Newspaper Page Text
?A57*D?Km. WANTED Toung man residing in city , for newspaper proofreader. **a!! at Intelligencer < ?r:I room after 1 o'clock. tf LARGE manufacturer anil jobber re quires servi.-.-s resident representa tive for Wheeling and vicinity, experi enced in selling pipe valves, fittings, mill, mine, plumbing and ?factory sup plies: reply stating age. experience reference, salary d.?s;r?,i. etc. Address V. J\. care Intelligencer. no. 19-1 ... ? WE PKS1RR a forceful nnd aggressive salesman t(. *ei: our 1 '.'-H line of high grade calendars and advertising special ties In Wheeling and adjacent territory; will consider applications only from men of reliable character and real sell ing ability; send reference o'^ banks and biisinea.s men. Thos. f. Keckman Co., 310 N llth St-, Philadelphia, i'a. no. 19-1 WANTED? HOYS TO 8EI.L THE INTELLIGENCER MORNINGS BEFORE* SCHOOL Office. 11>05 Market RL KAXS OK TTMALE KELP WASTED. GOVERNMENT positions?Men. women, IS. over: wanted for railway mall, pojtofflee. other government positions; examinations soon: salary Sl.400-Jl.800 year; experience unnecessary; particu lars free. Write Columbia School of Service. T Pope Bldg. Washington. 1>. C. no 19-k TO* SAL1 FOR JAI.B?Cprlght plario. !lr? condi tion, $95. See :t at 103 X. Huron St.. gpsta'rs. between,I and 4 p. m. no.21-1 FOR SALE?Upright piano, fine condi tion. $95. See It at 103 X. Huron St.. Upstair*, between 1 and 4 p. m. no.l8-i FOR SJ^l.E?Canary Mrd?. parrots. cases, all kinds supplies. Porsi h Bird Store. Castlo Bldg.. 48 Twenty-seventh atreef. ' no.18-1 FOR SALE?One horse, about 1.500 lbs Call 972-R. no.t4-m FOR SALE?First class pool room; best location In town. 20 South Fourth St.., opposite Fenray. Martins Ferry. no.7-26t 3CSC3ELLANIOUS FOR SAI.E?Ford 1 ton worm drive truck, express body with top Call J851-M or 2707 Eolt street. no.21-1 FOR SAI.E?BIshop-Bnbcock soda foun tain and back bar. Fall 249-J. Martins Firry, or address J. \V.. Rox 401. Mar tins Ferry. Ohio. no 19-J THE PIXIE Express and Transfer Com pany. General hauling. day and night service. Call 2840-J. Office 2? Tenth Street. no. IS-k FOR first class paperhanglng call Wheeling 459. no. 14-1 W ANTED?QHSCE X.X. AJTEOUS GENERAL hauling, express ami trans fer; moving a specialty:: day and pighl taxi service. Call Barney. .143. no 12-m FARMS ros SALE FOR PA LB? 30 acre farm on O. C. P. t rcind. 2!? miles south of West Lib nty; good el* room house, fine cellar, eater in house; ail good outbuildings; Jne apple orchard and other fruit; an ideal home. Call or write Mary E. b'riess. West Alexander, Fl. P. No. 1. Pa. no.19-1 SHE RIFT'S SALE ' By virtue "f authority vested in me (>y decree of Circuit Court of Ohio County. West Virginia, made and .en tered on the 3th day of Xovember. I92J. where n state of West Virginia, by Walter S. Hallanan. State Tax C immis lioner and ex-offlcio State Commissioner ?f Prohibition, was the plaintiff and Nathan Feingold and Trim I'llnm were the defendants. 1 will on the 39th day of November. 1921. at the north front door ?f the Court House of the City of Wheeling. Ohio County. West Virginia. Ht 19 o'clock a. m. sell ar public auc tion to the highest bidder for cash one Gardner touring automobile. rrv>tor Xo K-SS818. car No. 4453. HARRY T ?"LOl'SE. fherlf of Ohio County. West Virginia. No\ ember 3th. 1921. no.7-14-21-2S redemption or Boims Redemption of th# Hazel-Atlas OUii Company Bond*. NotDe hereby given that the bonds numbered 201 to -o>\ both inclusive. of the Hatel-Atlas Glass Company. Wheel. In*. W. Va . secured by deed of trust llated June 1st, 13111. recorded in the ?fftce of the ji'l^rUs of the County Courts Ohio County. W Va.. Ilarrtson Coun ty. \V Va . and Washington County. Pa., will be redeemed on December 1st. j?21. The owners :tn>l holders of the laid bonds are requested fo present them on said date at the Dollar Savings and Trust Company. No. t.H5 Market |treet. Wheeling. West Virginia, at Which time they will he paid for at par |nd accrued interest according to the provision of said deed of trust. If the ?wner or holder of any of the said bonds shaM fad to present the same for red eruption the said bond wi'.l < ease to hear Interest. according to the