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MOUNDSVILLE DEATH ANGEL OVERCOMES INJURED COAL MINER IN RACE TO HOSPITAL; AJTQTKX* HAH ETLLID BXTWBB* OAJ10 EN' M1XX ACXOM HJVXH . { nOM THIS CITY TRXDAY TeSelity ZJrt Is ths Largest la Mauj Xoat&a?Other Mound City X?w? df Interest. Just as he was betng carried through the doers of thi operating room of the GIsndale hospital. George Stefanoff. aged 4S. Bulgarian coal miner at the Parrs Hun mine of the Mineral Stav*. Coal Company, succumbed at 12:30 ? o'clock noon yesterday, following a slate fall In which his body was terribly' crushed- The accident occurred about 13 O'clock Friday. shortly before Stefa noff started to r?sume the loading of W car with coal One hour later at the Fort Pitt mine of the t'entral C*Oa! Mining Company,; located Just acioes the r!\er from thi? > city. Albert ivnixzo, Italian, met his death when he stepped between two cars In a motor trip in an attempt to couple a break In the train. l>en;*xo was almost Instantly killed when the big motor pushing fourteen cars, came together against twelve other cars. l>e nlsio. lived at liellalre and h;s remains were taken there "for burial. He was <0 years old and had been working lit the mine for several years. He is a ( single man. Stefanoff is married and his one soi.. Steve, who aiso worked at the coal mine. His wife had never come to this coun try. The General wlU be held Monday aftenoon at 2:30 o'clock, front the local Orthedox church, of which the deceased was a member. The body will be laid at r?st at the Moutnl Hose cemetery. Tie death toll yesterday was the larf^st recorded In many months Al thoigh accidents have boen a little m<>re thai occasional only a small number ha-e been fatal. Qiio Man Is Stricken With Paralysis Here 7. 8. Duffy, Traveling Has. of Colum bus, Ohio. Quits 111 at Z.oo*l Hotel. 1 "While here attending to business af fairs K. S. McDuffy. prominent travel ing- salesman, of Columbus. O. was atrlcken suddenly with jmralysls at the i Hotel Kreglow. Friday evening. A phv ! alctan was summoned and medical aid rendered . Local members of the Ma sonic order communicated with Mr. Mo Duffy's home lodge, who tgi turn noti fied the ill man's wife of his mishap. Mrs. McDuffy arrived here yesterday morning to he % t the bedside of her i husband. While Mr. McDuffy is unable to leave his bed st the present time hw Is sufficiently better to sit up ard phy. | al< itins entertain hopes of his recovery soon. Sunday School Board. Important business matters were dis posed of at the regular meeting of the Sunday school board of the t'hrlstlan church held last evi^ilng. Most of the teachers and officers of the school were presert. Three Cops st Night Th*ee policemen, instead of one. are now in cl.srge of the city at night. -r;.A, nr.. brflrwr? Itnv Writ lit. i.Jhn Lah-w and A. P. Wurnfr-. Chief of - Polte I. PI. Wilson and Officer Bryson ha\* charge of police circles during the day \ ' Mad* Minstrel Plans. Bans for the annual minstrel to be | hed at rhv Strand Theatre the tlrst || wck In I-ecember were discussed nt u ' spolnl meeting of Meund'vlll# l.'xige ! N>. 283. It. 1' O. Elks. held last even- I lift. The Initial rehearsal for the big slow V'.'l !