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Linsly And Ferrians Rest Before Big| Game Today Alheelin^ Will Be Infested With Bisons After Game "PETE STOBBS ILL PILOT THE | : CADETS AGIST PURPLE-WHITE "Wearers or orange and black WXLE HAVE LARGE CROWD Or ROOTERS AT GAME Both Coach** Aro ?atl*fl*d With th* Pro*p?cts and D*clar* There W1U Ba No A Libia Th* Lineups "'linely Martin* Tarry j ""Schenerle.n t. K Hoibrooki Hhm'.ll I.. K Kdwnrtl* : keratin: 1.. T Joseph Jterrehsen *."*.? <*. Thomas Soahr.ght ...... K Swain ^lackln K. <I l.uou* A'basin It. T K. Williams1 'tA. Stobbs .(J. P . Kvati* Marsc.hner I.. R Taylor! )R. Stobbs H. H Hlssrioh C. Marr.U! P. H O.Thomas ' Time: Klckoff at 3 1". .31 T:m$ of Quarters- 12 .minutes. Place: t.eague Park. Martins Perry. , Referee: lotrfe* (Williams v'ollege). 1 I'mflre: Prollus (I>artmouth >. ? j Head linesman: PonneHy iPitt). The stage Is all set and eight th.nus- ! and football fans of Wheeling and Mar- i tins Perry aro waiting for Referee Pur fee. of Williams Pollege to blow the whistle that will send eleven boys . wearing purple and white Jerseys rac- j '?ng up the gridiron of l<eague Park ' against eleven boys representing Ldnsly I Institute this season L Promptly at 3 o'clock the teams wilt | tine upt and the big Inter-cltv clash will | be on. Both teams polished off for a I .short time yesterday afternoon and the finishing touches were added by Poaches Nuvs and l.oucks. Roth are on their toes for tho start, and are still full of pep Today's battle at I.eagtie Park prom ises to he the premier grid attraction of the year for the two schools. The \ I Wheel.ns'-I.insly game was a l is draw- j in*; cird but It is expect-- i today s .s< t- j to wfci; draw a large crowd as cntlius- ! iaam is running higher. livery grid fan in the valVy infer- j ???? t?-i| in these two trams Ji.i,s turned his j .?j .*s toward the clash, aid never livforr i has-Interest ran s.> high. Kvery fan is i keyed ||(> to the highest i Itoh. There is a ko? u rlvulry between th followers of the two schools aful ouci. having a !art*" following there sln uM | be much enthusiasm during the game. I SBfc' ia! arrangements have been made I to handle the crowd .md .ill that is now , needjsary :s to lit; i;> ami let ihe | whittle idow. I'etc stobhs. tin* dim.native wearer <?:" i the' Cadet a ? o'.ors will start today's ! game fr< m ?!?? ipiartrrba. k p *ltio , a new.shift. Woods nor Myers are avail-j able to star: but w '1 he ready !:. case j of an emergency "lhit'-h" 1 lit mill, the line plunging d. mon tile cadets will 1 he In his usual fullback position, white Captain L'.o!> Stobi. . and Mars, wi.l , be the other two K:oilfield men. Johnny Kvans. the well known Kerry grid star will he HamlU's opponent, while Taylor will he at the pilot posi- ? tion. (\ Thomas and UNsrich will he, the halves. At oenter. Iterresh* n. the Cadet roam- i ing star, will he opposed by a worthy ] man In Swain, the big Kerry buy who has played well. The Cadets will have 1 Jack llamill- and Joe Maeklti at the j tackle posts while they will bo faced) by Captain Josephs and K Williams, t >n the guards will be Seratlnl and Sea-I bright fi>r the Cadets ami I.ucas and C. Thomas for the 1'errlaiis. With good officiating assured, u lar.'To 1 rrovvd expected, and both teams In the prime of condition, there Is no doubt I In the minds of the fans about a great | game. ILLSBURG AND FQLLANSOEE | ? ARE READ! FDR TITLE GAiEj BR GO SCX COUNTY TEXX3 WTLL , LXNE UP THIS AFTEBNOON AT EWAinS PAX3C. I S |? Wellsburg 'Will Ba "Uniar Do?" as Fol- 1 ' lansbee Has Ed?* on Record. ! Good Game Expected. J a Special to the Intelligencer. I WolLsburg. W. Va.. Nov. 18.?The ? stage'la all set for Brooke county's tirl; hit in the football realm. Although'? s Ki wants- l'ark. where the battle will he waged. Is a veritable sea of niud and , 1 water; there are no hopes that it will ( he changed before Saturday afternoon.; w hen Wclisburg and Kollansbe* send J their high school football teurns against I each other t" establish the supremacy ; . 1 r Of the county. i Present indications are that many thousand gallons of water are being, h.ehi in reserve, but should the rlotiuS' ill.