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The Wheeling Intelligencer Published by The Intelligencer Publishing Company. H. C. Ogdep. General Manager. Arthur Mills. Managing Editor. ' TKI-KI'HONES Editorial Rooms ? No. 823 ? Business Office ? No. 822 MKMBEK OF THE APS'X'TATED PRESS. Tbw Associated Press la exclusively entitled to the use for republication of aft news credited to It or not otherwise credited In thla paper, and also the local aews published herein. Ail rights of rapubllcatlon of special dlspatcbaa herala j are alao reaervad. ~ PUBLISHED RATES~ Single cotry 1 *T If ATT.. B T. T>. *T CABBTBB. nr CTTT One month ...* One VMt ? ; Three months I 5# Che month ? six months 100 Three months n_? _ < 00 81* months <-00 ?n* ye*r , 00 t'na year ' **?-? ^aekly. one vear 1.18 (THE IN'TEI.LIGFTNCER. embracing lta several editions, la antarad In tha ?Oktofrice at Wheeling. W. Vs.. as second class mail matter.) Complaints of non-delivery of The intelligencer will be adjusted by oalllng Crcuiatlcn Department Phone 822 or III Monday, November 21. 1921 ? " ? - . THK WEST VIRtSIXIA AND THE EAR EAST Largest and most powerful of all American battleships, the West Virginia Ms launched Saturday at Newport News. Wh?n we pause to consider this mag njflcent flght'.rj* machine, the thougnt that Immediately arises is?will she ever ha used" Should the plan which the Washington conference is now considering h* earned out. our great new battleship wtll he junlred without ever having met an enemy or having passed through any of the normal peace time activities of a, warship. Will the West Virginia ever he used n war or kept m leadines* fot the pos i aibllity of war? If or.? could answer that qu >st'on eorreetly he could foretell tHe fata of the Washington conference ami mu< i of the history of the world in the next few years. Success of the plan advanced hv Secretary of State Hughes it\eans that the West Virginia, together with many other warcraft or- this and foreign nations, will he consigned to the scrap h-uip. Failure <>i anv considerable modification means that the West Vvrg.nla will fulfill her destiny as a sea fighter. Her launching is coincident with uncertain.y as to what the Washington conference will do. Hope that set hearts heating around the world a little more than a week ago is still bright., and its fulfillment is confidentiv expected. Ureal Britain and 'apln have endorsed the drastic limitation plan lr\ principle, and no vjtal obstacle has appeared ? That the oth-'r nattons. particularly tlieat Hr tain and .Japan, v* .??.!? 1 wish to S9 into the subject thoroughly is but natural. The various deegat mis at Wash irrgton must be prepared to answer to their people at home for what tiicy do They are certain *o h" criticised by some elements no matter what agreement i* riaehed. hut if 'he agreement he one obviously fair ami just to all eotp-erned. the criticism will come only from the jingoes and i lasses with special interests in war preparations The Far Hast may conceivably delay an jrnanont agteement. bot 'heie is np indication so far that tt will be a permanent barrier. So far as reasonable sftccess for the Washington confereme is concerned. we may a.most predict that our great new battleship will not he used Possibly she may be saved through some other arrangement, hut not because of Far Kastern problems. LIVINGSTONE WAS FOUND 1 ; FIFTY YEARS AGO *La?t Friday marked the ftftteth ann; versary of the finding of Pavid Living stone In the wilds of Africa by .an ex rSditlon headed hy Henry M. Stanley. The expedition was organized and financed by the New York Herald, and rdtiiafn* one of the most brilliant and successful expeditions exer undertaken by a newspaper. It cost the Herald thousands of dollars and no end of hard work, and It brought no financial reeom p^nse. yet it khu' to the world informn ten of incalculable value and to Stanley everlasting fame. .The story Of the