>e held Sunday afternoon, nt | which tlrr.e certain members of the cast . rill be chosen. The director will ai- i -l\e late this evening. Net proceed* of j ?he shew this venr will be given for the I lenellt of charity ' Play Btnvoo detr* Here. I The K. K.' K. football team ef this ci'v will with the fast Mill Field All Stars ?f Ben wood on the fifth street hall grovnls this afternoon, a: 2:30 o'clock. Tie game promises to be one ? of ?he bos played this year by tho | K. K. K.'s. i view of the fact that keen j rivalry vs.s botwe, n the two elevens, j A big crow is expected to witness the j contest. i Bis at Wilson Komt. The city Ire department was railed | to the hormof Oscar Wilson, on ,Tom llnsi n avere. early Friday afternoon j when a srrll blaze broke out on the 1 second floo: A bel In a sleeping room | hart caughtflre from some unknown ; cause. Hal chemb-als were used In j txtinguishl! thr fire and damage will i not ?. xccnl 10 Xp^rnreted Tire Drill. At the stance of Assistant State i . Fire Marsl Buz. employes of tho Mound CT shirt factory, over the J. I H. Be'-m dg store. Instituted fire drill , for the ft time yesterday morning, j Follow ngrt inspection of the factory.! Marshal J- suggested to the employer ' that a dr'wovld do no harm, and such ' was cnrid ?'it. The drills will be | * held a ho twice a month. glomaairss to Meet. Of fleet will bs nominated to serve Karl Fr?l? Post No. 3, American Le- j j Ion. *?"< In^K-rtant meeting of that ' organlzsn to b? held in their club ! rooms cr the City and County Bank | bu!ldln|*trn,l*T evening. Many other | Imports matters are also to come up i for coderatloTj, and a good attend- j L#pected. Itats Prison atlastreL A s1* I rehearsal for the State PrlsortlnstTel to be given nt the peni tent'.* auditorium next Friday even- j Ing w^-e held Sunday afternoon. The ?how blfTKer and better this year n ever before. MonadsrUle Briefs yrFaul Perger. of New Martins ville. the w?ek end gu*st of her par ents.1' and >lrs. T. Biggs on Fourth i stre. M Ada Roberts, of Eleventh street, la <f 1*1 of tonsllltls. <";on McClllttnck, of he.nnd s'rret. I is tweek end cues; of Alton Yeater. of vdland. \ Thelma Campbell. w>f Center . atr who has been rjulte 111. fop some tlrPast. is reported to be Improving! nt* .. Forest Walton and daughter' Pelphia. of Cleveland. Ohio, who i been the goeete of Mr. and Mr? 4 pCaldwell. on Film avenue, returned! t/elr home Friday. L. Bloyd. of Barnesvtlle. Ohio. Is! (fuest of his sons here, ss Hetolse Long. Is fjulte 111 at her e on Arlington avenue ?lends of Rev. and Mrs c p Lar?-J . of St. Marys, have re.etved an-j ncements. of the arrival of a daugh rof. P T. Williams, of, o. was the guest of friends and rela-i eg here over Friday, diss (trace Conner, of Wayneshtirg i <e, who sustain'* a broken arm. Iri a | il several days ago. la reported to he ' iprovlrtg very nicely. Charles F'lsher and daughter Miss Car) yn. of Canton. Ohio, are the guests t .' his mother, Mrs B. J Fisher on A; !i_ ?vflua Miss Elsie TVetsic. Is tulte ill of ton- ? I dlttls at her horns on Second street . \ Mrs H. Uehrlng and daughter, Mrs j Sovler >t Columbus. Ohio are the guests ct the formers frtther, J. T. Fhancls.Aon Fifth street. Mrs. Jjbnt. Francis, of N>w Martins ville, 'the guest of fneiuls and rela tives he?p for a few days. Mrs. if. K. Conk'.e and daughter Mrs. Dalrymjfe are the guests of friends at) Spring dale. over the week-end. Arthur Stover, who has been working in the southern part <ig the state, for some tirr.n past, arrived lit li'.s home on Second street. Friday. Mrs t'oeetee H*.ggs, of Fatrvlew. was the gues; of her mother. Mrs. l.ogsdon I on Third street, over Friday. Mrs. M B. Arn. of Eleventh street spent Friday with her daughter. Mrs. Amos Kttt lewell. of McMechen, who Is j <iultc ill.. | Mrs. li. W. Hammond and Mrs. Vir ginia Pnfce, were guests of friends on I Wheeling Island Friday. Miss Helen Gerard. of Mannington Ia the weekend guest of friends lu re. | Dr. U. F- Uone'arrlved at his home on i Fifth street, from a hunting trip in | Michigan. John Berry, who suffered a stroke of j paralysis, two weeks ago. still remains in a critical