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iWEST LIBERTY ' ? i MIL NOTES . - ?' ! *; i'\ : .??? ? ' \: - ..iv ..Uv or :'?!>? we--.. \ . ' r. en'. .1. West \ 'i H' Tt rv; r--..-tit. ! j,uvj i'rro *?!<* .'io Jo!'.Vr.?o:i ? ^?1 1 M I'.O I".' I.. t: o ~: y Sut'f Sorr ?!, atternle t o bvlsa.r ci ;t. ?? s.V . Extension I>?vsirtinent \fnr ? :.y ?:: *' - w. r.t t ? or. t:i y J* v.. * * . a > v I t T ?.! x y ft i r *1: o n .r-.)'?r [ f, - Work Is < ;i. a ?? n.avv ... i r; li?3 ? t.eso :.*? i h a: - .i v. -:k n the ?v:c.".i :i y.iiv>r?. .t '.\ r:i. ?>t i>\(.ry nook. uhlio T-' -1t"?- rr<?s{>..ral-ti ?? v rK !?;>? *n . t--os \.ua :-,N '? "> * '??!< ?-!; :."ajsh .r ran htfol a i'1!!."!'.!'! \V>vN:i :vjr vV.irwi) ??!, P. :n. M ;U:U'.H\ 11 lo. u ?? .j an * w. iio ;?'? c .. !?u* -??.!nvr .'or. * > ta ::.eet a;i> ::i :o is^n nl th?? u; t;::.,. > isvt. nioo'v ova .?> v, I one-half h 'urs o.i, h w o, u ;r .. s ,, ?l. tfrie L- Mi'rk.i., \V!:-:i a o.olr... -s or > ro.;.: whi-k :.t os h.m r ? .i : I C I ls;o.? t !? in I T'vt, n- 1 \I .1 :: t - huR>tr.Va.nn>l f , have on to.'s hrrv are t Art. s i^i I ir?- A.-it imi: S "1.1 an t 1. ? M >" ?->. C. rio:::; M.thf.ils. a ?!.>:: ??..??. :; ?t - n .: n 1 l'r.i- t.. ?? T??.. 1' ? S M art'l A.hjci.y.i S.-A.rr, No -r? ow-:.. !. - u:.l I-. . r e-?r.:.:o l t" . < i.-., ?? .-s h.;\" a!: ? :? ! v " i ? v ?'.:?? !: II.' A .A .. ??? ?. .1 a c j? . ;? v..I to ;,o wor k It.:i 1 i- : > !.? :rio vt:j. 1 y. !n .rtr.'l! Ill en.. r of t).o i ..rro<: ? it'lonoo ? ."irs.-., >???. A ..r too silt..'.- -ts off.?!???? I . ? 1>. ?? '???: o a-o ll 'w ? > So v.U- v 1ti:r.'! >.? i:>\ >' ? ri o. I ri ! ?.. .' i Jo..?;.-?p!>>. , S' A'l:ir: :?tr iti. ri ! Sv -ii'lary n I'.|>.>m< r r: r o * ~ t - ! o Arr.-;.. rn! rioo ?"1 wr 0 ... l?:ro.'ti>r Informal ThanksirWntf Correspondence \-i it Th v liti; partv ul'.! I- iiet.t *i ' -itrN' ?|..r:ii;torv <-n T ,>.. .r* \ r J. T!i!< S.txiy ut> i :??? :?> ? ? , Literary Mcet'nsr , V r :: 'I ? ?<? vv .< n nx.vt j !? _? ? ? . I: ? I.i*? r.iry s. .?:? ?>. Fnl 5 .lis: . . . >...?< ;'. s 1 . ??? M. M ? .y. I::l't\ a I . T. A:r-% tj;;-.: :. ? I: < "? ? :?!. V..n 1.- Kins. V A :t. T M ::??? "??> f. r-v.-, FM.ri.-is Honor J s I; :-.-; \v. s \ -i... i Cr f ? Kepirr . Mr. post ass. j; it >n tr Reception Te.v A I. .. v.. I ? mi".:*? ry V-.;. , v -r . . n ??, .-;r itnt.i rive r- -. '...If ?: ? V \V. Ti-.-.-r ti.ih vv.--- >!???<! it:". ; M'l;:in.s. It..; M <s **::k vinv- :?ri oi.-n i l!y in teresting :n w' :- ?i > ? t"M about h.-r ? . r . III r.-i. . ;r:s "? clnv* of V ti.-T -tiri'tr -r She k- tliA r ? t' .e ?[". ? ? -i;ri! i!: r:" ,i n-i ? "a ? f.: ? ? ? i-v. v. . h "An s sttjiUr.-l s v. -.riil - .sc. " I I.. r-"s , II in ?? I: "" in ? . >.. ? ; , nt' ? l.y M:-s \. :v -:i?! POULTRY MEN'S FARMS USED T9 DEMONSTRATE ?. t.-.> : - v.;:. ... ;. ;:trv !:: " u ?? .m ..rv-tia'.r V- - Ml m.-.i-.i i "ii :nty ' ? ? 1 ? ? ? ? ? t . .? ... ;; P: if - ; > "i U" U-t'.s. Mr-, r v. ' ? ??? i: ? k it:.;, it '. ? 'tier ,? ' 1i:v'ne?. V K. -Ir\.. I?.--i irys ? : it. n;. ... <s. " I ? -:>lr y-i-. :^ _ j !;..ri:rier. V< ?; ? ;? ?lr v. :? K-| hi:,-. Martinj PYTHIAN VISITATION AT HEW CUMBERLAND Art"'. ? Cr.ui V,..