Inception of tlie ex {?edition. the hardships encountered, the first meeting of Stanley and Livingstone 1 In, the little African village of I'JIJI. the fqur months during which Stanley re- * malned with Livingstone, the return of x the expedition and everthlng else per taining to it read like fiction. Stanley had Just returned to Madrid, fresh from the-carnage of Valencia, when on Octo ber 1?. he received a message from James flordon Bennett, the publisher of j the New York Herald, summoning him ' to' Paris. Stanley* went to Paris, and was commissioned by Bennett to under- ! take the search for Livingstone, whom Bennett believed to be alive and some where In the jungles of Africa, where he had started on an expedition of ex ploration. investigation and a< a mis sionary*. It was a message-to-* Jarcia Mke undertaking f.-r Stanley. His sole adjuration was to 'disregard the ex pense, but And Livingstone." Two years and a month passed from the time Staniev received Bennett's mpssage at Madrid until he shook the hand of Livingstone on the eastern alfore of Lake Tanganyika. Two years, bvjt how pregnant with fatigue, hard ships. sickness, peril ^.and torture of ?out' Prom March 21. 1871. until No vember 10 of the same year the expedi tion had marched hundreds and hun daeds of miles, waded swift and danger ous rivers, ascende.dand descended steep pathless hills and mountains, traversed forests, crossed salt plains that blis-1 terea ?nn ourm me ten. mm .-is through th? Intense heat of an equa torial sun. "I was so different at the ?rid." aald Stanley, "that Identity was lost; I was terriblv emaciated and changed; 1 was much older In appear ance. and my hair had became gray." Tjuly an undertaking beset by the gie&teat of hardships! 'All the world knows the success of ihe expedition. Livingstone was found and given provisions f->r four years be fore Stanley bid him adieu. After the departure of Stanley [>r. Livingstone continued his explorations and h's In vestigations until the day of his death. April 27. 1*7.2. He died In the nlicJH while kneeling In prayer beside his cot. B^juropes air supremacy While the airplane Is purely an / fneriesn Invention. )et it seems that to Eyrope v. ill go the honor of its develep tnrnt The aviation exhibit soon to be v<*'d In far..* will contain many novel i e* in airplane construction and uses of aifcraft Tier'1 will be displayed a l. pne ejli'l |i"l to carry "4 persons, with ; ?.ng room dining toerr. bedroom* l. \cb? n and b't'iroom Also u .U be seen air-si-epers for ntjcht voyages. and even .11;- In* hosj.ita equipped with stretch er*. operating table and full me<ll.-al Ie-fulpmenl. < >\ er .u England the spirit o{ British a:r-raft manufacturers seems irx b. undaunted b> the re.ent tray dy the big dirigible i - destroyed mi the eve of * depart ire for \merlcn. Ik9 English firm anh uroa-.s that It Is building a giant mono|.ta"e designed for trwna-Atlantic flight The plane wl! hitve a speed of ftp jn.les an hour a w'ng spread of 40a feet and ? carrying nstfvacity of lil passengers It will !>?? lully equipped with a lounge sleeping ?t'arters and a restaurant. The pi" M?d time schedule ;* London ?o \?w R>rW from one noon to the next, an even W? h?*r nothing of ?u'So airplane de vetopment trr Aiiltiij. II Is true that we have mail s.?rv n e. anil planes can be hired to carry passengers' from one place to another, hut we have nothing to com par a wilii t e airplane ilrvelopmtnt of France or England. Tile possibilities of li.e airplane of tomorrow are unlimited, and America should take share in the development. There will he no one to say of the Knglish proposal to estab lish a trans-Atlantic passenger service hy airplane, "it . tui't lie done." In face of what already has hem done hy ihe air planes ard daring a \ lators. lane has only to recall the trip of Alcock and Brown. who hopped off from our eastern coast one day and dined the next day in Knit and