGTON West Virginia New? ? Not#a and Gossip at the Nation '* Capital. Washine ton. it Nov. IS.?The ?a -k-t contain n?: the tie lite y' Jvnovan S-hlo- ? ? i. ?; *. ? t"t infantry. was butle.1 !n Arlington -eme ?efy on Thursday w:th itisi.tarv liett-rs. The reci M of his enlistment on (lie at the Wnr Department Rave Apple lirove. West Vlrslria. as the place of hh? na tivity. anil names \\ . >? Slldey. . f that niace. as hi" fi'iirest relative. fV.rpora! Slide* made the supreme sacrifice on a hatt'cficld of Krtitice. . 'onjrres.antan Stuart K. T{e.vl has In en ipfNilnte.l a member of the sub-commit tee ?if the house committee ntt PlSlriC of "'. lumliia af'.iirs. t ? In vest igate the pnlt.-e ami flre department" of Wash'n "? ?mi p Is his first assignment to the role a ennitresslotia! ,tivestigator. If \vh ' tl'.e local newspapers sa v. an j what ha- Iihi'i (lei'lare.l in open ses sion of the house branch of congress, is i.ri'v parti.iliy true, 'hose two depart ments ha\? broken d >wn am! are In almost .? h ipelo-sly chaotic condition. .Indite Thomas n. flrown left Wash ing! ai l 'e Th-,r?'1sv nlitht. intend ntr to stop iff a' Martins!.urjr. before eon t:nn:nir his journey on to his home a' t 'a rkersburir t-> confer with District Attorney Stuart W. Walker. whom Midge lit own is to succeed I ????nlirr Is- v, d.-clfc'ori as t.. wh. wll 1 .ludifi ilr 'Wn's two assistants ha* le-en arrived at. Willlem J i I'Timle, of Welch, wa s present e.l t-. !'* ?? Iih-tif |l iri' nv at the Whit" I Imp e l-hl-lay morn'ntr hv Sena tor Sutherland and ?''ottirressmnn Wells i roi ilvknonlr.. Mr. O'Trnde's name ha 1 previously )i?-e n suffi'cste I lo the pre *' - dent for appointment as minister to 1'a-a ir'a v. Smith America Ills nnil na'ioji has the endorsement of t'.ie -?>!?.! cue I delegatl. n from West V Ire in la. Tii,. Post Office Department has an mum ed that e v.a tni tip f i"ti s 'i" post iii ?? ters wilt l"? held I lec l a f. - the ? .filce at West I'nlon; and >n Iloth. * r the fnl'owlnir name ! offices tw-'n-h !???"' I'eih? ilrove. New Oimberland, Wi'l .im town. I "Irev 1 !'??. K? ? ? Wavre. raw. Klemfm- ton. Summers vll'o l-iee [cw. 1'!ckiis. S'ar *".ty <and M tddlebonrr.o. A more t*?e West Vlrglnl t visitors In ?he raj-till are .1, T. Morris, of Oiarles t n; \V: < i \\ l*-.|i. . f !'.:?> .n J I I'vx. 1 ii ..mi A .us ii* ha 1 f Mi. > rati I.-. 1 ??%.:> \V.-i I'll. ! ...s i:: Ph. ! s !, - eio- $:(?? H. .j;r ;? If,.111 t ll ?? ?! Iff ?? !l!!tl?J Ji?t a -1.111 . July 1 I.. ami :i I ? til.* i ?*!i:ii. ? a|?i?. !i.-r . it.. !??i:i?l ami iini'.iifi to at 11..*,. *.r his t T: e I'i*ii?l..n II r* v has fsi t?!?* tin* !'?*!? l'r..ti. .s i. '"??tiiSs. '! irKshtirit. $7. i :ii.* >:i l*i tea.-*-, ami 'l"h ..s !m. ? ! \\ iv.llv, f I .* i inntith t'l Miiy J". I'.i.l. :>n ??nlJ!sti;*2 pension. Th- Veterans' 1'. ureal) Ins f..r r-icj a ??.'