-j.pear to-day. or Suturday morning, j r every eifo-t will be made to clear the, actual playing fi"M of water, and with i * th*- aid of sawdust, many of the hoiea can be greatly improved. No oil will: , he burned <>ri the fieiU. however, and ex-1 cept for the Improvement which can bo J brought about by ordinary methods. 1 both teams will have to make the best . ? of what confronts them. Bam** to Play. j i Follanstee lived t:p to predictions'and, h on Thursday, word was received by the j k local fraternity froni the Mate Athletic: >. Association, informing the latter that j o the eligibility of "Marky" Barnes had; c been disputed by y'oa.-h 1 lager. The '< s faculty became Immediately busy and 1 h forwarded credentials to the assocla-? c lion which they fee', will overcome Fol- J s lansbee's action, and Coach Elder ?n-, t formed a representative of this paper on j Thursday evening that Barnes would be in Wellsburg's lineup when his team ? n took the field. i o To Start Their Bert. i t It is a safe bet that both Coach E!d*r. J 1 of Wellshurg. and V'-ach Hager, of Fol- c lansbeo w ill s'art their beat men. As J f far as YV?l!sburg is concerned. It has no > i Injured list and injuries develop I f In Saturday's game, worries of thla nn- ; 1 ture are removed from Coach Elder s j mind, thus allowing him to think only of ' C getting the greatest ability out of his : I available players. j 3 Weather conditions will favor the ! f local eleven. Follaaebee has ehown Its j I greatest strength In the forward pass, ? ( and with this style of play atmost ellml- 1 I nated, except possibly for short passes, i I - their attack Is materially lessened, while 1 * on the other hand. Wellshurg has do- 1 J Voted most of Its playing throughout 1 he season In plugging thu line n:ul | weeping end ma*. Accordingly. rnn-j Idernb'e time has been devoted during :h?? week to perfecting Interference. V'lth Little. Hough. West and Wade in he bttckfleld, Couch Elder :s evidently tarting the best Quartette ho could 1.1 Ve selected for the assignment, '"ark nd Rerghoff on tb.e ends should make t miserable for Kollanshoe, whit- the uard and tackle positions seem to bo inustially well cared for. This leaves he center Job for Karnes, and r.ot only 'oaoh Elder, but fans in general ar* onf.ident that nothing will threaten hat department. Expect Biff Crowd. As stated before, indications point to >ad weather, yet. a crowd Is being an icipated. the LJ.e of which was never icforo Jammed in Kiwanis Park. Kol nnabee is expected to bring close to ro't' ooters to tills city Saturday, fnd tliis umber may even reach Su'h while the ttendance from W- lisburg abm- should ic in the neighbor! 1 of b'."f'". An ther 5'?0 ate anticipated from lLill.atit. lethany and M-K:n!eyville. Iti order to handle this monster path ring of fins, several policemen will be n special duty, and no sp-ctators will ie permitteil nside of the side line v re. en feet from the actual p..wing fb Id. n the end zones, special nffii -rs will ?e stationed at each, ami tlmse will apt clear throughout the came. The rame will l.e in charge of ? ompetent fficials. th.s being assur-d by both oarhes. |<ed Jackson, of the I'nlver uty of Chicago, will hand'e the whistle, nd wh le the names of fhe other off: lals are not available. Cm !; Hide; a? ured this paper that they Would be horou.chly ompetent. Out for Revenge. Wellsbttrg Is the "under dog" In Sut irdav"s game. l-Vllanshee w.m vlcf..ri ms last season, defeating Welishurg by h? score of ?> to b. in a game played in i*olIansbee. rnnso|ur n'ly. every man >n the Wellsburg eleven will be in the<r Ightlng every minute t<> redeem th.s lefeat and pile u;> a decisive score. The allowing probable lineup will take th.e lei.| Saturday: ?Wellaburff- < Tollansbeo. "nrk I- F? \ 1 !:?nn Jarr U T J. U'itsi >tcMnhon L. (? Urndy tnrnes C. Powers I. Camellerti. .. .2 f}. . .? McPrble ?"ablerwood ... It. T.. . . '^-la terghnff ft K Hlllh ,!tt!? L. H Vbe) lough It. H 1" W?ena A'est Q R Carey Vado K. K Ci?oper iOHIflSIATEJIND 101EXPEGIED" i 10 FISH AT TIE IN THE 1ST 11 Chicago. Nov It- The IT"astern Corv t ference football ne.saon will close to , morrow with virtually every position in , the standing of the teams dependent on | the results of the five championship ? contests scheduled. ' Krom the top. where Indications are j Iowa and Ohio StHt?? will finish in a I tie f'>r the championship, to the bottom I where lllinows Northwestern and In ? dl.m a are grouped in a tin for last place I the race for each position is In doubt 1 tonight. ? Ohio State will send Its eleven against J Illinois at t'o'iinibus 'n a contest which : ;.s expected Ji'> !