> ? 'han-Or |Ijury r ;if I ni :.i ?' I, FV-nar. ?h? : itr.-r IW" " M'-'i:'. .sviil.. w?-tjC Ihs? t. -i t i ' New ? n?t-?-rr:-t. W Va.. t > : ["'"I'l f? [?>?:.;-tn '?;< ir-:;nl \isltat'.onl he i c ? e of }f.? \ Ie> K-i No. L " . of I'y'ii i < They ft \V:ie.-' ?? r? t'-.e j- x ??'>? I?>?? Jc ear over the i v >:. ?r i'.e ;s.?.u ;>.,j Mheolmr I'v.' :,vt ;it s*"*ihersv:! -\ Minco l"r ?n*" Ka * ??rj-ooJ. Wrllshiirtr. K >!!:;.??.sh?,-\ M'elrt *i r?::<i nero ft A. represent-in tl.? -. imitation. i COUNTY COURT Marriage License. I>'ifrt Ja Smith. '.!, ami Xe'iJa S Hatform.m. ! <5. both of Wheelirt*. l'ost.? l\isto!ih:s. 1?. ami Hleft'r.eria I.aKi?-.?lak!. bo-?i of Tr.ailelphla. Fiduciary. p>- " v?!<?> >.h o'!;i!ir>oi! ns executor i f ? o ? ' r:-i?i<:vi*?.:.-. deceasei. S " ???V N'a-l S- iirifv Co.. ???. V W?'. i? J! ilarvlt nri'l Kr? ?! Prirkir.-n. appraisers. Deeds Filed. .: ! -V i: * JoTtr-; i ?(> Crar k i"5 Miller a: d \tr.? !!a Vll>r. !-.r in Kulton. Lease Rocorded. J? TC .To' r.-"*' ? Republic M?Vr Co. property ft' - "?' ' V. i r 'rum May Y. - A;.ril ll<\ 103 ?. Rental liS.OOd FINE PROGRAM FOP COLONIAL SERVICES Another fine rvisica! ;nocrarn has he^a art irc> '. il:nm'i..n of ,VM. E'l >ra Y\ iliiati s f t i-o ar *.e< pies' downtown sTvii i'i .at the theatre t rt'-w; fir re-iuest U'a,?.- S:t*'.i!-'r will sins: ? . ? Ye- ITirt'lV s ???'. and .Mrs y .r.a NVO'i.ams w.K lini; The 1 * ir-Tl \ r .i.t . ' TO-sti-ris ans a er ha .. t.-en ro..;ve.l for the oaest inn-b-.x pcrhi'l Sun lay 'jues oil! t o p! Sunday rn'-rnln* p*v lYemye Tl i. Chart will S.enk Oh "The :y?u! ar.'i S'n". I i BELMONT COUNTY IS ?GOOD STOCK LEADER - r.t county ?(i< one of 'hree I -rrlae-w Int.iriif counties r the nation luring 'he Quarter ended Sept. t in the ' ..?nr.Lj.'i.K.'i !" t:? 1 farms of scrub "Ires u:>? t keep r.~:h:r.B t>ut purebred sto :k Two other counties. Lickng and llardin. ?acre th* other leading counties, and among them. the thro* gc " the state ?third place in the nation-wide -ontest ' lAelrnoti; !* >? nnd among the coun !>!?-, with SI farmers enrolled Ifi the "swat the s.:r:;V' dr!\? Hard n county hi .'list rv!tii enrollments. Washing ton thir l with 77. a'.tlu null these were hot 'obtained :,n time t>> ?!'?* It rank during the Quarter; I.hiking w?s fourth ?a.ill -17 and ?"oslio-'ton fifth with <0. lietu ris show that Virginia end \V??slhngt'.n ?re leading with an enroll ment "f lift?, and N'ehrtiska !? second with s'T. Through follow-up vnrk urn -:ik t Ohio farmers who prom ised i!:r..;i It l.s hoped !?> put the Ji i. k -\.- ?;at.- first among ;be ** that Dhlo's rani; Is due to tlie efforts of farm b j i and girls wlw ohtalned .? edges fro*? .-to.-'* raisers to gat rid of <? *? rub" ELM GROVE SPEEDER FINED $20 AND COSTS In p.-i ... coir: J ester.iev, lieorao [tr- w :i. " teg:.., ? ij fined JliO and costs for s;V' lu.rr Iti Kl-n <?rove. Tin Is said to ?uv?- failed to make a turn, and ran ? >nto a std.'w:iIk. narrowly missing n < wfr:: u pede.