Ias-to^e is .pros* known Manningthe case belong.! nent in a small t from this city. tlve of the young Ii preparuuuua nau iwct event, the officiating sen engage,1, and the ' the couple haj been present and witness the l one ot the trains that jton hours before the sbes across the eastern man who was booked > to the altar hiked out ho deserted girl are elr condolences with >m, and tell her everyfor the best?then they tonsnpanon ; tiM lweetippk.r with some people, brio# ( prompt relief (or Constipation. .With'others, -seiil-ijheat bread will have the kudo effect tin ture undoubtedly has a vegetable remedy te 5^attUtlW?TeryaIlra?Lntkno\vii tomRn, If phyiiclana ' tan but And Nature's way to. health. And this if strikingly true with regard to Constipation. TUeharkofa certain tree lu Callfornia?Oaa. j Jv aam flagimda-offers a most excellent aid to thii ul. But, combined with Egyptian .Swum, Slip, pery Elm Bark, Solid IE xtract of Prunes, etc., this ?me Oaacara bark is given its greatest possible power to correct constipation. A toothsome ? ? ? i Jewelers and., I, Opticians, KlJWater St. FAIRMONT Ri^ht Down to Busin6S$B When it comes to flettlng right down to business and making isles of Psirment Real Estate every one appreciates the services of my Real Estate Department It is this department of my.business that helps the man who has a house to tell to find a buys*, and the man who wants to buy will find that I ht?r listed on my beolcs the Most Desirable Home* . > and the one* that eon be bough t at the moct reaaonable prices and on the easiett terms. I could describe a number of properties here, same of which would suit you, but I prefer to have you come in and tell me about what you want .and then I can > i Show You the House Always glad to show the property I have listed, for I don't handle anything but good property. LEVI B. HARR CHAS. W. HAWKINS, Mgr. Heal Estate Oept Brady 6nS 8 iiipio Co. Principal Office, Union Trust BIdg., Parkersburg, W. Va, Branch Office, Jacobs Building, Fairmont, W. Va. I ni/>vrncnu nun luur cunniv rnuniiiv vic&CKwn DuiLuinu aurru cumrAiu YELLOW PINE. FINE INTERIOR FINISH. FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS f THe Bank of Fairmont, The Pe?ples Bank PAimmw.>. of Fairmont. ' "i ^voiSS'p"Lu??t CAP.TAL STOCK PAIS WALTON MILER, Cashier. |||y $150,000.00. Directors: A. I. FLEMING, J. S. HAYDEN, Qe0' M- Jail's President. J E WATSON W's- Hay 0'"' Vice President H. L. HUTCHINSON, F. E. NICHOLS, J' M" Brownfl('Id Cashier 0. I. McKINNEY, C. E. MANLEY. Our lire and burglar proof vaults Capital, Sl50.000.f0. are free to customers for privte paUndivided Profits, $160,000.00 P*ra. we solicit your .Business, wiucn wun Transacts a genral banking busi- receive prompt and careful attention. lf?8. Accounts of corporations, Arms and ndividuals received upon the sost Directors Geo. M. Jacobs, W, S. 'avorable terms consistent with sound Meredith, J. M. Hartley, Harry Shaw, ind consen'ative banking. W. S. Haymond, C. J2. Hutchinson. Interest paid on time deposits. Howard R. Furbee. Separate vault with safety deposit S ^jj|| iteAVvH,, >, V * > ^ rkich tends to .mprove the facilities f our bank Is prressed luto service. 88 Pre*'den'look very carefully after all de- J- R- L,NN' c"bleralii and make our service as effective M possible. We receive deposits sub- TRYING TO SAVE ect to check, pay 4 per cent. Interest ^ such a (|imcu]t mat(er when wc ,n "V)D?8 and t me MArwl t }l your Renftance Abroad should be made by Foreign Drafts, as they afford the safest and most convenient way of sending money. We issue Foreign Drafts on European and other foreign countries, and would be pleased to serve you in this capacity. 4 Per Gent. Interest Paid on Certificates ot Deposit. I FIRST NATIONAL BANK, Fairmont, West Va. United States and State Depository. ; Capital $100,000. 8urplus and Profits $218,000. BACK TO LIFE FUNERAL ARRANGEMENTS COMPLETED WHEN NE GETS WELL ?AUMil AOV AT MIIMT. ifwroM. HUNTINGTON, Dec. 7.?S. L Staples, foreman of the McColm Granite works, who was thought to be dead after a two weeks' Illness, the epitaph out on his toipbgtooe, arrangements The Union CI On Over C Craven< An/1 1 X111U J ings during this sa: but come in to see day shopping. The Union Cl( Open Evenings TRANSFER1""11 I move anything from a baby ci It quickly, also make a spec Goods and Pianos without dam call me up. I deliver Coal city In short order. When yoi sire anything placed In storage Trunk hauling a specialty. Bell Phone-Office 8, Res S40.II/ ? Con.