>o another victory for ' I it'.icki j e's unbroken earing In conference I 4 contests. !>>w.?. i'h;o State's chief rival (.faces Northwestern at Kvan*t< n In a: i contest in which the Kvanstonians wdll 4 ha-, e to HO'OtnpIlali the Impossible to ' defeat the Hawkey* crew. , Thus football observers are convinced I that tomorrow night, harrlrtif upsets. ? will Arid the season ended with the I ? championship In dispute, f< r f>h!o arid ! 1 Iowa do not meet. A post-season game i 4 between the two is barred !?> the con-I ference rules Chicago and Wisconsin .1 (J; wilt light it out on Stagg le-lrl In s ' game which wlli id- third and fourth j ,i places, a? least. II, Wisconsin's record Is :-ow three I i|. games won. io-d arid "ii" tied j H ? Chicago's mark Is thr.-e and one. so vlc ? ? tory for either team w .ti!-l jdae.e it j M-ah?ad of the other In the final stand I ??'ing. The game is expected to he about] ov.*n with Ttio victor; pv ??mj u bar** margin. 1'lfth and slx'h nlrtros n r.i I? ; t* i? bat tled for by Mh'hl.iran and M iinrsota. the** two Warns m< ?-tinK a: \t:a \rb**r. Michigan. i'lirdtio. facinc Indiana at Blooming tor. Ind.. has a ?*h:in?-e t ? Minn, sota while Indiana n.nst win r.. keep .*>nt of a :!.* for last ;? i V r:h weetern and Illinois facing Town nnd ? Ohio State, respectively. ??>,m doomed to the bottom of tlo* la.l.l.r Tht. standing of the : oa ins tonight follows: Ttnm Won T.ost Tied I'.-t. Ohio Stats .... I (< ? 1 "f"' [ ?. wa ?? r' " Wisconsin .... II n t'hicajto 3 I * '* Michigan 1 Minnesota .... 2 3 n ? Purdue I . It " ."."at Indiana n 2 Xorth western . ' 11 Illinois " i ?' AMERICAN SWORDSMEN DEFEAT THE BRITISH s\Vf?r<Nnit ti tlrf. ? .*| I In* **??.? nr.: fr..iir? 1f r t Th*i* f? ? 11. f};<* first ??f ? Ii?? ?? !ft?*h? s ? !.? ir *? *:i - nam^n for Thornj s??n ir??p!iv. HOMECOMING TODAT WLL SEE THOUSANDS OF BETHANK GRADS BIG CLASH WITH WEST VIRGINIA WTSLETAN PROMISES TO DRAW NBW RECORD CROWD Bnlr.nd Has Not Announced Dlnaup? Big" Toad at rlrtrt Christian Church Tonight The who'e Bison herd will turn loose In \Sheeling today on the occasion of what is exrected to prove the greatest I fall home-coming In the history of the j college as the eleven clashes with tVost | Virginia Vcsleywn In the afternoon on I the Island From the oldest professor ?down to the greenest freshman, all plan j to he r.n hand, and only a.cloudburst j or an accident to the Bethany trolley j Will keep Bethany from being very J much In evidence In Whceling| from now on. 'J%!ngg will sttirt moving out along the Buffalo creek early Saturday In | order that all may bo in attendance at j the game. Classes have been shortened from their usuni hour's duration to 45 I minutes in order that all may have j plenty of time to get ready to leave j Bethany by noon so that the whole of j the herd mat be In line for the Bethany i parvule, which, led by th* .student bund j that created such favorable romment at Te.-h last week, will inarch from J Two If tli and Market streets at 2:30 I o'clock sharp for the field. The stti j dent body will thus arrive on the field well before the time of the game and have plenty of time for limbering up their voices. Cheer-I/earter Holme, as sisted by "Boots" Whitehead and Bill JColnrfd. plan to put on some real stunts in the way of leading cheers. All Flayers Ready Practically nil of the players have | recovered t'r<?ni their Injuries and will : he In tin- line-up. Bison mentors have ner let slip unheeded the reports that the Huckhannon crew have bn-n -saving ? for this game, end the men are all pre I pared for xi stiff hattle. i 'ne of the most Interesting points j of ihe game will he the bearing that It will have on the state championship. I Though Bethany and West Virginia do not. meet this year, each meets Wes I leynn. W. & .1. and Ohio 1". Bethany's j score of 13-0 to W. V. TVs tally of 7-0 lover Ohio 1*. !