u'. . )pjJQ , virgfnlab, daily and RLWBAU Oftai BTAkl I AtlAU I'iiiA. IB come to the front with an ieodore Roosevelt for a third president of the new ieaguo tached to the platform !t: Is Mid llkd to hear frpm every IVe, the members of the Roosevelt rd Term National League, having heart the great social and political Clems now confronting the people, I In order that the rights of the ises be.protected and that national mony be preserved, deem It lmperre that Theodore Roosevelt be reed to the Presidency In 190S. 7e have come upon days In our soand political life, fermenting with rust and requiring firm control. with alarm the evils alIjr, jjrown from the abuse of corite power and see in these evils irtlle field for the demagogue, from ch might readily spring a polltland social revolution, and believe | nothing short of temperate and ferfial solicitude, on the part of people, will hold our political and a tbe people Irrespective of party B'is due tho credit that their PrestV to-day, Is Theodore Roosevelt fliny am nf fAftl ffAPrlom ftllf! VltfllitV f in our Institutions of government and If politics was demanded, and tbey wisej ly saw in him a means to attain it 80 valiantly and wholeheartedly has thla man reflected the wishes of the j people, that" his personality has en< tered into and become a part of every (department of our national life. won lite confidence of the people: and this fact alone, atakea ft*;. Mm the most potent factor in the soh';:lution of the present disturbing con, ditions. To eliminate this personals is to that confidence?nt a time when the people, as a whole, are Ipwrtlve and trembling with apprehen: aion, Is to invite national disorder. Kip,So .'dooely woven Is this bond hoKrtween the President and the people. K||l -.that he has become to them a public K^oeeesBlty, an essential of things in p;, fthe social and political fabric. ThereTheodore Hoosevelt is not only I the one logical candidate for nomlna I Ion, but. ..manifestly Is the only Initial President for the people. ' Already has It be'en demonstrated bat- the. frightened and vengeful realth controlling forces of the counfy, will resort to any means to defeat lis nomination for a Presidential third Term. We, therefore, must be U the alert and quick to action If we, rould save that which has already een/accomplished by our Illustrious s'We are not unmindful of the fact biat Theodore Koosevelt himself delared'ln 1904, that "under no clrcnmtances would he be a candidate for. r, would be Bccept another nomlnsWe challenge, however, his right yxefuse to accept the Presidency of le United States for a Third Term, tthe-face of the people's demand, essclally at a time when so many tinertaklngs of the highest. Importance Ive been brought about and set In lotion by him, and so subject them i; the danger o( an untried and tinjoved successor, to whom public con Iienoe wouio oe remcianny exienaeu. Manifestly, the selection of' lis resident rests with the people. The lblle, alone. Is Judge. No man may iy he will not accept. It Is not the ovlnce of Theodore Roosevelt to say t will or will not lie the President, e, who acts as President, sets solely i a servant of the people, and when died by thera, must come. We further hold, that In point of ct his re-election In 190S would not institute a Third Term. HE HAS BEN 'ELECTED TO THE PBESI[,'VfV BflfP n\TPD TnoamiMfi Vino'. i,;; upuiuf uul V/UVJIH.?jiiguMuuiut uun g ever, an the laahe.hu been so general ally spoke* ot as a Third Term, (he i We, therefore, In the Interest of ffiSwh'"0 welfare, demand . that TheoWS&n RobeereH be nominated for the H|jmjM$jjc]r and be reflected In 1B0S, B?d; to that end hereby pledge our sup( :' jT-?i nTr*^ ' S fcui* and Fairmont by an exchange on the part o/the.buaines* men'of the two citlea oyer the open fng of the new trolley system between fheee-two point* . On the invitation of the business men of Fairmont a targe