condition. Dr. and Mrs. Leo Covert, of Jefferson avenue who have been visiting in Pitts burgh for the past two weeks arrived home Friday. Mrs. V. A. Allen, of St. Clntrsville. O. nnd Mrs. C. O. England of Wheeling Island .are the guests of their sister Mrs. Vf. H. Thompson, of Morton ave J. "W: Rrtd left Friday for Sail ?Ju-'n tin Cal., after spending some time Iwre tlie ^uest of his mother Mr%. Margaret Held of Oak avenue. Glen Grlftlth. of Pittsburgh, who has been the guest of his parents, at Midway Fa. speht Friday here, the guest of his grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Isaac lingers '?n Second street. Mr and Mrs Arthur Gray, and son A. R. Jr., arrived here Friday, from Cleveland. Ohio, where they will spend some time with friends and relatives. Mrs. J. A. Matcom. or Seventh street, la i(Uitjt ill of tonstlliia. Miss Virginia White of Cambridge. Ohio, is spendng the week end here with friends and relatives. *Mrs. Frank Huhbs, of Olen Kaston. la the guest of friends here. WELLSBURG T. J. JtoberU. T. J. lloberts. aged 54, well known resident of this el'y. died Thursday a f ternoort at 2:45. at the home of his daughter. Mrs. XV. M. MeFndden of Pittsburgh, 1'a. Mr. lloberts had b-en at his daughter's home for the past live weeks. Deceased was tja! Ive of Wells burg. and his early occupation was that of a butcher. He was a member of the Presbyterian church, lie is survived liv. two daughters. Mrs. W. M. MeF-idden of Pittsburgh. I'a., and Mrs. Joseph Combs of High street, this city. The body will be brought to this city for in terment. Two Ca?M Are Disposed Of. Two cAses were disposed of In the Brooke county circuit court on Thurs day. The ilrsf case was that of John Surfely, charged with embezzlement of a certain sum of money from an insur ance concern or fraternal organization. Tusf as the case was about to conclude, the defendant was allowed to plead guilty I" pcttv liiV. .-ny and Wc * sou ten. 1.1 to ?I rw I! i m-llt.hs in the i.mrits .nil!. 'I li?- s> .? 1111 oa-o w.i ttint ."'v ? :iy against i'ohins-ti. in vv'i. >. in- i being a g,rl. asked j?? ?: >?:' .1 child. of which IJni-iiiM-n w:.- .?:"s? :? ? I to 1>?- tlu- fat!i> : P.'t.h.ips li" ? in th* history of the founts w.i- fin nl?-> I s > 1 rapidly after g"ing to the jnrv. ;t r - ?tulring exactly om- nitnutc tor tli-.t 1 body to r?'turn a - ?? r<!?? ? t of guilts. Mayor Kraft In Nt-w Rolo. | "I.amp" Mayor Kraft in ;t new roi? that of "matrimonial adjudicator." j Thursday evening the city executive 1 deviated somewhat from his policy >1 $0 ami costs ami handed out a little ud ' v ice which was instrumental in sending , back to Moumlsvlllc a husband ami ' wife, who evidently had not been in [ complete harmony. It happened in this manner, Chief j Wntkitis. while standing on Charles xtree*. was approached hy a man w|n> requested the oftterr to accompany liini to the palace theatre. There, the man's 1 wife was found in company, with ?? j Wellsburg man by tiie name of i.ewis | and the duet, together with two more persons were taken to the mayor's of-. Hoe. and a crowd of spectators, eagerly j expecting hear some sensational tes- 1 1 tlmony, were chagrined when the mayor I ordered closed doors It is said thi*. the woman Informed the mayor that she was not living with her husband, an 14 did not intend to live with hint. She was persuaded to change her mind, h >w j ever, and together they departed for their home. Caa? Rolled. When court om-rmd Friday mornlnp4 Prosecuting Attorney Wilkin informed Judge Sommervllle. that in the ease of I State \ s. Frank Famta. italph Yam nn. 1 Frank Ynmma and Joe Anselnio. the sttif-? wns not tn possession of sufficient e\*|. j