provi sions of th/? said deed of trust. POI.UH SAVINGS v"t TRUST CO.. Trustee. py H. K. I .aupp. Trust Officer. no 7-1 |-;i.28 TRUSTEE'S SAXE By virtue'of a dee<| of t-;i?t made by Joseph W. Rledett and, Nettie Risden. pis wife, to me as trustee, dated the f5th day of May. this, and recorded in the office of the clerk of the county tourt of Ohio County. West Virginia, in Peed of Trust Hook No. 124. page 184. | will sell at public auction on Monday. P?cember 13th. 1921. commencing at 10 b'clock a m . at the front floor of the lourt house of said Ohio County, the following described property, that is to f*T: The certain lot or par re', of land sltu gte in Richland district. ;n Ohio County West Virginia, which lot or parcel of land Is shown and defined as !<>t ntim pered one hundred and eighty-four > 184) he the plat of Warwood. whl h plat is A^ecnrd?4 In th" offli '"rk of the ^^^L-ounty court of said !n ^B'iaf nook No. I. pnge in Said lot ^^K.nn'hered one hundred ? ?! e:ghf\-f. i ^^^#1S4> f-on-e thirtv <30> feer on th? forth side of Nineteenth street (lately i ailed Warwood avenue* and extends northwardly of e\en width o' sa'd frontage one hundred and twenty (121) fe^t to the south line of I.aurei I.ane l?i the town of Warwood. ir. said Ohio fc'ountv. West Virginia: together with the hereditaments and appurtenances there unto belonging He'ng the sam* property conveyed to the said Joseph W ftisden bv Archie J. Wlncber and wife by deed dated May 22th. 1918. and sub ject to the liquor and building restric tions and conditions mentioned In said deed Terms of saie: One-third "f the pur chase money, or so much -more as th? rurchaser may elect to pay. cash If and on the day of sale, nhd tiie residue In two equal Installments, pavable re spectively In a x months and twelve months from the day of sale, with In terest. the purchaser glv'ng hi" negoti able promtssorv p??e for the deferre.' ' payments the legal fit's being retainer SS furthe- secur't\ tirtfi! ail of the pijr rhase metier si-all ha<e been paid. ^ P* P M-Nlil.^y, Trustee. ^I?. M4M?! 11 li OBITUARY j] MRS. JENNlFNORMAN , .Mrs J??!:nie Norman. .*?i;-? i .">$ (flirt ? of lll>i I'hapline street. passed a?.iV 1 last evening in the X"rth? Wheeling hos pital following :iii illness of two vvecus | of complications. She is survived by one daughter. Mrs. Minnie Wittenbrook. The body has 1 sen removed to the Altmver A- McCoy funeral home. It will he sent this evening to Cleveland where Interment will be made. Carpenter Fnueral. Funeral services will be held tomor row morning at > o'clock from tne home of h?r mother. Mrs. Anton Bosch. National Bond. l'Ie;isar.t Valley, for the ( late Mrs. A. K. Carpenter of T'lensant I Valley, who passed away Saturday in] I the North Wheeling hospital, following a brief Illness. Kequiem iiiRli mass will ! bo celebrated in St. Michael's church, 'and interment will be made private In | Mount Calvary cemetery. Services Tomorrow. i Funeral services will be fteld tomor I row* morning front tl>e homo of bis sis* 1 ter. Mis Kdward Pallev. 23-7 Moff ' street. for the late Joseph ,1. i'imley. former city policeman, who died Sat urday morning in the North Wheeling j hospital following a lengthy Illness of I complications. Interment will he in J Mount Calvary cemetery. rnneral Today. Tins afternoon, from the family resl- ' deuce on Big Wheeling creek, the fun eral services for the late Mrs T. M. ltlne will be held. Kev. Ilammrlck. pastor of the Triadelphia M. K. church, will officiate, and interment will be In Stone Church cemetery. Body to MasslUon, O. The body of the Into .Mis llli/.abeth Jones, aged ilit yearn who passed away ! at her horns No. 3 J'nxtim avenue. Sat-' i urcfcty evening. following a brief illness. ' I win bo sent to .MasslUon, O.. today. ' I wliere interment will Ik> made Humphrey Services. The funeral services for Mrs. Robert . Humphrey. well known resident of the South Side, who died Saturday at the family home. 3t"?0 I AVetxel street, fol* | 1 lowing a brief Illness of complications. | \yill be held this afternoon at the plai e of death. Interment will be in Mount; /.Ion cemetery , Dr. Jimai M. Spear. Cumberland. Md.. Nov 3'h? 1 'r. danie? j ' M. Spear a (ted TS years, one of the most widely known surgeons of the county* died at ills home. fiOS Creen street. Thursday e-.cning. at 7 30 o'clock, from . j an attack of the heart superinduced by ' angina pectoris I'r. Spetirs' demise was | unexpected. He had n?t been confln> d I to litS bed. ' | Pr. Sper:rs is survived by his widow, j ' Mrs. Wnlt'V .r Muncaster. and two sons, i iluy I Spear and M. Noble Spear, all of I this city. Dr Spear was born In New Vienna. 