Passenger travel between l.ondon and Paris hy airplane is at) ac complishment of three years' standing, and there is no reason, to assume that the l.ondon-New York experiment will not have an e'ltial success. Whatever may be the outcome of French or British experiments, there must he a thrill of envy In this coun try. the hirihplai o of flying. Seeming l> our plane builders, all the tn .entive genius and financial resources of America at hand, cannot or will not plunge into such a costly undertaking as the iniilion dollar enterprise on which Abe English have embarked." NEW YORK'S PRISONERS Very interesting statistics concerning the prisoners received from the courts In ? Ireater |N'e\y Yolk for the year IS-*1 have just recently- heel! made public. The total number of prisoners received was to.S.ll'. of which .*? 1..'Si' were men and 9,j5u were women, t>f the total number of prisoners only (PIT admitted ?sing alcohol freely, according to the report compiled hy the commissloher of the department of ? orre.-tions. A total of 27.117 professed to be moderate users f alcoholic stimulants and 12.074 de clared that they were strictly temperate. The cjvil condition of the prisoners shewed that anions' the divorcees the women outnumbered the men two to ' nr. as 67 men and 127 women were di vorced. 12.MO men and 1.7:13 women be In#; married. There were 4i'.012 prison ers who received an elementary school education. II* were high school gradu ates. fi had a university training nnd 60'.: no education at all The list of offenses on which these prisoners were ion-iced was headed by \adation of the city ordinances with 5.3 lit men and *u women wnh disorder ly coml ii r next in number, -t 454 men und tjl" women; petit larceny is nevii with it. 775 men and It S ft women. vag rancy. I.nni men and 7 " 0 women, hum I ry. 2.30m men and l"4 wonten: drug users. _'.v',5 men and 4 4" women; Intoxl nt on. 1.25.1 men and 275 women, ant rohtiery. 1.25" men and .13 women. i)| tiie total prisoners \ew York state eon tributfd I!*.363: Italy. 4.*32: Russia .1011; Ireland. .'.."10 and Austria. 1.713 Statistics nf this kind are not only | v .-ry interesting. but highly necessary ' In the making of laws and d'.agnnslnf ?ondltions forming rho basis for thi I law s vt 'ation It would be well t. ; tint e a complete compilation toti< hlni 'upon tl.e. experiem es of every state an< 1 the i'nited States as a whole The prohibitum romm'ss-oner locat ed at Pittsburgh has probably learnei that the gentle pastime of ci iticlsim federal judges may be fraught with a . much hazard as trapping Illicit sellers j That I<ggv" Joy e was granted I j divorce with $*S0.0foi trimmings will h' a new scale for divorcees is hardly to b doubted, b " it might also open '"r i . Iiarges of ciiatacter profiteering Henrv h'ord says if "he tiav es of th i world ?ie scrnpptM lie will Iniv the usei ? tee.' We hlw.ivs t'lii.ii (-1. t he i|?f'l mm j serar i'. n liiau i tiy'. thei uwin in th i " V '' ......... Tl '* r^? f'*r ??f t'i?* I j 111?* 1'). in ??{?. \toijn th*? k *?.rn? r .n \.*u Vork thnt k n' r i ^ .ma .?hmjl<l uait\ hIhmji thl* w | ? ?;. n * f J It wn* noticed S^l'iplav that a 11 th Buffaloes In the I nlted States were n<>t ! I confined to the limits of the National I park. Thai the present month of November i:?t lo'.-n the hottest <<n record has given rise to tile speculation that the 'iulf Stream !s out of focus again. The Iowa town tiiat boasts neither a jail nor a church would offer \ ?? r> few > attractions to tourists ami hut little in centive to u woman's dub. i Lord NorthcllfTe. the Knglish pub- '. 