* pleasing to the Bison j follower*, while the stftto Institution's ! win over Weslevnn by a score of 35-3 will mean that Bethany will liave to hop some today. Randolph Will Flay Another feature of interest will l?e | the playing of half-back Harry Ran dolph. who. now lied with Martin of W. V. 17. for the highest Individual scoring in the trl-sUite district is de sirous of forging again to the lead in this section hy his notions. "Iiasdy" may be hampered In his actions some what hy the fact that his ankle was severely bruised in the Tech game, but Ih.- big fellow declares that lie Is as goo.l a.s over and only wants a chance against the Weslevnn aggregation. ?" Speaking yesterday, Captain Buck I'unn emphasized that fact that AVes 1 eynn would put up the fight of her college year- rather than submit tamely to a Bethany trouncing. Several of the : beat of Wesleyrn's men have been out of the line-up lately because of the de slro of the Buckhannonites to make l their season coma to a close In a blaze of glory. They will be fighting their hardest today, and Bethany , will not Iba over-confident. Banquet Tonljfht Following the game will come the annual Bethany reunion and banquet. The Firs: x*hrlstian church will be the scene of much activity. W. 1C. Wooh-rv. alumni secretary, assures.' Never he lore have th?-re been so much demand for tickets t" the banquet so far ahead of time, and Professor Woolery osti . mates that a good day will see at least 30o .n't the Ixu.qttot tills evening. This despito the fact that many will bo , . j forced to leave the city immediately after the Pro babU Llntap. The folfowlng will probably be the j lineups at the kickoff: Wasleyan. Bethany. Rohrbuugh L..E, Coller Krushank L.T Broadley ? 1*. Halo I?. G Adldns Knight ,-.C Bailey Eastman f.U. G Dunn Harper R.T Shumaker j Shea R. E Smith j Midemiller Q- B Kelley Prlester L. H Randolph Hnught R.H Payne Cutrlght tid. B Jean ilMIERS I HAVE ARRIVED ! MSTXD OTIB NlftHT AT PHILA DELPHIA AND WHJ. GO ON TO v NEW BRUNSWICX TO-DAT Speare Saya He Will Not Save Begmlari for Wasli-Jeff Game?Crarer at Tailback. "* j Special to tho Intelligencer. | Philadelphia. Pa.. Nov. 18.?West Vlr-' glnia football ?cam after arrival hen ! this morning enroute to New Brunswick i to play Rutgers to-morrow, spent a quiet I day of it and hit the hay early to-night to get :t good rest for the Scarlet. In the aftefnoon the men visited a vaude ville show, but' the rest of the time was spent quietly at their hotel. No prac tice was on the program and Coach Spears is gratified that he ran start I any one of tftn twenty-seven players at his command without restraint because ! of injuries. i To quiet rumors that ho would start j some substitutes against Rutgers and I save his varsity men for the Wash-Jeff I same. Coach Spears announced empha , tically to-day that every varsity would i bo started with the possible exception ' of Martin, who has been absent from practice almost ten days because of a death in his family. This means that Spears will likely I start Pierre Hill and Hawkins i<t ends; Joo Harrick and Tallinan at tackles; Captain Kay and Setrnn at guards; Phie I Hill or Fuocy at center; Craver. or M*r I tin at fullbAck. Of course Spears will relieve men If ' by any chance the Mountaineers should ,get far enough ahead to pepmit It. hut Spears expects nothing of this sort and is resigned to having to* play his regu lars throughout to win no matter what the cost so far as the Thanksgiving game with W. & J. Is concerned. The team will leave here at 10 o'clock to- ' morrow morning, arriving st New Brunswick for an early lunch, the game being scheduled at ?:J0. COOGANHAf SHADE BETTER OF OPPONENT Minneapolis. Minn., Nov, 1R.?Mcl Coogan, P-rookJyn lightweight, had a shade over Clonic T.iit. Minneapolis, in thoir ten-round no decision boxing bout here tonight, according to sporting , writers. Some newspapermen called ? the'contest a- dntw. .' Teacher?Thomas, will vo>u tell me 1 what a conjunction is. and compose a I sentence containing one? Thomas (after reflection)?A oonjune ; tion is a word expecting any thing, ? such as "The hofsJ is hitched to the ; fen.