, SIGHTS' AND EC AC Til ur i n An Era In Furniture. "Old mission furniture," whose fault less simplicity drew admiring eyes wherever it was first seen a few years ago, has swept the World's Fair. If there ' is . any State building or office \ or reception room on trie grounds _ which isn't Cf'el out with "mission" furniture will it please speak up. Its | sway appeal? to be as absolute .is that of tho bowbacked and bow-legged horsehair chairs and -sofa rfr" forty ars -aso. While it has swiftly befe* * come commonplace an I boon divested .f fa. Ttovet(-v. hrits-universal nop- I IIP it has not lost the unpreten- j !?coTO|6r't; that first made it 'alive. . The old. mission chairs and s*. .book shelves and settees were trncfed by-Catholic padres oZ Calia:.st>lei.t>for use. They were oa IhueitO; suit the 'fca&ea and pur? ot holy men. who grevr in avoirjuris they, grew in^'graee. There eaiiitifet makers' gimcraclcB tithese chairs and tables. In inigijirt they attained the truest art. Stiitab|eness Of an object to its '.A Franciscan friar, yearned for (fc octbroideretl roses on his chair-ttr. a divan, with a hand-painted j Trom Konioo. and Juliet upon i: necessity vras iliat it he hit; ;h;.:.the ii$xt vya.s that it be stout ?li,- and the third that it be sub!al. caioufih "to last. So it was ; For some 20d years or more it [ffl'the first Christian teachers on 'aisifie coast, and then some one an artist eye spied it, repro.iuci'd ad" now 'you have it until you rest- without it. Mission furniis.expensive, but it need not be. carpenter can build it of pine and It black. It requires no fancy, priced woods. It wili soon he its 1/ common as ileal cheairs and tables, but it will never cease to be both cheering to the ere ami the wearied frame. If. it totally puts to rout the . .traditional round backed chair into which 110 human back ever fitted and upon which you bans your shoulder . blades if you are lean enough, so much V the better. Ice Water Cases in the Desert. * The watering facilities of the Fair areVpfrthehecpest importance to the .- visitor?--one might say the ico-water,f?? facilities, since the Arrn.rican public will drink ice water or nothing. tThb'nftrnber of inverted water bottles mounted on ice tanks,- which gurgle | forth:a good-shed drink at the'solic.1" intrbri of a. penny are- gradually increasing in number, ami .von can gengpirhliyy locate them by the throng around them. After .several clays id the Fair, a visitor can remember, per" haps:, where .ili'dy are, for they arc mbpf unobtrusive in their secluded ' ?ut-of-t.bo-v/ay places, and there is .'no -banner' or bulletin or barker ( > make their presence known. For the last "there may be thankfulness, for of barker.'; and barking there is alr.eady . too much. A multiplicity of mouths ' salute tbe glass drinking cups and . seera co leave a token there, an iiiiptcssioniatic picture of an under 1S;>. - or with roo much fingering by eagre r .-children thuinhsketches may decorate the -glassware. Sosao of the young Wofnen. attendants try to preserve n !;; high sanity standard among the cups. r. .vrtsedbost they may. When one may a thirst approac-lo : bDkntlsaid: '"There seems to lie every I'thiij.g all rlgbt with this water, except ' I hate to drink.out of a cup that a lo: ; of other people have drank out of." i: - ..young lady; in charge exclaimed: ' 'The idea, when I've just finished I a';;' washing every one of those cups." v.' ; . "Oh, have yoirV ' said the man. his i'th.vsvs brightening. "Well. I'm glad to hear it.. You know, your imagination makes 'it unpleasant for you when you' "have to drink out of a public drinking . "Yes, it isn't very nice." ' "There's one thing to these cups. said the visitor, encouraged to c verse. "They can't me carried off for !' souvenirs," referring to the bulb on i'lof; the bottom, which prevents them fr 1 i r' remaining upright except in their prop/ er receptacles. 'Don't you fool yourself, said tiie BSSiiv./ young woman. "That one there was - carried oil." pointing to a vacant |gg- place whence the cup had disappear Msgfc ftI. "I don't know what they want fer.V ' 'em for. The only way they can stand fc-, ' up is upside down. But people v.'iii BkCtake anything for a souvenir. They Bfefer . don't call it stealing." IjfeSb-. And Sousa Played "Sedelia." Hfe*.