delegation of representative citizens of the upper West Fork river town went down on the first through car to that city, where the glad hand was extended the visitors. The Clarksburg delegation was accompanied home by a representative delegation of the Mountain City business men. Speaking of the event the Fairmont West 'frirginlan has this to say: 'This interurban'connection Is, we hcpe, but the beginning of a net work of trolley lilies between the various towns in this region. What a efenter Fairmont will be with trolley connection with Clarksburg, Morgnntown, Mnnulngton and Grafton. Wg hope the day is not fgr distant when this dream may be realized. With continuous towns along the lines from city to city we shall soon have a rival for Pittsburg in the Upper Aloiiunguiieiu > iuir.r, n maiter of course such a connection as (he West Virginian speaks of would be a great advantage to Fairmont, but we do not see ipat It would help that town any more than It would benerft all of the towns Interested. The truth Is such an enterprise, and It Is one to bei devoutly wished for, extending to all points named above, would be Immensely profitable to this whole section of the State, especially that portion contiguous thereto. Hasten the day that will see such a line completed." WA8 LONESOME. Th? Grafton Sentinel Is a good enough paper to deserve a holiday Christmas, but It did not take It. ? PnrkerBburg Slate Journal: Ves, the Sentinel was entitled to the holiday, but It could not afford the luxury. Hut think how lonesome It was the day after the holiday without the Journal, the Fairmont West Virginian and a whole lot of others or our choice exchanges from all the surrounding towns that "jumped" the * Christmas Issue. The Journal's editorial page the day following showed that the editor had been benefited by the holiday suspension. "Too much work and no play makes Jack a dull boy," Is a saying that applies to newspaper men as well as other boys. ? Grafton Sentinel. ! It Is too bad that the dear Sentinel had to work and was deprived of Its "regular company" on Christmas, but the West Virginian has decided to celebrate on Christmas and the Fourth of Jnly In order that, the "force" may enjoy the festive seasons. 1 The following news Item from yesterday's Wheeling News Is of Interest: The Hon. T. P. Hill, or Middlebourne. State Senator from the Second West Virginia district, Is In the city, registered at the McUtre. Senator Hill stated that politics is beginning to liven up down his way wl'h the approach of the opening of the legislature. "I think Mr. Senmon will be the next speaker of the house, but I don't know about the presidency of the Sennte. I might say, however, that Mr. McDermott has many friends down our way." Senator Hill states that business not politics brings him to Wheeling. The editor ot the Parkeraburg Dlspntch News says: "A French professor says a man's! best Ideas conre to him between 2 nndj r. o'clock In the morning. That's about! the time he usually thinks he ran make a pair of Jacks ko through-by! standing pat and leading off with a Miff bet." [ Now. how does Smith know about such .things? N'o.w, that the twin cities have been j christened. It Is hoped they will regard themselves members of the I same family with a common heritage, i ?C'larkslmrg Telegram, j Good! The Parkersliurg State Journal: quotes from the Charleston Selmitar.j Where Is that paper published andi who Is Its editor? GOVERNOR REFUSES TO PARDON MOCK. Man Convicted of Holding up Schan Muat Serve Hia Sentence. \VHEEI.ING, Dec. 28.?Word was received iu Wheeling Thursday thai Gov. W. M. O. Dawson had refused to grunt Dan Mock a pardon, although a petition with quite a number of names attached hud been sent to bint aekltlg for clemency. Mock was sentenced in the criminal court the past year and sentenced to a two year term for an attempt at highway robbery, committed upon Albert Schan near