1.slier, favors the loan of Singapore to ,i America .lust going to show how easy ? it Is to borrow trouble. r Only the wealthy can afford to carry 'I anything .11 their hip pockets but soiled ' handkerchiefs, and there is very little ' romance in that. ~ I I What Other t Editors Say i: r ; Otis of Henry Ford's i hlckens is com- I { lug home to roost, according to the cur rent issue of the Hallway Age. the monthly net return of his "miracle" | railroad, the Detroit. Toledo & I ronton, having sloughed some seventy per cent. ?Clarksburg Telegram. \Ve read that the llttsslan soviet ttwy i ( be compelled to call upon capital to , save it from disaster. We would Ilk.' ; . to know what disaster.?-Charleston Ua zette , Some fellows are musicians .mil nth- < ers plav the saxophone. Charleston Ga- , ( zef te. \ man who vva? made hiirni by con- ! trabnnd liquor is suing the l>noMegpu*r for J.t.nnn. \nd probaltly lie is the sini? . fellow who said h? would give his eves for a drink.?Fairmont Times It is said there nre 2<1.00n Illiterates In New York, hill since the city elec tion on the eighth of November we are of the opinion that the number was sad ly underestimated.-- I*hrkersbtirg News, tNu slriered in dollar*. Germany's lin ancla: deficit is staggering to the ordi nary man. but written in paper marks It would almost overwhelm an astrono mer. Morgantow n Post. The t thio S'nte Journal says that an Independent oil company Is one that ra'ses prices the same day thai Stand-' ard ml '-ompaity doe?. - Charleston i ;a zet te. [Will , By CLYDE H. XAST. < " lesion \v. v4, Nov "0. The secretary of sinio vesferday Issued > huriers of iticori oral ion to the follow In." new companies: Kureka Amusement Co. Charleston: moving pictures, pool ' parlors, etc.. $ 1 ?.??.<? i?<i; Charles M. Heater. H V Heater. < liarleston: .1 a son liver. Victor H> er. T M Sbreve. Burnsvlile W. Va. Watts-Paige Motor Car Co.. Beckley. $a0.0l">: W W Watts H c Hedrh ks. t. ?' llamuia*. It <!. Hutchinson. Beck lev : II. fi Iledrh k. Mahscott. Other ? ertltli ates were issued hv Sec retary Y ??I:n q as follows Ida I' .Ion Cm. of Charleston, and Cyrena White, of Charleston. as no taries public. Cheat Mountain Coal i "o . of Preston eount.v. to d'SSolve by deed of sale the properly tun ing been pur> based by the Kas'etn Coal and Milling Co. a l>e!a-, ware corporation. Mary Coal Co. of Pies.oii county, to dissolve hv deed of sale the property having been pttchased by tbe Kaslctn Coal and Mining Co.. a Helawaie cor-i tioruttoti. Iki stern Coal and Mining Co. of Wll ningion. Ik-1. to transact business and liold real ?stale in \Vos- Virv uin The K kertl l'rug A Votlons Co. of Jumr s|ovvti. \. Y.. in :; ? . o i. in. and hold real estate in li..s state. The Scotch Woolen Mills Co... of Youngstown. Obliu !o transact business and hold real esta'e in West Virginia I'hIMppi Blanket Mills. Iny. Phllippl. 'tied -tilde mark, which In words is '"Wooly warm Blankets.'' Calumet Making powder Co. Chicago, filed trade mark, which in words Is Calumet Making Powder." I. II Putnam, exeiutive secretary of! the state board of ? liildt- ti s guardians, i yesterday tiled wit!) the members of the board his report covering the months of July. August and September Hearing on the application of the I'nited Fuel tins company to increase rates to consumers in a half hundred cities and town, including Charleston, was ? on tinned yesterday afternoon by the public service commission until Monday. Hecembcr If The postponement of the hearing by mutual consent of counsel representing 1 'he applicant and "he scores of protes tants. It was requested by lawyer for ?he t'nlted Fuel . vaunv Three wi t n'-s'"1 heard during I the short hearing yyesterday These were I,. \ Sevffert. treasurer ?r the 1 company: II. A Wal a- e g'tieral man after, and It K l?avls. consulting en gineer Statistics, including rates of re ?urn. property Investment and amount of gas likely to he produced in the fu 111re from the fields where the appll eanl se. uses its gas. were presented bv 1 the company's They were cross-examined a' length hy at ? tornev s for various protesiants ninm inn nuvilCC mrrunu nnimto r Tr TTALT MA80W BAT MASTERSON Ha" Mftslerson has laid IiIiii down re sleep a million .uars. In many a sun baked