-. Sonsa's 'band played "Bedelia" ye? -terday. Yes, anil played it right cut -so that it echoed from Festival SrJiHall to the Administration Building, \ - .if there tvero any lingering taboo m ragtime it must have been shattered into small bits. Before the Fair B^y.we, heard that class of music and no hdvn.gtithe; but how our ideals fade, 03BHapiallywhen it is necessary to get tits worth of people into those "h "hairs; .and people won't give to hear the Traumerel. They mrrtly give 10 cents to hear *HOES E EXPOSITION. play on a horn, if he were to do a cornet solo. At least. I wouldn't, for don't liite cornet solos, although that always seems to be the next number on the program just after rny arrival at the hand concert. "Bedelia" was welcomed by the loudest hancl-ciap- | pins of (lie -afternoon, and if it had j been "Good Oie obliging, hue was not j sure that .the rules permtit.ee! proto- J graph s. "VaJt," he.said. and, bringing out from the interior or his garments a thick, typewritten volume of rules, he began turning the pages rapidly. "But !. only want to take a small kodak picture of the clock tbere. Certainly there can be no objection to that," said the man with the kodak. Va.it," was the only response. Faster and faster thumbed-' the attendant through his book of rules, and, iinding No. 133 or 149, or whatever it was, ho poured over it sonic minutes. Then he said: "Vat for you yuso das picture?" "I only want it for a keepsake;. .s Manning! on district will meet at Town of Manhington at school house. State convention, 3. Judicial convention, 11. Senatorial convention, 11. Pawpaw district will meet at Neptune school Louse. State convention, *J. Judicial convention, 3. Senatorial convention, 3. Union district will meet in the First ward of the City of Fairmont, it the school house. State convention, 4. Judicial convention, G. Senatorial convention, 6WlnfleJd district convention viy meet in M t. Harmons' school house. State convention, 3. Judicial convention, 5. Senatorial convention, r>. It is requested that in making selection oi delegates, that only those ?e selected who are likely to attend the convention to which they are undo delegates. The call tor '.he j State convention states that no proa- i es -will he admitted as delegates.. By order ot the Executive Commit.- ; ee. HARRY SHAW, Chairman, j A. L. LEHMAN, Secretary. j Dared April 20, 1001. Faiss Witness Against St. Louis. ! Every day queries, come to the j ^-lobe-Democrat from different parts of ! he country ashling" about the reports ;f trie alleged, extortion by the hotels it St. Eauis. We liave answered nany of these by letter. In all cases j ye have said that the stories were j vithout fourelation. Advances Have >een made in some cases by Hie I10els, as compared with the rates of a nonth or two ago. In all cases the :d varices have been slight. The t.csImoiiy of any- of the many thousands jf visitors to the city since the World's "air opened will bear us out in what vc say here. Charges of extravagant prices by he hotels have been made against cv)vy city which, lias had an exposition, riiey were made against Philadelphia, Chicago. Nashville, Atlanta, NewOrleans, Buffalo, Charleston and other places which have had any sort of a 'air which attracted visitors from the putside. Possibly in some cases the iccusations were true. In general, lowever, the real extravagance was n the stories themeslves,. A year ago he St. bonis World's Fair authorities pbtained from the proprietors of the lotels and lodging houses of St. bonis i schedule of prices which they ' intended to charge, during the Exposi:ion iperiod. and these have ben kept on hand for reference. In all cases he figures were reasonable. Ir any idvances have ben made upon those rates, the World's Fair officers would be glad to be informed specifically ibout it. Hotel rates continue to be ?AO.. in^rr,ai' p>^r.11 u/-, tVio ~\r*rl rnr>$> ry?auuau?c ?aigjcij ui/v ...C1 capacity of none of the hotels lias been reached. There will he room for all the visitors who come, and for many thousands in addition. The Fair was a long time in preparation. One of the things in connection with it which had to be looked after was housing capacity for the expected guests. This was amply provided for, as any visitor to St. Louis in