I dence to seettrc a conviction, and tliatj he would recommend the ease be milled. Judge Sommervllle consented ami the defendants were dismissed. Wellsburg' Briefs. M. N*. Pnval of Steubenville. visited recently with Wellsburg friends. Miss Helen Fastorday was a Wheel ing visitor Fridny. Mrs. Will Lowry and Miss Josephine, Lowry of Independence, Pa.. pause 1 through Wellsburg Friday morning en route to Pittsburgh, where they will I I spend several days. Attorney J. F. Free and O. J. Koves I were Wheeling business visitors Friday. Mrs. Hons Churchman of Pet ha ny ? pike, was shopping in Wellsburg Thurs- j I day afternoon. <1. It. Jacohs^of Charles street, left [ recently for a visit at the home of his j daughter. Mrs. F. It. Bubcock of Pitts burgh. Miss Berths Mnzongo Is ill at her ! home on Washlng'on p'ke Miss Florence MoGlll vvas among the Pittsburgh shoppers Friday. A I., t.ogi'ie of Steubenville was a business visitor in Wellsburg Fridav. I Miss Clara Porman baa returned to 1 her home in C'ncinnntl. O., after snend- | lnc a week with her slaters on South ' j Main street. 1 Thomas <\sborn Is able to be bfb'k at j his work after being ill with bronchitis. | ? Hir<l Nolnnd of Steubenville wascnll j ing on friends in Wellsburg Thwrs.Uv : evening. | Margaret Warden is able to be out j after a week's Illness. F. F. llervev of Washington pike vvas a Pittsburgh business visitor Friday Virginia, daughter of Mrs. Willard I Stewart of Marianna street, wris suc cessfully operated upon Friday morning, at Pr. Arnold's office for the removal of her tonsils. Allen Cope, daughter. Mrs. F Perem- 1 berg and children. Ellen nnd Frank of I Mingo Junction. O.. visited Friday with Mr. Cope's son Wilmer. who holds 11 I position with the Meyer & Fasterday Grocery company. Miss Hilda Bowman of Richmond. V.I. ? ri \ nl TV.ii f.-r .1 \i.-ttl >? I :i ?:? !? .?'*!'?. A! 1 - M.II v > ? f It gh ! I- : li.. ? . dntigh-r i f All H*s ! J ' as r. - .!?! !? ..11 .1 ... v . ' J.< J Mr. ;i11? I Mr-s. II-! rv Haas | d.'lgh 1-t Itctty, wcio Steuben vll ie visitors Tbursdnv. A1r.>-. I.lzzlr Si"'! has moved from f 1:? IhnkMnn home ? it High street. to 927 ? i * 11 ? i r 11 ? v street Alls A la rguret S.itis of lie'hany pike visittd with rtlnriv cs :n Wellsbuig Kri day. Good ror Blltonsness "Two years ago t suffered from fre quent attacks of stomach trouble nnd hilllutisness. S-cltig i'hamborlaln's Tab lets advertised 1 c< nchuled try them 1 tm'.roved rapidly."?M Iss J'mrr.a Vcr bryke. t.lmo, (>h:o. Kor sale by all dealers. benwood" Scbad PuneraL Funeral services fur the late Oscar F | Si-had. who met his death in a railroad i accident last Monday. were held yester- I day afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. Itcv. cJ. ; F. Hetn. former pastor of the Si Mat- j thew s Lutheran church, now located at | t'nreopolis. l'a.. had charge "f the sir- i vices. The remains were laid to rest at the Oreeiivvood cemetery. 23 Arrests for Paving Violations. With the arrest Thursday of W. J j Miller, the total number of violators foi i driving on the new concrete reached 22 I lie was arrested by Officer Alci.le, and j pat up $25 for his appearance beforei Mayor ("lark Sprouts. | This new paving is not ready w> j traffic as yet and It will he some time! before thft road will In- open. The cause | of the had roads In many inslames Is ? due to the failure of the autoiHts to! obey the regulations that the officials I inuko coneerning the use of these roads I Basketball Pmotloe. l'nvctice was held last night by both f the hoys' and girls' basketball teams <>i j Fnlon high. The boys are practicing ] hard for their first game with West Liberty on December 2. Much Interest! is being shown by the students nnd n crowd of rooters Is expected to witness each game. Benwood A. C. vs. Padsn City Sunday. The local Ken wood A. t*. will battle vv'Hh the heavy l'aden City eleven next Sunday at Nick Hell's grounds. The l'aden City team is both fast and heavy tin .ii.