>e by his halter." ' Haltbr.' is a con : Junction, because it connects the horse ? to the fence.?Harper's Bazar. ?x ! ? A. F. STAUVER The Jpwolf-r Helow ihp C'rcpk Oar Stock is Complete ? % t i ? SKI.TXT VOFR CHRISTMAS PRETEXTS EARLY FROM .==ri. ^r= ? i CLARKSBURG PRO ! ELEVEN WILL MEET : WASHINGTON PROS Team Tutored by ??Greaay" Neale Wl'.l Invade Capital City Tomorrow. Sjif. i..? lhspawh '?? Tho fiifelli?eiK*f>r. \\ ashingtoti, I >. t\, Nov iv T!in J?>r- I tlan's Washington pros will meet iliel < rai l; <'larkshurg, W- \'u.. eleven here | S'lndiy a t Tin* Amurioan league park. 'I'll** M"iiiifaIneers ate eunirg t<> tin* National I'apllal hertthlod as an all-mar itkk'i ?*?!::t:?>n. <*Kin|'i>s?'il in ti c iia>s( part of W. st. Virginia unlverslty player.'. .\i::A|;?j tW. ;i known ;s who will tnako tln-ir a; in?*.>?(? to i ?? with tha visitors .ire I-k. W i st \ tritium mil-? fullhaek of la*-! voir, ami I .on I a. West Virginia's half. win. made all eavl al*lo ro|iiifation during tie- past v.ini palgn. Neala Might Play. "tiroasv" Neiile. tin* well known i'in .'iinati outiloiilo*. is tutoring *!io (".nrks hurg aggregation an<t'i.n iiii <i.ois tin- moleskins. pia'tng III tin* l'.'? itii'-al Whether or i.ot Ni'.i!" wi'i s-i n In .i?:io.i is ptvbii ma11? al. lor tin- *n that President 11? I m.;11n ??' tin- It.-ils. Striflliolis'.y otl|oiljt to uli\ of liis Imli l>!a\t rs parth ipsiting in tho gi Idiron gain*. Tlio West Virg ti. ins linvo a heavier than average toain. tho lighten' inoinhor tipping the seal's at l?'-s p.-uii'ls, while in lho*r lino are two ta* kl-s lou t ami Smith whose poundage r< gisters al 111 .iiii! I'll-, rospe. t ivoly. The i*lnrkshi:rg I 'evr'i lias <viiupi|o<] a ver> inipri ? i \ ? i "? .? riI so far this sea bo n. In four emiti-sts. all they have piavo.l. t hey h.iVe seored 1 1 'i point.-*, while their opponents have only hern aide to ivgjstir .1. anil only one train has hooti a !?'*? to luaJ.C ;i single lir-t li'wn against liiotn. nnrniAi Tiiini iiav ortblAL IHAID IYIAT j BE RUN FROM HERE State TXciverrlty May Rare Special Train for Turkey Day Battle From Wheeling. * M. rgantov. n. Nov. IS?The advance .????at sale. including both mail orders un'l j t1ion#" sold at the public sale which I opened last IVoilnosil'iy nftornoou. prio' ; tlcally assures West Virginia fans in j the northern section of the state of spc c'al train service to the West Vlrglnln [ W. and J. frame to be played here next Thursday. Local athletic authorities have been able to pi t the Daltimore Ai Ohio rali road to consider four trains In artflltlon to that already defnllely nrransed ho twoen Rrownsvllle and this city for the At", and J. contingent of one thousand' strong. ? < >ne of these four trains would leave K1I:Ins at 7 a. m. and run through Pol- , ington, rhillppi and Grafton, arriving here about llr'i'i a. m. Another would leave Wheeling at s a. ni. and. running through Moiimlsvlllo. Onineron. Little- ' t'*n. Hundred and M innlngton. would , arrive here about noon. A third would i leave Fairmont at ll' -i." p. in. and arrive' hero at 1:1." p. m.. uilowlr.g Fairmont people to . it a tut k? v d ntier hastily and yet g.-r here In tune for the hie same Ti.u fourth will probable he run from Kevser over the M. & K If sched uled. it will leave Kevser about 7 a m : tid arrive here shortly before 1 o'clock. IC Is possible, too. that a fifth special will be i :t on to run from ?'nnneUs ville. I nlontown ai.d point Marlon. i ivor two hundred tickets have al ready hei n Sold to people who Would bo prospective etistonpTS of tllo 17.kin-' WhcLsu and .M. A- K trains, and o\cv I.for tip- i-'aIrt^.orit train, ineluding i-'uirm-uit, <'Int ksinyrg and Weston. Tins (?no fcal'.v insure/ the scheduling of tlve st? '.a! trains/and.oin. or two more may iiave to he plded to enriy tile over ib'W crowd that is ??vj.ect.