the past three or four weeks can testify. There has been no extortion in the St. Lopis hotels thus fax-. There will he none during the Fair period. Room enough is here for the entertainment of all who may come, and consequently the rates for lodging or board at any of the hotels in St. Louis- are fabrica tions.?Globe-Democrat. ANNOUNCEMENTS Of Reduced Fares Authorized via Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, Summer Season, 1904. Atlantic City and Seashore. Special low rate excursions from all points east of the Ohio river on June 30th, July 3-1 th and 2Sth, August litb and 25th, and September Sth. ? Atlantic City, N. J.. American Academy of Jledicine (June 4-G) and American 3Iedical Association (June 7-3 0). Very low rates. Tickets on sale June 2d and Gtlpdiiclusive. good reluming: Jizne 4 th to 13th. inclusive. Atlantic iC'cy. N. J. Imperial Council, Ancient Order of .My.-die SJirine, July J2-15. Very low rates.y Tickets' on sale July 11th and 12th, good returning until July 23d, inclusive, Boston, ivj-ass. . Uanonal Euoauaimerit, G. A. R.. August 15-20. One fare for the round trio. Tickets on sale August .13th to .15th, good returning'- until August. 20th. inclusive. Cincinnati, O. Grand Lougu, 3. P. O. Elks.. July j 8-23. One fare plus $1.00 for the round trip. Ti eke Is oa sale July 15th, 10th, 37th. .good returning ttiiiU July 23d, inclusive. Detroit, IV?ich. Baptist Young People's Union of America, International Convention. -r.-l... --1A CO C'Jl fAV + ho'. OUJ.y V7iiv: JLCJ.1U 1'I.UO ?;}>-r. w*. round trip. Tickets on sale July 5th. to 7th, good returning: until July 12th. inclusive. Indianapolis, Jr.cJ. National Prohibition Convention. June 28-30. One far for the round trip. Tickets on sale June 20th to 27th. good returning: until July 10th, inclusive* i Louisville, Ky. j Knights of Pythias, Biennial Encampment, August 10-19. One fare plus $1.00 for the round trip. Tickets on sale August 12th, 13th, 14th and 15th, good returning until August SIst. inclusive. San Francisco, Gal. Triennial Conclave, Knights TempT r. eeiiterpber 5-i"). One fare for the round trip to Chicago or Sr. Louis added, to fares tendered therefrom (Chicago $50.00; St. Louis $47.50). Dates of sale to be announced later. s?.n f-rancisco, ctai. Sovereign Grand Lodge, I- O. 0. F., j September 19-25. One fare for the round trip to Chicago, or St. Louis ad- j led to fares tendered therefrom (Chicago S50.00: St. Louis $17.50.). Dates of sale to he announced later. Toronto, Opt. Friends* General Conference, August 10-1'J. One fare pi?/ $2.00 for tlie round trip. Tickets on sale August 9th to 1:1th, good returning until August 31st, inclusive. For additional information concerning rates, routes, time cf trains, etc.. call on or address ticket agents, Baltimore & Ohio R. R, NOTICE OF SALE OF ESTRAY CATTLE BY CHIEF OF POLICE. Pursuant to the provisions of (lection 58 ot Chapter 9, of the laws and ordinances of tire City of Fairmont, Marion county. West Virginia, the undersigned Chief of Police of said city, will on the 2d day of Jane, 1904, at the front door of the Court-house of salt' Marion county, offer for ..sate at j public auction to the highest bidder j therefor the following described prop- j erty now in my possession under and j by virtue of the laws and ordinances j aforesaid: One dark red yearling heifer, heavy build, and very wide between the j horns, and in good condition. One light brindle heifer. Both of said cattlo were found estray upon the streets of the City of Fairmont, on the t2th day of .May, l&O-l, and have been in my possession ever since. The owner or owners of said cattle upon the payment of all costs connected with the detention of said cattle, and Keeping same, and producing j proper evidence as to their ownership, j can redeem, said cattle on or before j the day of sale, otherwise said cattle will ho sold as aforesaid. JAMES E. MORGAN, Chief of-"Police of the City of Fairmont, x j I have some good bargains on Fairmont avenue. Call and see me. H. H. Lanham. x All of the latest telegraphic and local news will be found in the West Virginian. Dancing at East Fairmont pavilion Tuesday evening. Music by Shaw, x C'M 1 4T ou/nc ohvi DO VCHJ . /VIiONEY ? If yosj d?5 SEE f |LU| p flfiPf? 