I pin and Beasts Prepare ^Clothes) and Bedof the "year the birds he woodlands are laynter colthes and bedely the extra thich jathors that grows on in autumn, but all ial'-rugs and blankets e themselves. Fiel.i 'arm every meadow, )\r gaihering in sheets vf 11 keep out the 'cold heir tiny underground sorts of luxurious he St. Louis "Globe I Kfmrs, as do the mice?though ~ rfiaveh't so much nose to turn ? They sometimes lay down a of mattress of thistle, collected great pains, upon the hay, and It s a very soft, springy bed. Then ^ search the low-growing brambles its of wool, which have stuck in = iorns from the fleeces of passing i, and take the hits home. They d them out, and inake them as and soft as possible, then work carefully into the texture of the and hair, and make up an e.\dy snug bed. takes a lot of weather to turn /ease! out of his couch, and it e place where he can sleep ly. Ho never brings anything " to eat, but sucks the blood of ictims when he kills them and goes home and turns in. ter , rats are famous blanket rs. They fill their bedrooms in in with sheets of the gray vegcilown that grows on various ? in the marshes and by the banks of the streams. The bed and | - mattress of Mrs. Rat is generally made of dry rushes, which form a capital conch, if you know how to arrange them. The * big, fat water rats .. that live in fe any districts have a very THANKSGIVING PROCLAMATION By the Governor. Whereas, the President or the United States, in accordance with ctm10m, has issued his proclamation appointing and setting apart a day of festival and thanksgiving to be observed by all the people of the United States; now, therefore. 1, Albert B. White, Governor of the State of West Virginia, do hereby proclaim and designate THURHDAY, NOVEMBER 24, as Thanksgiving Day to be so observed by the citizens of West Virginia. On that date the people are requested to cease from their ordinary occupations and to assemble in their various places of worship or homes, there to devoutly thank the fiver of all good for His many mercies and blessings conferred upon us as a Nation, as a Commonwealth and as individuals, and to beseech a continuance of God's favors upon us. Aa one of the sisterhood of States of this great country WeBt Virginia has been favored greatly during the past year. Our material development has continued and expanded; our husbandmen have been rewarded with bounteous crops: we have been spared from pestilence and great disasters: our people have been contented, happy and prosperous, and each and all have abundant reason to feel gratitude and to abound In the spirit or thanksgiving. We have been more generously favored than some other sections of this great country and should he correspondingly grateful. Never were religious, educational ?nd benevolent institutions of our rdate doing as great and beneflcient e even more generally observed than my similar anniversary. Given under my hand and the great eal of the State at the City of rharleston on this the eighth day of November, in the year ol' our Lord me thousand nine hundred and four, ltd of the State the forly-second. Seal.! ALBERT B. WHITE, ' By tlie Governor: Vm. M. O. DAWSON, Secretary of State. IDEA FOR A PATENT?THE S For single track roads. By this syste he express on a curve would pass merril esults. THE SMA A Magazine of Magazines should have a well-define Genuine entertainment, amusement ives of The Smart Set, the MOST SUCCESSFUL Its novels (a complete one in. each i tuthors of both hemispheres. Its short stories are matchless? cl Its poetry covering the entire field c less?is by the most popular poets, m Its jokes, witticisms, sketches, etc ., roking. 160 PAGES DELIGH No pages are wasted on cheap iilust as essays and Idle discussions. Every page will interest, and refre Subscribe now?$2.50 per year. Rt rder, or registered letter to THE SMAI 'ork. N.B.?SAMPLE COPIES SENT F Rl WAH CORRESPONDENTS. Some of 'I'lieir Fnmoan I'ent" i> t I'Ei>'kIcyf 13i?J ti ranee. One of the finest achievements of a war correspondent was ' Hint of Holt White, a ropreaeiiiative of the New York Tribune, in the Fraaco-l"ruxsian war. He witnessed tlie battle of Sedan from tlie Prussian headquarters on Thursday, Sept. 1. 