-d to swnrm towards this city at the ;.,s; minute. GHANEY DISQUALIFIED 1 IN CO WITH DUNDEE New A i t k. Nov. 17 George ?""h?iney. of Italrimore. was disnualitled for nn alleged foul in 'lie tilth round <>l' in.' bout Johnny Dundee tonight for the junior lightweight championship. Tlie referee then uw.atdul the 1 out to 1 >undee. Dundee's second had complained In the earlier rounds tliar < 'hAtn-v was li11 ; ting low. The r-Torre warned the Hal timor. uti. and wlu-ti t'h.aney Id" lightly he low the belt In the ttfth round, lc stopped the contest. Dundee was awarded the Tex Hi. k.ard belt emblem atic of the junior lightweight title, a new class for 13' -no ind pugilist The bout had been a siuitctn,: affair tip to the ITfth with Oh.atiej landing the more punishing- blows Dundee'l ICS'* pounds and fhnrey lib. V. M. C.A, RESERVES i T!i<? V. Iie?er'.es arc row i-rc'it::/-<1 for the rnniliuf .mil would ! 11?? ? to honk {tamos with any Junior team* weighing 1." pounds. The tullow In r; a re asked to take no li .> The Kntnll .Pnt ts. S. Murks. I.!l;tc A. i Sen rner hen |?*s of ]{? nwood. O. H S. .Tit n!i Niuiot a.s. Ku It on C'lhs ant any other junior teams in the valley. A meitinit was I:o!. 1 ami the follow Irs; players will represent t!u> ihitii: Uilles ????nior; M-'iisoro, tlvisol, llcii'ler shot. as guards. l' a will be held on Saturday evt-niiigti until further no ilee Is given. All (i-a-ns w!sh!"ii games will ph\ise wrlio Kariivst Itartv, Hill Koff street, rlt y. "'i.ieh Martin re'lttests every member l a present that on Saturday evening praotho time at 7 |>. to.. ho he ran liaribu the boys' tnusiles ami get thviu Into shape for the i-otnlng season. Through the klnilness ,,f Prof t'allow hll! the lioys have ee. tired th<? floor of tin a sHoelm t ioti a- i'ii I." la.a i. floor. With u i o.i h like Martin the lovs ..I pert to u ? ? t h rotiy, I, a sue a ?? I . ? a - son. ? BOWLING MUSEE DUCK PIN EEAfrtJE. McCottkeys? I:-..I . in i ?: I.toils ?, v .1 ||V ||, I >a. e .. I:. o. a. '.n I 1-1 XCil?!'V!J W \ ' ? . ' ? I " II. i:.A . .. !'??'. : r."l la. Tuta Is .... .'Pi* I"', p ? hi ? ?; . WORLD RECORD? AT BILLIARDS 1 BROKEN AT 384 I'hiengo, \ov. l.\. W'.lker ('ochran. >?' Van o. today broke the world's ;>,r 1^2 balk lino billiards wb.ii ho mailt- a run of list In the rour'.b Inning of bis game with George Sui'-ui. in the world's championship tourna ment 'I'l l- fminer re...rd of 3h" was bi-lil by Willi.- 11 ??|? i??*. ('(.chum won the match In |ht- ilfib inning. 4t?i? t.> .*7. HIGH GRID GAUD IS GOOD TODA! Twoaty-Slx Teams Will Battle Today In This State?Tliroa Big Games Main Oo Will Be ITantlnjrton-Clarkii burg Battle?rolian8bee--Wellsbnrff O-ame Big (BY IT. A. STANSBURY) Clarksburg rit Huntington Grafton at Mnnnliifiton Wfstoji at Fairmont IfH;:iif. ,.t VI. I.-ry Kollansbee ni Wells burg St Albans at Charleston Triaitelphin at Ni-w Martinsville ? 'i-r.-do-Kitiova at I'olnt I'lcasaiit W > st I'nion at I'alro \Vi! tla 111 stown at l(a v-'iism .rod lie! .Mitt->n at 1-a I rim n t Kast i>de M":Tanl"Wti at I'lil-uitown il'a.) Marietta Unserves at Ivnnsboro. Aside from the loeal Interest that st lii< lies to the Westuii-1'airinont. Grafton Mannington and F dliins! Wellsburj; (.-anus, and the. "innlil g" between the defeated Huntington and i'Ui'rksburg t. . n:s at Huntington, there is no groat o|.j".rtnn.ty for i-voit-'inent o\-r todai's M. en. tain Stat. high seh"ol football card. Neither of tin- leading teams. 1'arkei sburg and llurkhatinon. are idaj lag. I'mke-rshtirg meets either Mlkiris or Miirgnntown on Thatih.sgi i ing day. while llurkhannon g"?-s to mo. i Charles t -ii Neither team has been defeated. Spone'-r is the only other state lilgli s. ! eleven Willi a clean slate at this time, hut the schedule for Shumak. r's I'lit.t has not been .-oinprehensl vo eiiounh to give hint a fair shot at Stato It. i nor w Parkersburjf And Buckhiinnon I\.t kershurg ami Murkhanm.n should i be brought together f< r a deciding' game. i ark< : .