1,5V t iJ* MIIIVSI THE M il | MHO MAKES YOU j IftURbV. ' ! \-i aiain Mreci. | Sterling Sliver! We Are Showing a Very Complete Line of Sterling Silverware j Suitable for Wedding and Anniversary Presents. RIHELDflFFER j hotel "beilevue" FACING BEAUTIFUL OHIO RIVER. Between both Depots, and best location in City. Everything about the house first-class. Rates $1.50 and $2.00. Baths and Bar Attacher to Hotel. 120S to 1214 Water Street, WHEELING, W. Va. notice I will sell all street hats and flowers I now have on hands regardless of cost this week. Come and get hats and flowers almost at your own price. Mrs. Laura Fra'/.er, 42S Jackson St. x " notice If you see a nice 1 .okins couple UUUUo ILIUUUU vtuu ? good stylish liorse, elegant harness, nobby run-a-bout, carriage or trap, with nice clean robes, and everything to match, you- can wager ten to one it was hirc-d from the Jackson Livery Barn, as we put out'only that hind. FRED S; JACKSON, Manager. Open day and night. x ~ NOTICE Fairmont, W. Va? May 26, 1004. To All hot Owners of Maple Grove Cemetery: You are hereby notified to clean up your lots at once, fill up all graves and remove all dirt. The trustees are having the grounds improved, and lot owners are requested to clean up and beautify their lots. By order of the Lodge. S. F. BROWN, J. C. McKINNEY, BAZIL, LAYMAN, Trustees. Palatine Lodge No. 84, I. O. O. F. ro DEPOSITORS. ar opens a Savings account. . you the safe. We keep the^|!9H y. .;h-' accounts draw four per cent, me being compounded semi j9H|#fllp I get a safe. It will hefp you NGS BANK. TDe BanK 01 Fairmont FAIRMONT, W. VA. ' "i 7 J. !: WATSOX^PrcsIiient. J. S. IJAYDEN; Vice pVesidetrt. : WALTON MILLER. Cashier. Caoiia!, S150.0fi0.00. Lr.ai-.iJeU Profits. S!?O.OOO.GO . vHRtiCTORS: A. l:;o~.ins. U.S. llaytten. ? , : PV J. F. Watson. '' M. I . Hutchinson. ' F. fi. Nichols. C. S. Mci-jnney. C. E. A'aniey. Transacts n general lianking-- business. ?-r?r Accounts of corporations.'firms and individuals received -upon the most favorable terms consistent-with sound and conservative banking. - jjc WyfjWASg Interest paid en time deposits- -aV fy"Wvffoj Separate vault with safety deposit,] boxes for use of customers. \iThe F!r?t National:Sank of* T???T"-iYtiiVr*<' W.'vVflti. V> i. -i- vai 14 JUtif* r> u. 5 ? r - > - .. ';. ..yv'r)i-nts>n;i'?. Capital Stock, - $iCfO,000.00 Surplus and Undivided Profits, - 165,000.00 Designated Depositary of the United Slates and State of YVest Virginia. J. M. HARTLEY", President. " Hon. A. B. FLEMING, Vice President. JOS. E. SANDS, Cashier. DIRECTORS. T. M. Hartley, Hon. A. B.Fleming, Benj. D. Fleming. Win. E. Watson, Jos. K. Sands. Chartered as State Bail- -(185I. Organized as National Baui in 1865. Lecbartered as National Bank in 1885. Wants business based on balances and responsibility. Collects on all points. Sells domestic and foreign exchange. . e Pays interest on special deposits. Customers' private boxes taken care of in our fire and burglar proof -vault - : free of charge. Citizens' Do'lsr Savings Bank, FAIRHONT, W. VA. Opened for business Groundhog Day? jfeoruarv zu. jlvuo. ; CAPITAL STOCK" - $100,000.00. officers : . - ./A A. L. LEHMAX, J. A. CLARK, Q .A President. Vice President. J. n. LJNX, Cashier directors: A. L. Lehman. J. A. Clark, T. P. Hart. J. F. Cook, L. C. Powell, C. W. Swisher, V. H. Nicholson, Jr. Docs a general banking- business. 1 Per Cent. Interest Paid on Savings Deposits. It's What You Save, Not What You Earn. That Makes Wealth. TliePoopie's liank of Fairmont, W. Tar CAPITAL STOCK, S200,000.00. George M. Jacobs President George DeBolt Cashier J. M. Brownfield... .Assistant Cashier Directors?G. M. Jacobs, S. L. Watsoil, J. Mi Hartley, Harry Shaw, W- S. Haymond and C. E. Hutchinson. .( All business intrusted to us will receive prompt and careful attention. ' SOLICIT YOUR ACCOUNTS. Interest paid on time deposits. Vault is free to customers for private boxes and papers. Is Mow Open ABBOTT'S BOARDING HOUSE N'e.xt lo the New Jacobs Building' on Monroe Street. Furnished Rooms. Table Board. Entire house newly furnish.- , ed. Baths, all conveniences. t ? Booms are large, airy, comfoT-tahle. homelike. Beds are soft, new and well taken care of. Boavd will be the best and lots of it. For rates call at bouse. Fine parlor for all. For Good FOTOS, Oo To THE PALACE STUDIO Gunninaham Block. ;