-til ? ? ? I ; ? ml I II. -.t il! glv. :i 1 it Wit.. 1 t't.r ? ? i: Sh and \ ha. a. j : i ' ?"?:? "=? \ ?* ?' , Hi. i-.tii; ? i. . . ? th .1 II,. ..f j till!.- Tin I....U ' I...-H pia... tielng hard n!; i;mler tin- ,1 I of t 't ii. I. SIn ? t Pearl-Ho.ily Nuptials. Tlif follow ing ir..t.< Iimis have b.'.i. | received l.v 11. ?? fin-ads ft tin- pniio-j |.:i!s: j Mr and Mis W :ii;in? p.-arl ropiest (i,.. h.-!i..r ..f j our pro-eti..- ? | at th* maniac. of their datighter | Anni R.nrl to Mr Henrv tH-alv Wednesday. November L'.l. Hi: I. .it half past ht n'rliiflt St John's I'titirch, li.-liW inij. \Y Va. Paving Opened. \'I paving .ii...\Ii.'Ium.imI Junction | was opened to ir:tft"ii? yesterday. All J the paving has now been opened except I the last stretch fr.>rtt Fifteenth ? tr.-.-t to I lilt-hm.'Ui's The Mi .-I . ar company) eompletcil tic ir paying between ?.'...?rails: and the .stria en s.-uth Marshall Mrfc. j will he opened sntie fine next week. Uniform F.ank Met. The cvoriing'Siar lodge \o. 1S Knights i of I'vthms ttu-t last night :.t their hat. J on Net th Main street. Following the. tegular hnstlless session weir I passed and general goo.) time followed. J At a later ly.ur re frcshnients were! served. Basketball Team. The Kighth tirade ..f iVnt-r Hemvnnd sehot.l has arranged Its s> hednlo for the! reining basket ball wison and prat-tire J Is being* held ITe' Rider has v-i.-rr.d- ^ ed In getting together s.iiHe f'rie mater-) !al hut from the looks / the s< hrflr.le j they will have to play some gn...i I t'll to eome through th.- season with a clean J sla te. Benwoort Briofa. Miss Mary Virginia S.-.-nlon, .laitglitet j of Mr. .and Sirs. John S.etil'.n. of Kighth t street. Is reported as being, in u critical I eondltloii. Mrs. Kdw/irl f*oooy entertained the Woman's Sewing t'ltil. at her home on Main" street, last night. llohnrt I.oni'worth hap returned from an extended visit relatives at Me-| Keesport. 1*h ' j Miss Augusta llall Is convalescing I from an illness of the past several weeks. Miss Matilda Reese Is able to be! around nfter an Illness of. the papt few da vs. Sirs. Joseph Reymrr, of Canton, O., Is visiting her sister. Mrs. it. T. Sells, of Norh t Hen wood. Miss Heulah Orange has returned to !?. !? }??.hp in rvintnl'ti*. O. after spcnd : ; .11 ihivs with relatives in Norm I I 1 Mr . I Mi.-, i ;<><ii ?'? Sl;i'k, >>f Wash v. !M return h<Tnr ti>-iln.vaf ?. : v i -; ? w .t!i friends anil relal'.icn Mrs. Iliivh Slratfonl. <?!' N"rw Cum'-; |.i : jainl, n turni l h-mm after a pleasant!, with '*?? 1 fro*nds. Special nmotlnff of Mountain State lodge Sunday, November 20, it 2 p, m. BALTIMORE FIRM FAILS Announcement of Failure of Smith, Andrews & M.ircton Made From Rostrum of N. V. Exchange. Nov* York. Nov. IS.? Announcement was marie from tbn rostrum of tl*, N\w York Stork Kxchnnge toihv that the firm of Smith, Andrews & Mara torn J of Baltimore, had failed. . < Baltimore, Md.. Nov. 18.?The itocl brokerage firm of Smith, Andrews a Mansion, of Baltimore, whose falluri was announced by the New York Stocl I-lxehange today, went Into recelvershli about three weeks ago and discontinued business. . ' \ The ilrni declared lis inability to meei Its obligations and asked for a receive! to protect Its assets. The amount of ltl obligations was not stated. The'concerl was in business about a year. sword matches omr. Washington. Nov. 18.?The first bout-* for