-trinn. John i '.ike. arrestpd on a drunk c'larue, was tlti-vl $1 and costs. Kllen Hu.'ks, on a drunk charge. was triven a similar fine Snyder, a steamboat de. khen 1 el.atvM with being drunk, wne released under a suspended sentence of a (:n* of ) I Tit" c.i>o of iVcil Sheldon, driver for the i' & ?*. '"oil com;viny. chargect with ?falling t- welga coal on city scales. v.*as con'.ituiel to Monday. ANNOUNCES SCHEDULE OF EDUCATION WEEK ] I'oijnty Superintendent of schools .'pliti H Liue:ir, yesterday rcivlvtd some bulletins and a proclamation Issued hy i ii-vrrnor K. F. Morgan, In connection with IMuc.ition Week which will he ob served throughout the nation from I'o i i mher 4 to The .-tot*' i duration department ha? ;i rranged .? special program for thn wc-k which will he carried out In every school. 'J'h" following is the schedule: Sunday I ?ecembcr 4th?Home. t'hurch am! School. Monday, l>eocmt>or .*>th?Physical Edu carton. Health and Sanitation. ' y, pi-cember t>th?ClTiienshlp and Thrift. Wednesday. Pecemher "th?Fire Pre vention atul Safety. Thursday. I'eccaiber Sth ? Vocational 1-Macn Hon. Friday. Pec-mber Sth?Ye Old Time School. " In addition ' ?> this program, the prln i'i I a I or teacher is expected to get "one person who is well versed on the uhov# .vij'ij.-. ts to deliver an address to the i hlhlreti. to keep them interested in this kind . f work. It Is understood that the American l.cch'ti Is taking a very active part In the observance of th.s week and no d.'iiht it will be made a very great sue , ..Ms especially In th'.s state, since sev I't.i; of the I.eglonalres have promised to address some o fthe S'-hool children at various times of the day. We've r. new pevll in our town lie's a Pr\!| of great renown lie's .-. rvtll with whom all women flirt II s n.tine's Blue Pe\ll; he's a P*vli for P'.rt.?Adv. PAPER SHELL PECANS .Turn in .i shipment of fancy larue , l'n;i?r Shell I:ir-.?? from Hm-rirli "? a. ;>i?: !1> 90c Ilot.*. ;>cr lb 87c THE BIG CHEESE 1 IS HERE As In- Veen o :r custom in former < .: ? s we |.?il Vv e*j>ert Chees-" Ma Vers j;'-' June, uhen the l'n?i tiet-e ??"r'?a:wl anil the (trass was >i!St rlirht--.i I'li; I'Veese. The weight I |< ..'a lb-. Its "more than a little I f> f - r " e v iu cut It WKDNBSDAV. The price is only 33o lb. I OUT OF THE ORDINARY GROCERIES Kvaporatetl Sweet f'orn. Cattle < 'reek Zwiebach. .Minute lireiv. ?'hop Stiey Sauce. IS-;4 Prunes. Mtwhrrwms. Steamed Clams. H. F. Behrens Co. 2217 Market St. WHXELINO, W TA. Branch?Woods dale h. 1 "" , We are coutin- 1 uing for another I week f ' OUR SPECIAL OFFER! $10 Glasses $5.50 Our $10.00 high grade Shell Frames lit ted with large size first quality Turk? Lenses at our spe cial price, $5.50- -includ ing examination. Two reg istered Optometrists in charge, guaranteeing sat isfaction and prompt ser vice. Case and lens clean er included free. <H>6 MARKZT ST. WHHEL1N# V J ? 1 JAMES HARPER 1 IY GET LIFE IA5 SIRTT.D TWO TEKJttS AND IS ciuor: with whiskey and a hetolter Nabb?<l by Tom Arrlngton Wlsn He Acta In a Suspicion* Su.ier James Harper, S ??????? r,< i wind man. will Ilkei;. be - ?? 11T t . |.r:s ri : a long sentrn-e :s !'<? :mi k i: 11 > , of a . Pars* ho was ar.