!??. k r .?? S.M ?? .li.lmsiin.!:iKt. n. t.. .i ?*?.:ti ;*? nsatton a.*> ?-unt. \ i ifti .s!. i *i at 'in- r ? 11 ? I' J!" p* r :ii"!!tii. h is lifi*:i grau'eil Mrs. ilo.r^t T. I* I ..r I.. r? ??.! I*, nsii-n In,* "... r 11h'jsUiii*]. Aar :i Hall li:.? I ? ?.? ri ??"Mini!* -1 I p.-st ?nis'.-r a! ilh-il M*i::.iii ati-l ?5 vi > M. i'l-riillis at Ici.l lull".*il. MeriT I 01 ML ? . Lime the Oniy Remedy For Eastern Ohio Areas of Land Turned "Sour" <~Vlurnhns. Nov I1* Raster:! .*>hl" familaml, v<fj;il In area t ? v!\ average oil." e"unlirs. his withdrawn fi *nt rul tiv.ith.n iltirln^ the last i >? years !??* V.t'.ISe til" ll IS hi i'iiIIiP S" S"Ur Il'.il! It ,*aii i:. t*'l jMnlualey In ??*:u ;??*11!i- :i with newer Iain's 'ailher w.-st. aicorititu; p. Ihi- iliparllili'lit "1 s "lis chemistr> at < 'hi" Slate univ isity. "The reasnii cit11 iv,iti .1 s.iil |ii-,-iitia*s a. i.l has nut h.*i*n ih*tinlt?*!y .letermineil" s.i\s Uiihcrt .M. S.l'ei, sills spi* lallst. "hut the results ate "lily t..-' a 't*.in in atut must ho m.-t hy every means ?hri"\\ I! t.. he Offeetlve." one Ion lime t" every ai re ..f sear sull every fitvir "r live jr.irs is the .inly miili In* this ailil sill nee.Is, i.e .ul-ls 1"! . n e will i epla' 'i* the s-'il liases washed (iwny under ull'va ? ? n and in.ike I: f.* for ruing aCclli Analysis i>r the i:vr wain* ;i( /.lines sln-ivs that the Muskingum i.- rytnir aw iy <"'? pounds ? s.>;i bases from every such acre Uerent experi ments have rr<'l?--> >r .S.i'vr MVS, that soil Hiiih dissolve >ii!;iii'i!:ii>in which metal Is thus tn.nle t.. enter anil to poison plants. Another I'Tovelander Is to succeed to the position of state p':r>-li.i- tit i.tti-nt which was made Vin-atit a fw w-eks a>ro when Kilwaril Shattuc'*. former pur chasing atrent for the 1-1 ? y of v. resigned under an m.ilan in- of attacks iij..>n him for violation of the law in awarding contracts. The new purchas ing agent is t < h<- Hiissel Joanson . n 1 Ins assistant, ileorge tlcssaman of VnunRstou n. Although past Tit years of a fie, James I'onwell. a West Virginia negro who serveil a senten e in M?umlsvi;l.> pont tentt.iiy several years a,: ?. must pay the fteatli Jienalty in the e'e trie at Ohio for the murder of two iViumhus women last spring The Jury retnineil a verdiet of first decree murder wlthont reeomiip'tnlathoi for mercy whop means that ele.'trni- ttlen Is "ile fate that iVn well faces unless the govern. r c..m nuttes his sentence. Totatoes are not destined to increase much In price f hal? si;!,,,,-.fed hv '3 d'-aiers today to furnish ai-ut Hi'."on bushels for state Institutions are an in dication. Prices as low as J I i.o a bush el delivered were quoted. RIPPLiNG RHYMES Tj TTALT WASOTJ bio-its or wrrrrrp. The trees stand naked ttv the their leaves beneath thee, lying, and to the wait tiler neighbor ?????Is the honk ing goose at" flying