-Office 100, Res. 70. ]), J iii . Are you an admirer of go( find something in our window I the following prices per box? The $1,50 kind will please the 48 envelopes and 48 sheets of j ed box, suitable for a Xmas pre rt/itViA in on/I spa mir NavpI assortment on hand and more c find something suitable for a p Watch for ou And don't fai Windows, yoi ck ^ ' Drnmmoads last tight, overturned ' nearly every movable article in the house and "then contented themselves ? ViMi fifteen dolors In money while ' several handred dollars' worth of A] watches and jewelry lay on the dress lag tattle In plain sight. Bloodhounds failed to And a trace ^ of the burglars, who entered the house while the family were attending an eucftainmeot ? On: SALE AT I othing House i oats ^ a ettes Rain Coats d For the next ten days our entire stock of Ove rc oat s, k Qravenettes 1 and |Raincoats ' will be sold at 25 percent disS count from the original price. If you want something to keep you warm or dry be sure tn rail nn 11s :r during this sale. * Specials in clothing and ' Gents furnish- I le. Do not delay us for your holi- l ithing House Till Christmas. I -HAULING.: iiMiUmt m itMAai rtmy ?Lni1 Hft 1 laity of moving Household age. When you need Coal, and Sand to all parta of the i-have Hauling to do, or de), aee Thomas, he's the man. THAU A C Pir" Avenue, . IflUirlAj, Next to Tavern. irsl f ft id stationery? If so, you can ihat will please you. We have -25c, 35c, 50c, $1.00 and $1.50. most fastidious. It contains laper in a handsomely decorat Bent. ty Jewelry. We have a large omitig every day. You can resent for all the family. # I 1 11| r Xmas ads., 1 to give our < ir attention. Hall Block, oppoilte K arietta Hotel. Ntott's New Market 5 Ci ssh Eggs and Country Batter *' Always on Rands. Young , and Old Chickens. ,i r specialty is rona uaugm Freah Water Fish. | WE 0YSTEB8A1L SEASON. Give us a Call, text Door to Koto's Marble fforka, Jackaon St. i i , . i ones UndeiiakingCo. C. JONES, Funeral Director, Arterial Embalmar. Bell Phone 305-2. F. AM., 295-2. . . M . | have you. ] ing your? tions ? vJJ! Have you been saying ove "What shall it be?" Day.af pie ask themselves that que it goes unanswered." For no amount of,at-home mind even a small portion t inlo the consideration,?and. stock you will fall far short of choosing from hcaped-up Our stock a questi A visit here will reveal "s iug easy for you. And tho weeks away?it's a pleasutv crowds, ample time, and st them. this Xmas j( be " again as usual. Bach succ( greater demands upon us. lor the "biggest yet." Ha And while the variety is jus also that daintiness, that c every well-chosen, jewelry si As we hinted?be ahead ol you all the time you ask. G1 lections until the eventful d liafer & The Leading Golde Becoming A Houj Praised by the Citizens of Recommended by Prac Golden Oil, a famous old Indian r u a household medicine aa Its good been used by hundreds of the cltlsi have used it will cheerfully recommi timonlals: GOLDEN OIL Is not a "cure all" bold remedy that Is a certain and 1 pains. It Is unexcelled as a rezne toothache, earache, rheumatic pains bis, flux, summer complaint, pain ui is called, bruises, cuts, old sores, ch scalds, boils, carbuncles, teter, ecxen head, nose cold, lumbago, sciatic pnl and in any case where there la any | A DOCTOR IN VOUI That 1? what you hare when you your houae. It la the sufferer's moat afford to remain without thia remoi any dealer. It la eutnlly serviceable when apj ually. Every bottle guaranteed to lo money will be oheerfully refunded. For Seal* by Crane's Or a&o and SC a 1 / -ylr : .-..jth " llllf \f J1 m vll I ^111 WV.9B tt ehMDCtt olaca to buv^-No. athsr -1 ke^lt Send for eur agent oreall M' me Second HaiutStore. 9 And Auction Heuse F. W. GARRETT, Frog. 108 ilackeen Street. . V FAIRMONT PRE8IING CO. ' Flrat Cleea treating and Repair. Ing Ladlte' and Men'e MONTHLY RATE, HJS. Work Called for and DeUvarad. ell Phone?85W. Conaelldated Pheni WE. lieeui ask- j elk ques- , n Uil schold Favorite rest Virginia; used and /.. :tidng Physicians. emedy, Is growing In popularity qualities become known. It tuu sns of tbls State and all wka | 9nd it Read the following ta? but a simple, harmless, houaoquick destroyer of all aches air ? dy for neuralgia, headache In children, colic, cholera aor Inatlon or bloody gravel aa H illblalss, frost bite, burns and ia, Itching piles, cramp, ooli la j ns, abscess facial neundgla, tot $sif peat pain as an anodyne. have a bottle of Golden Oil to useful friend and. no family can I ly when it can be proenrel el l plied externally or taken la tar j what is claimed tor It or your I it and over to yourself? . v ^ ter day. hundreds of peo- J stion, and day after day "411 : imagining.will recall to , if. the articles that enter : ; / until you have seen OUR J of knownig the pleasure Dswews- all 3 ons uitablcs" to make choosugh Xmas is still a few nble time to shop ? no oeks without a dent itt ' welry will ' |j .selling Christmas makes i This year we are' ready ve more of everything. - ^ t about endless, there is : harm that is a part of 1 I the crowd. Glad to givo " ad to lay aside your se