Mt. De Chantel. t'iem Relabeck, arrested as an an- i complice of Mock, was, when tried, i acijaltipfl. Kodak* and rjppllea at reduaea prlo-pn at A. C. Klnkead'8, Wataon HnWl building. tt MR. HAROLD ROGERS WRITES IN- ! TERESTINGLV OF HARVARD UNIVERSITY WHERE HE IS IN SCHOOL. While the following letter was not * written for publication, It has bo man) things of Interest to the people of 1 Fairmont we take the liberty to pub- 11 Hsh It, knowing that Mr. Rogers will not object. Mr. Rogers was formerly ' a teacher In the Fairmont Normal 1 school and Is well known and well liked here. The letter Is a? follows: 1 CAMBRIDGE, Mass, Dec. 26: 1906. ' Dear Mr. Ixtiigh:? I dare say yon will be surprised to c learn that I am a Harvard student. I 3 stole away like a thief In the night. 1 Only my most Intimate friends knew e of It I had planned so many times to take a course somewhere and always C falling to do so, that this time I was J afraid to breathe it. t I came here the opening of the academic year and have enjoyed my life h here very much Indeed. I am study- t lug chemistry exclusively; am not overburdening myself, but have enough ( work to keep me fairly busy all the t time except for an evening off now and then to go out and see things, a The opportunities I have here are won- C derful and I am trying to make the best of th'em. p Do you remember of my telling you r a year or two ago of my Intentions at that time of studying philosophy and 1 of your telling me T ought to study h selence in some line Instead? 1 was 1 somewhat Influenced by what you sab1 then to determine to take up chemls- f try or physios. It was a very difficult matter for me to come to a decision t upon. The facts that philosophy dud education are comparatively easy to i take up ami that entirely loo many t are already dabbling in those fields have deterred me from that eourse t and I feel J have acted wisely, though the mastery of a chemical specialty ( seems almost beyond me at my age, , and considering my limited means. I have pretty good assurance of an A l M. In chemistry In 1IWS, or by doing rwo years' exclusive work in chemls- ( try. x You will be Interested to know the West Virginia Cluh of Harvard had a \ very patriotic banquet at the American House, Boston, one night this ; month. Fourteen West Virginians j were present Not all of these, how ever, were Hurvaril students. Some of js tliem attend other Institutions nearby. Mr. Guy Pi lchard was loastmnster and v officiated very cleverly. 1 can't name all of those present. Among llieni were, Mr. B. A. Horkbelmer. preslilent of the club; Mr. J. H. Brennen, ? secretary, both of Wheeling; .Mr. C. ( W. Wadderll, of the Howard Medical | School: Mr. 0. E. Kurlckhoff, of Hp- f shur county, graduate of the Seminary: Sir. Keeley, a former W. V. U. student; Sir. D. E. SlcQitllkln. W. V. U? '04, English student, front Shep- ( herdstown. W. Va.; Sir. Gtiy' Prlch artl, law; Mr. Haggarty, of Mahnlngjton; Howard Divinity; Sir. Hen- j : nen. of Morgantown, student at SlitsBachusfetts institute of Technology; j Sir. Geo. Griffith, of Sloundsvllle, n | graduate of Harvard Sledical School, and Frank Hnymond, of Fairmont, law. j We all had appropriate toasts to respond to. Sllne was "The Schools of West Virginia " We eutled by singing "The West Virginia Hills." We j thought It quite a significant gathering. It was suggested that we advocate the organization of a University club In West Virginia. U This Is the first time I have ever spent the holidays away front home. 1 am putting lu the time for a day or e two writing to all my friends. I find there are a good many ways to put E 1>' me lime, |>III. i uuu u imc 10 per (]) drop or any one finding Opium, Cbloio form, or any oher poisonous or nnr- ^ noiic Ingredient In Dr. Sboup's Cough Cpre. And the challenge is as yet M| unanswered. Here Is one manufacturing physician who welcomed with much satisfaction the new government si Pure Food and Drug Daw. The pub- tfi lie can now protect itself at all times wt by Insisting on having Dr. Shoop's, inj when a cough'remedy Is needed." dli Hold by E. A, Billfngslea A Co. it - . - ...