wenrern town the old boys shed tears. for he had won a great re now ti among the pioneers A thousand * tales are told of Mat. who. in a sterner * v. was wont to lay the hnd mm Mai. 1 whan thoy hnd coma to slpy: h? was so ; fluent with his KSt lie had the right o* I way a mild and dulat gent ho srcuoil, nn i noffonsl \ ?? ha k. and "n fha right eous Kin* ho beamed and had no hone to pi<k: hut whan tha had man who..pad I ? oil rr.di "il, liat plied his shoot'rg. stick Ills farm was spread front const * to coast, an wall ha used his g:n and s what a ha wa'kad tha 'Inked hosr was promptly on ; 11*? run. and ha was navar known to hoast. or shoot a man fm fun. a It w >s ? grltti and grs|\ 'Ima whan t voters shot on sight and many ,, Ists Iti crime t,v!? tad tha transit tttith' a i ti every hour soma chap won >1 iinth up to tha realms of light The had mat' want abroad to slay inspired l?y titncid wlftas. t hay ciitna to \el] iitul who..-, nod r slat, ram has, trails i,r,.l mine*. hut w nan man said Hat coma* litis a way." that ttil took .ti tha r msi.n So a a!! t a toughs and gotohlipg shark* lv Mastarson wata tnm.d: with dead u.ari i ordad In tha parks, tha VVIhl Wast grew* I ftshfttltad P.Jt t pot t.iota.I I Is | a-ilal iv ? with Pullets w Is?.Iy aimed The r?I.: wild tine's hate l td *ha:r din;;. !'? >1 t.tnas of Ion ~ ago. >:??! now tha .oiiaita * ? tubs sing where liettls tnillril I., and fro. a dotal horsasltoa now I bring tor Hat. who> lying low " < 'opx right hy 'aeorKt* Mat thaw \ lams ilG DEVELOPMENT NOW IMMINENT IN : GARRETT COUNTY COALi H>e, lUl [>? 'I 'he Intelligencer v'uinberlnnd. Md . Nov ?A: trijt ion > ias been directed in i;,nil Li county. tin- . ilosi western i ? I' tin4 stair. as I lie com- ? np ''oa I prodic iin; rt'Kinii nf Mai v land 1 L Is not known thai the tin le,eloped ?? a r r a M helil- has a larger irreape than the faimots <;eorges ("reek egnm. which l.cs directly east, and the i dare nf which I| Is destined to lake. I'he tiarret: territory -..vers Uf'.htTt' teres. as against L'7.""u. the acreage of he Cenrgos I "reek Hi Id While 'he development ..f the tiarrelt ' ?niiritv seani? has sraritTy begun and '0 > ears from nmv with must Intensive nlrilnp. the Inrnad would not have been treat, tin- famous hip vein of ilm leorpes i 'iI'ck basin is rapidly being ?vorlcrd out and the mining of the uiiiiller veins, which. a; one time, tie it tent Ion was paid, has be* nine a tteces ti' v The liarrett field is the larpest and it-arcst :<? tidewater of *n> of tlie tinde . eh,;.ed "ea stern territories means Tin * eastern prdnls. particularly Haiti more tn whieli mill h of the Mar) land liroduelion always gravitates. are as "itred coal for scores of years to route iiy short haul, all down grade The finding of coal In Turret t county was not accidental. Willium A Mor p.irt. lbet pioneer opertltor In- the Held and now one of the most extensive coal ~oa! land owners in the country, his holdings In this territory embracing G..'ion unbroken a res, made the dls- . ?over) Twenty years apn. in a wilder- I ness thai seemed almost impenetrable. In the height of mld-vv Inter. Mr Mor rat: who,is looked upon l?y his friends as a nat lira 1-bond peolopist." explored alone Today can be found evidences of his early Investigations. Mr Morgan tjuiotly obiuined ojti..ns but h* pi.arded liis secret and never found it propitious tu start operations un'il witliitt the past 'lire,, year1- Now lie ii,> three modern mines under f ill development Mr. Morptirt ileclutes that his find was not Accidental but he worked it out along ??eolopiral Th ?? development is on the soutli fork of the i"asselninn river, elph: miles south <>f < irantsville, Md.. which is an important point on the old National pljse The mines are bur that distance from the main artery of Mary land's famous system of roads APPROVES Li li SCHOOLS PRESIDENT W. B. PLEMING, OF WEST VIRGINI A. WESI.EYAN, IN ACCORD WITH SPTRIT Every Citizen Should Understand Fun damental Lawi?Benefits Would Be Ore at. Wallace B Fleming, President West Virginia Wesleyan College I find inyself In he.