'Y He cam* to this city forty-two years I ago. where he associated himself in j the practice of medicine .with the late | i I)r. Kundenherg. Dr. Spear served in ' ? the 1'nion army, and was a member of Tyler p?>?t No. .*>. tJratid triin of the Republic. He was president of the A? I legheny County Medical association, and I a member of the Tri-State Medb'al as ' soclatlon. Dr. Spear lias beep chief j surgeon for the liaitijnoro A i?h|o rail road company lie^e for twenty-tl'e years. l*or revera1 ycirsj Dr Speat and h.s family resided in South .Mechan ic street iri :? large home which wa? purchased the ? ?t i:i order to builil ! Pershing street. r>r Sjcar was i Knight? Temp'a" \t n ? time h" was active in Pepi,l> ican politiis The city hoy ne-'cr feels that ho Is making his mark In the world wh>n he Is digging ,the garden Styles in fake stock cert IS. ates ilon t seem to change tjturh. i i WAlfTED-rCKALE ? WANTKD ? Middle-aged woman for general housework. leferences re quired 3 7 i Sixteenth S?t no.ft-! rox rent -furnished rooms i lb' Y? ? 4 will pk.y $3." nb per month for a cotnfortable. home-like fur nished front room with every mod ern convenience, phone TOk-W . loca ' cation. Koff Si. opposite O.ilo Valley Hereral br.spitah WiH be let to ' bustn-'-s women only. / no.VI-in THE MENDEL COMPANY Carl 3. Kavnax. Prop. FUNERAL DIRECTORS Private Oaapel, 1303 Chaplin# Street, Call Phone 1C17 ? DIED CARPENTER -On Katurdnv. November 19. 15121, ;it 0:30 o'clock a. m. at tli?; * North Wheeling hospital. Mrs. A. FINLKY I'AHI'KN'TKI!. nee Josephine ! Bosch. ? Funeral services at the residence of her mother. No. National road. Pleas ant Valley. Tuesday morning nt S o'< lock. Requiem mass nt yt .Michael's church at >i l'Y.ends (if the family j invited to attend. Interment private, Alt. Calvary cemetery. FoltNKY t^n Saturday. November 19i 1921. at -PCit o'clock p, m. at the family home. No. 1902 Warwond ave nue. AMELIA. wife of John Fordney. Funeral service nt the residence Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Friends respectfully Invited to attend. ., Interment private, Greenwood ceme tery. PAYNE??>n Saturday, November 13. 1021. at Mannthal. Missouri, Mrs. KM.MA McMKFHEN PA Y NK. daufth fer of the late George McMechen 1 < colored). Funeral notice hereafter. RINK- f>n. Friday. November IS. 1021. j at 0 o'clock p. m. nt the famlh home , <>n Middle Wheeling creek. Mrs. ANNA It INK. wife of T. M. It! no. in i her tlfty-ninth year. 1 No funeral arrangement s have been made. , I . FUNERAL DIRECTORS. ? i . Louis. Bertschy rUKEKAL DIUCTOl pxrVAT? OKAeu ? So*. 1122 AND 1184 1LAIN 1TBEUT Store 'Phone ?Of> 0. J. BIXTtOXY 'Phone 3684 ' A.LTMEYER & McCOY I ! P17NBXAZ. HZXBCTOXS Parlore 1105 Chaplin# Street. Offloe Phono 397. Jan. *. AJtmeyer. *?#. Phone INI Wheeling UchnPS T. WcOoy, Bee. Phone Ml BATTLESHIP WEST VIRGINIA ! LAUNCHED AT NEWPORT NEWS Newport News. Yu.. Nov. 1!).? The battleship West \ ir?;ini;i. one of the largest in the world, and scheduled for-tin* scrap heap under the Hughes disarmament program, was successfully launched here at 11 :'J0 o'clock this morning, ten minutes before scheduled time. Airplanes hummed overhead, bands played, whistles shrieked and bells toiled. She was christened by .Miss Alice Mann, daughter of Mr. ami Mrs. Isaac T Manic, of Hramwell. West Virginia Maids or honor} were Misses Klcanor Addison Williams and Mary Thorn Ilcllen. I The stipe rdreadnatmht represented an investment of ten million' dollars as site glided to the .lanjes on her maiden voyage. Huns ami armor will bring the cost to approximately $0 t.000.000 and the total cost will range-inmind $40,000.1 HHi. ituvurnnr Morirail of West Virginia.! ? [ who. with Mr?. Morgan and little son.) was here for the launching, declared | ! that West Virginia will leave nothing undone to save the new "mistress of the seas" front the scrap heap. "We hope they will save the West Virginia [ and scrap an older ship." ho declared. [ "We desire her completion, but hope j i that she will never have to fire a gun j and will always stand for liberty, jus i | tlce and freedom." Other Members of Party. Governor Morgan and party reached the city last evening and sfyent the ' night at the Warwick hotel. The j governor declined to he Interviewed. I other than to make the brief statement I given above. In addition to his wife and son. members of his party are Mr. i and Mrs. John C Bond. Mr. and Mrs. ' E T. England. Mr. and Mrs. George M. J Ford. M. G. Young, Mr. and .Mrs. H. V. j Sullivan. John Q. Chat nock. Mr. and j Mrs. James H. Stewart and Mr. and ; Mrs. W E. Johnson Miss Mann was accompanied here ; by her mother and sister. Those in i the party from Washington were Rep resentative and .Mrs. S. O. Bland, of this city: Mr. and Mrs. George M Bowers. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard S. Ech ols. Mr. and Mrs. Wells Goodvkoontz. | and B. I.. Rosenbloom. all members of i Congress from West Virginia. Navy Department Representatives. The Navy Department was represent- j ed by Admiral Andrews, commandant of the Norfolk navy yard, and Rear Admiral J. L. Latimer, judge advocate! general of the navy. Members of thej naval affairs committee present were; Isaac McPherson and Adotph L. Kline, i Secretary of the Navy Denby was | unable to be present and sent his re j igrets. This is said to be the first bat-! jtleship launched at this yard that was, not attended by the secretary, and; there have been many. The launching! party and invited guests repaired to j the Dote! Warwick for luncheon at 11:30. ,Thev were shown through thei yard after the launching. WILL START CAMPAIGN | FOR THE USE OF FRUIT At !ii Ma. x..? -TI.e Km It tJrowers i otnniit tee of twenty-one ;i|>* I pointed l>y J |j. Howard. president of The American I'ann Uureatt Federa tion. in September. held Initial mooting here to-day. and appointed siih-rommlt tees on transportation, inter-state r<*'a-' . lions and organization, Tejal publicity. ' executive. ttansportata>n, finance and standardization John Xichol. of M-< Kigali. wis ??!?? to J oliairiuun. He will <I committees re . port in six!y days. Ilcsolut ions rait *ot i natioral legislator prohibiting sale of ; .subs'itotrs lor flint Juice .''lid passage ' of the standard container bill which s now before the lioiisr. and would staml I ardt/.e fruit and vegetable ?ontainer.s ' anil do n wa v ?liort measures. ; tJra.v Siiver. of Martinslmrg. W. Vn.. I was placed on the legislative .omtn.l le.> at me rlove of the meeting liw predicted tins would be the most suc cessful of the five marketing commit* | tees which have been named by the i American Farjti Iiureati Federation to consider and act upon the problems of i Improving the marketing of farm pro dttot? for the bene'it of both produce, a ml i ortsumer "There Is no difference in opinion of members as to action liie committee I should take and we will he si hie to work out a selling plr.n" sa d Mr. Silver. "I o\p<-ct a big advertising rampilgn tvfll he ii.a ugiii a tod between tiie fundamen tal problems of the different parts of ike i ountry." SHOOTS SELF IN FOOT i PLAYING WITH RIFLE .!??!.ii Sinug11. .fr . 11-year-old son oT i .loim Stringer of Itavland iwhile I plaving with a rifle at pis home Sunday ? evening, accident.illy discharged the ' gun. sending a bullet Into one of In.. feet. Flo was removed t.? the Martins Ferry hospital where the bullet wis extracted. Kariv this morning hositnl ! authorities reported that the wounded , boy's condition was good. PITTSBURGH STRANGER j DIES IN HOSPITAL John t'dud," 37. ? f Pittsburgh diod ?it ? the t>liio Vallcv ( hospital last ! night at f*:.*?(i okdocl; following an ill ; nes.s slni e November t. Xothlng Is I known of the man. I ? CHICAGO COURTS TO ' DECIDE LEGALITY OF "SHIMMY" DANCE O.icag.,. Nov. The courts w.l! Tie1 asked t'i deride w Iii'Tut darning tTic | "shimmy" ill '-xti'-me form :? iliejra! in Chicagu. a result of a .scries of raids | conducted l.y toe |iolire e'riv today. ii i was sal.l lij'tlie sta#'s attorney's ot'Jice. A score of i.i!