An I ! must qui* Til > book 'Hid Ijre and occupations sweeter, and dig tip miles ??.' rusty w re, and. wrestle with a heater The sates are gloomy overhead. wi'h swarthy clouds ?areer'.ttc. and all the gcoscbone seers have satd that stormy days are Hearing. I wish the kunitee days w r. back, tlie sunny days and ylc.isa.c. for I must fi.'i and hank the shack. to keep the spit.I* from freezing. And I must take some liquid filile and splice the roof together: oh there are many ?dines to do before the wintry weather Tie fros* fall.-! white tie r..!.1 winds rant, anil i am :r.-t del. t-d. for ??verytiling reminds my mint of some thing I've negle ted. N "V, go you forth." she cries, "wutli haste, ere snow* is failing thickly: the pnbhigeheads will Co t> iv ae. utilise they're garnered epiiek'y Von li.'iy en't hroitcht the pop ??orti In. ti.e pumpkin i n s are w. tine, ft tid von continue, v.'th n crltt. jour everlasting liitlnc." And now I take Illy" ! lender fdl I've he.-n v.. '.. tig in earning. and hity about a j-u-'k >f coal t?. keep the hotne ilres burning. Tiic Salmi* days are c.vie .and lost, stilled Is the vo. dlnnd i iiorits: op, winter, y m're a fro?.-|. and yrc.t are ill before us" (t'opj right by 'leorfiO Matthew .Adamsf Wine Color or ; Patent Leather $6.95 Tan Calfskin $5.95 ? - # r Strap Effect With Moderate Heels. These are the shoes most women are asking for ri-rht now. Smart, serviceable ami appropriate for wear any sort of day that ma;. l happen along at exceptional prices. K'egular Nm>' and Ten , |)ollar values. (>n display in our window. Store Open Saturday Evening Until 0 P. M. M. H. & M. 1047 Main Street. Satisfactory Shoes. Wheeling. W. Va. ' i ENGLAND FOR TEACH!! Li Attorney Criiu-ral Is For Coarse On H.a t >r? anil Fundamentals In Schools Constitutions Should Bo hi re Thorough ly Taught?Law Knowledge N ecussary E. T. England, Attorney General, Charleston, 77. Va. I . >i: r u:ih .m-aos-.'. !? 1:1* Uln!. ? -I p- I > ' I ? r. v \ "ii I.- i ? -i in 'i li t.? :. To Tins important .j.'li ? tl. ii. I .hi I in >| ? Ml:: I. :> it; ?! ?! Willi t!i \ .n .-\vt.i ? ?. i; Tii- t .tolilll 'A III !!.? llnWHV*!! . s! oil,I in" liu.-.l to I iii* hi.--p.Ty .ill'! I ..I.iitnlais- .i iim- rti t it? . | oomph", Thf l-V 'i-imI i'oiisii i :'li .m l lli. i " 'lis'lt ,n: a i l .i r-y at.: u! I In- r. li ? unii \ ti.-ittl.t tl is 11?'\v in* In I:.. stii.iv 'jj; civ;, s. lion h lli" > ? ii.' ii :: n Ire.' s coins?. sli> .1"! ; - l..''- I, llioroli^:i k rniwh ilvi' of o'it i'.'lis'i' n | i"i.s I'll., .in it v\ ? "l Hi.- N.i il .ii and is la to. Aft-r stailying rutin (itnl history "t >? i laws, this proh.ihly ph..u;.1 1... the 1 -si. slml;. In Hi.' . ..iii'm.- Luc re ?n?:i?-?l to !?< tiv.irl.: In, this th- pupil U'.iM " in !!..? ; r . ii ? ? I; I p upon win. ii t! <? Nation a ill Slat" i\.-lr h'.ilhhil. In a I'litl.