the Thompson International sword trophy will he held here tonight, the events Including foil and epee contests. The sabre bout will be staged in Ne* York Monday night. The cu-p Is a chaJi ( Jenge trophy to be competed for between Kngltuid and the United States ev", four years. / ? ? N First Church of Christ, Scientist, "Wheeling. W. Vv. announces a LECTURE ON CHRISTIAN SCIENCE By Paul Stark Seeley, C. S B., of Portland. Ore., Member of The "Board of Lectureship of The Mother Church, The First Church of Christ, Srientlsi. In Boston. Mass.. SUNDAY AFTERNOON, NOVEMBER 20. 3.00 O'CLOCK, COURT THEATRE, WHEELING, W. VA. The Public is Cordially Invited. No admission charge and no collection. / Great Evangelistic Campaign I I ?AT? Wesley M. E. Church Conducted by THE W. W. HALL EVANGELISTIC PARTY of Pittsburgh, Pa. i v BEGINNING TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 22ND Music in Charge of HARRY D. LOES, Chorister I MISS BERDIE LOES, Pianist. t Don't Fail to Hear Dr. Hall and His Singers. THE PUBLIC IS CORDIALLY INVITED. I ' ' 1 diPl I I I j pip y | [lanj5Sgjving Silver Onr display of handsome silver for the Thanksgiving table em-, braces the newest patterns and tin- ? , ishes in Sterling or Sheffield ware. Let us show you sonic of our complete table service. HANCHER'S Jewelers, Silversmiths ancl Importers 1223 Market St. ? i ???i?? 4 Special for Saturday Fresh Loin Fork Roast, Fore Quarter Lamb, per lb 25? per lb 20? Fresh Pork Shoulder, Fresh Sausage, per lb...25^ i L('r Select Eggs, per doz 45? Fresh Hams for Roasting, Small Sugar Cured Ham, P^r 20<^ per ]b 23^ Frcxh Pigs' Feet, per lb.. ,8? Small Bacon, "Whole or Rib Roast Beef. ])cr lb...20? Half, per lb 25^ Frrsh ..luicv Roast Beef, Cooking Compound, per lb and 18? per lb 10^ Veal Roast per lb 20 and 25? Certified Yellpw Butterine, Veal Chops, per lb 30? Per lb 40^ Leg of Spring Lamb, Creamery Butter, per lb.50^ per lb 30? Fresh Dressed Poultry Orders taken for Thanksgiving Poultry. BELTER BROS. Inc., 1110 Market Street?Stalls in Both Markets?Wheeling, W. Va. ???????????????? You can compare Coat Prices from one end of the City to the other. We doubt if you can find greater values than in this Sale of COATS We ourselves are astonished at being able to sell such Wonderful Coats as these at such a Low Price? barely equaling their regular wholesale cost f $19-98 Regular $30 to $35 i Values Their every fashion-point?their every value point is of the luxury class. There are models without fur included, and these are exquisitely elaborated in hand embroideries of beautiful design. In a word ? we cannot remember when or where new coats of this character were EVER offered at so astonishing a price ??19.98. P?5=r^ \ kcFF 1 sL Suit i Sale. l/v in. Hack Crepe, Canton Kgj beautiful head and ein- "IB" JSmm 4 broidery work, etc. ? verv desirable color rancje f(>r Miss of 14 to the Wo 9 man who wears 44. Quality the feature, and B the styles extraordinary. Many finp hiprh price repro ? duetions shown for Misses, small and larjje Women. ter than the other; cleverly designed and of unusual workmanship and (|iinlity. Si/cs for Misses 14. Hi. 1*. Women sizes pi to 41 * Featuring Women's and Misses' Dresses, In Three Groups in ^ addition to our regu lar lines. CIT1TC IWENTY FiVE 3Ul 15 PERCENT OFF Former Prices S"S!TS S 15.00 Sj $25 SUITS <?1Q9? ?} NOW <51,0 ?0 VUi $00 suits $99 ka ??1 ? NOW ?LlL.O\J $35 suits $9fi or ^ NOW uo "JIT".:... S30.00 ^UITS S37 50 ? This Includes Every Ladies' Suit Now in Our Store ? ? it INFANTS' COATS |)iimly Wliiti' Scrtrc? an? 1 f'hin u cliilhi I'.afiv ("nats. simtekod and ? iiiliioidrrvd. QQ I Sprrinl INFANTS' PUDS 50c INFANTS' PADS. WHILE THEY <)Xn LAST