>ar*H. i;;iinlilin" houses and saloons were invaded by the police in the most eon- erted drive launched against them in many months. At the 1 Kntertniners' A'afe," a South Side establishment, frequented by hot It whites utid negroes. the proprietor and' several Inmates were arrested. In their j prosecution will eome the test to deter mine the "shimmy's" legality, it was said, for it is planned to prosecute them under a seldom invoked law. which j makes ntiv person producing or taking' part Nn m immoral dance suhjei t t ? a J200 fine or one year's imprisonment. t^fflflals declared the "shimmy" was linmora I. UNLUCKY THIRTEEN ' TO FACE HIS HONOR Thirteen riieged offetideis ..f the petti e and dignity of the c,t\ w ill face his honor. Judge John S U.lz in police court this moif.,nj* a? a result of police activities Saturday night and Sunday. The polite docket includes I'ete Case. | arrested hy'Offirer ti'Keefe. on a charge of he 111 (T drunk, i.enrge Tomlliison anil John Peacock. drunk < barges. by ft'Keefe; Jobti M.ller. disorderly. bv Knapp. J II Mumford, < barged with' speeding, by MacEwnn; Waller Hrnn-' 11011. bv Mueller: Sam t'arey, l.y P. Jones: J. S Holen. by flotb, and John I >oe. by iVKeefe. nil charged with be ing drunk: and ('Varies Thornton mid tiv.ll alleged gamblers, by' P. Jones, .as a result of the rambling raid at Thorn ton's pla< e. 2,000 Automobiles at the Champlain Funeral Saginaw. M.cli. N'ov l-'ive tliotis and persons today attended tltef funeral at Hemlock, near here of Mr and Mrs Adrian ?*bampla.n. slain last Monday by their son. Kit-haul. after they hail opposed his marriage to a_vou:ig woman of a different religious lalth The as semblage rode to the cemetery from the church in " onn automobiles Persons ? nine to. funeral from all parts of the counti The y layer set tire to the home fo' low lug I he double murder, in an at tempt to rover faces of the crttne ac to his; ? onfession. He was im prisoned for life WORLD'S PEACE (Continued From Fag? One) represented at the ?? nferPnce has pic* I pared nn<- tdan for liml.atton or red e tlon of land forces. All delegations are armed With volumes of statistics deal 1 gnwlth armies, among other armament divisions, but neither the 1 ailed Sta'os nor (irent Hritnln lias any dire t or im mediate Interest In the t. both having already cut t Tf ? ? armies to the hone. It appears wholly likely that if iinv proposal, such as the \iucrlcau naval plan was to he submitted for armies it would come from Prance o? ,.nr of the powers possessing Ri'er.t army strength. As yet there has been no sign : of such a plan. Much interest has attached to IVe niler Kriand's coming statement because ' of the reference, veiled or otherwise, be j might make to the well known 3 Tench ? desire that P.ritjtin ami the Vnited ! States Join in some form of assurances ! of support for Kratu e should she be again attacked It, view of th? general attitude in Washington on that sugges tion. however, it is regarded as unlikely I that Premie,- p.rhuul will make even a ! direct reform* e to it To Visualize Conditions. it was thought more probabb- that he I would seek to give the conference a picture of the present situation of Prance, ps? visualized bv her govern : inetit. I Meanw hile. Vtuorican military advisers are prepared for ihe imitation <d tlu land armament uuest'on by some other I group. They are prepared to show rliat the American army is now far l>el ov any ratio of land power which might be suggested: that it Is completely de I mobilized: that no organized remrve be yon,) a t?aper structure stands behind it. with the exception of the guard, and that the standing army to day Is n,? more than a national poll, o l __________ r?