- .. . Miss Ella Msrtln has returned from 1 teedsville. Preston county, -' wfcdre I he was the guest of relatives.Mtss Zella Satterfleld, of Clarksburg, i the guest ofberparenta at Hope-' : rell for a couple at week's. Mr. Dennis' HcKJnney and family re spending a few jluys with relatives n Taylor county. Mr. and Mrs. George Shoemaker, iave-returned from" a week's visit at 1 itorg&ntown. e Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hlgglnbotham, ' f Shlnnston, Mtsa Idly Swindler and h dr. L. L. Swindler wore over at Cheat 1 rhursdny to attend the funeral of their 1 ;randmother, Mrs. William Swindler. f Mr. and Mrs. Mansfield Hoult, of " .'larkshttrg, tyho have heen guests of ' dr. and Mrs. H. A. Jimilson, have re- '' urned home. Mr. Lawrence Toothntan is spending ils vacation with his parents lit Hill- ' op farm. Robert Hoult and children, of ClarksbuiJ;, have returned In their ' lome after a short stay In Jhe city. v Miss' Maggie Jamison la spending , couple of weeks at her home in 0 llenvllle. Mr. Aitid Mm. Tim Ronnett. of Mor rnnlown, came up yesterday to visit elatives. f Mrs. Anna Belle Baker, of Austin. ^ rexas, Is spending the holidays with y ler molher, Mrs. Mary Anne Bartho- ( ow. ^ Mr. W. H. Shaffer, Qf Haymond e il.reet, is In Washington. D. C. ( lames Morris, of Slate street, Is he guesl of his aunt nt Shinnston. ( Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rlnehart re- # aimed to-day fi'om Graflon, where r hey spent Christmas with relatives, y Fred Honlt Is at his home In Nes- v orffle for a few days. B Mr. I.ovejoy, of Craflon, has se- j Hired employment here and will re- ,, naln In the city. I Mr. N. C. Sleele Is confined to his , lorne by Illness. ,, Guy Humphreys has returned from ., Jrafton where he spent Christmas .. vlth his parents. f Rev. G. IV. Bent has lieen sick for n he past few days. \ Miss Nan Cox returned yesterday i, rom a short visit with frien.ls at v lorgitjitown. C Rtiy Michael, of McCurdysvlIle, :i pent Thursday In the First ward. ,, Mrs. Harry Klger and children are y Isiting relatives at Mannington. t Junior League Entertainment. < The entertainment Riven In the Dla- i riont Street M. E. Church Thursday fc venlng was well attended, consider- f ng the disagreeable evening, and the t allowing programme was rendered: t Singing. S Lord's Prayer. b Recitation?"Little Miss Mischief,'' It Iretta Nichols, fi Singing. v Recitation?"When the Cat Kneels e lown," Wanda Hall. Recitation?"Under Daddy's Coat," iarle 3cott. Duet, Marie Scott and Mary Gllhart. | Recitation?"My Mother," Harry lulcher. Recitation?"When Angellne a-ShopIng Goes," Louise Leonard. Recitation?"Christmas In Heaven," Iva May. . g Recitation, Ruth Shafferman. Singing. Recitation?"My Aunt Julia's Cat," la Bent. Song?Marie and Margarlte Barnes. Reading?"Mamie's Letter to Heavn," Alta Gray. Recitation?-"The Praying of Cyrus Irown," Edith Scolt. p Recitation?"The Little Pilgrims," r Ithel Hoillt. " At the close of the programme the 11 mllenee adjourned to the lecture " aom where refreshments were servd and a short time spent In a so- r lal manner. The entertainment was n i eharge of Mrs. Florence Gray, anerlntendent, and Miss Emma Layinn, assistant superintendent, who " ave been In charge of the league " Ince lis organization. A vote of rnnks was given the children by the ai udlence for Ihe evening's eutertalnicnt. Bl fc Officers Elected. 