-<??*..? I la J eate.-day afternoon. Federal l'riMMi: n < ? : Tom Ar r'.nirt- n stepped out of t .? < "herv.ii a', engine hnu.-e on Jhn>en!h ?ir??t v> ttw?. nft' moon n:ol ran ?i:r?? t'.v Ilarpe-. Harper Jumped ;i* Arling ton narrowly missed ? i. :t ^ with htm. This Impressed Att'ngton l.a' llarpar sc'? 1 auspicious "rVrrs Inalde a minute w.' i :????. Arrington taM Harper, \\ .)> re;; .01 liar par grabbed f ,r !r.< ba.-k picket. Arr!:iKt >n ?':<>?. e.| Harper kiv!:i?= t building anil h? 1 lilm there*wi s ?? ! ?? searched hltn. Two pints of w lain", and a Colt revolver In a 1, ? ?-s * ? ? r strapped ?round his body vvr\s f .1:1.1 t tilted States t'otiim;-spuier .1 on i! (Vmrad held Harper (?> the next federal grand Jury at Ikvrkersh.irg r ltd"1" botul It is .said that Harper ha s alri.nly served two sentences In prls.n I'mbr a state taw a person he! tig found guilty on a fe'ony char go f,o the third time, run be sent to the p.-nijent .;ir v f. r lr.'e | THANK-OFFERING SERVICE AT WARWOOD At the evening service if this church en Sundav. the \Vr men's M : s ;i f \ Society w III be in charge and will .on line* their Annual Thank-offering 1 n-.-t - lng Special music, tableaux. readings and the gathering rf the Thank-) >ff. r inc boxes will make up the program of the evening, to which the puhll* 1- cr- ; dl.illy Invited. [UNABLE TO GET JOB, ASKS TO BE JAILED 1" ti.t . ! <? sanl. !<? titid o:n;>!,,> tin n" n \v~~i????:in*:. I Hunt ?|.;oar. i N It -e is *. ? 1At! r I !'-a'Innaim .111 ?! :i 111 ri t ? f:l -I ? > ! ax- him i; I" .i?nt I In* <'T Mi>* lr!;i i I.'xttn M ''ray. u I. ? ? Vtrit-1 : f; t * . ...r:r,K? U ::. i :n M. * Tilt. I "rust- I: I -Jitnatiti ltad * n . I Tl in! :'r?.in c >c::t t" J"<? J I??? -n'lM r."t yl.o ? ir .1 n;:iio*s ? ijrains: M'lViv. ? :? ii !!,<? It-"- ?:it.? r ' iM J.i.l^.i A 'in II l:"T>:n-"ii Hunt ? ? r?- l t.' !??? tr;. iim !<> <1-? llif r:>tht ' V ' i; I'v : In- v t *i! ? ? Hunt it 11 ? ? \v???l J.? n hut rofirti. ! low la.tits !:? at.i t ?! ! Mr imi that ? i <I:i"t * ?! any: hiti.: !?? l:i Uh?l.tii,'. . ;. ? t tluit }i??? \\ >iM islinT Ji.iv.? in l-avo ; ir i llv ;n .'|iii--t !?!* i-nii'l'i;. ii.?-:ir ? liH'ki' l i;;i. Illlti! M'liii; flii Ttr e l f-iat t'to. Jilt: t /r; i.i .> ri! y ? i ;>n-ii :nc attiu ii.'v tr;?;nc yd . :n FILES DETINUE SUIT i TO GET GINGER BACK Hsiriy KnWo:. l'nU. i 1 tr*??=-. \ t'l .i.". !'.!??'! i in iJi 'fmii' against SIiit ({ Ha::;. T tl ? A!.r n?u 1 >'I'l'ii-.n A <>'!:: .i n Tin- ; . i!;i!iff. win.".' J.:.H .< .if litis;!!-*,' is It W ash! tin ?.'ti. I'a . >. -Its t ? ,.r SO i.iti'i- ii!' .1 i n-.-i i. a. it ti it i* r, t'.o - .?;?:?* of wjr.. !i ?. ?.:.!? <? i - ii : at j :.?.iv Th- .lama;.*a ?:;:im-?r urn *??)/???! .i f ? '.V w ? ks ait" In it- i"i'.. .? on the ! Vat!"!!.''! !? ail. oast n' \\ ht?" .i:ii;. wl.t'io 't was In itio tr:iti<'i I !?? a l"iu | h"iisii hrro. nt'il n? p a -1 !ti th? ? | t."!y . f t'.o sltTlff FOE 100 PEECENT J i-.