>r<???. and possibly Is loo small for even J that work. There have been iu> meetings of the American military group. Their work | bus hem .ontlned to statistical prepara- . lion to inform the American delegates on any point that might arise Tt is data i< in the hands of Secretary 1 llughes ami h:s . nib-agues, ami unless the experts ate .tilled It. later, they! have to active (tlace in the conference ,Ircle It now appears likely that the confer- . .?rice will, when t' reaches the Item on the agenda, providing for dismission of tow agencies of war. turn Hits question over a joint commission of com mist* | Mnnsv The subject will Inx'.Mxe, use >f air l.omb . g..s. subtnarittes and similar I matters, and it does not seem tba' ibis discussion will be carried on by the full conff rence HELD FOR MURDER (Continaed Trom Page One) story, tin- 1 ie say. Vandervort's ten 1 son t titt er, vusbe.l from the bouse t.> ,.iii for lu lp. and saw Ills | father :ip.I :n.lui oil to enter. Acrnsed By Young Son. .\sk"d |.\ tl.e authorities who did the ( shouting, the hoy said: "Papa did If." The tl.iee small Vatidcrt on children wete the only witnesses When the pn- ' li. e tirrived. Yandervorf was sitting In I the house holding his youngest chltd, ai baby. , ftllver. the ten t ear n'd son. to'd the aulhoritles that tifter the shooting he attempted to attract the attention of! neighbors by shooting a revolver four times into the ground. The revolver. I with four empty cartridges, was found'1 la the house Another revolver, wnlch { ha.l not been fired, was fc tnd in Vandcr- j tort's automobile N'o trace was found 1 of the g :?? with which the murders were | committed. Shot With Babe In Arms. Mrs Vandervort was killed w'uen she j came to the door to answer Vander vort's knock, according 10 voting Oli- j vet's story to th? authorities Sl\e had | her ha by in her arms, but it was un- j harmed A bullet pierced her head. j Busier was then shot, the hov said.1 and Mrs Whitelow fell, a third victim.! when she came downstairs, attracted by! the shots. Vandervort and his wife had been 1 divorced twice. Their second divorce ?" oithiii ?lv HTfks aco THE "BIG THREE" I (Continued from Pes'* One) mine Hie delegates will he well satis- 1 lied Chlne?? Problems. Tl:* problems affecting ?*hilist. in par- ! tabular. are considered very Incapable of negotiation along any such exact lines as may bo pursued in regard to armament. It Is sabl by sonic delegates wlio ore giving special study to this bram-li of the ton fere nee. that probably it will bo necessary to deal with the ( .subjects set out in the agenda and with i the ten points of the t'hinese proposi tion oil \ ery general lines. The import ant statement made by the Japanese | delegates at Saturday's session Is re garded as showing a marked Indisposi tion on .l.tnnn's part to go far Into de- , tn;'s. and the t'hinese. who are pushtng for specific tleclarntions by the confer-! erne, have been reminded that, after all. Japan came ?r? tbe conference only after ? clear understanding with Secretary : Hughes Hint no nation could be bound j bv the conference against its will, even though a!) other powers were united against it. By Elimination. . Private conversations between the i delegates seem to be developing that the Far Kastern question should be treated by the conferem e by a pure process of elimination. Several of the ten points Hindu bv china are known to be accept able to tfti tif the delegations, and it is | suggested that these have been formal-i iy adopted, making sure at least some | accomplishment. others must he dis- j Clissed til some extent, but this will I only he in the privacy of committees # ! Some of the American delegates he-j lieve that compromise can ho reached i on tiie debatable problems. Such, for ; instance, would be the Chinese appeul for the abolition of extra territorial 1 jurisdiction. Th< re is a prospect that provision will he made for this, with the understanding that the change will he made gradually to conform to the development of a modern judicial svs- ! tem in i"liina which will insure justice1 for foreigners. No Genoral Treaty. I"innliy. the view expressed by some ? ???legates that tiie whole complex Knr Fast problems in tiie end are likely to he dealt with by the conference, aot by the signature of any general treaty, but rather through a solemn declaration of principles, to the observance of which nations party to the conference would bo hound only In honor. Tomorrow the conference will make a ' start on still another of its problems, ! that of laud armaments. At an open j session I'rcmler llriand is expected to 11 present considerations behind France's j present enormous army outlay, and to I Invite discussion from the other powers. ' Italy is said to lie ready also to set forth her views in a general wnv, and | .Mr. Hughes is understood to he eonsid- I ering a brief statement for the United States. Japs Believe Naval Agreement Will Come Washington, Nov. 20.? (By the Ass..