1870. At lis c-oiiclusidiv he rode to Brussels, but lliere tlie postolflee authorities refused to traiisrnit his dispatch to I-ondon untl even threatened t? arrest him for sayinjj thy t tlie Freoi'li had been defer,ted. He then went on to Calais, crossed to Dover by special steamer and took a special train to Iandun. where tie arrived at 5 o'clock on Saturday m orn his. X?ct day there was a description of the battie six columns ion;; ia the Tribune.. It was not bill Tuesday that the Londsn newspapors uuu acfSHuw ui uic w?filct from their correspondents. K?t the ?OBt fanioua deed of physicv 1 endurance in the race for news beIwcok war correspondent* wn told *f Archibald Forbes. In &i& Servian rrar f 1?7?* Semllu. tfae nearest telegraph *txti?a. was 320 mriie* distant fra-ai the j scene of the buttle. S5? so?:i Ferfeec knew the reanlt Jar rede ?*. s*j*ai all | aight l?7ag he kept at a gratllep. e3?**g ixg k?rsea evriy fifteen wiilea. At lin he had eac Uaj drink ef beer and then at ace sat sieww f the t*~k ?f writing. bear ?. v. i ceived a supposed transcript of the certificate of his wife's death. This transcript has not been properly certified and Pettigrew fears that it is another plan of his wife to block the divorce proceedings. Never equaled?often imitated?\V. I.,. Douglass shoe for men. C. B. Highland. Ease, comfort, health.?all combined in the Dorothy Doiid shoe. C. B. Highland. x DOC1 Kid SI 8-Sti RACK .4 ALSO PURIFIES T Don't "become discouraged. There is cases aa yours. All consultations are FI&EE. * 'Liberality of principle, scope of thought and /.vorringdevotion are the requistea in the medicr reatraonfc of ail "affections, both acute and clirc ;rom an influenza to a grave typhoid; a siniph jronchial cough to a gravo comsumption."?Extr De. M. ML Fenner,. beforo one of the New York \s3em!)ly Chamber, of the State Capitol at Albai FOR SALE BY ED* /\? THAT DELIGHTFUL FLAVOR given by tie juices of Itrfe-vious fruits, ripe and fresh, makes Jim Martin't soda so popular. The fact that all these syrups are absolutely pure ap. peals to everyone's good sense whs values health. The water used is pare also, and there Is no Summer beverage so wholesome and delloious. Try a glass of soda with his delicious lee cream at the SOUTH SIDE PMAHIVIAUY. NOTICE If you see a niee 1 .oking couple driving around -with a good stylish horse, elegant harness, nobby run-about, carriage or trap, with nice clean robes, and everything to match, you can wager ten to one it was hired irom the Jackson Livery Barn, as we put out only that kind. FRED S. JACKSON, Manager. Open day and night, x We carry a complete line of wood, iron, and Cincinnati bucket pumps. J. L. Hall's Hardware Store. x Your "want" is not important?to anyone but yourself?until it has been "put into type." I have some good lots In two squares of Court-house tor sale at $375.00. H. H. Lanham. x W. ?. U TRAN! Hauling of all kinds. Mo1 pianos a : Residence, 319 Merchant street. Office on Parks avenue, next to Skinner's Tavern, Fairmont, W. Va. rOR FEN IS m HE BLOOD a cure for you. If necessary vrrite Dr. Fenne an research,untiring energy, anil unit man to extended success in the mic, simple and complex, ranging Send. f< 3 ulcer to a scirrhous cancer, a act from an address delivered by on th State Medical Societies, in the ly, N. Y., Jan. 27th, 1S69. St. V . FORTUNE'S FAVORS are cf your own making. Those who try to win them by reckless speculation are "most often unsuccessful. Legit 1- mat* methods of acquiring wealffefounded on the most solid of financial1 principles are offered by the CITIZENS' DOLLAR SAVINGS BANK.. JOSEPH SCHUSTER, Contractor for Cement Sidewalk*, Cellar Floors, Yards, Retaining Walla and Steps. Stable Floors and Cellars made water tight, a specialty. * Residence?Spence street, near Maplo avenue. F. & M. "Rhone, 634. P. O. Bex, 476. Fairmont, W. Va. I hare some good bargains on Fairmont avenue. Call and see me. B. H. Lanham. b It is easy to get guesses by aaklne.. a friend to subscribe for the West Virginian six months. x. Try your luck?it doesn't cost anything. Coal City House Furnishing Company. a v Some person will get the 100-pleoe Haviland dinner set. Coal City HooksFurnishing Company. * We are agents for Oliver Chilled' and Syracuse plows. J. L Hall's Hardware Store. a Some person will get the chair. Coal City House Furnishing Company. a iOMflS, SFER. i/ing; household goods and specialty. Bell 'Phone?Residence, 340; Office, 8. Consolidated 'Phone?'Residence. 70, Office, 100. rER'S All Diseases of the Kidneys, r Bladder, and Urinary Organs. Also Heart Disease, Kheumatism, Backache, Gravel, Dropsy, Female Troubles. ;i I rr T. He has spent a lifetime curing just sncis ickache Dropsy Kidneys ft leumatism Gravel *9 rf