-burg makes I;kht of Burkhannon's claims the title, nnd nur own opinion is that the "Big Bed", with H obeli sack in the lending r >le will score a decisive victory it the two teams do meet, but this is merely a matter "f opinion and cannot settle the Issue The only way in which the s?u I?? rh r team nf the two can I e picked out is to get the two together on some regulation gridiron wtili a ref re.. and other necessary? capping* and Mow the wlil-tle. Parkershurg does not seem to agree that Ituekhannun has a claim on the title :ind appears well satisfied with what looks like a mwspaper decision. This course does not seein Justlllcd. Buckhannon has n perfectly clean sin to She beat Clarksburg on lor own r i unds and has used all the other Monongohala Yal!e> tea ink -is stopping stones to a position of some eminence in West Virginia liirh school football She ? tow ned W eston bv a l!v-7 score, tlo-n Weston turned around and beat riot only Matmingtoii. which team bad been cutting a wide swath, but also Kl kins. the latter by a 17-H rount. lnas Inucli as Klklns bad started Charles ton's down ihe toboggan by it it 18-$ de tent. Pu.khannori's claim ?umnot be ig nor?d. <m "paper" Ituckiiaimon is HC points better than Charleston. Parkers- ? burg beat Chin le.-don about fifty points so if tiw Wood and I'psliur county re presentat!\es g<t togeihci for a came, our money goes down on Parkershurg. but file game ought to be played and Parkmsburg, instead of holding back, should he the one to lirge It CIokob (lames Today The lltmilnal 'ii-' larkslurg game will help dl-ejde tile ra llllc of some of The teams down lielow s"C"iul place today. Huntington protmi.iy will win. but it is going to he a close game itlnl Hlte after two <!? t'-ats should have his men in n lighting mood. The Weston-Fairmont game will be another close one nnd] Western I as ihe edge. rlr.nflon and Manningloii will put up another royal scrap with the outcome In doubt, while and Weil-burg will stage * contest that will make the Panhandle elastic Kikins nnd Charleston should have it easy In their games. ROTTEN WORK m BBS! WASM-JEPT MENTOR NOT AT Atl SATISFIED WITH THE SCRIM MAGE REI-D YESTERDAY AFTERNOON. Scrubs Battle Varsity ITKing- Wert Vir ginia Plays?Flirt Scrlrnmaffe Since the Pitt Game Special tr> the Intelligencer. AVnshlnKton. f'a.. Nov IS--The first srrtmmago since the I'lit game wns staged for Wash-Jeff this afternoon on a soggy field, but with the lit mospheretc conditions favorable The pra-Mlce \va? the first for a number of men. none of the fresh nut n hnvlntT been out before this week, because of the si.* week" ex JI tti: nal Ions. However, the tests were nil completed before prnctlce time end the vnrsifv scpted was ?m the fi- bl. Ne.ale put the scrubs Into a priic f ?? game with the varsity armed with West Virginia i lays ami formations. The priftb-e was secret, but at its fen ' 11! s 1 o|| t be afliude of N'e.ile showed that I " \\..s tj.i .it all satisfied When nsi ed how the pt.ntbe went, he merely I ??piled "rotten " WILL MKFT GAINFS Th.- Kid I'm: Independents af'er a hard rate it itaitiliti: will rn? >t tlie '?tines A i" . . \. m ta \t Son I.. \ after t ? i ?? ??i a' Stop I'? Marlon It... In what to. Pi., a ??..! ;? .tile. The following . Mi-' I : I p ? ' ? ; iter. .pi. -p ,| t ? ? in. et ? I ?? t \ -it I ?>'. b" I. ? the 11 .; Ma. Mlal' .1 Ml il l;. I> bluH 1.. nr. M Of ti: n, Watson. I.' I ?? . Pay Mel ' M. Norma ?;. I \'"0 ?t ali, .la pi.n. .M'Cgail. \ogItl, Knnl/.. STAR FULLBACK OF WITTENBERG TO PLAY TODAY Borman Will Get Back In Altar Suffer ing" Prom In juries?Parmer Will Get In Pray. Springfield. < dilo, Nov. 17?The news that "Kddi," linrnian, Wittenberg's whirlwind fullback would he able to play Saturday against Ohio Wesleyan caused considerable cheer to permoate t'ii. I.iithcrun i amp here today. Wittenberg Is facing the hardest home game of tlds season Saturday with a etippled lineup. With Switter, tackle, out for the season, and Gompton. left eml, and star punter, likewise out 'in account of a broken Jaw, Godfrey will be compelled to hastily construct a line strong enough to stop Ohio Wesleyan. The Wittenberg: hnektU'ld Is In Ron 1 condition The full back position was the doubtful matter, but if Borman is able to resume his place there will be no further trouble !n the hackfleld In the line it Is likely that cither Farmer or Burgenson will act at tackle with Hath away at guard and White at end. Determined to Get Bven. Despite cutitlnuotiM heavy rains the Wittenberg s<|oad has been practicing right along and are going Into Satur days gtinc with the determination to even ui' scores with the Methodists. Hue to the Incessant rains the Wltten hcrg-Ohlo Wesleyan classic will be played on a muddy field which will de tract considerable from the art of the ga n:e. officials are planning to handle the record crowd of the season, as both Wittenberg and Ohio Wesleyan have a large number of followers tn this sec tion of the state Among the fans at the game will be the Hon. Harvey C. Smith, secretary of the state of Ohio. WASHINGTON HIGH COACH TURNS DOWN WESTMINSTER OFFER Former Waali-Jeff Star "Will Beinain With Neighboring State High School Another Year. Special Dispatch t ? The Intelligencer. Washington, I'.'i.. Nov. 1*.? 