-i) l . this liny I..- taimli' .- nil- of ill.- t iiii.lainn.t.iI ;.riri'.jilt s \ . ? ii.-.- thai v. ..til.! la ml ii-il i/>- Mi- slu?l ??? I with I ." I. a; an 1 pssi-iiltal f.,, is ? t Iniv, with h slio'U.I I... ]ti:ovMi by :io l?-o|ih> p-. ii-rall;.. Esfcentlal To Education An ii'liii i.; ion is ii..i . without a I,, in-ia 1 know II"..-- ? f Jul !s;.| ii.|.-ii.-. . llii'l tinh'SS it laiu i.t lli . ill' J ill. i ? s.-tioohs it will I.- h f; ot tfo- el i ratioii ot the stml' tlt wlr-j is!- to I'i'i.nti a hiKhi-r ? .1 u-a': A l;n<>wli-?l|tr -I..- iaw is j11- i a-, is .ovary a part of tho fr<-a school ?'.lvi.-.-i11.vr, In h |.'ih.:i" s. h". I .vint. alum I >!?? L.. ' think .statu t : v law sliouhl he touchf I nly ;n a vmy H' n-ral way. rill- |.ti|.il Is taught !r> c r fr? .schools If. lov- ..f . " iiitry an! hit..", hut is i.ot tniiKl.: iinytlniii; a'.-.nt -,1k- laws which K v-rn ill.- i "uiiir \ < ino :s Just as important as tin- other. \ w iilor (liffusion . ? krhjwIo>Ir<* of our laws :iin-oni: our pc;giv- s them a h.-t t.-r an ! stronm-r cltu .rtp n wil! lni r.'ly minimi.:- tho la? Violations A proper ciiforoori."ii: an ! a'ai II-m e to our In a ?? ; ? ? i ? ? ? ?? ?-v!l>.a t;. n. a U-t- ... '? A Splendid Idea I i-.i? i.l i .? : I.. Is eon-j i i.;iii ?! .!? \ 'IT' Tli' [ ??. i st T' -l.C ly. | :? !; !! ! Tifilitlit, a I : t .... ' : la v w ,i 1 1 ne I ?.! \ ;a!it ill .r pnhiie j .- ? h i- I ? It v.- ulil i .? . :: ;:.'f ii '.?> our j \ j ? ..; !?? .-di-ate! :it ' i? eieiiirsi\i ry ! - r.:.? 1 ? i?- ??!" ti.f.v w.iTil'l in-ster np-| i: ? - Iiri'l :? i !;/.'? i' a fuller - v-1 l-M l!" leaser,* i l!:.. i in u s, and hivv, ttiiii is :t r:".ins tl> ?>!?? y ilmm. .-'?i. !. a !??.-.i! ' "?! v. ? ? 11 d [irndiii ? h ;-"UI*:i.*t'T :ii i.i\v d.edi. net* nr. ! *: .i 1- ?? f law less iliifi-. . nit. 111:r i'i'tiirn??n 1 ril a .iti. n i : .? n- 1 ?o this ,.?? Ti n:. This weild "iir people : inure ??> aii'i.'Tidea 1 ? d a':? -ii iff Ilii.r 'Ht:h. and :i st r.iiut- ? ? ??? ??!..r- v. i nil',. TiJ;il aff-iirs A stf.isi^ r - -iffptii ii .1 ilia iiiiiiiiiiiltion. and ;>f r> :!> i.:i. r?..? t? ? d I" .-wry ? ;li furrl-li a htTplter iiuht to i. t1 ? .? ???[is . all .-it:/.-sii in th^ir wilhs isi hi.;":fr :d".ils <ii' rmitiUT. 1 ? * * ? t si:. I'd i!i*i..t; .|| I ? tii' J nn . II I. s Tliat y : \ ? ? i:s a l?.-11?-1" fifizrn s!ii|? and a siau-.veiiini. nl. I:' i: s-s.;,-- ntily <d paid oMra for fVi-rtin...- and Snrid:,ythere would he a., p as. :!ndal-!i:..:iKf rs. I Youth Draws Life Term Fcr Killing Parents j Saginaw. Midi.. Nov. 18.? Richard 1 Cliamplain, 22. who last night confess- ? *><! he had shot and killed his father and stepmother. Mr. and Mrs. Adrian ? It. Clianiplain. was sentenced to life ? inipri.-onuo nt following his plea of utility in < ircttir court here today. Sporadic Demonstrations Continue in Bombay !' ii. 1 r.y. Nov. lc.