1)1 The following officers were elected In t the last meelln* of the Palatine w odge No. St, I. 0. O. F.: Noble Grand,. H. C. Marshall. h< Secretary, K. A. Wilson. Fl Treasurer. S. F. Brown. n< Trustee, ,1. A. Hess. The vine grand will be elected at P< le meeting to be held January 2d, ar 107. a* di City Hospital. lb hllss Palmer who has been nursing ate Moran near Mt. Harmony, for e past Ave weetts, has returned to e hospital. ' 1 John Orlando was admitted Thn'rs- ' y for medical treatment. uri rr t._ a a. IL_ .J " iuiHn juyjnr [Wtjuc HI i-ne uuuo ui r. George Brobst yesterjiay to nurae. PHea get quick relief Trom Dr. Ja loop's Magic Ointment. Remember, s matlo alone for Pile??and It work? I tb certainly and satisfaction. Itch- ah * painful, Itrolrudlng, or blind pile? a itppear like magic by -lu nae. Try an 'he Popular Datfel^ of Reitr Admiral HIchborn Upon Her Return From South Dakota,'Where She Had Secured a Divorce .From -lamea G. Blaine, Conflrma the 8tory of Her Engagement tb Lieut Raul S. Peartall?How She Came to Get Her Title. WASHINGTON, Dec. 2?.?-Mrs. Mar- I ha Hfchbora Blaine, who, van mvorcd from her husband,-James G. Blaine, r., a few daya ago In South Dakota. ias. confirmed the rumor that she Is 0 be married soon to Uent Pual S. 'earsall. For sometime past. even heore the divorced was granted, the rn tor was rife that the beautiful Marha, as soon as she was granted her Ivorce, would marry the ex-Rough litler. Mrs. Blaine returned from tottlh Dakota on Christmas Day in Ime to eat her Christmas dinner with ier father and mother, Admiral and Ira. Hlchliorn, at their Washington iousc, on N street To-day Sirs. Blaine rag heseiged by callers, who came o had oat the truth of her reported omlng marriage. She confirmed the torlcs to her friends, lint said no date ad been fixed as yet for the cere iiony. Meutenant Pearanll Ib s New Yorkr, reported lo be wealthy nnd popular, ie-was a member of President Rooseell's Rough Rider regiment and now l"es at 173 .Madison avenue. New 'oik, nlthough he has spent the greatr part of the last year at a Washingon hotel, so as to be near Mrs. Blaine. Mrs. Rlatue was married to Jatnes !. Blaine, Jr., July 4. 1901. much gainst the wishes of her parents and lose friends. She had been a belle ii SVnshlngton for sometime, and It las reported that she was engaged to 2 prominent young man, when young liable began to pay her attention nnd 4 inally became engaged to her. Mrs. 1 '.lalne was known In Washington as 4 lie "Heliotrope Belle" for her fond- 4 icss for that color In her dress. She 4 (footed every shade of heliotrope, and 4 II her dresses, bats, parasols, shoes, lockings and gloves were always of shade of heliotrope. Everyone In g Yashlngton knew Marlha Hlehhorn ^ j her heliotrope costumes. She al- g tays spoilt her summers at Atlantic iity, and her costumes there attracted g s much attention as In Washington. e -bout two years aeo, after a couple of ai wiiit r Washington to spend Christmas :ith her parents and to announce her ^ ngagemont to Lieut. Paul Pcarsall. y( eno SOLDIER I ATTACKS WOMAN I c A XCITEMENT IN OKLAHOMA || WHERE TWENTY-FIFTH REQI- jj MENT AGAIN DISTINGUISHES (7) ITSELF. 1) EL HENO, Okln., Dec. 28.?A negro V oldler assaulted Mrs. T. S. Clifford, A Ife of a prominent physician of this if luce, yesterday afternoon, near ine| Lock Island station. Great excite-1 tent prevails and talk of lynching is eard on every hand. Hundreds of!'" ten are searching for the assailant. |(' Mrs. Clifford and slRtcr, Mrs. 8. M.|'r larke, were at templing lo pass a ? egro soldier of the Twenty-fllfth in-| intry. when he viciously grabbed Irs. Clifford, around the waist and ^ irew Jier into the street, exclaiming tat the sidewalk belonged to him. Irs. Clarke screamed and the assailat fled. . News of Ihe attack spread rapidly id the entire police department, reinirced by several hundred men and >ys searched the town and surround- | g country, but last evening the chase as given1 up. The negro was In unlirm and must return to the post or tcome a deserter. Word was sent to art Reno and all absentees were >ted. Both Mrs. Clifford and her sister are >sltlve they can identity tae man id will go to Fort Reno to-day and tempt to And