-uty arronl with !le spirit of your r>cr>t editorinl upon the 'opio "Tire Tend tog of l,atr In tIt?? l'uMii Schools." r is m> judgment iha: >o i itt ? hrtnit'.R .in important mm ?? ? ???"?? attention of '.he ? itl7.on? cf our s! a??. I ii'iouo. \ ever) ? ! /.on oinht to understand tl.? fnp<l." tH I laws of nai'oi. and to l>e familiar willi the legal '??trulit! n which nffe. i dally life He should und -rst; nd tha <>ur laws ai ?? the so fegt::i ids of democracy ttml should Ultiioi St" Ii'l the struggles v.jiiclt led the r ni-notneiu. Out citizens should look upon l lie lays as :? protoi-tlon of their liberties tat net than ns nn infringerim* of them. For example 1.1 mu that says "tl.mi shall not steal " limits only .tlte liberties of llie dishorn-*! triiin I" is ti.e protection ??t nl! of I lie of- or o'.ti/a-ns of the slate I may look upon the law that tvjuin - me to Keep to iho t~IicItt in driving try autoinnbilo as a | tinitat iCtl' of toy ftae ? hole* hut I <imi;Ii: tn tii.nk rati,?-r of 'In du.'tgers to in\ I !<? and tile I; f ? nf countless .I'll. IS if one w .TP ttile heed to the law and obey It. I 'ndouhtedly great henetlt w ould < on.,, i tot.: a ympn * 'nl a studv of law. and undoubtedly lhor? is no aReio'y which the resti' t t-oiild accomplished ?iuite *.. successfully ;i> through ilm public .sehool. ? ?<7 r o s- ??><??* I flHIG NEWS j i'oluinblis. Nov J ' Tim lirst ol" the your will see actual operation ol the plan to five cunipiete daily market re ports to every iihlo county through I tie medium of the wireless telephone. ? !?* clareii n statement today by Heorfe 1". Mnrvin. ? Inef of the ithio division of markets The Hfrieulture i>?Ilege al ohlo State I'nlversity. and the iilno farm Uureau federation are co-opernt 11)K in the movement furnishing of such sirvice will nut ('hin in the lead nf all elates. Mr. Mar vin asserted Tile plan was submitted by .T. i\ Gil bert. specialist In market extension of tile bureau of markets ami crop esti mates of tiie fnlted Stales I>epurtnient of Agriculture. It supplements ami am plifies the plan ? f wireless telegraphy, first considered for tin- transmission of market neyvs The plan of operation is-no lie simple and comprehensive. Keportikas to ren ditions and prices, will lie received oil a loop wire from the principal market centers of the country. In the office of he < duo . cli vision of markets. These <1 Mil be transmitted in tin: wireless !<?!.?- J ihiirm exihaiiKe at <>hi.? State I'niver- j 'i!> .mi :ti turn will transmit thr.n to 'at titers. ''olidlllni.s 1,1-rtlilttlllK. the r?t- j 1-rt-' W I I lie KtMIi twice a 'la'. Mr Marvin's stat. meat to.ia* carried . he t.rsi .letliiMe a aii.iitui cim-nl a-- t? \ iV hen th- transmission el reports Would -tail Things air S" shaping How. lie ? a nl that iv er\tilt: mould he !n ri ad- n tit* - s by the first i>t" the year i V auiihus. N11V. ?In th.* hist *10 ? rears, there has been farmluml with- f trawii from lint ivatli'tl in eastern t>hlo <i|ua! in tire.i tn six avi raj;e Ohio rutin 111 s. aeetiriliiii. t . s.i,I speelalists at | . >li i ? > State t'ni\ersttx . The tea sun Itas 1 i.ei ti sail aciditv "which follows as a - s* .s ti*r .it the wake of MKrietilttii e." It 1 was declared. I "r- e use of fertilizer is , nryrd. j. \kroti. Nov. :'n Two IniiHlreil and sixt>-tt\e aliens are made American oil- ' I/.ens here in ilu-er dnts' hearings, out 1 nf "tii'j railed for tinal examination t l.lma. Nov. l'(i t'iii/.ens tut protest. att.tinst proposed abandonment of , service between this city and 1 letlanee J l.y the 11. T. >t I railroad. Touhirstown. Nov. k'O?final tahnla- ' ttoti and reeapil illation of voles shows ' Marian .1. Scarborough winner by one i vote over floury A. Ilutler fur member | of the school boasd for the district ] north of the river. Pindlay, Nov. "<*?P. S. Snndtfrass has been elected inariaiter of tlie Arlington* farmers' fo-operattxo Klevfitor. | Iscontinucd? Amhoy, Preston county: | 'ur? <?iI. B?