- I elated Press.) ? As a result of the.con ference yesterday between Secretary Hughes, Mr. Balfour and Admiral Baron Kato. at which the naval question was j thoroughly canvassed in the light of j the Japanese reservations, the greatest confidence was expressed in authorita tive Japanese circles to-night that an I accord eventually would be reached. The conference. It was said effectually cleared the air" of many misunder stood points. While tin official statement was i forthcoming as to the line followed by the tripartite discussion yesterday. It was believed that a partial explanation, at least, lay in the statement obtnlnedat the hedquarters of one delegation that the three great naval powers might have varying estimates of the actual existing strength of their navies which, j' being harmonized, might suggest a' way to a settlement of ratios." Americans Analyze the Naval Situation j Whshington. Nov. 20.--<Rv the Asso- j dated Press.)?Sunday was no day oI | rest for the delegates to the armament I conference. , ^ Practically without exception, the ^ various delegations spent the entire day either in executive session among themselves or in close conference with representatives of other nations. The American group met at Secretary Hughes' home and devoted several hours to analysis of the naval situation. ^ A; the disposal of the American dele gations were several statistical studies prepared In- the technical staff under instructions issued since the Japanese reservations became known officially. No statement was issued, hut it was understood that, heartened by the in- J formation that i.Jreat Britain would support the <apital ship ratio proposal, the delegation found nothing to warrant consideration of the possibility that the naval proposal might be materially re vised. imperially active to-day were the groups having a vital intc{gst in the Par Pastern question which is to come up to-morrow. Informal discussion In these quarters was said tn-night to have led to the belief tbat consideration of the Chinese problem micht'culmlnite in the raising of the question of Shan tung. Translations of Briand Talk at Short Intervals Washington, Nov. ;o.?4ily the Asso ciated Press.)?Premier Briand. 'in ad dressing the arms conference to-morrow on tlie subject of land armaments, will riot attempt to deliver his entire ad dress. which may run for three-quarters j of an hour, without stepping aside for ' I the Interpreter's translation in English. I The premier does not speak English. I There had been much speculation to- V day in conference and newspaper circles ] as to how he might proceed. Members of the French delegation explained that the premier at stated in tervals. of about three or five minutes, for example, would stop to permit the official Interpreter to tell the confer- J en re exactly what had been said. Those who know the statesman say the inter- JH ruptions will not break in on the trend I of his thought or mar his usual elo- I quent delivery. t?i ...... .-r ??ir.-yy : 4 C/y opticians ', j funeral Chapel 1308Main St. \ 3 M LICENSED EMBALMERS \ GHt>ATKWS n/R.cMFcM'BANlCL 1 P/iO*fi -43 /02? PfM?-45?^25^i* , I # " Because of the lack of room in many ; homes, it is frequently desirable to hold J ! a funeral from the chapci of the mortician. Our chapel is for tlie usckof our patrons without charge. j ~ " T 140 A. Farm I.orated i*n miles from railroad, in Ohio, flood location for dairy. 8-room brick house. 