1? became known today that Leroy P. Day. foot ball ,-nach and athletic director at Wash ing-ton high school, hnd ??con made an offer to Poach Westminster. Pa., college football team for next season, but that the former Washington and Jefferson player had rejected the tender to re main with the local school. The offer was prompted 1>y Coach Day's almost phenomena! success with Washington high, he having consistently turned out top-notch teams. Last year h'.s Wash ington high eleven won the Western Pennsylvania league championship and this season Washington not having lost to n single league team, Is making championship claims again. Westminster this season Is coached by "Tus" M-'I/nughrey. the former West minster star, who was pressed Into service when Wlinberlev, former Wash ington ami Jefferson captain went to Illinois. The team ha? been anything but a success having lost most of its games of Importance. Westminster mnrte an attractive financial offer, but the Washington high tutor decided that he could accomplish more In his present position 11 nil decided to remain at. least for another year. TRIADS LEAVE FOR NEW MARTINSVILLE Wearers of Bed and Black W1U ae< Away Tills Morning for Big Clash. ? 'oncli Wolfe's charges of Trladelphla high school will leave this morning at 11 o'clock over the It. & <>. for New Martinsville where they wilt meet the New Martinsville high school eleven .this afternoon. I'esplte a week at hard training the Triads arc fearing defeat, as r result of the showing made against Wheeling high several weeks ng.> by the down state eleven. The result of the game will be watch ed closely that a comparison with the Warwonj high eleven may be mule. Warworn) clashing with the Triads next Thursday morning. PADEN CITY ELEVEN Fast I>own-Rtvcr Toarn Will Invade Ben wood Tomorrow Wl/h Crowd of Rooters. ? " ? ? .i-- u-v?,.un^ ai? l<nnii>.Tii urn-. <i inr .... trict whu will pay a \i?lt to the Nick. Hell fir-1,1 tomorrow afternoon will ho tsivon a royal treat In the scheduled clash between Ihc fast and husky Padcn Pity A <\ eleven and the Kenwood A C. The Paden Pity lads have a clean rec ord fur the season, and will be accom panied by n larce delegation of rooters The Marshall rOltntlans have been work'n?: 1 aid all week, and will present their most formidable lineup. Several new faei < will he seen in the Henwool lineup, whb'h t'oaeh Sheets has been driving hard CUPIDS VS. ALPINES The Puplde and the Alpines will meet in one . f the best gridiron olnshes ol the season at Twenty-sixth playgrounds Sunday at 1 p. m. McFarlden will prob nhly be seen In the lin'up Sunday after helric out of the ramr for several weeks owing to an Injured shoulder. The \ plne.s will hold practlcn today at 1 p. in., and Sundnx nt P> a. in. The following players will report for prac the; lierry, Kronko. lilxnn, Ruder. Ke?. nan. l.:ishorti. Hoyt Rower. Rllrzard, McDonald. McFodden. Duster. Onrke, Andrews The Alpines would like to arrange n uame with the follow Ins teams for Thankspi".'nr. Rii'-keye Jr . P. W.. Bast Bud Independents or any other l.da.13;. pounfl team In the valley. WANT A GAME The ?? IV Juniors would like to hear front any i 1 pound team In the Wheel ing district f-o- n fame nwnv front home Sunday. Pull 31301V .and ask for "T "if BATTLE POSTPONED M'lw.iakef, Nov IK The Roekv Kan sas-.b I ntiv Metide'sson h-'ii ehedtiled t-. I.e M,..;. I here M .nd .lilrht. has be en postponed one d.a> Kansas vio lated the s'.it.- taw and ;,s .? result the i>?.itt was ?.et l a ut.t Tit. -day night by the Stat.. It. ..x. nfj ti ? i - -. ? -n. ,