-rtiih-r ol-votitlt hn? I?? ti t.a tiio'l j "i Mf Iluti'lroil I'ori-tit A t tarida rt - day | |iv K-v. H H I'-rt Is. pastor nf til? Soo-j ? ?ti'l J'r-??'m ti ilati i-lttiroii. and a htindr-d : p-ti'ttf a' toti'Jati' ?? "f I ho tnoinl'Ofshl pi at I'i'Ii ti.irtiltic titnl o\ oriintr s-rvl-n 'ti add:':. - ? th- iii.dtt"i'li pray, r sor-1 via *lio f'dii.uiiK Mi'i'lt Is at!t'.'ij';il-i|. I ill IS OPEN I 10 UNEMEDj Twelve Hundred to lie Enlisted in Wost Virginia and Nearby Stuitcs Arlii.K t.. m .-ir ji ;>r-'iy :r? ? :is tI'olum-i hus l.ur i; I. ? ?: I. ? ?! n.. n leu we. n ' t??;?!?? ?!? 111 ut\ ??! ? i: 1:st.i?k hi th** 1"n:t < il St.i l-s ;trtn> I Tucivo lit. r. ? 11 ? -1 men v. ? !'?? t > ! list. >1 Hi till.-. 11.di.11: I. U ?? t V:ri;i:i?n. 1 Kclitu ky :.<I u. . ri-y st.i'e ? if t 11? ? > ,.r. t r !!:?? infantry. 41". the ?i\airy and 1"" for th-M artillery. Chamberlalana Contm Remedy This is not otilv me "f tli.- best and most effh'ietn ii.e.ii nies for t"URhn., croup nr.'l w''.ii"|ii:;|; < ough. hut Is tllsn pleasant t ? take, whbli is Import-' iint when a ri? i? lite must he clien to' vminc children. ?'hamberlalti's t'ough Remedy h is he?ti iri use for ir.any years and has met with much favor wrtere e'.er its y<"> l fi'tall'les hn*. <j lie.-otm known. Many mothers have glien it I their uirjuitlified endorsement. "A'rr. J Seruhy, I'hlilieoilie. Mo., writes. "I have raise.) three lien, have always used t'hamheriaIn's ?'uuch Heiredj and found it fa he the host for rough*. '(.Ids i*i.l eroti|i. It 1 * pleasant I'.' take. Jtotii adults and children like it. My w.fe ? 1 have alw ays 14" safe fr. m or?>up with It in the house." i'hninherliiln's : ? ouch ltemedy ? nntains no opium or other narcotic lor .-.tie hy nil dealers DENIES OWNERSHIP Arraigned l.efore S.|uii.. I'harles I j ?".oalenlteri; "*t a ? ? 1 ? ir t'* of operating a j still at a house rt I lust Wiiee'ing. Vin- , rent I Has w a ? i???! ; est. rdav. The nerased mat: d 'lie ownership i of the .-t il, ??' y. r*ls arid nuisli con- | tis.ated !?>? .-'.it- .n another! Party. J | It ro.j'jirfv titan .1 >?.?rs T?r Mini lik'lit fr??m fJje s:.?r I'nlliiv r?\ic!i tho h. NEW JURY PANEL FOR CRAG" TRIAL: I Win it ill" ".?>'? of I'ity Man.;k r Ilom-| rr i". i "tan.i Is ".tiled lor trial In cr!m-I . In..; . i n! I Monday tnornititc at D:3't|j o'lk-ik. a Ira ml now panol of jurors will . ft-it In Juiluc .Man II Jloblnson for ijiuy In ;'i" election ca*cs. JurtRe J'oh-1 iiison yosti r?l;iy excused until next Kri-J ilny a!! of tip* Jurors who wro ordered , in ii oort back in court yesterday, and aj new i.-ine! of Jurors will be drawn Mon-| day after a motion for .-li.tnire of vcnuol. "'or Mr i'la;;., has been arKued. i';ty Manasi r I'rairo will be placed an I . ? ri.. Monday ?'harped with pivinu out I t'.aIlots, while lie was oily clerk, fur the [ ( general nntiiii :t..II election May 2'T. to i . some person, not named in (be Indict* j | meat, and whom the stale allepes was | , not authorized t,( receive ballots. I i t ? last niphf, 'he state had not ?alled any witnesses i.i testify how they I \o!el at any preelnct. Il Is said, how-' ever, that I Tosecutlittr Attorney ' "arl ,'J. j I la all ma an will make a sharp llitht to. have hallo! * from certain precincts ad-! nii11*? 