- -<I>y The Assocl :? f< ? ! fr> ssl Sporadic demonstrations vhica started in the native quarter yes t.-iilay wh'.h1 the I'riner of Males wa* tieinu eseoiteil tltrutiKh the Kuropenn siefion "f 'i>e etty o titinued today. yes terday's outbreak wr.s e: used by n mob of unemployed mill hands, Several po li.-e were killed I" P re the officers fired into tie mol). Inflicting a number of i abiialtics. V A Needle in a Hay Stack ^5 No wise man would hunt for a needle in a hay stack. If he wanted it badly enough he'd pass a magnet over the haystack and have the needle come to him. No wise man with property tc buy, sell, rent ' or exchange wastes his time and money laborious ly hunting prospects. Instead the wise man runs a Want Ad in this newspaper at small cost and has the prospects ccme to him. Hera are Model Business Magnets FVlt KA1.K ilKICK. S-r r.m Il'M'XE. rt'inr trim: :ii-w gara.-v: lot zfx ICO Com*. l/r'-at**! at 6W WaJfltvti Ar< :??" ttlocht- from ftxtM* rar !:ro rr?*rv mmi o* >."t H& "lay. No tru'lw oiGtidcRiL $4.w00. AP l nuc-sa: TO KENT?Hn. k bl'*-;.. aVutt |i li.WjO irj. ?: . r?*r(< fvif, f?ir- ?| u'.sii^l fr?i?: ftdjottiiMk btulr!Hi?: *utt #l.!f fnr ?rim!! r.i r. i-Unt ajVki!??*?*? io fr??iyht ?lrjx<.\ . di?t frtilyrlng farltlu?* Think how simple and effective Want Ads are. It you aren't profiting by theni begin NOW. Read, and Use the Want Ads in The Intelligencer j I * ? 1 i I Saturday s Most Important SAVE 1 b Shopping News Follows? | | ALL^OUR SUITS 1/ ! rnri'.strifti ?1 rhuico of our rofnil;. -s.i?looti*<1 jvrulnr Monk of Ilijrli (Quality Tailored .Suits? I including exclusive "VKKITK" mode*. I* For the Misses, Average and Stouts I riain Tailli'iirs, Fmi'roidered. Fur-Trim mod in all the Wanted Fabrics. $29.75 to $14S.OO I Itcgulaiiy Will I'.uy N.? Hotter Suits. $19.83 to $98.67 Sab s lYrms: fash; No Fxehanges: No Approvals. I SALE OF STRAP-WRIST KID GAUNTLETS' V S|| With $3.95 Gloves at . . . 1 * The SjM'fial Line includes Hrown. Heaver. .Mode, Ivory an<] Mlaek. Ali 11,o style. !>cmttv ; nd service you could hope to secure for $?'?.!>."> the pair, special Saturday at oU>\/ Heady with the most wonderful t'!irisitiia> OIovp stock w?'ve ever asseinldctl. NOVELTY BELTS Semi-Oirdle siv|es amen:* iJieiu. in manv new shapes Zi><* to 93.00. of these wanted Oirdles at 91.00. New Shaped Flat Lace Collars Keceived. with many other new NK-kwear styles for Satur day selling are: Kxeeodingly pretty new imported Lace Collars in th ? popular flat curved shapes. This new line? 98c to $1.89 Special lines of stylish Vest in"-. Handings, l'lait- f!? LESS .74 Whether You Come to Look or Buy FOURTH FLOOR TOYLAND I Will Send You Away Satisfied ? For oripiicility of displny. v.iri' ty of selection ;itid moderate prieinps, it immediately wins the M p'>>n! will of younif and old visitor or shopp'er. 1 Geo. M. Snook Co. i ?