him among the solera who were out of the post when e assault occurred. A Baby Daughter. Born, on Thursday, December 27, to r. and Mrs. George BrobBt, a dnnghr. , Nt IOB8 ENGINEERING COMPANY, u> Civil,"Mining and Consulting Engineer. B< cobs Building, Fairmont, W. Va Mi Surreys of all' kinds executed on Drt notice. Cosil and coke plants ' specialty. JUtes reasonable. .Ex - H ? Jj?j ^ I I ^81 w ''ct ', OF . . ; '|^^B exceptional Beit mi m IE size ana Brilliancy, HI 1 ruin prices. - 1? i HH $|h A. B. Scott & Co. I: - I I { . Jewelers 228 Main [St. Opp. Court House. -ja >++ -J* J**** M**"Hk*fr + INTERHJBBAN CAR' SCHEOULB . + FAIRMONT A CLARK8BURGI V'd .WEST VIRGINIANS + TRACTION.CO. AT THE LOCAL HOTELS. * South. Bbund;' V ' : dl + A. M. At M. *r M. 1 ?4?++ +Main & Jefferson.. 5:15 5:45 9:45-g^^B Cam Barn 5125 5:55 OlRSre TAVERN?W. rr. Taylor, C; El Jhyenn 5i30 5:00 10:00|| unwell, Jlannlngton: H. 3. Baanett. Tucker Siding- .... 5:35 6:05 10:05 ? mos; jr. D. Hefmlck, C. a Helmlck, Monongah 6i54 6:i3 10:13 j| uclthnnnon; B. E. Bassel, W. H. New- Traction Park. .... 5145' 6:15' 10:15: lan, P. Shutllcs worth; J. R. Osborn, Everson 5:50 6:18 10:18 M larkaburg; Miss Hallls, Frances Cant- Cblefton 5:52 6:20 10:JJI' ;; ran; Florence Morrison, Pt. Pleas- Worthlntgon. ..... 6:57 6:24 10:21 p at; J. B. Canning, Valley Falls; Hutchinson 6:37 10:STcI uke Murray. 1?. Meyers, Glbn Blngamon ?J^;..lOj!aH alls: Floyd Canning, Lawrence Frey, Enterprise 6:32 '* t. Price, C. H. Fella, Grafton; W. C. Vlropa ... 6:84,; itiw?R uinkle. Morgantown; L. I,. O'Neal, RWerdale 0:37 .lQjffija ohn Sherwood, Phlllppf; D. E. Da- dhlnnstoo o:uo iu:ay rroga is, Bellngton; A.BIiss McCrurob, King- Luoas Mill! 6:41 10:4ti->$ ood; n. E. Clark, Littleton! J. G. Gjrpejr 6:45. enneil.v, Weston: August Meyer, 0. North' Bmtmk 1ir. Phillips, Harry Frank, Fred A, M.1 A. M. *P. M. I'rlght. Wheeling; Jess Harris, Par- Gypsy .,, 6:45' 10:45ershurg. Lucas Mill ....... 6:49 10:49- | MARIETTA-r-Mra. W. M. Given. RIverdale arboursvllle: Sallle Wilson, Barack- Viropa 6:66 i026o|1|| llle; M. P. Garvey, Farmlngton; J. Enterprise 6:68 10:5^; . Furbee. H. W. Heldreth, Manlng- Blngamon 7:01- ll:0t/^ in; E. W. Wells, G. C. Starker, F. Hutchinson 7:03; i. Smith, Clarksburg: S. Bradley, Worthlngton 6:08 7:06 11:06.; : rnol.1 Nanman, Wheeling: R. Strott, Chlefton 6:08 7 Jpsy: R. W. Dalby, Thomas Jarrett, Everson 6:10 7:12 li:l2r hlnnaton; Lottie Mary Deveny, J. Traction Park .... 6:15- 7:15 . Deveny, A. Laughlln, Grafton; Silas- Monongah 6:17 7:17 11:17~ ' "jjjjfl ombs, Lewis; W. W. Hess, Wyatt; Tucker Siding .... 6:25" 7:26 . O. Crlsllp. Wolf Summit: .I.E.Ham- Jayenn 6:30 7:30 lltJtk^ Ion, Merlden: Claude V. Gartler, Car Barn 6:3S'- 7:85' untlngton; Henry Fulls, Gray's Flat. Main ft Jefferson.. 6:45- 7:45 11:46?^; MANLEV?G. A. Benter, Wheeling: ''-Ifl! . A. Reed, C. B. Boggess, O. M. J A.... Hrt?r?iv I'hlte, Clttrksbttrg: F. V. Ruckman, vJlutlU VpClfl flOiluv . J. Rttckmnn, .Monongah: E. Sat rflehl. F". Salerfleld, A. Malone, R. - '.tvv"_!? L Minhtc 9* Hatlnooc WATSON?J. R. Poland, Marlins- ^ Ml t)l fllUblHUUtf' I it; e. H. Willis, Morgantown; N. J. Commencing inntinizls. P. 0. Cat-means. Wheerw: Em melt Merrill, Jay Cunning- UfiM/jnir Had 11 d ira, Mannlngtnn. Jt10IIU?J 1/CVi vlMi JACKSON?P. Shnttleswortb, L. C. laymari, Cliirkstiurg; A. G. Baker, MATINEES TUE8'? THUR8, 8ATi' sorge Baker, Downs. John A. Hlmm.leln's :| One of the certainties of life is _ , . ^ ? "??f '?ve- imperial Stock Col grand opera house? Presenting Scenic Productions Only. riday. december 28th. . ?<>n^.,?ht ||fl c. h. keer's ^ ^ Paradise I TUESDA^AT.NHE MM THIRD YEAR OF GREAT . ' , fc , - $j A Parisian Princess "a tdid m #1 I fill IV i FPYPT " T^8OAYNI0HT A B^INMLEJOY I We Ct/tsth^'- :i' w Act., Face., Mualc and C Effect. Galore. AND A FEW AT SSOc. J REDUCED PRICES: 78, 50, 15 and 25 Cent* Reeerv. Ska. Sal. Open. Saturday la^^tofeday Morning. Worning.