1 as oviib i.. o. Witnesses mile! itirJude employes of J Th" M.ijorit> ? itnp.iny. where the hal-| Jots were pi luted, t". W. Itellville, star ' 1 witness for the stare concerning Irregularities at I'reclnct 3 of the Sec ond ward. Claude Rogers, who refuted to testify In the case of Fire Chief Bur ley Thompson, and others. Give your se^n a chance?use Blue,. Devil.?Adv. ?? Public Speaking Class Gets Eight New Members Kight new members were added to the public speaking class of the Wheeling association of credit men at eve ning's meeting held in room 420 Wheel**' ng, Steel Corporation building at which I'rof. .1. If. Fane of I'lttsburgh gave in interesting talk. evening's session was the fourth* of tiie series and interest is growing.-* The class has grown too large now antTJ ias been split In two parts, one meet ng at 7:30 and tlio other at S:30. t ? 'i COAL For Sale?Clean and run-ofmlne, T delivered at the lowest price. *" AUTO COAL CO. Woodsdale 138-J no.*-t > l THE PRESENT I THAT WILL NEVER BE FORGOTTEN?ONE, THREE, SIX OR TWELVE PHOTOGRAPHS' M A K E A X IDEAL XM AS PRESENT ^ PHOTO-CRAFTERS 40 Twelfth Street 4 Toylan di ( I OPENS^s. r Santa /?>., ^IS First Call.... The little Toy Sheep in the corner there Was bleating Ion# and loud; But the Parret said "Hash!" and pulled his hair And they galloped off with the crowd! The Tin Horn blew and the toy dnim bent And away they went down the frightened street Till they all caught up with the Railroad Train And they never went back to their homes again! All up and down the lino 1I10 news has been flashed (hat Santa Clans has ar rived in town. And Tuylnnd is for the biprtrcst kind of a Christ mas celebration. Every little girl ami every littie boy hereabouts is invited to come in and welcome the new ar rivals. Of course, Santa Claus was really re sponsible for their coming. Thorn was wild excitement when he arrived and opened his pack. "Plop!" went the Jumping Jack. And out he came with the seared Tin Monkey bounding alter. The Woolev Lamb imt lust from ltis mother. He rried "Mali."' just like Kernel Cootie's Coat. The niep gray Elephant lumbered along. He kept waving his trunk while the littie Steam Engine niew and blew! And 1110 Doll-;?goodness craoious the I >olls 1 liat eainr lo tin- pariv 1 Iliy" I )??!!;> ;i!nl 1 it11?* 1 ><.?11 s. I'.a by polls with their Nurse maid Polls. All art- now waiting for you to take thein home. They want to unpack their trunks -they have such lovely dresses and things!?ami tret nut the Pishes for Tea. They are <jt:ito impatient lo sec yon children that they have come all this loop, Ionk way to play with. The painted Puelt keeps pointy "Quack, quaek, children, hurry up!" Don't you hear him? So come a 1 o:iover today with Mother and Dad. Become acquainted with the Toys that will soon belong just to you forever art' ever. Ilorray! for TOYl,.\\D. It's open at last! (WOTICE TO MOTHERS KTTD FATHERS:?A far greater *? oortment of\ Joy-brlnglng Tcye are eeeembied hero than erer tofore. And an in other I tilings r>riceu show a eharp decUae orer lart year. / YVhee'ing s ^ TOYLAND- I FIFTH FLOOR i