40x60 barn (nrwt, or (hard, etc Wheeling Re?? TUlr* T) oor Sclim alback SIAC. Tal. 266* Above the FojT and dampness of the valley*. with the bes| of sewerage. water supply and won- ' derfrl views, Howard I'lace Sites nre Cheaper per ' square foot than tether suburban lots Tatum & Caldwell Room 8 City Bank Bldg. Phono 664. ! Near Brookside Small I'm1110 house of 4 rooms,! water, ens. slate roof, l.ol 75 foot| front. Near Car (?0 1 Slop 11 Only.... SECURITY TRUST CO., Agent gfcone 30S 1143 Market St. SOUTH EOFF STREET fi-room frame, bath, parage. Much less than cost. Host loea .SrsMe... . $4,500 QUARTER SAVINGS is TRUST CO. Market at Sixteenth St. Mtnhr of Wheeling' Reel ?rtate lotlf. CHAPLINE STREET Property suitable for business, offioe purposes, doctors, dentists. Call 102 PAUL & JACKSON 601 Wheeling Bank & Trust Bul'ding I.urge lot. WooiJ below 43rd street, suitable fur warehouse by switch Jt X l ? H. It ion* I 34 feet South Vork street. 4 rooms, lot 25* I 120 1 'he.'i p. North Huron street " story fratt e I l.ot "0\"2 feet. J2330 PARKER Si CO. Phone 3976 K 31 Fourteenth Inenre With Us. i CHICHESTER S PIUS V ,?. TIIE HI AH ON V? Hit AND. A yC.?\ I nillral A*k your DrtiarUi fcr /j\ 9! i\ lLa|A Fhl'f bwhlfir ? IMimonq ilran(i//V\ l'|ll? In Wrd *nd (?nld jDk ?I ?ith Bin? Ribbon. \ X M Hk4 u4 Ttkf no olhrt Bnr of roar f / ^ ff UnifiUL A?kf-wCiH-4'?*>:H.TrRr, C ni.\M?NT> lllt\Ni> IMV.t.A, f-r ?& \ *0* B \etrt Ynnwnav Be*t,5a?b*f, | ?r SOLD 51 DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE f 1 ! TWO LOT BARGAINS Located In Beautiful Pleaeanton. A Tne Beslence Location. I.ot X. 11 ? Size 4Ox 144 ft. Cash j for a few days. Only $775.(mi. i.nrjte ; corner lot, No. 158. a bargain. Size 40x140 ft Cash $1,000.00. If you I contemplate building a home, let us sell yon a lot to build It on. A few J desirable ones left at the 1318 prices. Terms If desired. Hesse & Kirchner Co. Phone* 470-471 35 11th St. Himbir Wheeling: Ke?l Eetate Board L. L_ J 73 Acre I Farm I On the National.road, nice I laying, rich soil, (i-rooni house, large liarn, other outbuildings. A real buy at $8,000. Have Mr. I Tiinberlake .show you. S. Nesbitt, Jr. 1 1520 Market Phone 642 Member Whg. Real Estate Boarl East Wheeling 11-ronrn modern pressed brick dwelling, with hath, hardwood floor** and finish. Hot water heating system and nice d* Q FAA laundry. House in excellent condition. Price.. tpAOjtJ* v' CITIZENS-PEOPLES TRUST CO. REALTORS BANKING?REAL ESTATE?INSURANCE 1 Cor. 16th and Market Sts. Phone *68 EAST WHEELING INVESTMENT Double House. f> rooms each side: also three-room house. Will rcru I for $55 per month. On Baltimore street. Price $5,500. L. A. ROLF Agency "KEALTOBH" <13 Wee ling Hteel Corp. B1/T*. 1 H-eal IiWU lad Xnrora&ee / ? 1 ISLAND - (broom frame; bath: electricity. One QfMI I I or two families. Posossion soon. Price. tHTt'jOW TUOKER-CSURILLA CO. BEAXTOKS Phone 710 1313 ChapUn# Street Open Xrenlnge i . .Member Wheeling' Heal Eatate Board J city-"fa"pm7 sublTrban property^*" COTTNTHY PLACES f I li|^ 1 Arre 7 room hnusr. fln#* location.... $5,000 p t?& ^1 I6 Acres, b rooms, parage $3,500 > ^ ^-^11J f ; Acres. 4 room hou."' $3,000 2 ? jB^Bi ' E-pflOO* COuAT TKftTHC fllOG PHQN[ 4^3 ATTRACTIVE HOME MUST BE SOLD j SI* roomed, stucco on tile. bath, furnace, electricity. Everything fiftfl I modern Center War wood T ' ?OUU GEO. J. MATHISON & SON Real Estate and Insurance 130<M)8 Market Street 15-room double frame house, Slain street, Kim Grove?two baths, iflrpe lot, line, condition, ana very cheap at $8,500 101b hind street?7 rorms, cemented laundry, stone founda tion?only $4,500 4 rooms and hath, new. at Patterson?only ?... $4,000 FULTON BANK ft TRUST COMPANY Woodsdalo 820 We Write ln*urance Fine dairy farm within 4 mile of car line National Tike to railroad ,11!) acre*, house t> rooms and pantry; 3 barns, coal house and chicken- C7C*00 house, cistern and well. Per Acre T ? me show y<m farm of 112 acres. 4 miles from Elm (Jrov? on stone road House 7 rooms: well on porch; cellar* under all house: good spring- T7 000 hodse barn and sheds; plenty of fruK trees w * t""" ?R. H. BOWMAN. Sales Manager FIRST NATIONAL BANK & TRUST CO. See Nrwe for Tows Property. WE WHITE PZHX ^MT) AUTO ENBOBAVGZ ei*m OBOVB Telephone 101 - * V < Big Thanksgiving Values 5-Room House at Triadelphin ?-big lot $2,600 8-Room House Hi Elm Heights--bin lot $3,800 6-Room House at Ovet brook?two lots f. $4,600 4-Room House at Elm Grove- level lot $2,800 7-Room House at Elm Grove?big lot $5,650 WE WRITE EIRE AND AUTO INSURANCE STATE BANK AND TRUST CO., ELM GROVE ' Phonn 310 B. GK Home for Rant Farma for Bait i