>one county, and Sand lidge. i' county. \ shrunken market ?xiepted. the iriinti' ti that tlic coal industry of West 'irgmia finds itself in at present, and lie outlook for the future It faces. Is. ?'cording to the opinions expressed by ?ading operators of the state, who have n en in Washington holding a business .inference, better than It has been In or years. \i! the indications are tbat the su ii onto wage crisis in the coal mining rultistry in tlie t'nitod States is to bo tag'd in West Virginia early next year. I".e operators are going to exert every ? mice of their combined and united ? trength to extend the "open shop * nroughout the rtate. and they nre more ?losely organized and harmonious, they ?lalrn, than they have been in the his or> of the industry in West Virginia. The West Virginia delegation in con fess is to caucus this week to decide is to lie done on the Walsh bill ivliivh proposes to create eighteen addl i..n;iI federal district judges, one of lii?m to be appointed in the fourtli cir uit. of which West Virginia is a mem ber. Tiie bill was reported to the house a*t week. As reported, the bill does not stipu late that the new district Judge foe tha fourth circuit shall come from Vir ginia. It did, however, when the bill came before the committee. Congress man Goodykoontz put up a strong light to have West .Virginia substituted for i Virginia, and the committee did strike J Virginia 01* of the bill, but it did not substitute West Virginia. It decided ? to lca\e it open and let the house de ? cido It. .Mr. Goodykoontz did not re-# j quest t?ucii action, nor was that result pleasing to him. It means a strenuous contest on the floor between the Virginia and West Virginia delegations, the-former's forces being marshaled and led by the repre tentative from the Fifth district. For it :s a cer'ninty that the West V'r 1 ginlans are going to tight, but just?what plan of battle they will decide on re mains to be developed at their caucus. The feeling between the members from the two Virginias is none too friendly at this time, nor has It been for some 1 time past. The West Virginians claim thai. Virginia has gotten from the ad ministration far more than it was en titled to and deserved." When Judge Waddill. of Richmond, was appointed 1 from the district to the circuit ltench , for the fourth circuit, diplomatic rc*a ; tions. so to say. were off as between lire two delegations. Children's White Rubbers Storm or hVsrular Hoiirlit. I ; par (ilou lVYiYrt First (^unlil v. Si/ps -1 to H>' -j $125 Kol?i?ffs i???? tin' I.I'll'' lots tint ,ii? ? proinoion1;111<i to'tti in :t|? prnraiin- Ituilt t" lit Naturi Shnpp Shoos ami liu'ht in wrisrht. M. H. & M. SATISFACTORY SHOES 1047 Main St Wheeling i WASHINGTON j West Virginia News ? NotM | and Gossip at the Nation's ! Capital. Washington. P P. Nov. The nomination <>f I'lyases S. .Tarret t to be postmaster ?t S*. Albans, \V. Yn . !ri pin re of O. F" Mn 'mnnv. resigned. has been ?i nt in the senate. < >?' those w co tuok tile competitive examination. Jar rott was tlie only one certified by the civil service commission as eligible for appointment. Alovander t\*. Kwln* has been np pn'tit-il .ictinif postmaster at Pickens, anil Gharlos K. Williams at Toll Gate. Those pnstoffi. es have been ordered ' ???? : QI iflra rfifrH ;frtir?tT??s1BB l?g| A 111 tlH II11-^1 * J ?11 L? 111 Irvl3| f Mutual Savings Bank 1126 Mwket St. V Thrift Is Such a Simple Thing ?And it means so much. It Is the foundation of success In busi ness. of contentment In the home, of standing in society. Start a saving account here with a Dime! ^ Depositors )!??? r*C?l7?d Interest on th?ir qnnrUrly b?luo?i for th? pMt MTinl 7*?? |i BSSSSJ. I ? 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